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Troposphere parameters estimated from space-geodetic techniques, like the Global Positioning System (GPS) or Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), can be used to monitor the atmospheric water vapor content. Although the troposphere can only be monitored at discrete locations, the distribution of the instruments, at least the GPS antennas, can be assumed to be quasi-global. Critical in the data analysis are systematic effects within each single technique that significantly degrade the accuracy and especially the long-term stability of the zenith delay determination. In this paper, consistent time-series of troposphere zenith delays and gradients from homogeneously reprocessed GPS and VLBI solutions are compared for a time period of 11 years. The homogeneity of these completely reprocessed time-series is essential to avoid misinterpretations due to individual model changes. Co-located sites are used to investigate systematic effects and the long-term behavior of the two space-geodetic techniques. Both techniques show common signals in the troposphere parameters at a very high level of precision. The biases between the troposphere zenith delays are at the level of a few millimeters. On the other hand, long-term trends significantly differ for the two techniques, preventing climatological interpretations at present. Tests assume these differences to be due to mathematical artifacts such as different sampling rates and unmodeled semi-annual signals with varying amplitudes.  相似文献   

Within the International Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) Service for Geodesy and Astrometry (IVS), long time-series of zenith wet and total troposphere delays have been combined at the level of parameter estimates. The data sets were submitted by eight IVS Analysis Centers (ACs) and cover January 1984 to December 2004. In this paper, the combination method is presented and the time-series submitted by the eight IVS ACs are compared with each other. The combined zenith delays are compared with time-series provided by the International Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Service (IGS), and with zenith delays derived from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). Before the combination, outliers are eliminated from the individual time-series using the robust BIBER (bounded influence by standardized residuals) estimator. For each station and AC, relative weight factors are obtained by variance component estimation. The mean bias of the IVS ACs’ time-series with respect to the IVS combined time-series is 0.89 mm and the mean root mean square is 7.67 mm. Small differences between stations and ACs can be found, which are due to the inhomogeneous analysis options, different parameterizations, and different treatment of missing in-situ pressure records. Compared to the IGS zenith total delays, the combined IVS series show small positive mean biases and different long-term trends. Zenith wet delays from the ECMWF are used to validate the IVS combined series. Inconsistencies, e.g., long-term inhomogeneity of the in-situ pressure data used for the determination of VLBI zenith delays, are identified.  相似文献   

对流层湿延迟是GPS误差源中最难确定的量,鉴于目前的对流层湿延迟模型较少考虑相对湿度随高度变化对湿延迟估计的影响,文章根据对流层湿延迟折射率的变化特征,提出新的分段湿延迟模型TTZWD.通过实验证明TTZWD湿延迟精度较Saastamoinen模型有不同程度的提高,与IGS后处理结果吻合精度好,基本可以达到半波长以内.实验还证明在相对湿度未知的情况下,将相对湿度设置为1,TTZWD模型依然可以使用,与相对湿度已知时的精度相当.  相似文献   

介绍几种常用的全球对流层延迟改正模型和几种区域对流层延迟模型的建立方法,再利用美国密歇根州的8个测站天顶对流层延迟数据对天顶对流层延迟进行研究,得出天顶对流层延迟在时间尺度及空间尺度上的变化规律,与经度和纬度相关性一般,与高程强相关。通过美国密歇根州的4个测站数据分别计算3种区域对流层延迟模型,得出各个模型的精度,并比较它们的优劣,结论是一次线性插值模型是三者中精度最高的模型。  相似文献   

为了探讨不同同化指标对顺序数据同化的影响,选择En KF,DEn KF,En SRF三种经典的顺序同化算法,结合Lorenz-1963模型进行敏感性实验分析,研究同化总时间、同化步长、集合成员数、方差膨胀因子、观测数目和局地化半径等指标对同化结果的影响。实验表明:同化总时间、同化步长、集合成员数、方差膨胀因子、观测数目和局地化半径对同化结果有直接的影响,基于En KF的改进算法在有限范围内是优于En KF的;当达到一定条件时,以上所有方法的同化结果趋于相同。研究结果对于实际应用中的最优顺序同化算法选择具有指导意义。  相似文献   

对高精度导航卫星处理软件(GAMIT)确定的卫星信号湿延迟和香港天文台中尺度数值模式(ORSM)所计算的湿延迟进行了比较,发现二者相关系数为0.99,偏差为3mm,平均绝对偏差为26.7mm,基本不存在系统性的偏差。卫星在天顶时,两者偏差最小,随着卫星仰角的降低,偏差增大,在天顶角70-80°时,两者确定信号湿延迟平均绝对偏差可达30mm。  相似文献   

