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We developed a 2D numerical model to simulate the evolution of two superposed ocean-continent-ocean subduction cycles with opposite vergence, both followed by continental collision, aiming to better understand the evolution of the Variscan belt. Three models with different velocities of the first oceanic subduction have been implemented. Striking differences in the thermo-mechanical evolution between the first subduction, which activates in an unperturbed system, and the second subduction, characterised by an opposite vergence, have been enlighten, in particular regarding the temperature in the mantle wedge and in the interior of the slab. Pressure and temperature (P-T) conditions predicted by one cycle and two cycles models have been compared with natural P-T estimates of the Variscan metamorphism from the Alps and from the French Massif Central (FMC). The comparative analysis supports that a slow and hot subduction well reproduces the P-T conditions compatible with data from the FMC, while P-T conditions compatible with data of Variscan metamorphism from the Alps can be reproduced by either a cold or hot oceanic subduction models. Analysing the agreement of both double and single subduction models with natural P-T estimates, we observed that polycyclic models better describe the evolution of the Variscan orogeny.  相似文献   

The structure of the Chilean Frontal Cordillera, located over the Central Andes flat-slab subduction segment (27°–28.5°S), is characterized by a thick-skinned deformation, affecting both the pre-rift basement and the Mesozoic and Cenozoic infill of the NNE-SSW Lautaro and Lagunillas Basins, which were developed during the Pangea-Gondwana break-up. The compressive deformation show a complex interaction between Mesozoic rift structures and thrust systems, affecting a suite of Permo-Triassic (258–245 Ma) granitic blocks. We used a combination of geological mapping, new structural data, balanced and restored cross sections and geochronological data to investigate the geometry and kinematics of the Andean thick-skinned thrust systems of the region. The thrust systems include double-vergent thick-skinned thrust faults, basement-cored anticlines and minor thin-skinned thrusts and folds. The presence of Triassic and Jurassic syn-rift successions along the hanging wall and footwall of the basement thrust faults are keys to suggest that the current structural framework of the region should be associated with the shortening of previous Mesozoic half grabens. Based on this interpretation, we propose a deformation mechanism characterized by the tectonic inversion of rift-related faults and the propagation of basement ramps that fold and cut both, the early normal faults and the basement highs. New U–Pb ages obtained from synorogenic deposits (Quebrada Seca and Doña Ana formations) indicate at least three important compressive pulses. A first pulse at ∼80 Ma (Late Cretaceous), a second pulse related to the K-T phase of Andean deformation and, finally, a third pulse that occurred during the lower Miocene.  相似文献   

Decoding the earliest orogenic stages in the Andes, the largest subduction orogen on Earth is fundamental to understanding changes in climate, drainage organization, and biodiversity in South America. Furthermore, it is crucial to unraveling the driving mechanism behind the initiation of orogeny. To track the earliest stages of Andean growth, we studied the Aysén/Río Mayo basin (ARB) in the North Patagonian Andes. The small degree of Cenozoic tectonic overprinting in this part of the Andes has allowed outstanding preservation of the deformational and sedimentary record of the earliest Andean deformation. In this study, we employ a multidisciplinary approach involving structural geology, sedimentology, geochronology, and provenance studies from the Early Cretaceous Apeleg Formation (~130–122 Ma) in the ARB and geochemical analysis of intrusive Cretaceous igneous rocks. Particularly, the recognition of syncontractional growth strata at several localities indicate a syntectonic origin for this unit and provide additional structural evidence of Early Cretaceous contraction in the North Patagonian Andes. Thus, the Apeleg Formation is interpreted as deposited during a contractional basin stage. Geochemical data from Aptian-Albian intrusive igneous rocks indicate that initial contraction emplaced over thinned crust likely inherited from the Jurassic extension in the ARB. This stage is then compared with a new synthesis of the earliest Cretaceous contraction along the Andes. This analysis reveals that the ARB likely holds the oldest post-Gondwanic synorogenic unit along the orogen and more significantly, that Andean birth was a diachronous process which propagated northward since the late Early Cretaceous. The latter findings have major implications for the evolution of the Andes and shed light into the driving mechanism behind initial orogeny.  相似文献   

