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This paper discusses the constraining factors to sustainable utilization of water resources in China,and the countermeasures to realize sustainable water utilization.The result of comprehensive analysis shows that constraining factors to sustainable utilization of water resources in China are complicated, including physical geographi cal factors and socio-economic factors, such as uneven distribution of water resources at temporal and spatial scales,inappropriate institutional arrangement and non-water-saving and non-water-conservation production and life mode.The countermeasures against constraining factors to water resources sustainable development are put forward as follows: l) using wetlands and forests, and through spatial conversion to realize temporally sustainable supply of water resources; 2) transferring water between basins and areas and developing various water resources in water shortagearea; 3) establishing water-saving society; 4) strengthening water pollution control and water resources protection;and 5) establishing unified water resources management mechanism.  相似文献   

系统分析评价研究了2004年四川水土资源开发利用现状特征及其存在的主要问题,针对四川人地矛盾日趋尖锐、水土流失严重、水资源利用率低、水资源污染仍较严重尤其饮用水源地水质堪忧等制约全省经济社会可持续发展的重要因素,提出了实现四川水土资源可持续利用的对策和措施。  相似文献   

northeastern China is an important old industrial base in China. Mineral resources are the foundation of industry development. However, because of long-term exploitation of mineral resources in northeastern China, the mineral resources reserves decrease gradually and some mineral resources are nearly exhausted, which restricts revitalization and sustainable development of the northeast old industrial base. On the basis of the comprehensive analysis of development and utilization status of mineral resources and supply and demand situation of main mineral resources in northeastern China, the authors put forward countermeasures on main mineral resources sustainable supply in northeastern China.  相似文献   

northeastern China is an important old industrial base in China. Mineral resources are the foundation of industry development. However, because of long-term exploitation of mineral resources in northeastern China, the mineral resources reserves decrease gradually and some mineral resources are nearly exhausted, which restricts revitalization and sustainable development of the northeast old industrial base. On the basis of the comprehensive analysis of development and utilization status of mineral resources and supply and demand situation of main mineral resources in northeastern China, the authors put forward countermeasures on main mineral resources sustainable supply in northeastern China.  相似文献   

I.INTRODUCTIONThearidlandinNorthwestChina,richinlight,heat,landandmineralresources,isoneofthebiggestpotentialregionsforeconomicdevelopmentinthefuture.Itischaracterizedbydroughtclimate,scarceprecipitationandthereisnoagriculturewitholltirrigation(Liu,1980).Waterisnotonlythemostvaluablenaturalresources,butalsoveryimportantenvironmentalfactorinthisarea.Theoasesandwaterresourcesforhumansurvivalanddevelopmentaredistributedmainlyintheinlandriverbasins.Atpresentexploitationandutilizationofwater…  相似文献   

lINThODUCnoNResourcesarethefoundationofeconomicdevel-opment,andsustainabledevelopmentistheinevitabletrendofhumandevelopment.Thesustainabedevel-opmentofChineseforestryisanimPOrtantPOrtionofChinesesustainabledevelopmentstrategy,andforestresourceisthekeyproblemofsustaialleforestryde-velopment.Therefore,exploringthereasonableforestresourcemanagementandutilizationprojecthasimpor-tantsignificancefortherealizationofsustainableforestrydevelopment-DaHingganMountainsforestdistrictisoneoftheimPOrt…  相似文献   

In the coastal catchments of Shandong Province the water scarcity is aggravated due to saltwater intrusion, reducing the usability of water resources available. Such a situation calls for sustainable integrated water resources management (IWRM). The idea for the objectives and implementation of the IWRM are explained in this paper. The general objective of the planned project disscussed in the present study is to bring together German traditional expertise in water resources management and newer developments in the context of the European Water Framework Directive; the research efforts aim to relieve the desperate water scarcity situation in the costal area of Shandong Province.  相似文献   


