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An analytical procedure is presented for evaluating the racking deformation of rectangular and circular tunnel linings caused by soil–structure interaction during a seismic event. The procedure, as applied to rectangular linings, is supplementary to that previously published by Penzien and Wu (Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 1998; 27 :283–300) for circular linings. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An analytical procedure is presented for evaluating the stresses in linings of bored tunnels caused by kinematic soil–lining interaction. Three cases of plane–strain interaction are treated as produced by (1) relaxation of in situ soil stresses near a lining following its installation, (2) overburden pressure at the soil surface, and (3) two-dimensional free-field soil response normal to the lining axis as produced by an earthquake. The procedure is applied separately to a steel lining and a concrete lining for a site located at the lower end of Market Street in San Francisco through which a BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) tunnel passes. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The change of the salinity distribution in coastal aquifers due to pumpage is often described as an upconing of the interface between saline and fresh water. Sea and fresh water are miscible fluids, however. Therefore, dispersion of salinity in the aquifer affects the upconing process. An estimate of the effect of salinity dispersion on the dynamics of the flow as well as on the salinity distribution in the aquifer is presented in this study. The phenomenon is described as a migration of a sharp interface perturbed by small disturbances due to salinity dispersion. The creation of the mixing zone between fresh and saline water is described as a formation of a boundary layer in the vicinity of the sharp interface. This method is primarily recommended for flow fields in which simple representation of the sharp interface migration is obtainable.  相似文献   

Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is a time-dependent geophysical technique for measuring the thickness of second lining, which is one of the most important tunnel quality targets. As the wave transmits from air (or the second lining) to the second lining (or the first lining), the Fresnel reflective coefficient is negative, i.e., the phase of reflective wave is reverse to the incident. In the one dimension time-waveform diagram (A-Scan) of GPR, the lining layers are located on the inflexions which are decided by Fresnel reflection coefficients and the attenuation coefficients of electromagnetic wave in the transmission medium. By towing the antenna over the tunnel surface, two dimension scanning data (B-Scan) is constituted by multiple A-Scan channels, where the grey scale is applied to the amplitude values. In the process of exploration, the lining interfaces are separately plotted by connecting each maximum peak point or second maximum peak point of A-Scan. In the Long Hai Tunnel, the artificial recognition provides 15 sampling values on the exploration line from D9 + 015.195 to D9 + 065.195. However, the automatic recognition can provide more information, such as average thicknesses, standard errors of lining thickness and the qualification rates of lining thickness, etc.  相似文献   

This paper presents an engineering approach for analysing the longitudinal behaviour of tunnels subjected to earthquakes. The tunnel is modelled as a Timoshenko beam connected to the far soil by means of continuous elastic support (Winkler model). Seismic free-field inputs, such as those caused by surface waves travelling parallel to the tunnel axis, were imposed at the base of the springs of the Winkler model, generating bending moments and shear forces on the cross-sections of the tunnel. Closed-form expressions of the tunnel displacements, shear forces, and bending moments were determined at any tunnel section in terms of the seismic excitation, tunnel geometry and material properties, and subgrade reaction modulus of the soil. A dimensional analysis was carried out to ascertain directly the maximum tunnel displacement, bending moment, and shear force.  相似文献   

改进的AHP对连拱隧道渗漏水病害影响因素评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文深入分析了改进的AHP的优点,在现场调研的基础上考虑了18个影响连拱隧道渗漏水病害的因素,测算各因素的权重,最终以杭徽高速公路隧道群渗漏水病害为例,对各影响因素权重系统进行了测算并对其影响的大小进行排序.研究结果显示,连拱隧道的结构形式是影响连拱隧道渗漏水最主要的因素,这种形式的中隔墙自身的缺陷所在使得渗漏水尤为严重,此外,施工也是不可忽视的一个因素,"三缝"施工、防水板施工、排水管施工以及防水材料的选取,都应做到精心施工,严格按照要求,只要一个因素出现问题,渗漏水病害发生的几率就会增大.因此,改进的AHP分析连拱隧道渗漏水病害影响因素的权重系统符合客观实际,给连拱隧道渗漏水影响因素的评价提供了新的思路.  相似文献   

Summary FollowingDoll, approximate expressions for the relative contribution to the total signal by various regions of a homogeneous earth have been derived for the nine electro-magnetic dipole-dipole systems. For the three systems with parallel dipole axes, there exists a vertical focussing effect centered around a depth equal to 0.34 times the dipole spacing. For dipoles with perpendicular axes and non-zero signal, there is no focussing and the near-surface material will have an undesirably large influence on the fields measured. Considering all aspects, the system with colinear axes seems to be the best for em prospecting. For this system, the portion of the ground between approximate depths 0.1L and 1.0L accounts for the bulk of the signal,L being the dipole spacing.NGRI Contribution No. NGRI-70-160.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of time-varying point loads applied onto the surface of an elastic half-space and the stresses that such loads elicit within that medium. The emphasis is on the evaluation of the isobaric contours for all six of the stress components at various frequencies of engineering interest and for a full range of Poisson’s ratios. The extensive set of pressure bulbs presented herein may be of help in predicting the severity of dynamic effects in common practical situations in engineering—or even the lack thereof.  相似文献   