Fluid overpressure at the base of low-permeability strata reduces effective stress, allowing for gravitational sliding of the overlying cover. The force driving sliding is the slope-parallel component of the weight of the cover, whereas the resisting forces are the friction at the base of the cover and the buttressing resistance to shortening, which can be critically reduced by incision at the base of the slope. We developed an analytical model and undertook a series of analogue experiments to better understand the evolution of a sedimentary cover sliding above a low-permeability layer subjected to fluid overpressure. Where a downslope buttress was present, the sliding sheet length decreased with increasing pore-fluid pressure. In the absence of such buttress, the slide's length increased exponentially with increasing pore-fluid pressure. Another important difference dealt with geometry and kinematics. Buttressed slides consisted of one large slope-parallel mass rigidly translated and bounded by downslope thrusts and upslope normal faults. With increasing pore-fluid pressure, the contractional structures propagated upslope. By contrast, non-buttressed slides showed intense strain: deformation started with normal faults forming near the incision, then propagating upslope throughout the slide's evolution.  相似文献   

We present analogue models of the formation of dilatant normal faults and fractures in carbonate fault zones, using cohesive hemihydrate powder (CaSO4·½H2O). The evolution of these dilatant fault zones involves a range of processes such as fragmentation, gravity-driven breccia transport and the formation of dilatant jogs. To allow scaling to natural prototypes, extensive material characterisation was done. This showed that tensile strength and cohesion depend on the state of compaction, whereas the friction angle remains approximately constant. In our models, tensile strength of the hemihydrate increases with depth from 9 to 50 Pa, while cohesion increases from 40 to 250 Pa. We studied homogeneous and layered material sequences, using sand as a relatively weak layer and hemihydrate/graphite mixtures as a slightly stronger layer. Deformation was analyzed by time-lapse photography and Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) to calculate the evolution of the displacement field. With PIV the initial, predominantly elastic deformation and progressive localization of deformation are observed in detail. We observed near-vertical opening-mode fractures near the surface. With increasing depth, dilational shear faults were dominant, with releasing jogs forming at fault-dip variations. A transition to non-dilatant shear faults was observed near the bottom of the model. In models with mechanical stratigraphy, fault zones are more complex. The inferred stress states and strengths in different parts of the model agree with the observed transitions in the mode of deformation.  相似文献   

Recent studies carried out in the High Andes of central-western Argentina in the provinces of San Juan and Mendoza have established its stratigraphic and structural evolution. This paper presents new data on the Triassic–Early Jurassic rift system, the depositional sequences, and a synthesis of the tectonic evolution of the region, along with a correlation with the Chilean continental margin.The paleogeographic evolution of the Cordillera Principal at these latitudes is controlled by the development of the Mercedario rift system. This rift began with the sedimentation of synrift deposits of the Rancho de Lata Formation, during the Rhetian (about 190 Ma). Subsidence was driven by normal faults, locally preserved in spite of the severe tectonic inversion of the Andes during the Cenozoic. Different authors have emphasized that an important extension dominated the transition between the Triassic and Jurassic periods along the magmatic arc in the Coastal Cordillera of Chile on the western side of the Andes. Extension was related to the bimodal magmatism that characterized the evolution of this segment (30°–33° SL). The granitic plutonism and the associated mafic volcanism indicate that they were controlled by extension during 220–200 Ma. The first subduction related granitoids at these latitudes are 170 Ma old (Bathonian).The geometry of the Mercedario rift system may be reconstructed by the pattern of the normal faults. Rifting was followed by a thermal subsidence that expanded the original area of sedimentation and controlled the paleogeography of the Los Patillos Formation during Pliensbachian to early Callovian times. This period of cooling and thermal subsidence is correlated with magmatic quiescence in the continental margin. The evolution of the basin closely matches the magmatic history of the Chilean continental margin. Subduction at the continental margin began in the Bathonian, together with deposition of the upper section of Los Patillos Formation.Arc magmatism shifted to the Cordillera Principal during the Kimmeridgian, where it is represented by the volcanic and volcaniclastic deposits of Tordillo Formation.Early Mesozoic evolution of the Andean system at these latitudes is, thus, reconstructed by a comparative analysis of these two adjacent regions, driven by a common tectonic regime, but through different geological processes.  相似文献   

