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Three new species within the stigmaphronid genus TagsmiphronEngel and Grimaldi, 2009, and one new species within the megaspilid genus ConostigmusDahlbom, 1858 are described from Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) amber originating at the Grassy Lake locality in Alberta, Canada. New taxa include Tagsmiphron spiculum sp. nov., Tagsmiphron leucki sp. nov., Tagsmiphron exitorum sp. nov., and Conostigmus cavannus sp. nov. The new Conostigmus species is a rare discovery. It is the third megaspilid species to be found in Cretaceous amber, with the two specimens described herein effectively doubling the number of known Mesozoic exemplars for the family. We provide the first comprehensive report of known Ceraphronoidea within Canadian amber, and contrast this against other Cretaceous amber assemblages, discussing the potential palaeobiogeographic and palaeoenvironmental implications of the Canadian amber assemblage.  相似文献   

A diverse fauna of wasps of the extinct parasitoid family Stigmaphronidae (Ceraphronoidea) are recorded in Early Cretaceous (Lower Albian) amber from Spain. Seven new species in five genera are described and figured based on 51 specimens, representing more material than in all the world’s other amber deposits combined. New species include: Elasmophron mari sp. nov., Libanophron sugaar sp. nov., Hippocoon basajauni sp. nov., Burmaphron jentilak sp. nov., B. sorginak sp. nov., B. iratxoak sp. nov., and Tagsmiphron olentzero sp. nov. The significance of the fauna is discussed and compared with that of other Cretaceous amber deposits, in particular the tremendous richness of the Spanish fauna is contrasted with the complete absence of stigmaphronids in the slightly younger and nearby French amber. Whether this stark difference represents particularly favorable conditions for these parasitoids, or their hosts, in the Cretaceous Spanish archipelago, or whether it is owing to taphonomic factors is discussed.  相似文献   

A new genus with a new species, Brachypelecinus euthyntus gen. et sp. nov., and two new species, Abropelecinus tytthus sp. nov. and Zoropelecinus periosus sp. nov., are described and figured from three exquisitely preserved pelecinid wasps in the Upper Cretaceous Myanmar (Burma) amber. These taxa, owing to their well-preserved characters in amber, provide a better understanding of morphological changes and relationships among the constituent groups, while further highlighting the diversity of Pelecinidae in the Mesozoic.  相似文献   

The diversity of serphitid wasps (Proctotrupomorpha: Serphitoidea) in Early Cretaceous (Albian) amber from Spain is described. Four new species have been found representing the genera Serphites Brues 1937, Aposerphites Kozlov and Rasnitsyn 1979, and Microserphites Kozlov and Rasnitsyn 1979. From the Peñacerrada I (Moraza) outcrop two species are described as Aposerphites angustus Ortega-Blanco, Delclòs, Peñalver and Engel, new species and Serphites lamiak, new species. A single species was found at the San Just (Teruel) outcrop and is described as S. silban, new species. Another single specimen was found in El Soplao (Cantabria) outcrop, described as Microserphites soplaensis, new species. This last specimen is especially interesting in sharing typical serphitid and mymarommatoid characters, giving additional support to the apparent close relationship of both groups.  相似文献   

Christophus myanmarensis gen. et sp. nov., Christophus ohmkuhnlei gen. et sp. nov., and Mintara parva gen. et sp. nov., three new species and two new genera of belytine wasps (Diapriidae: Belytinae) are described and figured from males preserved in mid-Cretaceous Kachin (Burmese) amber. These new fossils enrich the fossil record of Cretaceous diapriids, summarized here, demonstrating the diversity of the family before the K/Pg extinction and suggesting an older origin for the family.  相似文献   

Three new species of Dermestidae are described and illustrated from the Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber: Attagenus secundus sp. nov. (Attageninae: Attagenini), Cretodermestes palpalis gen. et sp. nov. (Attageninae: Cretodermestini trib. nov.) and Megatoma atypica sp. nov. (Megatominae: Megatomini). Members of Dermestidae are relatively frequent in Burmese amber, representing at least three subfamilies: Attageninae, Dermestinae and Megatominae. Taxonomic and morphological diversity of Cretaceous Dermestidae suggests ancient origin of this group with some lineages showing remarkable evolutionary stasis for almost 100 million years.  相似文献   

