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The Advanced Liquid-mirror Probe of Asteroids, Cosmology and Astrophysics (ALPACA) is a proposed 8-m liquid-mirror telescope surveying  ∼1000 deg2  of the Southern hemisphere sky. It will be a remarkably simple and inexpensive telescope that none the less will deliver a powerful sample of optical data for studying dark energy. The bulk of the cosmological data consist of nightly, high signal-to-noise ratio, multiband light curves of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). At the end of the 3-yr run, ALPACA is expected to collect  ≳100 000  SNe Ia up to   z ∼ 1  . This will allow us to reduce present systematic uncertainties affecting the standard-candle relation. The survey will also provide several other data sets such as the detection of baryon acoustic oscillations in the matter power spectrum and shear weak-lensing measurements. In this preliminary analysis, we forecast constraints on dark energy parameters from SNe Ia and baryon acoustic oscillations. The combination of these two data sets will provide competitive constraints on the dark energy parameters under minimal prior assumptions. Further studies are needed to address the accuracy of weak-lensing measurements.  相似文献   

The inner product provides a conceptually and algorithmically simple method for calculating the comoving distance between two cosmological objects given their redshifts, right ascension and declination, and arbitrary constant curvature. The key to this is that just as a distance between two points 'on' the surface of the ordinary 2-sphere 2 is simply an arc-length (angle multiplied by radius) in ordinary Euclidean 3-space ℰ3, the distance between two points 'on' a 3-sphere 3 (a 3-hyperboloid ℋ3) is simply an 'arc-length' in Euclidean 4-space ℰ4 (Minkowski 4-space ℳ4), i.e. an 'hyper-angle' multiplied by the curvature radius of the 3-sphere (3-hyperboloid).  相似文献   

A major recent development in observational cosmology has been an accurate measurement of the luminosity distance–redshift relation out to redshifts z =0.8 from Type Ia supernova standard candles. The results have been argued as evidence for cosmic acceleration. It is well known that this assertion depends on the assumption that we know the equation of state for all mass–energy other than normal pressureless matter; popular models are based either on the cosmological constant or on the more general quintessence formulation. However, this assertion also depends on a number of other assumptions, implicit in the derivation of the standard cosmological field equations: large-scale isotropy and homogeneity, the flatness of the Universe, and the validity of general relativity on cosmological scales (where it has not been tested). A detailed examination of the effects of these assumptions on the interplay between the luminosity distance–redshift relation and the acceleration of the Universe is not possible unless one can define the precise nature of the failure of any particular assumption. However a simple quantitative investigation is possible and reveals a number of considerations about the relative importance of the different assumptions. In this paper we present such an investigation. We find that the relationship between the distant-redshift relation and the sign of the deceleration parameter is fairly robust and is unaffected if only one of the assumptions that we investigate is invalid so long as the deceleration parameter is not close to zero (it would not be close to zero in the currently favoured ΩΛ=1−Ωmatter=0.7 or 0.8 Universe, for example). Failures of two or more assumptions in concordance may have stronger effects.  相似文献   

We determine cosmological and evolutionary parameters from the 3CR K -band Hubble diagram and K -band number counts, assuming that the galaxies in question undergo pure luminosity evolution. Separately the two data sets are highly degenerate with respect to choice of cosmological and evolutionary parameters, but in combination the degeneracy is resolved. Of models that either are flat or have  ΩΛ=0  , the preferred ones are close to the canonical case  Ωcold  matter=1  ,  ΩΛ=0  , with luminosity evolution amounting to 1 mag brighter at   z =1  .  相似文献   

