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The southern Great Xing'an Range is one of the most important metallogenic belts in northern China, and contains numerous Pb–Zn–Ag–Cu–Sn–Fe–Mo deposits. The Huanggang iron–tin polymetallic skarn deposit is located in the Sn-polymetallic metallogenic sub-belt. Skarns and iron orebodies occur as lenses along the contact between granite plutons and the Lower Permian Huanggangliang Formation marble or Dashizhai Formation andesite. Field evidence and petrographic observations indicate that the three stages of hydrothermal activity, i.e., skarn, oxide and sulfide stages, all contributed to the formation of the Huanggang deposit.The skarn stage is characterized by the formation of garnet and pyroxene, and high-temperature, hypersaline hydrothermal fluids with isotopic compositions that are similar to those of typical magmatic fluids. These fluids most likely were generated by the separation of brine from a silicate melt instead of being a product of aqueous fluid immiscibility. The iron oxide stage coincides with the replacement of garnet and pyroxene by amphibole, chlorite, quartz and magnetite. The hydrothermal fluids of this stage are represented by L-type fluid inclusions that coexist with V-type inclusions with anomalously low δD values (approximately − 100 to − 116‰). The decrease in ore fluid δ18OH2O values with time coincides with marked decreases in the fluid salinity and temperature. Based on the fluid inclusion and stable isotopic data, the ore fluid evolved by boiling of the magmatic brine. The sulfide stage is characterized by the development of sphalerite, chalcopyrite, fluorite, and calcite veins, and these veins cut across the skarns and orebodies. The fluids during this stage are represented by inclusions with a variable but continuous sequence of salinities, mainly low-salinity inclusions. These fluids yield the lowest δ18OH2O values and moderate δD values ( − 1.6 to − 2.8‰ and − 101 to − 104‰, respectively). The data indicate that the sulfide stage fluids originated from the mixing of residual oxide-stage fluids with various amounts of meteoric water. Boiling occurred during this stage at low temperatures.The sulfur isotope (δ34S) values of the sulfides are in a narrow range of − 6.70 to 4.50‰ (mean =  1.01‰), and the oxygen isotope (δ18O) values of the magnetite are in a narrow range of 0.1 to 3.4‰. Both of these sets of values suggest that the ore-forming fluid is of magmatic origin. The lead isotope compositions of the ore (206Pb/204Pb = 18.252–18.345, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.511–15.607, and 208Pb/204Pb = 38.071–38.388) are consistent with those of K-feldspar granites (206Pb/204Pb = 18.183–18.495, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.448–15.602, 208Pb/204Pb = 37.877–38.325), but significantly differ from those of Permian marble (206Pb/204Pb = 18.367–18.449, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.676–15.695, 208Pb/204Pb = 38.469–38.465), which also suggests that the ore-forming fluid is of magmatic origin.  相似文献   

The Eastern Qinling, Central China, containing more than 20 Mesozoic porphyry ± skarn systems, is the most important Mo province in the world. The Shangfanggou giant Mo deposit, Luanchuan County, Henan Province, is a porphyry-skarn system hosted in a lithologic association comprising carbonaceous sandstone, shale, carbonate and chert within the Neoproterozoic Luanchuan Group. Mo ores are mainly altered porphyry, skarn and hornfels, with minor altered gabbro. The mineralization process includes four stages, potassic alteration of the porphyry and skarnization of dolomite marble in stage 1, stockworks of quartz + molybdenite ± sulfide (stage 2), pyrite + quartz ± sulfides (stage 3), and carbonate ± quartz ± fluorite (stage 4), respectively. Mo mineralization was generally associated with strong silicification and/or phyllic alteration. The fluid inclusions in minerals include three compositional types, i.e., CO2-bearing (C-type), aqueous (W-type) and daughter mineral-bearing (S-type). Minerals formed in stages 1 to 3 contain all the three types of FIs, but the stage 4 minerals only contain the W-type FIs. Oxides and Cu-phosphate are recognized as daughter minerals in S-type inclusions in minerals of stage 1, whereas the daughter sulfide and reducing gases such as CO, CH4, H2S and C2H6 can be observed in quartz of stages 2 and 3, suggesting that the ore-forming fluids were initially oxidizing and then evolved to reducing. Boiling fluid inclusion assemblages can be observed in minerals formed in stage 2 or earlier, but not in stage 3 or later. Fluid boiling caused CO2 escape, oxygen fugacity decrease and rapid precipitation of ore minerals, and was a key factor causing Mo-mineralization at Shangfanggou. Data and interpretations presented in this contribution show that the fluids forming the Shangfanggou Mo deposit evolved from CO2-rich, high-salinity hypothermal, to CO2-poor, low-salinity epithermal (low-T). The Mo mineralization at the Shangfanggou deposit mainly occurred at depth of 6.6–7.0 km, deeper than the majority of porphyry systems in volcanic arcs, which resulted from a CO2-rich magma–fluid system originating from partial melting of thickened lower crust. The Shangfanggou mineral system developed during 158–134 Ma when the Yangtze–North China continental collision began to evolve from compression to extension. Magmatic hydrothermal deposits developed in a continental collision regime are generally formed by CO2-rich, high-salinity fluids.  相似文献   