大气传播延迟是空间大地测量技术的主要误差源,特别是在低高度角的观测情况下尤其如此。因此,大气折射改正的研究仍然是当代新空间技术研究的重要课题之一,完善大气折射理论不仅可以改善新技术的归算精度,而且有希望降低仪器的观测截止角,提高仪器的使用效应。详细地综述了对流层大气折射延迟研究的基本概念和理论方法,探讨了对不同精度要求和不同高度截至角的VLBI观测可以采用的大气折射延迟模型的计算方法。  相似文献   

星载原子钟在运行过程中会受到恶劣空间环境与设备老化等因素的影响, 使得卫星钟差数据中经常存在异常值, 其中AO(additive outlier)类异常值是钟差序列中常见的一类异常值。结合最大期望算法与自回归滑动平均(autoregressive moving average, ARMA)模型, 提出一种AO类异常值探测算法。该算法可以准确探测孤立AO类异常值与成片AO类异常值, 有效克服了其他算法经常出现的淹没与掩盖现象。在成功探测钟差序列AO类异常值的同时, 该算法可以估计得到精确的ARMA模型, 进而能准确地进行卫星钟差预报。利用仿真数据与北斗卫星钟差实测数据进行计算分析, 结果表明, 所提算法可以精确探测出钟差序列AO类异常值, 并且具有很好的卫星钟差预报效果。  相似文献   

在分析了当前GNSS主要的误差源,比较对流层延迟改正模型的基础上,应用Saastamoinen模型对BDS和GPS原始观测数据解算对流层天顶延迟,并对全球6个站点一个月的解算值进行比对分析,结果发现:北斗区域系统解算的ZTD相比于GPS结果,76%位于2cm之内,只有个别站点个别天的解算结果出现较大偏差,在中国周边站点解算结果优于其他地区站点。表明:北斗区域系统已经具备在中国周边同GPS相当的ZTD解算精度,为下一步北斗全球系统的建设奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

湿延迟与可降水量转换系数的全球经验模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2005~2011年的全球大地测量观测系统(global geodetic observing system,GGOS)Atmosphere提供的2.5°×2°(经度×纬度)的天顶湿延迟(zenith wet delay,ZWD)格网数据和欧洲中尺度天气预报中心(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts,ECMWF)提供的2.5°×2°可降水量(precipitable water vapor,PWV)格网数据,在全球范围内计算得到各格网点的地基GPS水汽反演关键参数Π-1的时间序列,分析了其时空分布特征,建立了一种转换系数Π的全球经验模型。该模型无需站点气象数据,仅与站点经纬度、年积日和海拔相关。利用未参与建模的2012年的GGOS Atmosphere和ECMWF格网数据、2012年661个无线电探空站的探空资料对模型进行精度检验。结果显示,采用格网数据检验,其偏差的平均值(Bias)为-0.179 mm,均方根误差(root mean square error,RMS)的平均值为1.806 mm;采用无线电探空资料进行检验,其Bias为0.465 mm, RMS为0.789 mm。结果都表现出了较小的系统性偏差与较高的精度,说明所建立的湿延迟与可降水量转换系数模型在全球范围内具有较高的精度与稳定性。  相似文献   

本文主要讨论了在已知气温、地温、降雨等主要气象参数的前提下,如何运用时间序列分析方法处理跨断层观测数据,其中对混合回归方程的建立,模型方程与地震异常之间的联系以及对可能包含异常信息的观测数据进行计算和分析,结合两个实例做了较系统的探讨。此外还提出了用GM(1,1)模型对残差进行修正的灰色动态数据模型。实际应用表明上述做法是形变数据处理的一个有力工具。  相似文献   

从物权法出发,分析了房地统一登记的实体对象,建立了实体对象之间逻辑关系模型。由逻辑关系模型导出房地统一登记的数据关系模型,并将该关系模型与现有的房屋和土地登记关系模型进行了比较。结果表明:房地统一登记数据关系模型既与现有的登记数据关系模型保持着紧密的联系,又满足了房地统一登记的要求。文中最后讨论了房地统一登记数据的存储模式,即采用水平分片技术将变更实行逻辑存放,可有效提高数据的存储和访问效率。  相似文献   

