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Experiments have been carried out to investigate the dispersion of plumes at short range in the atmospheric boundary layer during stable and unstable conditions. The experiments and measurement system are described, and the results are compared with those of previous experiments. The slow meandering under stable conditions found by Mylne (1992) is not present here (probably because of topographic effects), so the plume is present on the mean centreline more often, and timescales are shorter, under stable conditions. Associated with this, statistics during stable conditions exhibit greater stability to changes in total sampling time. Intensity is found to be greater under unstable conditions, but there do not appear to be large differences in the shape of the probability density function between stable and unstable conditions. The intermittency is calculated using several variations on the conventional definition. The values obtained vary substantially according to which definition is used (although they are always higher in the stable than in the unstable experiments), demonstrating the sensitivity to both the precise definition and to measurement system characteristics. It is shown that even at very short range the mean and variance of concentration are determined almost entirely by the fluid not emanating from the source. Thus the partition between source and non-source fluid suggested by Chatwin and Sullivan (1989), while providing a more scientifically sound definition of intermittency, does not have an obvious direct practical application.  相似文献   

Measurements have been made of concentration fluctuations in a dispersing plume from an elevated point source in the atmospheric surface layer using a recently developed fast-response photoionization detector. This detector, which has a frequency response (–6 dB point) of about 100 Hz, is shown to be capable of resolving the fluctuation variance contributed by the energetic subrange and most of the inertial-convective subrange, with a reduction in the fluctuation variance due to instrument smoothing of the finest scales present in the plume of at most 4%.Concentration time series have been analyzed to obtain the statistical characteristics of both the amplitude and temporal structure of the dispersing plume. We present alongwind and crosswind concentration fluctuation profiles of statistics of amplitude structure such as total and conditional fluctuation intensity, skewness and kurtosis, and of temporal structure such as intermittency factor, burst frequency, and mean burst persistence time. Comparisons of empirical concentration probability distributions with a number of model distributions show that our near-neutral data are best represented by the lognormal distribution at shorter ranges, where both plume meandering and fine-scale in-plume mixing are equally important (turbulent-convective regime), and by the gamma distribution at longer ranges, where internal structure or spottiness is becoming dominant (turbulent-diffusive regime). The gamma distribution provides the best model of the concentration pdf over all downwind fetches for data measured under stable stratification. A physical model is developed to explain the mechanism-induced probabilistic schemes in the alongwind development of a dispersing plume, that lead to the observed probability distributions of concentration. Probability distributions of concentration burst length and burst return period have been extracted and are shown to be modelled well with a powerlaw distribution. Power spectra of concentration fluctuations are presented. These spectra exhibit a significant inertial-convective subrange, with the frequency at the spectral peak decreasing with increasing downwind fetch. The Kolmogorov constant for the inertial-convective subrange has been determined from the measured spectra to be 0.17±0.03.  相似文献   

The flux of sensible heat from the land surface is related to the average rate of dissipation of temperature fluctuations in the atmospheric surface layer through the temperature variance budget equation. In many cases it is desirable to estimate the heat flux from measurement or inference of the dissipation rate. Here we study how the dissipation rate scales with atmospheric stability, using three inertial range methods to calculate the dissipation rate: power spectra, second order structure functions, and third order structure functions. Experimental data are analyzed from a pair of field experiments, during which turbulent fluctuations of velocity and temperature were measured over a broad range of neutral and unstable atmospheric flows. It is shown that the temperature dissipation rate scales with a single convective power law continuously from near-neutral to strongly unstable stratification. The dissipation scaling is found to nearly match production in the near-neutral region, but to be consistently lower than production in the more convective regimes. The convective scaling is shown to offer a simplified means of computing sensible heat flux from the dissipation rate of temperature variance.Also at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MarylandAlso at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico.  相似文献   

The ability to simulate atmospheric dispersion with models developed for applied use under stable atmospheric stability conditions is discussed. The paper is based on model simulations of three experimental data sets reported in the literature. The Hanford data set covered weakly stable conditions, the Prairie Grass experiments covered both weakly stable and very stable atmospheric conditions, and the Lillestrøm experiment was carried out during very stable conditions. Simulations of these experiments reported in the literature for eight different models are discussed. Applied models based on the Gaussian plume model concept with the spread parameters described in terms of the Pasquill stability classification or Monin–Obukhov similarity relationships are used. Other model types are Lagrangian particle models which also are parameterized in terms of Monin–Obukhov similarity relationships. The applied models describe adequately the dispersion process in a weakly stable atmosphere, but fail during very stable atmospheric conditions. This suggests that Monin–Obukhov similarity theory is an adequate tool for the parameterization of the input parameters to atmospheric dispersion models during weakly stable conditions, but that more detailed parameterisations including other physical processes than those covered by the Monin–Obukhov theory should be developed for the very stable atmosphere.  相似文献   

