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青藏高原隆升对中国、亚洲乃至世界的气候都有着重要影响,研究青藏高原地壳隆升速率具有重大意义.本文利用2004—2015年期间高覆盖度的卫星重力数据,通过去除陆地储水的重力效应获得地壳隆升引起的重力变化速率,基于直立长方体垂直运动与重力变化的关系模型反演了该区域的地壳隆升速率分布.研究结果表明在300 km的空间尺度下青藏高原隆升速率分布具有不均匀的特点,表现为以冈底斯山—唐古拉山—鲜水河断裂带为界线,其两侧的速率差异较大.位于界线以南,沿喜马拉雅推覆构造带的区域平均隆升速率为2.01±0.87 mm·a-1,其中西侧的印度板块与东侧的缅甸板块隆升速率分别为~2.43 mm·a-1、~2.89 mm·a-1,位于两板块之间的区域隆升速率为~0.69 mm·a-1;位于界线以北,除了天山区域和华北板块的隆升速率为~1 mm·a-1,其他区域隆升现象不明显,其速率为~0 mm·a-1.我们发现存在两条均穿过正断裂带区域的隆升速率梯度带,其中一条为从加德满都到塔里木盆地,其恰好穿过青藏高原内部的正断裂带,另一条为从那加山到四川盆地,其恰好穿过大理正断裂带.本文反演的青藏高原隆升速率与以往观测到的GPS结果有很好的一致性,为青藏高原隆升、地壳增厚等科学问题提供理论支持.


青藏高原隆升对中国、亚洲乃至世界的气候都有着重要影响,研究青藏高原地壳隆升速率具有重大意义.本文利用2004—2015年期间高覆盖度的卫星重力数据,通过去除陆地储水的重力效应获得地壳隆升引起的重力变化速率,基于直立长方体垂直运动与重力变化的关系模型反演了该区域的地壳隆升速率分布.研究结果表明在300 km的空间尺度下青藏高原隆升速率分布具有不均匀的特点,表现为以冈底斯山—唐古拉山—鲜水河断裂带为界线,其两侧的速率差异较大.位于界线以南,沿喜马拉雅推覆构造带的区域平均隆升速率为2.01±0.87 mm·a-1,其中西侧的印度板块与东侧的缅甸板块隆升速率分别为~2.43 mm·a-1、~2.89 mm·a-1,位于两板块之间的区域隆升速率为~0.69 mm·a-1;位于界线以北,除了天山区域和华北板块的隆升速率为~1 mm·a-1,其他区域隆升现象不明显,其速率为~0 mm·a-1.我们发现存在两条均穿过正断裂带区域的隆升速率梯度带,其中一条为从加德满都到塔里木盆地,其恰好穿过青藏高原内部的正断裂带,另一条为从那加山到四川盆地,其恰好穿过大理正断裂带.本文反演的青藏高原隆升速率与以往观测到的GPS结果有很好的一致性,为青藏高原隆升、地壳增厚等科学问题提供理论支持.  相似文献   

Gravity gradients can be used to determine the local gravity field of the Earth. This paper investigates downward continuation of all elements of the disturbing gravitational tensor at satellite level using the second-order partial derivatives of the extended Stokes formula in the local-north oriented frame to determine the gravity anomaly at sea level. It considers the inversion of each gradient separately as well as their joint inversion. Numerical studies show that the gradients Tzz, Txx, Tyy and Txz have similar capability of being continued downward to sea level in the presence of white noise, while the gradient Tyz is considerably worse than the others. The bias-corrected joint inversion process shows the possibility of recovering the gravity anomaly with 1 mGal accuracy. Variance component estimation is also tested to update the observation weights in the joint inversion.  相似文献   

