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断块构造|活动断块构造与地震活动   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
邓起东  高翔  杨虎 《地质科学》2009,44(4):1083-1093
张文佑院士是我国最杰出的构造地质学家和大地构造学家,他提出和倡导的地质构造力学分析和历史分析相结合及断块构造理论符合当代构造地质和构造运动研究的新方向。断块构造是地球构造运动最基本的型式,板块构造是全球范围内的岩石圈构造,是最高一级的岩石圈断块构造。活动断块是现今构造运动最基本的型式,它既控制主要活动构造带和地震活动带的分布,也控制不同地区地震活动特征的差异。断块边界构造带是在构造变形和运动场中的不连续变形带,应力在此释放,应变在此局部化,位移在此发生,其差异活动最为强烈,因此,断块边界构造带是强震发生带,其活动性质会控制震源断层的特性。大地震孕育和发生在边界活动构造带的某些特殊部位,对其成核的构造和物理过程尚需深入进行研究。要特别注意断块整体性活动对地震活动的控制作用,断块的这种整体性活动与一定时期内地震活动主体地区分布有密切关系,所以,在活动构造研究中,要把断块的整体性活动与活动构造带的个体活动结合起来。  相似文献   

活动构造定量研究与应用   总被引:52,自引:0,他引:52  
自上世纪 70年代末以来 ,活动构造研究已从描述性和定性研究阶段进展到定量研究阶段 ,并主要围绕 3个方面展开工作 :(1)如何刻画活动构造的活动特征 ,即需要得到哪些活动特征定量参数 ;(2 )如何得到这些定量参数 ;(3)如何应用这些参数进行地震危险性评价和工程安全性评价。文中就有关活动构造定量研究的这几个方面进行初步总结和分析 ,并指出在今后一段时间内 ,提高测年精度、减少研究过程各个环节的误差和不确定性 ,将是活动构造定量研究的主要发展方向。  相似文献   

吴中海    张岳桥    胡道功   《地质通报》2014,33(04):391-402
新构造、活动构造和地震地质研究都是开展地震危险性评价的重要基础性地质工作。在综述新构造、活动构造和地震地质的基本含义、相互联系与区别、主要工作内容及方法的基础上,简要回顾了国内外在相关研究领域的主要进展,提出了中国活动构造与地震地质工作中应注意的主要问题和对未来工作的几点建议。最后,重点介绍了青藏高原东南缘开展活动构造体系和玉树地区活动断裂与地震地质调查研究工作所取得的主要进展与成果。  相似文献   

新构造、活动构造与地震地质   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新构造、活动构造和地震地质研究都是开展地震危险性评价的重要基础性地质工作。在综述新构造、活动构造和地震地质的基本含义、相互联系与区别、主要工作内容及方法的基础上,简要回顾了国内外在相关研究领域的主要进展,提出了中国活动构造与地震地质工作中应注意的主要问题和对未来工作的几点建议。最后,重点介绍了青藏高原东南缘开展活动构造体系和玉树地区活动断裂与地震地质调查研究工作所取得的主要进展与成果。  相似文献   




地形地貌参数指标是分析区域活动构造的有力工具。本文以渭河上游流域的活动构造研究为例,通过提取地貌的参数指标,如面积-高程积分(Hi)、流域盆地不对称度(AF)、山前曲折度(Smf)以及谷底宽度与谷肩高度的比值(Vf)、盆地形状指数(Bs)等,然后对地貌参数指标等级进行算术平均化(S/n),可得到区域的相对构造活动程度(Iat),分为:低、中等、高、较高四类等级。研究认为渭河上游流域的构造活动程度相对高(Iat=1.50),这种方法对探讨整个区域活动构造的差异性具有很好的效果和意义。  相似文献   

LiDAR技术在活动构造研究中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
沿断裂带的大比例尺地貌填图是活动构造研究的重要基础。传统方法一般通过遥感、航片解译以及典型地点的实地测量进行详细填图。因此传统方法一般只能获得二维变形特征,或者局部的三维变形。激光雷达测量(Light Detection And Ranging-LiDAR)技术优势为对地貌的高精度、全方位、三维直接测量,可以为活动构造研究提供沿整条断裂带的高精度地貌高程基础数据。基于LiDAR数据的量化分析是未来活动构造研究的趋势。目前,美国、欧洲、日本以及我国台湾地区等均已经开展沿主要活动断裂带的大规模机载LiDAR测量。与传统方法相比,LiDAR技术在森林覆盖区和城区的活动断裂填图中具有巨大的优势,在沿断裂位错测量上也更精准,更有效。并且震前与震后LiDAR数据对比也是研究同震变形特征、探索断裂发震模式的重要手段。本文综述LiDAR技术在活动构造研究中的主要应用,介绍LiDAR技术在活动构造研究中的优势与前景。分析表明,激光雷达技术在活动构造研究中的应用势在必行,沿国内主要活动断裂带的机载LiDAR测量将成为未来国内活动断裂研究基础数据获取的重要手段。  相似文献   

