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Brittle tectonics and ground degassing, including fracture-field, soil–gas and exhalation flux analyses of CO2 and CH4, were studied at Ustica Island, a Pleistocene volcanic complex in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea. The mesoscopic fracture pattern perfectly fits an E–W-trending left-lateral strike–slip master fault, in agreement with the main morpho-structural submarine alignment including Ustica Island and Anchise Seamount. Along the SW–NE high-angle normal Arso Fault, geological evidence of reactivation with different kinematics (left- to right-lateral displacements) was recognised. Major CO2 and CH4 degassing (with fluxes up to 93,750 and 20 t km−2 a−1, respectively, and soil–gas concentrations of 11.3% and 5.7 ppm) occur over the Arso Fault. Although this fault is mapped just in the SW sector of the island, soil–gas CO2 anomalies point out its clear continuation up to the NE margin of the island. These data, together with those of previous geophysical and geochemical results from off-shore Ustica, suggest that the Arso Fault is the local evidence of a more important active, gas-bearing structure. This tectonic feature is interpreted as a reactivation of a preexistent SW–NE trend, inherited as a second-order structure of the E–W deep shear zone. The reactivation is related to the interplay among different structures of the Southern Tyrrhenian basin.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusion studies together with volcanological and petrochemical data allow reconstruction of the magma feeding system of basaltic-andesitic to andesitic activity during the oldest and intermediate stages of development of Lipari Island (223–81 ka). A major magma storage zone is active during the overall investigated time span at depths of 22 km, close to the crust-mantle Moho transition, at which mantle-derived mafic magmas tend to accumulate due to neutral buoyancy conditions. Beneath central-type volcanoes (M. Mazzacaruso, M. S.Angelo, M. Chirica-Costa d’Agosto), a shallower magma reservoir is located within the upper crust at 5.5–3.5 km, associated with a major lithological discontinuity. For fissural-type volcanoes (Timpone Ospedale, Monterosa, M. Chirica), tectonic structures are suggested to influence further magma ascent and storage at mid-crustal depths (∼14 km), with no ponding at shallower levels. Partial crustal melting processes at the roofs of the deep magma reservoirs (∼17 km) are invoked to explain the origin of cordierite-bearing lavas beneath M. S.Angelo and M. Chirica-Costa d’Agosto volcanoes, which were active during the intermediate stages of development of Lipari (105–81 ka). The generation of felsic anatectic melts in the lower crust could have created density and rheologic barriers to impede the passage of mafic melts and promote their ponding, with influence on the subsequent evolution of Lipari volcano.  相似文献   

