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This study focuses on the characteristics of near-fault ground motions in the forward-direction and structural response associated with them. These ground motions are narrow-banded in nature and are characterized by a predominant period at which structures excited by them are severely affected. In this work, predominant period is defined as the undamped natural period of a single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) oscillator at which its 5% damped linear elastic pseudo-spectral velocity (PSV) contains a clear and dominant peak. It is found that a linear relationship exists between predominant period and seismic moment. An empirical equation describing this relationship is presented by using a large set of accelerograms. Attenuation equations are developed to estimate peak ground velocity (PGV) as a function of earthquake magnitude and source-to-site distance. In addition, a predictive equation for spectral shapes of PSV (i.e., PSV normalized by PGV) is presented as a continuous function of the undamped natural period of SDOF oscillators. The model is independent of PGV, and can be used in conjunction with any available PGV attenuation relation applicable to near-fault ground motion exhibiting forward-directivity effects. Furthermore, viscous damping of the SDOF is included in the model as a continuous parameter, eliminating the use of so-called damping correction factors. Finally, simple equations relating force reduction factors and displacement ductility of elasto-plastic SDOF systems are presented.  相似文献   

Design spectra including effect of rupture directivity in near-fault region   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
In order to propose a seismic design spectrum that includes the effect of rupture directivity in the near-fault region, this study investigates the application of equivalent pulses to the parameter attenuation relationships developed for near-fault, forward-directivity motions. Near-fault ground motions are represented by equivalent pulses with different waveforms defined by a small number of parameters (peak acceleration, A, and velocity V; and pulse period, Tv). Dimensionless ratios between these parameters (e.g., ATv/V, VTv/D) and response spectral shapes and amplitudes are examined for different pulses to gain insight on their dependence on basic pulse waveforms. Ratios of ATv/V, VTv/D, and the ratio of pulse period to the period for peak spectral velocity (Tv-p) are utilized to quantify the difference between rock and soil sites for near-fault forward-directivity ground motions. The ATv/Vratio of recorded near-fault motions is substantially larger for rock sites than that for soil sites, while Tvp/Tv ratios are smaller at rock sites than at soil sites. Furthermore, using simple pulses and available predictive relationships for the pulse parameters, a preliminary model for the design acceleration response spectra for the near-fault region that includes the dependence on magnitude, rupture distance, and local site conditions are developed.  相似文献   

In displacement-based seismic design, inelastic displacement ratio spectra (IDRS) are particularly useful for estimating the maximum lateral inelastic displacement demand of a nonlinear SDOF system from the maximum elastic displacement demand of its counterpart linear elastic SDOF system. In this study, the characteristics of IDRS for near-fault pulse-type ground motions are investigated based on a great number of earthquake ground motions. The in? uence of site conditions, ratio of peak ground velocity (PGV) to peak ground acceleration (PGA), the PGV, and the maximum incremental velocity (MIV) on IDRS are also evaluated. The results indicate that the effect of near-fault ground motions on IDRS are signifi cant only at periods between 0.2 s - 1.5 s, where the amplifi cation can approach 20%. The PGV/PGA ratio has the most signifi cant in? uence on IDRS among the parameters considered. It is also found that site conditions only slightly affect the IDRS.  相似文献   

橡胶支座基础隔震结构遭遇近断层脉冲型地震动作用时,隔震层变形过大,需要限位。提出了软碰撞限位方案。按抗震规范设计橡胶支座隔震钢筋混凝土框架结构,选取近断层地震动记录,分析了限位主要参数预留距离、限位刚度和阻尼对隔震结构响应的影响。结果表明,预留距离增大,限位刚度需求增大,限位效果减弱;限位刚度增大,隔震层最大位移减小,上部结构层间最大位移增大;在一定范围内适当增大阻尼可减小隔震层最大位移与上部结构的层间最大位移。合理选用限位参数,可同时获得良好的限位与减震效果。提出了限位参数的优选方法。  相似文献   