River profiles along the Himalayan arc as indicators of active tectonics   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
L Seeber  V Gornitz 《Tectonophysics》1983,92(4):335-367
Longitudinal profiles along sixteen major transverse Himalayan rivers add important constraints to models of active continental subduction and its evolution. These profiles are characterized by a zone of relatively high gradient that cannot be associated with differential resistence to erosion in all cases. The base of the zone of increased gradients correlates with (1) the topographic front between the Lesser and High Himalayas, (2) the narrow belt of intermediate-magnitude thrust earthquakes, (3) the Main Central Thrust zone (MCT). These features define a small circle in the central portion of the Himalayan arc. These correlations suggest that the discontinuity in the river profiles and the other features are controlled by a major tectonic boundary between the rising High Himalayas and the Lesser Himalayas. No sharp increases in gradient are observed near the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT), except on a few rivers, such as the Jhelum or Kundar, where the MBT lies close to both the MCT and the seismic belt. Thus, it is unlikely that the MBT is a major tectonic boundary. The diversion of river courses along the MBT and around anticlines in the Sub Himalayas has probably been caused by aggradation near the rosion-deposition boundary, upstream of uplifts in the Mahabharat range and Sub Himalayas.A parallel is drawn between the Himalayas and New Guinea based on the hypothesis that continent-arc collision, of the type occurring in northern Australia, preceded continent-continent collision in the Himalayas. The present sedimentary/tectonic phase in New Guinea resembles the Subathu (Paleocene-Eocene) phase in the Himalayas. Incipient counterparts of the major Himalayan structures, including the MCT and the MBT, are recognized in New Guinea. The drainage patterns in the Himalayas and in New Guinea bear a similar relation to major structures. This suggests that (1) the tectonic evolution of the Himalayas has been rather uniform since early stages of collision, and (2) the Himalayan drainage was also formed at these early stages and is therefore antecedent to the rise of the High Himalayas.  相似文献   

Studies of the impact of physical environment on human evolution usually focus on climate as the main external forcing agent of evolutionary and cultural change. In this paper we focus on changes in the physical character of the landscape driven by geophysical processes as an equally potent factor. Most of the landscapes where finds of early human fossils and artefacts are concentrated are ones that have been subjected to high levels of geological instability, either because of especially active tectonic processes associated with faulting and volcanic activity or because of proximity to coastlines subject to dramatic changes of geographical position and physical character by changes of relative sea level. These processes can have both beneficial effects, creating ecologically attractive conditions for human settlement, and deleterious or disruptive ones, creating barriers to movement, disruption of ecological conditions, or hazards to survival. Both positive and negative factors can have powerful selective effects on human behaviour and patterns of settlement and dispersal. We consider both these aspects of the interaction, develop a framework for the reconstruction and comparison of landscapes and landscape change at a variety of scales, and illustrate this with selected examples drawn from Africa and Arabia.  相似文献   

In Albania, the Osum and Vjoje rivers cross the active graben system and the active frontal thrust system of the Albanides. The effects of climatic and geodynamic forcing on the development of these two rivers were investigated by the means of field mapping, topographic surveying and absolute exposure-age dating. We established the chronology of terraces abandonment from the compilation of new dating (14C and in situ produced 10Be) and previously published data. We identified nine fluvial terraces units developed since Marine Isotope Stage 6 up to historic times. From this reconstituted history, we quantified the vertical uplift on a time scale shorter than the glacial climatic cycle. Regional bulging produces an overall increase of the incision rate from the west to the east that reaches a maximum value of 2.8 m/ka in the hinterland. Local pulses of incision are generated by activation of normal faults. The most active faults have a SW–NE trend and a vertical slip rate ranging from 1.8 to 2.2 m/ka. This study outlines the geodynamic control in the development of rivers flowing through the Albanides on the scale of 103–105ka.  相似文献   

