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A recently exposed section across a ?rst‐order valley buried beneath the regional blanket peat on hillside slopes in the upper Liffey valley, Co. Wicklow, is described. The section shows two alluvia within a shallow valley form underlain by an extensive boulder and stone line over regional till and weathered granite. 14C dates from wood in the alluvia indicate the older alluvium to have formed between 4324 ± 53 BP and 4126 ± 45 BP and the younger between 3217 ± 53 BP and 2975 ± 53 BP . The basal layer of the overlying peat yielded a date of 2208 ± 61 BP . The younger alluvium shows the effects of soil paludi?cation prior to the peat expansion. Dated pollen analyses elsewhere in the upper catchment con?rm the spread of blanket peat over most areas above 350 m after 4000–3600 BP . The buried valley was contributing sediments to the mid‐Holocene ?oodplains in the upper Liffey valley prior to the extension of blanket peat over the catchment after which sediment yields from it and the other catchment slopes declined. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the Bowland Fells, Lancashire, northwest England, in the headwater valleys of the Hodder river system, is a suite of Holocene fluvial landforms. Debris cones and alluvial fans at tributary junctions, and river terraces along the main valleys post-date late Pleistocene forms and pre-date the modern valley floor alluvial forms. Eight 14C dates from wood samples incorporated within the terrace and fan deposits have allowed two main phases of Holocene erosion to be identified with debris cone/fan deposition taking place after c. 5400 BP but before c. 1900 BP and again at c. 900 BP. Some of the fans and cones are complex with deposits attributable to both phases; others are simple and attributable only to the later phase. In the headwaters an upper terrace at c. 5400 BP pre-dates the cones and a lower terrace is contemporaneous with the first debris cone phase. Lower downvalley the youngest of three terraces date from c. 5000 BP or earlier indicating that the sequence is less complex downstream.  相似文献   

The morphological consequences of paraglacial modification of valley-side drift slopes are investigated at six sites in Norway. Here, paraglacial slope adjustment operates primarily through the development of gully systems, whereby glacigenic sediment is stripped from the upper drift slope and redeposited in debris cones downslope. This results in an overall lowering of average gradient by up to 4·5° along gully axes. In general, slope profile adjustment appears to be characterized by a convergence of slope profiles towards an ‘equilibrium form’ with an upper rectilinear slope gradient at 29°± 4° and a range of concavities of approximately 0·0 to 0·4. After initial rapid incision, further gully deepening is limited, but gullies become progressively wider as sidewall gradients decline to c. 25°, after which parallel retreat appears to predominate. The final form of mature paraglacial gully systems consists of an upper bedrock-floored source area, a mid-slope area of broad gullies whose sidewalls rest at stable, moderate gradients, and a lower slope zone where gullies discharge onto the surfaces of debris cones and fans. Some gullies appear to have attained this final form and have stabilized following exhaustion of readily entrainable sediment within decades of gully initiation. At most sites, paraglacial activity has transformed steep drift-mantled valley sides into gullied slopes where an average of c. 2–3 m of surface lowering has taken place. At the most active sites, these average amounts imply minimum erosion rates averaging c. 90 mm a−1 since gully initiation, which highlights the extreme rapidity of paraglacial erosion of deglaciated drift-mantled slopes. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Extensive valley fills at the base of the escarpment in upper Wolumla Creek, on the south coast of New South Wales, Australia, have formed from a combination of ‘cut and fill’ processes. The valley fills comprise series of alternating, horizontally bedded sand and mud units, reflecting reworking of detritus from deeply weathered granites of the Bega Batholith. Sand units are deposited as sand sheets or splays on floodplain surfaces or in floodouts that form atop intact valley fill surfaces downstream of discontinuous gullies. Alternatively, sands are deposited from bedload and form bars or part of the valley floor within channel fills. Organic-rich mud units are deposited from suspension in swamps or in seepage zones at the distal margin of floodouts. Within 5 km of the escarpment, valley deposits grade downstream from sand sheet and splay deposition in floodouts, to mud deposition in swamp and seepage zones. Radiocarbon dates indicate that virtually the entire valley fill of upper Wolumla Creek was excavated prior to 6000 years BP . Remnant terraces are evident at valley margins. The valley subsequently filled between 6000 years BP and 1000 years BP producing valley fills around 12 m deep, but no greater than 300 m wide. Reincision into the valley fill, on a scale smaller than the present incision phase, is indicated at around 1000 years BP , following which the channel refilled. Portion plans dated from 1865 refer to the study area as ‘Wolumla Big Flat’, and show large areas of swampy terrain, suggesting that the valley fill had re-established by this time. Within a few decades of European settlement the valley fill incised once more. Upper Wolumla Creek now has a channel over 10 m deep and 100 m wide in places, draining a catchment area of less than 20 km2. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Black Mountain Scarp in Carmarthenshire is currently being modified by debris-flow activity along gullies cut into the vegetated scree, which is a persistent feature of the scarp-front. Low angled, concave debris flow cones are accumulating at the mouths of the gullies. Mean rate of sediment yield from the sides of one gully was estimated to be 8·4 m3 in one year, and 9·8 m3 was shifted out of the gully by a single debris-flow in the same year. Movement by other transport processes, such as streamflow, was negligible in the gullies. No new gullies are being initiated at the present and all of them appear to be in a similar state of development. Consequently, it appears that some marked environmental change was responsible for initiating gully erosion. If present rates of gully-erosion are representative of the past, the gullies are only about 540–700 years old and may possibly have been initiated by sheep-grazing in the area.  相似文献   

