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青藏高原东南缘南段现今变形特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  



对临沂市莒南县砂岩进行经历25~850℃高温作用后的力学试验。结合扫描电镜技术对高温作用后砂岩试样的物理力学性质和微观结构的变化规律进行观察。研究表明:砂岩的峰值强度在25~400℃间存在一定的波动,但整体上变化不大;在400℃以后,试样的峰值强度开始迅速下降;砂岩试样的变形位移总体上随处理温度升高而增大,在400℃以前变化不大,当温度高于400℃后峰值强度对应的位移迅速增加。扫描电镜图片显示当加热温度越高时砂岩微观孔隙越多,特别是在500℃时,部分颗粒胶结物已经遭受破坏。  相似文献   

本文利用国家地震台网及中国地震局“十五”期间在青海布设的30个宽频带地震台站记录到的远震波形数据,分别采用最小能量法和旋转相关法对SKS、SKKS和PKS波震相进行了偏振分析,计算了台站下方介质的各向异性分裂参数:快波的偏振方向(φ)和慢波延迟时间(δt).本文研究结果表明,研究区多数台站下方的地震各向异性参数都表现出随方位角变化而变化的特征,可以用双层各向异性模型来解释.其中上层各向异性的快波偏振方向位于N65°E~N95°E之间,可能与中下地壳物质的流动有关;而下层各向异性的快波偏振方向位于N105°E~N135°E之间,可能为祁连块体NEE向的推移及导致的岩石圈缩短有关.此外,我们还发现,与周边的台站下方各向异性分裂参数相比,昆仑断裂附近两个台站GOM和DAW的各向异性特征急剧变化,其快波方向都与该断层近乎平行,这很可能暗示昆仑断裂已经切穿整个岩石圈;阿尔金断裂附近两个台站(LEH和HTG)无效分裂事件的方位分布与阿尔金断裂走向缺乏相关性,我们推测研究区内阿尔金断裂可能为地壳尺度的断裂.  相似文献   

Most of the available models of monolithic reinforced concrete joints under seismic action focus on estimation of cracking and ultimate shear strengths. Very few studies have been directed towards developing expressions for the associated joint deformations at the milestone response points so as to compose a limit-state model for joints that would be compatible with the emerging framework of deformation based seismic assessment and design methods. This objective is pursued in the present paper with particular emphasis on monolithic bridge joints. Deformation capacity at yielding and failure of joints is derived by establishing equilibrium and geometric compatibility of smeared stresses and strains, and satisfying material constitutive relationships. Expressions and model parameters are calibrated with the database of published bridge joint tests assembled from International literature, using statistical evaluation. From the mean values of the design parameters simplified equations for shear strength and ultimate shear strain of bridge joints are proposed.  相似文献   

朱涛  郭颖星 《地球物理学报》2021,64(8):2684-2700
地幔对流在岩石圈底部产生的剪切拖曳力和应变率的估计有助于理解和认识板块构造运动、岩石圈变形特征和应力分布格局、地壳长期运动状态和克拉通演化的深部动力学环境,但准确地估计它们是一个挑战.本文利用核相剪切波分裂各向异性约束下获得的全球和区域地震速度结构\"耦合\"的地幔对流模型计算了中国大陆岩石圈底部的剪切拖曳力和应变率.结果...  相似文献   

张媛媛  周永胜 《地震地质》2012,34(1):172-194
野外、实验和地震数据表明:浅部地壳的变形以脆性破裂为主,深部地壳的变形以晶体塑性流动为主.在这种认识的基础上,提出了地壳变形的2种机制模型,即发生脆性变形的上部地壳强度基于Byerlee摩擦定律以及发生塑性变形的下部地壳强度基于幂次蠕变定律.而位于其间的脆塑性转化带的深度与浅源地震深度的下限具有很好的一致性.然而,二元结构的流变模型局限性在于其力学模型过于简单,往往过高估计了脆塑性转化带的强度.问题的根源在于对脆塑性转化带的变形机制的研究已有很多,但没有定量的力学方程来描述脆塑性转化带强度;而且以往对断层脆塑性转化带的研究主要集中在温度引起的脆塑性转化方面,对因应变速率和流体对脆塑性转化的影响方面的研究也比较薄弱.对断层带内矿物变形机制研究表明,某些断层带脆塑性转化发生在相同深度(温度和压力)内,发生脆塑性转化的原因是应变速率的变化,而这种变化被认为与地震周期的同震、震后-间震期蠕变有关,这种变化得到了主震-余震深度分布变化的证实.对断层流体特征分析表明,断层带内可能存在高压流体,这种高压流体会随断裂带的破裂及愈合而周期性变化,在地震孕育及循环中起着关键性作用.高压流体的形成(裂隙愈合)有多种机理,其中,压溶是断层带裂隙愈合的主导机制之一.研究在水作用下的压溶,可以对传统的摩擦-流变二元地壳强度结构及其断层强度进行补充与修正.通过以上分析,认为有必要通过野外变形样品和高温高压实验,深入研究应变速率及流体压力对断层脆塑性转化的影响,同时,通过实验建立压溶蠕变的方程,近似地估计脆塑性转化带的强度.  相似文献   

