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The interaction between fluvial and aeolian processes can significantly change surface morphology of the Earth. Taking the Horqin Sandy Land as the research area and using Landsat series satellite remote sensing images, this study utilizes geomorphology and landscape ecology to monitor and analyze the aeolian geomorphology characteristics of the Horqin Sandy Land. Results show that the sand dunes of the Horqin Sandy Land are mainly distributed on alluvial plains along the banks of the mainstream and tributaries of the Western Liao River, and the sand dune types tend to simplify from west to east and from south to north. The aeolian geomorphology coverage tend to be decreasing in the past 40 years, with an average annual change rate of 0.31%. While the area of traveling dunes decreased, the area of fixed and semi-fixed dunes increased. The fractal dimensions of various types of sand dune have all remained relatively constant between 1.07 and 1.10, suggesting that they are experiencing a relatively stable evolutionary process. There is a complex interaction between fluvial and aeolian processes of the Horqin Sandy Land, which plays a central role in surface landscape molding. Sand dunes on both sides of different rivers on the Horqin Sandy Land present certain regularity and different characteristics in terms of morphology, developmental scale, and spatial pattern. There are six fluvial-aeolian interaction modes in this area: supply of sand sources by rivers for sand dune development, complete obstruction of dune migration by rivers, partial obstruction of dune migration by rivers, influence of river valleys on dune developmental types on both sides, influence of river valleys on dune developmental scale on both sides, and river diversion due to obstruction and forcing by sand dunes. This study deepens our understanding of the surface process mechanism of the interaction between fluvial and aeolian processes in semi-arid regions, and provides a basis for researches on regional landscape responses in the context of global environmental change.  相似文献   

地学信息图谱是一种现代信息技术条件下的地理时空分析方法论。本文阐述了土地利用结构优化图谱的时空尺度、情景过程、层次结构、图谱和模型的互馈等科学问题。提出遥感影像信息源和前期工作产生的土地利用现状、生态安全单因子评价系列的征兆图谱,中期工作得出的生态安全及土地利用综合评价系列的诊断图谱,后期的土地利用优化情景系列的实施图谱。各层次图谱在分类和分级体系上要具有一定的统一协调性。科尔沁沙地八仙筒镇的优化实例表明,应用地学信息图谱进行土地利用结构优化可以实现对过去、现在和未来的反演、评价和预测,进而为区域土地可持续发展提供决策依据。  相似文献   

Groundwater mineralization is one of the main factors affecting the transport of soil water and salt in saline-sodic areas. To investigate the effects of groundwater with different levels of salinity on evaporation and distributions of soil water and salt in Songnen Plain, Northeast China, five levels of groundwater sodium adsorption ration of water(SARw) and total salt content(TSC mmol/L) were conducted in an oil column lysimeters. The five treated groundwater labeled as ST0∶0, ST0∶10, ST5∶40, ...  相似文献   

Labile organic carbon(LOC) and carbon management index(CMI), which are sensitive factors to the changes of environment, can improve evaluating the effect of land management practices changes on soil quality. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of land use types and landscape positions on soil quality as a function of LOC and CMI. A field study in a small watershed in the red soil hilly region of southern China was conducted, and soil samples were collected from four typical lands(pine forest(PF) on slope land, barren hill(BH) on slope land, citrus orchard(CO) on terrace land and Cinnarnornum Camphora(CC) on terrace land) at a sampling depth of 20 cm. Soil nutrients, soil organic carbon(SOC), LOC and CMI were measured. Results showed that the LOC and CMI correlated to not only soil carbon but also soil nutrients, and the values of LOC and CMI in different land use types followed the order CC PF CO BH at the upperslope, while CO CC BH PF at mid-slope and down-slope. With respect to slope positions, the values of LOC and CMI in all the lands were followed the order: upper-slope down-slope midslope. As whole, the mean values of LOC and CMI in different lands followed the order CC CO PF BH. High CMI and LOC content were found in the terrace lands with broadleaf vegetations. These results indicated that the terracing and appropriate vegetations can increase the carbon input and lability and decrease soil erosion. However, the carbon pools and CMI in these lands were significantly lower than that in reference site. This suggested that it may require a long time for the soil to return to a highquality. Consequently, it is an efficient way to adopt the measures of terracing and appropriate vegetations planting in improving the content of LOC and CMI and controlling water and soil loss in fragile ecosystems.  相似文献   

