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Rebbachisauridae is a poorly understood clade of diplodocoid sauropod dinosaurs, currently known only from the Cretaceous of Africa, Europe and South America. European representatives are particularly rare and fragmentary. Here, we report an anterior caudal vertebra from the Barremian (Early Cretaceous) Wessex Formation of the Isle of Wight, off the southern coast of England. This specimen possesses several features known only in rebbachisaurids and shares two synapomorphies with the Afro-European taxa Demandasaurus darwini and Nigersaurus taqueti, both pertaining to the morphology of the neural spine. These features are the development of triangular lateral processes and the presence of an elliptical fossa on the lateral surface, bounded by the lateral lamina and postspinal rugosity. The Isle of Wight specimen also shares several features solely with Demandasaurus, indicating a close relationship with the Spanish taxon. These include the presence of a hyposphenal ridge, as well as an anteriorly excavated caudal rib that is restricted almost entirely to the neural arch. However, it differs from Demandasaurus in a number of ways, including the lack of excavation on the posterior surface of the caudal rib, the orientation of the neural spine, and the composition and morphology of the lateral lamina. In addition, the Isle of Wight vertebra possesses one potential autapomorphy: bifurcation of the elliptical fossa on the neural spine. However, because of the fragmentary nature of the material, a new name is not erected. Along with Demandasaurus and Histriasaurus boscarollii, this caudal vertebra indicates the presence of at least three European rebbachisaurid taxa and provides new anatomical information on this enigmatic clade of sauropod dinosaurs.  相似文献   

A new long-necked sauropod dinosaur, Yunmenglong ruyangensis gen. et sp. nov., is erected on the basis of an incomplete skeleton from the late Early Cretaceous Haoling Formation of the Ruyang Basin, Henan Province. The characters of the anterior cervical vertebrae, the shape of the neural canal of the dorsal vertebra and the ball-shaped distal end of the neural spine of caudal vertebrae with coarse surfaces differ from other long-necked sauropod dinosaurs. The new genus has characters in common with both Euhelopus and Erketu; it represents the first long-necked sauropod dinosaur recorded from central China to date. The rod-like, well-developed epipophyses and the pleurocoels on the cervical vertebrae indicate that it may be close to Euhelopus, an observation also confirmed by a phylogenetic analysis, which shows that Erketu, Yunmenglong and Qiaowanlong form a clade, and are more derived than Euhelopus.  相似文献   

记河南汝阳白垩纪一新的巨型晰脚类恐龙   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述了产自河南汝阳地区晚白垩世早期莽川组一新的巨型蜥脚类恐龙--巨型汝阳龙(新属新种):Ruyangosaurus giganteus gen.et sp.nov..它具有以下特征:神经棘低,缺少椎前关节突隔板,神经弓的侧面具有大的、不规则的三角形凹,前关节横突隔板前后伸展,胫骨粗壮,达127 cm等.汝阳龙的发现显示在晚白垩世早期蜥脚类恐龙发生的分异程度要比以前想象的高得多.  相似文献   