断层形变趋势变化研究--垂直形变趋势累积率Dc值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对跨断层测量特点的分析,提出断层运动中趋势性成分具有反映区域地壳形变及应变能累积程度的意义。据此建立形变趋势累积率的概念,推导了相应的计算公式并对其性质及物理意义作了初步解释。震例计算表明,该指标能够反映区域地壳的背景活动强度,对中强地震亦具有较强的敏感性。具有一定的实用价值  相似文献   

矩法和线性回归法能得到较为准确的岩土抗剪强度指标的均值,但是在统计标准差或变异系数时,矩法常常面临样本容量偏小而导致变异系数偏大的困难,而常规线性回归法无法给出实际所需的抗剪强度指标的标准差。本文从可靠度理论出发,利用正交标准化变量空间中原点到极限状态线最短距离为可靠指标的原理,提出了一种利用Excel规划求解功能求解抗剪强度参数的简便方法。将这一方法应用于91组404个水利水电岩土工程二类岩体与混凝土胶结面大型直剪试验结果的统计中,并将结果与其它方法进行了对比。  相似文献   

A series of rock friction experiments has been carried out to study the complexities in rock fracture and rock friction. Intact Westerly granite samples were loaded to shear failure in a laboratory polyaxial loading apparatus. The resultant fractured samples were reloaded to cause frictional sliding. Both polyaxial loading (1 > 2 > 3 > 0) and equal confining condition (1 > 2 = 3 > 0) were used. The deformation processes were monitored by macroscopic axial stress-strain, optical holography, and ultrasonic velocity measurements.Intense localized deformation along the fracture occurred very early in the loading of fractured samples. Contacts on the fracture surfaces continuously broke during loading. No acoustic velocity anomaly was observed for the fractured sample, in contrast to a 25% drop in the velocity before the failure of the corresponding intact sample. The current study and previous research suggest that the deformation localization is an important process in governing the instability of rock friction. Instability analysis of rock friction needs to include not only the deformation processes along the sliding surfaces, but also those adjacent to the fractures such as the localized deformation along the fractures observed in the current study. The instability analysis of rock friction with rate- and state-dependent friction laws does not specifically include the deformation localization adjacent to the faults and thus ignores an important class of instability as described byRudnicki (1977).A dependence of frictional strengths on the stress components normal to the sliding and in the plane of the fracture surface was observed. This dependence can be understood by considering the loading of the irregular fracture surface under polyaxial loading conditions. This observation requires the friction laws in the macroscopic scale to be modified for those cases where the three principal stresses (1, 2, and 3) are significantly different.  相似文献   

本文叙述了剪切(S)波速度测量方法和它在工程地基勘察中的作用,给出了S波速度与标贯击数(N值),无侧限抗压强度(q_u)等与地基承载力有关参数的经验关系,及其在地基勘察和工程地震研究中的应用。  相似文献   

The behavior of bridge monolithic connections is modeled using a simplified mathematical model that accounts for stress equilibrium, compatibility of deformations, and the state of bond of longitudinal column bars anchored through the joint panel. In this regard, a stress gradient factor is introduced, to model the profile of bar stresses along the anchorage. To establish this factor, two independent mechanisms of stress transfer are considered: a bond mechanism between the anchored bars and the surrounding concrete and a friction mechanism between the anchored bars and the transverse bars that enclose and restrain the anchorages. The model is used for calculation of the shear stress–shear strain relationship of all tests found in the international literature on bridge monolithic connections that showed shear type of failure under simulated seismic loading. Joint strength values calculated with the proposed model are compared with the experimental results. Based on this comparison the proposed model is verified for use in interpretation of bridge monolithic connection behavior and design.  相似文献   