The stratigraphic and sedimentological characteristics of the Payogastilla Group represent important tectono-sedimentary constraints on the evolution of the Andean foreland basin in northwestern Argentina. This nonmarine unit unconformably rests on top of the post-rift deposits of the middle Eocene Lumbrera Formation of the Santa Bárbara Subgroup (Salta Group). Eocene-Pliocene paleoenvironmental changes are a direct result of the tectonic settings and accommodation space. Sequential stratigraphic analysis of the paleoenvironment of the Los Colorados Formation strata indicates the presence of three third-order sequences. Each sequence comprises a low-accommodation systems tract (LAST) and a high-accommodation systems tract (HAST). Substantial tectonic activity from the middle to upper Miocene is represented by Angastaco Formation strata that contain a shallow, gravel-braided fluvial system associated with gravity flows, with thicknesses of 4550 m (Calchaquí River) to 1500 m (Tonco). This activity marked the depocenter of the Angastaco basin. The development of a basal unconformity and the erosion of the Los Colorados Formation suggest a renewed uplift of the source area. Changes in the fluvial systems indicate an increase of the accommodation space.To obtain better temporal constraints on the basin evolution, new U–Pb ages on zircons from five pyroclastic airfall and two sedimentary levels were determined. A substantial environmental change in the upper Miocene (10–5 Ma) is associated with three episodes of tectonic uplift that are reflected in variations in the sedimentation rates of the Palo Pintado Formation. A reactivated Pliocene tectonic uplift is recorded in alluvial fans that originated from the east.  相似文献   

Subduction zones are one of the most characteristic features of planet Earth. Convergent plate junctions exert enormous influence on the formation and recycling of continental crust, and they are also responsible for major mineral resources and earthquakes, which are of crucial importance for society. A subduction-related geologic unit containing high-pressure rocks occurs in the Barragán area (Valle del Cauca Department) on the western flank of the Central Cordillera of the Colombian Andes. Blueschists and amphibolites, serpentinized meta-ultramafic rocks, graphite-chlorite-muscovite-quartz schists, protocataclasites, and graphite-chlorite-andalusite-andesine-garnet-muscovite?± titanite schists are exposed in this region. In spite of the petrotectonic importance of blueschists, the high-pressure metamorphism of the Central Cordillera of Colombia has been rarely studied. New geochemical data indicate that protoliths of the blueschist- and amphibolite-facies rocks possessed normal mid-ocean ridge basalt bulk compositions. 40Ar/39Ar geochronology for a metapelite rock associated with the blueschists shows a plateau age of ~120 million years. We suggest that high-P/T conditions were present from ~150 to 125 Ma, depending on the model of generation and exhumation considered.  相似文献   

The Sierras Pampeanas orogen, in northwestern Argentina, hosts significant Sn–W mineralization in a variety of mostly epizonal granite stocks emplaced in variably metamorphosed country rocks. The San Blas, Huaco and El Durazno granite stocks in the Sierra de Velasco, the La Quebrada granite in the Sierra de Mazán, the Cerro Colorado granite in the Cerro Negro, and the Los Mudaderos and Sauce Guacho granite stocks in the Sierra de Ancasti, are largely peraluminous (ASI between 1.05 and 1.38) and represent S-type granites, are strongly fractionated (i.e., high Rb–Sr ratio), have a low oxidation state (low Fe2O3/Fe2O3 ratio) and are geotectonically linked to syncollisional magmatism. The U–Pb SHRIMP analyses on zircons from the Cerro Colorado and La Quebrada granites, located in the Cerro Negro and Sierra de Mazán, respectively, revealed ages from Lower Ordovician (Tremadocian) to Carboniferous. All granites display elevated LREE values, low HREE values and negative Eu anomalies. With regards to total REE values, two groups of granite stocks can be recognized. The granites with lower REE contents are highly evolved granites and are related to Sn–W mineralization. The mineralized granites display higher values of Sn, W and Rb, and lower values of Sr and Ba compared to barren granites. These trace element characteristics appear to be diagnostic for Sn–W mineralized granite stocks in the western Sierras Pampeanas. The western Sierras Pampeanas contains locally geochemically evolved Carboniferous granites, which are interpreted to be the main control of significant Sn–W mineralization. The Carboniferous age of western Sierras Pampeanas Sn–W mineralization sets it apart from the Triassic age of the Sn–W mineralization in the Eastern Tin belt of Bolivia.  相似文献   

