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New magnetic and paleomagnetic data from the loess-soil Volodarka section (the Ob River) are presented. In particular, a secondary magnetization aligned with the contemporary magnetic field and persisting on heating to 500–600°C is shown to be present. It is shown that the transition zone of the Matuyama-Brunhes reversal is most likely located within the soil complex, consisting of three paleosol horizons separated by two horizons of loesslike loam that belong to the same interglaciation.  相似文献   

分布于宁镇地区的下蜀黄土年代标尺研究薄弱.我们以镇江大港钻孔岩芯的下蜀黄土为例,探讨了下蜀黄土记录地磁场相对古强度的可靠性.岩石磁学的实验显示,下蜀黄土大体上符合估计相对古强度对沉积物的要求.以低频磁化率()作为天然剩磁(NRM300)的归一化因子,我们获得了下蜀黄土记录的地磁场相对古强度变化.通过与邻区和全球的单个及合成曲线的对比,我们发现大港钻孔岩芯的相对古强度记录展现出主要的全球偶极场的变化特征,因而可用于建立下蜀黄土的年代标尺.新的年代标尺表明,大港钻孔的磁化率年代序列与北方黄土无法直接对比,证实了该地点的下蜀黄土磁化率变化机制与北方的不同.大港钻孔下蜀黄土的沉积速率与磁化率相关,低风尘沉积速率对应低磁化率,是降水增加所导致的结果.沉积速率与磁化率年代序列显示,下蜀黄土记录的本区季风变化过程可分为4个阶段.阶段Ⅳ(819~700ka)对应中更新世转型阶段,东亚季风降水较少.阶段Ⅲ(700~412ka)对应中更新世的大间冰期,东亚季风降水最多.阶段Ⅱ(412~197ka)时东亚季风降水减少,较阶段Ⅳ略少.阶段Ⅰ(197~34ka)东亚季风降水最少.因此,中更新世气候转型后,长时间尺度东亚季风降水持续减少,可能受全球温度阶段性降低驱动.  相似文献   

A new method has been tested on Etna historic lavas for determining the geomagnetic field intensity (F) using the thermoremanent magnetization of volcanic rocks. The procedure involves a number of very short duration heatings above the Curie point, to produce successive laboratory TRM. Thus, it is possible to check the variations in the TRM-acquiring capacity of the samples with the time of heating (t). The curve J = f(t) is then extrapolated towards t = 0, leading to a virtual value of TRM without any laboratory heating, i.e., without the changes that currently occur when the lavas are heated to produce the TRM. Using such virtual values of TRM, satisfactory results of F had been derived from the majority of the samples studied. These results are consistent with Thellier's archeomagnetic data: they show a nearly constant intensity of the geomagnetic field during the last three centuries and, further back into the past, a significant increase of this.  相似文献   

The Thellier method for paleointensity determinations has been applied to prepared samples containing magnetites whose mean particle sizes range from single domain, SD, to multidomain, MD. Linear (ideal) PNRM-PTRM curves are obtained for samples containing SD and submicron magnetite particles. However, for MD particles non-linear (concave-up) PNRM-PTRM curves are observed such that a linear approximation to the lower blocking-temperature data leads to apparent paleointensities that are higher than the actual paleofield; however, the ratio of the end-points, NRM/TRM, yields the correct (laboratory) intensity. The non-linear (concave-up) PNRM-PTRM curves for the MD particles are explained in terms of the lack of symmetry of the domain-wall movements during the two heatings of the Thellier experiment. Low stabilities with respect to alternating fields and with respect to temperature cycles below magnetite's isotropic temperature are diagnostic in detecting samples most likely to exhibit non-linearities due to the MD effect.  相似文献   

To test the reliability of the Thellier method for paleointensity determinations, we studied six historic lavas from Hawaii and two Gauss-age lava flows from Raiatea Island (French Polynesia). Our aim is to investigate the effects of the NRM fraction and concave-up behavior of NRM–thermal remanent magnetization (TRM) diagrams on paleointensity determinations. For the Hawaiian samples, the paleointensity results were investigated at both sample and site levels. For consistency and confidence in the paleointensity results, it is important to measure multiple samples from each cooling unit. The results from the Raiatea Island samples confirm that reliable paleointensities can be obtained from NRM–TRM diagrams with concave-up curvature, provided the data are accompanied by successful partial TRM (pTRM) checks and no significant chemical remanent magnetization (CRM) production. We conclude that reliable determinations of the paleofield strength require analyses of linear segments representing at least 40–50% of the total NRM. This new criterion has to be considered for future studies and for evaluating published paleointensities for calculating average geomagnetic field models. Using this condition together with other commonly employed selection criteria, the observed mean site paleointensities are typically within 10% of the Definitive Geomagnetic Reference Field (DGRF). Our new results for the Hawaii 1960 lava flow are in excellent agreement with the expected value, in contrast to significant discrepancies observed in some earlier studies.

