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参照渔业生物学、渔业资源解析学、数量遗传学等有关理论模型,并应用数值模拟方法,对长期选择性捕捞(重点为渔具选择性)是否参与造成了渔业资源的生物学变化(体长、性成熟等)进行某些基础性探索。设计了一个具有一定体长遗传特征的模拟鱼类种群,并利用一种具有固定选择性参数的拖网对其进行长期捕捞。结果表明,多年的持续的捕捞压力使得模拟种群中鱼类体长逐渐减小,减小的幅度随开发率的增大而增大,而终止捕捞后种群的体长并没有发生恢复的迹象,说明这种变化很可能伴随种群遗传的变化,具有自然不可逆性。  相似文献   

拖网选择性引起的鱼类表型性状选择差的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文应用数值模拟的方法,研究了拖网选择性引起的鱼类表型性状(生长速率K、极限体长L∞、初次性成熟年龄Am)的选择差,通过假设不同的白噪音CV、自然死亡系数M、极限体长L∞、种群的样本大小Ss及网目尺寸Ms来估算鱼类表型性状的选择差在最大捕捞死亡系数逐渐加强时的变化情况。模拟结果表明捕捞死亡系数越大,造成的K、L∞、Am选择差也越大,并且Am的选择差增大的速率比K、L∞的小。白噪音越大,自然死亡系数越大,种群受捕捞影响产生的K、L∞、Am的选择差越大;极限体长的大小和种群的样本大小对K、L∞、Am的选择差的影响不大;网目尺寸越大,K、L∞、Am的选择差越小。随着最大捕捞死亡系数的增大,种群的生长速率变大,极限体长变小,初次性成熟年龄提前。表明了捕捞压力造成鱼类生存环境的变化,鱼类种群发生自适应进化响应,表现在表型性状的变化,且捕捞强度越大,环境差异越大,导致的表型性状选择差越大。  相似文献   

为探索东海区日本方头鱼(Branchiostegus japonicus)三重刺网与海洋渔业资源的适宜性。2015年4月开展了3种型刺网(单片刺网、双重刺网和三重刺网)3种网目尺寸(50、60和70mm)的选择性试验。应用Normal、Lognormal、Gamma和Bi-normal 4种选择性曲线进行拟合,采用极大似然法估算模型参数研究3种型刺网的选择性。研究表明:3种型刺网共捕获种类33种,鲈形目最多(15种),鲉形目次之(5种),其中日本方头鱼为第一优势种,渔具具有较强的选择性;在同型刺网中,随着网目尺寸的增加(50~70mm),日本方头鱼优势体长组逐渐增大,网目尺寸对于其体长选择具有显著影响;日本方头鱼刺网最适选择性曲线为Lognormal曲线,3种型刺网选择性曲线基本相同;采用选择性曲线法推算出3种型刺网对日本方头鱼最佳网目尺寸依次为77.57、74.84和70.91mm。依据以上研究结果,针对日本方头鱼三重刺网,将其网目尺寸调整为70.91mm,可以有效保护当前渔业资源。  相似文献   

西沙群岛重要岛礁鱼类资源调查   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
为摸清岛礁海域鱼类资源种类及分布 ,合理安排渔船生产 ,2 0 0 3年 5月采用延绳钓和底层刺网在西沙群岛的浪花礁、东岛、永兴岛、华光礁、金银岛、玉琢礁和北礁等 7座珊瑚礁水域进行了 1个航次的鱼类资源调查。 2种作业投入的捕捞努力量分别为延绳钓 3 740钓、底层刺网 14 480m ,单次作业努力量延绳钓 80~ 3 2 0钓、底层刺网 12 0~ 80 0m。捕获鱼类 177种 ,渔获量 3 70 0尾 2 767.0 0kg ,其中延绳钓 3 3种计 77尾 1711.5 5kg ,底层刺网共 15 3种计 3 62 3尾 10 5 5 .45kg。按岛礁平均 ,渔获率和单位捕捞努力量渔获量 (CPUE)延绳钓为 2 .0 6尾·(10 0钓 ) -1、45 .76kg·(10 0钓 ) -1,底层刺网为 2 5 0 .2 1尾·(1km) -1、72 .89kg·(1km ) -1。捕获的主要经济种类有鲨鱼、裸胸鳝、石斑鱼、笛鲷、裸颊鲷、鹦嘴鱼和绯鲤等。北礁、金银岛和玉琢礁的鱼类资源比较丰富 ,开发潜力较高 ;浪花礁、东岛、华光礁和永兴岛次之 ,也有一定的生产价值。  相似文献   

