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Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of the Aegean   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
The Aegean region is a concentrate of the main geodynamic processes that shaped the Mediterranean region: oceanic and continental subduction, mountain building, high-pressure and low-temperature metamorphism, backarc extension, post-orogenic collapse, metamorphic core complexes, gneiss domes are the ingredients of a complex evolution that started at the end of the Cretaceous with the closure of the Tethyan ocean along the Vardar suture zone. Using available plate kinematic, geophysical, petrological and structural data, we present a synthetic tectonic map of the whole region encompassing the Balkans, Western Turkey, the Aegean Sea, the Hellenic Arc, the Mediterranean Ridge and continental Greece and we build a lithospheric-scale N-S cross-section from Crete to the Rhodope massif. We then describe the tectonic evolution of this cross-section with a series of reconstructions from ~70 Ma to the Present. We follow on the hypothesis that a single subduction has been active throughout most of the Mesozoic and the entire Cenozoic, and we show that the geological record is compatible with this hypothesis. The reconstructions show that continental subduction (Apulian and Pelagonian continental blocks) did not induce slab break-off in this case. Using this evolution, we discuss the mechanisms leading to the exhumation of metamorphic rocks and the subsequent formation of extensional metamorphic domes in the backarc region during slab retreat. The tectonic histories of the two regions showing large-scale extension, the Rhodope and the Cyclades are then compared. The respective contributions to slab retreat, post-orogenic extension and lower crust partial melting of changes in kinematic boundary conditions and in nature of subducting material, from continental to oceanic, are discussed.  相似文献   

Late Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of eastern Indonesia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents an internally and globally consistent model of plate evolution in eastern Indonesia from Middle Miocene to Present time. It is centered on the Banda Sea region located in the triple junction area between the Pacific–Philippine, Australia and South–East Asia plates. The geological and geophysical data available from Indonesia were until recently insufficient to define a unique plate tectonic model. In this paper, the new data taken into account clearly restrict the possible interpretations. Owing to a great number of geological, geophysical and geochemical studies, the major plate boundaries (the Sunda–Banda subduction zone to the south, the Tarera–Aiduna Fault zone and the Seram Thrust to the east, and the Sorong Fault zone and Molucca Sea collision zone to the north) are now clearly identified. The age of the major tectonic structures is also better known. Geodetic measurements well constrain the Present time plate kinematics. We also consider the deformation history within eastern Indonesia, where numerous short-lived microplates and their related microcontinents successively accreted to the Asiatic margin. Moreover, magnetic anomalies identification of the North and South Banda Sea basins allows a precise kinematic reconstruction of the back-arc opening. We used the Plates software to test the coherency of our model, presented as a series of 4 plate reconstruction maps from 13 Ma to the present. Finally, the origin of oceanic domains restored by our reconstruction is discussed.  相似文献   

The NE–SW Tertiary magmatic belt of central Kalimantan is related to two separate periods of subduction; during the Eocene–Oligocene and Late Oligocene–Miocene. The younger magmatic belt is superimposed upon the earlier belt. This magmatic belt is characterized chiefly by Late Oligocene–Miocene volcanic products, among which limited exposures of the Eocene volcanics have also been mapped by previous investigators. This calc-alkaline magmatic belt has become known as the ‘gold belt’ of Central West Kalimantan on account of a number of discoveries of Neogene epithermal gold mineralization. This mineralization is found in central to proximal volcanic settings and occurred at relatively shallow depths. The earliest known subduction-related magmatism took place in the Eocene–Early Oligocene with the emplacement of calc-alkaline silicic pyroclastics, followed by a period of continental collision. Subsequent subduction-related magmatism continued from Late Oligocene–Pleistocene, during which time the magma evolved from calc-alkaline to potassic calc-alkaline. Plio-Pleistocene magmatism resulted in the formation of basalt flows. The present available K–Ar ages of the Cenozoic volcanics range from 51 to 1 Ma.  相似文献   