The dispersion of a point-source release of a passive scalar in a regular array of cubical, urban-like, obstacles is investigated by means of direct numerical simulations. The simulations are conducted under conditions of neutral stability and fully rough turbulent flow, at a roughness Reynolds number of Re τ  = 500. The Navier–Stokes and scalar equations are integrated assuming a constant rate release from a point source close to the ground within the array. We focus on short-range dispersion, when most of the material is still within the building canopy. Mean and fluctuating concentrations are computed for three different pressure gradient directions (0°, 30°, 45°). The results agree well with available experimental data measured in a water channel for a flow angle of 0°. Profiles of mean concentration and the three-dimensional structure of the dispersion pattern are compared for the different forcing angles. A number of processes affecting the plume structure are identified and discussed, including: (i) advection or channelling of scalar down ‘streets’, (ii) lateral dispersion by turbulent fluctuations and topological dispersion induced by dividing streamlines around buildings, (iii) skewing of the plume due to flow turning with height, (iv) detrainment by turbulent dispersion or mean recirculation, (v) entrainment and release of scalar in building wakes, giving rise to ‘secondary sources’, (vi) plume meandering due to unsteady turbulent fluctuations. Finally, results on relative concentration fluctuations are presented and compared with the literature for point source dispersion over flat terrain and urban arrays.  相似文献   

Measurements of concentration fluctuation intensity, intermittency factor, and integral time scale were made in a water channel for a plume dispersing in a well-developed, rough surface, neutrally stable, boundary layer, and in grid-generated turbulence with no mean velocity shear. The water-channel simulations apply to full-scale atmospheric plumes with very short averaging times, on the order of 1–4 min, because plume meandering was suppressed by the water-channel side walls. High spatial and temporal resolution vertical and crosswind profiles of fluctuations in the plume were obtained using a linescan camera laser-induced dye tracer fluorescence technique. A semi-empirical algebraic mean velocity shear history model was developed to predict these concentration statistics. This shear history concentration fluctuation model requires only a minimal set of parameters to be known: atmospheric stability, surface roughness, vertical velocity profile, and vertical and crosswind plume spreads. The universal shear history parameter used was the mean velocity shear normalized by surface friction velocity, plume travel time, and local mean wind speed. The reference height at which this non-dimensional shear history was calculated was important, because both the source and the receptor positions influence the history of particles passing through the receptor position.  相似文献   

A meandering plume model that explicitly incorporatesinternal fluctuations has been developed and used to model the evolutionof concentration fluctuations in point-source plumes in grid turbulenceobtained from a detailed water-channel simulation. This fluctuating plumemodel includes three physical parameters: the mean plume spread in fixedcoordinates, which represents the outer plume length scale; the meaninstantaneous plume spread in coordinates attached to the instantaneousplume centroid, which represents the inner plume length scale; and, theconcentration fluctuation intensity in the meandering reference frame,which represents the in-plume fluctuation scale. These parameters arespecified in terms of a set of coupled dynamical equations that modeltheir development with downstream distance from the source. Explicitexpressions for the concentration moments of arbitrary integral orderand the concentration probability density function have been obtainedfrom the fluctuating plume model. Detailed comparisons of model predictionsagainst water-channel measurements for the first four concentrationmoments and the concentration probability distributions generally showvery good overall quantitative agreement. Exact quantitative conditions,expressed in terms of the physical parameters of the fluctuating plumemodel, have been derived for the emergence of off-centreline peaks inthe concentration variance profile. These quantitative conditions havebeen illustrated in terms of a diagram of states of the dispersing plume,and the qualitatively different regimes of plume concentration variancebehaviour on this state diagram have been identified and characterized.  相似文献   

