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On top of Shigujian Peak (1477 m a.s.l.) of the Dayangshan Mountain in Jinyun County, Zhejiang Province, large amounts of granite pits with diameters ranging from several dozens of centimeters to around one meter and depth from 10 cm to 45 cm are found on rock surface. These pits mainly appear on the NE and SE sides, and their drainage mouths are in the same direction. The identification results through micropolariscope and X-ray fluorescence spectrometer reveal that bedrock of pits is from middle to fine-grained moyite being apt to be weathered and modified. In Dayangshan region the annual mean temperature is 9.2°C and annual precipitation is over 1700 mm. On the one hand, there always experiences a period of periglacial action with temperature oscillating near 0°C for 4 months, i.e., from December to March next year. As a consequence, the freezing-thawing cycles may be remarkable to disintegrate the bedrock. On the other hand, the windward slope of Shigujian Peak meets typhoon of over force 10 on the Beaufort scale in summer, therefore, the blowing makes suspending sands or pebbles grind in swirling form. Based on field investigation and periglacial geomorphic theory, the pits on top of Shigujian Peak are attributed to freezing-thawing of periglacial action. Meanwhile, storm and strong wind accelerate the process. Observation shows that both the actions are still undergoing and variant directions of wind are the main cause for making different shapes of the pits. Because the top of Shigujian is 1500 m lower than the present snow line, some scholars considered that “glacial pothole” formed in the Quaternary is hard to work, even though in the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Foundation: Regional landform and landscape survey programme of the Zhejiang Institute of Geological Survey Author: Zhu Cheng (1954–), Professor, specialized in geomorphology and the Quaternary geology.  相似文献   

浙江缙云县大洋山石鼓尖花岗岩坑穴成因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
浙江缙云县大洋山石鼓尖海拔1477m,在其山顶花岗岩表面发现大量直径几十厘米至1m左右、深度10cm至45cm的坑穴。经对60处坑穴的形态量测发现,坑穴主要发育在山坡的NE和SE一侧;坑穴积水后出水口流向亦主要朝向NE和SE。对岩石标本的偏光显微镜和X荧光光谱鉴定分析发现,该处基岩为易风化、泥化明显的中细粒钾长花岗岩。该处年平均气温9.2oC,年降水量在1700mm以上,每年12月至翌年3月会经历4个月日气温在0oC上下波动的冰缘作用期,雨雪水冻融交替对基岩的崩解作用明显。该处位于夏季台风雨迎风坡(NE和SE坡)一侧,暴雨常伴随有10级以上大风。现场常可见风力吹蚀带动坑穴中细岩屑对坑穴内壁产生加速旋转磨蚀作用。上述研究表明,该处花岗岩坑穴形成的主要动力成因首先是冰缘寒冻风化作用,暴雨和山顶大风的风力吹蚀加速了坑穴的形成。观察表明,此种作用目前仍在进行之中,风向的转变是造成坑穴出现多种形态的主要原因。由于此处海拔距雪线尚有1500m高差,即使在第四纪盛冰期也仅是接近雪线高度,且因山顶无积雪屯冰的低洼地形,因此,第四纪“冰臼”成因说难以成立。  相似文献   

Jianglang Mountain is situated at the transitional zone of South China fold-system, Jiangshan–Shaoxing deep fracture zone and Baoan–Xiakou–Zhangcun fracture zone. The forming of the Xiakou basin was attributed to the pull-apart fault depression by the above fractures in earlier Cretaceous, afterward, series deposits such as Guantou formation (K1g), Chaochuan formation (K1c) and Fangyan formation (K1f) which belong to Yongkang group, the lower Cretaceous layer accumulated in the Xiakou basin. In late Cretaceous, the above fractures occurred to extrude and the basin began to uplift, meanwhile, amounts of tension fissures and joints were produced since Cenozoic, which accelerated water-dicing into bed-rock. Consequently, landform-building processing: weathering, eroding and collapsing etc. were prevalent as finally to develop the so-called Danxia landform. The Jianglang Mountain landscape zone of the Danxia landform to apply for world natural relics are relying on unique and unparalleled peak, sky-split valley with vivid stones and reviving of platform. What is more, there is significance of study at lithology, stratigraphy and paleo-biology. According to dating for specimen of ophitic vein through-crossing the Yongkang group of Yafeng Peak by K-Ar method, this article revealed the uplift age of red-bed basin to be 77.89±2.6 MaBP (K2) i.e. late Cretaceous, and it is the first chronological datum of Danxia landform research in China.  相似文献   