Determining the relationships of mid-Late Cretaceous African taxa is central to understanding the timing and resultant palaeobiogeographical patterns of Gondwanan fragmentation. The early Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Kem Kem beds of southeastern Morocco preserve a diverse vertebrate fauna, including sauropod dinosaurs. Sauropod material includes the holotype of the rebbachisaurid diplodocoid Rebbachisaurus garasbae and fragmentary remains representing indeterminate titanosauriforms and rebbachisaurids. Here, we describe two new specimens from the Kem Kem beds. A dorsal neural arch with complex internal pneumaticity is tentatively attributed to a somphospondylan titanosauriform. A caudal vertebra possessing several rebbachisaurid synapomorphies is excavated by a large and pervasive lateral pneumatic foramen, a feature undocumented in other rebbachisaurids. However, caudal vertebrae are currently unknown for the sympatric R. garasbae, so this element could be referable to that taxon or a second, previously unknown, rebbachisaurid species. Interestingly, this new caudal vertebra displays a mosaic of features otherwise restricted to limaysaurine or nigersaurine rebbachisaurids, suggesting a placement basal to these clades, which is the position usually recovered for R. garasbae in phylogenetic analyses. A review of the mid-Cretaceous African sauropod fossil record removes the Cretaceous record of dicraeosaurids from Africa, restricting this clade to a single post-Jurassic occurrence in Argentina. All diagnostic sauropod remains can be attributed to titanosauriforms or rebbachisaurids. Whereas rebbachisaurids were seemingly restricted to northwestern Africa and disappeared post-Cenomanian, titanosauriforms were widespread across the African continent and survived until the latest Cretaceous. The development of the mid-Cretaceous Trans-Saharan Seaway might have acted as a dispersal barrier for rebbachisaurids and other vertebrate groups. In contrast, titanosauriforms might have been able to cross this barrier, but it is possible that they were also unable to disperse, and that northwestern African titanosauriforms were not closely related to taxa from the rest of the African continent. New materials and a better understanding of titanosaur interrelationships will be crucial in teasing these scenarios apart.  相似文献   

记河南汝阳白垩纪一新的巨型蜥脚类恐龙   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
记述了产自河南汝阳地区晚白垩世早期莽川组一新的巨型蜥脚类恐龙——巨型汝阳龙(新属新种):Ruyangosaurus giganteus gen. et sp. nov.。它具有以下特征:神经棘低,缺少椎前关节突隔板,神经弓的侧面具有大的、不规则的三角形凹,前关节横突隔板前后伸展,胫骨粗壮,达127cm等。汝阳龙的发现显示在晚白垩世早期蜥脚类恐龙发生的分异程度要比以前想象的高得多。  相似文献   

A new somphospondylan sauropod (Dinosauria, Titanosauriformes): Gannansaurus sinensis gen. et sp. nov. from the Late Cretaceous Nanxiong Formation of Ganzhou Basin, Jiangxi Province of southern China is erected based on one nearly complete dorsal vertebra and a mid-caudal vertebra. It is characterized by two centroprezygapophyseal lamina fossae; large, square-shaped concavity formed by centroprezygapophyseal lamina and dorsal margin of the centrum; large infraparapophyseal fossa; three openings present within the large lateral concavity, which occupy 65% length of the centrum; the posterior centroparapophyseal lamina (PCPL) and the anterior centroparapophyseal lamina (ACPL) weakly developed; the posterior centrodiapophyseal lamina (PCDL) separated by an infradiapophyseal fossa into two branches dorsally; parapophyseal and diapophyseal laminae cross to form "K" configuration. It shares some characters with the Early Cretaceous form-Euhelopus, indicating that it is more closely related to Euhelopus rather than to other titanosauriform sauropods. This means Gannansaurus may have a close phylogenetic relationship with Euhelopus.  相似文献   

