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原位测量技术在黄海沉积声学调查中的应用   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
介绍了最新研制的基于液压驱动贯入的自容式海底沉积声学原位测量系统及其在南黄海中部海底沉积声学调查中的应用。该系统可以实现对海底沉积物声速和声衰减系数进行原位测量,通过液压驱动装置将四根声学探杆匀速贯入到海底沉积物中,减少了对沉积物的扰动,可按照预设的工作参数在海底全自动工作,无需甲板上人员实时控制,采集的声波信号自容式存储于存储单元。系统工作水深为500 m,测量深度为1 m,测量频率为30 kHz,采样频率为10 MHz。使用该系统在南黄海中部获得了40个站位不同类型沉积物的声学特性原位测量数据,并使用CTD剖面仪对该系统声速测量进行了标定,相对误差均小于0.5%,表明该系统测量数据准确、可靠。  相似文献   


A new kind of visual acoustic measurement system was developed to obtain the acoustic characteristics of seabed sediment and the working state of in situ measuring equipment in real time. The control unit of the system structure is mainly made up of the underwater control unit and the deck control unit. In comparison with similar traditional systems, the system can transmit the working video image, the measured acoustic data and the waveform synchronous from the underwater control equipment to the deck control unit through the connecting cable. Apart from self-contained in situ measurement, the working modes of it include visual online real-time control. In order to guarantee the stability and measurement precision of the video control system, the process control of in situ measurement was strictly tested in the experimental tank. In 2017, sea trials of the in situ measurement system was carried out in the South China Sea. In the process, data related to measurement, including the acoustic velocity and attenuation coefficient of the seabed sediment, were obtained as well. The results from sea trials show that the control process of the visual system is intuitive, reliable and accurate, and therefore it can be popularized and applied.  相似文献   

牛顿迭代法在海图与地形图坐标相互转换中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据地图投影变换原理,提出了一种新的地图投影变换方法,即牛顿迭代法。在海图与地形图之间的坐标相互转换过程中,从平面直角坐标到地理坐标的地图投影的反解变换是通过计算机迭代处理来完成的,这种方法具有变换精度高、算法收敛速度快、软件编程实现简便等优点。  相似文献   

浅海沉积声学原位探测系统研制及深海功能拓展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海底沉积物的声速和声衰减系数等声学特性参数是影响水下声场空间结构、水声通讯、水声设备使用性能、海底目标探测的重要因素。介绍了最新研制的浅海海底沉积声学原位测量系统的工作原理、结构组成和性能特点,并对系统在黄海和南海海底沉积物声学特性调查中的应用情况进行了总结。最后,对系统在满足深海应用方面的功能拓展进行了讨论和展望。  相似文献   

Diapycnal mixing is important in oceanic circulation. An inverse method in which a semi-explicit scheme is applied to discretize the one-dimensional temperature diffusion equation is established to estimate the vertical temperature diffusion coefficient based on the observed temperature profiles. The sensitivity of the inverse model in the idealized and actual conditions is tested in detail. It can be found that this inverse model has high feasibility under multiple situations ensuring the stability of the inverse model, and can be considered as an efficient way to estimate the temperature diffusion coefficient in the weak current regions of the ocean. Here, the hydrographic profiles from Argo floats are used to estimate the temporal and spatial distribution of the vertical mixing in the north central Pacific based on this inverse method. It is further found that the vertical mixing in the upper ocean displays a distinct seasonal variation with the amplitude decreasing with depth, and the vertical mixing over rough topography is stronger than that over smooth topography It is suggested that the high-resolution profiles from Argo floats and a more reasonable design of the inverse scheme will serve to understand mixing processes.  相似文献   

2000年夏季南海环流的改进逆方法计算   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
基于2000年8月航次在南海调查资料,采用改进逆方法,并结合TOPEX/ERS分析的SSH分布,获得以下的主要结果:(1)南海中部和西南部环流系统主要受反气旋环流所支配.主要有越南东南反气旋涡W1,其水平尺度约为300km,垂向深度可达1000m以深,流速很强,其最大流速为79cm/s左右,还有暖涡W2以及吕宋岛西南反气旋涡环流系统W3.其次,在反气旋涡W1与W2之间还存在气旋式涡C1.其水平尺度比暖涡W1小得多,流速也较强.两涡W1与C1之间存在一支南向流,它们组成一个准偶极子.(2)在暖涡W1的西侧存在西边界流,即北向射流,其流速很强,约在12°N流向转向东北.(3)南海北部环流系统主要受气旋环流所支配.在断面N2附近及以北存在一个气旋式环流系统.其次,在海南岛东南存在一个尺度不大的反气旋环流系统.(4)南海东南部环流系统主要受气旋环流所支配.主要有在巴拉望岛以西存在尺度较大的气旋环流系统,以及暖涡W1东南存在一个气旋环流系统.其次,在加里曼丹岛西北还存在范围不大的反气旋环流.(5)比较1998年夏季航次与2000年夏季航次时计算结果,虽然它们在定量上有些变化与差别,但在定性上它们的环流结构有十分相似之处.这表明,南海环流具有明显的季节特性.(6)比较2000年夏季南海水文结构,流函数分布以及TOPEX/ERS的SSH分布,它们在定性上十分吻合.  相似文献   