Empirical equations are presented for the prediction of displacement response ordinates for damping ratios of 2, 5, 10, 20 and 30% of critical and for response periods up to 4s, using 532 accelerograms from the strong‐motion databank from Europe and the Middle East. The records were all re‐processed and only employed for regressions at periods within the usable range, defined as a fraction of the filter cut‐off and depending on the instrument type (digital or analogue), earthquake magnitude and site class. The equations can be applied to predict the geometric mean displacement and pseudo‐acceleration spectra for earthquakes with moment magnitudes ( M ) between 5 and 7.6, and for distances up to 100km. The equations also include style‐of‐faulting and site class as explanatory variables. The predictions obtained from these new equations suggest that earlier European equations for spectral displacements underestimate the ordinates at longer periods as a result of severe filtering and the use of the spectral ordinates at periods too close to the filter cut‐off. The results also confirm that the period defining the start of the constant displacement plateau in the Eurocode 8 (EC8) spectrum is excessively short at 2s. The results not only show that the scaling factor defined in EC8 for estimating the spectral ordinates at damping ratios different from 5% of critical are a good general approximation, but also that this scaling varies with magnitude and distance (reflecting the influence of duration) and also displays a mild dependence on response period. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

For near-fault ground motion,there should be a remarkable impulsive energy supply. Therefore,it is essential to check the validity of actual seismic design codes with energy balance concept. Based on the relationship between the spectrum velocity and the input energy equivalent velocity with 5% damping ratio,the input energy spectra compatible with main China and USA seismic codes were derived,and the accuracy and applicability were veri-fied by using near-fault records. The recommended energy input design spectrum (EIDS) applicable to the distance of 0~15 km from fault was introduced to check the validity of modern seismic codes. Comparison tests show that the GB50011-2001 Code of China can just match the energy effect of near-fault ground motion to a certain extent only under seldom occurred earthquake with fortification intensity of 9 degree for site soil of Ⅲ and IV,indicating that the impact of near-fault effect has not been embodied in the current code acceleration spectrum. In order to make the design spectrum be applicable to near-fault region,it is necessary to adjust the spectrum platform pa-rameters. On the contrary,for distinct fault distance and site soil,the UBC97 Code of USA can match well with the energy supply of near-fault ground motion except for the site soil of hard rock (SA). Accordingly,correctness of the formula derivation in this paper is certified.  相似文献   

江辉  朱晞 《地震学报》2008,30(5):508-517
近场地震通常有显著的脉冲型高能输入,有必要从能量角度对现行抗震规范进行有效性检验,以探讨规范加速度设计谱能否体现近断层区域地震地面运动的能量耗散需求. 基于本文作者所建议的5%阻尼比下谱速度与输入能量等效速度之间关系,推导了与当前中、美主要抗震设计规范(GB50011-2001, UBC97)加速度谱相容的输入能量谱,并对其适用范围进行了讨论. 将其与基于实际近断层记录分组所得的输入能量设计谱进行对比表明, 我国GB50011-2001规范除软土场地的9度罕遇烈度外均难以体现近场地震的能量要求,有必要对设计谱平台高度进行调整;而美国UBC97规范则在除SA类场地之外的其它条件下均能较好地与15 km范围内的近场能量需求相吻合,从而也证明了本文推导方法的正确性.   相似文献   

Ground motions close to a ruptured fault resulting from forward-directivity are significantly different than other ground motions. These pulse-type motions can place severe demands on structures in the near-fault region. To aid in the characterization of these special type of ground motions, a simplified parameterization is proposed based on a representative amplitude, pulse period, and number of significant pulses in the velocity–time history. Empirical relationships were developed for estimating the peak ground velocity (PGV) and period of the velocity pulse (Tv) of available forward-directivity motions. PGV in the near-fault region varies significantly with magnitude and distance. Additionally, the PGV for soil sites are systematically larger than those at rocks sites. Tv is a function of moment magnitude and site conditions with most of the energy being concentrated within a narrow-period band centered on the pulse period. Hence, lower magnitude events, which produce lower pulse periods, might produce more damaging ground motions for the stiff structures more common in urban areas.  相似文献   

Permanent displacement of a bridge column can be directly measured during the inspection after near-fault earthquakes.However,the engineer needs to estimate the expected residual drift at the design stage to determine if the bridge seismic performance is satisfactory.The most direct method to estimate the residual displacement is nonlinear response history analysis,which is time consuming and cumbersome.Alternatively,an attractive but indirect method is generating estimated residual displacement spectra that depend on displacement ductility demand,column period,site conditions,and earthquake characteristics.Given the period and the expected displacement ductility demand for the column,the residual drift response spectra curves can be utilized to estimate the residual drift demand.Residual drift spectra that are applicable to RC bridge columns in different parts of the United States were developed based on nonlinear response history analyses using a comprehensive collection of recorded and synthetic near-fault ground motions and were linked to one-second spectral acceleration(S1)of the AASHTO maps.It was also found that the residual drift ratio is below one percent when S1 is less than 0.6 g.  相似文献   