浙江江郎山丹霞地貌发育的年代与成因   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
article revealed the uplift age of red-bed basin to be 77.89±2.6 MaBP (K2) I.e. Late Cretaceous, and it is the first chronological datum of Danxia landform research in China.  相似文献   

The Danxia landform of Qiyun Mountain is mainly developed on the red granule conglomerates named Xiaoyan Group (K2x1) of middle Cretaceous series, which is controlled mainly by three faulted zones, namely, Jingdezhen-Qimen faulted zone, Jiangwan-Jiekou compressional faulted zone and Kaihua-Chun’an folding faulted zone. During the Cretaceous period, this area firstly experienced massif subsidence to become a continental faulted basin, then having thick Cretaceous red sediments accumulated on it. In the supervened neotectonism, this area experienced an uplifting process, which made the thick Cretaceous sediments into a mountain with an altitude of 500-600 m. After undergoing the processes of vertical joint development, weathering, denudation and transportation, as well as evidently differential weathering and denudation influenced by lithology and structure between sandstone and conglomerate, the grand Danxia landscape consisting of peak forests, steep cliffs, caves, mesas, castellated peaks, natural bridges and so on formed. The three nick points located respectively at 585 m, 400 m and 150 m generally reflect the three dominated uplifting processes during the neotectonism.  相似文献   

安徽齐云山丹霞地貌成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
According to the study of some local scholars (Peng Hua et al., 2000), over 400 sites of Danxia landform have been already discovered in China. Chen Guoda (1935), Zeng Zhaoxuan et al. (1978), Huang Jin et al. (1992; 1994; 1996) and Peng Hua et al. (1998; …  相似文献   

福建长乐屏山风化坑与河流壶穴的成因及其证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
风化坑和壶穴是一种常见的岩石坑穴地形,其形成原因和形态完全不同,但容易被误解和混淆.结合对福建长乐三溪河地区这两种坑穴地形的实地考察,本文从地貌学,沉积学,岩石化学和矿物学等各个方面对两者的形成过程、影响因素进行了论证和对比.研究表明:风化坑形成于岩石面积水的风化作用,壶穴则是由河流的旋转水流对河床产生的侵蚀作用形成;山顶风化坑的发育与河流流水作用没有关系,河流壶穴的形成与河谷的发育过程有关,河谷中的风化坑只能在河流深切后,流水不再作用到的河床部位发育;只要条件合适,风化坑或壶穴随时可以生成;风化坑与河流壶穴的形态,坑内沉积物的磨圆度、粒度特征等反映出各自不同的形成过程.风化坑内碎屑与周边岩石的化学蚀变指数CIA 值的差异反映了风化坑的化学风化成因;风化坑内碎屑与周边岩石石英长石比例的差异说明风化坑是矿物差异风化的结果;用CIA 值和英长比均无法区分河流壶穴和风化坑中的碎屑颗粒,但两者化学元素迁移特征的差别反映了风化坑的风化作用和河流壶穴的流水搬运作用的成因差别;风化坑的风化程度达不到当地风化壳的风化程度,但不同气候带风化坑碎屑的CIA 值能反映不同气候带风化作用的强度差异.  相似文献   

