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本文推导了随机载荷下的疲劳损伤计算公式。数值计算结果表明:P.H.Wirsching给出的公式在宽带情况下与实际情况不符;G.Chaudhury给出的公式在窄带情况下与实际不符;本文绘出的公式不仅适合于窄带,也适合于具有各种不同带宽的宽带随机载荷。  相似文献   

通过结合常规谱疲劳分析方法和裂纹扩展分析方法,给出了一种工程实用的评价老龄平台节点裂纹扩展寿命的方法,并以某一平台为例进行了验证计算。首先,基于谱疲劳分析得到各个节点在过去30年的节点疲劳损伤,然后,对损伤接近或大于1.0的节点进行基于单一曲线模型的裂纹扩展分析,以求得该节点在目前状态下裂纹扩展寿命。结果表明,目标平台计算疲劳热点满足继续使用的要求。此外,针对不同初始裂纹尺寸时的裂纹扩展寿命计算结果表明初始裂纹尺寸对疲劳裂纹扩展寿命影响很大。  相似文献   

冰激直立腿海洋平台疲劳寿命分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
由于渤海特殊环境条件与油藏分布决定了该海域导管架油气平台属于典型的柔性抗冰结构。多年现场观测发现,该类结构存在显著的冰激振动现象。冰振不仅能激起较大的甲板加速度响应,还会引起明显的导管架管节点交变应力。在结构设计与安全保障中进行疲劳分析及寿命估计是必要的。对于直立腿抗冰结构,精确的冰激疲劳寿命计算方法还不成熟。基于多年的现场监测,首先分析了冰与直立腿抗冰结构相互作用过程;其次,提出了冰激直立腿平台的疲劳寿命分析流程;最后,选取渤海某典型直立腿平台,利用ANSYS数值模拟,对比了稳态冰力和随机冰力下结构的疲劳损伤,进而计算出疲劳寿命。本研究为寒区柔性结构抗冰设计与安全保障提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

基于EIFS和P-M的海底管道腐蚀疲劳寿命预测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
鉴于腐蚀疲劳损伤的特殊性,研究了点蚀过程和腐蚀疲劳裂纹扩展过程。基于等效初始缺陷尺寸(EIFS)和线性累积损伤理论(P-M)方法,消除了点蚀形核、蚀坑生长及腐蚀疲劳短裂纹扩展对腐蚀疲劳寿命预测的影响;避免了基于单点蚀坑建立的腐蚀疲劳寿命预测表达式的弊端;合理地简化了随机荷载下腐蚀疲劳寿命的预测流程。利用现有试验数据,对基于EIFS和P-M方法建立的腐蚀疲劳寿命预测表达式进行了模型验证。结果显示,所提模型的有效性和合理性得到了验证,为工程实际中海底管道的腐蚀疲劳寿命预测提供了一种可行方法。  相似文献   

黄维平  刘超 《海洋工程》2012,30(3):125-130
基于渤海和南海的海洋平台设计环境条件,分析了近年来我国近海极端海洋环境条件的发生规律及其对海洋平台疲劳设计条件的冲击。采用Miner’s线性累积疲劳损伤准则和疲劳可靠性理论,研究了极端海况引起的疲劳损伤对海洋平台疲劳寿命的影响,提出了考虑极端海洋环境条件的海洋平台疲劳设计方法。研究表明,由于近年来全球气候变换带来的极端气象条件频发,导致海洋工程结构经历传统意义上的多年一遇海洋环境条件的概率大大增加,使得现行的海洋平台疲劳设计条件偏离了实际的海洋环境条件。数值算例表明,极端海况引起的疲劳损伤在总的疲劳损伤的比例大大增加,甚至成为疲劳损伤的主要部分。因此,这些极端海况引起的疲劳损伤对结构疲劳寿命的影响不容忽略,考虑极端海洋环境条件的海洋平台疲劳设计符合近年来的灾害性海况频发的现状。  相似文献   

基于安全寿命设计方法,根据现场监测得到的资料数据,论述了现役导管架平台冰激疲劳寿命的估算法.应用ANSYS软件建立JZ20-2MSW平台的有限元模型,计算该平台的年平均冰激疲劳损伤,从而得到剩余疲劳寿命,为平台的维修、报废等决策提供了依据.  相似文献   

基于安全寿命设计理论,论述了抗冰平台冰激疲劳寿命估计的方法,给出了谱分析和时间域分析方法的内容和流程,其中疲劳冰荷载和冰疲劳环境模型是冰激疲劳估计的两个关键问题。基于渤海冰情和冰荷载连续多年现场观测数据,初步建立了渤海JZ20-2海域海冰疲劳环境模型和锥体结构冰力谱,并利用谱分析方法,对新建的JZ20-2NW平台进行了详细冰激疲劳估计。此方法对抗冰平台的安全评估与动力分析具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