Principal horizontal stresses in Southern Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A review ofin situ stress measurements at eight regional localities in Africa south of the 15°S parallel shows that average directions of the horizontal pricipal stresses are N-S and E-W. These directions agree with principal stress orientations deduced from earthquake fault plane solutions. However, the maximum and minimum principal horizontal stresses are not consistently oriented parallel to either the N-S or E-W direction; they may vary within an individual region because of local geological structures and from region to region. At the sites within the Witwatersrand sediments (all at depths greater than 500 m) the maximum stress tends to lie NW-SE but at three of the four sites outside the Witwatersrand sediments (all at depths less than 500 m) this stress is oriented approximately N-S.The data reported here are compared with horizontal stresses predicted for Southern Africa bySolomon, Sleep andRichardson (1975) from various plate tectonic driving force models. The agreement between orientations is fair for all sites but only the deép sites in the Witwatersrand sediments have comparable stress magnitudes.  相似文献   

In downhole microseismic monitoring, accurate event location relies on the accuracy of the velocity model. The model can be estimated along with event locations. Anisotropic models are important to get accurate event locations. Taking anisotropy into account makes it possible to use additional data – two S-wave arrivals generated due to shear-wave splitting. However, anisotropic ray tracing requires iterative procedures for computing group velocities, which may become unstable around caustics. As a result, anisotropic kinematic inversion may become time consuming. In this paper, we explore the idea of using simplified ray tracing to locate events and estimate medium parameters. In the simplified ray-tracing algorithm, the group velocity is assumed to be equal to phase velocity in both magnitude and direction. This assumption makes the ray-tracing algorithm five times faster compared to ray tracing based on exact equations. We present a set of tests showing that given perforation-shot data, one can use inversion based on simplified ray-tracing even for moderate-to-strong anisotropic models. When there are no perforation shots, event-location errors may become too large for moderately anisotropic media.  相似文献   

Peat soils are heterogeneous, anisotropic porous media. Compared to mineral soils, there is still limited understanding of physical and solute transport properties of fen peat soils. In this study, we aimed to explore the effect of soil anisotropy on solute transport in degraded fen peat. Undisturbed soil cores, taken in vertical and horizontal direction, were collected from one drained and one restored fen peatland both in a comparable state of soil degradation. Saturated hydraulic conductivity (K s) and chemical properties of peat were determined for all soil cores. Miscible displacement experiments were conducted under saturated steady state conditions using potassium bromide as a conservative tracer. The results showed that (1) the K s in vertical direction (K sv) was significantly higher than that in horizontal direction (Ksh), indicating that K s of degraded fen peat behaves anisotropically; (2) pronounced preferential flow occurred in vertical direction with a higher immobile water fraction and a higher pore water velocity; (3) the 5% arrival time (a proxy for the strength of preferential flow) was affected by soil anisotropy as well as study site. A strong correlation was found between 5% arrival time and dispersivity, K s and mobile water fraction; (4) phosphate release was observed from drained peat only. The impact of soil heterogeneity on phosphate leaching was more pronounced than soil anisotropy. The soil core with the strongest preferential flow released the highest amount of phosphate. We conclude that soil anisotropy is crucial in peatland hydrology but additional research is required to fully understand anisotropy effects on solute transport.  相似文献   

Examples of mineral transformations in the zone of faults, which limit the Aldan Shield from the south, in the limits of the Ukrainian Shield and Voronezh crystalline massif, and also in the xenoliths from the kimberlites of East Siberia and alkaline basalts of Mongolia are examined. The role of shear stresses and strains of the rocks and minerals caused by them in the formation of high-baric mineral phases is shown. A general conclusion about the essential role of shear stresses in the substance formation of the Earth’s tectonosphere is formulated.  相似文献   

A discrete model to represent the unbounded soil (halfspace) in a soil–structure interaction analysis in the time domain is developed. For each dynamic degree of freedom of the foundation node, the discrete model consists of a mass M0 which is attached to a rigid support with a spring K and with a damper C0. In addition, a free node with the mass M1 is introduced, which is connected to the foundation node with a damper C1. All coefficients are frequency-independent. The discrete model is semi-empirical. It is based on a semi-infinite truncated cone, whereby, after enforcing the static stiffness, the remaining parameters are modified to achieve an optimal fit of the dynamic-stiffness coefficient in the frequency domain. The spring K is equal to the static stiffness. The coefficients appearing in the equations for the dampers C0, C1 and the masses M0, M1 are specified (assuming a homogeneous halfspace) for the disc, the embedded cylinder, the rectangle (also embedded) and the strip. A square on a layer whose stiffness increases with depth resting on a homogeneous halfspace is also treated. For an embedded foundation, eccentricities arise. Material damping increases the damper C0 and the mass M0.  相似文献   