浙江江郎山丹霞地貌发育的年代与成因   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
江郎山位于华南褶皱系、江山-绍兴深断裂和保安-峡口-张村断裂带之间.白垩纪早期这两大断裂的拉张断陷导致峡口盆地的形成,随之主要有下白垩统永康群馆头组(K1g)、朝川组(K1c)和方岩组(K1f)在盆地中的沉积.白垩纪晚期上述两大断裂发生强烈挤压活动,峡口盆地逐渐隆升.新生代以来,峡口盆地在构造抬升中,产生大量张断裂和节理,加速了对岩体的切割,以及岩体被切割后的崩塌,导致了丹霞地貌的发育.江郎山丹霞地貌申报世界自然遗产的主要依据是其特有的壮观而独特的老年期孤峰-巷谷以及生动而逼真的象形石丹霞地貌特征、独特的地台活化现象与重要的岩石学科学研究意义以及该区特有的重要事件地层学和古生物学研究的科学意义.本文根据对江郎山亚峰垂直贯穿于丹霞地貌岩层永康群中辉绿岩脉标本K-Ar法的测年,揭示了当地峡口红层盆地抬升的时代为晚白垩世77.89±2.6Ma BP(K2),这也是我国目前丹霞地貌研究中所测得的可靠年代学数据.  相似文献   

使用固定翼无人机航测丹霞山核心区长老峰游览区(航测区面积4.25 km2)获得高精度影像数据638张,用Photoscan软件拼接正射影像地图及DEM数据生产。在ArcGIS10.5软件中将正射影像图批量分割成470幅图(长和宽为100 m×100 m,比例尺为1︰1 000),在分割后的地图上目测识别并定位珍稀物种丹霞梧桐(Firmiana danxiaensis H.H.Hsue&H.S.Kiu),共获取航测区内1 515株丹霞梧桐及其位置数据,构建地理数据库。利用ArcGIS10.5的空间分析模块,将DEM数据转换成坡度和坡向数据,叠加1 515株丹霞梧桐点位置数据与DEM数据、坡度和坡向数据后进行可视化定量分析。结果显示:航测区内有71.2%的丹霞梧桐(1 078株)分布在海拔210±90 m的范围内。有68.3%(1 033株)的丹霞梧桐分布在坡度>15°的丹霞崖壁地带,与实地观察的事实相吻合。虽然,在航测区长老峰的各个坡向上都可以实地观察丹霞梧桐的分布,但定量统计表明,在南东(295株)、南(276株)、南西(244株)3个坡向上分布相对...  相似文献   

河北太行山区土地利用/覆被变化及其环境效应   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
根据1996-2001年土地调查数据,分析太行山区土地利用变化特征。阐述城乡建设用地增加、土地过度垦殖、林草覆盖减少导致水土流失加剧、耕层土壤遭到破坏、水利设施受损、水旱灾害频繁等不良后果。对不同土地覆被盖度下的减灾效应进行比较,提出发展生态农业的对策与建议。  相似文献   

Along the north bank of the Xuxi River, the sand-intercalated-muddy gravel layer from -3.7 - -5.8 m in the borehole 7508 at the East Dam and the middle, coarse and fine sand layer with a thickness of 4.5 m at the lower part of the borehole 8179 between the East Dam and the West Dam indicate that a large natural river was here before the Kingdom of Wu excavated the Xuxi Canal. The existence of Neolithic sites such as Xuecheng, Chaoduntou and Xiajiadang along the Xuxi River and the silt layer with dozens of meters archived under the earth's surface within a range of 1 km along both banks are the even more important evidences for the existence of the ancient Zhongjiang River. The floodgate of the East Dam nowadays makes against the communication between the Shuiyangjiang River and the Taihu Lake. The authors suggest the canal between Wuhu and Taihu Lake should be excavated as soon as possible, namely, the navigation channel from Wuhu through Guchenghu Lake, Xuxi River, East Dam, Liyang, Yixing to Taihu Lake should be further widen and the deposits composed of slope wash on the watershed between Shuiyangjiang River and Taihu Lake should be dredged away. Then, the channel journey can be shortened, the boats in ship transportation on the Yangtze River can be shunted to ensure the security of shipping, the resources of sand and gravel in the old river channel can be exploited and the dike of the Yangtze River can be reinforced. So, the problems of irrigation, flood diversion, pollution abatement and drainage of flooded fields in the lower Yangtze River will be resolved. Then, the above methods can impel the sustainable development of the Xuxi River and Taihu Lake area.  相似文献   

