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Spatial equality of access to basic public services, especially medical care services which are directly related to life safety, is the first step to achieve the goal of equalization of basic public services for all the people proposed by central government of China. Using the spatial analysis and the statistical analysis, this study evaluates the spatial differentiation of medical care facilities accessibility by constructing STT (Shortest Travel-Time) and SAI (Spatial Accessibility Index). And then this study explores the neighborhood effects on the medical care facilities accessibility in Beijing, with a particular focus on the effect of neighborhood migrant proportion by constructing spatial dependent regression model. The spatial accessibility analysis of medical care facilities show that the spatial distribution of medical care facilities was basically consistent with administrative regions but not with population demands. Bivariate LISA cluster maps identify that suburban areas are the overlapped clusters of high percent of migrants and limited medical care services. This is associated with the public service allocation rule in China, which stresses equality within urban areas and within rural areas but overlooks equality between urban areas and rural areas; and stresses local resident demands but overlooks migrant demands. To estimate the effects on medical care accessibility of neighborhood migrant proportion, spatial dependence models are applied due to spatial dependence of accessibility of medical care facilities. The regression results show that neighborhoods with high percent of migrants, even conditioning on neighborhood SES, are related to limited spatial accessibility of medical care services. Besides neighborhood characteristics, another important factor influencing spatial accessibility of medical care services is the process of spatial spillover effects. This indicates that the attenuate accessibility of medical care services for migrants is not only because of their own constraints but also because of their proximity to other disadvantaged neighborhoods. Therefore, it is urgently needed to increase the medical facilities in the suburban areas, to take into account migrants’ demands and to reduce residential segregation between local residents and migrants for local governments to achieve the goal of equalization of medical care service.  相似文献   

This study attempts to evaluate the rationality of the spatial layout of shopping malls and identify the urban area with poor shopping mall accessibility, as well as to provide a reference and assist decision-making for planning. Using the case of Nanjing, China, this study developed a method to evaluate the accessibility of shopping malls by three transport modes(car traffic, public transit, and bicycle). Specially, we divide the urban space into a regular hexagonal grid and harvest the total travel time from each of 7204 hexagon centroids to each of 129 shopping malls using the Baidu Internet map. The door-to-door travel time approach is used to evaluate all travel stages(walking, waiting, transfer, and transportation) based on travel time calculations. We further divide the shopping malls into two levels(super-regional and regional) based on the Dianping App's information and develop the indicator of accessibility to shopping malls: the number of shopping malls within tolerance time thresholds and apply the closest facility and cumulative opportunities methods to measure accessibility scores. The results show that the accessibility estimations vary greatly with transport modes. The accessibility of shopping malls presents a concentric ring trend centered on the city center under the car traffic and bicycle modes. And public transit accessibility tends to axially extend due to the topology of bus routes and metro lines. In particular, we observe that the accessibility of shopping malls in Nanjing has an uneven spatial distribution pattern, with high accessibility values in the central urban areas and lots of underserved areas in urban fringe regions. Based on the accessibility measurements, we finally map the poor accessibility area and propose corresponding implications for urban planning.  相似文献   

典型贫困山区旅游景点可达性评价方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅游景点的可达性水平不仅可以反映游客到达的方便程度,也用来衡量区域旅游业发展的潜力,而对于贫困山区旅游景点的可达性研究还可为旅游扶贫的开展工作提供理论参考。本文聚焦典型贫困山区,探究交通成本及复杂地形特征对旅游景点可达性的影响。首先,文章通过连接度指数和通达度指数的相关分析,了解研究区旅游网络的整体连通状况;然后,运用累积耗费距离法,分别基于不同等级交通因素和坡度、海拔等地形因素,对研究区旅游景点可达性和县级行政单元整体可达性进行对比分析,并提出了一种综合考虑交通因素和地形因素的可达性评价方法。研究表明:交通因素分析法弱化了水域对于可达性的阻隔作用;地形因素分析法忽视了交通条件对于可达性的影响;而综合考虑不同等级交通因素和复杂地形因素的可达性评价方法,既可有效识别水域对于贫困山区旅游景点可达性的阻隔作用,也体现了交通条件的改善对于自然环境下可达性水平的提升作用。  相似文献   