The Sar-Cheshmeh porphyry Cu–Mo deposit is located in Southwestern Iran (∼65 km southwest of Kerman City) and is associated with a composite Miocene stock, ranging in composition from diorite through granodiorite to quartz-monzonite. Field observations and petrographic studies demonstrate that the emplacement of the Sar-Cheshmeh stock took place in several pulses, each with associated hydrothermal activity. Molybdenum was concentrated at a very early stage in the evolution of the hydrothermal system and copper was concentrated later. Four main vein Groups have been identified: (I) quartz+molybdenite+anhydrite±K-feldspar with minor pyrite, chalcopyrite and bornite; (II) quartz+chalcopyrite+pyrite±molybdenite±calcite; (III) quartz+pyrite+calcite±chalcopyrite±anhydrite (gypsum)±molybdenite; (IV) quartz±calcite±gypsum±pyrite±dolomite. Early hydrothermal alteration produced a potassic assemblage (orthoclase-biotite) in the central part of the stock, propylitic alteration occurred in the peripheral parts of the stock, contemporaneously with potassic alteration, and phyllic alteration occurred later, overprinting earlier alteration. The early hydrothermal fluids are represented by high temperature (350–520 °C), high salinity (up to 61 wt% NaCl equivalent) liquid-rich fluid inclusions, and high temperature (340–570 °C), low-salinity, vapor-rich inclusions. These fluids are interpreted to represent an orthomagmatic fluid, which cooled episodically; the brines are interpreted to have caused potassic alteration and deposition of Group I and II quartz veins containing molybdenite and chalcopyrite. Propylitic alteration is attributed to a liquid-rich, lower temperature (220–310 °C), Ca-rich, evolved meteoric fluid. Influx of meteoric water into the central part of the system and mixing with magmatic fluid produced albitization at depth and shallow phyllic alteration. This influx also caused the dissolution of early-formed copper sulphides and the remobilization of Cu into the sericitic zone, the main zone of the copper deposition in Sar-Cheshmeh, where it was redeposited in response to a decrease in temperature.  相似文献   

The Fuxing porphyry Cu deposit is a recently discovered deposit in Eastern Tianshan, Xinjiang, northwestern China. The Cu mineralization is associated with the Fuxing plagiogranite porphyry and monzogranite, mainly presenting as various types of hydrothermal veins or veinlets in alerted wall rocks, with potassic, chlorite, phyllic, and propylitic alteration developed. The ore-forming process can be divided into four stages: stage I barren quartz veins, stage II quartz–chalcopyrite–pyrite veins, stage III quartz–polymetallic sulfide veins and stage IV quartz–calcite veins. Four types of fluid inclusions (FIs) can be distinguished in the Fuxing deposit, including hypersline (H-type), vapor-rich two-phase (V-type), liquid-rich two-phase (L-type), and trace amounts of pure vapor inclusions (P-type), but only the stage I quartz contains all types of FIs. The stages II and III quartz have two types of FIs, with exception of H- and P-types. In stage IV quartz minerals, only the L-type inclusions can be observed. The FIs in quartz of stages I, II, III and IV are mainly homogenized at temperatures of 357–518 °C, 255–393 °C, 234–322 °C and 145–240 °C, with salinities of 1.9–11.6 wt.% NaCl equiv., 1.6–9.6 wt.% NaCl equiv., 1.4–7.7 wt.% NaCl equiv. and 0.9–3.7 wt.% NaCl equiv., respectively. The ore-forming fluids of the Fuxing deposit are characterized by high temperature, moderate salinity and relatively oxidized condition. Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of quartz indicate that the ore-forming fluids were gradually evolved from magmatic to meteoric in origin. Sulfur and lead isotopes suggest that the ore-forming materials were derived from a deep-seated magma source. The Cu mineralization in the Fuxing deposit occurred at a depth of ~ 1 km, and the changes of oxygen fugacity, decompression boiling, and local mixing with meteoric water were most likely critical for the formation of the Fuxing Cu deposit.  相似文献   