吴兆春 《海洋学报》2010,32(9):6326-6330
本文采用变域变分原理,建立了导热几何形状反演问题的变分原理,同时获得了该问题所需满足的边界条件和附加条件.该变分原理能将未知形状的几何变量及控制方程结合在一个变分泛函中,使得数学描述简洁、紧凑,且几何变量及控制方程的求解能耦合地进行.介绍了运用该变分原理并结合有限元方法进行数值计算的方法.  相似文献   

On the basis of hydrographic data obtained in August 2000 cruise, the circulation in the South China Sea (SCS) is computed by the modified inverse method in combination with SSH data from TOPEX/ERS-2 analysis. For study of the dynamical mechanism, which causes the pattern of summer circulation in the SCS, the diagnostic model (Yuan et al. 1982. Acta Oceanologica Sinica,4(1):1-11; Yuan and Su. 1992. Numerical Computation of Physical Oceanography.474-542) is used to simulate numerically the summer circulation in the SCS. The following results  相似文献   

海上结构设计包括对荷载和响应的可靠性评估。对结构进行全面长期响应分析繁琐且费时,故将基于逆一阶可靠性方法的环境包络线进行海上结构概率可靠性分析,对结构的长期响应进行近似估计。在二维标准正态空间中画出与重现期相对应的圆,将圆离散为点后通过Rosenblatt变换转化为环境参数空间中的点来形成闭合的环境包络线。描述海洋环境条件的模型对绘制环境包络线极为重要,基于我国南海荔湾海域40年波浪模拟数据,建立了描述南海波浪的Weibull-Gev条件分布模型,进而绘制南海有效波高—谱峰周期包络线,并与张力腿平台(TLP)系泊张力的长期响应预报结果对比,给出南海海域在波浪作用下应用环境包络线法预报TLP系泊张力的分位数,为未来南海TLP设计中系泊张力预报提供快速估算方法。  相似文献   

梁辉  赵岩  岳前进 《海洋工程》2019,37(1):75-83
考虑深水S型铺设中离散均布托辊对上弯段管道的支撑作用,提出了管道铺设形态和内力的分段解析求解方法,通过迭代搜索算法确定管道最佳反弯点和升离点的位置,结合刚性悬链线理论和欧拉梁弯曲理论,推导了管道的变形和内力的解析表达式。依据所建立的分段解析方法编制了相应的数值计算程序,以某3 000 m水深铺设12英寸管道为例,计算了管道形态和内力响应,与商用有限元软件的数值分析结果进行对比,表明了分段解析方法的准确性和有效性。建立的方法具有较高的计算效率,为进一步开展S型铺设参数的优化或可靠性研究提供了有力的手段。  相似文献   

Quantitative laboratory studies on the structural behavior of natural intact marine clays require a large number of identical natural samples leading to an expensive and challenging task. This study proposes a simple method to reconstruct an artificial structured marine clay as the state of its natural intact clay at both macro and micro levels. For this purpose, the Shanghai marine clay is selected and mixed with low cement contents (1–6%). The clay-cement slurry is mixed in a container with the ice-covered sides at a low temperature about 0 ± 2 °C to postpone the hydration reactions until consolidation began. The purpose of adding cement is to generate the inter-particle bonding and structure in reconstituted samples. Initially, the reconstituted samples are consolidated under the in situ stress of 98 kPa and then under the pre-consolidation pressure of 50 kPa. Mechanical characteristics such as compression index, yield stress, unconfined compression strength, shear strength ratio, and the stress paths from triaxial tests are compared with natural intact clay accordingly. Scanning electron microscope and mercury intrusion porosimetry analyses are also performed to analyze the microstructure of clays for comparison. Furthermore, the proposed method is also examined by using natural intact marine clays of different locations and characteristics.  相似文献   

边界元方法被广泛应用于波浪对海上婕筑物作用领域,但由于传统边界元方法的存储量和计算量均为未知量的平方量级,很难满足大范围多未知量问题的计算需要.本文基于高阶边界元方法,应用预修正快速傅里叶变换方法,使计算量与存储量分别降低至O(NlogN)和O(N)量级,并得到一个连续的压强分布以适应结构设计的要求,同时可以通过使用满...  相似文献   