傅俐  王勇  曾彪  毛泳  高敏 《地球信息科学学报》2019,21(10):1565-1575
针对当前医疗资源分布不均问题,本文以重庆市北碚区为例,以行政村为最小研究单元,借助GIS空间分析技术,将多级半径和高斯距离衰减函数相结合来改进两步移动搜索法,对北碚区医疗设施空间可达性进行研究。结果表明:① 改进两步移动搜索法综合考虑了医院等级规模对居民的吸引力、距离衰减因素对居民出行意愿的影响等因素,在识别高可达性区域内部差异和边缘低可达性区域方面具有较高的敏感性,因此其计算结果能够更准确地刻画北碚区的医疗设施空间可达性特征;② 北碚区整体医疗设施空间可达性较好,呈现由中心向四周递减的特征;③ 借助冷热点分析发现北碚区医疗设施可达性空间差异大,两极分异显著,高值区主要集中在东阳街道、朝阳街道、天生街道、北温泉街道和龙凤桥街道等中心城区,低值区主要集中在金刀峡镇、柳荫镇、三圣镇、复兴街道和静观镇等边缘地区。研究结果可为相关部门制定决策规划提供依据。  相似文献   

北京市汽车拥有量不断增加,停车位供给严重不足,这不仅导致了违章停车、时间浪费和交通效率低下,还衍生了环境污染和交通安全等问题。为充分了解北京市中心城区备案停车场在不同区域供给与需求对比的空间分布规律,以及缓解北京市停车困难提供决策参考,本文通过对备案停车场进行地理编码,以备案停车场停车位和分街道居住人口平均拥有车辆数作为参照指标,运用两步移动搜索法分析北京市备案停车场在不同区域居住停车供需对比状况。结果表明,北京市中心城区大部分地区备案停车场供给难以满足停车需求,中心城区每百人备案停车位小于5的街道占比约为41.5%、面积占比约为72.3%,人口占比约为41.7%,停车可达性远低于中心城区每百人汽车拥有量。空间分布上,备案停车可达性核心地区好于外围地区,常住人口停车需求供给不足,最严重的区域主要分布在南四环和南五环之间、五环附近和外围地区、西北三环附近和二环城市中轴线上(除东华门街道区域外)。传统的金融街、CBD居住停车可达性和供需比较好,而中关村地区可达性优势并不明显。因此,未来应增加核心地区和老旧小区居住备案停车场的供给,对核心地区应通过调整停车收费标准影响人们的出行方式,加大违章停车的惩处力度,减少交通拥堵。  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济的不断发展,居民对医疗的需求不断增加,分析评估城市医疗设施服务范围,对解决医疗供需矛盾,提升城市健康水平具有重要意义.目前国内医疗设施服务覆盖评估,多忽视交通网络与人群分布因素,致使城市医疗服务存在不少覆盖盲区.山地城市复杂地形环境影响居民出行能力与出行方式,增大医疗设施服务覆盖的难度,传统方法难以对其...  相似文献   

城市医疗设施空间分布合理性评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,城市居民对健康的重视程度不断的增加,医疗设施作为城市中不可或缺的公共设施发挥着越来越重要的作用。城市的不断扩张导致医疗机构的分布已不能适应当前的城市规模,如何能够将有限的医疗资源进行合理的分配,并能在最大程度上满足居民的需求成为当下研究热点。本研究基于地理信息系统(GIS)空间分析技术,根据统计资料建立武汉市中心城区交通网络、医疗机构分布、人口等数据库,分别从可达性和公平性角度评价武汉市医疗设施的空间分布合理性,并利用地理空间可达性评估法和基于交通网络行进时间成本法分别对武汉市中心城区医疗设施可达性进行评价。就医可达性评估显示,武汉市居民就医便捷程度总体上较好,并以长江和汉江的交界地区为中心,呈四周放射状分布。通过引入需求指数、医疗机构规模、区域人口、人均可支配收入等指标,利用基尼系数、空间相关性和空间分层异质性评价医疗服务设施空间分布公平性。结果表明,武汉市医疗机构分布按人口分布合理,医疗机构主要集中分布在人口密集的主城区;地理分布上城郊地区医疗机构相对稀少。最后,依据可达性和公平性评价结果,对武汉市医疗设施布局提出合理化建议。在城市规划发展中,应更多考虑改善郊区等交通欠发达区域居民的就医条件,从而完善城市医疗设施分布。  相似文献   