Much research has been done on water‐rich mass flows, but the distinction between hyperconcentrated flows and debris flows, and whether the two are indeed different processes, continue to be debated. Here, we contribute to the ongoing discussion of these phenomena by describing and interpreting the deposit of a large landslide‐induced mass flow in the eastern Swiss Alps. About 9400 years ago, 10‐12 km3 of limestone detached from the wall of the Vorderrhein River valley and rapidly fragmented while sliding towards the valley bottom. The rock mass struck the valley floor with enormous force and liquefied at least 1 km3 of valley‐fill sediments. A slurry of liquefied sediment – the ‘Bonaduz gravel’ – traveled tens of kilometres down the Vorderrhein valley from the impact site, carrying huge fragments of rockslide debris that became stranded on the valley floor, forming hills termed ‘tomas’. Part of the flow was deflected by a cross‐valley barrier and traveled 14 km up a tributary of the Vorderrhein valley. The Bonaduz gravel is >65 m thick and fines upward from massive sandy cobble gravel at its base to silty sand at its top. Sedimentologic and geomorphic evidence indicates that Bonaduz gravel was transported as a hyperconcentated flow, likely above a basal carpet of coarse diamictic sediment that behaved as a debris flow. The large amount of water involved in the flow indicates that at least part of the Flims rockslide entered a lake. The Bonaduz deposit shares many properties with sediments left by hyperconcentrated flows generated in flumes, including normal grading and elutriation pipes produced by the rapid escape of fluids when the flow comes to rest. These properties are characteristic of non‐Newtonian laminar flows with high sediment concentrations. Our study reinforces laboratory and theoretical studies showing that debris flows and hyperconcentrated flows are different processes. © 2017 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

Lake basins that experience rapid rates of deposition act as high-resolution environmental archives because they produce sedimentary records that have centennial or even decadal resolution. However, identifying target fractions for radiocarbon dating of lake sediments remains problematic because reworked organic material from fluvial catchments can produce anomalously old radiocarbon ages. This study determines the extent to which reworked material from catchment soils impacts radiocarbon dates on pollen and other organic concentrates by comparing radiocarbon dates produced by these techniques against a chronostratigraphic marker in cores from Lake Mapourika, New Zealand. Pollen preferentially preserved and reworked from catchment soils was identified using soil palynology. A technique was then developed to remove reworked pollen types from pollen concentrates extracted from lake sediment. Identification and removal of reworked pollen from pollen concentrates produced ages that were consistently closer to the age of the chronostratigraphic horizon than other organic concentrates. However, these dates were still between 736 and 366 calendar years older than expected. The only organic fractions that reliably reproduced the age of the chronostratigraphic horizon were terrestrial leaf macrofossils, although terrestrial leaf macrofossils isolated from megaturbidite deposits, which are formed by high-energy depositional events, also provided anomalously old ages. The results indicate that leaf material extracted from hemipelagite, which accumulates gradually, is likely to be the only organic fraction to produce reliable chronology in lakes where a component of sedimentation is driven by the fluvial system. The results also demonstrate the importance of conducting a detailed investigation of physical sedimentology before selecting material for radiocarbon dating lake sediments.  相似文献   

The sediment stratigraphy of a 4 m thick intercalated Holocene alluvial fill and valley floor peat at a site in the Milfield Basin, Northumberland, has been dated by a series of eight 14C assays, and related to a previously analysed pollen record. The sequence extends from the earliest Holocene until c. 2800 cal. BP . Prior to the onset of peat inception, substantial amounts of channel-trenching can be demonstrated to have occurred in the Milfield Basin during the Loch Lomond Stadial. There is no measurable early Holocene accelerated fluvial activity, but a major flooding event occurred at c. 7500 cal. BP , much earlier than recorded elsewhere in the region. The explanation for this is not clear. However, the cessation of mid-Holocene overbank sedimentation at c. 4000–3500 cal. BP is tentatively correlated with slope stability associated with woodland regeneration. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