Ocean Dynamics - The genetic algorithm (GA) model presented here provides specific JONSWAP parameters that can be used for wave modelling. This work describes a validated heuristic model based on...  相似文献   

Accelerograms recorded near active faults have some important characteristics that make them different from those recorded in far-fault regions. High-frequency components in acceleration records and long-period velocity pulses are among notable specifications of such ground motions. In this paper, a moving average filtering with appropriate cut-off frequency has been used to decompose the near-fault ground motions into two components having different frequency contents: first, Pulse-Type Record (PTR) that possesses long-period pulses; second, the relatively high-frequency BackGround Record (BGR), which does not include large velocity pulses. Comparing the results with those extracted through wavelet analysis shows that moving average filter is an appropriate and efficient tool for near-fault records decomposition. The method is applied to decompose a suite of 91 selected near-fault records and the elastic response of structures is examined through their response to the decomposed parts. The results emphasizes that in contrast with ordinary far-fault earthquake records, response spectra of near-fault ground motions typically have two distinct local peaks, which are representatives of the high- and low-frequency components, i.e., BGR and PTR, respectively. Moreover, a threshold period is identified below which the response of structures is dominated by BGR while PTR controls the response of structures with periods longer than this period.  相似文献   

IntroductionMoreandmoreevidencesshowthatstratapropertiesareanisotropic.Itisveryimportanttoutilizegeophysicalwaystouncoverthepropertiesofstratainpetroleumsurveyandcoalbedmethaneexplorationaswellasearthquakeforecasting.Becauseofdetectablecharacteristicsofseismicvelocityanisotropy,itissuccessfulinpastyearsthatlayersareshiftedcorrectlytotheoriginalpositioninmigrationprocessionofseismicwaves.Anewwayofdirectinversionofstrataelasticparametersisputforthinthepaper.Itusesmultiple-wavesdatatodiscoverorp…  相似文献   

Usually, GPS observation provides direct evidence to estimate coseismic displacement. However, GPS stations are scattered, sparse and cannot provide a detailed distribution of coseismic displacement. Strong ground motion records share the same disadvantages as GPS in estimating coseismic displacement. Estimations from In SAR data can provide displacement distributions; however, the resolution of such methods is limited by the analysis techniques. The paper focuses on estimating the coseismic displacement of the M_S7.0 Lushan earthquake on April 20, 2013 using a simulation of the wave field based on the elastic wave equation instead of a quasi-static equation. First, the media and source models were constructed by comparing the simulated velocity and the record velocity of the ground motion. Then simulated static displacements were compared with GPS records. Their agreement validates our results. Careful analysis of the distribution of simulated coseismic displacements near the fault reveals more details of the ground motion. For example, an uplift appears on the hanging wall of the fault,rotation is associated with the horizontal displacement, the fault strike and earthquake epicenter provide the main control on motion near the faults, and the motion on the hanging wall is stronger than that on the footwall. These results reveal additional characteristics of the ground motion of the Lushan earthquake.  相似文献   

Medium- to high-resolution photographs taken by the Lunar Orbiter missions of the Humorum region show a definite pattern of lateral displacements of topographic elements and en echelon arrangement of crenulations upon mare ridges. The southern wall of Gassendi crater has been dextrally offset for distances up to 6 km along east-southeast faults. Towards the west the strike-slip faults continue into highland material as bands up to 10 km wide of sinistral en echelon fractures, while towards the east the same faults transform into mare ridges with sinistral en echelon crestal crenulations. It is, therefore, very probable that the en echelon crenulations represent igneous rock intruded into or extruded through tension gashes which developed in lava that overlie strike-slip faults and through movement along these faults.The pattern of commonly recurring lineament strikes and sense of wrench faulting corresponds to a generating stress system in which the regional maximum compression acted between 10 and 20° and the intermediate compression was directed vertically. Lineaments that strike northeast and those trending within the northwest quadrant show indications of slip in left-lateral and right-lateral sense, respectively.  相似文献   