鱼类自然死亡率的估算及其影响因子的探讨   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
为探讨鱼类自然死亡率参数,文中讨论了1种通过资源量和渔获量数据估算鱼类自然死亡率(M)的方法。蒙特卡罗模拟分析显示当资源量的白色噪音,即变异系数(CV)水平小于大约10%时自然死亡率的估计值基本上是准确的;捕捞死亡率的变化对自然死亡率估计的影响不大。文中构造了长寿命自然死亡率小和短寿命自然死亡率大的2个鱼类种群,模拟结果表明这种方法更适用于寿命短而自然死亡率大的种群。另外该方法在黄海鲲鱼(Engraulis japonicus)渔业数据上的应用同样得到了良好的结果。  相似文献   

世界范围内,海洋渔业资源广泛面临着过度捕捞的压力.鱼类的不同生活史特征可表征不同的生活史对策,其变化可揭示鱼类种群对渔业捕捞压力的响应.台湾海峡及其邻近海域的主要渔场30多年来面临着过度捕捞的压力,导致了鱼类群落结构发生改变.本研究分析了该海域51种主要经济鱼类的生态参数,系统研究了其生活史特征及其变化.采用主成分分析法可将51种鱼类分成5个不同的生活史对策组,分组结果表明超过60%的鱼类被归纳入第5组,即近r对策组,且多为中上层鱼类.在此基础上收集相关历史数据,对其中25种经济鱼类进行生活史变化分析,讨论不同鱼类种群对渔业开发的响应.分析结果表明,在长期的渔业开发活动下多数鱼类表现出小型化、低龄化、早熟和生长率加快等趋势.此外,本研究计算了每种鱼类的开发率以进一步研究渔业捕捞压力对鱼类种群的影响,发现其中4种底层和近底层鱼类的生活史特征变化显著,提示某些物种可能对捕捞压力更敏感.本研究可为渔业管理和保护提供重要的科学依据.  相似文献   

夏季黄海南部沿海表层流刺网渔获物组成分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
结合银鲳和小黄鱼流刺网网目选择性试验,对夏季黄海南部沿海三层表层流刺网渔获物组成进行了调查分析.总共鉴定出渔获品种25种,其中优势种为梭子蟹(Portunus triuberbuculatus)、灰鲳(Stomateoidesnozawae Ishikawa)和银鲳(Stromatecoides argenteus),分别占总渔获量的59.2%,21.5%和11%,灰鲳体长分布范围为17~30 cm,优势体长范围为21~24 cm,占71.6%;银鲳体长分布范围为13~23 cm,优势体长范围为15~21 cm,占95.8%.数据分析表明,三重流刺网作业网具选择性较差,渔具兼捕种类多,捕获量大,占总渔获量的66.5%;渔获的灰鲳和银鲳处于生长型捕捞期,不利于资源的可持续利用,建议适当改良渔具,避免对其资源造成过度破坏.  相似文献   

2013—2015年在山东小石岛和俚岛人工鱼礁区用刺网和地笼进行了6次渔业资源调查,并利用丰度和丰富度2个指标比较分析了2种网具的渔获物组成。研究表明,2个鱼礁区共捕获65种生物,其中,地笼和刺网分别捕获52种和48种,2种网具捕获的生物种类相似性均较高,索伦森指数S分别为0.66和0.58;相似性分析检验(ANOSIM)和t检验结果均表明,地笼捕获的生物种类与生物数量均高于刺网,但无显著差异;基于距离的置换多元方差分析(PER-MANOVA)得到鱼礁区生物资源丰度与地理位置以及年份显著相关,而与网具类型和季节无显著关系;累积种类数量图表明地笼相较刺网可以捕获更多生物种类;大泷六线鱼(Hexagrammos otakii)和许氏平鲉(Sebastes schlegeli)的体长分布曲线表明,地笼捕获样品的体长范围大于刺网,但刺网捕获样品的规格显著大于地笼。综合分析认为,地笼和刺网2种调查网具的混合采样,可弥补单一调查网具的不足,以更加全面了解人工鱼礁区的生物群落结构。  相似文献   