Overestimates of paleointensity determinations can arise from cooling-rate dependence of TRM acquisition, viscous remanent magnetization (VRM) at elevated temperatures, and TRM properties of multidomain (MD) particles. These outcomes are exaggerated at lower temperature ranges. Therefore, we suggest that, provided the pTRM checks are successful and there is no significant CRM production, it is better to increase the NRM fraction used in paleointensity analyses rather than to maximize correlation coefficients of line segments on the NRM–TRM diagrams.

We introduce the factor, Q = Nq, to assess the quality of the weighted mean paleointensity, Hw, for each cooling unit.  相似文献   

The territory of Karelia (Baltic Shield) is virtually not represented in the global paleomagnetic database for the Lower Riphean time interval (1650—1350 Ma). As regards the paleointensity H an, the huge interval 1–2 Ga in length is represented in the global paleointensity database by only eight determinations concentrated in the interval 1–1.35 Ga. The paper presents results of paleomagnetic studies of volcanic and subvolcanic rocks composing the Early Riphean Salmi Formation, which outcrops in the valley of the lower Tulemaioki River in the northern coast area of Lake Ladoga. Results of the study indicate that, in the Early Riphean time, the East European craton was located in the tropical region of the Southern Hemisphere between 15° S and 40° S. The inferred value of H an is close to the lower boundary of the interval (1.36–11.56) × 1022 A m2, encompassing previously published intensity values of the paleofield 1–1.35 Ga; this supports the hypothesis on the existence of long intervals of a lower field in the period in question [Maquoin et al., 2003].  相似文献   

Our rock magnetic analysis of core Ph05 from the West Philippine Sea demonstrates that the core preserves a strong, stable remanent magnetization and meets the magnetic mineral criteria for relative paleointensity (RPI) analyses. The magnetic minerals in the sequence are dominated by pseudosingle-domain magnetite, and the concentration of magnetic minerals is at the same scale. Both the conventional normalizing method and the pseudo-Thellier method were used in conjunction with the examination of the rock magnetic properties and natural remanent magnetization. Susceptibility (χ), anhysteretic remnant magnetization (ARM) and saturation isothermal remnant magnetization (SIRM) were used as the natural remanent magnetization normalizer. However, coherence analysis indicated that only ARM is more suitable for paleointensity reconstruction. The age model of core is established based on oxygen isotope data and AMS14C data, which is consistent with the age model estimated from RPI records. The relative paleointensity data provide a continuous record of the intensity variation during the last 200 ka, which correlates well with the global references RPI stacks. Several prominent low paleointensity values are identified and are correlated to the main RPI minima in the SINT-200 record, suggesting that the sediments have recorded the real changes of geomagnetic field. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 90411014) and Pilot Project of the Knowledge Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KZCX2-YW-211)  相似文献   

The Early Cretaceous may be considered a key period for understanding the evolution of the Earth’s magnetic field. Some still unsolved problems are related to the mode of paleosecular variation (PSV) of the Earth’s magnetic field before and during the Cretaceous Normal Superchron. We report here a detailed rock-magnetic, paleomagnetic and paleointensity investigation from 28 lava flows (331 standard paleomagnetic cores) collected in the Argentinean part of the Parana Flood Basalts (Formation Posadas) in order to contribute to the study of PSV during the early Cretaceous and to obtain precise Cretaceous paleomagnetic pole positions for stable South America. The average paleofield direction is precisely determined from 26 sites, which show small within-site dispersion and high directional stability. Five sites show evidences for the self-reversal of thermoremanent magnetization. 23 sites yielded normal polarity magnetization and only 3 are reversely magnetized. Moving windows averages were used to analyze the sequential variation of virtual geomagnetic pole’s (VGP) axial positions. Interestingly, the axial average VGP path traces an almost complete cycle around the geographical pole and passes near the location of all previously published Paraná Magmatic Province poles. Both paleomagnetic poles and average VGP paths are significantly different from the pole position suggested by fixed hotspot reconstructions, which may be due to true polar wander or the hotspot motion itself. Only 15 samples from 5 individual basaltic lava flows, yielded acceptable paleointensity estimates. The site mean paleointensities range from 25.2 ± 2.2 to 44.0 ± 2.2 μT. The virtual dipole moments (VDMs) range from 4.8 to 9.9 × 1022 Am2. This correspond to a mean value of 7.7 ± 2.1 × 1022 Am2 which is 96% of the present day geomagnetic field strength. These intensities agree with the relatively high values already reported for Early Cretaceous, which are consistent with some inferences from computer simulations previously published.  相似文献   

