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A dense seismic reflection survey with up to 250-m line-spacing has been conducted in a 15 × 15 km wide area offshore southwestern Taiwan where Bottom Simulating Reflector is highly concentrated and geochemical signals for the presence of gas hydrate are strong. A complex interplay between north–south trending thrust faults and northwest–southeast oblique ramps exists in this region, leading to the formation of 3 plunging anticlines arranged in a relay pattern. Landward in the slope basin, a north–south trending diapiric fold, accompanied by bright reflections and numerous diffractions on the seismic profiles, extends across the entire survey area. This fold is bounded to the west by a minor east-verging back-thrust and assumes a symmetric shape, except at the northern and southern edges of this area, where it actively overrides the anticlines along a west-verging thrust, forming a duplex structure. A clear BSR is observed along 67% of the acquired profiles. The BSR is almost continuous in the slope basin but poorly imaged near the crest of the anticlines. Local geothermal gradient values estimated from BSR sub-bottom depths are low along the western limb and crest of the anticlines ranging from 40 to 50 °C/km, increase toward 50–60 °C/km in the slope basin and 55–65 °C/km along the diapiric fold, and reach maximum values of 70 °C/km at the southern tip of the Good Weather Ridge. Furthermore, the local dips of BSR and sedimentary strata that crosscut the BSR at intersections of any 2 seismic profiles have been computed. The stratigraphic dips indicated a dominant east–west shortening in the study area, but strata near the crest of the plunging anticlines generally strike to southwest almost perpendicular to the direction of plate convergence. The intensity of the estimated bedding-guided fluid and gas flux into the hydrate stability zone is weaker than 2 in the slope basin and the south-central half of the diapiric fold, increases to 7 in the northern half of the diapiric fold and plunging anticlines, and reaches a maximum of 16 at the western frontal thrust system. Rapid sedimentation, active tectonics and fluid migration paths with significant dissolved gas content impact on the mechanism for BSR formation and gas hydrate accumulation. As we begin to integrate the results from these studies, we are able to outline the regional variations, and discuss the importance of structural controls in the mechanisms leading to the gas hydrate emplacements.  相似文献   

The accretionary wedge of offshore southwestern Taiwan contains abundant deposits of gas hydrate beneath the sea floor. High concentrations of methane in pore waters are observed at several locations with little data concerning historical methane venting available. To understand temporal variation of methane venting in sediments over geologic time, a 23-m-long Calypso piston core (MD05-2911) was collected on the flank of the Yung-An Ridge. Pore water sulfate, dissolved sulfide, dissolved iron, methane, sedimentary pyrite, acid volatile sulfide, reactive iron, organic carbon and nitrogen as well as carbonate δ13C were analyzed.Three zones with markedly different pyrite concentration were found at the study site. Unit I sediments (>20 mbsf) were characterized with a high amount of pyrite (251–380 μmol/g) and a δ13C-depleted carbonate, Unit II sediments (15–20 mbsf) with a low pyrite (15–43 μmol/g) and a high content of iron oxide mineral and Unit III sediments (<10 mbsf) by a present-day sulfate–methane interface (SMI) at 5 m with a high amount of pyrite (84–221 μmol/g) and a high concentration of dissolved sulfide.The oscillation records of pyrite concentrations are controlled by temporal variations of methane flux. With an abundant supply of methane to Unit I and III, anaerobic methane oxidation and associated sulfate reduction favor diagenetic conditions conducive for significant pyrite formation. No AOM signal was found in Unit II, characterized by typical organically-limited normal marine sediments with little pyrite formation. The AOM induced pyrite formation near the SMI generates a marked pyrite signature, rendering such formation of pyrite as a useful proxy in identifying methane flux oscillation in a methane flux fluctuate environment.  相似文献   

Bottom simulating reflectors (BSRs) observed on seismic sections are often considered as indicators for the existence of free gas, delineating the base of the gas hydrate stability zone. Abundant BSRs seen on seismic sections acquired off the SW coast of Taiwan indicate the likely and prevalent existence of gas hydrates in the study area. This study aims to characterize the occurrence of BSRs off SW Taiwan and to understand their relationship to topography, tectonic activity, and possible migration paths of gas-bearing fluids in this area.  相似文献   