A combined sample of 79 high- and low-redshift Type Ia supernovae (SNe) is used to set constraints on the degree of anisotropy in the Universe out to z ≃1. First, we derive the global most probable values of matter density ΩM, the cosmological constant ΩΛ and the Hubble constant H 0, and find them to be consistent with the published results from the two data sets of Riess et al. and Perlmutter et al. We then examine the Hubble diagram (HD, i.e., the luminosity–redshift relation) in different directions on the sky by utilizing spherical harmonic expansion. In particular, via the analysis of the dipole anisotropy, we divide the sky into the two hemispheres that yield the most discrepant of the three cosmological parameters, and the scatter χ HD2 in each case. The most discrepant values roughly move along the locus −4ΩM+3ΩΛ=1 (cf. Perlmutter et al.), but by no more than Δ≈2.5 along this line. For a perfect Friedmann–Robertson–Walker universe, Monte Carlo realizations that mimic the current set of SNe yield values higher than the measured Δ in ∼1/5 of the cases (for ΩM). We discuss implications for the validity of the Cosmological Principle, and possible calibration problems in the SNe data sets.  相似文献   

We analyse scale dependence of redshift-space bias b and β  ≡ Ωm0.6/ b in the context of the halo model. We show that linear bias is a good approximation only on large scales, for k <0.1  h  Mpc−1 . On intermediate scales the virial motions of galaxies cause a suppression of the power spectrum relative to the linear one and the suppression differs from the same effect in dark matter. This can potentially mimic the effect of massive neutrinos, and the degeneracy can only be broken if the power spectrum is measured for k ≪0.1  h  Mpc−1 . Different methods to determine β converge for k <0.1  h  Mpc−1 , but give drastically different results on smaller scales, which explains some of the trends observed in the real data. We also assess the level of stochasticity by calculating the cross-correlation coefficient between the reconstructed velocity field divergence and the galaxies, and show that the two fields decorrelate for k >0.1  h  Mpc−1 . Most problematic are galaxies predominantly found in groups and clusters, such as bright, red or elliptical galaxies, where we find poor convergence to a constant bias or β even on large scales.  相似文献   

There are a number of theoretical and observational hints that large numbers of low-mass galaxies composed entirely of dark matter exist in the field. The theoretical considerations follow from the prediction of cold dark matter theory that there exist many low-mass galaxies for every massive one. The observational considerations follow from the observed paucity of these low-mass galaxies in the field but not in dense clusters of galaxies; this suggests that the lack of small galaxies in the field is due to the inhibition of star formation in the galaxies as opposed to the fact that their small dark matter haloes do not exist. In this work we outline the likely properties of low-mass dark galaxies, and describe observational strategies for finding them, and where in the sky to search. The results are presented as a function of the global properties of dark matter, in particular the presence or absence of a substantial baryonic dark matter component. If the dark matter is purely cold and has a Navarro, Frenk & White density profile, directly detecting dark galaxies will only be feasible with present technology if the galaxy has a maximum velocity dispersion in excess of 70 km s−1, in which case the dark galaxies could strongly lens background objects. This is much higher than the maximum velocity dispersions in most dwarf galaxies. If the dark matter in galaxy haloes has a baryonic component close to the cosmic ratio, the possibility of directly detecting dark galaxies is much more realistic; the optimal method of detection will depend on the nature of the dark matter. A number of more indirect methods are also discussed.  相似文献   

An alternative to dark energy as an explanation for the present phase of accelerated expansion of the Universe is that the Friedmann equation is modified, e.g. by extra dimensional gravity, on large scales. We explore a natural parametrization of a general modified Friedmann equation, and find that the present supernova Type Ia and cosmic microwave background data prefer a correction of the form 1/ H to the Friedmann equation over a cosmological constant.  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of cosmological parameters from microwave background anisotropies requires high-accuracy understanding of the cosmological model. Normally, a power-law spectrum of density perturbations is assumed, in which case the spectral index n can be measured to around ± 0.004 using microwave anisotropy satellites such as MAP Planck . However, inflationary models generically predict that the spectral index n of the density perturbation spectrum will be scale-dependent. We carry out a detailed investigation of the measurability of this scale dependence by Planck , including the influence of polarization on the parameter estimation. We also estimate the increase in the uncertainty in all other parameters if the scale dependence has to be included. This increase applies even if the scale dependence is too small to be measured, unless it is assumed absent. We study the implications for inflation models, beginning with a brief examination of the generic slow-roll inflation situation, and then move to a detailed examination of a recently devised hybrid inflation model for which the scale dependence of n may be observable.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the effects of perturbations in a dark energy component with a constant equation of state on large-scale cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies. The inclusion of perturbations increases the large-scale power. We investigate more speculative dark energy models with   w < −1  and find the opposite behaviour. Overall the inclusion of perturbations in the dark energy component increases the degeneracies. We generalize the parametrization of the dark energy fluctuations to allow for an arbitrary constant sound speed, and we show how constraints from CMB experiments change if this is included. Combining CMB with large-scale structure, Hubble parameter and supernovae observations we obtain   w =−1.02 ± 0.16 (1σ)  as a constraint on the equation of state, which is almost independent of the sound speed chosen. With the presented analysis we find no significant constraint on the constant speed of sound of the dark energy component.  相似文献   

