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东营凹陷在沙河街组沉积期为北陡南缓的箕状断陷湖盆,凹陷内可进一步细分为陡坡带、缓坡带、洼陷带及中央背斜带。在沙河街组成岩演化过程中发育了多种类型的成岩作用,主要包括压实作用、压溶作用、溶解作用、胶结作用等。不同构造区带成岩作用具有明显的差异性,具体表现为:压实作用总体表现为早期压实影响较大,后期较小,但不同构造区带差异明显;胶结作用在不同构造区带碳酸盐胶结胶物含量不同。不同粘土矿物在不同构造区带含量及转化深度不同;溶蚀作用在不同构造区带发育深度不同,从而导致次生孔隙带发育深度均明显不同。不同构造区带成岩作用的差异性导致不同构造区带成岩相带类型、特征不同。详细研究这种差异性对于寻找岩性油气藏具有重要的理论价值和实际意义。  相似文献   

Sequences of wave-enhanced sediment-gravity flows (WESGFs) have been widely recognized in the marine shelf environment. In this study, we show observations of WESGF deposits in lacustrine settings using well core and thin section data from the Paleogene in the Jiyang sub-basin, Bohai Bay basin, eastern China. The findings of this study include the following: 1) the sequence of WESGFs in the lacustrine basin is similar to that of marine; it consists of three units, MF1 unit: siltstone with basal erosion surface, MF2 unit: silt-streaked claystone, and MF3 unit: silty-mudstone; and 2) prodelta sand sheets are found in the lacustrine WESGF sequence and are classified as the MFd unit: clay-streaked siltstone. However, because the system size and variability in hydrodynamic conditions are different between the lacustrine and marine basins, lacustrine WESGFs do appear to have three distinguishable features: 1) the sediment grain size and sand content are slightly higher than those of the marine WESGFs; 2) lacustrine WESGFs may contain prodelta sediments or sedimentary sequences of other types of gravity flows, such as hyperpycnal flows; and 3) the scale of the sedimentary structures for lacustrine WESGFs is smaller. The WESGFs found in the continental lacustrine basin provide a new model for sediment dispersal processes in lake environments and may be helpful to explain and predict the distribution of sandy reservoirs for oil and gas exploration.  相似文献   

湖相白云岩是渤海湾盆地北塘凹陷古近系沙河街组三段发现的一种特殊油气储层类型。根据钻井岩心、古生物、薄 片、扫描电镜及电子探针等分析,确定了该套白云岩的主要岩石类型及矿物特征,并通过地球化学特征分析,对白云岩的 形成环境进行了探讨。北塘凹陷白云岩常与泥岩和方沸石岩呈互层状产出,其次为均匀块状;矿物成分主要有白云石、方 沸石、粘土矿物等。通过X射线衍射、主微量元素地球化学分析,对白云岩形成时的古盐度、古温度、水深、氧化还原条 件等进行了研究,认为研究区白云岩沉积于高盐度、较高水体温度和较高PH值的半咸水湖湾还原环境。海水的侵入使湖水 的含盐度增大,提供了有利的物理化学条件,促进了白云岩的形成。  相似文献   

湖相白云岩是渤海湾盆地北塘凹陷古近系沙河街组三段发现的一种特殊油气储层类型。根据钻井岩心、古生物、薄 片、扫描电镜及电子探针等分析,确定了该套白云岩的主要岩石类型及矿物特征,并通过地球化学特征分析,对白云岩的 形成环境进行了探讨。北塘凹陷白云岩常与泥岩和方沸石岩呈互层状产出,其次为均匀块状;矿物成分主要有白云石、方 沸石、粘土矿物等。通过X射线衍射、主微量元素地球化学分析,对白云岩形成时的古盐度、古温度、水深、氧化还原条 件等进行了研究,认为研究区白云岩沉积于高盐度、较高水体温度和较高PH值的半咸水湖湾还原环境。海水的侵入使湖水 的含盐度增大,提供了有利的物理化学条件,促进了白云岩的形成。  相似文献   

