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Synchronous observations of the energy balances of a suburban and a rural area in the Vancouver region are used to investigate the impact of urbanization on energy exchange. Net radiation and rural soil heat flux density were directly measured, suburban heat storage was parameterized, and the turbulent heat flux densities were evaluated using the Bowen ratio-energy balance method. Most comparisons were conducted during a period of drying following an unusually wet early summer. These conditions produced atypical but very interesting results. With cloudless skies and high radiant input, suburban-rural differences of both net radiation and evapotranspiration were contrary to previous results and intuition. In both cases, suburban values were greater than their rural counterparts. In most respects the rural site behaved as expected, and the explanation for these findings is thought to be related to advective assistance of evapotranspiration from the suburban area. Under lesser radiant forcing the suburban budget acted in greater conformity with past experience and suburban-rural differences were similarly more in agreement with expectation.  相似文献   

北京郊区草地夏季能量收支平衡的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
北京郊区地表能量分配可能影响北京地区的天气和气候。为了进一步检验陆面过程模式对北京郊区具有代表性的稀疏草地地表能量分配的模拟能力,利用原版和改进版简化生物圈模式(SiB2,Simple Biosphere Model 2)模拟了2010年7月22日-8月5日期间北京郊区阳坊镇坦克打靶场草地的辐射平衡、能量收支以及地表热通量。并将模拟结果与实际测量的数据进行对比,结果表明:1)原版SiB2低估净辐射11.32%,改进版SiB2则低估净辐射5.81%,主要原因是改进版SiB2更新了土壤热传导率计算方法,从而提高了土壤温度(包括地表温度)模拟结果的精度,进而改善了地表向上的长波辐射模拟结果的准确性;2)改进版SiB2同时改善了感热通量和潜热通量的模拟结果,但是原版SiB2和改进版SiB2均低估了土壤热通量。  相似文献   

Measurements, made at a high subarctic, maritime, wetland tundra site, are presented for three different growing seasons. These are divided into hot-dry, normal-dry and normal-wet years and the behaviour of their surface energy and water balances is examined within the framework of a combination model. For periods of comparable energy availability, evapotranspiration during hot-dry conditions can be larger than during cooler and wetter periods. This results from small stomatal resistance in the sparse canopy of well-rooted sedges, and from the ability of peat soils to supply water under conditions of large atmospheric demand. This demand is expressed in terms of the vapour pressure deficit and it counteracts the large surface resistances which develop during dry periods. In many respects, the energy balance of a subarctic wetland tundra is comparable to observations and models for temperate agricultural and forest lands, in spite of the fact that the soils are organic, the vegetation canopy is sparse and there is continuous permafrost. A dry year promotes deeper thaw depths in the permafrost soils, during the growing season, than does a wet one. This is due to larger ground heat fluxes and larger soil thermal diffusivities. We concluded that maritime, wetland tundra, growing on peat soils, displays feedback mechanisms, which can offset the effects of moisture stress, caused by summer climate warming of a similar magnitude to that simulated by General Circulation Models for a 2 × CO2 scenario.  相似文献   

Summary Using existing physical parameterizations, a new mathematical model is formulated to diagnose the diurnal variation of the energy fluxes and temperature on the snow-free tundra surface at Princess Marie Bay, Ellesmere Island, Canada. The input to the model consists of three meteorological variables which can be readily measured by an automatic weather station: incoming short-wave radiation, windspeed and screen level temperature. The model is based on the one-dimensional heat conduction equation for unfrozen soil, with surface heat exchange by short- and long-wave radiation and by convection and evaporation. A permafrost surface is used as a lower boundary condition. The model is formulated and tuned using a series of data from the Princess Marie Bay site. It is then tested using a separate data set from the same site and an independent data set from a nearby site.With 10 Figures  相似文献   