等幅疲劳三参数P—S—N曲线族最优拟合法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于给定的等幅疲劳成组试验数据 ,利用三参数幂函数方程来描述P -S -N等幅曲线。通过线性拟合相关系数的最优化来确定其中三个系数 ,采用割线法进行最优化求解。该方法具有迭代收敛快、拟合精度高的特点  相似文献   

The boundary-element method has been widely used as a design tool in the offshore and ship building industry for more than 30 years. Its application to wave energy conversion is, however, more recent. This paper deals with the numerical modelling of a free-floating sloped wave energy device. The power take-off mechanism of the device consists of an immersed tube with a piston sliding inside. The modelling is done using the boundary-element method package WAMIT. The model is first worked out for the case where the axis of the tube is vertical. It is then derived for the tube inclined and successfully verified against numerical benchmark data. A companion paper presents results of a detailed comparison with a physical model study.  相似文献   

张福然  陈汉宝 《海洋学报》1998,20(1):130-133
首次将单源点法应用于水深有陡变的人工港域内波高分布的数值计算,结果与一维理论解符合极好,并与工程实例的物理模型试验结果符合也很好.  相似文献   

多波束测量过程中,受到多种因素的影响,不可避免地存在各种误差,其中系统某个部件出现故障也不少见,如换能器、行波管、大功率微波开关或表层声速仪等器件功能不正常,引起多波束每 ping (一个发射接收周期) 数据中部分固定波束号的测深结果发生系统性偏移,以 2003 年东海调查 SeaBat900X 数据为例,其在垂直航向正投影平面上出现类似“W”字型的系统误差。本文基于该批次数据,系统分析了该类型系统偏差成因及外观表现,针对性提出基于等均值-方差拟合模型的改正方法,首先对异常区域和正常区域分别拟合地形趋势线,统计其均值和方差;然后以正常区域为基准,对异常区域内数据进行压缩和移动;最后通过面积差法,对数据中存在的折射残差进行消除,从而有效去除“W”型残差。文中实测数据验证了本文算法的有效性和可行性,对多波束其他类型的测深系统偏差处理具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

Due to uncertainties and random behavior of sea loads, presenting an accurate hydrodynamic analysis for motion control of offshore ships is a big challenge. This paper aims to propose a novel method for motion control of a crew transfer vessel (CTV) in order to ensure safe crew transfer to an offshore wind turbine (OWT). For this purpose, we propose a novel neural network observer-based optimal control (NOPC) scheme to tackle unknown dynamics and disturbances, nonlinear effects, and non-symmetric control input saturation constraints. Accordingly, the neural network (NN) structure addresses the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation and forms an optimal control signal remaining in the saturation bounds. The Lyapunov theory guarantees the Ultimately Uniformly Boundedness (UUB) of all signals of the closed-loop system. The high performance of the presented method is demonstrated in regular waves with high frequency in comparison with the previous studies. It is worth mentioning that there are not any limitations to implement the adopted strategy for other offshore applications.  相似文献   

A numerical model for coastal water wave motion that includes an effective method for treatment of non-reflecting boundaries is presented. The second-order one-way wave equation to approximate the non-reflecting boundary condition is found to be excellent and it ensures a very low level of reflection for waves approaching the boundary at a fairly wide range of the incidence angle. If the Newman approximation is adopted, the resulting boundary condition has a unique property to allow the free propagation of wave components along the boundary. The study is also based on a newly derived mild-slope wave equation system that can be easily made compatible to the one-way wave equation. The equation system is theoretically more accurate than the previous equations in terms of the mild-slope assumption. The finite difference method defined on a staggered grid is employed to solve the basic equations and to implement the non-reflecting boundary condition. For verification, the numerical model is then applied to three coastal water wave problems including the classical problem of plane wave diffraction by a vertical circular cylinder, the problem of combined wave diffraction and refraction over a submerged hump in the open sea, and the wave deformation around a detached breakwater. In all cases, the numerical results are demonstrated to agree very well with the relevant analytical solutions or with experimental data. It is thus concluded that the numerical model proposed in this study is effective and advantageous.  相似文献   

A new analytical method is proposed to analyze the force acting on a rectangular oscillating buoy due to linear waves. In the method a new analytical expression for the diffraction velocity potential is obtained first by use of the eigenfunction expansion method and then the wave excitation force is calculated by use of the known incident wave potential and the diffraction potential. Compared with the classical analytical method, it can be seen that the present method is simpler for a two-dimensional problem due to the comparable effort needed for the computation of diffraction potential and for that of radiated potential. To verify the correctness of the method, a classical example in the reference is recomputed and the obtained results are in good accordance with those by use of other methods, which shows that the present method is correct.  相似文献   

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