Numerous magnetite–apatite deposits occur in the Ningwu and Luzong sedimentary basins along the Middle and Lower Yangtze River, China. These deposits are located in the contact zone of (gabbro)-dioritic porphyries with surrounding volcanic or sedimentary rocks and are characterized by massive, vein and disseminated magnetite–apatite ± anhydrite mineralization associated with voluminous sodic–calcic alteration. Petrologic and microthermometric studies on multiphase inclusions in pre- to syn-mineralization pyroxene and garnet from the deposits at Meishan (Ningwu basin), Luohe and Nihe (both in Luzong basin) demonstrate that they represent extremely saline brines (~ 90 wt.% NaClequiv) that were trapped at temperatures of about 780 °C. Laser ablation ICP-MS analyses and Raman spectroscopic studies on the natural fluid inclusions and synthetic fluid inclusions manufactured at similar P–T conditions reveal that the brines are composed mainly of Na (13–24 wt.%), K (7–11 wt.%), Ca (~ 7 wt.%), Fe (~ 2 wt.%), Cl (19–47 wt.%) and variable amounts of SO4 (3–39 wt.%). Their Cl/Br, Na/K and Na/B ratios are markedly different from those of seawater evaporation brines and lie between those of magmatic fluids and sedimentary halite, suggesting a significant contribution from halite-bearing evaporites. High S/B and Ca/Na ratios in the fluid inclusions and heavy sulfur isotopic signatures of syn- to post-mineralization anhydrite (δ34SAnh = + 15.2 to + 16.9‰) and pyrite (δ34SPy = + 4.6‰ to + 12.1‰) further suggest a significant contribution from sedimentary anhydrite. These interpretations are in line with the presence of evaporite sequences in the lower parts of the sedimentary basins.The combined evidence thus suggests that the magnetite–apatite deposits along the Middle and Lower Yangtze River formed by fluids that exsolved from magmas that assimilated substantial amounts of Triassic evaporites during their ascent. Due to their Fe-oxide dominated mineralogy, their association with large-scale sodic–calcic alteration and their spatial and temporal associations with subvolcanic intrusions we interpret them as a special type of IOCG deposits that is characterized by unusually high contents of Na, Ca, Cl and SO4 in the ore-forming fluids. Evaporite assimilation apparently led to the production of large amounts of high-salinity brine and thus to an enhanced capacity to extract iron from the (gabbro)-dioritic intrusions and to concentrate it in the form of ore bodies. Hence, we believe that evaporite-bearing sedimentary basins are more prospective for magnetite–apatite deposits than evaporite-free basins.  相似文献   

The Baishan porphyry Mo deposit formed in the Middle Triassic in Eastern Tianshan, Xinjiang, northwestern China. Mo mineralization is associated with the Baishan monzogranite and granite porphyry stocks, mainly presenting as various types of hydrothermal veinlets in alerted wall rocks, with potassic, phyllic, propylitic, and fluorite alteration. The ore-forming process can be divided into four stages: stage I K-feldspar–quartz–pyrite veinlets, stage II quartz–molybdenite ± pyrite veinlets, stage III quartz–polymetallic sulfide veinlets and stage IV barren quartz–calcite veins. Four types of fluid inclusions (FIs) can be distinguished in the Baishan deposit, namely, liquid-rich two-phase (L-type), vapor-rich two-phase (V-type), solid-bearing multi-phase (S-type) and mono-phase vapor (M-type) inclusions, but only the stage I quartz contains all types of FIs. The stages II and III quartz have three types of FIs, with exception of M-type. In stage IV quartz minerals, only the L-type inclusions can be observed. The FIs in quartz of stages I, II, III and IV are mainly homogenized at temperatures of 271–468 °C, 239–349 °C, 201–331 °C and 134–201 °C, with salinities of 2.2–11.6 wt.% NaCl equiv., 1.1–10.2 wt.% NaCl equiv., 0.5–8.9 wt.% NaCl equiv. and 0.2–5.7 wt.% NaCl equiv., respectively. The ore-forming fluids of the Baishan deposit are characterized by high temperature, moderate salinity and relatively reduced condition, belonging to a H2O–NaCl ± CH4 ± CO2 system. Hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of quartz indicate that the ore-forming fluids were gradually evolved from magmatic to meteoric in origin. Sulfur and lead isotopes suggest that the ore-forming materials came predominantly from a deep-seated magma source from the lower continental crust. The Mo mineralization in the Baishan deposit is estimated to have occurred at a depth of no less than 4.7 km, and the decrease in temperature and remarkable transition of the redox condition (from alkalinity to acidity) of ore-forming fluids were critical for the formation of the Baishan Mo deposit.  相似文献   

The Shilu deposit is a world-class Fe–Co–Cu orebody located in the Changjiang area of the western part of Hainan Island, South China. The distribution of Fe, Co, and Cu orebodies is controlled by strata of the No. 6 Formation in the Shilu Group and the Beiyi synclinorium. Based on a petrological study of the host rocks and their alteration assemblages, and textural and structural features of the ores, four mineralization stages have been identified: (1) the sedimentary ore-forming period; (2) the metamorphic ore-forming period; (3) the hydrothermal mineralization comprising the skarn and quartz–sulfide stage; and (4) the supergene period. The fluid inclusions in sedimentary quartz and/or chert indicate low temperatures (ca. 160 °C) and low salinities from 0.7 to 3.1 wt.% NaCleq, which corresponds to densities of 0.77 to 0.93 g/cm3. CO2-bearing or carbonic inclusions have been interpreted to result from regional metamorphism. Homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions for the skarn stage have a wide range from 148 °C to 497 °C and the salinities of the fluid inclusions range from 1.2 to 22.3 wt.% NaCleq, which corresponds to densities from 0.56 to 0.94 g/cm3. Fluid inclusions of the quartz–sulfide stage yield homogenization temperatures of 151–356 °C and salinities from 0.9 to 8.1 wt.% NaCleq, which equates to fluid densities from 0.63 to 0.96 g/cm3.Sulfur isotopic compositions indicate that sulfur of the sedimentary anhydrite and Co-bearing pyrite, and the quartz–sulfide stage, was derived from seawater sulfate and thermochemical sulfate reduction of dissolved anhydrite at temperatures of 200 °C and 300 °C, respectively. H and O isotopic compositions of the skarn and quartz–sulfide stage demonstrate that the ore-forming fluids were largely derived from magmatic water, with minor inputs from metamorphic or meteoric water. The Shilu iron ore deposit has an exhalative sedimentary origin, but has been overprinted by regional deformation and metamorphism. The Shilu Co–Cu deposit has a hydrothermal origin and is temporally and genetically associated with Indosinian granitoid rocks.  相似文献   

