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Analysis of the carbon isotopic composition in aryl carotenoid derivatives, including isorenieratene, in bitumen from domanikoid rocks of the sections cropping out along the Chut River revealed that they contain anomalously heavy carbon, which is determined by the formation of these compounds from green sulfur bacteria of the family Chlorobiaceae. These bacteria use the peculiar process of carbon fixing as HCO3? in the reversed tricarboxilic acid cycle. The fact of hydrosulfuric contamination of the photic water layer in the Domanik basin is confirmed by the plurality of data. Anoxity in shelf water of the middle Frasnian Timan–Pechora basin is evident from lithological features such as, for example, lamination of some rocks and mass death of the fauna.  相似文献   

Based on the experimentally measured parameters of elemental composition, average molecular masses, and PRM spectrometry data, we calculated the average structural parameters of resin and asphaltene molecules in Paleozoic crude oil of some oilfields in the Timan–Pechora petroliferous basin. The values of the structural parameters of cyclic and aliphatic fragments in the molecules of resin–asphaltene components of the crudes studied here are within the ranges established earlier for high-molecular compounds of crudes from other petroliferous basins. The average structural-group characteristics of resins in crudes from carbonate reservoirs vary over narrow ranges of values independently of the age and depth of occurrence of the reservoir. The resinous fractions of crudes from terrigenous horizons show symbatic enrichment with paraffin fragments and depletion with naphthene fragments of molecules with depth. This points to the presence of a paragenesis of petroleum hydrocarbons and heteroatomic compounds in the Earth’s interior.  相似文献   

The total hydrocarbon composition and average structural-group characteristics of typical Paleozoic crude oils of the Timan–Pechora petroliferous basin are described. The hydrocarbon (HC) types of crudes are compared, which were conventionally determined from the composition of their gasoline fractions, by mass-spectrometric analysis of the HC composition of crudes, and by structural-group analysis of crudes, based on radiospectrometric data. The analyses have shown the presence of 30 structural types of HCs with up to 43 carbon atoms. The whole series of members up to C43 are specific only for HCs with no more than three rings in the molecule. It has been established that the carbonate strata in the basin under investigation, independently of the depth of their occurrence and the age of the host deposits, generate and accumulate heavy high-resin high-sulfur oils rich in alicyclic structures and assigned by HC composition to the naphthene–methane or even naphthene type. Terrigenous reservoirs here abound in crudes of methane–naphthene type. The contents of sulfur and resinous substances and the fraction of carbon atoms in alicyclic HC structures decrease as the depth of occurrence of the host deposits grows, thus reflecting the known gradual process of “methanization” of petroleum composition.  相似文献   

Investigation of the distribution of basalts, dolerites, and tuffs in the Kanin–Timan–Pechora large igneous province was completed by generalization of data of geological surveys and analysis of the data of deep drilling. The province appears like a nonisometric ellipse and extends northwestward for a distance of nearly 850 km at the width of 250–500 km. Its area is nearly 285 000 km2. The area of the volcanic rocks is about 85 500 km2. The volume of eruptive material alone could be equal to 1000–1200 km3. The age of formation of the traps corresponds to the late period of activity of the process and was less than 7 mln. y. The formation of the province was result of the action of short-lived and low intensity plumes. But it was one of the episodes of the Late Devonian superplume event in the East European platform. The province is separated by an amagmatic area from neighboring magmatic provinces of the same age. The distance between borders of the provinces is 200–400 km.  相似文献   

The paper presents gaz chromatography–mass spectrometry and 1H- and 13C-NMR data on the composition of hydrocarbon markers and structural-group composition of oils in the Timan–Pechora oil and gas province. The set of samples is subdivided into groups whose oils differ in composition and the distribution of their polycyclic biomarkers. All of the oils show closely similar geochemical characteristics, types of their source organic matter, and thermal maturity. Comparison of oil characteristics (composition of the polycyclic biomarkers) and parameters determined by chromatography–mass spectrometry makes it possible to reveal certain important (and calling for further investigation) relations between the composition of the structural groups of hydrocarbons in the oil fluid and its geochemical characteristics.  相似文献   

