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Systematic spatial analysis of mineral deposit point patterns can reveal significant spatial properties of mineral systems, with major implications for regional mineral prospectivity modelling. For valid results, a study area needs to be clearly defined, taking into account permissiveness of the geological units for a particular mineral system and effects of cover. Standard statistical tests assuming an isometric contiguous study area with regionally homogeneous distribution of deposits are likely to produce invalid results. Analysis of regional uniformity of spatial deposit density is required for adequate design and interpretation of tests for clustering. Spatial distribution of orogenic gold deposits in the Hodgkinson Province in Queensland and the Western Lachlan Orogen in Victoria (Australia) indicates the presence of significant regional linear metallogenic zones, probably controlled by deep crustal domain boundaries oblique and not related to any recognised major faults. Within the metallogenic zones in both regions, individual gold occurrences are strongly clustered into ore fields, but the distribution of ore fields is random.  相似文献   

西藏拿若矿床是班公湖-怒江成矿带上多龙矿集区内,继多不杂、波龙斑岩型矿床和铁格隆南浅成低温热液型矿床之后,又一个具有重要勘查和研究意义的大型斑岩型铜(金)矿床。本文在详细的野外地质工作基础上,研究拿若矿区绿泥石矿物学和化学成分特征,探讨矿床成因及找矿勘查意义。拿若矿区内广泛发育绿泥石化蚀变,根据绿泥石野外产出状态,可将其分为三大类:Ⅰ—角砾岩筒中作为胶结物的绿泥石,Ⅱ—斑岩体中蚀变绿泥石,Ⅲ—长石石英砂岩中石英颗粒间绿泥石。三类绿泥石存在明显空间分布规律,Ⅰ类位于矿区南西部,Ⅱ类在矿区中部和北东部,Ⅲ类主要分布在两者之间(部分不在该范围)。电子探针研究结果表明,Ⅰ类绿泥石含有高AlⅣ、Fe2+/(Fe2++Mg2+)和FeT/(FeT+Mg)值(分别是0.85、0.52、0.59),Ⅱ类绿泥石这几项参数值较低(分别是0.76、0.42、0.48),Ⅲ1类绿泥石(空间上位于Ⅰ和Ⅱ中间的部分)最低(分别是0.75、0.31、0.4)。计算的三类绿泥石形成温度表明Ⅰ类形成温度最高(平均231℃),Ⅱ类较低(平均199℃),Ⅲ1类形成温度最低(平均193℃)。Ⅲ1类形成温度值接近Ⅱ类,可能是因为长石石英砂岩中绿泥石主要为斑岩体的热液蚀变矿物。这表明矿区内存在两个不同的热源区,也说明角砾岩筒是斑岩体形成之后不久,在矿区南西的另一期热液作用下形成的热液隐爆角砾岩。研究还发现斑岩体中绿泥石AlⅣ、Fe2+/(Fe2++Mg2+)和Cr/Ti值与矿石Cu、Au品位具有明显的正相关性,表明绿泥石这几项参数可以作为寻找斑岩型矿床富矿体的指示标志。另外斑岩体和角砾岩筒中Cr/Ti比值与矿石Cu、Au品位的正相关性,是因为Cr、Ti离子与Cu离子具有亲和性而致。矿区内厚大的工业矿体主要位于矿区中部斑岩体中,矿区南西的角砾岩筒矿化较弱,矿体不连续。矿区内巨型角砾岩筒和角岩化的发育预示了南西部具有寻找隐伏斑岩型矿体和角砾岩型矿体的潜力。  相似文献   

A centrographic method for analysing mineral deposit clusters is illustrated using the komatiite-hosted Kambalda nickel sulphide deposit cluster, Yilgarn craton, Western Australia. In this method, the standard distance circle divides the cluster into a more endowed inner part and a less endowed peripheral part. The standard deviational ellipse, another centrographic object, depicts the preferred northwest–southeast trend of nickel orebodies at Kambalda. Weighted centrography shows that nickel endowment is greater in the eastern than western part of the cluster. The spatio-geometric interaction of the circle and ellipse splits the cluster into several partitions. The relative concentration of nickel orebodies or endowment within a partition in relation to their concentration within the entire cluster is termed ‘capture efficiency’. Komatiite areal trace exhibits higher nickel orebody capture efficiency than spatio-geometric partitions; however, some spatio-geometric partitions exhibit nickel endowment capture efficiencies comparable to that of komatiite. Furthermore, nickel orebody and endowment capture efficiencies of komatiite are elevated only within the standard distance circle. These results suggest that at Kambalda, (i) the standard distance circle is a prime window for understanding the komatiite-hosted nickel system, and (ii) spatio-geometric partitions are plausible locales for spatial analysis of nickel orebodies and endowment. The proposed centrographic method is potentially useful in mineral resource estimations and mineral exploration targeting.  相似文献   