We evaluate the paraglacial activity in Nexpayantla, a subtropical mountainous gorge in Popocatépetl volcano (Central Mexico), fully deglaciated in the 20th century. Glacial advances are evidenced by the presence of moraines. Fluvio-glacial terraces and an alluvial megafan resulted from the gorge deglaciation. Current reworking of the glacigenic material is done by landslides and debris flows produced on the moraines and terraces. To study the different phases of mobilization of glacigenic sediment, we used an approach based on the study of the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) signals obtained from a portable OSL (POSL) reader in samples extracted from both glacigenic and paraglacial deposits. The luminescence (POSL) results obtained at moraines increase as altitude decreases, which is expected for deglaciated valleys where the oldest moraines are located at lower elevations. We evaluate the grade of luminescence signal reset of the glacigenic sediments during the proglacial stage, and the subsequent deglaciation phases. Our results indicate that there is a marked transition between glacial and fluvially dominated processes at Nexpayantla Gorge. We find that the grade of luminescence signal resetting in the paraglacial deposits is a good indicator to trace paraglacial stages and the beginning of exhaustion of the paraglacial activity in mountain areas. OSL ages confirm that the oldest fluvio-glacial terraces found at the middle sector of Nexpayantla Gorge are ~2 ka, which is also supported by an AMS 14C age. OSL dating was found challenging, since quartz grains have low sensitivity because of their volcanic origin; POSL signals, however, are in good agreement with the location and distribution of geomorphic markers. We propose that luminescence data obtained from the POSL unit can be useful to provide information about sediment mobilization in paraglacial environments during different climatic pulses – even for the case where mineral grains have low sensitivity, such as in volcanic sediments. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The “Colli Albani” composite volcano is made up of strongly silica-undersaturated leucite-bearing rocks. Magmas were erupted during three main periods, but a complex plumbing system dominated by regional tectonics channelled magmas into different reservoirs. The most alkali-rich magmas, restricted to the caldera-forming period (pre-caldera), are extremely enriched in incompatible trace elements and display more radiogenic Sr (87Sr/86Sr?=?0.71057–0.71067), with slightly less radiogenic Pb with respect to those of the post-caldera period. Post-caldera volcanic activity was concentrated in three different volcanic environments: external to the caldera, along the caldera edge and within the caldera. The post-caldera magmas produced melilite- to leucitite-bearing, plagioclase-free leucitites. In contrast to the pre-caldera lavas, they are characterised by lower incompatible trace element abundances and less radiogenic Sr (87Sr/86Sr?=?0.71006–0.71039). Magmas evolved through crystal fractionation plus minor crustal assimilation in a large magma chamber during the pre-caldera period. The multiple caldera collapses dissected and partially obliterated the early magma chamber. During the post-caldera stage, magmas were channelled through several pathways and multiple shallow-level magma reservoirs were established. A lithospheric mantle wedge previously depleted in the basaltic component and subsequently enriched by metasomatic slab-derived component is suggested as the mantle source of Colli Albani parental magmas. Two different parental magmas are recognised for the pre- and post-caldera stages. The differences may be related to the interplay between smaller degrees of melting for the pre-caldera magmas and more carbonate-rich recycled subducted lithologies in the post-caldera magmas.  相似文献   

The OH(6 – 2) band was monitored during 1990 at Davis, Antarctica (68.6°S, 78.0°E) using a Czerny-Turner scanning spectrometer. Spectra obtained with a 0.15-nm bandwidth and wavelength steps of 0.005 nm have been recorded in an attempt to isolate auroral features. This has enabled detailed study of weak features in the region 837.5–855.5nm. These weak features can contribute to the apparent intensity of P-branch lines and to the background. Their presence is allowed for in our calculation of rotational temperature, but the P1 (3) line is excluded because of significant contamination. An average temperature of 221 ± 2K is obtained from a selected data set of 104 spectra. The mid-winter average temperature, for the months of May, June and July, is 224 ± 2K, which is consistent with the 1986 CIRA model values for mid-winter at this height and latitude, but this result is dependent on the choice of transition probabilities. Preliminary assessments of seasonal and diurnal variations in rotational temperature and intensity are presented.  相似文献   

Recent studies on Teide–Pico Viejo (TPV) complex have revealed that explosive activity of phonolitic and basaltic magmas, including plinian and subplinian eruptions, and the generation of a wide range of pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) have also been significant. We perform a statistical analysis of the time series of past eruptions and the spatial extent of their erupted products, including lava flows, fallout and PDCs. We use an extreme value theory statistical method to calculate eruption recurrence. The analysis of past activity and extent of some well-identified deposits is used to calculate the eruption recurrence probabilities of various sizes and for different time periods. With this information, we compute several significant scenarios using the GIS-based VORIS 2 software (Felpeto et al., J Volcanol Geotherm Res 166:106–116, 2007) in order to evaluate the potential extent of the main eruption hazards that could be expected from TPV. The simulated hazard scenarios show that the southern flank of Tenerife is protected by Las Cañadas caldera wall against lava flows and pyroclastic density currents, but not against ash fallout. The Icod Valley, and to a minor extent also the La Orotava valley, is directly exposed to most of TPV hazards, in particular to the gravity driven flows. This study represents a step forward in the evaluation of volcanic hazard at TPV with regard to previous studies, and the results obtained should be useful for intermediate and long-term land-use and emergency planning.  相似文献   