Bedded cherts occurring in the Early Permian Gufeng Formation in the Lower Yangtze region, eastern China, are nearly 20-80 m in thickness and contain varying amounts of radiolarians and sponge spicules. There are three types of section for the Gufeng Formation: chert, carbonate and chert-carbonate mixing types. Bedded cherts mainly occur in the first and third types of section. The depocentres of silica are marked by some small (not larger than a few thousand square kilometres in area) rhombic or elliptic hollows and their formation was controlled by faults. Argillaceous volcanic rocks in cherts occur as numerous thin layers. Bedded cherts are characterized by higher Fe and lower Al contents, enrichment in such trace elements as As, Sb, Bi, Ga, Au, Ag and Cr, lower total REE abundance, negative Ce anomaly and varying degrees of HREE enrichment. These characteristics are important evidence for hydrothermal cherts. Minor amounts of substances of non-hydrothermal origin are mixed in the cherts. The tempera  相似文献   

A bulk geochemical study has been carried out on fluid inclusion leachates extracted from quartz veins from porphyry Cu deposits in Butte, Montana, USA and Bingham Canyon, Utah, USA. The leachates mostly represent low-salinity magmatic–hydrothermal fluid inclusions. Their halogen ratios (Br/Cl) of fluid inclusion leachates were determined by ion chromatography, and δ37Cl values of the leachates were measured by continuous-flow isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Br/Cl ratios from early pre-Main stage and later Main stage veins at Butte range from 0.60 to 1.88 × 10−3 M. Ratios are similar in pre-Main stage veins with sericite bearing selvages and Main stage samples ranging from 0.81 to 1.08 × 10−3 and from 0.92 to 1.88 × 10−3 M, respectively, clustering below seawater (1.54 × 10−3 M) and overlapping mantle values (~1–2 × 10−3 M). Two samples associated with early pre-Main stage potassic alteration yield distinctly lower Br/Cl ratios of 0.60 and 0.64 × 10−3 M. Butte δ37Cl values range from −0.8‰ to −2.3‰ with no significant difference between pre-Main stage and Main stage samples. Br/Cl ratios for quartz veins from Bingham Canyon range from 0.18 to 3.68 × 10−3 M. Br/Cl ratios from Bingham range above and below previously reported for porphyry copper deposits. In contrast to Butte, δ37Cl values for Bingham are lower, ranging from −0.9‰ to −4.1‰. In the absence of any processes which can significantly fractionate chlorine isotopes at high temperatures, we suggest that the porphyry system at Bingham, and to a lesser extent at Butte, have inherited negative chlorine isotopic signatures from the subducting slab generated at low temperatures.  相似文献   

The Changjiang uranium ore field, which contains >10,000 tonnes of recoverable U with a grade of 0.1–0.5%, is hosted by Triassic two-mica and Jurassic biotite granites, and is one of the most important uranium ore fields in South China. The minerals associated with alteration and mineralization can be divided into two stages, namely syn-ore and post-ore. The syn-ore minerals are primarily quartz, pitchblende, hematite, hydromica, chlorite, fluorite, and pyrite; the post-ore minerals include quartz, calcite, fluorite, pyrite, and hematite. The fluid inclusions of the early syn-ore stage characteristically contain O2, and those of the late syn-ore and post-ore stage contain H2 and CH4. The fluid inclusions in quartz of the syn-ore stage include H2O, H2O–CO2, and CO2 types, and they occur in clusters or along trails. Homogenization temperatures (Th) for the H2O–CO2 and two-phase H2O inclusions range from 106 °C to >350 °C and cluster in two distinct groups for each type; salinities are lower than 10 wt% NaCl equiv. The ore-forming fluids underwent CO2 effervescence or phase separation at ∼250 °C under a pressure of 1000–1100 bar. The U/Th values of the altered granites are lowest close to the ore, increase outwards, but subsequently decrease close to unaltered granites. From the unaltered granites to the ore, the lowest Fe2O3/FeO values become lower and the highest values higher. The REE patterns of the altered granites and the ores are similar to each other. The U contents of the ores show a positive correlation with total REE contents but a negative correlation with LREE/HREE ratios, indicating the pitchblende is REE-bearing and selectively HREE-rich. The δEu values of the ore show a positive correlation with U contents, indicating the early syn-ore fluids were oxidizing. The δCe values show a negative correlation, indicating the later mineralization environment became reducing. The water–rock interactions of the early syn-ore stage resulted in oxidization of altered granites and reduction of the ore-forming fluids, and it was this reduction that led to the uranium mineralization. During alteration in the early syn-ore stage, the oxidizing fluids leached uranium from granites close to faults, and Fe2O3/FeO ratios increased in the alteration zones. The late syn-ore and post-ore alteration decreased the Fe2O3/FeO ratios in the alteration zones. The δ18OW–SMOW values of the ore-forming fluids range from −1.8‰ to 5.4‰, and the δDW–SMOW values range from −104.4‰ to −51.6‰, suggesting meteoric water. The meteoric water underwent at least two stages of water–rock interaction: the first caused the fluids to become uranium-bearing, and the second stage, which was primarily associated with ore-bearing faults, led to uranium deposition as pitchblende, accompanied by CO2 effervescence.  相似文献   