目前如何根据用户需求以及时空制约条件合理安排就医出行,在海量的医疗机构中实现就医地点的合理推荐是人们的迫切需求。区别于常见的个性化医疗信息推荐方法,本文综合考虑医疗机构的实时资源规模、医疗用户的个性化需求以及前往机构的时空制约,提出一种面向就医地点推荐的个人时空可达性分析方法,并将方法运用于居民的就医出行场景中,实现就医地点的有效推荐。以济南市为研究区域,借助从高德地图API以及医疗健康网站中获取的地理信息数据与医疗机构资源数据,在不同用户、时间和地理位置的情境下,设置2处高校图书馆、2处居民点以及2处大型交通站共6个场景检验方法的有效性。实验表明,本文提出的个人时空可达性方法,能够有效度量医疗用户个体至就医地点间的可达程度,可解决不同时空情境下的就医地点推荐问题,同时也为相关智慧医疗技术的功能建设提供方法支撑,具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONOakland,locatedat37°47′43″N, 122°13′41″W, isa cityon the east side of San Francisco Bay in Northern Cali-fornia in the United States. As of 2000, the city had anarea of 202.4km2with a total population of 399 484,making it the third largest city in the San Francisco BayArea after San Jose and San Francisco. The city of Oak-land stretches from San Francisco Bay up into the EastBay Hills (from the "flatlands" West Oakland, NorthOakland up into the foothill distr…  相似文献   

由于城镇化发展迅速、居民对医疗服务需求的提高,使得城市人口密集区域医疗服务压力增大,因此进行医疗服务设施可达性分析具有重要意义。本文以福州市主城区为例,医疗数据来自于福州市卫健委,利用爬虫技术获得小区户数进行人口估算,基于早、中、晚各时段的实时路况信息,计算居民点到医疗服务设施的最优路径旅行时间,并绘制医疗服务等时区,利用高斯距离衰减函数改进的两步移动搜法(Gaussian-Two Step Floating Catchment Area Method, Ga-2SFCA),考虑出行模式,对福州市主城区二级以上医院进行可达性分析。结果表明:① 驾车出行模式下,医疗服务覆盖率和居民就医可达性要明显好于公共交通出行模式;② 驾车出行模式下,医疗服务可达性受出行时段影响较大;而公共交通出行方式下,各时段差异较小;③ 随着时间阈值的增大,居民点的医疗服务可达性等级提升,且高等级可达性范围逐渐扩大;④ 驾车模式下的医疗可达性空间分布和道路保持一致,呈现出“环线层次”的现象;而公共交通模式下的可达性空间分布由于受到城市公交微循环系统的影响,呈现出“轴向扩张”的现象。  相似文献   