Two new genera and species of fossil chrysidoid wasps belonging to the families Chrysididae and Bethylidae are described from Charentese (Fouras Bois-Vert and Archingeay) lower Upper Cretaceous amber of France. New taxa include: Sphaerocleptes neraudeaui n. gen. et sp., and Nucifrangibulum carentonensis n. gen. et sp. A new bethylid wasp is also described but left in open nomenclature. These findings are the first records of the subfamilies Cleptinae and Bethylinae in these deposits and time interval. The implications of these discoveries, and the features shared with previously known taxa are discussed.  相似文献   

A new fossil praeaulacid wasp, Habraulacus zhaoi gen. et sp. nov., is described and figured from Upper Cretaceous Myanmar amber. The new genus is established based on the following characters: mesosoma stout, metasoma elongated ellipse with the first metasomal segment very thin and tubular (like a petiole), forewing with pterostigma long and narrow, and both veins Rs+M and 1m-cu very long, forming a long cell 1mcu. Species of Praeaulacidae demonstrate a distinct evolutionary trend, which consists of miniaturization, venational reduction and enlargement of pterostigma, and reduction of number of the antennal segments from the Jurassic to Cretaceous. However, except for the miniaturization, this hardly concerns Habraulacus.  相似文献   

Three new caddisflies species are described and illustrated from the mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber: Wormaldia cretacea sp. nov., W. resina sp. nov. (Philopotamidae) and Neureclipsis burmanica sp. nov. (Polycentropodidae). Palerasnitsynus ohlhoffi (Psychomyiidae) is re-described based on new fossils. Wormaldia are common in Burmese amber, and its diversity shows that this genus had very ancient origin and diversified at least during the mid-Cretaceous. N. burmanica sp. nov. is the oldest record of Neureclipsis, revealing this genus originated at least in the mid-Cretaceous. So far, six extinct species representing the small Order Trichoptera have been found in Burmese amber.  相似文献   

Two new genera with two new species in Berothidae, Maculaberotha nervosa gen. et sp. nov. and Magniberotha recurrens gen. et sp. nov., are described from Upper Cretaceous Myanmar (Burmese) amber. Based on the new specimens of the same species, we propose some venational characters as intraspecific variations, e.g., the markings on the wings and crossveins in the radial sector. We also study and compare the female genital sclerites from three genera of Haploberotha, Dasyberotha, and Jersiberotha to highlight the importance of using these characters preserved in amber for taxonomic and phylogenetic studies. Furthermore, an updated key to the berothid genera of Myanmar amber is provided.  相似文献   

Four new Trichoptera species: Kliganigadukia taymyrensis gen. et sp. nov. (Hydrobiosidae), Archaeopolycentra yantardakh sp. nov. (Polycentropodidae), Taymyrodipseudon protopegasus gen. et sp. nov. (Dipseudopsidae), and Siberoclea parapolaria gen. et sp. nov. (Leptoceridae) from Late Cretaceous amber (Santonian, Kheta Formation, 85 Ma) of Taymyr (Siberia, Russian Federation) are described and illustrated. Data on the Cretaceous amber Trichoptera (13 families, 20 genera, 29 species) are summarized and discussed.  相似文献   

A strange wingless female parasitic wasp from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber is described as Aptenoperissus burmanicus sp. et gen. nov. in the new family Aptenoperissidae (Hymenoptera, Ceraphronoidea). Diagnostic characters of the female Aptenoperissus burmanicus sp. et gen. nov. include its wingless, streamlined and heavily sclerotized body lacking any apparent trace of a wasp waist, and geniculate antenna composed of a long, thin, stick-like scape, standard pedicel and 22 uniform flagellomeres. Also the body has 9 externally visible segments with no evidence of segment fusion implying the presence of a completely hidden segment. All tibiae have paired spurs and the hind femora are saltatory and incrassate. The double fore-tibial spur combined with unquestionable diagnostic features of Apocrita (primarily an internalized needle-like thin and acute ovipositor) suggest placement within the superfamily Ceraphronoidea s.str. with the Maimetshidae as a sister group of the crown Ceraphronoidea, composed of the Ceraphronidae, Megaspilidae, Stigmaphronidae, and Radiophronidae. The fossil is hypothesized to live semicryptically on the forest floor or tree trunk and to parasitize immature holometabolous insects. Diagnostic features of a respective male are suggested to test the hypothesized position of the new taxon.  相似文献   