Analogue models are not perfectly reproducible even under controlled boundary conditions which make their interpretation and application not always straight forward. As any scientific experiment they include some random component which can be influenced both by intrinsic (inherent processes) and extrinsic (boundary conditions, material properties) sources. In order to help in the assessment of analogue model results, we discriminate and quantify the intrinsic versus extrinsic variability of results from “sandbox” models of accretionary wedges that were repeated in a controlled environment. The extrinsic source of variability, i.e. the parameter varied is the nature of the décollement (material, friction and thickness). Experiment observables include geometric properties of the faults (lifetime, spacing, dip) as well as wedge geometry (height, slope, length).For each variable we calculated the coefficient of variance (CV) and quantified the variability as a symmetric distribution (Normal, Laplacian) or asymmetric distribution (Gamma) using a Chi squared test (χ2). Observables like fault dip/back thrust dip (CV = 0.6–0.7/0.2–0.6) are less variable and decrease in magnitude with decreasing basal friction. Variables that are time dependent like fault lifetime (CV = 0.19–0.56) and fault spacing (CV = 0.12 – 0.36) have a higher CV consequently affecting the variability of wedge slope (CV = 0.12–0.33). These observables also increase in magnitude with increasing basal friction. As the mechanical complexity of the evolving wedge increases over time so does the CV and asymmetry of the distribution. In addition, we confirm the repeatability of experiments using an ANOVA test. Through the statistical analysis of results from repeated experiments we present a tool to quantify variability and an alternative method to gaining better insights into the dynamic mechanics of deformation in analogue sand wedges.  相似文献   

董猛猛  杨天南  信迪  梁明娟 《岩石学报》2022,(11):3484-3502
在通过锆石U-Pb方法测定岩浆活动时代的过程中总会获取或多或少的继承锆石年龄数据,这些数据对于揭示岩浆岩所处构造单元的构造-岩浆事件序列具有独特优势。本文选择印度-欧亚大陆侧向碰撞带内NEE走向的始-渐新世岩浆岩带作为研究对象,详细收集、梳理该岩浆岩带内现有测年结果中的继承锆石U-Pb年代学和Hf同位素数据,采用统计分析方法,尝试探讨被该岩浆岩带穿越的扬子、印支、保山、腾冲地块的构造-岩浆事件及其序列,对比分析其大地构造亲缘性和地块拼贴历史。继承锆石U-Pb年龄频率分布和Hf同位素数据统计结果显示,扬子与印支地块记录了相同的晋宁期、加里东期、印支期构造-岩浆事件,而腾冲与保山地块则记录了相同的加里东期、印支期构造-岩浆事件。结合现有地层学、古生物和古地磁等方面数据,我们提出扬子-印支与腾冲-保山地块作为两个具有不同结晶基底的独立地块,分别就位于古生代-早中生代古大洋(原、古特提斯洋)的两侧,该大洋板块双向俯冲于这两个地块之下,在两个地块内留下了可高度对比的构造-岩浆事件。由此提出,正向碰撞带班公湖-怒江缝合带内完备的地质记录与侧向碰撞带之间的关联、哀牢山洋的构造属性等是值得深入探究的重大问题。  相似文献   

《Journal of Structural Geology》1999,21(8-9):1267-1274
Sandbox models have been widely used to investigate normal fault geometries, evolution and propagation. As modelling attempts to investigate more aspects of normal faulting, the effects of pre-existing fabrics on normal fault geometry developed within the brittle upper crust have become a topic of interest. Analogue models have been developed for oblique rifting and the influence of pre-existing fabrics on transfer zone geometry. These models use pre-cut geometries in underlying plates to impose `pre-existing' fabrics on the developing normal fault system. However, to really mimic natural systems it is the sand itself that should contain the pre-existing fabrics. The problem is that cohesionless sand has no tensile strength, while the influence of pre-existing fabrics on rift structure in the upper crust attests to the important role played by relatively small variations in rock strength anisotropy caused by pre-existing fabrics. Consequently it is necessary to assess how significant the departures are between model and natural examples and whether a new approach to modelling pre-existing rift structures is required.  相似文献   