中国天坑研究学者通过系统调查,确立“tiankeng”作为标准地貌术语,并规范其形态特征,提出塌陷型天坑和侵蚀型天坑两种成因类型。文章以重庆武隆箐口天坑、陕西汉中伯牛天坑、马达加斯加安卡拉那高原的曼格里(Mangily)天坑、巴布亚新几内亚穆勒高原的阿底(Atea)天坑为研究对象,通过对比分析4个天坑(群)发育的地层结构、地貌演化和水文地质特征等,论述侵蚀型天坑系统演化的共性特征,即三元或二元地层结构、深厚包气带和巨大地势差异、覆盖型岩溶分布、覆盖层对雨水的汇聚或夹层对地下水的汇聚等。基于侵蚀型天坑的成因条件,认为其发育阶段可分为:落水洞-竖井(地下河)阶段、侵蚀-竖井状大厅阶段、崩塌-天坑形成阶段和天坑退化阶段,并对侵蚀型天坑演化机理提出新的认识。  相似文献   

Linking earthquakes of moderate size to known tectonic sources is a challenge for seismic hazard studies in northwestern Europe because of overall low strain rates. Here we present a combined study of macroseismic information, tectonic observations, and seismic waveform modelling to document the largest instrumentally known event in the French northern Alps, the April 29, 1905, Chamonix earthquake. The moment magnitude of this event is estimated at Mw 5.3 ± 0.3 from records in Göttingen (Germany) and Uppsala (Sweden). The event of April 29 was followed by several afterschocks and in particular a second broadly felt earthquake on August 13, 1905. Macroseismic investigations allow us to favour a location of the epicentres 5–10 km N–NE of Chamonix. Tectonic analysis shows that potentially one amongst several faults might have been activated in 1905. Among them the right lateral strike-slip fault responsible for the recent 2005 Mw = 4.4 Vallorcine earthquake and a quasi-normal fault northeast of the Aiguilles Rouges massif are the most likely candidates. Discussion of tectonic, macroseismic, and instrumental data favour the normal fault hypothesis for the 1905 Chamonix earthquake sequence.  相似文献   

Studies of a deep high-resolution reflection seismic profile through the eastern North Sea basin show that at least four erosional phases have affected the area during the Saalian, Weichselian and Holocene. Foraminiferal investigations of five boreholes make it possible to date the erosional events. When looking at the restricted area of this study, the deep incised valleys appear to have developed during sea-level fall and lowstand as the Quaternary ice sheets were established. Further erosion took place during the deglaciation of the area and the valleys were further deepened when used as drainage paths. The oldest erosional phase recognized from the seismic profiles is interpreted to be of Saalian age. Two later erosive phases were associated with intra-Weichselian glacial advances. The uppermost erosive surface represents river valleys at the transition from the Weichselian glacial to the Holocene.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive study of the recent and active tectonics of the external part of the Northern Apennines (Italy) by using morphotectonic, geological–structural, and stratigraphic analysis, compared with the current seismicity of the region. This analysis suggests that the external part of the Northern Apennines is characterised by presence of three major systems of Quaternary compressive structures corresponding to (1) the Apenninic watershed, (2) the Apennines–Po Plain margin (pede-Apenninic thrust front), and (3) the Emilia, Ferrara, and Adriatic Fold systems buried below the Po Plain. Geological data and interpreted seismic sections indicate a roughly N–S Quaternary deformation direction, with rates <2.5 mm/year. The shortening decreased since the Pliocene, when our data indicate compression in a NNW–SSE direction and rates up to 7 mm/year. The trend and kinematics of the structures affecting the Apennines–Po Plain margin and the Po Plain subsoil fit well the pattern of the current seismicity of the area, as well as recent GPS and geodetic levelling data, pointing to a current activity of these thrust systems controlled by an overall compressive stress field. Close to the Apenninic watershed, earthquake focal mechanisms indicate that shallow extension is associated to deep compression. The extensional events may be related to a secondary extensional stress field developing on the hangingwall of the thrust system affecting the Apenninic watershed; alternatively, this thrust system may have been recently deactivated and overprinted by active normal faulting. Deeper compressive events are related to the activity of both a major basement thrust that connects at surface with the pede-Apenninic thrust front and a major Moho structure.  相似文献   