<正>A new sauropod dinosaur,Liubangosaurus hei gen.et sp.nov.,is erected based on a specimen represented by five articulated middle-caudal dorsal vertebrae,which was discovered in the Lower Cretaceous Napai Formation of Guangxi Province,southern China.This new taxon is diagnosed by a unique combination of derived features:prezygapophysis closely contacts with parapophysis,with the prdl and prpl absent;presence of cavity on the dorsal surface of the diapophysis;neural spine very low,with its distal end level with that of diapophysis;distal end of the neural spine strongly expanded laterally to form a platform;marked fossa formed between the infradiapophyseal lamina and the parapophysis;broad,flat area of featureless bone on lateral surface of neural arch;vertically directed infradiapophyseal lamina expands or bifurcates ventrally to form a inverted "Y";highly positioned parapophyses large and tear-drop in shape.The discovery of this new taxon increases the diversity of sauropods in China during the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Pterosaurs are a rare component of the Early Cretaceous (Albian) Gault Formation of southern England. The only named taxon reported, ‘Pterodactylusdaviesii Owen, 1874, is widely regarded as a nomen dubium or as Pterodactyloidea incertae sedis, while most other material can be referred to Pterodactyloidea indet. Here we describe a fragmentary humerus and elongate mid-series cervical vertebra both from the Gault Formation of Kent, southeast England that can be referred to the edentulous pterodactyloid clade Azhdarchoidea. The cervical vertebra is identified as being from a non-tapejaromorph azhdarchoid on account of its reduced neural spine, a neural arch confluent with the centrum, a neural canal that is subsumed into the centrum and the lack of foramina on the lateral surfaces of the centrum. The humerus is referred to Azhdarchoidea on account of its sub-rectangular distal end.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of an Aptian–Albian sauropod from the Itapecuru Formation, northern Brazil, Amazonsaurus maranhensis, is described. It is known from an incomplete, but diagnostic postcranial skeleton. The new taxon possesses several autapomorphies, such as the anterior caudal vertebrae with lateral laminae formed by the coalescence of the spinoprezygapophyseal and postzygodiapophyseal laminae and, to a lesser extent, of the postzygodiapophyseal laminae. It exhibits many synapomorphies supporting its inclusion in the Diplodocoidea. These include high caudal neural arches and anterior caudal neural arches with spinoprezygapophyseal laminae on the lateral aspect of the neural spine. This record is consistent with previous hypotheses on the existence of a community of Afro-South American dinosaurs.  相似文献   

A new titanosauriform sauropod Dongyangosaurus sinensis gen. et sp. nov. from the early Late Cretaceous of Dongyang County, Zhejiang Province, is erected based on a partial postcranial skeleton. It is characterized by complex laminae on the lateral surface of the neural spines and postzygapophyses of dorsal vertebrae, a distinct fossa on the ventral surfaces of the prezygapophyses of dorsal vertebrae, distinct fossae are also present on the lateral surface of the postzygapophysis of anterior caudal vertebrae; pubis is shorter than ischium, the small obturator foramen of pubis elongated, and nearly closed. The lamina complexity of dorsal vertebrae in Dongyangosaurus indicates that a higher diversity of titanosauriformes occurred during the early Late Cretaceous in China.  相似文献   

The upper Campanian-lower Maastrichtian site of Lo Hueco (Cuenca, Spain) has provided a set of well-preserved partial skeletons in anatomical connection or with a low dispersion of their skeletal elements. One partial skeleton is herein described and a new titanosaurian sauropod is established, Lohuecotitan pandafilandi. This titanosaur is diagnosed by eight autapomorphic features: dorsally and ventrally widened or bifurcated posterior centrodiapophyseal lamina in anterior and middle dorsal vertebrae; short postspinal lamina with a transversely expanded distal end represented by smooth scars in the dorsal vertebrae; anteriormost caudals with the medial spinoprezygapophyseal and medial spinopostzygapophyseal laminae ventrally connected with the prespinal and postspinal laminae, respectively; anterior caudal neural spines with a dorsal projection of the prespinal and postspinal laminae; anterior caudal neural spines bears a “greek-cross”-like cross-section; middle caudal centra having two round and rough structures in the dorsal edge of the posterior articulation, which extends to the dorsal surface of the centrum; the articular ends of the rami of the haemal arches are divided in two articular surfaces; and tuberosity between the anterior and the lateral trochanter of the fibula. The herein performed phylogenetic analysis considered L. pandafilandi as a member of Lithostrotia more derived than Malawisaurus. The known palaeodiversity of the Late Cretaceous Ibero-Armorican titanosaurs is increasing, and further analyses focused on this group will be necessary to better understand the evolutionary history of European titanosaurs and to clarify their relationships within Titanosauria.  相似文献   