C. Kissel  C. Laj  A. Poisson  N. Grür 《Tectonophysics》2003,362(1-4):199-217
A total of 113 paleomagnetic sites were sampled along an Anatolian S–N transect from the Arabian platform, the Hatay region, the Eastern Taurides, the Kirsehir block, the Sivas basin and the Eastern Pontides. Reliable characteristic remanent paleomagnetic directions were retrieved from 37 of these sites, spanning in time from Paleocene to Miocene. In a general way, declinations are westerly deviated and inclinations are shallower than the geocentered dipole value at the present latitudes. When combined with previously published results, these data indicate that a large-scale counterclockwise rotation of Anatolia of some 25° has occurred since the Miocene. Assuming that the pole of rotation of Anatolia with respect to Europe has remained constant in time at the location given by MacClusky et al. [J. Geophys. Res. 105 (2000) 5695] on the basis of the geodetic data, this rotation implies that a large westward displacement (500 km at the average latitude of 40°) has taken place. Assuming that the rotation was initiated by the Arabia/Europe collision about 12 Ma ago, this corresponds to an average displacement of about 40 mm/year.Together with previous results from the western part of the Aegean arc, these results indicate that the main trends of the Cenozoic evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean appear to consist of two post-early Miocene rotations of opposite senses: a clockwise rotation of the western part of the Aegean [Tectonophysics 146 (1988) 183] around a pole situated in northern Albania, and a counterclockwise rotation around the pole given by McClusky et al. [J. Geophys. Res. 105 (2000) 5695]. Comparison with GPS data suggest that both rotations are still active today.  相似文献   

The presented model of the Late Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of the central Andes and the complex tectonic, geological, and geophysical model of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle along the Central Andean Transect, which crosses the Andean subduction zone along 21°S, are based on the integration of voluminous and diverse data. The onset of the recent evolution of the central Andes is dated at the late Oligocene (27 Ma ago), when the local fluid-induced rheological attenuation of the continental lithosphere occurred far back of the subduction zone. Tectonic deformation started to develop in thick-skinned style above the attenuated domain in the upper mantle and then in the Earth’s crust, creating the bivergent system of the present-day Eastern Cordillera. The destruction of the continental lithosphere is correlated with ore mineralization in the Bolivian tin belt, which presumably started at 16° S and spread to the north and to the south. Approximately 19 Ma ago, the gently dipping Subandean Thrust Fault was formed beneath the Eastern Cordillera, along which the South American Platform began to thrust under the Andes with rapid thickening of the crust in the eastern Andean Orogen owing to its doubling. The style of deformation in the upper crust above the Subandean Thrust Fault changed from thick- to thin-skinned, and the deformation front migrated to the east inland, forming the Subandean system of folds and thrust faults verging largely eastward. The thickening of the crust was accompanied by flows at the lower and/or middle crustal levels, delamination, and collapse of fragments of the lower crust and lithospheric mantle beneath the Eastern Cordillera and Altiplano-Puna Plateau. As the thickness of the middle and lower crustal layers reached a critical thickness about 10 Ma ago, the viscoplastic flow in the meridional direction became more intense. Extension of the upper brittle crust was realized mainly in gliding and rotation of blocks along a rhombic fault system. Some blocks sank, creating sedimentary basins. The rate of southward migration estimated from the age of these basins is 26 km/Ma. Tectonic deformation was accompanied by diverse magmatic activity (ignimbrite complexes, basaltic flows, shoshonitic volcanism, etc.) within the tract from the Western Cordillera to the western edge of the Eastern Cordillera 27–5 Ma ago with a peak at 7 Ma; after this, it began to recede westward; by 5 Ma ago, the magmatic activity reached only the western part of the Altiplano-Puna Plateau, and it has been concentrated in the volcanic arc of the Western Cordillera during the last 2 Ma.  相似文献   

This paper outlines a plate tectonic model for the Oligo-Miocene evolution of the western Mediterranean which incorporates recent data from several tectonic domains (Corsica, Sardinia, the Kabylies, Balearic promontory, Iberia, Algero-Provençal Basin and Tunisian Atlas). Following late Mesozoic anticlockwise rotation of the Iberian peninsula (including the Balearic promontory and Sardinia), late Eocene collision occurred between the Kabylies and Balearic promontory forming a NE-trending suture with NW-tectonic polarity. As a result of continued convergence between the African and European plates, a polarity flip occurred and a southward-facing trench formed south of the Kabylie—Balearic promontory suture. During late Oligocene time an E-W-trending arc and marginal basin developed behind the southward-facing trench in the area of the present-day Gulf of Lion. Opening of this basin moved the Corsica—Sardinia—Calabria—Petit Kabylie—Menorca plate southward, relative to the African plate. Early Miocene back-arc spreading in the area between the Balearic promontory and Grand Kabylie emplaced the latter in northern Algeria and formed the South Balearic Basin. Coeval with early Miocene back-arc basin development, the N-S-extension in the Gulf of Lion marginal basin changed to a more NW-SE direction causing short-lived extension in the area of the present-day Valencia trough and a 30° anticlockwise rotation of the Corsica-Sardinia-Calabria—Petit Kabylie plate away from the European plate. Early—middle Miocene deformation along the western Italian and northeastern African continental margins resulted from this rotation. During the early late Miocene (Tortonian), spreading within a sphenochasm to the southwest of Sardinia resulted in the emplacement of Petit Kabylie in northeastern Algeria.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地西部新生代沉积演化特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
藏北高原的柴达木盆地保存有完整的新生代沉积地层,通过对柴西茫崖凹陷背斜北东翼长尾台剖面详细的野外测量,结合室内薄片鉴定,研究了该剖面岩石组构、沉积构造、沉积相、岩石组合特征,划分了各组基本层序,分析了其旋回特征。最后,系统总结新生代地层的整体沉积演化特征,试图通过这些特征来揭示该地区整个新生代的沉积环境演化。  相似文献   

The Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of the Eastern Pontides Orogenic Belt (EPOB), which geographically corresponds to the northeastern part of Turkey, is still controversial due to lack of systematic geological, geochemical and chronological data. This paper provides new geochemical and chronological data from the Kuyucak and Erdembaba volcanics exposed along the North Anatolian Fault Zone, which is one of the most seismically-active intracontinental strike-slip fault systems on the globe, in the Reºadiye (Tokat) area that is situated in the southern part of the EPOB. Kuyucak volcanics consist predominantly of basaltic rocks including mainly olivine, augite and plagioclase. Erdembaba volcanics comprise mainly dacite and minor trachydacite-trachyandesite that are composed mainly of augite, plagioclase, hornblende and rarely biotite. The Geochemical properties of the Erdembaba volcanic define small amounts of magma mixing events and it follow a linear trend from a primitive end member through to upper crustal evolution. The 40Ar/39Ar age determinations of whole rock of volcanic rock samples yielded the ages ranging from 1.33 to 6.31 Ma (late Miocene- Pleistocene). Both groups display an enrichment in LIL and LREE elements relative to HFS and HREE elements, strong negative Nb and Ti anomalies. All geochemical and Ar/Ar chronological data indicate that the late Miocene Kuyucak volcanic rocks, which are characterized by low concentrations of SiO2 (<50 wt.%), were generated by mantlederived magmas that underwent contamination processes during their transfer to the surface. Whereas, Erdembaba volcanic rocks including high concentrations of SiO2 were derived from partial melting of the plunging continental crust beneath the Eurasian plate in Pliocene, after closure of Neotethys ocean that was situated in the southern part of the EPOB.  相似文献   

The eastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau developed an integrated series of late Cenozoic lacustrine, loess, red and moraines deposits. Various genetic sediments recorded rich information of Quaternary palaeoenvironment changes. Xigeda Pliocene lacustrine deposits, formed during 4.2 Ma B.P.–2.6 Ma B.P., experienced nine periodic warm-cold stages. Eolian deposition in western Sichuan began at 1.15 Ma B.P., and the loess-soil sequences successively record fourteen palaeomonsoon change cycles. Red clay in the Chengdu plain record five stages of paleoclimatic change stages since 1.13 Ma B.P.. There was an old glacial period of 4.3 Ma B.P. in the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. During the Quaternary, there were five extreme paleoclimatic events corresponding to five glaciations. __________ Translated from Geological Bulletin of China, 2007, 26(12): 1620–1626 [译自: 地质通报]  相似文献   