We have studied by high-resolution X-ray Computed Tomography the effect of crystal clustering on the Shape-Preferred Orientation (SPO) development in synthetic magmas experimentally deformed at 300 MPa and 475–550°C. A fully connected solid network that could potentially induce the onset of yield strength is not achieved in these suspensions containing 16 vol% of crystals. The alumina grain population exhibits a glomeroporphyritic texture made of isolated grains (59.6%) and clusters of touching grains (40.4%). The SPO of the sub-population of isolated grains exhibits foliation and lineation, which are closely parallel to the plane and direction of shear, respectively. The SPO of clustered grains has little influence overall shape fabric. The angular relationships between the average foliation and cluster elongation provide a good indicator of the shear sense. Finally, we highlight the strain partitioning between nearly non-deformed large clusters acting as rigid glomerocrysts and highly sheared zones in low concentrated suspensions.  相似文献   

New in situ laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry and sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe U–Pb geochronology of zircons from the Idaho batholith and spatially overlapping Challis intrusions reveals a series of discrete magmatic belts of different ages and compositions. Following the accretion of the Blue Mountains province to North America along the Salmon River suture zone, two compositionally diverse belts of metaluminous plutons formed both adjacent to the suture and well inboard of it. These were constructed from ~100 to 85 Ma and were followed by a voluminous pulse of peraluminous magmatism, forming the bulk of the Atlanta lobe and largest fraction of the batholith between ~80 and 67 Ma. Around 70 Ma, a later and more spatially restricted suite of metaluminous plutons formed around the Bitterroot lobe of the batholith. This was followed by another pulse of voluminous peraluminous magmatism in the Bitterroot lobe, lasting from ~66 to 54 Ma. The changes from low volume metaluminous to high volume peraluminous magmatism may reflect a combination of changes in the angle and segmentation of the subducting Farallon plate and over thickening of the continental lithosphere. All of these features were then cut by plutons and dikes associated with the Challis volcanic field, lasting from ~51 to 43 Ma. Inherited components are pervasive in zircons from most phases of the batholith. While Precambrian components are very common, zircons also often contain cores or mantles that are 5–20 million years older than their rims. This suggests that the early phases of the batholith were repeatedly cannibalized by subsequent magmas. This also implies that the older suites may have been originally more aerially extensive than their currently exposed forms.  相似文献   

A systematic sedimentologic and paleomagnetic study was carried out in the Vaca Muerta Formation, cropping out in the northern Neuquén Basin, west-central Argentina. The studied section is c. 280 m-thick and represents a carbonate ramp system bearing ammonites that indicate Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous ages. The Vaca Muerta Formation is one of the most important unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs in the world and its thorough study has become a relevant target in Argentina. The J-K boundary is comprised within this unit, and although it is well-dated through biostratigraphy (mainly ammonites), the position of particularly the boundary is yet a matter of hot debate. Therefore, the systematic paleomagnetic and cyclostratigraphic study in the Vaca Muerta Formation was considered relevant in order to obtain the first Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous magnetostratigraphy of the southern hemisphere on the first place and to precise the position of the J-K boundary in the Neuquén Basin, on the other. Biostratigraphy is well studied in the area, so that paleomagnetic sampling horizons were reliably tied, particularly through ammonites. Almost 450 standard specimens have been processed for this study distributed along 56 paleomagnetic sampling horizons that were dated using ammonites. Paleomagnetic behaviours showed to be very stable, and their quality and primary origin have been proved through several paleomagnetic field tests The resultant magnetostratigraphic scale is made up of 11 reverse and 10 normal polarity zones, spanning the Andean Virgatosphinctes mendozanus (lower Tithonian) to Spiticeras damesi Zones (upper Berriasian). These polarity zones were correlated with those of the International Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale 2012 and 2016 through the correlation between Andean and Tethyan ammonite zones. Cyclostratigraphy on the other hand, proved to be quite consistent with the magnetostratigraphy. Through the correlation of the resultant paleomagnetic and cyclostratigraphic data, it was possible to date the section with unprecedented precision, and therefore, to establish the position of the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary. The paleomagnetic pole calculated from the primary magnetization is located at: Lon = 191.6°E, Lat = 76.2°S, A95 = 3.5°, indicating a c. 24° clockwise rotation for the studied section, which is consistent with structural data of the region.  相似文献   