Multi-scale reflection seismic data, from deep-penetration to high-resolution, have been analyzed and integrated with near-surface geophysical and geochemical data to investigate the structures and gas hydrate system of the Formosa Ridge offshore of southwestern Taiwan. In 2007, dense and large chemosynthetic communities were discovered on top of the Formosa Ridge at water depth of 1125 m by the ROV Hyper-Dolphin. A continuous and strong BSR has been observed on seismic profiles from 300 to 500 ms two-way-travel-time below the seafloor of this ridge. Sedimentary strata of the Formosa Ridge are generally flat lying which suggests that this ridge was formed by submarine erosion processes of down-slope canyon development. In addition, some sediment waves and mass wasting features are present on the ridge. Beneath the cold seep site, a vertical blanking zone, or seismic chimney, is clearly observed on seismic profiles, and it is interpreted to be a fluid conduit. A thick low velocity zone beneath BSR suggests the presence of a gas reservoir there. This “gas reservoir” is shallower than the surrounding canyon floors along the ridge; therefore as warm methane-rich fluids inside the ridge migrate upward, sulfate carried by cold sea water can flow into the fluid system from both flanks of the ridge. This process may drive a fluid circulation system and the active cold seep site which emits both hydrogen sulfide and methane to feed the chemosynthetic communities.  相似文献   

Single-channel seismic recording was carried out off the southwestern coast of Taiwan. Six characteristic seismic facies associated with bottom simulating reflectors (BSRs) and mud diapirs are identified. The existence of reflections which mimic the seafloor, the reverse polarity, weak amplitude blocks, and strong diffraction patterns around the mud diapirs all suggest that gas hydrates exist in the deep-water regions. The bases of the hydrate stability zones upturn in the vicinity of mud volcanoes. The high heat flows of mud volcanoes provide heat sources which destabilize the gas hydrates and upturn the BSRs. Received: 24 March 1999 / Revision accepted: 10 December 1999  相似文献   

In this study, we present the results of the combined analyses of ocean bottom seismometer and multi-channel seismic reflection data collection offshore southwestern Taiwan, with respect to the presence of gas hydrates and free gas within the accretionary wedge sediments. Estimates of the compressional velocities along EW9509-33 seismic reflection profile are obtained by a series of pre-stack depth migrations in a layer stripping streamlined Deregowski loop. Strong BSR is imaged over most of the reflection profile while low velocity zones are imaged below BSR at several locations. Amplitude versus angle analysis that are performed within the pre-stack depth migration processes reveal strong negative P-impedance near the bottom of the hydrate stability zone, commonly underlain by sharp positive P impedance layers associated with negative pseudo-Poisson attribute areas, indicating the presence of free gas below the BSR. Ray tracing of the acoustic arrivals with a model derived from the migration velocities generally fits the vertical and hydrophone records of the four ocean-bottom seismographs (OBS). In order to estimate the Poisson’s ratios in the shallow sediments at the vicinity of the OBSs, we analyze the mode-converted arrivals in the wide-angle horizontal component. P-S mode converted reflections are dominant, while upward P-S transmissions are observed at large offsets. We observe significant compressional velocity and Poisson’s ratio pull-down in the sediment below the BSR likely to bear free gas. When compared to Poisson’s ratio predicted by mechanical models, the values proposed for the OBSs yield rough estimates of gas hydrate saturation in the range of 0–10% in the layers above the BSR and of free gas saturation in the range of 0–2% just below the BSR.  相似文献   

The physical impact of offshore dredging on the reclamation area at the Changhwa coast, Taiwan, is investigated using a three-dimensional movable-bed model test. A distorted modeling law consisting of maintaining similarity of the equilibrium beach profile between the model and prototype is proposed. The geometric distortion was verified through a series of preliminary experiments conducted in a wave flume. Experimental results show that the distorted modeling is able to reproduce the beach-face slope in nature. An appropriate long-term morphological time-scale was determined based on a comparison of model longshore littoral transport rates and equivalent prototype values. Seabed topographical changes before and after offshore dredging are evaluated in model tests. A suitable countermeasure to prevent beach erosion from wave attack along the reclamation area is suggested from the experimental results.  相似文献   