A major metallogenic belt with substantial resources of gold, lead, zinc, copper, and molybdenum is present in the southern Zhangguangcai Range, NE China. Several large porphyry Mo deposits are located in this belt, as for example at Jidetun, Fu’anpu, and Daheishan. Five molybdenite samples from the Jidetun deposit yielded an Re–Os isochron age of 168.6 ± 2.1 Ma (mean standard weighted deviation = 0.20), and this is consistent with the Re–Os isochron ages of the other Mo deposits in the southern Zhangguangcai Range, giving a Middle Jurassic age for metallogenesis. The Jidetun, Fu’anpu, and Daheishan deposits all tend to have weakly enriched 34S values of 0.80‰–3.20‰ and relatively low Re contents ranging from 3.073 to 43.567 ppm, which indicates the ore-forming materials were derived mainly from granitic magmas that had an origin in the mixture of crust and mantle. Three stages of mineralization can be identified in the deposits at Jidetun, Fu’anpu, and Daheishan. The original ore-forming fluids in stage I were characterized by high-temperature magmatic hydrothermal fluids that were most likely derived by exsolution from the Middle Jurassic ore-bearing magmas. However, two different fluid systems, NaCl–H2O–CO2 fluids and NaCl–H2O fluids, were widespread in stage I of porphyry Mo deposits in the southern Zhangguangcai Range. Taking into account the regional geological characteristics and tectonic setting, we suggest that two different emplacement modes of the ore-bearing magmas explain the different fluid systems in stage I: the first magmas were emplaced along the contact zones between the strata and earlier granitoids, whereas the second magmas were emplaced entirely within the earlier granitoid intrusions. The stage II and III fluids were characterized by relatively lower temperatures and low H–O isotopic values, indicating a gradual evolution from magmatic to meteoric sources.  相似文献   

The Datuanshan deposit is one of the largest and most representative stratabound copper deposits in the Tongling area,the largest ore district in the Middle-Lower Yangtze River metallogenic belt.The location of the orebodies is controlled by the interlayer-slipping faults between the Triassic and Permian strata,and all the orebodies are distributed in stratiform shape around the Mesozoic quartz monzodiorite dikes.Based on field evidence and petrographic observations,four mineralization stages in the Datuanshan deposit have been identified:the skarn,early quartz-sulfide,late quartzsulfide and carbonate stages.Chalcopytite is the main copper mineral and mainly formed at the late quartz-sulfide stage.Fluid inclusions at different stages were studied for petrography,microthermometry,laser Raman spectrometry and stable isotopes.Four types of fluid inclusions,including three-phase fluid inclusions(type 1),liquid-rich fluid inclusions(type 2),vapour-rich fluid inclusions(type 3) and pure vapour fluid inclusions(type 4),were observed.The minerals from the skarn,early and late quartz-sulfide stages contain all fluid inclusion types,but only type 2 fluid inclusions were observed at the carbonate stage.Petrographic observations suggest that most of the inclusions studied in this paper are likely primary.The coexistence of different types of fluid inclusions with contrasting homogenization characteristics(to the liquid and vapour phase,respectively) and similar homogenization temperatures(the modes are 440-480℃,380-400℃ and 280-320℃ for the skarn,early and late quartz-sulfide stages,respectively) in the first three stages,strongly suggests that three episodes of fluid boiling occurred during these stages,which is supported by the hydrogen isotope data.Laser Raman spectra identified CH_4 at the skarn and early quartz-sulfide stages.Combined with other geological features,the early ore-forming fluids were inferred to be under a relatively reduced environment.The CO_2 component has been identified at the late quartz-sulfide and carbonate stages,indicating that the late ore-forming fluids were under a relatively oxidized environment,probably as a result of inflow of and mixing with meteoric water.In addition,microthermometric results of fluid inclusions and H-O isotope data mdicate that the ore forming fluids were dominated by magmatic water in the early stages(skarn and early quartz-sulfide stages) and mixed with meteoric water in the late stages(late quartz-sulfide and carbonate stages).The evidence listed above suggests that the chalcopyrite deposition in the Datuanshan deposit probably resulted from the combination of multiepisode fluid boiling and mixing of magmatic and meteoric water.  相似文献   