The paper is a synthesis of models for basic geodynamic processes (spreading, subduction transient into collision, mantle plumes) in relation with the Earth's evolution and regularly changing geodynamic parameters. The main trends and milestones of this evolution record irreversible cooling of the Earth's interior, oxidation of the surface, and periodic changes in geodynamic processes. The periodicity consists of cycles of three characteristic sizes, namely 700–800 Myr global cycles, 120, 90, and 30 Myr smaller cycles, and short-period millennial to decadal oscillations controlled by changing Earth's orbital parameters and, possibly, also by other extraterrestrial factors. Major events and estimates of mantle and surface temperatures, heat flow, viscosity, and the respective regimes of convection and plume magmatism have been reported for the largest periods of the Earth's history: Hadean (4.6–3.9 Ga), Early Archean (3.9–3.3 Ga), Late Archean (3.3–2.6 Ga), Early Proterozoic (2.6–1.9 Ga), Middle Proterozoic (1.9–1.1 Ga), Neoproterozoic (1.1–0.6 Ga), and Phanerozoic with two substages of 0.6–0.3 and 0.3–0 Ga.Current geodynamics is discussed with reference to models of spreading, subduction, and plume activity. Spreading is considered in terms of double-layered mantle convection, with focus on processes in the vicinity of mid-ocean ridges. The problem of mafic melt migration through the upper mantle beneath spreading ridges is treated qualitatively. Main emphasis is placed on models of melting, comparison of experimental and observed melt compositions, and their variations in periods of magmatic activity (about 100 kyr long) and quiescence. The extent and ways of interaction of fluids and melts rising from subduction zones with the ambient mantle remain the most controversial. Plume magmatism is described with a “gas torch” model of thermochemical plumes generated at the core-mantle boundary due to local chemical doping with volatiles (H2, CH2, KH, etc.) which are released from the metallic outer core, become oxidized in the lower mantle, and decrease the melting point of the latter. The concluding section concerns periodicities in endogenous processes and their surface consequences, including the related biospheric evolution.  相似文献   

本文以现代构造地质与地球动力学理论为指导,利用平衡剖面技术对南海中部西区进行了构造演化特征及演变史的恢复,制作了其上下构造层的构造纲要图,划分了南海中部西区新生代以来经历的三大构造演化阶段:(1)裂陷阶段;(2)坳陷阶段;(3)区域沉降。并指出了其动力学机制:始新世末,印度板块与欧亚板块发生碰撞产生的远距离效应以及渐新世西太平洋板块向东亚大陆边缘产生的俯冲效应是南海中部西区新生代构造演化的主要动力学机制。  相似文献   

The central Wassuk Range is ideally located to investigate the interplay of Basin and Range extension and Walker Lane dextral deformation along the western Nevada margin of the Basin and Range province. To elucidate the Cenozoic evolution of the range, the author conducted geologic mapping, structural data collection and analysis, geochemical analysis of igneous lithologies, and geochronology. This research delineates a three-stage deformational history for the range. A pulse of ENE–WSW-directed extension at high strain rates (~8.7 mm/yr) was initiated immediately after the eruption of ~15 Ma andesite flows; strain was accommodated by high-angle, closely spaced (1–2 km), east-dipping normal faults which rotated and remained active to low angles as extension continued. A post-12 Ma period of extension at low strain rates produced a second generation of normal faults and two prominent dextral strike–slip faults which strike NW, subparallel to the dextral faults of the Walker Lane at this latitude. A new pulse of ongoing extension began at ~4 Ma and has been accomodated primarily by the east-dipping range-bounding normal fault system. The increase in the rate of fault displacement has resulted in impressive topographic relief on the east flank of the range, and kinematic indicators support a shift in extension direction from ENE–WSW during the highest rates of Miocene extension to WNW–ESE today. The total extension accommodated across the central Wassuk Range since the middle Miocene is >200%, with only a brief period of dextral fault activity during the late Miocene. Data presented here suggest a local geologic evolution intimately connected to regional tectonics, from intra-arc extension in the middle Miocene, to late Miocene dextral deformation associated with the northward growth of the San Andreas Fault, to a Pliocene pulse of extension and magmatism likely influenced by both the northward passage of the Mendocino triple junction and possible delamination of the southern Sierra Nevada crustal root.  相似文献   

柴达木西部地区新生代主控断裂演化过程及其意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于主干地震剖面的解释结果,本文探讨了柴达木西部地区新生代主控性断裂的活动模式、活动时间及空间演化过程。结果表明,断裂演化明显存在两个大的旋回:路乐河组—下干柴沟组上段沉积期间(约54~31 Ma)和下油砂山组沉积至今(约22 Ma至今);其中第2个构造期断裂活动强烈,尤其是狮子沟组沉积以来(约8 Ma至今),中部及北部区域北西西向断裂开始大规模逆冲活动,反映了盆地晚期强烈变形过程。断层生长指数定量分析结果与其空间演化过程相吻合,共同记录了印度—欧亚板块碰撞远程效应控制下的柴达木盆地在新生代具有阶段性变形特征,从而为青藏高原东北部分阶段隆升模式提供了新的证据。  相似文献   