Using bathymetry and reflection seismic profiles this study reveals the nature of the modern ponded Fangliao Fan within a framework of sediment infilling of an intra-slope basin on a tectonically active margin off southwestern Taiwan. The Fangliao Fan begins at the mouth of Fangliao Canyon at a water depth of 900 m and terminates down-slope at the escarpment of a linear ridge north of the Kaoping Slope Valley at a water depth of about 1,100 m, sediment gravity flows being prevented from farther down-slope transport due to ponding against this bathymetric high. The fan appears as a distinct basinward-opening triangular depocenter confined by ridges on both sides and the NW–SE trending ridge aligned normal to the elongation of the fan. These topographic ridges were formed by mud-diapiric intrusions. The external form of the ponded Fangliao Fan is characterized by a fan-valley fill pattern that has a concave cross-sectional morphology, in contrast to typical mounded fans deposited on slope-basin plains having a smooth topography. Sediment episodically funneled through the Fangliao Canyon from upslope areas and derived from the flanks of the mud-diapiric ridges are mainly transported by mass movement before being re-dispersed by unconfined channels to infill the intra-slope basin, thereby building up channelized fan complexes with poorly developed levees. The sediment flows from the mouth of Fangliao Canyon flow down-slope along the west flank of the Fangliao Ridge. In the process, a feeder channel has been eroded into the seafloor along which sediment is transported to the distal parts of the fan. Sediment west of the feeder channel is mainly redistributed by mass movement and/or fan channels to fill up the irregular topographic low in the slope. Due to a very low sediment supply, Fangliao Fan represents a starved ponded slope fan. As such it provides insights into the processes by which ponded fans develop and can therefore serve as an analog for similar fans developed on topographically complex slopes elsewhere. The morpho-structural features of the Fangliao Fan resulted from the interplay between sediment supply, uplift of the mud-diapiric ridge, mass movements, and alternating incision and deposition.  相似文献   

Eastward migration of the Caribbean plate relative to the South American plate has caused lithospheric loading along the northern margin of South America, which is recorded by an 1100-km-long foreland basin which is oldest in the west (Maracaibo basin, 65-55 Ma) and youngest in the east (Columbus basin, eastern offshore Trinidad, 15-0 Ma). The Orinoco River has been the primary source of sediment for the basin since early Miocene. We have integrated approximately 775 km of deep-penetration 2D seismic lines acquired in the area of eastern offshore Trinidad as part of the 2004 “Broadband Ocean-Land Investigations of Venezuela and the Antilles arc Region” (BOLIVAR) project, 8000 km2 of shallow industry 3D seismic data, and published industry well data from offshore eastern Trinidad. Active mud diapirism in the Columbus basin is widespread and is related to overthrusting and tectono-sedimentary loading of upper Miocene-lower Pliocene age mud. Analysis of the shallow 3D seismic data reveals the presence of extensive gravity-flow depositional elements on the Columbus basin slope and the deepwater area. These stacked gravity-flow deposits are characterized by mass-transport deposits at the base, turbidite frontal-splay deposits, leveed-channel deposits, and capped by fine-grained condensed-section deposits. Exploration targets in the deepwater area are located towards the center of the Columbus basin, where northeast-trending fault-propagation folds are important Plio-Pleistocene trap-forming elements. Deep basin wells drilled in recent years have proven that turbidites were transported into the deepwater Columbus basin during the Plio-Pleistocene. Analysis of these well results suggests that a deeper oil charge is present within the deepwater Columbus basin area. The primary uncertainty for this variable hydrocarbon system is whether fault or diapiric pathways connect or divert the petroleum charge at depth with shallower reservoir rocks.  相似文献   

Mechanical compaction of sand-rich reservoirs usually occurs during shallow burial and involves the rearrangement of framework grains and the ductile deformation of soft lithoclasts. The reservoir quality (porosity and permeability) of some Neogene sandstones of the South Caspian Basin has, however, been dramatically reduced by mechanical compaction involving extensive grain-fracturing (i.e. porosity collapse). These sandstones were probably susceptible to pervasive grain-fracturing because they were buried rapidly and experienced compressional deformation prior to reaching 80 °C. Consequently, they did not undergo quartz cementation and were therefore exposed to high stresses while they were extremely weak. Grain-size and structural position are also important controls on the distribution of grain fracturing in the onshore analogue in the Apsheron Peninsula. Microstructural analysis confirms that susceptibility to distributed grain-fracturing increases with increasing grain-size. Structural position has also an important impact on the distribution of porosity collapse. In particular, sandstones within the hinges of folded sections have undergone much more extensive grain-fracturing than within the surrounding area; the increased stresses in this structural position have enhanced distributed grain-fracturing and subsequent deformation band development.  相似文献   