Based on the seismological, geodynamic, and seismotectonic data on the strongest series of earthquakes in 2009–2017 in Central Italy, which were collected by many researchers, mostly Italian, the tectonic position of these events is determined and the seismic history of the region over more than 2000 years of observations of seismic manifestations in Italy is traced in the context of the strong events of the beginning of the 21st century. The aftershock processes of these earthquakes are investigated and, as a result, the possibility of a series of strong aftershocks of the earthquake of October 30, 2016 (MW = 6.6) is predicted in advance of the actual occurrence of these events on January 18, 2017.  相似文献   

Following the April 6th, 2009 Abruzzo mainshock, the Italian Civil Protection Department promoted a multidisciplinary study aimed at developing seismic microzonation maps for post-earthquake reconstruction planning. In the framework of this project, a Working Group, including the authors, was assembled to carry out a microzonation study on six villages located in the Middle Aterno valley. This paper focuses on the villages of Castelnuovo and Poggio Picenze, which experienced MCS intensity values of IX–X and VIII–IX, respectively. 1D and 2D linear equivalent site response analyses were carried out on representative geological cross-sections through the damaged centres and the expansion zones. The subsoil models resulting from geological, geotechnical and geophysical investigations were calibrated by comparing numerical amplification functions, in the linear range, with horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio derived from both aftershocks and noise recordings. The input motions adopted for the analyses were five artificial accelerograms compatible with three response spectra obtained from the Italian seismic code, as well as from ad hoc probabilistic and deterministic studies. The results were expressed in the form of horizontal profiles of amplification factors in terms of peak ground acceleration, FPGA, as well as of the Housner intensity, FH, in two different range of periods; this latter parameter was shown to be almost independent of the input motion and allowed to express the dependency of site amplification on the frequency range. The amplification factors computed along the representative geological sections were finally extended with a rational procedure to the surrounding areas to draw Grade-3 microzonation maps.  相似文献   

This study presents baseline data for future geochemical monitoring of the active Tacaná volcano–hydrothermal system (Mexico–Guatemala). Seven groups of thermal springs, related to a NW/SE-oriented fault scarp cutting the summit area (4,100m a.s.l.), discharge at the northwest foot of the volcano (1,500–2,000m a.s.l.); another one on the southern ends of Tacaná (La Calera). The near-neutral (pH from 5.8 to 6.9) thermal (T from 25.7°C to 63.0°C) HCO3–SO4 waters are thought to have formed by the absorption of a H2S/SO2–CO2-enriched steam into a Cl-rich geothermal aquifer, afterwards mixed by Na/HCO3-enriched meteoric waters originating from the higher elevations of the volcano as stated by the isotopic composition (δD and δ18O) of meteoric and spring waters. Boiling temperature fumaroles (89°C at ~3,600m a.s.l. NW of the summit), formed after the May 1986 phreatic explosion, emit isotopically light vapour (δD and δ18O as low as −128 and −19.9‰, respectively) resulting from steam separation from the summit aquifer. Fumarolic as well as bubbling gases at five springs are CO2-dominated. The δ13CCO2 for all gases show typical magmatic values of −3.6 ± 1.3‰ vs V-PDB. The large range in 3He/4He ratios for bubbling, dissolved and fumarolic gases [from 1.3 to 6.9 atmospheric 3He/4He ratio (R A)] is ascribed to a different degree of near-surface boiling processes inside a heterogeneous aquifer at the contact between the volcanic edifice and the crystalline basement (4He source). Tacaná volcano offers a unique opportunity to give insight into shallow hydrothermal and deep magmatic processes affecting the CO2/3He ratio of gases: bubbling springs with lower gas/water ratios show higher 3He/4He ratios and consequently lower CO2/3He ratios (e.g. Zarco spring). Typical Central American CO2/3He and 3He/4He ratios are found for the fumarolic Agua Caliente and Zarco gases (3.1 ± 1.6 × 1010 and 6.0 ± 0.9 R A, respectively). The L/S (5.9 ± 0.5) and (L + S)/M ratios (9.2 ± 0.7) for the same gases are almost identical to the ones calculated for gases in El Salvador, suggesting an enhanced slab contribution as far as the northern extreme of the Central American Volcanic Arc, Tacaná.  相似文献   