Summary Thirty eight cores from five Miocene lavas and their underlying baked zones from South Eastern Oregon have provided a test for the Alternating Field method of determining geomagnetic paleointensities, by allowing external consistency tests as well as internal consistency tests. All specimens were run regardless of the reliability tests results. The susceptibility change reliability test is useful as some of the specimens which failed it nevertheless gave misleadingly plausible results, but is shown to be unsufficient, as some specimens which were retained on that test failed to yield valid results. Different specimens from the same core behaved differently during the various experiments, proving that two specimens from a same core cannot reliably be assumed to be identical. A relation between the oxidation state and a change of susceptibility upon heating is seen.The paleofield intensities varied from 0.17±0.04 Oe and 0.31±0.08 Oe, corresponding to Virtual Dipole Moments of 1.23×1025 to 2.15×1025 Oe cm3. These low values are not accompanied by Virtual Geomagnetic Pole instability, but suggest an instability of the strength of the main dipole.  相似文献   

The data on the variations in the elements of the geomagnetic field with the characteristic times of 3–70 ka during the 180-ka interval that includes the final stage of the Matuyama chron, the Jaramillo subchron, and the Early Jaramillo reversal are presented. A series of particular features are revealed in the variations. It is shown that such detailed characteristics of the variations, which might be critical for identifying the causes of the reversals, can only be derived by thorough investigation of the sedimentary rocks that were accumulated during very long time intervals (many hundreds of years) and slowly cooling intrusions.  相似文献   

由磁暴引起的地下感应电场(geomagnetic induction electric field,GIE)会影响电网的安全稳定运行,GIE的大小取决于磁暴时磁场的变化率和周围地下介质的电性结构.本文利用在地表观测的磁场与电场数据,首先求得频率域实际地下三维大地电磁站间阻抗,再结合磁暴时段的磁场数据,计算GIE的频谱,最后通过傅里叶反变换,得到GIE时间序列.本文以日本地区三个长期观测的电磁电台站为例,讨论了站间阻抗的长期稳定性,并选取一次典型的磁暴事件,对本文方法进行了验证.结果表明,合成的GIE与实测数据基本一致,说明利用大地电磁站间阻抗,结合地磁台站数据,可以高精度合成GIE.本文方法有助于定量评价磁暴发生时产生的GIE对电网可能造成的破坏作用.  相似文献   

Petro-and paleomagnetic methods are applied to the study of the upper part of the Late Pleistocene Tuzla section (Azov coast of the Taman Peninsula) composed of continental sediments and dated at 50–10 ka. The detailed curves of the angular components of the geomagnetic field obtained in this study display an anomalous direction coinciding in time (~25–35 ka) with an anomalous horizon discovered in rocks of the Roxolany section (Ukraine). According to the world time scale of geomagnetic excursions, the anomalous direction correlates with the Mono Lake excursion. A significant correlation between the time series NRM0.015/SIRM (Tuzla section) and NRM250/KB (Roxolany section) in the interval 50–10 ka and the world composite curves VADM-21 and Sint-800 implies that, in this time interval, the curve NRM0.015/SIRM reflects the variation in the relative paleointensity of the geomagnetic field.  相似文献   

Joint wavelet analysis of complete and downsampled series of paleomagnetic and petromagnetic characteristics of rocks in the Matuyama-Jaramillo transitional zone in the Adzhidere section is used to extract paleomagnetic data whose variations are associated with the geomagnetic field alone and data correlating with variations in petromagnetic parameters. It supposed that this correlation can be caused by an external factor affecting weak variations in the magnetic field and climatic changes reflected in the composition and amount of the ferromagnetic fraction in rocks. Preliminary data are obtained for the characteristic times of field variations at the time of accumulation of rocks in the transitional zone.  相似文献   

We performed wavelet analysis of series of the magnetic field intensity obtained through archaeomagnetic studies in Bulgaria, Georgia, Central Asia, China, and Japan. The duration of the studied intervals is 2000, 4000, and more than 7000 yrs. It has been shown that periodic oscillations as well as those with varying characteristic times are present in this series. The distribution of oscillations with characteristic times up to 800–1000 yrs by periods, characteristic times, time, and place of their manifestation is random.  相似文献   

A representative collection of Cretaceous rocks of Mongolia is used for the study of the magnetic properties of the rocks and for determination of the paleodirections and paleointensities H anc of the geomagnetic field. The characteristic NRM component in the samples is recognized in the temperature interval from 200 to 620–660°C. The values of H anc are determined by the Thellier-Coe method with observance of all present-day requirements regarding the reliability of such kind of results. Comparison of data in the literature on paleointensity in the Cretaceous superchron and in the Miocene supports the hypothesis of the inverse correlation between the average intensity of the paleofield and the frequency of geomagnetic reversals. The increase in the average intensities is accompanied by an appreciable increase in the variance of the virtual dipole moment (VDM). We suggest that the visible increase in the average VDM value in the superchron is due to the greater variability of VDM in this period compared to the Miocene.  相似文献   