《Ore Geology Reviews》2010,37(4):293-305
A centrographic method for analysing mineral deposit clusters is illustrated using the komatiite-hosted Kambalda nickel sulphide deposit cluster, Yilgarn craton, Western Australia. In this method, the standard distance circle divides the cluster into a more endowed inner part and a less endowed peripheral part. The standard deviational ellipse, another centrographic object, depicts the preferred northwest–southeast trend of nickel orebodies at Kambalda. Weighted centrography shows that nickel endowment is greater in the eastern than western part of the cluster. The spatio-geometric interaction of the circle and ellipse splits the cluster into several partitions. The relative concentration of nickel orebodies or endowment within a partition in relation to their concentration within the entire cluster is termed ‘capture efficiency’. Komatiite areal trace exhibits higher nickel orebody capture efficiency than spatio-geometric partitions; however, some spatio-geometric partitions exhibit nickel endowment capture efficiencies comparable to that of komatiite. Furthermore, nickel orebody and endowment capture efficiencies of komatiite are elevated only within the standard distance circle. These results suggest that at Kambalda, (i) the standard distance circle is a prime window for understanding the komatiite-hosted nickel system, and (ii) spatio-geometric partitions are plausible locales for spatial analysis of nickel orebodies and endowment. The proposed centrographic method is potentially useful in mineral resource estimations and mineral exploration targeting.  相似文献   

采集煤矿区城市义马、平顶山、永城夏季大气PM10样品,采用带能谱的扫描电镜(SEM-EDX)研究了PM10中的矿物颗粒组成、成因及来源。结果表明,矿区矿物颗粒按化学成分共有5种主要类型,分别为"富Si"、"富Ca"、"富S"、"富K"、"富Cl"型。其中平顶山地区"富Si"颗粒占百分比最高(78%),矿物颗粒硫酸盐化程度小;永城地区硫酸盐化程度中等,几乎所有的"富Ca"碱性碳酸盐颗粒都硫酸盐化成石膏;义马地区矿物硫酸盐化程度最大,除石膏以外,还有一定量硫酸铵形成。永城和义马地区还出现了一定量的"富K"(12.7%)和"富Cl"(10.6%)颗粒,与秸秆焚烧活动有关。通过对3个矿区城市PM10硫酸盐化程度对比可以发现,偏碱性的碳酸盐矿物、煤炭燃烧和秸秆焚烧燃烧释放出大量的酸性SO2以及较高的空气湿度,均有利于硫酸盐化的进行,硫酸盐颗粒的形成对煤矿区城市的区域性气候具有一定影响。  相似文献   

Characteristic analysis has been employed as a means of selecting favorable targets for mineral exploration. This paper describes a new version of characteristic analysis that is designed to estimate mineral resources as well as delineating exploration targets. The new version, referred to as decomposed and weighted characteristic analysis, employs a weighting scheme for both samples and variables involved in the model to extract the useful information on tonnages and the order of importance of variables. To construct a decomposed model, an optimum cutting technique for the ordered quantity is developed. The model is demonstrated on a case study of pegmatitic Nb-Ta deposits in China.  相似文献   

关于矿床学创新问题的探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为保证矿产资源的持续供应和国家资源安全,需要加强矿床研究以指导矿产勘查的重大突破。在简要回顾矿床学百年发展历史的基础上,初步概括了矿床学开拓创新的基本条件,包括:①矿业发展是推动矿床学发展的原动力;②地学的整体发展为矿床研究提供了基础;③新技术装备提高了发现和创新的能力;④科学的思维方法;⑤个人创造和几代人的共同努力。针对国家需求、学科发展前缘和中国矿床特色相结合的原则,提出了重大地质事件与大规模成矿,深部过程、浅表环境与成矿作用等需要深入研究的10个矿床学科学问题。最后提出了改进矿床学研究的6点意见和建议,强调矿床研究要主动服务于矿产勘查,要深入野外一线并将继承与开创很好地结合。  相似文献   