A peculiar new lineage of sawflies (‘Symphyta’) is described and figured from a female beautifully preserved in Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) amber from northern Myanmar. Syspastoxyela rhaphidia Engel and Huang, gen. et sp. nov., shares many plesiomorphic features with the primitive Xyelidae, 2Xyelotomidae, and 2Xyelydidae such as enlarged and thickened first flagellomere succeeded by a series of thinner and shorter flagellomeres, absence of a transverse mesoscutal sulcus, multiple preapical spurs, and two protibial spurs among other traits. However, the new lineage has an apomorphically contracted forewing venation, lacks a subcostal vein, has a single marginal cell, and lacks crossvein 1r-rs, and thus it is segregated into a new family, Syspastoxyelidae Engel and Huang, fam. nov. The phylogenetic affinities of the new family are discussed and a position near Pamphilioidea or Pamphilioidea + Unicalcarida is advocated.  相似文献   

A new species of Dicranoptycha Osten Sacken, 1860, Dicranoptycha plicativa sp. nov., and a unassigned species are illustrated and described from Myanmar (Burmese) amber (lowermost Cenomanian, Upper Cretaceous). A complete list of fossil species of the genus Dicranoptycha is summarized. In addition, an updated key to the known fossil species of the Dicranoptycha is provided.  相似文献   

A new genus, Cretaproscolia, and three new species of scoliid wasps, Archaeoscolia hispanica, Cretoscolia montsecana and Cretaproscolia josai, are described from the Lower Cretaceous of Spain and Brazil. The species representing the new genus is attributed to the plesiomorphic extant subfamily Proscoliinae, while the two other new species are assigned to two previously described genera in the extinct, archaic subfamily Archaeoscoliinae. The Brazilian species is the first Mesozoic scoliidid to have been described from the New World.  相似文献   

The exclusively Cretaceous braconid wasp subfamily Protorhyssalinae is reported from the Upper Cretaceous deposits of northern Myanmar. Archaeorhyssalus subsolanus Engel, gen. et sp. nov., is represented by a well-preserved female in Burmese amber and is similar to other protorhyssalines, but differs in numerous details of forewing venation and flagellomere number. This species is the first definitive Oriental occurrence for protorhyssalines, expanding their palaeogeographic distribution from the Lower Cretaceous of Spain, and the Upper Cretaceous of France and New Jersey, USA. A key to the known genera of protorhyssalines is provided.  相似文献   

Four new, monotypic genera of Aleyrodidae from the Lower Cretaceous Lebanese amber are described: Shapashe aithiopa gen. sp. nov.; Milqartis azari gen. sp. nov.; Aretsaya therina gen. sp. nov.; and Yamis libanotos gen. sp. nov. All new taxa represent subfamily Aleurodicinae. The key for identification of genera of Aleurodicinae from the Lebanese amber is provided. The morphological features of newly established taxa are discussed. The importance of the fossils for phylogenetic, evolutionary and ecological studies is presented.  相似文献   

Palaeomanicapsocus margoae gen. et sp. nov. and Palaeomanicapsocus fouadi gen. et sp. nov. are characterized, described, illustrated, from the Cretaceous Burmese amber. Their phylogenetic position is discussed. These fossil taxa are the first manicapsocid barklice to be described from the Burmese amber.  相似文献   

Xenotrichomyia newjerseyiensis a new genus and species belonging to Trichomyiinae within Psychodidae is characterized, described, illustrated and its taxonomic position is discussed. It shares some similarities with Trichomyiinae of group B, but retains some archaic features, such as normal and non-excentric flagellomeres, and possesses an autapomorphy in wing venation that distinguish it from all remaining Trichomyiinae. This discovery represents the first Trichomyiinae (Psychodidae) from the Upper Cretaceous New Jersey amber, and adds more evidence on the very high palaeodiversity of the psychodids since at least the Lower Cretaceous. An updated check list of fossil Trichomyiinae is given.  相似文献   

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