The complex crustal structure of the Tien Shan has a strong impact on the distribution of strain induced by the India–Eurasia collision, with intracontinental deformation in Eurasia’s interior as a distant effect. The northward propagation of the India–Eurasia deformation front is suggested by the rejuvenation of mountain ranges and intermittent intramontane basins. The Tien Shan basement is formed by the rigid, heterogeneous Precambrian blocks (microcontinents) of Tarim, Issyk-Kul (or Central Tien Shan) and Aktyuz-Boordin, surrounded by a ‘soft’ matrix of Paleozoic accretion–collision belts. The Kyrgyz Tien Shan Mountains are situated between the active structures of the Tarim Plate and the Pamir indenter (south), and the stable Kazakhstan Shield (north). Underplating by the Tarim Plate and thrusting by the Pamirs are responsible for the building of the Cenozoic Tien Shan, the reactivation of its inherited structural fabric and the tectonic layering of the upper lithosphere underlying the area. Large earthquakes (M > 6) delineate the northern and southern margins of the Issyk-Kul microcontinent, indicating that crustal heterogeneity influenced the location of active structures in the northern Kyrgyz Tien Shan.  相似文献   

渤海西部处于渤海湾盆地黄骅坳陷中北区,东与渤中坳陷衔接,周临多个新生代富(含)烃洼陷,该区具有较大的油气勘探潜力。本文利用区内现有的大量勘探资料对其基本构造特征、演化史及其对油气聚集的控制作用进行了详细的研究与探讨。认为研究区整体构造格架受近东西向、北东向、北西向3组基底断裂控制,近东西向和北西向断层控制古近纪断陷及区内整体构造格局,而北东向与北西向断层在新近纪发生较强烈的走滑活动; 研究区新生代经历了多阶段演化过程,同时又整体表现出具隆拗过渡、整体隆升的演化背景; 复杂多阶段的演化过程使得区内油气多层位复式成藏; 另外,新近纪晚期构造活跃使得区内油气多在新近系浅层晚期成藏,并沿北西向与北东向断层优势成藏展布。  相似文献   

After a review of the rock sequences and evolution of the eastern and central terranes of Hoggar, this paper focusses on the Neoproterozoic subduction-related evolution and collision stages in the central–western part of the Tuareg shield. Rock sequences are described and compared with their counterparts identified in the western and the eastern terranes exposed in Hoggar and northern Mali. The Pharusian terrane that is described in detail, is floored in the east by the Iskel basement, a Mesoproterozoic arc-type terrane cratonized around 840 Ma and in the southeast by Late Paleoproterozoic rock sequences (1.85–1.75 Ga) similar to those from northwestern Hoggar. Unconformable Late Neoproterozoic volcanosedimentary formations that mainly encompass volcanic greywackes were deposited in troughs adjacent to subduction-related andesitic volcanic ridges during the c. 690–650 Ma period. Abundant arc-related pre-collisional calc-alkaline batholiths (650–635 Ma) intruded the volcanic and volcaniclastic units at rather shallow crustal levels prior to collisional processes. The main E–W shortening in the Pharusian arc-type crust occurred through several stages of transpression and produced overall greenschist facies regional metamorphism and upright folding, thus precluding significant crustal thickening. It was accompanied by the shallow emplacement of calc-alkaline batholiths and plutons. Ages of syn-collisional granitoids range from 620 Ma in the western terranes, to 580 Ma in the Pharusian terrane, thus indicating a severe diachronism. After infill of molassic basins unconformable above the Pan-African greenschists, renewed dextral transpression took place in longitudinal domains such as the Adrar fault. The lithology, volcanic and plutonic suites, deep greenschist facies metamorphism, structures and kinematics from the Adrar fault molassic belt previously considered as Neoproterozoic are described in detail. The younger late-kinematic plutons emplaced in the Pharusian terrane at 523 Ma [Lithos 45 (1998) 245] relate to a Cambrian tectonic pulse that post-dates molasse deposition. The new geodynamic scenario presented considers several paleosubductions. The major east-dipping subduction, corresponding to the closure of a large Pan-African oceanic domain in the west (680–620 Ma) post-dates an older west-dipping “Pharusian” subduction (690–650 Ma?) to the east of the eastern Pharusian terrane. Such a diachronism is suggested by the 690 Ma old eclogites of the western part of the LATEA terrane of central Hoggar [J. African Earth Sci. this volume (2003)] that are nearly synchronous with the building up of the Pharusian terrane, thus suggesting that the 4°50 lithospheric fault represents a reactivated cryptic suture.  相似文献   