加强矿床地质研究,提高找矿工作成效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国经济的持续快速增长,急需找矿工作的重大突破,以提供更多更好的矿产资源。矿床学正面临新的发展机遇。当前矿床研究工作的问题是理论联系实际不够,学科内部各部分发展不平衡。为此,笔者提出了矿床学研究中的几个重点:①由浅部向深部开拓——深浅结合;②矿床解剖与区域展开——点面结合;③矿床系列和异常系列组成的矿化网络;④研究与发现新型矿产资源。对如何加强矿床研究,提出:①理论与实践紧密结合;②宽厚基础与重点深入相结合;③国内矿床研究与国外矿床研究相结合;④继承与创新相结合。预计今后10~15年期间,中国的矿床研究将处在一个很有利的战略发展机遇期,我们要加倍努力,为实现从地质资源大国到地质资源强国的转变做出应有贡献。  相似文献   

The presence of geological units with different grade characteristics mostly leads to problems during the grade modeling process. In special cases, if the area under study has units with small thickness and low grade with respect to the dominant unit of the area, it is difficult to reproduce different grade contents in these units in the simulated grade models because of the low thickness and lack of data in these units. In this study, the local moment constraints method, based on the definition of soft conditioning data reflecting geological knowledge, is investigated for improving simulated grade models under the mentioned conditions. This method is applied for grade simulation at the 1,750 m level of Sungun porphyry copper mine. The studied area is divided into two rock type domains: Sungun porphyry and Dyke. The Sungun porphyry unit is the dominant rock type in the considered area and has, on average, a higher copper grade, while dykes discontinue Sungun porphyry rock units sporadically and most of them are barren of mineralization. It is demonstrated that the use of soft conditioning data makes the simulated grade model closer to reality and improves the reproduction of grade contents considering the rock type units in the area. In the next step, the results obtained from conditional simulation are used for mineral resources classification. To this end, the conditional coefficient of variation is chosen as a criterion for measuring uncertainty and for defining the resources classes. Then, it is shown that uncertainty can be considerably reduced in the prepared models if soft data are considered; as a result, an increase in measured resource classification is observed.  相似文献   

This work deals with the geostatistical simulation of mineral grades whose distribution exhibits spatial trends within the ore deposit. It is suggested that these trends can be reproduced by using a stationary random field model and by conditioning the realizations to data that incorporate the available information on the local grade distribution. These can be hard data (e.g., assays on samples) or soft data (e.g., rock-type information) that account for expert geological knowledge and supply the lack of hard data in scarcely sampled areas. Two algorithms are proposed, depending on the kind of soft data under consideration: interval constraints or local moment constraints. An application to a porphyry copper deposit is presented, in which it is shown that the incorporation of soft conditioning data associated with the prevailing rock type improves the modeling of the uncertainty in the actual copper grades.  相似文献   

哈密土墩矿区高光谱影像蚀变矿物识别初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章以哈密土墩矿区为例,利用航空高光谱HyMAP数据,从单矿物光谱与混合像元光谱之间的相似概率和模型化参数出发,发展了基于光谱混合组成的极大相关高光谱矿物识别方法,初步识别出该区与成矿关系密切的6种蚀变矿物及其空间分布趋势,并为野外地质工作与薄片鉴定所证实。该研究初步表明,高光谱遥感可为地质学中矿物的空间分布研究提供有用的新技术。  相似文献   

Variance-based global sensitivity analysis (GSA) is a powerful procedure for importance ranking of the uncertain input parameters of a given flow model. The application of GSA is made possible for long-running flow simulators (computation (CPU) time more than several hours) by relying on meta-modeling techniques. However, such flow models can involve one or several spatial inputs, for instance, the permeability field of a reservoir and of a caprock formation in the context of CO2 geological storage. Studying the sensitivity to each of these spatial inputs motivated the present work. In this view, we propose a strategy which combines (1) a categorical indicator (i.e., a pointer variable taking discrete values) assigned to the set of stochastic realizations associated with each spatial input (spatial maps) and (2) meta-modeling techniques, which jointly handle continuous and categorical inputs. In a first application case, a costless-to-evaluate numerical multiphase flow model was used to estimate the sensitivity indices. Comparisons with results obtained using the meta-model showed good agreement using a two-to-three ratio of the number of learning samples to the number of spatial maps. On this basis, the strategy can be recommended for cases where the number of maps remains tractable (i.e., a few hundred), for example, for moderately complex geological settings, or where a set of such maps can be selected in a preliminary stage using ranking procedures. Finally, the strategy was applied to a more complex multiphase flow model (CPU time of a few hours) to analyze the sensitivity of CO2 saturation and injection-induced pressure build-up to seven homogeneous rock properties and two spatial inputs.  相似文献   