云南小江流域为典型干热河谷区,该区域干热少雨,流域内泥石流沟众多,生态环境十分脆弱.2017年4月和9月对小江流域的吊嘎河、蒋家沟、蓝泥坪沟、清水沟、陶家小河5条泥石流沟及小江干流开展了系统调查,旨在摸清5条泥石流沟及小江干流河流地貌、水环境及底栖动物群落现状,分析不同河床结构发育程度的泥石流沟间的底栖动物群落差异,揭示底栖动物对反映河床结构发育程度的河流地貌特征参数凹凸度的响应关系.调查期间于5条泥石流沟及小江干流中共采集到底栖动物70种,隶属于4门6纲38科69属,其中环节动物6种,软体动物2种,节肢动物61种,扁形动物1种.从种类类群来看,5条泥石流沟及小江干流的底栖动物物种数、密度、生物量上均以节肢动物占绝对优势,分别占总量的78.0%~92.5%、98.7%~100%、65.0%~100%.从功能摄食类群上来看,5条泥石流沟及小江干流底栖动物密度上均以直接收集者为主,占总量的74.3%~96.3%.回归分析表明,5条泥石流沟中底栖动物物种数、密度及生物量均与河流地貌特征参数凹凸度呈正相关关系,由此可见,发育良好的河床结构在维持河流地貌稳定和改善河流生态方面起着举足轻重的作用.本研究结果可为小江流域山区河流泥石流沟河床结构重建及生态修复提供科学依据.  相似文献   

Two gullies located in the Protva River basin (central part of European Russia, 100 Ion southwest of Moscow) were studied to investigate the history of their development during Late Holocene. This case study included detailed topographic and geomorphologic surveys, geological cross-sections, and radiocarbon dating of organic matter in gully sediments. For both gullies, incision of the long profile occurred for most of the Holocene, as indicated by the limited presence of infill sediment. However, interruptions of incisions occurred in both gullies during the last -3.5 ka (the Chugunkin gully) or -2.0 ka (the Uzkiy gully), as evident from stratigraphic interpretation of the sediment record. Periods of surface stabilization are represented by buried soil horizons, whereas relatively thick sediment layers suggest periods of predominant aggradation. Similarities and differences in discovered sequences of erosion and accumulation stages for the two gullies point out the importance of distinguishing between local and regional controls. Evidence of the role of internal system behavior and self-development in the gully long-term evolution is clear from asynchronous response of different parts of gullies. In recent times (-500 years), active agricultural development of the study territory resulted in accelerated incisions, followed by deposition of catchment-derived material. The latter was limited to the upper parts of the gullies, while incisions have continued in the middle and lower parts. The impact of human activities (-500 years) has been very limited. This suggests that within the forest zone of the Russian Plain many gullies which were earlier attributed to anthropogenic factors are, in realitv, due to natural phenomena.  相似文献   

One of the goals for paleaoenvironmental research is to predict the tendency of future climate and environmental changes based on the understanding of the past. The key approach is to find similar pictures which happened in the past. By understanding the background and mechanism of the paleaoenvironmen- tal changes, reliable parameters and verifications can be provided for the numerical model to predict the tendency of future climate and environmental changes. The Mid-Holocene as the nearest …  相似文献   

Dry valleys and gullies in fluvioglacial sands and gravels in North Norfolk are fossil forms. Interpretation of their origin demands detailed morphological analysis, but the inevitable ambiguities of form require additional information on the sedimentology of the deposits and associated regolith. Soil mechanical data and stability analysis predict the observed modal slope angles, assuming the water table to be at or near the surface. This suggests that valley formation involved impeded drainage, and slope processes such as shallow slab slides and solifluction over permafrost. The debris was subsequently evacuated from the valleys by meltwater. The stability analysis also explains the different modal slope angles observed at two locations. Slope angle frequency distributions are composite, however, and include data from varying locations up-valley. Up-valley variations in slope angle are seen to reflect variations in the nature of the regolith and consequent changes in soil mechanical properties, as well as changes in valley relief. The up-valley trends in the nature of the regolith are commensurate with a model of headward valley erosion, with a ‘younger’, less weathered regolith at the present valley head.  相似文献   