There has been increasing interest by cosmologists in applying Bayesian techniques, such as Bayesian Evidence, for model selection. A typical example is in assessing whether observational data favour a cosmological constant over evolving dark energy. In this paper, the example of dark energy is used to illustrate limitations in the application of Bayesian Evidence associated with subjective judgements concerning the choice of model and priors. An analysis of recent cosmological data shows a statistically insignificant preference for a cosmological constant over simple dynamical models of dark energy. It is argued that for nested problems, as considered here, Bayesian parameter estimation can be more informative than computing Bayesian Evidence for poorly motivated physical models.  相似文献   

In this article we want to answer the cosmologically relevant question what, with some good semantic and physical reason, could be called the massM u of an infinitely extended, homogeneously matter‐filled and expanding universe. To answer this question we produce a space‐like sum of instantaneous cosmic energy depositions surrounding equally each spacepoint in the homogeneous universe. We calculate the added‐up instantaneous cosmic energy per volume around an arbitrary space point in the expanding universe. To carry out this sum we use as basic metrics an analogy to the inner Schwarzschild metric applied to stars, but this time applied to the spacepoint‐related universe. It is then shown that this leads to the added‐up proper energy within a sphere of a finite outer critical radius defining the point‐related infinity. As a surprise this radius turns out to be reciprocal to the square root of the prevailing average cosmic energy density. The equivalent mass of the universe can then also be calculated and, by the expression which is obtained here, shows a scaling with this critical radius of this universe, a virtue of the universe which was already often called for in earlier works by E. Mach, H. Thirring and F. Hoyle and others. This radius on the other hand can be shown to be nearly equal to the Schwarzschild radius of the so‐defined mass M u of the universe. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We model the cosmological co-evolution of galaxies and their central supermassive black holes (BHs) within a semi-analytical framework developed on the outputs of the Millennium Simulation. This model, described in detail by Croton et al. and De Lucia and Blaizot, introduces a 'radio mode' feedback from active galactic nuclei (AGN) at the centre of X-ray emitting atmospheres in galaxy groups and clusters. Thanks to this mechanism, the model can simultaneously explain: (i) the low observed mass dropout rate in cooling flows; (ii) the exponential cut-off in the bright end of the galaxy luminosity function and (iii) the bulge-dominated morphologies and old stellar ages of the most massive galaxies in clusters. This paper is the first of a series in which we investigate how well this model can also reproduce the physical properties of BHs and AGN. Here we analyse the scaling relations, the fundamental plane and the mass function of BHs, and compare them with the most recent observational data. Moreover, we extend the semi-analytic model to follow the evolution of the BH mass accretion and its conversion into radiation, and compare the derived AGN bolometric luminosity function with the observed one. While we find for the most part a very good agreement between predicted and observed BH properties, the semi-analytic model underestimates the number density of luminous AGN at high redshifts, independently of the adopted Eddington factor and accretion efficiency. However, an agreement with the observations is possible within the framework of our model, provided it is assumed that the cold gas fraction accreted by BHs at high redshifts is larger than at low redshifts.  相似文献   

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