We develop a summer temperature reconstruction for temperate East Asia based on a network of annual tree-ring chronologies covering the period 800–1989 C.E. The East Asia reconstruction is the regional average of 585 individual grid point summer temperature reconstructions produced using an ensemble version of point-by-point regression. Statistical calibration and validation tests indicate that the regional average possesses sufficient overall skill to allow it to be used to study the causes of temperature variability and change over the region. The reconstruction suggests a moderately warm early medieval epoch (ca. 850–1050 C.E.), followed by generally cooler ‘Little Ice Age’ conditions (ca. 1350–1880 C.E.) and 20th century warming up to the present time. Since 1990, average temperature has exceeded past warm epochs of comparable duration, but it is not statistically unprecedented. Superposed epoch analysis reveals a volcanic forcing signal in the East Asia summer temperature reconstruction, resulting in pulses of cooler summer conditions that may persist for several years. Substantial uncertainties remain, however, particularly at lower frequencies, thus requiring caution and scientific prudence in the interpretation of this record.  相似文献   

On calm clear nights, air at a height of a few decimetres above bare soil can be cooler than the surface by several degrees in what we shall call the Ramdas layer (Ramdas and Atmanathan, 1932). The authors have recently offered a logical explanation for such a lifted temperature minimum, together with a detailed numerical model. In this paper, we provide physical insight into the phenomenon by a detailed discussion of the energy budget in four typical cases, including one with a lifted minimum. It is shown that the net cooling rate near ground is the small difference between two dominant terms, representing respectively radiative upflux from the ground and from the air layers just above ground. The delicate energy balance that leads to the lifted minimum is upset by turbulent transport, by surface emissivity approaching unity, or by high ground cooling rates. The rapid variation of the flux emissivity of humid air is shown to dominate radiative transport near the ground.  相似文献   

岳平  张强  牛生杰  成华  王西育 《气象学报》2012,70(1):136-143
土壤热通量在半干旱草原下垫面能量平衡研究中极为重要,土壤热通量估计不够准确是导致地表能量不平衡的一个重要原因。利用2008年6—9月锡林郭勒草原主生长期地表辐射、通量和土壤温度梯度观测资料,研究中纬度半干旱草原下垫面地表能量平衡特征。首先,在分析能量平衡各分量月平均日变化特征的基础上,通过对土壤热流量板观测的5 cm深度土壤热通量(G)的相位前移,研究了土壤热通量相位滞后对地表能量平衡产生的影响;其次,利用谐波分析方法,通过计算地表土壤热通量(Gs),分析了地表到热流量板之间的土壤热量储存对地表能量平衡的影响。结果表明:(1)将土壤热通量相位前移30 min,湍流通量与可利用能量(Rn-G)线性回归的斜率从0.835增加到0.842,地表能量闭合率提高了0.7%,但仍有15.8%的能量不闭合;(2)考虑了地表到热流量板之间的土壤热量储存之后,湍流通量与可利用能量之间的回归斜率达到0.979,能量不闭合程度仅为2.1%。  相似文献   

利用一个包含城市冠层效应的区域模式(WRF/NCAR),对长三角特大城市群的夏季气候效应进行了5 a(2003—2007年)高分辨数值模拟,通过长三角地区有无城市的对比试验分析,重点分析了城市群所造成的多城市热岛和地表能量平衡及其日变化特征。结果表明:城市化会导致显著的地表升温,但昼夜不同的升温幅度造成城市地表温度日较差的降低,以及部分郊区日较差增加;城市化也减小城市近地面风速,但沿海城市升温造成的热力差异,增大白天的海风并降低夜间的陆风。同时大范围城市群的热岛能够显著降低低层气压,导致部分海面风速持续的增加;城市下垫面具有很小的潜热通量,但感热通量和热存储量较大,白天的热岛逐渐增加,并在日落前达到最大,夜间热岛基本维持,但在日出前后迅速减弱;较大的入射短波辐射、较小的向下长波辐射和较低的10 m风速能够减弱白天的热岛,而增强夜间的热岛,并且使热岛峰值从17时延后至20时出现;反之亦然。  相似文献   