A new dinosaur sauropod from the Golmayo Formation (upper Hauterivian-lower Barremian) in Soria province (Spain) is described as Soriatitan golmayensis gen. et sp. nov. The new material consists of one tooth, three dorsal vertebrae with ribs, a partial sacrum, five caudal centra, two caudal vertebral spines, one chevron, a humerus, an ulna, a radius, two partial ilia, two ischia, a fragment of pubis, and a partial femur. Cladistic analysis identified the material as belonging to Brachiosaruidae within Titanosauriformes. Sauropod material from the Golmayo Formation shares a diagnostic feature with Abydosaurus, Cedarosaurus, Tastavinsaurus and Venenosaurus including anteriorly deflected anterior–middle caudal neural spines and with Cedarosaurus a proximodistally straight lateral margin between the proximal head and the shaft of the humerus. Eight characters are potential autapomorphies in the sauropod from Spain, including the presence of a large rectangular ventral ridge below the preacetabular process of the ilium, the same length of the pubic and ischiadic blades in the ischium, and two lateral ridges in the lateral area of the deltopectoral crest of the humerus. The presence of Early Cretaceous brachiosarids in both, North America and Europe, give support to the hypothesis of a connection between the tectonic plates of these continents at some point during the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

本文描述了产自中国辽宁省北票市早白垩世义县组一新的伤齿龙类化石——柯氏辽宁猎龙(Liaoningvenator curriei gen. et sp. nov.)。它具有伤齿龙类以下特征: 数量众多且密集的上颌齿与下颌齿; 牙齿的齿冠与齿根之间显著收缩; 齿骨侧表面具有一沟, 营养孔位于该沟内; 远端尾椎背部的神经棘减弱为一个沟。它不同于其它伤齿龙类的特征主要为坐骨靴大, 侧面观近乎三角形, 坐骨闭孔突细长; 尾椎形态转变点位于第7尾椎。系统发育分析表明柯氏辽宁猎龙与短羽始中国羽龙(Eosinopteryx brevipenna)构成姊妹群, 位于同一分支内。它们具有如下共同特征: (1)上颌骨和下颌骨前面部分的牙齿前隆无锯齿; (2)颈肋较其相关节的椎体长; (3)肠骨前缘直。辽宁猎龙代表了辽西同等层位发现的第5个伤齿龙类。骨组织研究显示辽宁猎龙的骨骼已接近成熟, 死亡时至少4岁。它为该地区的基干伤齿龙类恐龙提供了新的解剖学信息, 并丰富了目前中国已知早白垩世伤齿龙类的多样性。  相似文献   

Lirainosaurus astibiae was originally described by Sanz and collaborators in 1999 on the basis of a skull fragment, isolated teeth, several vertebrae (e.g. the holotypic anterior caudal vertebra) and appendicular bones from the Late Cretaceous of Laño (northern Spain). A review of all the vertebral remains, including new material (cervical, dorsal and caudal vertebrae, dorsal ribs, haemal arch), provides additional information about the axial skeleton of Lirainosaurus. A study of the laminae and fossae shows interesting variations in these structures in the axial series, especially concerning the prezygapophyses and diapophyses: e.g. the X-shaped morphology of the centroprezygapophyseal lamina only in the posterior dorsal vertebrae, and the division of the postzygodiapophyseal fossa into two fossae in the posterior dorsal vertebrae and the proximal caudal vertebrae. Two vertebral characters are here considered to be autapomorphic for L. astibiae: the presence of a lamina in the interzygapophyseal fossa in the most proximal caudal vertebrae (a postzygodiapophyseal lamina that separates the ventral postzygapophyseal centrodiapophyseal fossa and the dorsal postzygapophyseal spinodiapophyseal fossa), and the spinopostzygapophyseal structure not posteriorly projected in the posterior caudal vertebrae. The combination of characters present in the axial remains of Lirainosaurus astibiae supports the idea that it is a derived lithostrotian close to Saltasaurinae.  相似文献   