This paper analyzed the water-retention mechanism of feldspathic sandstone(fine-(<1 mm diam.)and gravel-sized(2-3 cm diam.)in Mu Us Sandy Land,Northwest China.The objective of this study is to study the effect of feldspathic sandstone amendment on water retention in sandy land.The results showed that as the proportion of fine feldspathic sandstone in the sandy land soil increased,the soil texture changed from sand to silt loam,the capillary porosity gradually increased from 26.3%to 44.9%,and the soil saturated hydraulic conductivity decreased from 7.10 mm/min to 0.07 mm/min.Feldspathic sandstone gravel formed micro-reservoirs in the sandy land soil,playing the role of a′water absorbent′and′water retaining agent′in sandy land.Amendment with feldspathic sandstone can increase water retention in the arable layer of sandy land by 67%.This study provides a theoretical basis for the amelioration of sandy land on a large scale.It can be concluded that amendment with feldspathic sandstone can improve the physical properties of sandy land soil and increase soil water retention.  相似文献   

Urban forest soil infiltration, affected by various factors, is closely related with surface runoff. This paper studied the effect of urban forest types, vegetation configuration and soil properties on soil infiltration. In our study, 191 typical plots were sampled in Changchun City, China to investigate the soil infiltration characteristics of urban forest and its influencing factors. Our results showed that the steady infiltration rates of urban forest soil were highly variable. High variations in the final infiltration rates were observed for different vegetation patterns and compaction degrees. Trees with shrubs and grasses had the highest infiltration rate and trees with bare land had the lowest infiltration rate. In addition, our results showed that the soil infiltration rate decreased with an increase in the bulk density and with a reduction in the soil organic matter content and non-capillary porosity. The soil infiltration rate also had significantly positive relationships with the total porosity and saturated soil water content. Urban soil compaction contributed to low soil infiltration rates. To increase the infiltration rate and water storage volume of urban forest soil, proper techniques to minimize and mitigate soil compaction should be used. These findings can provide useful information for urban planners about how to maximize the water volume of urban forest soil and decrease urban instantaneous flooding.  相似文献   

抽水和建筑荷载双重作用下的地面沉降模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据含水层质量守恒原理,推导了非固结地层在建筑荷载作用下的地面沉降机理模型,并将其与Jacob假定下抽水引起的地面沉降弹性模型相比较,结果发现两种模型的机理表达式完全一致,仅区别于水动力原因或实质的不同.在同一坐标系中,根据线性叠加原理,抽水沉降漏斗和荷载沉降漏斗可能都落在地下水位降落漏斗内.假定两者为相互独立事件,给出了抽水和建筑荷载双重作用下的地面沉降模型,表明其如果以水位降深为制约因子,则可以对水动力实质完全不同的两种沉降过程进行线性叠加计算.  相似文献   

雅鲁藏布江中部流域长期遭受土地沙化侵蚀,采取有效手段进行沙化土地信息快速识别,跟踪土地沙化现状和动态发展,是土地沙化防治的基本前提。遥感数据因其快速、大范围、高精度监测等特点已被广泛应用于土地沙化监测。为降低该区域沙化土地破碎化分布特征以及广泛分布的稀疏植被地表对沙化土地遥感识别带来的不确定性,本文利用Google Earth Engine平台获取2019年秋季雅鲁藏布江中部流域Landsat无云遥感影像,基于面向对象的分类思想,充分提取沙化土地的光谱、几何和地形特征,根据不同的分类器构建4种分类方案,包括单一分类器(支持向量机、决策树、最近邻)分类以及组合分类法分类,提取雅江中游河谷地区沙化土地信息并验证不同方案的提取精度。结果表明:(1)利用面向对象组合分类模型提取的沙化土地信息效果最佳,总体精度高达91.38%,Kappa系数为0.82;(2)相较于采用单一分类器(支持向量机、最近邻和决策树分类)的面向对象分类方法,组合分类模型能更有效地识别破碎化的小面积沙化土地,降低沙化土地与稀疏植被地表的混淆情况,提高分类可靠性;(3)基于面向对象组合分类模型反演得到雅鲁藏布江中部流域201...  相似文献   