A stalagmite-based isotope record (No. H82) from Nanjing Hulu Cave, spanning from 16.5 to 10.3 ka BP, provided strong evidence for a coherence relation between the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) and the North Atlantic climates on millennial time scales. Here we extend the high-resolution δ 18O time series back to 22.1 ka BP with additional 7 230Th dates and 573 stable isotope measurements on the lower part of that sample. The new record with a decadal resolution, piecing together with the previous data, p...  相似文献   

The depositional history of peat‐dominated wetlands can be used to understand palaeoclimate and palaeohydrology and also constrain the impacts of future climate change. However, in chalkland valleys, seasonal water table fluctuations and a high alkalinity have diminished key environment indicators such as pollen, and there is a need for alternative investigative techniques. The method of Rock‐Eval pyrolysis can track changes in organic matter source and degradation, potentially relating to historic changes in vegetation cover. This is the first Rock‐Eval on cores from a groundwater‐dependent riparian chalk valley wetland combined with radiocarbon dating. The dating showed that the cores represented approximately 4000 years of depositional history. Changes in hydrocarbon chemistry including normal alkane composition of the peat indicated shifts of around 500 to 1000 years between terrestrial and more aquatic species, relating to periods of climate wetness. These climatic shifts are broadly consistent with other evidence from ombrotrophic peatland and lacustrine sediments across northwest Europe. However, the connection between climate wetness and groundwater dependent chalkland wetlands is complicated by external anthropogenically driven factors relating to land use and vegetation cover changes in the catchment. Nonetheless, this study suggests that Rock‐Eval pyrolysis is a useful and cost‐effective tool that can provide evidence for long‐term Holocene groundwater fluctuations. Copyright © 2016 British Geological Survey.  相似文献   

Moss and grass remains associated with a well-developed in situ palaeosol buried beneath a moraine ridge in front of Nigardsbreen (Jostedalsbreen ice cap, southern Norway) have been 14C-dated. Pollen preserved with the plant remains suggests the existence of an agricultural landscape prior to the deposition of the moraine. The calibrated dates and the pollen spectra are in close accord with historically-documented evidence for the timing and palaeoenvironment of the ‘Little Ice Age’ advance of the glacier. Considerable potential is indicated for estimating the maximum ages of moraine ridges and for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction where such documentary evidence does not exist.  相似文献   