对滇西地区6个断层形变测量场地的资料进行处理。获取研究区每月的总体运动速率,绘制每月的形变等值线图,求出每幅图的容量维,探讨容量维,形变等值线和总体运动速率在历次地震前的演变特征。  相似文献   

地壳形变方法对强震中期趋势的判定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢觉民  张祖胜 《中国地震》1997,13(2):128-138
用全国范围50的代至90年代初期大地测量资料对我国大陆未来的强震危险区进行预测和划定;依据近30年来华北地区的垂直形变动态,探讨判断本区未来1-3年尺度强震危险性的指标;利用首都圈的断层形变监测结果,提出用定点形变和大面积形变综合分析地震中期趋势的方法和结论。  相似文献   

中条山北麓断裂形变异常的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叙述了山西地震带南端运城盆地及其周边100km范围近20a的地震活动特征,运用形变异常参数、差分、统计等方法对运城盆地内跨中条山北麓断裂的水准观测资料进行了研究。结果表明,断层大幅度形变速率异常变化较好地对应了研究区内1979年至2002年7次ML≥4.2的地震活动,且山西永济风柏峪测线自2001年8月至2002年4月仍存在一定的形变异常信息,表明,中条山北麓断裂目前正处于增强活动之中。  相似文献   

随着服役时间的增长,侵蚀环境下钢筋混凝土框架节点因钢筋发生不同程度的锈蚀而造成承载性能下降,严重影响建筑结构的安全使用。本文在已有钢筋混凝土框架节点抗剪强度理论模型的基础上,考虑钢筋锈蚀对框架节点受力性能的影响,建立锈蚀钢筋混凝土框架中节点受剪承载力计算公式。通过11组锈蚀钢筋混凝土节点试验数据,对建议理论模型进行验证。研究结果表明,锈蚀钢筋混凝土节点受剪承载力试验值与理论计算值之比的平均值为0.951,方差为0.075,二者吻合较好,本文建议的计算方法可用于锈蚀钢筋混凝土框架中节点承载力分析。  相似文献   

Dry valleys and gullies in fluvioglacial sands and gravels in North Norfolk are fossil forms. Interpretation of their origin demands detailed morphological analysis, but the inevitable ambiguities of form require additional information on the sedimentology of the deposits and associated regolith. Soil mechanical data and stability analysis predict the observed modal slope angles, assuming the water table to be at or near the surface. This suggests that valley formation involved impeded drainage, and slope processes such as shallow slab slides and solifluction over permafrost. The debris was subsequently evacuated from the valleys by meltwater. The stability analysis also explains the different modal slope angles observed at two locations. Slope angle frequency distributions are composite, however, and include data from varying locations up-valley. Up-valley variations in slope angle are seen to reflect variations in the nature of the regolith and consequent changes in soil mechanical properties, as well as changes in valley relief. The up-valley trends in the nature of the regolith are commensurate with a model of headward valley erosion, with a ‘younger’, less weathered regolith at the present valley head.  相似文献   

D-InSAR技术可以测得地壳垂直形变精度达到mm级,但由于其受空间、时间失相干和大气延迟的限制,导致其在监测地壳长期缓慢形变中的应用受到限制。而PS-InSAR作为D-InSAR技术的创新,在克服时间失相干的同时还可以计算并消除大气影响,使得干涉处理得到的结果更加精确。文中以西秦岭北缘断裂带甘谷地区为实验区,利用从2008年5月至2010年9月共14景ENVISAT ASAR数据,采用PS-InSAR技术对该实验区地壳微小形变进行探测。研究结果得到西秦岭北缘断裂带甘谷地区断裂带南北两盘的相对滑动速率约为5mm/a,点目标的形变速率和形变方向均与西秦岭北缘断裂的左旋运动特征相符,并与其他学者的研究结果有较好的一致性,表明PS-InSAR技术在监测地壳微小形变中具有广阔的应用前景和巨大的发展潜力。  相似文献   