We derive S-wave attenuation characteristics, earthquake source parameters and site amplification functions at seismic stations used for earthquake early warning in the Irpinia–Basilicata region, using non-parametric spectral inversion of seismograms from 49 local events with M L = 1.5–3.1. We obtain relatively low Q values (Q 0 = 28 at a frequency of 1 Hz) in conjunction with a strong frequency-dependence (close to linear). The source spectra can be satisfactorily modeled using the omega-square model, with stress drops ranging between 0.01–2 MPa, and in the narrow magnitude range available for analysis, the source spectra seem to scale self-similarly. The local magnitude M L shows a linear correlation with moment magnitude M W, however with a systematic underestimation by about 0.5-magnitude units. The results obtained in this work provide important insights into the ground-motion characteristics that are required for appropriate seismic hazard assessment and are of practical relevance for a suite of applications, such as the calibration of ground-motion prediction equations or the correction for site amplification in earthquake early warning and rapid calculation of shake-maps for seismic emergency management.  相似文献   

New Sr and Nd isotope data for whole rocks, glasses and minerals are combined to reconstruct the nature and origin of mixing end-members of the 200 km3 trachytic to phonolitic Campanian Ignimbrite (Campi Flegrei, Italy) magmatic system. The least-evolved magmatic end-member shows equilibrium between host glass and the majority of the phenocrysts and is less radiogenic in Sr and Nd than the most-evolved magma. On the contrary, only the Fe-rich pyroxene from the most-evolved erupted magma is in equilibrium with the matrix glass, while all other minerals are in isotopic disequilibrium. These magmas mixed prior to and during the Campanian Ignimbrite eruption and minerals were freely exchanged between the magma batches. Combining the results of the geochemical investigations on magma end-members with geophysical and geological data, we develop the following scenario. In stage 1, a parental, less differentiated magma rose into the middle crust, and evolved through combined crustal assimilation and crystal fractionation. In stage 2, the differentiated magma rose to shallower depth, fed the pre-Campanian Ignimbrite activity and evolved by further open-system processes into the most-evolved and most-radiogenic Campanian Ignimbrite end-member magma. In stage 3, new trachytic magma, isotopically distinct from the pre-Campanian Ignimbrite magmas, rose from ca. 6 km to shallower depth, recharged the most-evolved pre-Campanian Ignimbrite magma chamber, and formed the large and stratified Campanian Ignimbrite magmatic system. During the course of the Campanian Ignimbrite eruption, the two layers were tapped separately and/or simultaneously, and gave rise to the range of chemical and isotopic values displayed by the Campanian Ignimbrite pumices, glasses and minerals.  相似文献   

A temporary accelerometer network has been installed in Tarcento (Friuli, NE Italy), a small town heavily hit by the 1976–1977 Friuli earthquake sequence, as a part of an ongoing research project aimed at ground motion simulation and generation of shakemaps in the near-field of an earthquake. The network operated from October 2008 to April 2010 and consisted of three K2 accelerographs with internal Episensor, distributed over a linear array of about 1.5 km length. Tarcento town had been chosen, at the end of the 1970s, as the ideal site for a pilot microzonation study, the first of this kind in Italy, in which a substantial number of field (and laboratory) tests were carried out in order to assess the mechanical properties of local alluvium deposits and their complex (3D) geometrical configuration. The data from the temporary network, illustrated herein, allow for proper verification and review of some of the quantitative predictions formulated in the 1980 study. As argued in the discussion section, we also believe that the data are apt to provide valuable information of more general interest on the complex seismic response of alluvium-filled valleys, and we show therein how the observations can be interpreted in the light of presently available parametric simulation studies and simplified criteria for handling basin amplification effects.  相似文献   