The results of bio- and lithostratigraphic studies of the Givetian-Frasnian rocks in the Tsil’ma River basin are reported. They suggest regularities in sedimentation: distinct rhythmicity and similar succession in the structure of formations. We have identified five palynocomplexes that characterize the formations and make it possible to accomplish a confident biostratigraphic subdivision of sections. Their correlation with coeval complexes in the adjacent areas has been accomplished. The results made it possible to unravel specific features of miospore assemblages formed in the continental and coastal-marine facies.  相似文献   

U–Pb ID–TIMS zircon analyses of the Dzhigda gabbro–gabbrodiorite Massif (Ilikan block in the southwestern part of the Dzhugdzhur–Stanovoi superterrane) have been carried out. The results demonstrate that the formation of the massif at 244 ± 5 Ma corresponds to one of the stages of formation of the Selenga–Vitim volcano–plutonic belt. The latter stretches along the southeastern margin of the North Asian Craton along its border with the Mongol–Okhotsk fold belt. This indicates that the Selenga–Vitim volcano–plutonic belt along with granitoids and volcanics comprises Permian–Triassic massifs and that this belt is superimposed onto structures of not only the Selenga–Stanovoi terrane but also the Dzhugdzhur–Stanovoi terrane.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of the family Tanystropheidae, Dinocephalosaurus orientalis gen. et sp. nov., is described based on a nearly complete skull. This is the first record of the order Protorosauria from China. It also represents the only known occurrence of Tanystropheidae outside Europe, the Middle East and North America. Dinocephalosaurus is quite similar to Tanystropheus from Monte San Giorgio, Switzerland. Primarily it is distinguished from Tanystropheus in the shape of the premaxilla, maxilla, jugal and parietal. Although the family Tanystropheidae is now referred to the order Protorosauria, the new material from China indicates that the archosauromorph affinities of tanystropheids need further investigation. The discovery of Dinocephalosaurus provides new clues for the study of the evolution and radiation of Protorosauria and Tanystropheidae. It is also important for the study of the eastern Tethyan Fauna and the paleobiogeographical relationship between Europe and southern China in the Triassi  相似文献   

The Late Permian–early Middle Triassic strata of the northern West Qinling area, northeastern Tibetan Plateau, are composed of sediment gravity flow deposits. Detailed sedimentary facies analysis indicates these strata were deposited in three successive deep-marine environments. The Late Permian–early Early Triassic strata of the Maomaolong Formation and the lowest part of the Longwuhe Formation define a NW–SE trending proximal slope environment. Facies of the Early Triassic strata composing the middle and upper Longwuhe Formation are consistent with deposition in a base-of-slope apron environment, whereas facies of the Middle Triassic Anisian age Gulangdi Formation are more closely associated with a base-of-slope fan depositional environment. The lithofacies and the spatial–temporal changes in paleocurrent data from these strata suggest the opening of a continental margin back-arc basin system during Late Permian to early Middle Triassic time in the northern West Qinling. U–Pb zircon ages for geochemically varied igneous rocks with diabasic through granitic compositions intruded into these deep-marine strata range from 250 to 234 Ma. These observations are consistent with extensional back-arc basin development and rifting between the Permian–Triassic Eastern Kunlun arc and North China block during the continent–continent collision and underthrusting of the South China block northward beneath the Qinling terrane of the North China block. Deep-marine sedimentation ended in the northern West Qinling by the Middle Triassic Ladinian age, but started in the southern West Qinling and Songpan-Ganzi to the south. We attribute these observations to southward directed rollback of Paleo-Tethys oceanic lithosphere, continued attenuation of the West Qinling on the upper plate, local post-rift isostatic compensation in the northern West Qinling area, and continued opening of a back-arc basin in the southern West Qinling and Songpan-Ganzi. Rollback and back-arc basin development during Late Permian to early Middle Triassic time in the West Qinling area explains: the truncated map pattern of the Eastern Kunlun arc, the age difference of deep-marine sediment gravity flow deposits between the Late Permian–early Middle Triassic northern West Qinling and the late Middle Triassic–Late Triassic southern West Qinling and Songpan-Ganzi, and the discontinuous trace of ophiolitic rocks associated with the Anyemaqen-Kunlun suture.  相似文献   

