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Spatial dimensions of conflict   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Emilio Biagini 《GeoJournal》1993,31(2):119-128
Conflict is basically a struggle for the control of space. It may unfold in controlled fashion, ie within an institutional framework, or out of control, with the institutional framework itself at stake. Conflict can also be regarded as a quest for order, as the goal of both parties is invariably that of establishing order to their own advantage. A number of conflict models, conceptualised through systems analysis, is presented. Most of them revolve around the concept of imbalance multiplier. A number of scenarios of conditions paving the way to conflict (in a traditional society, in an industrialising one, in a highly developed one) are considered. More scenarios are envisaged for the conflict resolution (in the case of a strong élite, or of a weak one, or in the case whereby an internal conflict breaks out externally). A simple model of controlled conflict is also presented. These models are a part of a larger theory of development, an early draft of which was published as Paper No. 10 of the Southampton Discussion Papers in 1981. The models have already been applied, or are being applied, to several case studies.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the spatial growth and rationalization behaviour, over a six year period, of a representative sample of 64 multi-plant enterprises in the United Kingdom textile and clothing industries, and illustrates the findings with case studies. The companies which expanded outside their home region for the first time, did so as frequently by long distance growth as by short distance, and by opening branch plants as well as by acquiring firms. By far the most common spatial rationalization policy was plant closure combined with concentration of production on an existing site. A new concept of activity locations is proposed as a useful tool for designing and assessing spatial rationalization policies.  相似文献   

In this paper, a study is made of the generalization of constitutive models for geomaterials from two‐dimensional stress and strain states to three‐dimensional stress and strain states. Existing methods of model generalization are reviewed and their deficiencies are highlighted. A new method is proposed based on geometries of the model imprints on two normal planes. Using the proposed method, various three‐dimensional failure criterions suitable for geomaterials are implemented directly into a two‐dimensional model and the generalized model is identical to its original form for the axially symmetric condition. To demonstrate the application of the proposed method, the Modified Cam Clay model is extended using the Matsuoka–Nakai failure criterion. Simulations of soil behaviour for loading in the principal stress space are presented and analysed. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Peter M. Townroe 《Geoforum》1984,15(2):143-165
The Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area is the second largest urban centre in terms of population among the developing countries of the world. The federal and state government authorities responsible for planning urban development in the State of Sao Paulo in Brazil have been actively considering whether to advocate a new policy initiative to decentralise manufacturing industry from the metropolitan area as a further strategy to restrain future growth. This paper discusses the particular situation facing policy-makers in Sao Paulo in the mid-eighties, as well as using the Sao Paulo policy problem to illustrate a number of themes of relevance to all would-be large city restraint strategies in developing nations. The paper draws upon a programme of research undertaken in the World Bank between 1980 and 1982; in particular, on a large industrial survey of companies establishing in new locations during 1977–1979 in the State. The policy recommendations are cautious, given continuing levels of ambiguity in policy objectives and of uncertainty in the pattern of underlying market forces.  相似文献   

Fractal dimensions and geometries of caves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lengths of all caves in a region have been observed previously to be distributed hyperbolically, like self-similar geomorphic phenomena identified by Mandelbrot as exhibiting fractal geometry. Proper cave lengths exhibit a fractal dimension of about 1.4. These concepts are extended to other self-similar geometric properties of caves with the following consequences.Lengths of a cave is defined as the sum of sizes of passage-filling, linked modular elements larger than the cave-defining modulus. If total length of all caves in a region is a self-similar fractal, it has a fractal dimension between 2 and 3; and the total number of linked modular elements in a region is a self-similar fractal of the same dimension. Cave volume in any modular element size range may be calculated from the distribution.The expected conditional distribution of modular element sizes in a cave, given length and modulus, also is distributed hyperbolically. Data from Little Brush Creek Cave (Utah) agree and yield a fractal dimension of about 2.8 (like the Menger Sponge). The expected number of modular elements in a cave equals approximately the 0.9 power of length of the cave divided by modulus. This result yields an intriguing parlor trick. An algorithm for estimating modular element sizes from survey data provides a means for further analysis of cave surveys.  相似文献   

New classes of bulk carriers and general cargo vessels are becoming more specialized and larger. The trend towards containerizing cargo has spurred construction of the large cellular containership, the roll-on/roll-off vessel, and the barge carrying ship (LASH). Bulk vessels, especially tankers, have undergone tremendous increases in size until few of the newer ones can pass through the Suez Canal. Crews have not increased primarily because of greater use of shipboard automation devices. Few ports have sufficient water depths to accommodate supertankers, necessitating more off-loading at sea and construction of new deep water terminals. Japanese yards dominate world supership construction, with Scandinavian shipyards most important in Europe. Substantial supership construction is taking place in southern Europe and is an indication of the recent economic growth of Italy, Spain and Yugoslavia. Supership construction in Great Britain has declined relative to Scandinavian and Japanese production and that in the United States is of little significance worldwide.  相似文献   