The foraminiferal (planktonic and benthic) and nannofosssil assemblages have been analyzed in the sediments of Core ACB-17-1447 taken from the South America continental slope north of the Rio Grande Rise piedmont during Cruise 17 of the R/V Akademik Sergey Vavilov. The core section is largely composed of carbonate and marly hemipelagic mud. The Quaternary age of the host sediments is evident from the occurrence of the planktonic foraminiferal index species Globorotalia truncatulinoides. Based on the nannofossil assemblages, the core sediments are attributed to the upper Pleistocene-Holocene. They contain abundant reworked Pliocene, Miocene, and Paleogene taxa transported from the slopes of the underwater Rio Grande Rise. The paleotemperature analysis of the planktonic foraminifers provided data for constructing the temperature curve that demonstrates two warm peaks. During the first warm period (Interval of 7–9 cm), the surface water temperature was as high as 26°C (Holocene optimum), which exceeds by 3–4°C its presentday values and implies the more intense warm Brazil Current. The earlier warm peak with temperatures up to 24°C recorded in the upper Pleistocene sediments (Interval of 69–71 cm) most likely reflects the 3rd oxygenisotope stage (MIS 3), which corresponds to the interstadial phase of the last glaciation (30–40 ka ago). Based on the abundances, taxonomic diversity, and proportions of the characteristic species of benthic foraminifers, the Core ASV-17-1447 section is divided into six intervals correlated with the marine isotopic stages defined by both the planktonic foraminifers and climatic changes evident from the variations in the bottom water circulation along the southwestern slope of the Brazilian Basin during the Late Quaternary.  相似文献   

基于2010—2013年严重影响浙江沿海的热带气旋资料、浙江省自动气象站及宁波凉帽山370 m高塔资料,引入兰金涡旋模型,提出一种最大风速半径计算方案,进行最大风速半径和不同形状因子的试验和检验分析。结果发现:对于严重影响浙江沿海海面的热带气旋,选择适当形状因子的兰金涡旋模型是适用的,形状因子与热带气旋结构有关,对强风带范围大的热带气旋形状因子取值相对大,形状因子在0.8—1.1之间得到浙江沿海站点兰金风速平均误差最小值。气象站点距离海岸线远近对兰金风速误差有最重要的影响,站点越远离海岸线,其兰金模型风速越接近实况,站点越靠近海岸线,其兰金风速越容易比实况偏强。多元回归订正能在一定程度上减小兰金风速误差。宁波凉帽山高塔资料分析表明:选择适当的形状因子可使得拟合边界层风廓线更接近于实况。  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments on the dynamics of a downwelling coastal current over a sloping bottom were conducted in a tank on a rotating platform. The current was generated by a source of stable water flow of the same density (barotropic case) or of lesser density (baroclinic case) compared with the surrounding water in the tank. It was found that even in the case of the baroclinic current, a less dense water downflow in the bottom Ekman layer was formed under certain conditions. At some moment, this downflow undergoes convective instability. Taking into account the results of the experiment, the parameters of the bottom Ekman layer on the continental shelf/slope of the Black Sea were preliminarily estimated and the possible sinking depth of less dense water was calculated.  相似文献   

基于多变量极值理论的联合概率模型,根据BZ28—1油田一年多的风浪同步观测资料统计得到风浪联合概率分布及其参数,讨论了海洋平台结构系统可靠度分析的等效荷载方法,在此基础上分析了JZ20—2MUQ平台结构的系统可靠度,并与不考虑风浪相关性影响的JZ20—2MUQ平台结构的系统可靠度比较,得到了风浪相关性对系统可靠度的影响情况。  相似文献   

New data on Anthomedusae are included. Seven new species and 2 new combinations are described. An additional Teissiera polypofera Xu, Huang and Chen, 1991 is redescribed and its position of taxonomy is discussed. Other lists of species on Anthomedusae are summarized.  相似文献   