2005-2008年中国耕地变化对区域生产潜力的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国人多地少,粮食安全问题一直是国家关注的头等大事。而耕地资源与粮食生产能力是保障粮食安全的基础,因此,研究中国耕地变化对区域生产潜力产量的影响具有重大的现实意义,可以为国家相关决策提供科学依据。本研究基于2005-2008年最新的气象观测数据和卫星反演数据,并结合2005、2008年耕地数据及其变化数据,从耕地资源的数量变化与质量特征两方面,研究2005-2008年耕地变化对我国全境内光温生产潜力的影响。研究结果显示:在耕地的变化过程中,光温生产潜力增加区与减少区产量变化不对等:增加区增加785.14万t,减少区减少2543.61万t,净减少1758.47万t;增加区与减少区光温生产潜力单产不对等:增加区平均光温生产潜力单产为11.89t/hm2,减少区平均光温生产潜力单产为20.99t/hm2,后者约为前者的2倍;增加区与减少区空间分布不同:增加区主要分布在新疆、黑龙江、内蒙古、宁夏、青海等西北、东北地区,生态用地开垦是其增加的主要原因,占77.25%,减少区主要分布在江苏、安徽、山东、广东等黄淮海平原、长江三角洲、珠江三角洲地区,建设用地占用耕地是其减少的主要原因,占69.20%。  相似文献   

大同盆地是我国典型原生高砷地下水分布区,为精细刻画地下水系统中砷迁移富集的机理,在盆地高砷地下水分布区建立了面积为150 m×250 m的多水平试验监测场,开展了系统的水文地质与水文地球化学监测研究。结果表明,富砷沉积物是地下水中砷的直接来源,高pH值、强还原性的地下水环境及竞争吸附离子的存在是含水沉积物中砷向地下水迁移富集的主要控制因素。场地范围内地下水水化学组成及砷的空间分布特征明显受水流场影响,沿地下水径流方向,砷质量浓度逐渐升高。   相似文献   

本文介绍在杭州市钱江水厂一期工程中,采用振冲碎石桩加固处理砂性土地基,既提高了地基的抗液化能力,又提高了复合地基承载力,取得了良好的效果,并在该水厂建设的后续工程中得到推广应用。  相似文献   

Conservation tillage as an effective alternative to mitigate soil degradation has attracted worldwide attention, but the influences of conservation tillage on soil microbial community and especially function remain unclear. Shotgun metagenomics sequencing was performed to examine the taxonomic and functional community variations of black soils under three tillage regimes, namely no-tillage with residue(maize straw) return(NTS), moldboard plow with residue return(MPS), and moldboard plow without ...  相似文献   

陈伟 《国土资源》2005,(7):52-54
建立和完菩城市土地储备制度应遵循可持续发展、市场化和强化土地市场管理的基本原则,采取政府主导型、市场化运作、市区两级机构联手合作的土地储备机制。实施土地储备中长期规划和战略,有赖于土地储备机制、法规政策制度、运作载体和专业机构、政府行为与市场化运作等一系列外部环境和内在机制的建立和完善。为此,本文从土地储备机制研究角度,主要阐述瑞典土地银行建立的背景、  相似文献   

To evaluate the influence of wetland reclamation on vertical distribution of carbon and nitrogen in coastal wetland soils, we measured the soil organic carbon(SOC), soil total nitrogen(STN) and selected soil properties at five sampling plots(reed marsh, paddy field, corn field, forest land and oil-polluted wetland) in the Liaohe River estuary in September 2013. The results showed that reclamation significantly changed the contents of SOC and STN in the Liaohe River estuary(P 0.001). The SOC concentrations were in the order: oil-polluted wetland corn field paddy field forest land reed marsh, with mean values of 52.17, 13.14, 11.46, 6.44 and 6.16 g/kg, respectively. STN followed a similar order as SOC, with mean values of 1351.14, 741.04, 632.32, 496.17 and 390.90 mg/kg, respectively. Interaction of reclamation types and soil depth had significant effects on SOC and STN, while soil depth had significant effects on SOC, but not on STN. The contents of SOC and STN were negatively correlated with pH and redox potential(Eh) in reed marsh and corn field, while the SOC and STN in paddy field had positive correlations with electrical conductivity(EC). Dissolved organic carbon(DOC), ammonium nitrogen(NH_4~+-N) and nitrate nitrogen(NO_3~–-N) were also significantly changed by human activities. NH_4~+-N and NO_3~–-N increased to different degrees, and forest land had the highest NO_3~–-N concentration and lowest DOC concentration, which could have been caused by differences in soil aeration and fertilization. Overall, the results indicate that reed harvest increased soil carbon and nitrogen release in the Liaohe River Estuary, while oil pollution significantly increased the SOC and STN; however, these cannot be used as indicators of soil fertility and quality because of the serious oil pollution.  相似文献   