本文引入3阶主张量分析方法对1993~2008年赤道太平洋地区卫星测高数据进行解析,前两个主张量可有效表征海面变化的经、纬向耦合特征,重构与对比了该时段内6次ENSO事件海面变化的经、纬向演化的空间构型与耦合作用过程.结果表明:海面的经向变化可表征ENSO强度变化,纬向变化表现为受ENSO影响的年周期波动;经、纬向张量的时间系数与MEI以及EMI指数间多尺度分析表明,两者均受El Niño Modoki影响,但在耦合尺度、能量共振关系以及相位关系上存在差异;海面变化对不同类型ENSO事件响应差异主要表现在高、低海面位置、振幅以及高、低值区分布形态与空间范围等方面.其中常规的El Niño多表现为东太平洋型ENSO,El Niño Modoki则表现为中太平洋型.不同类型的ENSO在经纬向耦合演化轨迹的周期性、规则性和方向性特征可在一定程度上作为ENSO类型区分依据.  相似文献   

Ocean Dynamics - The sea level observations from satellite altimetry are characterised by a sparse spatial and temporal coverage. For this reason, along-track data are routinely interpolated into...  相似文献   

The experiment for determining the vertical gravity gradient on a self-contained submersible instrument in the high latitudes with the use of the Chekan AM gravimetric complex is described.  相似文献   

测高重力内区效应的推导与计算   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了提高测高重力恢复计算的精度,本文利用新方法计算沿轨测高垂线偏差分量,并在对逆Vening-Meinesz公式的FFT算法进行分析的基础上导出了内区效应的计算公式.结果证明内区效应与逆Vening-Meinesz公式奇异区内垂线偏差分量的梯度及奇异区面积的大小有关,与重力异常计算点及其附近的奇异区内的垂线偏差无直接关系.最后利用ERS_1卫星测高数据,根据本文提出的方法计算垂线偏差分量,采用本文导出的内区效应公式计算了北大西洋6°×6°区域内区效应对测高重力结果的影响.  相似文献   

李晓一  陈石  卢红艳 《地震学报》2017,39(5):682-693
针对流动重力观测获得的数据成果特点,提出一种基于流动重力段差变化的时变重力数据可视化方法,并定义了两个指标量G值和C值,用以评价区域性重力场变化的显著性程度.在此基础上,应用该方法处理和分析了首都圈地区的流动重力数据.结果表明:与传统采用等值线方式来刻画时变重力场特征不同,该方法更能突出发生变化的重力测点位置、测量误差及其变化的显著性程度,可为研究与地震孕育、发生过程有关的重力场变化提供更多的定量依据.   相似文献   

Daily sea level variability in the Adriatic Sea is studied from different data sets using Empirical Orthogonal Functions, in connection with atmospheric pressure and wind stress. The first mode explains 56–69% of total variance and consists of uniform sea level variability all over the basin, correlated with atmospheric pressure through the inverse barometer effect. The second mode explains 13–16% of variance and accounts for an along-basin sea level gradient, which is correlated with the meridional wind stress component. The first two Principal Components are used as proxies to pressure- and wind-induced components of storm surges in the northern Adriatic. The analysis of the frequency of the most intense events in the 1957–2005 period shows that the wind contribution to storm surges has decreased, while no significant trends are found in the contribution of atmospheric pressure.  相似文献   

An annual amplitude of ∼18 cm mass-induced sea level variations (SLV) in the Red Sea is detected from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites and steric-corrected altimetry from 2003 to 2011. The annual mass variations in the region dominate the mean SLV, and generally reach maximum in late January/early February. The annual steric component of the mean SLV is relatively small (<3 cm) and out of phase of the mass-induced SLV. In situ bottom pressure records at the eastern coast of the Red Sea validate the high mass variability observed by steric-corrected altimetry and GRACE. In addition, the horizontal water mass flux of the Red Sea estimated from GRACE and steric-corrected altimetry is validated by hydrographic observations.  相似文献   