The Late Cretaceous–Cenozoic evolution of the North German Basin has been investigated by 3-D thermomechanical finite element modelling. The model solves the equations of motion of an elasto-visco-plastic continuum representing the continental lithosphere. It includes the variations of stress in time and space, the thermal evolution, surface processes and variations in global sea level.The North German Basin became inverted in the Late Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic. The inversion was most intense in the southern part of the basin, i.e. in the Lower Saxony Basin, the Flechtingen High and the Harz. The lower crustal properties vary across the North German Basin. North of the Elbe Line, the lower crust is dense and has high seismic velocity compared to the lower crust south of the Elbe Line. The lower crust with high density and high velocity is assumed to be strong. Lateral variations in lithospheric strength also arise from lateral variations in Moho depth. In areas where the Moho is deep, the upper mantle is warm and the lithosphere is thereby relatively weak.Compression of the lithosphere causes shortening, thickening and surface uplift of relatively weak areas. Tectonic inversion occurs as zones of preexisting weakness are shortened and thickened in compression. Contemporaneously, the margins of the weak zone subside. Cenozoic subsidence of the northern part of the North German Basin is explained as a combination of thermal subsidence and a small amount of deformation and surface uplift during compression of the stronger crust in the north.The modelled deformation patterns and resulting sediment isopachs correlate with observations from the area. This verifies the usefulness and importance of thermomechanical models in the investigation of intraplate sedimentary basin formation.  相似文献   

This study describes the lithostratigraphic character of mid-Cenozoic (Oligocene-Pliocene) sequences in different parts of the northeastern Mediterranean area and offers a detailed stratigraphic correlation for this region. The sequences concerned are drawn from the Camardi area (south-central Anatolia), the Adana Basin, the Misis Mountains and the Kyrenia Range (northern Cyprus) and the submerged Florence Rise (west of Cyprus). The stratigraphic relationships identified here indicate the following: (a) Following the middle Eocene (Lutetian) regression there was uplift throughout the entire region; (b) Episodes of fluvial and lacustrine deposition in intramontane settings ensued in most of this region during the late Eocene/early Miocene interval; (c) Following a regionally extensive phase of tectonic compression, major marine transgression commenced in the late Oligocene in northern Cyprus and in the early Miocene in adjacent southern Turkey, with the exception of the Ecemi§ Fault Zone where continental deposition continued; (d) These Oligo-Miocene transgressive sequences comprise a broadly diachronous complex of both shallow and deeper marine facies, including reefal carbonates, littoral clastics, basinal shales and fan-turbidites; (e) Deeper marine Miocene facies persisted longer in the Misis area and in northern Cyprus; (f) A regional regression occurred throughout most of the area during the late Serravallian to Tortonian interval and is marked by the abrupt, locally discordant appearance of extensive shallow marine, deltaic and fluvial deposits; (g) Continued regression in the Messinian led to the formation of significant evaporite deposits in the western and southern parts of the region, but localized uplift of the Misis area is attested by the initial deformation of the Neogene rocks there and the absence of Messinian sediments from this area; (h) In the Pliocene there was extensive emergence of the northern parts of the region interrupted by brief marine incursions. The present-day drainage pattern was established at this time; (i) Marine conditions persisted longer in northern Cyprus, where emergence occurred only in the latest Pliocene.  相似文献   

Results of the isotope-geochronological studies of the Late Cenozoic magmatism of Caucasus have been considered. The Neogene-Quaternary volcanic activity is found to have evolved during the last 15 m. y. being most intensive in the Middle-Late Pliocene. Within separate neovolcanic areas of the Caucasus region, magmatism was of a clearly discrete character when intense eruption periods interchanged with prolonged (up to several million years) times of quiet conditions. Four stages of young magmatism of the Caucasus are recognized: the Middle Miocene (15–13 Ma), the Late Miocene (9–5 Ma), the Pliocene (4.5–1.6 Ma), and the Quaternary (less than 1.5 Ma). However, for certain areas the time limits of these stages were shifted relative to each other and overlap the whole age range from the mid-Miocene to the end of the Quaternary period. Therefore, within the collision zone, the Neogene-Quaternary magmatism evolved almost continuously during almost the last 9 m. y., but in the time interval of 13–9 Ma in the Caucasian segment, volcanic activity was possibly low. No evidence of directed lateral migration of volcanic activity within the entire Caucasus region was found. At the same time, in the Lesser Caucasus the young magmatism commenced earlier (∼15 Ma), compared to the Greater Caucasus (∼8 Ma).  相似文献   

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