We report on measurements of the near-field dispersion of contaminant plumes in a large array of building-like obstacles at three scales; namely, at full-scale in a field experiment, at 1:50 scale in a wind-tunnel simulation, and at 1:205 scale in a water-channel simulation. Plume concentration statistics extracted from the physical modelling in the wind-tunnel and water-channel simulations are compared to those obtained from a field experiment. The modification of the detailed structure of the plume as it interacts with the obstacles is investigated. To this purpose, measurements of the evolution of the mean concentration, concentration fluctuation intensity, concentration probability density function, and integral time scale of concentration fluctuations in the array plume obtained from the field experiment and the scaled wind-tunnel and water-channel experiments are reported and compared, as well as measurements of upwind and within-array velocity spectra. Generally, the wind-tunnel and water-channel results on the modification of the detailed plume structure by the obstacles were qualitatively similar to those observed in the field experiments. However, with the appropriate scaling, the water-channel simulations were able to reproduce quantitatively the results of the full-scale field experiments better than the wind-tunnel simulations.  相似文献   

Particulate matter emissions generated by agricultural field preparation and harvesting operations were measured remotely via aerosol lidar and sampled simultaneously with a variety of aerosol point samplers in order to quantify dust plume space and time dynamics and particulate mass and number concentrations. Data for two cotton operations (disking, harvesting) in a flood-irrigated field in New Mexico are presented. Dust plume dynamics varied with boundary layer meteorological conditions, especially atmospheric stability, with plume maximum height significantly lower under stable conditions. Plume tracking indicated little change in plume area with height under unstable conditions and plume movement depended on wind speed and direction. Particle mass distributions indicate approximately 50% of the measured PM10 mass was PM2.5, significantly higher than previously reported values, possibly due to the near-source nature of the samples collected here. Variability in plume movement matched the variability in short-term wind fluctuations and this variability helps explain why models that utilize long-term averages perform poorly when trying to capture plume dynamics for nonsteady sources such as tractor operations.  相似文献   

Observations of 1-s average concentration fluctuations during two trials of a U.S. Army diffusion experiment are presented and compared with model predictions based on an exponential probability density function (pdf). The source is near the surface and concentration monitors are on lines about 30 to 100 m downwind of the source. The observed ratio of the standard deviation to the mean of the concentration fluctuations is about 1.3 on the mean plume axis and 4 to 5 on the mean plume edges. Plume intermittency (fraction of non-zero readings) is about 50%; on the mean plume axis and 10%; on the mean plume edges. A meandering plume model is combined with an exponential pdf assumption to produce predictions of the intermittency and the standard deviation of the concentration fluctuations that are within 20%; of the observations.  相似文献   

Four distinct types of autocorrelograms were observed using high-frequency vertical velocity data measured at 100 m above a flat terrain. Several types of nonstationary atmospheric motions due to low frequency fluctuations were examined. Under nighttime stable conditions, these phenomena were found to lead to abnormally slow exponential decay of the autocorrelation function. Several different techniques for estimating Eulerian integral time scales were compared in order to select an appropriate method of estimation. When grouped by stability classes, the Eulerian integral time scales decrease slightly with increasing stability, but generally exhibit no significant correlation with other meteorological parameters. Using a postulated relation, estimates of the Lagrangian to Eulerian integral time scale ratio range from 3 to 5 under unstable conditions and 15 to 25 under stable conditions. Under unstable conditions the average Lagrangian integral time scale is on the order of 40 s and exhibits no significant correlation with several pertinent meteorological parameters. Under stable conditions, the Lagrangian integral time scale correlates well with the Monin-Obukhov length and temperature lapse rate.Work conducted while a visiting scholar at Systems Applications, Inc.  相似文献   

The effects of source size on plume behaviour have been examined in a 1.2 m wind tunnel boundary layer for isokinetic sources with diameters from 3 to 35 mm at source heights of 230 mm and at ground level. Experimental measurements of mean concentration and the variance, intermittency and probability density functions of the concentration fluctuations were obtained. In addition, a fluctuating Gaussian plume model is presented which reproduces many of the observed features of the elevated emission. The mean plume width becomes independent of source size much more rapidly than the instantaneous plume width. Since it is the meandering of the instantaneous plume which generates most of the concentration fluctuations near the source, these are also dependent on source size. The flux of variance in the plume reaches a maximum, whose value is greatest for the smallest source size, close to the source and thereafter is monotonically decreasing. The intermittency factor reaches a minimum, whose value is lowest for the smallest source, and increases back towards one. Concentration fluctuations for the ground-level source are much less dependent on source size due to the effects of the surface.  相似文献   

