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A combined magnetic fabric and paleomagnetic study has been carried out on the siliciclastic rocks gathered from a stratigraphic cross-section through the Nanpanjiang Basin, South China, in an attempt to extract the paleoflow information preserved in and, thus, constrain the possible origins of these clastic rocks. The sediments used for this study were formed by sediment-gravity flows along the southern margin of the South China block in the Middle Triassic time (ca. 245–228 Ma). The results show a normal distribution of both low field magnetic susceptibility values and natural remanent magnetization intensities, which along with the monotonic detrital framework mode, mainly comprising quartz and lithic particles, may suggest a single provenance involved in deposition of these clastic deposits. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) analysis acquires primarily the sedimentary magnetic fabrics, which, in this study, reveal paleoflow directions ranging from NNW to ENE with an overall mean orientation of NE. Demagnetization on a part of samples isolates a characteristic remanent component averaged at D = 44.8°, I = 16.9°, κ = 9.7, α95 = 6. 5°, n = 55, corresponding to a paleolatitude N8.6° and a clockwise rotation of ca. 45° since the Middle Triassic for the studied cross-section. This mean direction passes fold tests and is consistent with the reference direction expected from the South China block at the 95% confidence level. Restoring this ∼45° declination renders an overall northward paleoflow, which, combined with other evidence, suggests a southern provenance for these sediments during deposition in the Middle Triassic time. In terms of the early Mesozoic plate framework of southeastern Asia, a tectonic scenario is proposed here, whereby the nearly N–S convergence of the Indochina and South China blocks and its related Indosinian orogeny in the Middle Triassic caused the formation of the Nanpanjiang foreland basin, which was filled by voluminous detritus shed from the uplifted orogenic belt on its southern side.  相似文献   

Supercontinent evolution and the Proterozoic metallogeny of South America   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
The cratonic blocks of South America have been accreted from 2.2 to 1.9 Ga, and all of these blocks have been previously involved in the assembly and breakup of the Paleoproterozoic Atlantica, the Mesoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic Rodinia, and the Neoproterozoic to Phanerozoic West Gondwana continents. Several mineralization phases have sequentially taken place during Atlantica evolution, involving Au, U, Cr, W, and Sn. During Rodinia assembly and breakup and Gondwana formation, the crust-dominated metallogenic processes have been overriding, responsible for several mineral deposits, including Au, Pd, Sn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe, Pb, U, P2O5, Ta, W, Li, Be and precious stones. During Rodinia breakup, epicontinental carbonate-siliciclastic basins were deposited, which host important non-ferrous base metal deposits of Cu–Co and Pb–Zn–Ag in Africa and South America. Isotope Pb–Pb analyses of sulfides from the non-ferrous deposits unambiguously indicate an upper crustal source for the metals. A genetic model for these deposits involves extensional faults driving the circulation of hydrothermal mineralizing fluids from the Archean/Paleoproterozoic basement to the Neoproterozoic sedimentary cover. These relations demonstrate the individuality of metal associations of every sediment-hosted Neoproterozoic base-metal deposit of West Gondwana has been highly influenced by the mineralogical and chemical composition of the underlying igneous and metaigneous rocks.  相似文献   

南美洲成矿区带划分及其地质特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
张潮  陈玉明  赵宏军  姚仲友  郭维民 《地质通报》2017,36(12):2134-2142
南美洲是全球成矿规律研究的热点地区,区内优势矿产资源铜、铁、铝土矿、锡、铌、锂、金、银等在世界上占有重要地位,也是全球矿产勘查投资的重点地区。根据大地构造单元划分,结合实际矿床(点)空间分布、主要成矿类型及其成矿背景,对南美洲开展了三级成矿区带划分,共划分出2个Ⅰ级成矿区,9个Ⅱ级成矿省和42个Ⅲ级成矿带。阐述了南美洲成矿区带划分原则、命名规则、优势矿种、主要成矿时代等。以圭亚那地盾成矿省(Ⅱ-1)泛亚马孙成矿带(Ⅲ-2)为例,概述了Ⅲ级成矿带的优势矿种、矿床类型、赋矿岩系、控矿因素等,总结了区域构造演化、变质作用、岩浆活动等与成矿的关系。  相似文献   