人口老龄化是当前社会关注的重点问题之一,养老设施配置得合理与否对城市品质提升和社会公平地实现至关重要。当前对养老设施的研究已不在少数,但多从养老机构或社区养老设施的单一视角进行分析,评价内容集中于设施数量和空间分布的合理性,导致研究结果有所局限。因此,本文基于2018年武汉市社区级老年常住人口数据、2020年武汉市养老设施数据和道路交通等多源大数据,首先将社区养老设施纳入城市养老服务体系,并从养老设施和养老服务两大角度综合评价设施的供需匹配关系,结果表明: ① 区域层面,武汉市养老设施供需均呈现出中心城区集聚,外围分散的“核心-边缘”特征,但仍然存在数量等级体系不合理以及区域配置水平差距大等问题;② 社区层面,运用两步移动搜索法,发现武汉市养老设施供需匹配度:都市发展区>中心城区>外围城区;③ 养老服务上,武汉市医疗保健类和精神慰藉类服务供需匹配关系较差,且设施普遍缺少专业化的服务供给,高品质多样化的养老需求较难得到满足。针对武汉市养老设施和养老服务的供需匹配问题,本文从体系构建、空间布局以及实施管理方面提出了优化建议,同时运用最小设施点数模型将建议落实至空间层面,以期为类似地区养老设施规划提供有效参考。  相似文献   

Future or smart community, which mainly refers to the development of community information and communication technology(ICT) platforms or devices, has received considerable attention from urban governments and scholars. However, only a few studies have been conducted to test the actual effects of using these community ICT platforms or devices on the community satisfaction of residents. Therefore, the present study conducts a survey in 40 communities in Nanjing, China and uses a mixed linear regression model to determine the relationship between community ICT usage and community satisfaction. Results indicate that residents with high-level community ICT usage are more satisfied with their community than those with low-level community ICT usage. Moreover, evident differences are observed regarding the influence of new commodity, old commodity and affordable housing communities in Nanjing. These findings are meaningful for the construction and development of future communities.  相似文献   

This paper studies the relationship between accessibility and housing prices in Dalian by using an improved geographically weighted regression model and house prices, traffic, remote sensing images, etc. Multi-source data improves the accuracy of the spatial differentiation that reflects the impact of traffic accessibility on house prices. The results are as follows: first, the average house price is 12 436 yuan (RMB)/m2, and reveals a declining trend from coastal areas to inland areas. The exception was Guilin Street, which demonstrates a local peak of house prices that decreases from the center of the street to its periphery. Second, the accessibility value is 33 minutes on average, excluding northern and eastern fringe areas, which was over 50 minutes. Third, the significant spatial correlation coefficient between accessibility and house prices is 0.423, and the coefficient increases in the southeastern direction. The strongest impact of accessibility on house prices is in the southeastern coast, and can be seen in the Lehua, Yingke, and Hushan communities, while the weakest impact is in the northwestern fringe, and can be seen in the Yingchengzi, Xixiaomo, and Daheishi community areas.  相似文献   

城市时空大数据技术的快速发展和应用,为城市功能区识别提供了新的数据基础和技术手段,但专门关于城市公共服务设施复合功能的研究还相对较少。基于北京市9大类公共服务设施的空间点数据,综合考虑不同类型公共服务设施等级和品质特征,采用累计机会方法对1 km×1 km格网尺度的北京城市公共服务设施可达性进行了综合评价,在此基础上重点分析了北京城市公共服务设施复合功能特征与影响因素。研究表明:① 北京城市公共服务设施累计机会空间分布存在明显的中心集聚特征,但不同类型公共服务设施的空间分布模式和覆盖范围却有所区别;② 北京城市公共服务设施功能区可以划分为单一功能、单一化的复合功能、2种复合功能、3种复合功能和均衡化的复合功能等5大类型;③ 人口密度、距市中心距离、土地价格和经营性为主设施的累计机会可达性是影响北京城市公共服务设施复合功能的重要因素。研究结论对进一步细化城市功能区研究和促进北京城市公共服务设施空间结构优化具有科学启示作用。  相似文献   