A new species of sauropod dinosaur Huanghetitan ruyangensis is erected based on the following characters: deepest body cavity with a dorsal rib reaching at least 2.93 m long, anterior caudal vertebrae with mushroom-shaped neural spines. Based on this new specimen of Huanghetitan found in the early Late Cretaceous Mangchuan Formation of Ruyang, Henan Province, the family Huanghetitanidae faro. nov. is proposed as a new rank to include only the genus Huanghetitan You et al. 2006. At present, Huanghetitan includes two species: H. liujiaxiaensis You et al., 2006 and H. ruyangensis sp. nov. The systematic relationships of Huanghetitan among sauropod dinosaurs are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Complete or near‐complete skeletons of the herbivorous dinosaur Hypsilophodon foxii occur frequently in a metre‐thick band of mudstone and sandstone in the Lower Cretaceous Wessex Formation of the Isle of Wight. The reasons for this accumulation have been the subject of some debate. This article examines new sedimentological clues that provide a plausible explanation for these dinosaurs’ demise.  相似文献   

A New Titanosaurian Sauropod from Late Cretaceous of Nei Mongol, China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A specimen collected from the Upper Cretaceous Erlian Formation of Nei Mongol (Inner Mongolia), China, represents a new genus and species of titanosaurian sauropod. The new taxon is named and described on the basis of the holotype and the only known specimen, which comprises several dorsal, sacral, and caudal vertebrae, several dorsal ribs, one anterior chevron, and much of the pelvis. Diagnostic features of the new species include a thick ridge extending down from the postzygapophysis on the lateral surface of the neural arch of the posterior dorsal vertebrae, a transversely oriented accessory lamina present between the anterior centroparapophyseal limina and the lateral centraprezygapophyseal lamina of the posterior dorsal vertebrae, long, anteroventrally directed caudal rib that bears two distinctive fossae on its posterior margin on the anterior caudal vertebrae and a prominent vertical ridge above the pubic peduncle on the medial surface of the ilium, among others. The ilium is pneumatic, a feature not common among non-avian dinosaurs. The new taxon has an unusual combination of primitive and derived character states. Preliminary character analysis shows a complex character distribution within the Titanosauriformes. Recent titanosauriform discoveries suggest that a significant radiation occurred in Asia early in the titanosauriform evolution.  相似文献   

Here, we describe new theropod materials (several isolated teeth, an axis, two caudal centra and a proximal left tibia) from the type locality of the Bajada Colorada Formation (Lower Cretaceous, Berriasian–Valanginian). Although fragmentary, the recovered material shows a diverse association of meat-eating dinosaurs for this poorly understood period of time. Three techniques were used to assess the phylogenetic position of the isolated teeth: multivariate (PCA), discriminant and phylogenetic analyses. The morphotypes 1, 2 and 3 (small non-recurved isolated crowns) were regarded as Theropoda indet., as our analyses failed to support a more precise classification. Two large almost complete ziphodont crowns, considered morphotype 4, were identified as belonging to megalosaurid tetanurans by phylogenetic, discriminant and multivariate analyses, thus likely representing the first record of this ancient family in South America, and the youngest worldwide. We refer the axis to a small abelisauroid ceratosaurian based on the following suite of characters; long and pointed epipophyses, a pneumatic foramen in the centrum, the invaginated spinopostzygapophyseal lamina, and the anteroposteriorly long, dorsally convex, and dorsally/posteriorly unexpanded neural spine. The caudal centra can be referred to a theropod, and tentatively to Abelisauroidea, suggesting that they may belong to the same taxon than that represented by the axis. The tibia lacks the incisura tibialis, presents a low, sharp and proximally positioned fibular crest, and has a deep lateral fossa, which is limited dorsally by a coarse, rounded in section and anteriorly directed crest. This combination of features allows to refer it to a large abelisaurid. The Bajada Colorada dinosaur record includes so far a small abelisauroid, a large abelisaurid, a probably medium to large megalosaurid tetanuran, diplodocid and dicraeosaurid sauropods. It shows some similarities with Middle and Upper Jurassic units in central Patagonia, Africa and Portugal, suggesting that no significant dinosaur faunal turnover took place through the Jurassic-Cretaceous event in the southern part of South America.  相似文献   