有限差分方法是波场数值模拟的一个重要方法,交错网格差分格式比规则网格差分格式稳定性更好,但方法本身都存在因网格化而形成的数值频散效应,这会降低波场模拟的精度与分辨率.为了缓解有限差分算子的数值频散效应,精确求解空间偏导数,本文把求解波动方程的线性化方法推广到用于求解弹性波方程交错网格有限差分系数;同时应用最大最小准则作为模拟退火(SA)优化算法求解差分系数的数值频散误差判定标准来求解有限差分系数.通过上述两种方法,分别利用均匀各向同性介质和复杂构造模型进行了数值正演模拟和数值频散分析,并与传统泰勒展开算法、最小二乘算法进行比较,验证了线性化方法和模拟退火方法都能有效压制数值频散,并比较了各个算法的特点.  相似文献   

Near-fault ground motions, potentially with large amplitude and typical velocity pulses, may significantly impact the performance of a wide range of structures. The current study is aimed at evaluating the safety implications of the near-fault effect on nuclear power plant facilities designed according to the Chinese code. To this end, a set of nearfault ground motions at rock sites with typical forward-directivity effect is examined with special emphasis on several key parameters and response spectra. Spectral comparison of the selected records with the Chinese and other code design spectra was conducted. The bi-normalized response spectra in terms of different corner periods are utilized to derive nuclear design spectra. It is concluded that nuclear design spectra on rock sites derived from typical rupture directivity records are significantly influenced both by the earthquake magnitude and the rupture distance. The nuclear design spectra specified in the code needs to be adjusted to reflect the near-fault directivity effect of large earthquakes.  相似文献   

研究并确定输入能量设计谱是建立基于性能抗震设计和评估能量方法的必要基础。选取断层15km投影距离内的224条强震记录讨论场地类型和断层距等因素的影响,建议了近场地震的输入能量设计谱(EIDS),在与实际记录及日本等国已有抗震规范比较后表明,所建议的设计能量谱能较好地反映近断层区潜在能量需求,在此基础上形成了基于能量的桥梁结构抗震评估设计方法,并用3座实际RC桥墩进行算例验证证明了所建议方法的可行性,表明基于既有抗震规范设计的桥梁结构仍有必要进行考虑近断层效应的耗能能力验算。  相似文献   

CDSN兰州台数字地震仪观测到永登地区17个小地震,记录到了来自地壳中间层C界面(也称康腊德界面)的反射横波Sc。用该震相的走时特性测定了永登地区地壳中间层界面的深度HC的平均值为24.9±2.0km左右。进一步明确了永登地区是双层地壳模型的概念。  相似文献   

The hanging wall effect is an important factor that impacts the characteristics of strong ground motions in near-fault areas. Based on a residual analysis of ground motion parameters characterizing the hanging wall effect and in recognition of the nature of the effect, many models have been developed. In this study, after a comprehensive analysis of two existing models, a new model is proposed and used to model the hanging wall effect in horizontal peak ground acceleration (PGAH) and spectral acceleration (SAH) at a period of 0.1s in the Wenchuan earthquake. Finally, comparisons between the modeling results of the hanging wall effect in the Wenchuan earthquake and the results predicted by using Abrahamson and Silva’s NGA model (AS NGA) indicate that the AS NGA model predicts a much higher hanging wall effect than the model developed in this paper. Furthermore, the AS NGA model predicts a large hanging wall effect even at great distances, while the proposed model more accurately captures the trend of the effect.  相似文献   

利用美国太平洋地震工程研究中心NGA数据库,分析了滤波低频截止周期(Tc)对位移反应谱的影响。选择较小的Tc将严重抑制长周期位移反应谱幅值。本文选用可靠使用周期不小于10 s的强地面运动加速度记录,研究了位移反应谱的长周期特性。结果表明,位移反应谱峰点周期是长周期地震反应谱的关键控制参数,受场地条件和震级的影响相对较小,但与震中距基本呈线性增长关系,而动力放大系数最大值波动范围较小,设计中可视为常数。建议在现行抗震设计规范谱的基础上,在速度控制段与位移控制段之间增加一个过渡段,以体现位移反应谱的有峰特征,并给出了控制参数的建议值。  相似文献   

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