公共厕所作为最典型的公共设施,反映出城市的文明程度和管理服务水平,是打造城市文明形象的重要窗口。当前的研究主要集中在公共厕所的可达性和覆盖范围,把公共厕所当做空间上的点无差别对待,忽略了不同功能区公共厕所空间分布所异质性的问题。如何建立全面精准的公共厕所空间评价体系,分析不同区域公共厕所的综合服务能力在当前研究中明显不足,不利于公共厕所的配置规划和基本公共服务均等化的推进。多源数据的涌现为城市公共设施的研究提供了新视角,为此本文提出一个城市功能区视角下基于POI大数据的公共厕所空间布局合理性评价方法。利用词频-逆文本频率(Term Frequency-inverse Document Frequency,TF-IDF)信息加权技术,结合兴趣点(Point of Interest, POI)频率密度识别城市功能区,融合OpenStreetMap(OSM)路网密度数据和WorldPop人口数据设立人口出行活力指数,对城市功能区内的公共厕所服务进行评价;最后计算人口和空间覆盖率以及空间不平衡指数,判别街镇间的差别与街镇内公共厕所布局的合理性。该方法以多源数据为基础,定量分析不同功能区内公共厕所配置的合理性,并探讨公共厕所空间配置的差异化因素。以国内城市化程度最高之一的上海市为例进行计算,研究发现:① 不同的城市功能区内厕所的配置数量不同,商服功能区的规划数量最多,商服功能区中公共厕所配置的合格度也最高,此外,“工业-商服”、“绿地-商服”等商服相关的联合功能区的合格度也处于较高水平,这是由于大量商业服务机构均对外提供公共厕所服务,提升了该地区的公共厕所的服务能力;② 公共功能区内的合格度最低,仅有10.27%,与该类型附属公共厕所设施的开放程度相关;③ 上海市各街镇公共厕所的合格度整体较好,平均空间覆盖率达到67.31%,平均人口覆盖率达到70.72%;街镇内公共厕所服务和出行活力分布之间的不平衡指数从0~0.76不等,其中不平衡指数小于0.4的共有147个,占比69.34%,表明这些街镇内公共厕所空间配置比较合理。公共厕所配置合理性从上海市区向西南、东南、崇明岛有明显的递减,而向西北地区则没有明显的衰减,呈现出连片的较好的服务能力。结果表明,这种方法充分考虑了公共厕所所属功能区和人口出行活力异质性的问题,空间分析上更加精准,可以为城市公共设施规划提供参考建议。  相似文献   

近30 a来,中国城市规模体系发生了重大变化,突出表现在人口城市化、用地城市化和经济城市化方面。利用GIS平台,综合城市常住人口、建成区面积和经济总量等因素构建Zipf-PLE模型,以全国县级以上城市为研究对象,对中国城市规模体系的空间格局进行了深入研究。结果显示:(1)2010年,中国城市规模体系等级健全且成熟,呈现“中间略大、底端偏小”的较为合理的金字塔格局。其中,西部地区城市规模体系结构最为合理,呈现出“底端大,顶端小”的金字塔格局;东部地区城市体系等级比较健全,中等城市最多,呈现“中间大,两端小”的金字塔格局;中部地区城市体系等级不全,超大城市缺失,呈现“中底端大,顶端小”的金字塔格局。(2)中国省域城市规模体系是合理的,中等合理以上的省份占90.32%。除直辖市外,全国27个省份中有8个省份城市规模体系趋于分散,19个省份趋于集中。(3)对全国省域城市规模体系进行合理度分区,京、沪、津、渝、新、黑、桂、陕、甘、闽、吉11省市为高合理区;粤、晋、云、湘、贵、辽、赣、苏、浙、川、冀、豫12个省(区)为较高合理区;鄂、鲁、皖为中等合理区;琼、蒙、宁为低合理省区;青、藏为不合理省(区)。  相似文献   