 The Quaternary White Trachytic Tuffs Formation from Roccamonfina Volcano (southern Italy) comprises four non-welded, trachytic, pyroclastic sequences bounded by paleosols, each of which corresponds to small- to intermediate-volume explosive eruptions from central vents. From oldest to youngest they are: White Trachytic Tuff (WTT) Cupa, WTT Aulpi, WTT S. Clemente, and WTT Galluccio. The WTT Galluccio eruption was the largest and emplaced ∼ 4 km3 of magma. The internal stratigraphy of all four WTT eruptive units is a complex association of fallout, surge, and pyroclastic flow deposits. Each eruptive unit is organized into two facies associations, Facies Association A below Facies Association B. The emplacement of the two facies associations may have been separated by short time breaks allowing for limited reworking and erosion. Facies Association A consists of interbedded fallout deposits, surge deposits, and subordinate ignimbrites. This facies association involved the eruption of the most evolved trachytic magma, and pumice clasts are white and well vesiculated. The grain size coarsens upward in Facies Association A, with upward increases of dune bedform wavelengths and a decrease in the proportion of fine ash. These trends could reflect an increase in eruption column height from the onset of the eruption and possibly also in mass eruption rate. Facies Association B comprises massive ignimbrites that are progressively richer in lithic clast content. This association involved the eruption of more mafic magma, and pumice clasts are gray and poorly vesiculated. Facies Association B is interpreted to record the climax of the eruption. Phreatomagmatic deposits occur at different stratigraphic levels in the four WTT and have different facies characteristics. The deposits reflect the style and degree of magma–water interaction and the local hydrogeology. Very fine-grained, lithic-poor phreatomagmatic surge deposits found at the base of WTT Cupa and WTT Galluccio could record the interaction of the erupting magma with a lake that occupied the Roccamonfina summit depression. Renewed magma–water interaction later in the WTT Galluccio eruption is indicated by fine grained, lithic-bearing phreatomagmatic fall and surge deposits occurring at the top of Facies Association A. They could be interpreted to reflect shifts of the magma fragmentation level to highly transmissive, regional aquifers located beneath the Roccamonfina edifice, possibly heralding a caldera collapse event. Received: 26 August 1996 / Accepted: 27 February 1998  相似文献   

In the context of global warming, some climatic models predict an increase in flooding in some regions of the world. It is therefore important to better define the high-risk areas and to limit the use of these areas by riverside communities as much as possible. The study deals with the historical and chronological reconstruction of flood events (from 1865 to 2005) in the southern Quebec basins, and compare with the hydroclimatic data (streamflow, temperature, precipitation) over the past century. Different statistic tests are used on hydroclimatic series and flood events to detect the trend observed. We note an important variability of hydrometric data series and the chronological flood events shows a significant trend in increased flooding in the last 100 years.  相似文献   