A representative collection of Upper Cretaceous rocks of Georgia (530 samples from 24 sites) is used for the study of magnetic properties of the rocks and the determination of the paleodirection and paleointensity (H an) of the geomagnetic field. Titanomagnetites with Curie points of 200–350°C are shown to be carriers of natural remanent magnetization (NRM) preserving primary paleomagnetic information during heatings to 300–350°C. The characteristic NRM component of the samples is identified in the interval 120–350°C. The Thellier and Thellier-Coe methods are used for the determination of H an meeting modern requirements on the reliability of such results. New paleointensity determinations are obtained and virtual dipole magnetic moment (VDM) values are calculated for four sites whose stratigraphic age is the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Campanian). It is shown that, in the interval 99.6–70.6 Ma, the VDM value was two or more times smaller than the present value, which agrees with the majority of H an data available for this time period. According to our results, the H an value did not change at the boundary of the Cretaceous normal superchron.  相似文献   

Paleomagnetic studies of Quaternary deposits from the Malyi Kut rock sequence (Krasnodar krai, western part of the Taman Peninsula) in two time intervals of Late Pleistocene are carried out. The Malyi Kut sequence is a marine terrace of the Baku age, which is embedded in the disturbed marine Sarmatian deposits. The terrace of the Bakinian age nests the Karangat marine terrace. The presence of the marine molluscan fauna in the both terraces enables reliable dating of the studied deposits. The composition, grain size, and concentration of ferromagnetic fraction present in the studied rocks are investigated by a set of rock magnetic methods. The directions of natural remanent magnetization (NRM) are studied, and the reliability of their isolation is estimated. The results are compared with the paleomagnetic records of NRM in the rocks of the parallel coeval sections of the Tuzla (Taman Peninsula) and Roxolany (Ukraine). This correlation suggests that the studied rock sequences recorded the Mono Lake geomagnetic excursion.  相似文献   

Paleointensity measurements have been carried out on 3.5 Ga samples from the Komati Formation type locality using both the Thellier and Van Zijl methods. These samples contain a single steeply-directed negative TRM component acquired during metamorphism of the Komati lavas. Thellier experiments yielded values ranging from 12 to 37 μT but an average paleofield intensity for the four best determinations is 20 ± 3 μT. A slightly lower average paleointensity of 15 ± 3 μT was obtained using Van Zijl experiments. Preheating was used to chemically stabilize seven samples used in Van Zijl determinations and these produced nearly ideal plots with an average paleointensity of 13 ± 2 μT. A single basaltic komatiite sample gave a nearly ideal Van Zijl plot indicating about 21 μT, nearly the same paleointensity as the peridotitic komatiite samples even though its NRM intensity was several orders of magnitude lower. Since the Komati characteristic remanence was acquired during a slow cooling, the data must be reduced by a factor of 1.55 to account for the difference between laboratory and natural cooling rates. Calculation of an equivalent equatorial paleointensity using the paleolatitude implied by the steep Komati characteristic remanence then gives value of 5 μT for the intensity of the geomagnetic field at 3.5 Ga, lower than the present value of about 30 μT.  相似文献   

We present the results of analyzing a representative collection of the middle Miocene 12.4–10.0 Ma basalts that compose the volcanic cover of the Shufan and Sovgavan plateaus, namely the Nikolo-L’vovsk (NL) and Sovetskaya Gavan (SG) volcanic fields. Preliminary data are obtained about the relicts of some volcanic edifices within the West and East Sikhote-Alin volcanic belts, namely the Shishlovskii, Malyshevo, and Truzhenik objects. It is established that the volcanic rocks from these localities are characterized by similar petrologic and magnetic properties. Thermal cleaning of the samples is carried out, and the coordinates of the paleomagnetic pole are determined as Λ = 190.2°E, Φ = 71.3°N for basalts of the Nokolo-L’vovsk area and Λ = 180.4°E, Φ = 71.9°N for rocks from the Sovgavan locality. These values are consistent with the data for coeval volcanics from other regions of Eurasia. Reliable determinations of the paleointensity H pal for a representative collection of samples were obtained using the Thellier method. The corresponding values of the virtual dipole moment (VDM) are almost half its present-day value. The analysis of the Miocene VDM values available from the world database revealed a low average field 5.06 × 1022 Am2 characterized by high variance σ = 2.13 × 1022 Am2 at that time. The similarity of VDM values for the Miocene characterized by frequent inversions and for the Cretaceous Superchron supports the hypothesis of the lack of a correlation between the VDM values and the frequency of geomagnetic inversions.  相似文献   

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