The Tongshan copper deposit in Anhui Province is a typical mid-sized skarn and porphyry type deposit in the Anqing–Guichi district along the Middle–Lower Yangtze River Valley, eastern China. The Tongshan intrusion is closely related to this mineralization. The intrusion mainly comprises rocks that are quartz diorite porphyry, quartz monzonite porphyry, and granodiorite porphyry. Plagioclase in these rocks is mostly andesine (An = 31.0–42.9), along with minor oligoclase. Biotite is magnesium-rich [Mg/(Mg + Fe) = 0.52–0.67] and aluminum-poor (Al2O3 = 12.32–14.09 wt.%), and can be classified as magnesio-biotite. Hornblende is TiO2-poor (<1.96 wt.%) and magnesium-rich [Mg/(Mg + Fe) > 0.60], and is magnesio-hornblende or edenite. The SHRIMP zircon U–Pb age of the quartz monzonite porphyry is 145.1 ± 1.2 Ma, which corresponds to the middle Yanshanian period. Whole-rock geochemical results show that the rocks are silica-rich (SiO2 = 60.23–66.23 wt.%) and alkali-rich (K2O + Na2O = 4.97–8.72 wt.%), and low in calcium (CaO = 2.61–5.66 wt.%). Trace element results show enrichments in large ion lithophile element (e.g., K, Rb, and Ba) and depletions in some high field strength elements (e.g., Nb, Ta, P, and Ti). The total rare earth element (REE) content of the rocks is low (ΣREE < 200 μg/g), and they exhibit light REE enrichment [(La/Yb)N > 10] and small positive Eu anomalies (average δEu = 1.16). These mineralogical, geochronological, and geochemical results show that the intrusion has a mixed crust–mantle source. The Tongshan intrusion was formed by multiple emplacements of crustally contaminated basaltic magma generated by varying degrees of partial melting of enriched lithospheric mantle and lower crust. Hornblende thermobarometry yielded magmatic crystallization temperatures of 652–788 °C and an average crystallization pressure of 1.4 kbar, which corresponds to a depth of approx. 4.7 km. Biotite thermobarometry yielded similar temperatures and lower pressures of 735–775 °C and 0.6 kbar (depth 2.1 km), respectively. The parental magma had a high oxygen fugacity and was produced in a volcanic arc setting related to subduction of the paleo-Pacific plate.  相似文献   

The Tonglushan ore district in the Middle–Lower Yangtze River Valley metallogenic belt includes the Tonglushan Cu–Fe, the Jiguanzui Au–Cu, and the Taohuazui Au–Cu skarn deposits. They are characterized by NE-striking ore bodies and hosted at the contact of Triassic carbonate rocks and Late Mesozoic granitoid deposits. New Sensitive High-Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) and Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA–ICP-MS) zircon U–Pb, molybdenite Re–Os, and phlogopite 40Ar–39Ar ages indicate that these skarn deposits formed between 140.3 ± 1.1 and 137.3 ± 2.4 Ma. These dates are identical to the zircon U–Pb ages for host quartz diorites ranging from 140 ± 2 to 139 ± 1 Ma. These results confirm that both skarn mineralization and related intrusions were initiated during the Early Cretaceous. The high rhenium contents (261.4–1152 μg/g) of molybdenites indicate that a metasomatic mantle fluid was involved in the ore-forming process of these skarn ore systems. This conclusion is consistent with previously published constraints from sulfur, deuterium, and oxygen isotope compositions, and the geochemical signatures, and Sr–Nd isotopic data of the mineralization-hosting intrusions. Geological and geochronological evidence demonstrates that there were two igneous events in the Tonglushan ore district. The first resulted in the emplacement of quartz diorite during the Early Cretaceous (140 ± 2 to 139 ± 1 Ma), and the second is characterized by the eruption of volcanic rocks during the mid-Early Cretaceous (130 ± 2 to 124 ± 2 Ma). The former is spatially, temporally and genetically associated with skarn gold-bearing mineralization (140.3 ± 1.1 to 137.3 ± 2.4 Ma). The recognition of these two igneous events invalidates previous models that proposed continuous magmatism and associated mineral deposits in the Middle–Lower Yangtze River Valley metallogenic belt.  相似文献   