海洋环境中混凝土结构服役寿命预测   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过参数定义对Fick定律的不合理假定进行修正,推导氯离子在混凝土中扩散的多因素修正模型,综合考虑氯离子扩散系数的时随效应、混凝土的氯离子结合能力和混凝土自身缺陷的影响.根据对大量数据的分析试算,给出模型中参数的取值.利用该扩散模型,进一步推导海洋环境下基于概率性能的混凝土结构服役寿命计算方法,有效解决混凝土结构服役寿命预测中氯离子扩散系数及混凝土保护层厚度的随机特性.最后给出实际工程算例,说明该预测方法的有效性.  相似文献   

TLP平台的疲劳计算在工程中常采用确定性疲劳计算方法,但是影响结构疲劳的大多数因素都是随机的,确定性的方法很难对这些因素做出客观的描述。因此,本文基于谱疲劳方法,分别采用确定性疲劳和疲劳可靠性对TLP平台NODE结构进行疲劳筛选计算,并对计算结果进行对比分析。结果显示NODE结构局部区域不满足疲劳强度要求,相比于疲劳可靠性,确定性疲劳方法更加保守。  相似文献   

压弯载荷下焊趾表面裂纹工程萌生寿命预测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
首先定义焊趾处从无裂纹到检测到表面裂纹长度达到 1.5mm时对应的循环次数为裂纹“工程萌生寿命”。给出了基于修正Neuber法并考虑焊接残余应力等影响的焊接结构焊趾裂纹工程萌生寿命计算方法。用成一定角度对接焊板试件和轴向加载获得压弯组合应力 ,以 980钢板焊接件为试件 ,在压弯组合应力的作用下 ,对焊趾表面裂纹萌生寿命进行了实验研究 ,确定了焊趾处的疲劳缺口系数。该结果可用于疲劳热点部位的受力特征为压弯组合应力的潜艇耐压壳、压力容器等的某些重要焊接结构疲劳计算  相似文献   

- Offshore platforms are always subjected to wave action which is random variable amplitude cyclic loading. In order to simulate the stressing condition at the 'hot spot' of the tubular joints and the marine environment, random variable amplitude fatigue tests have been carried out on welded plate joints in sea water. The tests have been conducted under the conditions of loading frequency of 0.2 Hz, stress ratio of -1, seawater temperature of about 20℃ and cathodic protection with the potential about -850 mV, SCE. The test results have been compared with the seawater corrosion fatigue life under constant amplitude loading. Miner's linear cumulative damage summation rule has been used to predict the corrosion fatigue life under variable amplitude loading. The predicted life is in good agreement with the test data.  相似文献   

Three types of ice loading, which are most commonly present when ice acts on structures, are chosen and simulated for use of fatigue crack propagation tests on offshore structural steel A131. The three types of ice categorized in accordance with the failure modes when acting on structures called crushing ice, bending ice, and buckling ice, respectively. This paper presents an experimental investigation on the fatigue crack propagation behavior of widely used high strength steel A131 for offshore jackets in the loading environment of ice crushing, bending, and buckling. The test results of fatigue crack propagation in steel A131 under these simulated ice loading at temperature 292K. are presented and analyzed in detail in this paper. The amplitude root mean square stress intensity factor is optimized to be the fundamental parameter of fatigue crack propagation for all types of ice loading histories. The results are also compared with constant amplitude fatigue crack propagation conclusions as in wave loa  相似文献   

A simple probabilistic model for predicting crack growth behavior under random loading is pre-sented.In the model,the parameters c and m in the Paris-Erdogan Equation are taken as random variables,and their stochastic characteristic values are obtained through fatigue crack propagation tests on an offshorestructural steel under constant amplitude loading.Furthermore,by using the Monte Carlo simulation tech-nique,the fatigue crack propagation life to reach a given crack length is predicted.The tests are conducted toverify the applicability of the theoretical prediction of the fatigue crack propagation.  相似文献   