陈瑜  胡云安  林涛 《遥感学报》2013,17(6):1345-1358
针对分形海面模型的功率谱在空间波数小于基波波数时不能满足正幂率的问题,提出一种统计模型和归一化带限Weierstrass分形模型相结合的1维海面模型,确定了表面功率谱的闭式解,表面功率谱和有关文献的数据进行了对比。在满足Kirchhoff近似的条件下推导该模型电磁散射系数的闭式解,计算了散射系数随时间变化的Hurst指数,进而求得其分形维数。从数值仿真结果可知,表面功率谱和PM谱、南海的实测数据都拟合得很好,验证了模型的有效性,海面所接收信号随时间变化是分形的,并且其分形维数与分形海表面的分形维数几乎相等。  相似文献   


The presence of green spaces within city centres has been recognized as a valuable component of the city landscape. Vegetation provides a variety of benefits including energy saving, improved air quality, reduced noise pollution, decreased ambient temperature and psychological restoration. Evidence also shows that the amount of vegetation, known as ‘greenness’, in densely populated areas, can also be an indicator of the relative wealth of a neighbourhood. The ‘grey-green divide’, the contrast between built-up areas with a dominant grey colour and green spaces, is taken as a proxy indicator of sustainable management of cities and planning of urban growth. Consistent and continuous assessment of greenness in cities is therefore essential for monitoring progress towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 11. The availability of multi-temporal greenness information from Landsat data archives together with data derived from the city centres database of the Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL) initiative, offers a unique perspective to quantify and analyse changes in greenness across 10,323 urban centres all around the globe. In this research, we assess differences between greenness within and outside the built-up area for all the urban centres described by the city centres database of the GHSL. We also analyse changes in the amount of green space over time considering changes in the built-up areas in the periods 1990, 2000 and 2014. The results show an overall trend of increased greenness between 1990 and 2014 in most cities. The effect of greening is observed also for most of the 32 world megacities. We conclude that using simple yet effective approaches exploiting open and free global data it is possible to provide quantitative information on the greenness of cities and its changes over time. This information is of direct interest for urban planners and decision-makers to mitigate urban related environmental and social impacts.  相似文献   

刘善伟 《测绘通报》2017,(10):151-154
针对“地形测量实习”课程考核存在的问题,构建了“过程化、定量化”的考核体系,以考核学生的实践动手能力为重点优化考核内容,形成了贯穿于实践教学全过程的、多样化的考核方法,制定了定量化的成绩评定标准,课程考核由终结性评价向形成性评价转变。该考核体系引导学生由被动学习转变为主动学习,能够切实加强学生实践能力培养,进而完善测绘学科在工程教育专业认证环境下的人才培养模式。  相似文献   

DVB-S(数字视频广播系统)是一种符合工业化标准的数字卫星广播新技术,中国气象局利用该技术建立起成本低廉、应用广泛的我国卫星遥感数据共享接收平台,可准实时获取美国EOS、NOAA和我国FY等系列遥感卫星数据。在使用该接收系统的过程中发现,由于信号干扰等原因,接收到的部分MODIS条带影像中存在异常数据,影响使用。鉴于DVB-S共享接收系统具有多站接收的特点,且各地面站的接收范围存在较大重叠,有针对性地提出了一种利用多站重叠区内的同名像元,对含有异常点的MODIS 1B级条带影像进行修正的方法(包括影像选择、重叠区匹配、异常点替换等),并通过Visual C++编程实现了自动化。  相似文献   

利用UPD模糊度固定技术无需顾及基线解算基站地震所带来的影响,可以进行高精度非差PPP解算,"真实"获取地震周边地区GNSS站点高精度同震位移变化。为此,本文利用"国家基准一期工程""中国大陆构造环境监测网络"以及国家测绘地理信息局在珠峰周边所观测的GNSS观测资料,基于UPD模糊度固定技术高精度非差解算2015年4月25日尼泊尔Ms8.1级地震对我国珠峰地区及周边地震同震位移影响。首先,本文选取全国及周边IGS均匀分布、站点稳定、远离震区的GNSS连续观测网络数据计算卫星端的宽、窄巷UPD,采用PPP网解UPD模糊度固定技术,对解算地震区域内的GNSS测站的载波相位模糊度进行固定,得到无模糊度的精确相位观测值,进行高精度非差PPP解算;通过对平静日IGS测站数据处理与ITRF2008历元坐标对比分析,验证了该方法的精确性;最后,对2015年4月25日、5月12日地震以及地震前后数据,进行了UPD模糊度固定技术的非差PPP解算,分析了中国珠峰地区及周边GNSS站的同震位移;同时也分析了中国珠峰地区在2005—2015年10年的位移变化情况。UPD模糊度固定技术整网解算的方法也证实了能够为GNSS用于监测地震同震位移等,提供了一种精确、可靠的技术手段。  相似文献   