华北中西部和青藏高原东北缘上地幔各向异性变形特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于华北中西部和青藏高原东北缘3个流动台阵共480个台站新得到的远震XKS(SKS、SKKS和PKS)波分裂结果,并结合研究区已得到的987个台站的分裂结果,获得了高分辨率的上地幔各向异性图像.分析表明,鄂尔多斯块体的时间延迟较小,反映了其稳定性和弱的各向异性变形特征,可能保留了古老克拉通根的\"化石\"各向异性,但其靠近边缘的局部区域表现出与相邻边缘相一致的各向异性特征,反映了其局部区域受到了与其相邻边缘的构造活动影响.青藏高原东北缘、阿拉善块体和鄂尔多斯块体西缘快波方向主要为NW-SE方向,鄂尔多斯块体北缘主要为NNW-SSE方向,反映了青藏高原沿NE方向推挤过程中岩石圈沿NW-SE方向和NNW-SSE方向发生了伸展变形;位于四川盆地和鄂尔多斯块体两个刚性块体间的秦岭造山带的快波方向为近E-W方向或NWW-SEE方向,时间延迟较大,推测岩石圈东向挤出和软流圈东流共同促进了观测的各向异性;在鄂尔多斯块体南部边缘,快波方向自西向东逆时针沿西南缘六盘山的NW-SE方向转到南缘渭河地堑的近E-W方向再到东南缘太行山的NEE-SWW方向,推断该区域可能存在一个绕刚性块体的逆时针软流圈绕流,与上覆岩石圈左旋简单剪切变形产生了观测的各向异性,并一起驱动了鄂尔多斯块体的逆时针旋转.作为华北克拉通东西部的过渡带,华北中部的各向异性相对复杂,其东部快波方向为近E-W方向或NWW-SEE方向,时间延迟较大,其各向异性主要反映了太平洋板块西向俯冲作用引起的地幔流;其西北部吕梁山的各向异性主要由岩石圈沿NNW-SSE到NW-SE的拉张变形导致,而西南部太行山的各向异性还反映了软流圈绕流作用.鄂尔多斯块体东北缘大同火山区存在一个快波方向顺时针快速旋转且时间延迟较小的区域,可能与火山群下地幔岩浆上涌形成的局部地幔对流相关.紧邻华北北部的中亚造山带中南部快波方向为近E-W方向,其各向异性不仅受到与构造走向一致的岩石圈变形作用,而且也受到太平洋板块西向俯冲引起的地幔流影响.  相似文献   

Local areas of fine-grained organic-rich sediments in Eckernforde and Kieler Forde Bays may experience disturbances which cause fluidization of the substrate and create a dense suspension (fluid mud) which exists temporarily as a component of the benthic boundary layer before becoming incorporated into the permanent bottom. Laboratory studies indicate this material behaves rheologically as a non-Newtonian substance, and both shear thinning (pseudoplastic) and shear thickening (dilatant) flow behavior can occur (ofien within the same sample) under low to intermediate shear stresses (2 - 40 Pa) and shear rates (0.46 - 122.49 s^-1). Detailed granulometric analyses (1/4 phi intervals) of the fraction 〈63 μm show differences in the silt/clay ratio (clay 〈2 μm) between the two environments. Little change in the silt/clay ratio is seen in the Kieler Forde sediments (from 0.74 to 0.95); however, at Eckernforde, the ratio changed from 0.73 to 2.19. Fine silt particles are lacking or were removed from the 4 to 16 μm fraction of the Eckernforde but not from the Kieler Forde sediments. Both shear thickening and shear thinning flow was observed in the Eckernforde sediments. Shear thickening flow behavior was not observed in the Kieler Forde sediments. Samples of organic-rich (10 to 20%) interface sediments from both areas were analyzed rheologically prior to, and atier removal of organic matter by H2O2 treatment. Reduction in ‘apparent' viscosity occurred through the entire range of shear rates and stresses, shear thickening behavior was reduced or became nonexistent, and yield stress decreased significantly compared to the natural samples. The differences in yield stress and flow behavior of dense suspensions result primarily from differences in grain size distributions but the role of organic matter on those properties is very significant and adds to the effects of the grain size distribution of the sediment.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Fluid mud is defined as a dense suspension of fine-grained sediment particles averaging in density between 1.03 to 1.30 g/cm3 and between 10 to 480 g/l in concentrations by weight (Ingliss and Allen, 1957). It overlies a substrate of densit…  相似文献   

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