Along the north bank of the Xuxi River, the sand-intercalated-muddy gravel layer from -3.7~-5.8 m in the borehole 7508 at the East Dam and the middle, coarse and fine sand layer with a thickness of 4.5 m at the lower part of the borehole 8179 between the East Dam and the West Dam indicate that a large natural river was here before the Kingdom of Wu excavated the Xuxi Canal. The existence of Neolithic sites such as Xuecheng, Chaoduntou and Xiajiadang along the Xuxi River and the silt layer with dozens of meters archived under the earth's surface within a range of 1 km along both banks are the even more important evidences for the existence of the ancient Zhongjiang River. The floodgate of the East Dam nowadays makes against the communication between the Shuiyangjiang River and the Taihu Lake. The authors suggest the canal between Wuhu and Taihu Lake should be excavated as soon as possible, namely, the navigation channel from Wuhu through Guchenghu Lake, Xuxi River, East Dam, Liyang, Yixing to Taihu Lake should be further widen and the deposits composed of slope wash on the watershed between Shuiyangjiang River and Taihu Lake should be dredged away. Then, the channel journey can be shortened, the boats in ship transportation on the Yangtze River can be shunted to ensure the security of shipping, the resources of sand and gravel in the old river channel can be exploited and the dike of the Yangtze River can be reinforced. So, the problems of irrigation, flood diversion, pollution abatement and drainage of flooded fields in the lower Yangtze River will be resolved. Then, the above methods can impel the sustainable development of the Xuxi River and Taihu Lake area.  相似文献   

皖西大别山五大水库生态系统服务功能价值评估   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
根据皖西大别山5大水库水资源特征,将其水生态系统服务划分为直接使用价值和间接使用价值2大类8个小类,以2010年为评价基准年份,运用市场价值法、费用支出法、替代工程法等环境经济价值评估方法,对大别山5大水库生态系统服务功能价值定量评价。研究结果表明,2010年5大水库生态系统服务功能的总价值为60.59亿元,占当年六安市国内生产总值的8.95%,其中直接使用价值为19.62亿元,占总价值的32.41%;间接使用价值为40.97亿元,占总价值的67.59%。调蓄洪水和水资源蓄积的功能价值构成比例高,分别为34.32%和32.51%,水库在防御洪涝灾害和涵养水源方面具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

李嘉 《西部资源》2019,(2):45-46
四川宝兴县陇东大理石矿赋存于扬子地台西缘前震旦系锅巴岩组地层中。对其矿床地质特征、矿石质量、成矿条件及成矿远景区分析认为该矿床成因为元古代中期海相沉积型碳酸盐岩变质矿床。同时,该矿床储量丰富、延伸稳定,矿石质量较好,具有一定远景资源量和找矿前景。  相似文献   

采用样地调查方法,通过对伏牛山北麓西泰山地区野生兰花资源的种类、分布、生活环境及资源现状等方面的实地调查,发现西泰山地区兰花资源有9属18种.其中,有9种分布于海拔1000m以下的山地,还有9种分布于海拔1000m以上的山地.在对资源现状进行深入调查的基础上,针对该地区野生兰花资源的保护现状提出了相应的保护对策:提高当地民众的保护意识;完善立法;加强和完善当地资源的保护工作;建立兰科植物种质库及鼓励兰科植物的人工栽培,恢复野生兰科植物种群数量,保护野生兰科植物物种基因.  相似文献   