The northern Yangtze foreland basin system was formed during the Mesozoic continental collision between the North and South China plates along the Mianlue suture. In response to the later phase of intra-continental thrust deformation, an extensive E–W-trending molasse basin with river, deltaic, and lake deposits was produced in front of the southern Qinling–Dabieshan foreland fold-and-thrust belt during the Early–Middle Jurassic (201–163 Ma). The basin originated during the Early Jurassic (201–174 Ma) and substantially subsided during the Middle Jurassic (174–163 Ma). A gravelly alluvial fan depositional system developed in the lower part of the Baitianba Formation (Lower Jurassic) and progressively evolved into a meandering river fluvial plain and lake systems to the south. The alluvial fan conglomerates responded to the initial uplift of the southern Qinling–Dabieshan foreland fold-and-thrust belt after the oblique collision between the Yangtze and North China plates during the Late Triassic. The Qianfoya Formation (lower Middle Jurassic) mainly developed from shore-shallow lacustrine depositional systems. The Shaximiao Formation (upper Middle Jurassic) predominantly consists of thick-bedded braided river delta successions that serve as the main body of the basin-filling sequences. The upward-coarsening succession of the Shaximiao Formation was controlled by intense thrusting in the southern Qinling–Dabieshan fold-and-thrust belt. Palaeogeographic reconstructions indicated an extensive E–W foredeep depozone along the fold-and-thrust belt during the Middle Jurassic (174–163 Ma) that was nearly 150 km wide. The depozone extended westward to the Longmenshan and further east to the northern middle Yangtze plate. The northern Yangtze foreland basin was almost completely buried or modified by the subsequent differential thrusting of Dabashan and its eastern regions (Late Jurassic to Cenozoic).  相似文献   

The results of bio- and lithostratigraphic study of Sargaevo deposits in the Tsil’ma River basin are discussed. The palynological data used for biostratigraphic subdivision of the section provide grounds for defining the miospore assemblage corresponding to the regional miospore Cristatisporites pseudodeliquescens Zone. It is established that deposits of the Sargaevo regional stage are distributed almost through the entire Tsil’ma River basin. They are characterized by distinct lithological features and may serve as a stratigraphic reference unit in field investigations.  相似文献   

Three new genera and species of perleidid fishes from the Middle Triassic strata of Yunnan Province, i.e., Fuyuanperleidus dengi gen. et sp. nov., Luopingperleidus sui gen. et sp. nov., and Diandongperleidus denticulatus gen. et sp. nov., are described in this paper. Fuyuanperleidus dengi is distinguishable from other perleidids by the shape of the maxilla, the big teeth, the ornamentation of the skull bones, maxilla fused with the first infraorbital and the deepened flank scales. Luopingperleidus sui is distinguishable from other perleidids by the following features: the triangular main branchiostegal rays, four horizontal rows of deepened flank scales anterior to the pelvic fin, and three anal scales. Diandongperleidus denticulatus is distinguishable from other perleidids by the following features: the anterior border of some anterior fin rays of both the paired fins and the dorsal and anal fins bearing denticles, and posterior strongly serrated scales. The new discoveries not only add to the diversity of perleidid fishes in South China, but also shed new light on the radiation of Triassic perleidid fishes in the world.  相似文献   

The Early and Middle Triassic primary lower Yangtze sea basin was formed before the Yangtze and Sino. Korean blocks collided and were assembled. showing the characteristics of an open continental shelf.continental margin sea. In order to provide evidence useful for oil and gas exploration in the studied region, this paper centres on the features of the sediments and their facies framework in the basin and the sedimentation parameters such as the deposition rate, palaeotemperature, palaeosatinity, palaeodepth of water and palaeocurrents of the basin.  相似文献   