Experiments were made on plain concrete subjected to triaxial static loading and constant-amphtude compressive fatigue loading with a constant lateral pressure in two directions. The initial confining pressure was O, O. lfc, O. 25fc and O. 4fc, respectively, for the static test, and O. lfc and O. 25fc for the fatigue test. Based on the triaxial compressive constitutive behavior of concrete, the inflexion of confining pressure evolution was chosen to be the fatigue damage criterion during the test. The rule of evolution of longitudinal maximum and minimum strains, longitudinal cyclic modulus and damage were recorded and analyzed. According to the Fardis-Chen criterion model and the concept of equivalent fatigue life and equivalent stress level, a unified S-N curve for multi-axial compressive fatigue loading was proposed. Thus, the fatigue strength factors for different fatigue loading cases can be obtained. The present investigation provides information for the fatigue design of concrete structures.  相似文献   

To investigate the low temperature fatigue crack propagation behavior of offshore structuralsteel A131 under random ice loading,three ice failure modes that are commonly present in the Bohai Gulfare simulated according to the vibration stress responses induced by real ice loading.The test data are pro-cessed by a universal software FCPUSL developed on the basis of the theory of fatigue crack propagationand statistics.The fundamental parameter controlling the fatigue crack propagation induced by randomice loading is determined to be the amplitude root mean square stress intensity factor K_(arm).The test resultsare presented on the crack propagation diagram where the crack growth rate da/dN is described as thefunction of K_(arm).It is evident that the ice failure modes have great influence on the fatigue crack propaga-tion behavior of the steel in ice-induced vibration.However,some of the experimental phenomena and testresults are hard to be physically explained at present.The work in this paper is an init  相似文献   

—In Bohai Gulf,offshore and other installations have collapsed by sea ice due to the fatigueand fracture of the main supporting components in the ice environments.In this paper presented are someresults on fatigue reliability of these structures in the Gulf by investigating the distributions of iceparameters such as its floating direction and speed,sheet thickness,compressive strength,ice forces on thestructures,and hot spot stress in the structure.The low temperature,ice breaking modes and componentfatigue failure modes are also taken into account in the analysis of the fatigue reliability of the offshorestructures experiencing both random ice loading and low temperatures.The results could be applied to thedesign and operation of offshore platforms in the Bohai Gulf.  相似文献   

A fatigue life estimation method for offshore structures under random stress response is studied in this paper. The method of broad band cumulative frequency number is used to determine the effect of band width of stress frequency spectra on fatigue. A formula of correction factor for fatigue under broad band stress spectra is suggested and compared with that given by P. H. Wirsching.  相似文献   

Optimal Design of TMD Under Long-Term Nonstationary Wave Loading   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
—Traditionally,the use of a tuned mass damper(TMD)is to improve the surviability of the pri-mary structure under extraordinary loading environment while the design loading condition is describedby either a harmonic function or a stationary random process that can be fully characterized by a powerspectral density(PSD)function.Aiming at prolonging the fatigue life of an offshore platform,this studyconsiders an optimal design of TMD for the platform under long-term nonstationary loading due tolong-term random sea waves characterized by a probabilistic power spectral density(PPSD)function.Inprinciple,a PPSD could be derived based on numerous ordinary PSD functions;and each of them is treat-ed as realization of the corresponding PPSD.This study provides a theoretical development for theoptimal TMD design by minimizing the cost function to be the mean square value of the expectedlong-term response.A numerical example is presented to illustrate the developed design procedure.  相似文献   

—The Monte-Carlo method is used to simulate the surface fatigue crack growth rate foroffshore structural steel E36-Z35,and to determine the distributions and relevance of the parameters in theParis equation.By this method,the time and cost of fatigue crack propagation testing can be reduced.Theapplication of the method is demonstrated by use of four sets of fatigue crack propagation data foroffshore structural steel E36-Z35.A comparison of the test data with the theoretical prediction for surfacecrack growth rate shows the application of the simulation method to the fatigue crack propagation tests issuccessful.  相似文献   

采用侧壁开槽型CT试样,分别在空气和3.5%NaCl溶液中进行腐蚀疲劳裂纹扩展试验,研究海底管道用钢X65在海水腐蚀环境下的腐蚀疲劳裂纹扩展特性。为保证试样既能满足腐蚀疲劳试验机的夹具要求,又可控制裂纹沿直线方向扩展,采用侧壁开槽技术对CT试样进行改进;利用有限元软件ABAQUS,建立三维模型,验证了对于侧壁开槽型CT试样,可以采用ASTM标准推荐的应力强度因子表达式对改进后CT试样开展数值计算。利用YYF-50腐蚀疲劳试验装置开展试验,试验结果表明:和惰性环境相比,腐蚀环境不仅会加速X65钢的裂纹扩展速率,还会降低腐蚀疲劳体系下裂纹扩展的门槛值;在腐蚀体系下存在裂纹扩展的稳定阶段,可采用Paris公式对其腐蚀疲劳裂纹扩展速率进行预测。  相似文献   

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