The Monk's Bay Sandstone Formation (MBSF) is the new name for the Lower Albian ferruginous sandstone that was formerly known as the Carstone of the Isle of Wight. The new term was proposed to remove any confusion with the Carstone, of similar age and lithology, described from the separate Lower Cretaceous sedimentary basin of Eastern England. This paper formalises the nomenclatural change outlined in the Lower Cretaceous Framework Report, ratified by the Geological Society Stratigraphy Commission.The MBSF, representing a major mid-Albian transgressive event, is described from a series of boreholes drilled by the British Geological Survey across the Isle of Wight, and from additional coastal exposures, together with reinterpretations of sections described in earlier works.The age range of the MBSF is determined in relation to recent biostratigraphical schemes supported with new data from the previously unknown presence of foraminifera. Deposits, belonging to the Leymeriella regularis Subzone, were previously considered to be absent from the succession and represent the stratigraphical gap separating the formation from the underlying Sandrock Formation. However a first occurrence of tubular foraminifera resembling Hyperammina/‘Rhizammina cf dichotomata’ suggest that the oldest part of the formation in the northeast of the island may be of regularis Subzone age. This unconformity is correlated with the sequence boundary LG4 of Hesselbo and the presence of the Sonneratia kitchini Subzone at the base of the MBSF on the Isle of Wight suggests that this boundary should be placed at the lower of two candidate horizons within the successions of the Weald.The formation is restricted to the Isle of Wight but is coeval with similar coarse-grained sediments, e.g. the Carstone and ‘JunctionBeds’ to the north. The palaeogeography of the formation and the relationship with these similar deposits and the implications for the timing of mid-Albian structural events is briefly discussed. The identification of older Lower Greensand Group sediments beneath the MBSF in boreholes north of the Isle of Wight structure, together with new survey data indicating north-south orientated faulting affecting the early Cretaceous implies a tectonic element to the distribution the Lower Greensand Group sediments. Taken together these imply a complex interaction of tectonics and transgressive events throughout the Aptian and Albian over this structural high.  相似文献   

Saltasaurine titanosaurs are characterized by their relatively small size compared to other sauropods, extreme postcranial pneumaticity, and dermal armour covering the body. This group has been reported in the Upper Cretaceous of the Lecho, Allen, and Anacleto formations of Argentina. We describe here a new saltasaurine specimen (MACN-Pv RN 233) from the Campanian of the Angostura Colorada Formation (Río Negro Province) that is represented by eight caudal vertebrae and six osteoderms. This specimen is described in detail and its phylogenetic relationships with the other three known saltasaurines, as well as its implications to the knowledge of caudal vertebra and osteoderm anatomy, are discussed. Our results place MACN-Pv RN 233 more closely related to Saltasaurus loricatus and Rocasaurus muniozi than to Neuquensaurus australis. MACN-Pv RN 233 possesses a combination of features that differ from other saltasaurines, but because of the fragmentary nature of the specimen we decided for the sake of taxonomic stability to not erect a new taxon. This specimen shows the first unambiguous evidence of chevron pneumatisation for a sauropodomorph, implying a broader osteological invasion of the diverticula from the abdominal air sac than previously thought for this group of dinosaurs. MACN-Pv RN 233 preserves two osteoderm morphotypes, one similar to those reported for Neuquensaurus australis and Saltasaurus loricatus. This new specimen expands the distribution of the group to a new geological unit and increases the dinosaur diversity known for the Angostura Colorada Formation.  相似文献   

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