Sections up to 3·5 m deep cut through the upper rectilinear segment of relict, vegetated talus slopes at the foot of the Trotternish escarpment reveal stacked debris-flow deposits intercalated with occasional slopewash horizons and buried organic soils. Radiocarbon dating of buried soil horizons indicates that reworking of sediment by debris flows predates 5·9–5·6 Cal ka BP , and has been intermittently active throughout the late Holocene. Particle size analyses of 18 bulk samples from these units indicates that c. 27–30 per cent of the talus deposit is composed of fine (<2 mm) sediment. Sedimentological comparison with tills excludes a glacigenic origin for the talus debris, and the angularity of constituent clasts suggests that in situ weathering has been insignificant in generating fine material. We conclude that the fine sediment within the talus is derived primarily by granular weathering of the rockwall, with syndepositional accumulation of both fine and coarse debris, implying that c. 27–30 per cent of rockwall retreat since deglaciation reflects granular weathering rather than rockfall. The abundance of fines within the talus deposits is inferred to have been of critical importance in facilitating build-up of porewater pressures during rainstorms, leading to episodic failure and flow of debris on the upper parts of the slope. A wider implication of these findings is that the mechanical properties of talus slopes cannot be regarded as those of free-draining accumulations of coarse clasts, and that models that treat talus slopes as such have limited value in explaining their form and evolution. Our findings lend support to models that envisage the upper straight slope on talus accumulations as the product of mass-transport as well as rockfall, and indicate that episodic debris flow has been the primary agent of mass-transport at this site. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Epigenetic gorges form when channels that have been laterally displaced during episodes of river blockage or aggradation incise down into bedrock spurs or side‐walls of the former valley rather than excavating unconsolidated fills and reinhabiting the buried paleovalley. Valley‐filling events that promote epigenetic gorges can be localized, such as a landslide dam or an alluvial/debris flow fan deposit at a tributary junction, or widespread, such as fluvial aggradation in response to climate change or fluctuating base‐level. The formation of epigenetic gorges depends upon the competition between the resistance to transport, strength and roughness of valley‐filling sediments and a river's ability to sculpt and incise bedrock. The former affects the location and lateral mobility of a channel incising into valley‐filling deposits; the latter determines rates of bedrock incision should the path of the incising channel intersect with bedrock that is not the paleovalley bottom. Epigenetic gorge incision, by definition, post‐dates the incision that originally cut the valley. Strath terraces and sculpted bedrock walls that form in relation to epigenetic gorges should not be used to directly infer river incision induced by tectonic activity or climate variability. Rather, they are indicative of the variability of short‐term bedrock river incision and autogenic dynamics of actively incising fluvial landscapes. The rate of bedrock incision associated with an epigenetic gorge can be very high (>1 cm/yr), typically orders of magnitude higher than both short‐ and long‐term landscape denudation rates. In the context of bedrock river incision and landscape evolution, epigenetic gorges force rivers to incise more bedrock, slowing long‐term incision and delaying the adjustment of rivers to regional tectonic and climatic forcing. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mountaintop removal/valley fill coal mining (MTR/VF) in central Appalachia has buried an estimated 4000 km of headwater streams, but the long-term geomorphic consequences of the anthropogenic valley fills and associated mined landscapes are poorly understood. These anthropogenic landscapes are not intended to be maintained in perpetuity once reclamation is complete. Here we present the first ever field-based study of erosional landforms on this type of mined landscape paired with the subsequent examination of 10 regional LiDAR (light detection and ranging) datasets for gullies and landslides in a transect from eastern Kentucky to central West Virginia. Field observations indicate that overtopping of or intentional discharge from drainage systems and overtopping of valley fill terraces can initiate gullying. We manually extracted 1328 gullies from 512 km2 of mined landscape within the LiDAR datasets. Gullies are predominantly located along the perimeter of the mined landscape with the majority of gullies associated with drainage systems. The number of gullies linearly scales with mined area (R2 = 0.66). We observed 387 landslides along the perimeter of MTR/VF. Within the datasets, landslides per km2 ranged from 0.1 to 3.9. We observed 34 landslides within fully reclaimed valley fills, a heretofore undocumented phenomenon. Over 90% of these landslides were in Kentucky datasets, which covered only 47% of total mined area analyzed. Previously measured regional differences in the angle of friction of mine spoils or construction practices may explain the abundance of gullies and elevated level of landslide occurrence in eastern Kentucky valley fills relative to West Virginia. Observations of erosion on regionally extensive MTR/VF landscapes warrant further study to better ascertain ecological impacts. Large-scale alteration by surface mining in steep landscapes may generally lead to peripheral gully erosion. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The summit plateau of The Storr (719 m) in northern Skye is mantled by a sheet of aeolian sediment up to 2·9 m thick, covering an area of 33 000 m2 with a volume of 41 000 m3. The deposits are of massive, poorly sorted sand with significant components of silt and fine gravel, and contain clasts up to 109 mm in length. The thickness and coarseness of the deposits decline westwards and northwards away from the highest cliffs, implying that the sediment comprises particles dislodged from rockwalls and blown upwards in an accelerating vertical or near-vertical airflow, settling through a lower-velocity flow onto the plateau surface where they are trapped by vegetation. Radiocarbon dating of soils buried under and within the deposits suggests that accumulation began after 7·2–6·9 calendar ka BP but before 5·6–5·3 calendar ka BP , and was probably initiated by exposure of the present rockwall by a massive landslide at c. 6·5 ± 0·5 calendar ka BP . Pollen analyses of buried organic horizons suggest that a vegetation mat dominated by grasses and sedges was present throughout the period of sediment deposition. Sediment accumulation over much of the plateau averaged 10–20 mm per century throughout the late Holocene, but reached c. 60 mm per century in the area of the thickest deposits. The volume of the deposits implies the removal of 420–480 mm of rock (averaged over the face) during the late Holocene, and suggests that small-scale granular disaggregation and release of small clasts constitute a major component of rockwall retreat under present conditions. The origin of the Storr deposits suggests that plateau-top aeolian sediments on other Scottish mountains accumulated in a similar way, but have been eroded and redeposited on lee slopes following breakage of vegetation cover. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Threshold criterion for debris flow initiation in seasonal gullies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A series of flume experiments were done to investigate the effect of grain composition on the critical gradient and discharge of debris flows initiated in seasonal gullies. The results indicated that the critical gradient and discharge for debris flow initiation decrease initially, and then increase as the mass content of fine particles (<2 mm) increases. As the mass content of fine particles increases, the angle of repose, permeability of widely graded gravel soils, and the incipient motion conditions of the coarse grains in non-uniform sediments decrease at first, and then increase. The mass content of fine particles of all inflection points is the same. The theoretical model based on the combination of hydrodynamic force and shear stress is more applicable to the prediction of the critical gradient for debris flow initiation. The critical discharge model considering the effect of non-homogeneity of the soil and the size of coarse and fine grains provides a more accurate prediction of debris flow initiation than other models based on the mean diameter.  相似文献   

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