Data presented in this paper are part of an extensive investigation of the physics of cross-shelf water mass exchange in the north-east of New Zealand and its effect on biological processes. Levels of dissolved dimethylsulfide (DMS) were quantified in relation to physical processes and phytoplankton biomass. Measurements were made at three main sites over the north-east continental shelf of New Zealand's North Island during a current-driven upwelling event in late spring 1996 (October) and an oceanic surface water intrusion event in summer 1997 (January). DMS concentrations in the euphotic zone ranged between 0.4 and 12.9 nmol dm−3. Integrated water column DMS concentrations ranged from 33 to 173 μmol m−2 in late spring during the higher biomass (15–62 Chl-a mg m−2) month of October, and from 25 to 38 μmol m−2 in summer during the generally lower biomass (16–42 Chl-a mg m−2) month of January. We observed high levels of DMS in the surface waters at an Inner Shelf site in association with a Noctiluca scintillans bloom which is likely to have enhanced lysis of DMSP-producing algal cells during phagotrophy. Integrated DMS concentrations increased three-fold at a Mid Shelf site over a period of a week in conjunction with a doubling of algal biomass. A high correlation (r2=0.911, significant <0.001) of integrated DMS and chlorophyll-a concentrations for compiled data from all stations indicated that chlorophyll-a biomass may be a reasonable predictor of DMS in this region, even under highly variable hydrographic conditions. Integrated bacterial production was inversely correlated to DMS production, indicating active bacterial consumption of DMS and/or its precursor.  相似文献   

基于CWRF模式(Climate Extension of Weather Research and Forecast Model)结果,探讨了8种云微物理参数化方案对1986—2015年间东亚近海热带气旋的空间分布、频数及强度模拟的影响。结果发现:CWRF模式中各云微物理参数化方案模拟的热带气旋频数普遍较观测偏少,其模拟的强度相比观测也偏弱;热带气旋的空间分布和频数对云微物理参数化方案的选择较为敏感,而云微物理方案的选择对热带气旋强度的模拟影响不大; Morrison方案和Morrison-a方案模拟的热带气旋空间分布更接近于观测,但对热带气旋频数及强度的年际变化趋势模拟得较差,而GSFCGCE方案的TS评分及强度、频数的相关系数均较其他方案偏高。综合来看,采用GSFCGCE方案模拟热带气旋活动总体最优。进一步分析发现,相较于Morrison方案和Thompson方案,考虑气溶胶影响的Thompson-a和Morrison-a方案不仅可以有效提高对热带气旋频数及空间分布的模拟能力,还对热带气旋频数及强度年际变化趋势的模拟能力也有所提升。  相似文献   

Magnetic and bathymetric studies on the Konkan basin of the southwestern continental margin of India reveal prominent NNW-SSE, NW-SE, ENE-WSW, and WNW-ESE structural trends. The crystalline basement occurs at about 5–6 km below the mean sea level. A mid-shelf basement ridge, a shelf margin basin, and the northern extension of the Prathap Ridge complex are also inferred. The forces created by the sea-floor spreading at Carlsberg Ridge since late Cretaceous appears to shape the present-day southwestern continental margin of India and caused the offsets in the structural features along the preexisting faults.  相似文献   

利用美国国家大气研究中心研制的第三代公共气候模式CCM3/NCAR,设计了一系列数值试验,研究非洲大陆、印度半岛、中南半岛与其周围的阿拉伯海、印度洋和孟加拉湾及南海海陆交叉分布对亚洲冬季风环流形成的重要作用.试验结果表明:亚洲南部地区的阿拉伯海、孟加拉湾和南海冬季风及其越赤道气流的存在与非洲大陆-阿拉伯海-印度半岛-孟加拉湾-中南半岛-南海的海陆热力差异有关;并且冬季热带地区北风分量的产生也与次行星尺度海陆热力差有关,同时这些次行星尺度海陆热力差也对副热带和高纬度冬季风形成有明显作用.试验结果也表明中南半岛不仅对临近的冬季风有局地的影响,对冬季风的传播也有重要的作用,中南半岛的存在减弱了流向孟加拉湾和印度的冬季偏东风气流,使部分气流在南海转向,形成了南海冬季风;另外,非洲陆地、印度半岛和中南半岛的存在都能对其高空的副热带急流产生重要的影响,尤其是印度半岛和中南半岛的存在对高原南支副热带急流的维持有重要的作用;另外也讨论了这些陆地与海洋间的热力差对冬季地面气温和降水的影响.  相似文献   

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