The paper reviews Late Quaternary palynological evidence from eight sites in the savannas of northern South America. The sites reviewed are Lake Valencia (10°N), Carajas (6°S), Aguas Emendadas (15°S), Crominia (17°S), Salitre (19°S), Lagoa de Serra Negra (18°S), Lagoa Santa (20°S) and Lagoa dos Olhos (20°S). Four of the sites show evidence for a climate more humid than at present from ca. 36 ka BP to ca. 22–18 ka BP. Maximum dryness was reached at 14 ka to 10.5 ka BP at Lake Valencia. There was an increase in moisture from 8.8 ka BP at Lake Valencia and from 7 ka BP in Central Brazil. The presence of charcoal indicates human impact from ca. 8.6 ka BP. ©1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

合肥盆地南部侏罗系砂岩碎屑组分及其物源构造属性   总被引:45,自引:10,他引:45  
李忠  李任伟 《岩石学报》1999,15(3):438-445
根据侏罗系砂岩碎屑的岩矿组成及主元素地球化学分析, 认为合肥盆地南部侏罗系物源主要来自大别造山带, 具有明显的陆壳 岛弧混杂属性。主要物源类型经历了下—中侏罗统的 “再旋回造山带”类型向上侏罗统 “弧造山带”类型的复杂演变, 期间中侏罗世特别是相当于凤凰台组时期由于强烈的剥离作用, 大别造山带切割的 (dissected) 岩浆弧物源已有所暴露。据古地理恢复, 推断侏罗纪合肥盆地南部沉积演化曾受控于挤压动力体制, 极可能与扬子板块进一步陆内俯冲作用有关  相似文献   

南美地区蕴藏了丰富的铀矿资源。通过对砂岩型、石英卵石砾岩型、钙质结砾岩型、火山岩型、花岗岩型、交代岩型6种类型11个矿区进行研究,总结了它们的地质特征,初步划分出中安第斯、阿根廷北部、丘布特和南美东部4个铀矿成矿带,优选出几处铀矿资源潜力区,希望对"走出去"铀矿地质研究工作提供参考。  相似文献   

通过对南美洲28个主要含油气盆地石油地质特征的系统梳理,全面总结了南美洲的油气地质特征:①发育两个时代、两种类型的烃源岩;②储层类型单一,油气集中赋存在白垩系和古近系-新近系两个层系中;③发育4种成藏模式,即西缘前陆盆地发育陡坡短距离垂向运移成藏模式和缓坡长距离侧向运移成藏模式、东缘被动陆缘盆地发育盐上"断层+盐刺穿"运移成藏模式和盐下"烃源岩内浊积砂体+潜山"运移成藏模式;④油气分布平面上呈两带展布、两中心富集的规律。同时,以成藏组合为基础评价单元完成了南美地区资源评价。预测南美洲待发现可采资源量约为214 065MMBOE。主要集中分布在东缘海上被动陆缘盆地群和西缘陆上前陆盆地群两个领域。东委内瑞拉盆地、马拉开波盆地、桑托斯盆地和坎波斯盆地是预测资源量较大的4个盆地。  相似文献   

南黄海沉积物常量元素组成及物源分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对南黄海295个站位沉积物样品的常量元素含量分析,研究了南黄海沉积物常量元素组成的R-型聚类分析、R-型因子分析及与物质来源的关系。南黄海沉积物常量元素Al2O3、MgO、K2O、Fe2O3分布基本相似;SiO2分布与Al2O3、MgO、K2O、Fe2O3分布相反;中、西部CaO、CaCO3分布与黄河、长江物源有明显关系;Na2O分布与黄河物质供给有关;TiO2分布反映了长江物质的运移方向。现代黄河物质及老黄河物质主要沉积于南黄海的西部、中部和东南部;海区东部物质反映来自朝鲜半岛物质的对南黄海东部的作用。长江物质主要局限于南黄海的西南和南部区域沉积;TiO2和Ti/Al分布反映了长江物质可能对南黄海中部区域也有所影响。  相似文献   

罗迪柯  陈靖  姚仲友  匡福祥  姚春彦 《地质通报》2017,36(12):2197-2207
圭亚那地盾位于南美洲亚马孙克拉通的北部,其北部广泛发育太古宙典型的花岗岩-绿岩带,主要岩石组成为花岗岩、片麻岩和英云闪长岩,古元古代变质超基性-基性火山岩-侵入岩、其他变质火山岩等。由于独特的地质构造位置和复杂的构造演化历史,形成了良好的绿岩型金成矿地质背景,产生了大量的金矿床。通过总结圭亚那地盾北部绿岩带的岩石特征、成岩时代和构造演化历史,对委内瑞拉埃尔卡劳金矿、圭亚那欧迈金矿和苏里南罗瑟贝尔金矿进行典型矿床剖析,系统研究了该区绿岩带型金矿的成矿地质背景、成矿流体及成矿年代学特征,建立了区域绿岩带型金矿成矿模型,并在分析找矿要素的基础上,提出圭亚那地盾北部的金矿找矿方向。  相似文献   