近30年来中国陆地蒸散量和土壤水分变化特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 对NOAH陆面模式模拟的近30年中国陆地蒸散量和土壤含水量,按照6大片区和5种生态系统类型进行了统计分析。讨论全国以及各大区不同生态系统类型蒸散和土壤含水量的变化,研究不同类型蒸散和土壤含水量的关系。中国陆地蒸散量总体呈增加的趋势,年内蒸散量最大的月份是7月,年末和年初蒸散量较小。而我国中南、西南、华东、东北和西北蒸散量变化趋势和全国的总趋势一致,呈增加的趋势。华北地区蒸散量近30年来总体趋势是下降的,华北蒸散量最大的年份是上世纪90年代。在所有生态系统类型中,林地蒸散最大的有东北、华东、西南和中南4区;而华北和西北草地在各类型中蒸散量所占比例最高。6大片区对比,林地蒸散水量最大的地区是西南和中南,最小的西北;草地蒸散水量最大的地区是西南,最小的是东北区;农田蒸散水量最高的是华东,最低的是西北;荒漠蒸散量最大的片区是西北;湿地蒸散最大的是东北。80年代以来,全国土壤含水量总体呈下降的趋势。从各片区的情况看,仅西北地区稍有增加,其余5区土壤含水量皆是下降的。植被覆盖度和土壤水分是影响蒸散量最重要的因子,在植被覆盖较差时,土壤水分和蒸散量相关性较好。  相似文献   

本文利用全国1∶100万土地利用数据和1∶400万土壤肥力综合质量数据,从耕地的地形特征和土壤肥力两个角度,对贫困地区和非贫困地区的耕地自然质量进行比较研究。研究表明:贫困地区平原型、丘陵型耕地比重较低、山地型和陡坡型耕地比重较高;贫困地区耕地土壤肥力的平均水平和非贫困地区差别不大,但土壤肥力好和较好的耕地所占比重较小。本文还建立了包括地形特征和土壤肥力综合质量两个因素的耕地自然质量评价指数,从县域尺度对全国耕地自然质量进行定量评价,并发现贫困地区耕地自然质量评价指数在低值区集中的特征更为显著。  相似文献   

中国陆海两条丝绸之路都起源于汉武帝时期。由于持续时间、行走路线、运载工具等方面的不同 ,对中西经济贸易、政治文化影响也各有不同。海上丝绸之路的影响远远高于陆路丝绸之路  相似文献   

选择某厂电镀车间作为研究区域,采集土壤、地下水、底泥和地表水样品,对样品的pH 值、铬、锌、砷、镉、铜、镍、铅和氰
用植物修复技术进行治理。   相似文献   

地下水流系统理论是当代水文地质学的核心概念框架,研究不同控制因素对盆地地下水流系统发育模式的影响具有重要意义。近年来的研究表明利用通量上边界能够更好地揭示盆地不同要素对地下水流系统模式转化的影响。基于通量上边界,采用数值模拟方法,研究稳定流条件下,渗透系数随埋深呈指数衰减的非均质含水层对盆地地下水流系统模式转化的影响。结果表明:随着渗透系数随埋深指数衰减程度的加大,盆地潜水面整体抬升,盆地上部地下水流速增大,水力梯度增大;同时,盆地地下水流系统由复杂的多级次水流系统到单一的局部水流系统,顺向局部水流系统占据的空间消减,而逆向局部水流系统占据的空间增大,流速近似为零的局部滞留区域向左下方移动。   相似文献   

Biochar amendment is considered as an efficient practice for improving carbon storage in soils. However, to what extent that biochar application promotes organic carbon in saline-sodic soils remains poorly understood. By comparing soil organic carbon(SOC)contents change before and after biochar addition, we deciphered the driving factors or processes that control SOC change in response to biochar application. A limited increase in SOC was observed, about by 1.16%-12.80%, even when biochar was ap...  相似文献   

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