The average dispersion of a plume in the atmospheric boundary layer is strongly influenced by atmospheric turbulence. Atmospheric turbulence determines also concentration fluctuations due to turbulent meandering by large scale turbulent eddies and in-plume fluctuations, due to smaller scale eddies. Conversion of NO to NO2 in a plume is influenced by micro-scale mixing, due to the concentration fluctuation correlation % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafeart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaWaa0aaaeaaca% qGobGaae4tamaaCaaaleqabaGaaeymaaaakiaab+eadaqhaaWcbaGa% ae4maaqaaiaabgdaaaaaaaaa!3AF4!\[\overline {{\rm{NO}}^{\rm{1}} {\rm{O}}_{\rm{3}}^{\rm{1}} } \] and macro-scale mixing, the mixing in of ambient air containing O3 into the plume.The study of turbulent meandering, in-plume fluctuations, microscale and macro-scale mixing will contribute to a better understanding of concentration fluctuations in general.  相似文献   

Field experiments on concentration fluctuations have frequently measured horizontal cross-sections of fluctuation statistics through plumes at fixed heights near the surface, but have not considered the effect of height above the ground in any detail. A set of tracer experiments designed to measure vertical profiles of concentration fluctuations in plumes, with a range of source heights, is described, and profiles of statistics are presented. Considerable variation of the statistics with both source and detector height is found. Near the surface, fluctuation intensity is a minimum and the time and length scales of the fluctuations are greatly increased. Profiles are consistent with the idea that concentration fluctuations near the surface are like those higher up at a greater distance from the source. Lowering the source height reduces the fluctuation intensity at all heights, and also alters the form of the concentration PDF. Results may be explained by the reduced length scale of sheargenerated turbulence near the surface causing enhanced small-scale mixing, which rapidly smooths out much of the fine structure with the plume.  相似文献   

Measurements of mean wind flow and turbulence parameters have been made over Cooper's Ridge, a 115 m high elongated ridge with low surface roughness. This paper describes measurements of the streamwise and vertical variations in the mean field for a variety of atmospheric stability conditions. In near-neutral conditions, the normalised speedup over the ridge compares well with measurements from Askervein (Mickleet al., 1988). The near-neutral results are also compared to an analytical flow model based on that of Huntet al. (1988a). Measured streamwise variations show less deceleration at the foot of the hill and slightly more acceleration at the crest of the hill than does the model. In non-neutral conditions, the speedup over the ridge reduces slightly in unstable conditions and increases by up to a factor of two in stable conditions. The model is modified to allow boundary-layer stability to change the upwind wind profile and the depths of the inner and middle layers. Such a modification is shown to describe the observations of speedup well in unstable and weakly stable conditions but to overestimate the speedup in moderate to strongly stable conditions. This disagreement can be traced to the model's overestimation of the upstream scaling velocity at the height of the middle layer through its use of a stable wind profile form which has greater shear than that of the observed profiles, in possible combination with the three-dimensionality of the ridge which would allow enhanced flow around, rather than over, the feature in more stable conditions.  相似文献   

Design criteria for laboratory water-analogs of clear-air penetrative convection in the atmosphere are described. Consideration is given to the range of factors relevant to modelling both turbulent penetrative convection and the dispersion of buoyant point-source plumes within the convective boundary layer. Scaling arguments based on mixed-layer and plume scaling show that at typical laboratory scales, saline convection can satisfy the requirements for modelling buoyant plume dispersion under strongly convective (light wind) conditions better than heated water tanks or wind tunnels.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of observations from a 213-m tall meteorological tower at Tsukuba, Japan, we have investigated the favourable conditions for the predominant existence of large-scale turbulence structures in the near-neutral atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). From the wavelet variance spectrum for the streamwise velocity component ( $u$ ) measured by a sonic anemometer-thermometer at the highest level (200 m), large-scale structures (time-scale range of 100–300 s) predominantly exist under slightly unstable and close to neutral conditions. The emergence of large-scale structures also can be related to the diurnal evolution of the ABL. The large-scale structures play an important role in the overall flow structure of the lower boundary layer. For example, $u$ velocity components at the 200-m and 50-m levels show relatively high correlation with the existence of large-scale structures. Under slightly unstable (near-neutral) conditions, a low-speed region in advance of the high-speed structure shows a positive deviation of temperature and appears as the plume structure that is forced by buoyancy in the heated lower layer. In spite of the difference in buoyancy effects between the near-neutral and unstable cases, large-scale structures are frequently observed in both cases and the same vertical correlation of $u$ components is indicated. However, the vertical wind shear is smaller in the unstable cases. On the other hand, in near-neutral cases, the transport efficiency of momentum at the higher level and the flux contribution of sweep motions are larger than those in the unstable cases.  相似文献   

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