We examined relative abundance of juvenile weakfish,Cynoscion regalis, collected during 1986 and 1987 and tested for spatial differences in growth and survival within Delaware Bay. Juvenile weakfish recruit to all areas of Delaware Bay, and two cohorts were present during each year of the study. Although catch per unit effort (CPUE) varied among areas within the bay, there was a general trend of higher CPUE at lower salinities; abundance quickly declined near the end of September in all areas of the bay. Estimated growth rates from otolith increment analysis of juvenile weakfish ranged from 0.69 mm d−1 to 0.97 mm d−1. Spatial and temporal patterns in recent growth rate followed a general pattern: highest in the middle bay, lowest in the upper bay, and intermediate in the lower bay. Mortality rates were usually lowest in the low salinity region of the middle and upper bay during both years. There was no difference in mortality between cohorts in the middle bay, while in the upper bay the later-spawned fish had lower mortality and in the lower bay the early-spawned fish had lower mortality. Analysis of spatial and temporal patterns in growth and mortality suggests that there is a seasonal trade-off between habitat usage and resource availability for juvenile weakfish. The function of oligohaline and mesohaline waters as optimal nursery areas (in terms of growth and survival) changes due to the seasonally dynamic physicochemical characteristics in Delaware Bay.  相似文献   

Urban growth models (UGM) as regional planning tools are of great interest for quantitative analysis of urban complex systems. In this study, the SLEUTH UGM has been calibrated through a sequential multistage automated method to derive the pattern of urban growth in Rasht County from 1975 up to year 2011. Evaluation of model goodness of fit confirms that the model is adjusted properly to the area under investigation. Four growth rules of spontaneous, new spreading center, edge and road influenced growth as well as five coefficients of diffusion, breed, spread, road gravity and slope resistance are responsible to detect quantitative aspects of urban dynamics from control years. According to the results, successive improvement of the model parameters during the calibration mode indicates applicability of the model for forecasting of future urban growth mechanism until the year 2050. Accordingly, two growth scenarios were developed mainly with the aim of investigating the coefficients’ role in controlling the nature of urban dynamics. In this concern, the spread and road gravity coefficients’ value, as two major driving forces of urban sprawl in the study area were reduced to dictate compact and infill growth, compared to their original values derived from calibration for historical prediction. Comparison between two forecasted scenarios indicates insignificant difference in total amount of the urban area, which denotes there is a threshold to urbanization and the current trend of urban growth could not be maintained. Finally, we conclude that Rasht County with considerable industrial and agricultural attractions, will witness noticeable expansion from 20,310 ha in 2011, up to 34,745 ha in 2050, accounting to 71 % increase in total area of manmade surfaces.  相似文献   

中国水系的盒维数及其关系   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
应用分形理论,系统地探讨了整个中国水系及其各组成流域水系的分形结构特征。通过研究,得出主要结论如下:(1)整个中国水系及其各组成流域水系的分形结构特征是客观存在的;(2)应用网格法系统地计算出了中国各流域水系的盒维数值:整个中国水系的盒维数值为1.4189,中国外流区水系的盒维数值为1.4305;(3)中国平原地区水系的盒维数值一般较大;(4)整个中国水系盒维数值与组成它的各个层次流域水系的盒维数值的平均值并不相等,一般而言,不同层次流域水系盒维数值的平均值小于整个水系盒维数值。  相似文献   

Rado Genorio 《GeoJournal》1993,30(3):225-229
This article shows the geographical dimensions of Slovene emigration around the world from the middle of the nineteenth century to now. During the period 1857–1871 approximately 544,000 people emigrated from Slovenia and of those, more than half left before World War I. Such a population loss places Slovenia among those European countries which suffered the greatest damage on account of emigration. The beginnings of the mass exodus to foreign countries goes back to the time when the Slovene population entered the first phase of demographic transition. Despite the natural increase in the population, the actual increase was half smaller because of emigration. In general it is possible to differentiate between emigration which took place before World War I, emigration between the two world wars, emigration after World War II until the end of the fifties and emigration since the beginning of the sixties. More than a century of mass emigration is closely connected to the territorial contraction of the Slovene ethnic space, to the abandonment of farming and the departure of the agrarian population from the Slovene littoral, Dinaric karst and Subpannonian areas.  相似文献   