Summary A series of world maps of isanomalies of annual and seasonal global radiation, net radiation, latent heat flux, sensible heat flux, maps of residuals from regression, radiation efficiency, and the Bowen Ratio have been constructed on the data base ofBudyko's Atlas of the Heat Balance of the Earth, 1963. Among the major features observed was the dissimilarity in patterns of isanomalies for the eastern and western sectors of the world's semi-permanent subtropical highs and the great difference between oceanic and continental surfaces.
Zusammenfassung Auf Grund der Werte vonBudykos Atlas der Wärmebilanz der Erde (1963) wurden eine Anzahl Weltkarten der Isanomalien der jährlichen und der jahreszeitlichen Werte für die Globalstrahlung, die totale Strahlungsbilanz, den latenten und den fühlbaren Wärmefluß sowie Karten für die Abweichungen von der Regressionsgeraden, für den Strahlungsgenuß und für den Bowen-Quotienten konstruiert. Als Hauptergebnisse sind die Unähnlichkeit im Verlauf der Isanomalien zwischen dem östlichen und dem westlichen Sektor der semipermanenten Hochdruckgebiete der Subtropen sowie die großen Unterschiede zwischen ozeanischen und kontinentalen Gebieten zu nennen.

Résumé En partant des valeurs publiées parBudyko dans son Atlas du bilan thermique de la Terre (1963), on a établi un certain nombre de cartes du globe. Sur celles-ci, on a reporté les isanomalies des valeurs annuelles et saisonières de la radiation globale, du bilan total radiatif, du flux des chaleurs latente et sensible ainsi que l'écart à la droite de régression pour le rayonnement reçu et pour le rapport de Bowen. Le résultat principal en est l'appararition de dissemblances dans le cours des isanomalies entre les secteurs oriental et occidental des anticyclones semipermanents des zones subtropicales ainsi que de différences importantes entre les régions océaniques et continentales.

With 28 Figures  相似文献   

The stability properties of a seasonal, one dimensional energy balance climate model are examined. The model contains idealized landsea geography, an interactive moving snowline and high space-time resolution. For a polar land cap surrounded by ocean we find a bifurcation in the seasonal cycle solutions as a function of solar constant leading to qualitatively different climate regimes: one with continental snow-free summers and the other with perennial snow cover over a large area surrounding the pole. In the parameterspace neighborhood of a bifurcation an infinitesimal change in any radiation budget parameter can cause the transition from one state to the other. Of special interest to those planning more elaborate numerical experiments (GCMs) is the result that 10s of seasonal cycles may be necessary for the model to damp out transient effects before settling upon a repeating seasonal cycle if parameter values are such that the solution is near a bifurcation. This latter finding is unexpected, since the longest time scale in the linear version of the energy balance model is about 5 years.  相似文献   

丁一汇 《大气科学》1984,8(3):272-282
本文计算了1979年夏季风爆发前后中国东部和日本上空天气尺度扰动和总的气流中动能的收支.发现最大涡旋动能制造时期分别对应三个研究区(华南,华中和日本)的雨季.涡旋动能主要在高层(300—100 mb)和部分在低层制造,其中很大一部分被摩擦作用消耗,但同时也有相当一部分由三个研究区输送到周围环境.因而这些地区在涡旋动能制造时期可以被看成是重要的涡旋动能源. 总气流中的动能收支密切地与高、低空急流活动有关.总之,根据能量分析得到的结果表明,夏季风的爆发和推进对东亚大气环流和扰动有非常重要的影响.  相似文献   

Based on calculations of data from FGGE Level III b, a discussion is made of the energy balance in the 40-50 day periodic oscillation over the Asian monsoon region during the 1979 summer. It is found that the main source of 40-50 day periodic perturbation is the monsoon region extending from central South Asia to Southeast Asia. In the upper layer over the North Pacific subtropical area (10-20oN, 150oE-150oW) pres-sure work turns into kinetic energy that maintains 40-50 day periodic perturbation associated with the variation in position and intensity of the mid-Pacific trough. The mean energy budget in the three-dimensional space (0-30oE, 30oE-150oW, 100-1000 hPa) indicates that the 40-50 day periodic perturbation transports kinetic energy to a seasonal mean and a transient perturbation wind field.  相似文献   