The Devonian-Carboniferous contact in southern South America, characterized by a sharp unconformity, has been related to the Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous Eo-Hercynian orogeny. The Calingasta-Uspallata basin of western Argentina and the Sauce-Grande basin (Ventana Foldbelt) of eastern Argentina have been selected to characterize this unconformity. The Eo-Hercynian movements were accompanied in western Argentina by igneous activity related to a Late Devonian—Early Carboniferous magmatic arc mainly exposed today along the Andean Cordillera. This magmatic activity is partly reflected also in eastern Argentina (Ventana Foldbelt), where isotopic dates suggest a thermal event also related to the intrusions present to the west in the North Patagonian Massif and Sierras Pampeanas. The scarcity of Lower Carboniferous deposits in the stratigraphic record of southern South America suggests that the Early Carboniferous was a time interval dominated by uplift and erosion followed by widespread subsidence during the Middle and Late Carboniferous. The origin of the Eo-Hercynian orogeny can be linked with the convergence between the Arequipa Massif, and its southern extension, and the South American continent. Its effects are best represented along the Palaeo-Pacific margin, although distant effects are discernible in the cratonic areas of eastern South America. Correspondence to: O. R. López-Gamundí  相似文献   

白国平  秦养珍 《现代地质》2010,24(6):1102-1111
南美洲是世界上的主要油气产区之一,近年来取得了一系列重大勘探突破。2007年以来,桑托斯盆地盐下一系列巨型油气田的发现表明南美洲,特别是被动陆缘盆地深水盐下层系有着巨大的勘探潜力。以获取的最新油气田储量资料为基础,探讨了南美洲的油气资源在不同类型盆地、不同地区和不同层系的分布特征。统计分析表明前陆盆地油气最富集,其次是被动陆缘盆地。南美洲的前陆盆地沿安第斯山展布,南段和北段为新生代前陆盆地,中段为古生代前陆盆地。南段、中段和北段前陆盆地的主要储集层分别为侏罗系-白垩系、石炭系和白垩系-新近系。经历了被动陆缘演化阶段的前陆盆地是南美洲油气最富集的盆地,典型的代表为东委内瑞拉盆地和马拉开波盆地。被动陆缘盆地分布于南美洲大陆的东部沿海区,油气主要聚集于白垩系、古近系和新近系。在被动陆缘盆地中,发育有蒸发岩的盆地油气更为富集,坎波斯盆地和桑托斯盆地是这类盆地的典型代表。  相似文献   

沉积物源分析是认识盆山演化的重要途径。天山南麓库车坳陷不同剖面的砾岩碎屑、砂岩骨架颗粒、碎屑重矿物组分显示,它们的成熟度及演变时限总体可以类比,表明其成因演化主要受控于物源区——(古)天山的构造活动与造山作用。对碎屑沉积记录的综合分析进一步指示,天山物源总体以“再旋回造山带”类型为特征,其演变细节包括五期:①早三叠世古天山继承石炭纪以来的构造挤压和隆升,物源岩石类型主要为沉积岩、中高级变质岩,以“碰撞造山和褶皱冲断带”及“混合造山带”类型为特征;②中三叠世一中侏罗世构造活动较弱,代表高成熟度的“锆石一金红石一电气石”重矿物组合发育,主要物源岩石类型包括变质岩和酸性火山岩,与“弧造山带”以及“混合造山带”类型关系密切;③晚侏罗世一白垩纪,天山开始新一轮的构造挤压隆升,物源岩石类型复杂;④第三纪(特剐是中新世)构造挤压和隆升活动加强,稳定性极差的碎屑“角闪石一辉石”组合增多,物源组分东西分异明显,西部沉积岩相对较多,物源构造属性趋向“碰撞造山和褶皱冲断带”;东部结晶岩相对较多,物源构造属性复杂或以“混合造山带”类型为特征;⑤上新世南天山强烈隆升和向南推进,与前一阶段相比沉积岩物源增多,但物源构造属性基本同上。第④⑤两个阶段砾岩层和不稳定碎屑组合的发育除受控于天山强烈隆升外,可能还与气候环境的频繁变化密切相关。  相似文献   