North China, whose total area is 420,000 km2, covers 2 provinces and 2 cities (Shanxi and Hebei provinces, Beijing and Tianjin) and the territories of Henan and Shandong provinces to the north of the Huanghe (Yellow) River, and part of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Liaoning Province. Most of this region, which is situated in the semi-humid, semi-arid continental climate temperate zone, gets an annual precipitation of 500-600 mm, whereas, the perennial average amount of total water resource is 50.99 billion m3, including 33.82 billion m3 of surface water, 32.94 billion m3 of ground water and 15.77 billion m3 of their duplication. Due to the intensive exploitation of water resource caused by the deficiency of water resource in North China, key elements of water balance was changed, runoff volume reduced, evaporation increased, vertical movement of moisture strengthened, water circulation pattern transformed from open system into regionally closed system; meanwhile, due to the incompetent water  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the distribution and production layout of the major mineral resources in China,including coal,iron ore,copper and bauxite,from a national perspective.It also identifies the incompatibility between the mineral resources distribution and regional economic development.Significant issues with China’s mineral resource industry cause challenges for the sustainable development of both the mining industry and the national socio-economy.The sustainability of regional mineral resources and the environmental pollution by mining in the western China were also analyzed.Results show that the distribution of China’s mineral resources is misaligned with its regional layout of economic development.China’s mineral resources have been over-exploited,and the mineral resources production in the eastern China is unsustainable.The continuously expanding production of mineral resources in the western China has heavily endangered the ecological environment.We propose strategies to boost the sustainable development of mineral resources,including measures to accelerate economic development and enhance the sustainability of domestic mineral resources.We also offer suggestions for scientifically planning the mineral resource prospecting and exploitation and regional economic layout,as well as for proactively undertaking industry transfer in the eastern China and raising the environmental benchmark requirements for the mineral industry in the central and western China.  相似文献   

在深入分析区域水资源可持续利用评价系统的基础上,建立了区域水资源可持续利用能力评价指标体系,并将基于禁忌搜索优化的投影寻踪技术(TSPP)应用于水资源可持续利用评价。通过对淮河片区水资源可持续利用能力的初步研究,表明了此模型能完整而系统地反映区域水资源可持续利用能力,并且直观、简便,在各种实际系统评价中具有应用价值。  相似文献   

The unconventional oil and gas resources presented in oil shales have meant these potential sources of hydrocarbons,which has become a research focus. China contains abundant oil shale resources,ranking fourth in the world,with ca. 7 254. 48 × 10~8 t within 24 provinces,including 48 basins and 81 oil shale deposits. About 48% of the total oil shale resources are concentrated in the eastern resource region,with a further 22% in the central resource region. 65% of the total quantity of oil shale resources is present at depths of 0-500 m,with 17% of the total resources being defined as high-quality oil shales yielding more than 10% oil by weight.Chinese oil shale resources are generally hosted by Mesozoic sediments that account for 78% of the total resources. In terms of the geographical distribution of these resources,some 45% are located in plain regions,and different oil shale basins have various characteristics. The oil shale resources in China represent a highly prospective future source of hydrocarbons. These resources having potential use not only in power generation and oil refining but also in agriculture,metal and chemical productions,and environmental protection.  相似文献   

The processes of water resources exploitation and utilization can be divided into three stages by water resources transformation, and the history, present situation and future trend of water resources development in piedmont areas around high mountains of arid northwestern China. The three stages are: the stage of surface water development (the first stage), the stage of comprehensive development of surface and ground water (the second stage) and the stage of economical development of water resources (the third stage). The three stages link each other and show the law and processes of water resources exploitation and utilization associated with social and technological progress. The economical water policy should run through the three stages. On this point, however, the third stage differs from the others, particularly, refering to irrigated agriculture. The third stage has more progressive significance because it breaks the traditional ideas on water resources development. According to our investigation and calculation, under present conditions of water resources development, the net used water is about 160 × 108 m3, accounting for 18% of the total water resources of northwestern China. The water resources have not been fully developed. If the first stage is finished, the exploitable water can be increased by 91%. After the second stage, furthermore, it can be increased by 216%. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION The Ussuri / Wusuli River watershed is located in the southeast part of Heilongjiang Province of China, which joins remote regions of Russia. The watershed consists of approximately 26 000 000 ha, which is about two thirds of the watershed ecosystem in Russia, one  third in China. The Ussuri River forms part of the border between Russia and China, the shared border stretches more than 1100 km. Khanka/Xingkai Lake lies within both China and Russia. Its total area …  相似文献   