The Zhazixi Sb–W deposit in the Xuefeng uplift, South China, exhibits a unique metal association of W and Sb, where the W orebodies are hosted by interlayer fractures and the Sb orebodies are contained within NW-trending faults. This study proposes that the W and Sb mineralization took place in two separate periods. The mineral paragenesis of the W mineralization reveals a mass of quartz, scheelite and minor calcite. The mineral assemblage of the Sb mineralization developed after W mineralization and consists of predominantly quartz and stibnite, and small amounts of native Sb, berthierite, chalcostibnite, pyrite, and chalcopyrite. Fluid inclusions in quartz and coexisting scheelite are dominated by two-phase, liquid-rich, aqueous inclusions at room temperature. Microthermometric studies suggest that ore-forming fluids for W mineralization are characterized by moderate temperatures (170–270 °C), low salinity (3–7 wt% NaCl equiv.), low density (0.75–0.95 g/cm3), and moderate to high pressure (57.2–99.7 MPa) and these fluids experienced a cooling and dilution evolution during W mineralization. Ore-forming fluids for Sb mineralization are epithermal types with low temperatures (150–230 °C), low salinity (4–6 wt% NaCl equiv.), moderate density (0.82–0.94 g/cm3), and high pressure (42.2–122.5 MPa) and these fluids display an evident decline in homogenization temperature during Sb mineralization. Laser Raman analyses of the vapor phase indicate that the ore-forming fluids for both W and Sb mineralization contain a small amount of CO2.The ore-forming fluids for Sb mineralization are identified as predominantly originating from the continental crust, as suggested by the low 3He values (0.009 × 10−12 cc.STP/g) and 3He/4He ratios (0.002–0.056 Ra) as well as high 36Ar values (1.93 × 10−9 cc.STP/g) and 40Ar/36Ar ratios (909.5–2279.7). The source of S is identified to be the Neoproterozoic Wuqiangxi Formation, as traced by the δ34SV-CDT values of stibnite (3.1–9.4‰). The 208Pb/204Pb (37.643–40.222), 207Pb/204Pb (15.456–15.681), and 206Pb/204Pb (17.093–20.042) ratios suggest a mixture of lower crustal and supracrustal Pb sources.It is thus concluded that the ore genesis of the Zhazixi Sb–W deposit is related to the intracontinental orogeny during the early Mesozoic. Fluid mixing is considered to be the critical mechanism involved in W mineralization, whereas a fluid cooling process is responsible for Sb mineralization. Furthermore, the absence of Au is attributed to the low Σas content in Sb-mineralizing fluids.  相似文献   

The Sossego iron oxide–copper–gold deposit (245 Mt @ 1.1% Cu, 0.28 g/t Au) in the Carajás Mineral Province of Brazil consists of two major groups of orebodies (Pista–Sequeirinho–Baiano and Sossego–Curral) with distinct alteration assemblages that are separated from each other by a major high angle fault. The deposit is located along a regional WNW–ESE-striking shear zone that defines the contact between metavolcano–sedimentary units of the ∼2.76 Ga Itacaiúnas Supergroup and tonalitic to trondhjemitic gneisses and migmatites of the ∼2.8 Ga Xingu Complex. The deposit is hosted by granite, granophyric granite, gabbro, and felsic metavolcanic rocks. The Pista–Sequeirinho–Baiano orebodies have undergone regional sodic (albite–hematite) alteration and later sodic–calcic (actinolite-rich) alteration associated with the formation of massive magnetite–(apatite) bodies. Both these alteration assemblages display ductile to ductile–brittle fabrics. They are cut by spatially restricted zones of potassic (biotite and potassium feldspar) alteration that grades outward to chlorite-rich assemblages. The Sossego–Curral orebodies contain weakly developed early albitic alteration and very poorly developed subsequent calcic–sodic alteration. These orebodies contain well-developed potassic alteration assemblages that were formed during brittle deformation that resulted in the formation of breccia bodies. Breccia matrix commonly displays coarse mineral infill suggestive of growth into open space. Sulfides in both groups of deposits were precipitated first with potassic alteration and more importantly with a later assemblage of calcite–quartz–epidote–chlorite. In the Sequeirinho orebodies, sulfides range from undeformed to deformed; sulfides in the Sossego–Curral orebodies are undeformed. Very late, weakly mineralized hydrolytic alteration is present in the Sossego/Currral orebodies. The sulfide assemblage is dominated by chalcopyrite with subsidiary siegenite, and millerite. Pyrrhotite and pyrite are minor constituents of ore in the Sequerinho orebodies while pyrite is relatively abundant in the Sossego–Curral bodies. Oxygen isotope partitioning between mineral pairs constrains temperatures in the deposit spatially and through time. In the Sequeirinho orebody, the early sodic–calcic alteration stage was characterized by temperatures exceeding 500°C and values for the alteration fluid of 6.9 ± 0.9‰. Temperature declines outward and upward from the zone of most intense alteration. Paragenetically later copper–gold mineralization displays markedly lower temperatures (<300°C) and was characterized by the introduction of 18O-depleted hydrothermal fluids −1.8 ± 3.4‰. The calculated δDH2O and values suggest that the fluids that formed the early calcic–sodic alteration assemblage were of formational/metamorphic or magmatic origin. The decrease of values through time may reflect influx of surficially derived waters during later alteration and mineralization events. Influx of such fluids could be related to episodic fluid overpressure, resulting in dilution and cooling of the metalliferous fluid, causing deposition of metals transported as metal chloride complexes.  相似文献   