王群  杨万明  朱跃  杨兴柱 《地理科学》2021,41(6):1030-1038
基于可变模糊识别模型分析2008-2017年安徽境内大别山区12个贫困县(市)社会-生态系统恢复力的时空演变过程,采用障碍度模型揭示恢复力影响因素和特征.研究表明:①时序变化上,社会-生态系统恢复力呈现稳步上升趋势,但总体仍处中低阶段.其中,社会子系统恢复力整体微升,局部年份有突变;经济子系统恢复力发展逐年提高;生态子...  相似文献   

藏东横断山区草地利用变化对土壤质量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
草地利用变化导致的土壤质量演变已经引起了全球广泛关注,然而有关西藏高原这方面的研究目前还很少.为此,探讨藏东横断山区草地转变成坡耕地后土壤质茸变化.选择3种土地利用类型:草地、短期耕作坡耕地、长期耕作坡耕地,采集土壤表层样品,并测定土壤理化性质.利用土壤退化指数(DI)与土壤质量综合指数(I_Q)评价了3种土地类型的土壤质量.结果表明:草地垦殖后的短期耕作造成表层土壤容重、砂粒含量明显增大(容重:从1.11 g/cm~3增大至1.32 g/cm~3;砂粒含量:从43.3%增大至54.7%),粘粒、粉粒含量明显减小;长期耕作导致土壤表层厚度明显增加(从23.6 cm增加到30.6 cm),有机质与全氮含量显著降低(分别降低29%、22%);两种坡耕地全磷与全钾含量变化均不明显.短期、长期耕作坡耕地DI与IQ均低于草地,表明坡耕地土壤质量出现退化.利用DI与I_Q评价出来的短期耕作坡耕地与长期耕作坡耕地土壤质量退化程度不一致,表明这两种指数不能等效地评价该区不同土地利用类型下的土壤质量.土壤质量综合指数被认为是评价本研究区土壤质量状况的一种更合理方法.据此断定,长期耕作坡耕地土壤质量退化较严重.  相似文献   

旅游扶贫重点村空间可达性分布特征及影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在国家提出乡村振兴和旅游扶贫政策的大背景下,为了发挥旅游交通在区域发展中的带动作用,为旅游扶贫重点村建设和加快区域脱贫提供理论依据,文章以湖北武陵山区258个旅游扶贫重点村为研究样本,运用栅格成本加权距离算法与地理加权回归模型(GWR)对其旅游交通可达性及影响因素在空间上影响程度及作用方向的差异进行了探究。研究发现:湖北武陵山区内旅游扶贫重点村的平均可达时间为1.82 h,区域整体可达性相对较差,出行成本较高;从自然及人文2个视角对旅游扶贫重点村可达性的影响因子进行提取,各个影响因子在区域上作用大小的排序为:距最邻近县市最短路径>高程>周边旅游资源禀赋>距河流最短距离>距周边景区最短距离>坡度,距河流最短距离及周边旅游资源禀赋与可达成本呈负相关关系,其余因素均与可达成本呈正相关关系;距周边景区最短距离与坡度值大小的单位变化对可达成本空间差异的影响不显著。  相似文献   

金沙江下游近40年来土壤侵蚀变化--以云南彝良为例   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
云南金沙江流域是我国水土流失最为严重的区域之一,尤其以金沙江下游区最为突出。为揭示该区域土壤侵蚀动态变化的基本规律,为今后水土保持和土地资源可持续利用提供依据,选择该区域较为典型的彝良县作为研究实例,采用航片判读、实地调查、GIS等方法编制了1960、1980和2000年土壤侵蚀图,据此分析该县1960~2000年的土壤侵蚀变化特点,并应用马尔柯夫模型预测在当前土地利用方式下土壤侵蚀动态变化趋势,为该县制定水土保持措施和土地利用规划提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

该文在研究标本和文献的基础上,介绍河南省连康山自然保护区所产的光萼苔科(Porellaceae)植物2属8种,即光萼苔属Porella(7种)和多瓣苔属Macvicaria(1种)。讨论了它们的生境、识别特征和植物区系地理成分,并编制了河南省连康山自然保护区光萼苔科植物的分属、分种检索表。  相似文献   

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