基于GRACE时变重力场的三峡水库补给水系水储量变化   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
利用22个月的GRACE时变重力场,反演了三峡水库补给水系的水储量变化,并按月给出了数值结果.与水文学同化模型(CPC)的两组比较说明基于GRACE重力的反演结果是合理的.当高斯平均半径为1000 km时,该区总水储量变化的峰谷差为14 cm,其年变化振幅为5.8 cm,相位为-40.8天,与CPC模型合成重力数据的反演结果进行比较,其总水储量变化均方差为1.3 cm,年变化振幅相差0.1 cm,相位相差1.0天.为进一步检验GRACE能否监测该区真实水储量变化,还将其反演结果与CPC模型的真实平均结果进行比较,结果发现总体均方差为2.1 cm,年变化振幅相差1.7 cm,相位相差9.3天.因此,第一种比较过高地估计了GRACE监测该区水储量变化的能力,第二种比较则较真实地反映了实际情况,尽管反演结果与水文学的结果差别较大,但仍然显示GRACE能监测该区每月的水储量变化.  相似文献   

冰川均衡调整对东亚重力和海平面变化的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
新的全球冰川均衡调整(GIA)模型RF3L20(β=0.4)+ICE-4G考虑了地幔黏滞度沿横向的变化,其黏滞度参数得到大地测量、历史相对海平面变化观测和地震剪切波层析模型的较好约束.本文利用该模型预测了东亚现今重力变化和海平面变化,根据当前末次冰川时空变化和黏滞度参考模型中下地幔下部黏滞度认识的差异,评估了预测的不确定性.结果表明,GIA对东亚地区重力场和海平面长期变化有显著的影响:例如,在哈尔滨、长春、泰安、蓟县、郑州、武汉等测站,GIA重力影响达几十纳伽,可用超导重力仪和未来原子重力仪观测出来;在东亚大陆GIA对GRACE监测的等效水柱长期变化的影响为3%~10%,其中青藏高原西部、华北和三峡地区的影响较大.在东海—太平洋区,GIA的相对影响高达20%~40%;GIA使东亚海域绝对海平面以0.27~0.37 mm/a的速率在长期下降,在黄海、东海卫星测高监测的绝对海平面长期变化中,GIA的相对影响分别达6.9%和7.5%;在58个验潮站,平均相对海平面长期上升速率为2.22 mm/a,GIA影响为-0.17 mm/a,其中14个测站GIA的影响达-0.3~-0.4 mm/a.本文GIA预测的结果,对在东亚地区发现弱的地球动力学过程信号、监测水质量长期变化、监测海平面长期变化和分析其机制,提供精密的改正模型.  相似文献   

Satellite orbital data yield reliable values of low degree and order coefficients in the spherical harmonic expansion of the Earth's gravity field. The second degree coefficient yields the shape of the Earth — probably the most important single parameter in geodesy. It is crucial in the numerical evaluation of different forms of the theoretical gravity formula. The new information requires the standardization of gravity anomalies obtained from satellite gravity and terrestrial gravity data in the context of three most commonly used reference figures, e.g.,International Reference Ellipsoid, Reference Ellipsoid 1967, andEquilibrium Reference Ellipsoid. This standardization is important in the comparison and combination of satellite gravity and gravimetric data as well as the integration of surface gravity data, collected with different objectives, in a single reference system.Examination of the nature of satellite gravity anomalies aids in the geophysical and geodetic interpretation of these anomalies in terms of the tectonic features of the Earth and the structure of the Earth's crust and mantle. Satellite results also make it possible to compute the Potsdam correction and Earth's equatorial radius from the satellite-determined geopotential. They enable the decomposition of the total observed gravity anomaly into components of geophysical interest. They also make it possible to study the temporal variations of the geogravity field. In addition, satellite results make significant contributions in the prediction of gravity in unsurveyed areas, as well as in providing a check on marine gravity profiles.On leave from University of Hawaii, Honolulu.  相似文献   