张金明 《华东地质》2006,(2):149-152
大吉山钨矿床处于赣南加里东褶皱区九连山断隆西南端.区内断裂发育,岩浆活动强烈.稀土、铌钽和钨的富集成矿,与岩浆的演化多次侵入直接相关.该矿床矿化以浸染状蚀变花岗岩型黑钨矿化与石英脉型钨矿化为主.浸染状蚀变花岗岩型黑钨矿床与石英脉型钨矿床的时空关系、组分上的继承和演化,体现了该矿床在成因上为浸染状蚀变花岗岩型黑钨矿床与石英脉型钨矿床形成的复合型钨矿床.  相似文献   

新嘎果矿床是西藏冈底斯成矿带北缘矽卡岩多金属成矿带的一个典型矽卡岩型铅锌矿床。矽卡岩矿体主要呈层状、似层状产于下白垩统塔克那组地层中。电子探针测试结果表明,矽卡岩矿物主要为钙铝榴石、钙铁辉石和绿帘石,少量的硅灰石、密绿泥石等,构成典型的钙质矽卡岩。金属矿物主要为闪锌矿、方铅矿、磁黄铁矿、黄铜矿、黄铁矿,少量的白铁矿、毒砂、自然铋、斜方辉铅铋矿、辉砷镍矿等。该矿床中石榴子石成分特征指示成矿环境是变化的,在早期进变质阶段由氧化环境向还原环境转变,而晚期退变质阶段由氧化环境向还原环境转变。金属矿物中闪锌矿主要为铁闪锌矿,表明其形成于中高温环境。而含铋的矿物主要为自然铋、斜方辉铅铋矿和方铅矿,并且在这些矿物中Ag和Bi的含量呈正相关性,指示铋对银的富集可能起着重要的作用;此外,铋也是新嘎果矿床重要的伴生有用元素,具有较高的综合利用价值。  相似文献   

板厂铜矿床位于东秦岭造山带内,区内出露地层主要为二郎坪群细碧岩类及秦岭群大理岩类。矿体地表呈带状分布,倾向上矿体呈层状、似层状、叠瓦状重复出现。矿体与围岩呈渐变过渡关系,矿层随含矿地层硅质岩展布而展布。对24种微量元素编制的配分图解中可以看出矿化层、矿化硅质岩、无矿化硅质岩、无矿化大理岩中的微量元素配分曲线有一定的相似性,同时发现矿化硅质岩中碳酸岩条带δ18 O结果为18.809‰~21.572‰,和海底喷流沉积δ18 O范围相近。通过研究分析,认为板厂铜多金属硫化物矿床成因为海底喷流沉积金属硫化物矿床。  相似文献   

Sea floor rhyolites from the Iberian Pyrite Belt show strong enrichment in potassium and adularia is observed to replace plagioclase. This process is in accord with thermodynamic data for the exchange reaction with ocean water which favours adularia up to about 140° C. Archaean felsic intrusives and extrusives exhibit sodium enrichment, a contrast which we attribute to lower K levels in sea water and, or, higher ocean temperatures. All of these rocks show 18O enrichment of + 6 to + 8, in compliance with low temperature sea water exchange.  相似文献   

The creep strain is proportional to the logarithm of the time under load, and is proportional to the stress and the temperature. At higher temperatures the creep rate falls off less rapidly with time, and the creep strain is proportional to a fractional power of time, with exponent increasing as the temperature increases and reaching a value ∼1/3 at temperatures, of about 0.5 T m. At these temperatures the creep increases with stress according to a power greater than unity and possibly exponentially increases with temperature as (−U/kT), where U is an activation energy and k is Boltzman’s constant. There are different methods to determine the creep strain and the energy of Jog (B) such as by experimental methods and multivariate regression analysis etc. These methods are cumbersome and time consuming. In conjunction with statistics and conventional mathematical methods, a hybrid method can be developed that may prove a step forward in modeling geotechnical problems. In the present investigation, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) technique and Co-active neuro-fuzzy inference system (CANFIS) backed Genetic algorithm technique have been used for the prediction of creep strain and energy of Jog (B), and a comparative study has made between the two models.  相似文献   

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