31 samples of shales and mudstones developed in reducing hypersaline and freshwater setting and 20 oil samples of Bamianhe oilfield, Bohai Bay basin were collected for a detailed study of petroleum system. Composition and distribution, especially significance of steroids, are discussed as a part of those. Abundant steroidal biomarkers, including C27-29 regular steranes, C28-30 4-methyl steranes, dinosteranes and aromatic steranes, were detected. Results show that the composition and distribution of the steroids in samples studied are functions of thermal maturity, organic source, paleoenvironment and lithology of potential source rocks. Alga-rich Es4 shales (brackish water) developed in the south slope of depocenter (Niuzhuang sag) were found particularly rich in steroidal biomarkers including C30 4-methyl steranes and dinosteranes. Es3 mudstones (fresh water) were found devoid of dinosteranes. Distribution patterns of regular steranes are completely different from methyl steranes indicating different origins of the specific compounds of the fraction. Diagnostic distribution of steranes in rock extracts of diverse intervals makes the compounds to be essential indictors of source-rock tracing. Methyl steranes prove to be much more useful in oil-source rock correlation than regular steranes. Results also show that alga-rich Es4 shales located in the south slope are not likely the primary source rock responsible for the oils discovered based on the composition and distribution of steroids.  相似文献   

湖相碳酸盐岩研究现状及意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
目前湖相碳酸盐岩是国内外沉积学研究的薄弱环节。本文在众多专家学者历年研究成果的基础上,综述了湖相碳酸盐岩的研究现状,其主要体现在岩石类型、分布及发育特点、相模式、储集层和生油岩几个方面;并阐明了湖相碳酸盐岩的研究具有重要的理论和经济意义。  相似文献   

辽西凹陷沙河街组是否发育烃源岩,是该凹陷油气勘探首要问题。以源控论为基本指导思想,从沉积相研究入手,通过烃源岩地球化学分析、盆地模拟及油源对比,综合评价了辽西凹陷沙河街组烃源岩。在大量地震资料及单井资料分析基础上,认为辽西凹陷沙河街组发育大规模中深湖相,特别是辽西中洼沙四段发育中深湖相沉积,具备形成烃源岩的先决条件。通过在该凹陷取的33个油样及48个岩样分析,认为沙河街组烃源岩有机显微组分组成中腐泥组和壳质组含量普遍较高,富含浮游藻类,干酪根类型为Ⅰ~Ⅱ型。盆地模拟认为辽西凹陷生烃门限约2 500 m,沙三段进入生烃门限,具备大规模生烃条件,沙一段未进入生烃门限。通过油源对比分析,辽西凹陷原油的4 甲基甾烷/C29规则甾烷比值基本上都大于0.5,三芳甾烷/三芳甲藻烷值分布范围0.94~3.88,均值为1.51,与沙三段烃源岩具有很高的相似性,因此,认为沙三段和沙四段是辽西凹陷油气的主力烃源岩层段。有机相和沉积相综合分析认为,辽西凹陷沙河街组烃源岩整体优越,但各次洼烃源岩分布有一定差异性,中洼发育2套沙河街组烃源岩,生烃潜力巨大,南洼沙三段烃源岩最好,北洼烃源岩规模最小。  相似文献   

Micropores of shale are significant to the gas content and production potential of shale, which has been verified in the research of marine shale gas; while, few studies have been conducted on lacustrine shales. This study collected 42 samples from three wells in the Late Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation of the southern Songliao Basin, NE China, and investigated these samples by the focused ion beam-scanning electron microscope (FIB–SEM) and nitrogen adsorption analysis techniques. Four types of micropores were identified in the samples, i.e., intergranular pore, intracellular pore, organic matter pore and microfracture. The pore structure type is characterized by open slit pores and “ink type” pores which are mainly 1.5–5 nm in diameter with mesopores as the main pores. The mesopores account for 74.01% of the pore volume and 54.68% of the pore surface area. Compared with the lacustrine shales from the Triassic Yanchang Formation in the Ordos Basin and Xujiahe Formation in the Sichuan Basin, the intergranular clay mineral interlayer pores are considered to be the main reservoir space for shale gas storage in the study area, followed by intraparticle pores, organic matter pores and microfractures. Maturity and micropore are the key controlling factors which affect the shale gas content of the Qingshankou Formation in southern Songliao Basin.  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地白垩系含油气系统理论上具备一定的勘探能力,但研究程度较低。为加深对该问题的理解,分析了白垩系的烃源岩和原油地球化学特征,并进一步结合地质背景,探讨了勘探潜力。结果发现,白垩系发育有一定数量和规模的泥质烃源岩,存在有机碳TOC含量大于1.0%的样品,类型以Ⅱ型为主,目前主体处于低成熟—成熟演化阶段,因此可望具有一定的生烃,特别是生油潜力。油源对比发现白垩系的确有过原油生成,典型地球化学特征表现为轻碳同位素(-29.6‰~-27.9‰)、低Pr/Ph值(0.54~1.01)、高伽马蜡烷丰度(伽马蜡烷/C30藿烷=0.29~0.53),反映属于一类还原和盐度环境中有机质所生原油。这类原油主要分布在盆地南缘白垩系烃源岩的沉积中心区,表现出源控特征。这些认识可供国内外其他白垩系油气地质研究时类比考察。  相似文献   