《Journal of Geodynamics》2010,49(3-5):189-194
We investigate the contribution of local and global hydrology to the superconducting gravimeter (SG) installed in the Strasbourg observatory. A deterministic approach is presented to account for the contribution of water storage variations in the soils in the vicinity of the gravimeter: both amount and distribution of water masses are determined before calculating Newtonian attraction. No adjustment is performed on gravity time series.Two multi-depth Frequency Domain Reflectometer (FDR) probes have been installed to monitor the amount of water stored in the soil layer above the gravimeter. Since August 2005, they have been monitoring the variation of the water content of the entire soil thickness. Several investigations have been undertaken in order to estimate the distribution of water masses: a precise local DEM (Digital Elevation Model) has been determined using differential GPS. The geometry and heterogeneity of the soil layer have been evaluated thanks to geophysical and geomechanical prospections. The comparison between observed and modelled gravity variations shows that daily up to seasonal variations are in good agreement. For long-term variations, deep water storage and other processes have to be modelled to explain recorded gravity variations.  相似文献   

The terrestrial time-variable gravity measurements are characterized by a high signal-to-noise ratio and sensitivity to the sources of mass change in the Earth's crust. These gravity data have many applications, such as surface deformation, groundwater storage changes, and mass migration before and after earthquakes. Based on repeated terrestrial gravity measurements at 198 gravity stations in the Sichuan-Yunnan region (SYR) from 2015 to 2017, we determine a time series of degree 120 gravity fields using the localized spherical harmonic (Slepian) basis functions. Our results show that adopting the first 6 Slepian basis functions is sufficient for effective localized Slepian modeling in the SYR. The differences between two gravity campaigns at the same time of year show an obvious correlation with tectonic features. The degree 120 timevariable gravity models presented in this paper will benefit the study of the regional mass migration inside the crust of the SYR and supplement the existing geophysical models for the China Seismic Experimental Site.  相似文献   

基于GRACE KBRR数据的动力积分法反演时变重力场模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
罗志才  周浩  李琼  钟波 《地球物理学报》2016,59(6):1994-2005
基于动力积分法恢复了一组60阶的时变重力场模型WHU-Grace01s,且在位系数解算过程中仅使用KBRR数据.通过与CSR、GFZ和JPL发布的Release 05模型的阶方差和位系数误差谱对比可知,WHU-Grace01s模型在高阶次部分的阶方差较小,且对轨道共振现象不敏感.将WHU-Grace01s时变重力场模型与CSR、GFZ、JPL、DEOS、Tongji、ITG、AIUB和GRGS等8家机构发布模型通过相同的滤波处理,获得了全球地表质量变化的时空分布,从结果可以看出:各个模型计算的时变信号在空域上分布十分接近,且WHU-Grace01s模型计算的太平洋中心和撒哈拉沙漠区域的质量变化较小;对比几个典型质量变化区域,WHU-Grace01s模型和JPL模型计算的长江流域和珠江流域时变信号呈强相关,其相关系数分别为0.948和0.976,且与上述8个模型计算的两个流域时变信号的相关系数均达到0.9以上;在南极区域和格陵兰岛,WHU-Grace01s模型和其他各个模型均能反映区域冰川质量的积累或消融,且各模型计算获得的长期趋势变化结果相当.研究结果表明,WHU-Grace01s模型和国内外已发布机构模型具有很好的一致性,且受到轨道共振影响较小.  相似文献   

The accuracy of an aerial survey in a sea water area is estimated in this paper. The systematic component of the error is shown to correlate with the value of disturbing accelerations.  相似文献   

A new methodology has been designed to identify and rank the significant environmental aspects in sea ports. The main objective of the Strategic Overview of Significant Environmental Aspects (SOSEA) is to help port managers to identify significant environmental aspects and to reinforce the awareness about them in order to prioritise work in environmental management. Developed in close collaboration with port environmental managers and tested in a set of ports, it is a user-friendly tool that can be applied in approximately half a working day. It is based on ISO 14001 vocabulary and requirements and it can be considered as the base for the implementation of any Environmental Management System for port communities.  相似文献   

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