The Kocali Complex in SE Turkey includes pelagic sediments (pelagic limestones, cherts, etc.), basic volcanic rocks of oceanic crust origin together with platform-derived sediments. Its depositional age was previously assigned as Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous. In order to study the radiolarian contents of volcano-sedimentary sequences in this complex, six stratigraphic sections have been measured mainly at the NE and NW Adiyaman city.Radiolarian faunas from these stratigraphic sections reveal that the age of these sequences ranges from middle Carnian to Rhaetian. Based on these data, the depositional age of the complex is older than the previously assigned. Lithological characteristics (widespread Triassic basic volcanic rocks associated with pelagic sediments) and radiolarian contents of these sequences have close similarities with the sequences of the Alakircay Nappe of the Antalya Nappes in western and central Taurides.Based on taxonomic studies, 99 taxa have been determined of which one genus (Adiyamanium) and four species (Monocapnuchosphaera kocaliensis, Paronaella speciosa, Ferresium okuyucui and Adiyamanium crassum) are described as new.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(16):2008-2015
Growing geologic evidence documents incremental Mesozoic and early Cenozoic shortening and thickening of the Tibetan crust prior to the onset of the main Cenozoic orogenic event. The Tibetan crust shows spatial and temporal variability in thickness, style, and timing of thickening, and in plateau-forming processes. The Songpan–Ganzi area of northeastern Tibet provides evidence for shortening and thickening of the crust in Late Triassic time. An oil exploratory well (HC-1) of 7012.4 m located in the area shows at least six tectonic repetitions, resulting in more than ~46% thickening of the Triassic sequence. It indicates that the true thickness of the Songpan–Ganzi Triassic flysch is not 10–15 km as previously assumed, but not more than 3–5 km. Based on this evidence, combined with prior tectonostratigraphic studies, we propose that substantial crustal shortening and thickening, leading to initial plateau formation in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau, had already occurred during the Late Triassic.  相似文献   

New data on Middle Triassic radiolarians from the central part of Kotel’nyi Island are discussed. The Triassic section is represented by clays and mudstones with diverse macro- and microfossils, which confirm the presence of lower Anisian, upper Anisian, and upper Ladinian sediments on the island. The lower Anisian Substage 10–15 m thick is composed of clays with ammonoid species Karangatites evolutus. The upper Anisian Substage 20 m thick consists of clays with phosphate concretions and bivalves Daonella sp. cf. D. moussoni Merian, D. americana Smith, ammonoid form Indigirophyllites sp. ex gr. I. spetsbergensis (Oeberg), and radiolarian assemblage with Glomeropyle boreale Bragin. The upper Ladinian Substage 25–30 m thick is composed of clays with phosphate concretions and bivalves including Daonella frami Kittl., ammonoid species Indigirophyllites sp. ex gr. I. oimekonensis Popow, and radiolarian assemblage with Muelleritortis firma (Gorican). The middle Anisian and lower Ladinian substages are missing, which may be explained by the incompleteness of the section. The Middle Triassic section of Kotel’nyi Island is first stratified on the basis of radiolarians, which are supplemented by the data on cephalopods and bivalves. Glomeropyle saccum Bragin, sp. nov. is described.  相似文献   

Upper Precambrian basement of the Pechora Basin that is located between the Urals and Timan and is a part of the Pechora plate lies beneath 1–7 km of Ordovician-Cenozoic sediment cover. On the base of geophysical data and drilling the basement of the Pechora plate is subdivided into the Timan crustal block and the Bolshezemel crustal block which differ by composition and the character of magmatism. The boundary between the crustal blocks is a system of deep faults called the Pripechora and Ilych-Chikshino faults that strike in a northwestern direction, extending from the Urals to the Pechora Sea. Granitoids of Charkayu complex which were penetrated by several deep boreholes in Pripechora fault zone are interpreted as suprasubduction (island arc and collision) magmas associated with the Timan orogeny. First U–Pb dating (SIMS, using SHRIMP-II and SHRIMP-RG) of zircons from granitoids indicate that granitoid magmatism which accompanied the final stages of the Timanide orogeny occurred in the Late Vendian about 555–544 Ma. The age of zircons from granites of the 1-Charkayu borehole is 544 ± 6 Ma, from granites of 1-East Charkayu borehole is 545 ± 5 Ma, and from granodiorites of 1-South Charkayu borehole is 555 ± 2 Ma.  相似文献   

New data on the ages of detrital zircons from folded basement rocks and cover sediments of the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago and Izvestiy TSIK islands have been obtained. The basement age is defined as Cambrian (pre-Ordovician). The Ordovician and Silurian sandstones were mainly formed by erosion of the basement rocks. The Devonian sandstones were formed by debris sourced from the Caledonian orogen. The Carboniferous–Early Permian molasse was formed simultaneously with the erosion of the Carboniferous granitoids and weathering of the Ordovician volcanic arc rocks and the Cambrian basement. The North Kara basin was formed in the Ordovician as a back-arc basin. It experienced its main compression deformations at the boundary of the Devonian and Carboniferous and in the Carboniferous.  相似文献   

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