 A large number of land surface models (LSMs) have been designed for use in atmospheric general circulation models (GCMs) and GCM modellers therefore have a large number of options when selecting an LSM for their GCM. This study provides information to aid LSM design choices. A framework within which sensitivity to LSM design can be tested is presented and a series of experiments carried out to investigate how general aspects of surface energy balance parametrisation affect land-atmosphere evaporation. Firstly, it is shown that a combination of surface energy balance complexity and aerodynamic parametrisation can be used to explain the gross simulation differences obtained in the Project for Intercomparison of Land-surface Parameterization Schemes (PILPS). Secondly, a simple surface energy balance parametrisation with a constant surface resistance is found to be as appropriate as more complex method for simulating annual, monthly and seasonally averaged diurnal cycles of evaporation. However, complex aspects of surface energy balance parametrisation (canopy interception, bare ground evaporation and canopy resistance) are shown to contain substantial geographic and daily functionality that is not present in the simpler parametrisation. Received: 12 June 1998/Accepted: 24 December 1998  相似文献   

A microscale three-dimensional (3-D) urban energy balance model, Temperatures of Urban Facets in 3-D (TUF-3D), is developed to predict urban surface temperatures for a variety of surface geometries and properties, weather conditions, and solar angles. The surface is composed of plane-parallel facets: roofs, walls, and streets, which are further sub-divided into identical square patches, resulting in a 3-D raster-type model geometry. The model code is structured into radiation, conduction and convection sub-models. The radiation sub-model uses the radiosity approach and accounts for multiple reflections and shading of direct solar radiation. Conduction is solved by finite differencing of the heat conduction equation, and convection is modelled by empirically relating patch heat transfer coefficients to the momentum forcing and the building morphology. The radiation and conduction sub-models are tested individually against measurements, and the complete model is tested against full-scale urban surface temperature and energy balance observations. Modelled surface temperatures perform well at both the facet-average and the sub-facet scales given the precision of the observations and the uncertainties in the model inputs. The model has several potential applications, such as the calculation of radiative loads, and the investigation of effective thermal anisotropy (when combined with a sensor-view model).  相似文献   

Effective parameters of surface energy balance in heterogeneous landscape   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper addresses the problem of estimating surface fluxes at large scale over heterogeneous terrain, and the corresponding determination of effective surface parameters. Two kinds of formulation are used to calculate the fluxes of sensible and latent heat: the basic diffusion equations (Ohm's law type) and the Penman-Monteith equations. The strategy explored is based upon the principle of flux conservation, which stipulates that the average flux over a large area is simply the area-weighted mean of the contributions from the different patches making up the area. We show that the application of this strategy leads to different averaging schemes for the surface parameters, depending on the type of flux (latent heat, sensible heat) and on the type of formulation used to express the flux. It appears that the effective value of a given parameter must be appraised for each individual application, because it is not unique, but differs according to the magnitude being conserved and the equation used to express this magnitude. Numerical simulations are carried out to test over contrasted areas the aggregation procedures obtained. The areal fluxes estimated from these effective parameters, together with the areal fluxes calculated by means of a simple areal averaging of the parameters, are compared to the true average fluxes, calculated as area-weighted means of the elementary fluxes. The aggregation procedures obtained prove to be much more accurate for estimating areal fluxes and for closing the energy balance equation than those based upon simple areal averaging of the parameters.  相似文献   

Summary We present a simple, deterministic energy balance model. The model is designed to represent the atmospheric component of the coupled atmosphere-ocean system. It is a one dimensional, global model with time and space resolutions of one year and 10° of latitude respectively. The model predicts the surface air temperature and estimates the surface freshwater flux diagnostically. The coupling between the atmospheric model and an ocean model is accomplished by heat and freshwater fluxes at their interface. The heat flux is calculated according to the difference in the surface air temperature and ocean surface temperature, while the freshwater flux is estimated from the latent heat transport in the atmosphere by a diagnostic equation. Two parameterizations for the latent heat transport are proposed, which distinguishes the two versions of the model.Before proceeding with interactive runs, we study the behaviour of the model in a decoupled mode. Some experiments with initial conditions altered and external forcings changed ar carried out to investigate the sensitivity and stability of the model. In particular, the influence of the ice-albedo feedback on model solutions is examined. The results of these experiments may be helpful both in understanding the characteristics of the model and in interpreting results when the model is coupled to an OGCM.With 9 Figures  相似文献   

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