Austrotriconodon mckennai and Austrotriconodon sepulvedai, from the Campanian Los Alamitos Formation, Patagonia, Argentina were originally described as triconodont mammals and the sole members of the family Austrotriconodontidae. These mammals were represented by isolated cheek teeth originally regarded as molariforms, but their peculiar morphology later raised doubts about their purported triconodont affinities. Nevertheless, the morphological bases supporting the alternative taxonomic views have not been fully documented. We present here detailed comparisons of Austrotriconodon with other Late Cretaceous taxa and conclude that Austrotriconodon specimens should be assigned to Meridiolestida and Mesungulatoidea. These isolated teeth are likely premolars and might represent unknown dental positions of already described species or correspond to taxa that are yet to be formally recognized. According to our interpretation, there is still no record of Cretaceous triconodonts in South America, but we support the triconodont affinities for Jurassic taxa from the Cañadón Asfalto Formation in central Patagonia.  相似文献   

金是南美洲仅次于铜的优势矿种,据美国地质调查局统计,2016年秘鲁金矿储量2800 t,巴西金矿储量2400 t,智利仅公布到2014年金矿储量3900 t。通过对南美安第斯成矿带和南美地台金矿地质背景分析,根据对31个大型-超大型金矿的综合研究,剖析斑岩型、浅成低温热液型、IOCG型、造山型等不同类型金矿床的时空分布、地质特征,梳理重要成矿区特征,摸清区域构造岩浆-成矿作用演化的关系,为以后在南美洲金矿的勘查开发提供科学依据。在安第斯成矿带,金成矿作用与太平洋板块向南美大陆板块的俯冲密切相关,大型-超大型金矿类型主要是以浅成低温热液型,以及与铜共生的斑岩型、IOCG型矿床为主,大规模金成矿作用集中在新生代,形成了众多世界著名的金矿床。南美地台成矿带位于亚马孙陆块边缘,受古元古代(2.5~1.8 Ga)Trans-Amazonian旋回影响,经历了反复俯冲造山运动,大型-超大型金矿以造山带型金矿为主,主要成矿期在太古宙—新元古代。南美的金资源相当丰富,未来具有巨大的勘查开发潜力。  相似文献   


琼东南盆地中新统梅山组海底扇是南海北部天然气勘探的重要目标, 对其沉积机理、储层主控因素等进行深入研究对该区天然气增储上产有重要意义。根据海平面变化、海底地形地貌、同生断裂组合等因素, 本文将琼东南盆地海底扇分为陆棚扇、斜坡扇和盆底扇3大类。根据大量的钻井岩心及分析测试资料, 对该区海底扇储层进行了系统分析。研究表明, 不同物源以及不同地貌单元海底扇储层物性差异较大, 其中来自西部越东物源和西北部宁远河物源的盆底扇储层明显好于北部陵水河和万泉河物源的陆棚扇和斜坡扇。单一海底扇储层受到物源、海平面变化、扇体类型及内部构成以及底流改造等因素控制, 其中海底扇类型及其内部组成、底流改造等是影响和控制深水沉积体储层品质的主要因素。相比而言, 低位时期的缓坡断阶盆底扇、开阔洼地盆底扇和峡谷切割盆底扇是好-优质储层较为发育的深水沉积体, 是重要勘探目标; 而陡坡根部盆底扇和缓坡末级断阶盆底扇由于储层物性较差或储层不发育, 勘探风险较大。因此, 基于物源体系及地貌单元的海底扇储层研究成果可广泛应用于深水海底扇储层预测。


南美西北部典型含油气盆地构造特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
依据盆地处于造山弧的位置不同,将南美西北部盆地群分为弧前盆地、弧内盆地和弧后盆地三类。同一动力学背景下在不同构造部位形成了三类盆地不同的构造特征。弧前盆地具有地垒-地堑式裂陷盆地特点,发育断块油气藏,是安第斯俯冲增生带之上的近东西向张性盆地;弧内盆地位于强烈挤压隆升的造山带之内,是造山带内局部变形相对较弱的地区,发育叠瓦逆冲断层、双重构造和冲起构造;弧后盆地以逆断层反转构造和低幅度背斜构造为主,断裂系统具有走滑性质,是斜向弱挤压环境下的产物,构造平面上具东西向分带的特点,圈闭类型主要是低幅度背斜和岩性圈闭。  相似文献   