东海陆架盆地西部丽水西凹陷油气成因和来源争议较大。根据钻井地球化学分析测试结果、地震勘探资料,运用天然气地球化学、油气成藏过程研究思路,重新认识丽水西凹陷L36气田油气成因和来源,提出下一步油气勘探方向。L36气田天然气组分、干燥系数分析表明,天然气为“凝析油-湿气带”演化阶段产物,天然气成熟度Ro不小于1.1%。通过天然气碳同位素组成与中国近海典型油型气碳同位素特征的对比分析,认为L36气田天然气为油型气,估算天然气成熟度Ro在1.12%~1.14%之间,天然气来源于丽水西凹陷下古新统月桂峰组湖相烃源岩。L36气田产出的凝析油C7轻烃具有甲基环己烷含量占优特征,与湖相烃源岩来源的凝析油C7轻烃组成特征存在显著差异;中古新统灵峰组浅海相烃源岩具有甾烷C2720R/C2920R小于1、不含C304-甲基甾烷、伽马蜡烷含量低的特征,指示L36气田凝析油来源于下古新统灵峰组浅海相烃源岩,证实了丽水西凹陷除发育下古新统月桂峰组湖相烃源岩外,还发育有中古新统灵峰组浅海相烃源岩。基于以上对烃源岩的分析,提出了丽水西凹陷下一步的油气勘探目标,即凹中断背斜构造背景上的岩性圈闭、凹中断鼻及其构造背景上的岩性圈闭和仙桥构造带,为寻找丽水西凹陷新的油气储量阵地提供新的认识。  相似文献   

李素梅  郭栋 《现代地质》2010,24(2):252-258
为揭示东营凹陷部分复杂成因油气的来源,对该区原油、烃源岩单体烃碳同位素进行精细特征分析与油源追踪。东营凹陷不同成因原油具有不同正构烷烃单体烃碳同位素特征。沙三段淡水成因原油碳同位素曲线分别以nC15、nC32为主峰,碳同位素总体偏重、前峰极其富集13C;沙四段咸水成因原油一般以nC23为分界线,近似呈对称的双峰分布,δ13C值较沙三段成因原油的轻。沙三段、沙四段成因原油碳同位素分别与沙三段、沙四段烃源岩的聚类相关。牛庄洼陷沙三中段透镜体岩性油气藏原油单体烃碳同位素值介于沙三段、沙四段烃源岩之间,与沙四段烃源岩及相关原油具有更好的相关性,验证以往关于牛庄洼陷沙三中段隐蔽油气藏原油为沙三段、沙四段成因的混源油观点。东营凹陷南斜坡孔店组原油碳同位素总体相对较轻、近直线型分布,与孔店组烃源岩、黄骅坳陷孔店组成因原油的碳同位素曲线聚类相关,指示其与孔店组烃源岩具有成因联系。在正常油窗范围内,成熟度对东营凹陷烃源岩及相关原油碳同位素的影响较小,后者主要受控于母源与古沉积环境。单体烃碳同位素可以很好地应用于东营凹陷油气成因与油源研究,该方法是对以往生物标志物地球化学研究的补充与深化。  相似文献   

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