The Zhifang Mo deposit is located in the northeastern Qinling Orogen along the southern margin of the North China Craton. The deposit represents a quartz-vein system hosted in the Mesoproterozoic Xiong'er Group volcanic rocks. We identify three hydrothermal stages (early, middle and late), characterized by veinlets of quartz–pyrite, quartz–molybdenite–pyrite–chalcopyrite–galena–sphalerite, and quartz–carbonate assemblages, respectively. Five molybdenite samples from the Zhifang deposit yield Re–Os ages ranging from 241.2 ± 1.6 Ma to 247.4 ± 2.5 Ma, with an isochron age of 246.0 ± 5.2 Ma (2σ, MSWD = 7.4), and a weighted mean age of 243.8 ± 2.8 Ma (2σ, MSWD = 5.5). The Re–Os age shows that the Mo mineralization occurred during the Indosinian Orogeny, and suggests that the mineralization is unrelated to the Yanshanian magmatism or the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic volcanic–hydrothermal event.This study also reports a new Sr–Nd–Pb isotope dataset from ore sulfides in an attempt to constrain the source of the ore-forming fluids. Ten sulfide samples from middle stage of the Zhifang Mo deposit yield ISr(t) ratios of 0.710286–0.711943, with an average of 0.711004; εNd(t) values between − 19.5 and − 14.8, with an average of − 16.7; and (206Pb/204Pb)i, (207Pb/204Pb)i and (208Pb/204Pb)i ratios of 17.126–17.535, 15.374–15.466 and 37.485–37.848, with averages of 17.380, 15.410 and 37.631, respectively. One pyrite from the early stage yield ISr(t) of 0.722711–0.722855, with an average of 0.722783, which is higher than those of the middle stage sulfides and suggests equilibration with wallrocks. The εNd(t) values are in the range of − 17.3 to − 16.6 with a mean at − 17.0; and (206Pb/204Pb)i, (207Pb/204Pb)i and (208Pb/204Pb)i ratios are 17.386, 15.405 and 37.622, respectively. The ore sulfides show higher Pb-isotope ratios, higher εNd(t) and lower ISr(t) values than the host rocks. The results suggest that the ore-forming fluids had lower ISr(t), and higher εNd(t) values than the ore sulfides, and were possibly sourced from the Dengfeng Complex. The southward subduction of the North China Craton beneath the Huaxiong Block during the Triassic was possibly responsible for the formation of the Waifangshan orogenic Mo system.  相似文献   

The Keketale Pb–Zn deposit is located in the Devonian volcanic-sedimentary Maizi basin of the Altay orogenic belt. The mineralization at Keketale is hosted in marbles and deformed volcanic tuffs and biotite–garnet–chlorite schists, folded into a series of overturned synclines formed in multiple deformation events. Keketale contains economic amounts of Pb (0.89 Mt @ 1.51 wt.%), Zn (1.94 Mt @ 3.16 wt.%) and Ag (650 t @ 40 g/t).Detailed petrographic studies have defined two main generations of sulfide development. The banded pyrite of the early Stage A is commonly stratiform, with minor galena, sphalerite and chalcopyrite. Stage B is characterized by a large amount of polymetallic sulfides including pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena, with minor pyrite hosted in quartz veins.Three types of fluid inclusions (FIs), including mixed carbonic-aqueous (C-type), pure carbonic (PC-type) and aqueous (W-type), have been recognized in quartz of stage B. The C-type FIs have homogenization temperatures of 150–326 °C and salinities of 0.2–16.6 wt.% NaCl equivalent. The PC-type FIs are dominated by CO2 with minor CH4 and N2 and have initial ice-melting temperatures of − 57.5 to − 56.7 °C, CO2 homogenization temperatures of 11–14.1 °C. The W-type primary FIs were completely homogenized at temperatures of 124–359 °C with salinities of 5.0–14.6 wt.% NaCl equivalent. Such CO2-rich fluid inclusions are consistent with those discovered in orogenic-type deposits in the Altay area and elsewhere.Muscovite separates from the polymetallic quartz veinlets of stage B yield a well-defined 40Ar/39Ar isotopic plateau age of 259.33 ± 2.56 Ma, with an isochron age of 259.62 ± 2.65 Ma. This age is coeval with the closure of the Paleo-Asia Ocean and reactivation of the Ertix Fault system.LA-ICP-MS analyses of two generations of pyrite indicate that the banded pyrite of stage A is relatively depleted in metallic elements and contains low contents of Cu (0.39 ppm), Ag (0.20 ppm), Au (below the detection limits), Pb (17.43 ppm) and Zn (14.38 ppm); whereas the pyrite in quartz–polymetallic sulfide veinlets of the stage B is relatively rich in metallic elements, e.g., Cu (2.56 ppm), Ag (3.07 ppm), Au (0.01 ppm), Pb (1047 ppm) and Zn (1136 ppm). The trace amounts of Cu, Pb, Zn, Au and Ag are interpreted to have been initially locked in the lattice of type-A pyrite, and then liberated and precipitated as micromineral inclusions with type-B pyrite during subsequent metamorphism and deformation.Two key factors are considered vital to the formation of economic ores of the Keketale Pb–Zn deposit, namely the original Devonian banded pyrite formed in a VMS system and subsequent Permian deformation and metamorphic processes that liberated Cu, Pb, Zn, Au and Ag from the lattice of type-A pyrite to form galena, sphalerite and chalcopyrite with minor muscovite in quartz veinlets. The model provides a new interpretation of VMS Pb–Zn deposit occurring in back-arc basin environments followed by collision, and new insights into the unique regional Fe–Cu–Pb–Zn–Au mineralization in the Altay orogenic belt.  相似文献   

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