南美洲被动大陆边缘盆地的油气地质特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
南美洲被动大陆边缘盆地是目前世界油气勘探最活跃的地区之一。南美洲被动大陆边缘盆地形成于晚侏罗世-早白垩世冈瓦纳大陆的裂解,经历了前裂谷期、同裂谷期、过渡期、后漂移期4个阶段,发育了多套生储盖组合。其中同裂谷期的湖相源岩为最重要的生油岩,过渡期发育的盐岩层对油气的成藏起着关键作用。近年来,发现的大油气田均位于盐下同裂谷期的陆相碎屑岩和湖相碳酸盐岩储层中。南美东部被动大陆边缘盆地可以按油气潜力分为3类,最有潜力区位于巴西东海岸的中南部盆地群。随着油气勘探技术的进步,在本区进行油气藏勘探具有广阔的前景。  相似文献   

A major re‐organization of regional drainages in eastern Tibet and south‐western China took place in the Cenozoic as deformation from the growing Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau affected an increasingly wider area. The effects of these changes on the regional sediment routing systems is not well constrained. This study examines the geochemical and Nd signatures of sedimentary rocks from the Ying‐Qiong and Nanxiong basins on the northern margin of the South China Sea to constrain and identify any significant changes in sediment source. Upper Cretaceous to Lower Eocene sedimentary rocks in the Nanxiong Basin show higher Th/Sc, La/Sc, Th/Cr and Th/Co ratios and lower Eu/Eu* ratios than PAAS (post‐Archaean Australian Shale), which indicates that Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks of the South China Block were the main basin sediment source. In contrast, Oligocene to Pleistocene sedimentary rocks of the Ying‐Qiong Basin show an abrupt change in these trace‐element ratios between 16·3 and 10·4 Ma, indicating a mid‐Miocene shift in provenance. ɛNd values from the Ying‐Qiong Basin (range = −11·1 to −2·1) reinforce this, with pre‐13·8 Ma sedimentary rocks having average ɛNd of −5·6 (range = −2·1 to −7·4), and post‐13·8 Ma sedimentary rocks having average ɛNd of −9·3 (range = −8·7 to −11·1). During the Oligocene, the centre of rifting transferred south and basins on the north margin of the South China Sea experienced rapid subsidence. Further uplift and erosion then exposed Mesozoic and Cenozoic granites that supplied large amounts of granitic detritus, especially to the Ying‐Qiong Basin. Then a change occurred at ca 13 Ma resulting in less input from local sources (i.e. the fault blocks formed by Mesozoic‐Cenozoic tectonics and magmatism) to an increasing contribution of older continental material, mostly from Indochina to the west of the South China Sea.  相似文献   

通过对南美东缘13个被动陆缘盆地系统解剖,总结了南美东缘盐岩发育特征:平面上盐岩主要发育在中部7个盆地中,发育薄层区、过渡区和厚层区等3种类型盐岩发育区;纵向上发育在白垩纪Aptian时期,发育时间先北后南;主要发育3种盐构造类型--整合型(非刺穿)盐构造、不整合型(刺穿)盐构造和过渡型盐构造,对应发育8种油气圈闭类型。分析了盐岩的发育对南美东缘油气富集的重要控制作用:平面上盐岩层平面展布控制油气的平面富集,中部7个盐岩发育盆地富集了整个南美东缘油气总量的95%;纵向上盐岩层将含盐盆地一分为二,形成盐上和盐下两套含油气层系,厚层盐岩区油气主要富集在盐下层系,薄层区和厚度剧烈变化区的油气则主要富集在盐上层系;岩性上倾尖灭、不整合遮挡、滚动背斜和断层遮挡型等4种盐构造相关圈闭是主要的油气成藏圈闭类型;盐构造运动形成的“盐天窗”是下部烃源岩与上部储集层沟通的主要通道;厚层盐岩层的存在为盐下油气的富集提供良好的封盖条件。  相似文献   

南海珊瑚礁硼同位素组成及其环境意义   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
刘卫国  肖应凯 《地球化学》1999,28(6):534-541
采用正热电离质谱方法测定了中国南海诸岛7000a以来的珊瑚礁的硼同位素的硼含量。讨论了珊瑚礁中硼同位素 硼含量,P不管不顾忻代等参数的关系。结果表明,所测定的珊瑚礁硼同位素组成变化范围为22.7 ̄24.8‰,并且与珊瑚 硼含量呈正相关关系。根据硼同位素与海水PH值的关系计算出过去7000a南海泊PH值变化8.10 ̄8.41。初步探讨了硼同位素组成与南海海平面变化的关系。  相似文献   

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