The Google Earth terrain model could prove beneficial for extraction of positional data in the future. At present, only an aging independent benchmark study (Potere, D., 2008. Horizontal position accuracy of Google Earth's high-resolution imagery archive. Sensors, 8, 7973–7981) provides constraints on positional accuracy for Google Earth imagery. In this investigation, we compared virtually traced positions against high-precision (<1 m) field measurements along three stratigraphic unconformity sub-sections in the Big Bend region to determine current positional accuracy for the Google Earth terrain model. A horizontal position accuracy of 2.64 m RMSEr was determined for the Google Earth terrain model with mean offset distance being 6.95 m. A vertical position accuracy of 1.63 m RMSEz with mean offset distance of 2.66 m was also calculated for the terrain model. Results suggest data extracted from the Google Earth terrain model could plausibly be used in future studies. However, we urge caution in using Google Earth data due to limited information disclosures by developers.  相似文献   

收敛速度慢一直是限制精密单点定位(precise point positioning, PPP)发展的重要因素。研究表明,通过高精度电离层延迟改正,进而实现精密单点定位实时动态(PPP-real time kinematic,PPP-RTK),可显著提升PPP的收敛速度。目前区域PPP-RTK中电离层主要采用单星多项式电离层模型(satellite-based ionospheric model with polynomial function,SIM_POLY)与单星电离层延迟反距离内插模型(satellite-based ionospheric model with inverse distance weight function,SIM_IDW)进行建模。为了检验上述两种模型在不同纬度的建模精度,对中国广东、湖北及河北3个省上空电离层延迟进行建模,并将其应用于单/双系统、浮点解及固定解中,分析其定位性能。实验结果表明,在低纬度区域,SIM_IDW模型表现略优于SIM_POLY模型,中高纬度区域则并无显著差异。浮点解PPP中,将SIM_IDW模型及SIM_POLY模型改正下的结果与无电离层组合PPP(ionosphere-free combination PPP, IFPPP)及欧洲定轨中心(Centre for Orbit Determination in Europe,CODE)的全球电离层格网(global ionospheric map,GIM)改正下的非差非组合结果进行比较,发现区域电离层模型改正下的PPP定位效果更好;与湖北省及广东省定位结果相比,河北省数据收敛速度最快,单GPS解算模式下采用SIM_IDW及SIM_POLY模型改正下的定位精度相较于IFPPP分别提升了43.7%和43.0%。固定解PPP中,河北省GPS+北斗解算模式下SIM_IDW、SIM_POLY模型改正下的PPP-RTK首个历元模糊度固定成功率分别可达86.09%和89.13%,且水平方向定位精度首个历元收敛至5 cm,高程方向定位精度1.5 min内收敛至10 cm;定位精度方面,在引入北斗系统之后,双系统PPP-RTK相较于单GPS有明显提升,河北省GPS+北斗解算模式下SIM_IDW、SIM_POLY模型改正下的PPP-RTK水平及三维定位精度分别为1.3 cm和3.5 cm。通过SIM_IDW及SIM_POLY模型建立区域电离层模型进而实现PPP-RTK,可以显著缩短PPP收敛时间,提高定位精度。  相似文献   

We process geophysical and waveform data records of the Geosat/GM (geodetic mission) satellite altimeter mission for waveform retracking and applications. An improved threshold retracker is developed. The performances of the Beta-5, threshold and improved threshold retrackers are assessed over waters around Taiwan. The improved threshold retracker outperforms the other two. The improvement in the accuracy of sea surface height (SSH) is investigated according to marine zone and the distance of waters to the shore. The improvement rate increases closer to the land, with the largest improvement rate of about 20% in waters within 10 km of the shore. Over waters around islands and coasts, there are still retracked SSHs with large errors. Least-squares collocation is used to compute gravity anomalies from the Geosat/GM altimeter data. Use of retracked SSHs improves the accuracy of gravity anomalies by about 11%. Adding airborne gravity data further improves the accuracy, especially in the immediate vicinity of the coasts. Tide model errors over coastal waters remain a problem in altimetry applications, even if the waveforms are properly retracked.  相似文献   

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