An integrated radio-astrochronological framework of the Agrio Formation in the Andean Neuquén Basin of west-central Argentina provides new constraints on the age and the duration of the late Valanginian through Hauterivian stratigraphic interval. A CA-ID TIMS U-Pb age of 126.97 ± 0.04(0.07)[0.15] Ma is presented here from the upper Hauterivian Agua de la Mula Member of the Agrio Formation. Biostratigraphic data from ammonoids and calcareous nannofossils and this high precision new radioisotopic age, together with three former ones from the same Agrio Formation are combined with new astrochronological data in the Andes. These are correlated with modern cyclostratigraphic studies in the classical sections of the Mediterranean Province of the Tethys, supporting detailed interhemispheric correlations for the Early Cretaceous. We also provide new δ13C data from the Agrio Formation which are compared with records from the classic Tethyan sections. According to our calibration, the minimum in the values in the mid-Hauterivian appears to be synchronous and, thus, another important stratigraphic marker for global correlation. A new duration of 5.21 ± 0.08 myr is calculated for the Hauterivian Stage, starting at 131.29 ± 0.19 Ma and ending at 126.08 ± 0.19 Ma. The difference between the duration of the Hauterivian in GTS2016 and in this study is 1.32 myr while the base and top of the GTS2016 Hauterivian differ respectively by 3.40 and 4.69 myr.  相似文献   

A >1500–km–long northeast–southwest trending Neoproterozoic metamorphic belt in the South China Craton (SCC) consists of subduction mélange and extensional basin deposits. This belt is present under an unconformity of Devonian–Carboniferous sediments. Tectonic evolution of the Neoproterozoic rocks is crucial to determining the geology of the SCC and further influences the reconstruction of the Rodinia supercontinent. A subduction mélange unit enclosed ca.1000–850–Ma mafic blocks, which defined a Neoproterozoic ocean that existed within the SCC, is exposed at the bottom of the Jiangnan Orogen (JO) and experienced at least two phases deformation. Combined with new (detrital) zircon U–Pb ages from metasandstones, as well as igneous rocks within the metamorphic belt, we restrict the strongly deformed subduction mélange as younger than the minimum detrital age ca. 835 Ma and older than the ca. 815 Ma intruded granite. Unconformably overlying the subduction mélange and the intruded granite, an intra–continental rift basin developed <800 Ma that involved abundant mantle inputs, such as mafic dikes. This stratum only experienced one main phase deformation. According to our white mica 40Ar/30Ar data and previously documented thermochronology, both the Neoproterozoic mélange and younger strata were exhumed by a 490–400–Ma crustal–scale positive flower structure. This orogenic event probably induced the thick–skinned structures and was accompanied by crustal thickening, metamorphism and magmatism and led to the closure of the pre–existing rift basin. Integrating previously published data and our new results, we agree that the SCC was located on the periphery of the Rodinia supercontinent from the Neoproterozic until the Ordovician. Furthermore, we prefer that the convergence and dispersal of the SCC were primarily controlled by oceanic subduction forces that occurred within or periphery of the SCC.  相似文献   

 A review of climatic variability is given with a focus on abrupt changes during the last glacial. Evidence from palaeoclimatic archives suggests that these were most likley due to reorganisations of the atmosphere–ocean system. The mechanisms responsible for these changes are presented. Their implication for future climate changes is discussed in light of recent climate model simulations. Received: 24 June 1998 / Accepted: 27 November 1998  相似文献   

Atoll-shaped and normal garnets from schists of the Betic Cordillera (Spain) were studied by electron microprobe, scanning electron microscopy and microstructural electron backscattered scanning diffraction (EBSD). Medium-grade schists contain a textural variety of atoll garnets, characterized by the presence of muscovite, annite, and quartz as main ??core?? phases. Zoning patterns, EBSD analyses and themobarometric data indicate that the micaceous intergrowths formed in most cases through breakdown of a first garnet generation, with orientation of micas being controlled by garnet (c*mica//[111]*Grt and c*mica//[110]*Grt as main crystallographic relationships). Rings formed from multiple nucleation and coalescence, with orientation being controlled, in some cases, by the relics of the initial garnet and more generally by mica orientation. P-T estimates indicate that the first stage of garnet growth occurred at relatively high P (9?C12?kbar/500?C550°C) whereas the second metamorphic stage occurred at lower P and slightly higher T conditions (5?C7?kbar/500?C600°C).  相似文献   

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