A study of the accessibility of a city's scenic spots via different travel modes can contribute to optimization of tourism-related transportation while improving tourists' travel-related satisfaction levels and advancing tourism. We systematically analyzed the accessibility of 56 scenic spots in Xi'an City, China, via car and public transport travel modes using the real-time travel function of the Baidu Maps API(Application Programming Interface) along with spatial analysis methods and the modal accessibility gap index of scenic spots. We obtained the following results. First, maximum and minimum travel times using public transport exceeded those using cars. Moreover, the accessibility of scenic spots via cars and public transport presented a circular spatial pattern of increasing travel time from the center to the periphery. Contrasting with travel by public transport, car travel showed a clear time-space compression effect. Second, accessibility of the scenic spots via cars and public transport showed some spatial heterogeneity, with no clear advantages of car accessibility in the central urban area. However, advantages of car accessibility were increasingly evident moving from the center to the periphery. Third, whereas the correlation of the modal accessibility gap index of scenic spots in Xi'an with global space was significantly positive, local spatial interdependence was only evident in some inner city areas and in marginal areas. Moreover, spatial heterogeneity was evident in two regions but was insignificant in other areas, indicating that the spatial interdependence of the modal accessibility gap index in most scenic spots was not apparent in terms of the overall effect of public transport routes, road networks, and the distribution of scenic spots. The improvement of public transport coverage in marginal areas and the optimization of public transport routes in central urban areas are essential tasks for improving travel using public transport in the future.  相似文献   

实施农村基本公共服务均衡化是当前农村扶贫开发的重要思路和方向之一.本文选取武陵山连片特困区67个扶贫重点县,构建贫困地区农村基本公共服务评价指标体系,采用基于博弈论的主客观权重法,评价研究片区农村基本公共服务综合发展水平,并利用基尼系数与最小方差法从片区-省-县多角度测度研究片区农村基本公共服务维度指标的发展差异,揭示贫困县农村基本公共服务的空间差异特点,为农村基本公共服务资源的均衡化配置决策提供参考.结果表明:(1)片区层面上的农村基本公共服务整体质量不高,呈现出明显的西北高,东南低的态势,片区所辖湖北省和重庆市的整体发展水平较高;(2)片区整体农村公共安全服务维度发展不均衡,县域间存在较大差异,其它维度发展相对较好;(3)发展差异类型上,大多数县市是五维度主导型,麻阳县受双维度支配,德江县和石阡县是七维度联合型.  相似文献   

城市道路交通网络通达性是城市规划、交通体系建设等所要考虑的重要方面。利用GIS技术,以距离度量模型、道路加权核密度模型、路网连通度和公交服务指数为基础,分别从路网连接结构、路网密度、路网发育程度、公交便捷性几方面建立综合通达性指标,分析宁波市中心城区道路网络通达性及其空间特征。研究表明:宁波市中心城区的综合通达性以江东区和海曙区最优,其次为鄞州区和江北区,北仑区和镇海区通达性较差,整体空间格局分异明显;北仑区在道路结构方面优势明显;公交服务指数对综合通达性的影响最为显著。对以往的城市交通网络通达性研究进行一定的改进,为宁波市道路交通网络的建设与布局优化提供理论依据。  相似文献   

As an important component of China' transportation systems, for a long time, the insufficient performance of transport in QinghaiTibet Plateau(QTP) was a bottleneck restricting the economic growth and social development in this area. Nevertheless, the implementation of the western development strategy has accelerated the preliminary construction of comprehensive transport network since 2000. Due to the large area and significant geographical heterogeneity, there is a growing need to understand the relationship between transportation and economic development based on the perspective of spatial difference. By using GIS-based raster analysis and Geographically Weighted Regression(GWR) model, we investigated the spatial-temporal distribution of highway, railway and airport accessibility, respectively, and estimated the correlation and heterogeneity between transport accessibility and the level of economic development. Results revealed that:(1) Transport accessibility in the QTP improved by 53.38% in the past 15 years, which is specifically embodied in the improvement of both highway and railway.(2) Accessibility presented prominent differentiation in the space, increasing from west to east and reducing with the rise of elevation, specifically, the best accessibility area of the highway is below 4000 m above sea level, while the area with an altitude of over 4000 m has the lowest aviation time cost.(3) In general, the long weighted average time cost to critical transport facilities posed significantly negative effect on county economic growth in QTP, more positively, the adverse effect gradually weakened over time.(4) Obvious heterogeneity exists at the influence of different transport accessibility factors on the level of economic development, reflecting both in the horizontal space and altitudinal belt. Therefore, region-specific policies should be addressed for the sustainable development of transport facilities as well as economy in the west mountain areas.  相似文献   

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