A study was made of about 700 dykes in eastern Iceland. The majority of these belong to three swarms. About 73% dip within 10° of the vertical. Most strike between 10° and 40°NE. The strike of the dykes within the southernmost swarm (Alftafjordur) changes along its trace, from almost N at the north end to NNE-SSW southward along the swarm. The average thickness of the dykes is about 4.1 m, and the thickness does not change notably along the Alftafjordur swarm. The thinner dykes tend to have smaller grains than the thicker dykes. Of five dykes followed laterally, the longest is over 22 km. The thickness of individual dykes changes irregularly along their length, and the dyke is often offset where its thickness changes. Many dykes appear to be completely discontinuous, but some parts are connected by veins. Where the dykes end in a vertical section, most of them simply taper away. Only about 10.5% of the dykes occupy faults. The mechanical and thermal effects of the dykes on the country rock are small. Many of the dykes appear to be non-feeders, i.e. dykes that never reached the surface to feed lava flows. Using the length/width ratio, the depth of origin of three dykes has been estimated. The maximum depth of origin of these three dykes is 7.5 km, 9 km and 10 km below the original surface.  相似文献   

余先川  王桂安 《地质论评》2000,46(Z1):384-387
本文介绍并讨论了空间知识表示和空间推理及其在地学领域的应用,提出地学多源空间信息的自动分析与综合的关键问题是模式识别与空间推理的有机结合研究.  相似文献   

We have reached a crucial turning point in debates around climate change. A well established scientific consensus regarding the physical causes, dynamics, and at least many likely implications of anthropogenic climate change has thus far failed to result in any substantial movement towards mitigation. For many, then, the most urgent questions regarding climate change are now socio-cultural ones, such as: how do people come to hold and act on certain beliefs regarding environmental conditions and processes; how do institutional forms and histories shape and constrain the views and options of various sorts of actors; and what are relationships among fossil fuels, climate change, and the historical geographies and future trajectories of capitalism? Far from being simpler than physical and life science questions, these social science questions introduce entirely new sorts of actors, dynamics, and methodological challenges into this already complex and dynamic domain. This special issue takes up these topics. In this essay, we chart some of the major contours of contemporary social science thinking regarding climate change and introduce the articles in the special issue. We begin by examining work, from political science and scholarship on the commons, that foregrounds questions of sovereignty, territoriality, and cooperation with respect to environmental governance. Then we examine work from neoclassical economics and radical political economy, which frame climate change in terms of externalities, or contradiction and crisis, respectively. Finally, we examine the rapidly proliferating work exploring how individuals think and feel about these issues, emphasizing concepts of risk, communication, and governmentality.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) Doppler tomography is used to study the motions of gas flows in interacting stellar binary systems. This is achieved by applying a reconstruction method developed for few projections tomography, sometimes referred to as the radioastronomical approach (RA). An analysis of the geometry of the spatial arrangement of the aspects during the reconstruction of 3D tomograms using onedimensional profiles without the intermediate stage of constructing two-dimensional sections is presented. A method for estimating possibilities for reconstructing 3D tomograms based on the appearance of the summarized transfer function is proposed and justified. The influence of the inclination of the system on the resolutions along the main axes is considered. The number of aspects required to achieve a quality of the recontruction comparable to 2D versions is estimated. A comparative analysis of possible distortions of 2D and 3D Doppler tomograms in the presence of flow motions extending beyond the orbital plane is carried out. The analysis indicates the advantages of the 3D method. A summary of first observational results taking into account the velocity component perpendicular to the orbital plane of the binary system, V z , is presented.  相似文献   

为了更有效地解决基于外部近似索引空间距离半连接效率较低问题,提出一种基于多重近似索引的空间距离半连接处理方法.该方法在充分利用多重近似索引结构特征基础上,推导出在半连接处理中的距离和空间对象数量约束关系,并在距离半连接算法中利用这些约束关系进行连接处理,从而减少了进行精过滤处理空间对象的数量.通过实验分析表明,基于多重近似索引的距离半连接算法有效,并且基于多重近似索引比基于外部近似索引的距离半连接效率要高.   相似文献   

Displacement gradients on single fault surfaces are a function of the maximum displacement on a fault and the dimensions of the fault surface. Data on the maximum lateral dimensions (widths) and maximum displacements on normal faults and thrusts, with maximum displacements from 4 mm to 40 km, are used to derive an expression relating width, displacement and material properties. The basis of this expression is a fault growth model in which width is proportional to the square root of displacement. Width/displacement ratios vary systematically with the size of a fault from values of ca 30,000, which are characteristic of a single slip event, to about 10 in the case of thrusts with displacements of 40 km. Rocks from which the fault data are derived have a likely range of shear moduli from ca 0.1 to ca 30 GPa, which is sufficient to account for the range of data.Data on widths and maximum displacements of 308 fault traces recorded on British coalmine plans are shown to be consistent with variation of shear modulus of about half an order of magnitude. Data on 58 further fault traces are shown to be consistent with the fault growth model. Synsedimentary faults may have growth curves characteristically different from those of other faults.It is suggested that the increase in dimensions of a fault is a postseismic process of subcritical crack propagation for which the significant material property is fracture toughness.  相似文献   

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