The research on the present situation of soil and water development and utilization in Shiyang River Basin shows that water resources and eco-environment situation in this area are near the edge of collapse. Since the water crises occurred in the 1970s, problems caused by continuous decrease of water resources have been becoming serious year by year and eco-environment crisis occurred as a consequence. Up to now, 10 380ha of irrigated lands have been abandoned due to sand coverage and water shortage in the basin. Ground water was over exploded in Wuwei and Minqin because of water shortage. Ground water table in many places dropped under 5m (which is the ecology water table level), thus about 3000ha of Elaeagnus angustifolia forest come to dead and another 5800ha become feeble, and wind-drift sand near the oasis become alive. According to the current situation, if water utilization scope was not enlarged, a water transfer volume of 600×106m3/a from other areas will be suitable to keep water resources and eco-environment safety in the basin, and also 70×106m3/a will be left as spare water. Under this condition the water resources and eco-environment of the basin can reach the critical safety line of 2.032×109m3/a; or if 180×106m3 of water can be transferred from other areas, the water resources can reach the safety warning line of 1.732×109m3/a. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40235053) and Lanzhou Jiaotong University "Qinglan" Foundation Biography: ZHANG Ji-shi (1963-), male, a native of Tongwei of Gansu Province, senior engineer, specialized in water resources and climate change in Northwest China. E-mail: zjs1963@yahoo.com.cn; hangjs@mail.lzjtu.cn  相似文献   

The island mountain utilization is a kind of mountain utilization. Although the islands cover little area, they can be used as the base of marine development. The sustainable development of island mountains is of significance to marine development. There are more than 6500 islands (including the South China Sea Islets) in China, and most of them are continental islands which are the extension of continental mountains extent towards sea. For this reason, there are many hills but few mountains, the area of hills makes up more than two thirds of the whole land area. In order to keep ecological balance of islands, the utilization of island hills and mountains should take exploitation of forests as the main to conserve water source and water-soil, and forests become an important factor in keeping ecological balance and sustainable development of islands. At the same time we should make good use of forests through setting up forest nature protecting area and forest parks and developing forest tourism. A part of research achievements of the project subsidized by National Natural Science Foundation (No. 49171026).  相似文献   

UTILIZATIONANDSUSTAINABLEDEVELOPMENTOFISLANDMOUNTAINSINCHINA①ZhangYaoguang(张耀光)YangYinkai(杨荫凯)InstituteofMarineResources,Liao...  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONSustainability as present understand comes fromword protection strategy commission, which firstly putforward some wide excepted environmental sustainability principles and three important identifications forlife support system: soil, air and water. Then, in thereport of Our Common Future (WCED, 1987), theconcept of sustainable development is put to an outstanding level. Sustainable groundwater resources development is then a great issue in the recent years andthe future (…  相似文献   

Hexi region is located in the northwest arid zone in China, being both the base of industry and agriculture, and the prop of developing northwestern China on a large scale in the next century. On the basis of the study on exploitation and utilization process of water and land resources in past 40 years, and present productivity, this paper approaches the utilization trend and development potential of water and land resources; analyses the characteristics, problems and directions of resource utilization in the future; and proposes the countermeasures of rational development of water and land resources.  相似文献   

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