Geological, geodetic and seismological data have been analyzed in order to frame the Lipari–Vulcano complex (Aeolian archipelago, southern Italy) into the geodynamic context of the southeastern Tyrrhenian Sea. It is located at the northern end of a major NNW–SSE trending right-lateral strike-slip fault system named “Aeolian–Tindari–Letojanni” which has been interpreted as a lithospheric discontinuity extending from the Aeolian Islands to the Ionian coast of Sicily and separating two different tectonic domains: a contractional one to the west and an extensional one to the north-east. Structural field data consist of structural measurements performed on well-exposed fault planes and fractures. The mesostructures are mostly represented by NW–SE striking normal faults with a dextral-oblique component of motion. Minor structures are represented by N–S oriented joints and tension gashes widespread over the whole analyzed area and particularly along fumarolized sectors. The analyzed seismological dataset (from 1994 to 2013) is based on earthquakes with magnitude ranging between 1.0 and 4.8. The hypocenter distribution depicts two major alignments corresponding to the NNW–SSE trending Aeolian–Tindari–Letojanni fault system and to the WNW–ESE oriented Sisifo–Alicudi fault system. GPS data analysis displays ∼3.0 mm/yr of active shortening between the two islands, with a maximum shortening rate of about 1.0 × 10−13 s−1, between La Fossa Caldera and south of Vulcanello. This region is bounded to the north by an area where the maximum values of shear strain rates, of about 0.7 × 10−13 s−1 are observed. This major change occurs in the area south of Vulcanello that is also characterized by a transition in the way of the vertical axis rotation. Moreover, both the islands show a clear subsidence process, as suggested by negative vertical velocities of all GPS stations which exhibit a decrease from about −15 to −7 mm/yr from north to south. New data suggest that the current kinematics of the Lipari–Vulcano complex can be framed in the tectonic context of the eastward migrating Sisifo–Alicudi fault system. This is dominated by transpressive tectonics in which contractional and minor extensional structures can coexist with strike-slip motion.  相似文献   

A 4.8 m long gravity core was recovered on a relative topographic high in the northern part of the Marsili Basin (southern Tyrrhenian Sea) at a water depth of 3200 m. The core was taken in order to decipher the sedimentary record of the past volcanic events of the nearby Aeolian arc. A succession of thin (2 cm to 5 cm thick) fine-grained turbidites, mainly of volcaniclastic origin, topped by hemipelagic mud layers and a number of primary tephra layers were recovered by the core. The most prominent turbidite occurs in the lower part of the core at 385 cm. It consists of a 20 cm-thick, thinning-upward, pebble to sand-sized bed.  相似文献   

Significant changes in the helium and carbon isotopic composition of shallow thermal waters vs. gas and a crater fumarolic gas have been recorded at Stromboli prior and during the 2002–2003 eruption. The3He/4He ratios corrected for air contamination (Rc/Ra), and δ13C of fumarolic gases gradually increased from May to November 2002 before the eruption onset. These variations imply early degassing of a gas-rich magma at depth that likely fed both the intense Strombolian activity and small lava overflows recorded during that period. The lava effusion of late December 2002 was shortly preceded by a marked Rc/Ra decrease both in water and fumarolic gases. Comparison of He/CO2 and CH4/CO2 ratios in dissolved gas and with values rules out the Rc/Ra decrease due to an increasing input of radiogenic4He. The Rc/Ra decrease is attributed to the He isotope fractionation during rapid magma ascent and degassing. A new uprising of 3He-rich magma probably occurred in January to February 2003, when Rc/Ra ratios displayed the highest values in dissolved gases ever measured before (4.56 Rc/Ra). The increase in He/CO2 and CH4/CO2 ratios and decrease in δ13C of dissolved CO2 was recorded after the 5 April 2003 explosive paroxysm, likely caused by enhanced gas-water interaction inducing CO2 dissolution. No anomalous Rc/Ra values were recorded in the same period, when usual Strombolian activity gradually resumed.Editorial responsibility: H Shinohara  相似文献   

The main goal of this study is to provide moment tensor solutions for small and moderate earthquakes of the Matese seismic sequence in southern Italy for the period of December 2013–January 2014. We estimate the focal mechanisms of 31 earthquakes with local magnitudes related to the Matese earthquake seismic sequence (December 2013–January 2014) in Southern-Central Italy which are recorded by the broadband stations of the Italian National Seismic Network and the Mediterranean Very Broadband Seismographic Network (MedNet) run by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV). The solutions show that normal faulting is the prevailing style of seismic deformation in agreement with the local faults mapped out in the area. Comparisons with already published solutions and with seismological and geological information available allowed us to properly interpret the moment tensor solutions in the frame of the seismic sequence evolution and also to furnish additional information about less energetic seismic phases. Focal data were inverted to obtain the seismogenic stress in the study area. The results are compatible with the major tectonic domain of the area.  相似文献   

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