Long-term earthquake observations at different tunnel sites within a variety of alluvial soil deposits have clearly demonstrated that a tunnel, which exhibits rather flexible nature within its surrounding soil, follows closely the motion of the soil mass during an earthquake. Therefore, coating a tunnel with a soft material will be a possible measure for minimizing damage to tunnels. This paper provides a clear perspective on the feasibility of this measure by using simple solutions to idealized problems.  相似文献   

本文研究了焊接残余应力对铁路钢桥焊缝区域危险点列车振动动应力的影响.文中,以铜九线鄱阳湖铁路钢桁架桥梁为研究背景,采用符合电弧焊的双椭球热源模型,模拟出桥梁焊缝区域的焊接残余应力分布情况;旧时叠加上铜九线鄱阳湖铁路钢桁架桥与焊缝节点连接的构件在列车过桥时的实测动应力,并将其施加在桥梁节点精确有限元模型上,分析得出在不同...  相似文献   

Approximate formulas for rotational effects in earthquake engineering   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper addresses the issue of researching into the engineering characteristics of rotational strong ground motion components and rotational effects in structural response. In this regard, at first, the acceleration response spectra of rotational components are estimated in terms of translational ones. Next, new methods in order to consider the effects of rotational components in seismic design codes are presented by determining the effective structural parameters in the rotational loading of structures due only to the earthquake rotational components. Numerical results show that according to the frequency content of rotational components, the contribution of the rocking components to the seismic excitation of short period structures can never be ignored. During strong earthquakes, these rotational motions may lead to the unexpected overturning or local structural damages for the low-rise multi-story buildings located on soft soil. The arrangement of lateral-load resisting system in the plan, period, and aspect ratio of the system can severely change the seismic loading of wide symmetric buildings under the earthquake torsional component.  相似文献   

通过给饱和砂土层施加反压,模拟地震荷载作用下具有残余孔压的饱和弱化、液化土层。选择粉质细砂与细砂,进行了18组水平荷载作用下桩与饱和弱化、液化土层相互作用的模型试验,研究了饱和弱化、液化土层水平极限抗力随土层残余孔压增加的变化规律。结果表明,随土层中残余孔压增加,水平极限抗力逐渐降低,土层液化后的水平极限抗力大约降低80%~90%。通过定义饱和弱化、液化土层的强度,定量分析了饱和弱化、液化砂土的强度参数与水平极限抗力之间关系。又通过引入土层的残余孔压比折减系数,建立了确定饱和弱化、液化土层等效强度的关系式,进而提出了一种按等效强度确定饱和弱化、液化土层水平极限抗力的方法。  相似文献   

Toeplitz方程组的近似计算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从通常所使用的求解Toeplitx方程组的Fourier变换方法出发,结合预条件共乾梯度法(Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method,记为PCGM),在对Toeplitz矩阵系统中的系数矩阵作ω循环延拓后再对其进行求解。理论和实际数值计算表明,该方法化于传统的采用简单循环的普通Fourier变换方法,所得结果具有较好的精度。  相似文献   

InthecompilationofWorldStressMap,9%ofdatacomesfromovercoringandhydraulicfracturingmeas-urement,23%fromboreholebreakingoff,63%fromearthquakefocalmechanism,and5%fromyounggeo-logicalinvestigation(Zoback,etal,1989).Onlyovercoringandhydraulicfracturingcanprovideboththeorienta-tionandmagnitudeofthehorizontalstress,allothermethodscanonlyprovidetheorientation,butnothemagni-tudeofthestresses.Althoughsomeresearcherstriedtoestimatemagnitudesofstressesinearthquakemechanismresearchbasedonsomeadditionalass…  相似文献   

Precursory specialties of apparent stresses in Yunnan earthquake series   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
On the basis of the assumption that ω^2 model accords with source displacement spectra, we have obtained the mathematical expressions for calculating apparent stresses of moderate-small shocks from low-frequency flat level and comer frequency. By using digital seismic records, apparent stress values are calculated for 823 moderate-small shocks of 4 earthquake series in Yunnan area following corrections for instrument response, propagation influence and site effect. The results show that for the 4 earthquake series in Yunnan area, apparent stress hints precursory information, which means that if a moderate-small shock occurs with apparent stress larger than 1 MPa in an earthquake series, a moderate-strong earthquake will occur afterwards; and if there is not moderate-small shock with apparent stress larger than 1 MPa after a moderate-strong event in an earthquake series, strong aftershock will not occur. The research also indicates that the average apparent stress value is 0.8 MPa in Yunnan area, therefore, apparent stress is not obviously related to seismic magnitude.  相似文献   

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