We investigate the properties of the April 2007 earthquake swarm (Mw 5.2) which occurred at the vicinity of Lake Trichonis (western Greece). First we relocated the earthquakes, using P- and S-wave arrivals to the stations of the Hellenic Unified Seismic Network (HUSN), and then we applied moment tensor inversion to regional broad-band waveforms to obtain the focal mechanisms of the strongest events of the 2007 swarm. The relocated epicentres, cluster along the eastern banks of the lake, and follow a distinct NNW–ESE trend. The previous strong sequence close to Lake Trichonis occurred in June–December 1975. We applied teleseismic body waveform inversion, to obtain the focal mechanism solution of the strongest earthquake of this sequence, i.e. the 31 December 1975 (Mw 6.0) event. Our results indicate that: a) the 31 December 1975 Mw 6.0 event was produced by a NW–SE normal fault, dipping to the NE, with considerable sinistral strike-slip component; we relocated its epicentre: i) using phase data reported to ISC and its coordinates are 38.486°N, 21.661°E; ii) using the available macroseismic data, and the coordinates of the macroseismic epicentre are 38.49°N, 21.63°E, close to the strongly affected village of Kato Makrinou; b) the earthquakes of the 2007 swarm indicate a NNW–SSE strike for the activated main structure, parallel to the eastern banks of Lake Trichonis, dipping to the NE and characterized by mainly normal faulting, occasionally combined with sinistral strike-slip component. The 2007 earthquake swarm did not rupture the well documented E–W striking Trichonis normal fault that bounds the southern flank of the lake, but on the contrary it is due to rupture of a NW–SE normal fault that strikes at a  45° angle to the Trichonis fault. The left-lateral component of faulting is mapped for the first time to the north of the Gulf of Patras which was previously regarded as the boundary for strike-slip motions in western Greece. This result signifies the importance of further investigations to unravel in detail the tectonics of this region.  相似文献   

The Syunik rhombus-like structure in the Khanarassar active dextral fault zone of Armenia is a typical pull-apart basin, formed between terminal parts of two adjacent en echelon fault segments. Some component of subsidence associated with the faults of the structure is found between the en echelon segments; nevertheless, the dextral component continues to be predominant even on the boundaries of the pull-apart basin. The late Pleistocene and Holocene lava volcanoes of the basin are also associated with those faults that have a component of extension. The relative ages of fault displacements and volcanic eruptions have been identified by the mutual correlation of lavas, moraines and topographic features and by archaeological and radiocarbon dating. According to the interpretation of rupturing and volcanism, major earthquakes and volcanic eruptions appear inter-related and three pulses of such activity during the earlier and middle Holocene have been identified.  相似文献   

在河西走廊北侧、 北山南缘新发现属于不同断裂系统的两条晚第四纪活动断裂,分别称之为旧井-板滩断裂和俄博庙断裂.其中,旧井-板滩断裂长约28 km,距玉门市约55 km,由4条分支断裂组成,呈复杂的"Y"字形分布.总体走向北东40°~50°,倾向北西,倾角60°~70°,控制了西侧两个晚新生代盆地的发育.俄博庙断裂长约1...  相似文献   

Precise dating of the activity of Late Pleistocene to Holocene neo‐tectonic structures is crucial to quantify the rate of deformation in low‐seismicity regions. Sardinia is a relatively stable continental fragment set in the middle of the tectonically active Western Mediterranean belt. This paper provides evidences of significant uplift of northwest Sardinia that support an ongoing tectonic activity since the Marine Isotopic Stage 7 (MIS 7; ca. 220 ka). In particular, it documents for the first time Late Pleistocene to Holocene tectonics based on luminescence dating of travertine sealing a major NNE‐SSW fault.  相似文献   

After a short period of propagation of Wegener's continental drift ideas in Russia in the twenties and first half of the thirties of this century, there came a much longer period (1935–1960) of fixist reaction', when vertical tectonic movements were regarded as primary and most important and horizontal ones as secondary and subsidiary. In the sixties, interest in the manifestation of horizontal movements on strike-slip faults, overthrusts and nappe formation began to grow, and at the verge of sixties and seventies ideas of plate tectonics began to penetrate into Russia. But at the begining they met strong resistance mainly from the older generation of scientists. In spite of this, these ideas finally gained the support of the majority of Earth scientists in this country. Russian geologists and geophysicists made a significant contribution to the development of the plate tectonics theory as well as in its regional, global and theoretical aspects.  相似文献   

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