淀山湖主要放流鱼种鲢和鳙生长的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据2006-2008年淀山湖鲢鳙标记回捕数据以及刺网调查数据,研究了淀山湖鲢鳙的生长,根据鱼类体长推算公式分别推算出鲢鳙的生长指标;并计算出淀山湖鲢鳙的体长体重关系和肥满度.体长和体重关系分别为鲢:W=6×10-5 L2.8371,(n=216,R2=0.8886);鳙:W=5×10-5L2.5609,(n=55...  相似文献   

浙江近海大黄鱼 Pseudosciaena crocea( Richardson )的性成熟特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鱼类性成熟的开始是鱼类生命周期中转入繁衍后代的一个重要阶段。同一世代的个体开始性成熟的年龄、大小,以及延续期限与速度,是种和种内种群对水域生活条件的适应属性之一。 研究鱼类性成熟过程的特点,不仅在解决鱼类种群数量的预测与控制问题中,对补充过程的了解具有重大的意义,而且也为制订合理的渔业经营管理措施提供必要的生物学依据。 本文主要在于探讨浙江近海大黄鱼种群的性成熟特点及其影响因子;其次,讨论该特点在这一种群数量上的意义;并对捕捞规格(法定许可捕捞的鱼体大小和年龄等生物学指标)问题提出初步意见。 在这项工作中,单才根、滕文法和蓝志满等同志曾协助搜集资料、耳石制片和计算工作。在资料的收集中,得到洞头公社和温州地方水产部同的大力支持;本文承张孝威教授热情指导,井承成庆泰副教授等提出宝贵意见,均此谨表谢忱。  相似文献   

Habitat degradation and fishing are major drivers of temporal and spatial changes in fish communities. The independent effects of these drivers are well documented, but the relative importance and interaction between fishing and habitat shifts is poorly understood, particularly in complex systems such as coral reefs. To assess the combined and relative effects of fishing and habitat we examined the composition of fish communities on patch reefs across a gradient of high to low structural complexity in fished and unfished areas of the Ningaloo Marine Park, Western Australia. Biomass and species richness of fish were positively correlated with structural complexity of reefs and negatively related to macroalgal cover. Total abundance of fish was also positively related to structural complexity, however this relationship was stronger on fished reefs than those where fishing is prohibited. The interaction between habitat condition and fishing pressure is primarily due to the high abundance of small bodied planktivorous fish on fished reefs. However, the influence of management zones on the abundance and biomass of predators and target species is small, implying spatial differences in fishing pressure are low and unlikely to be driving this interaction. Our results emphasise the importance of habitat in structuring reef fish communities on coral reefs especially when gradients in fishing pressure are low. The influence of fishing effort on this relationship may however become more important as fishing pressure increases.  相似文献   

Long-term variations in population structure, growth, mortality, length at median sexual maturity, and exploitation rate of threadfin bream(Nemipterus virgatus) are reported based on bottom trawl survey data collected during 1960–2012 in the Beibu Gulf, South China Sea. Laboratory-based analyses were conducted on 16 791 individuals collected quarterly in eight different sampling years. Average body length, estimated asymptotic length, and percentage of large individuals have decreased significan...  相似文献   

海水温度与渔场之间的关系   总被引:20,自引:6,他引:20  
李雪渡 《海洋学报》1982,4(1):103-113
海洋鱼类在不同的生活时期对海水温度的适应性是不同的.就是相同的鱼类,栖息于不同的海区,其对水温的适应性也是不同的,由于鱼类对海水温度的适应性最为敏感,当水温变化在0.1-0.2℃之间时,都会引起鱼类行动的变化.  相似文献   

6000m深海拖曳系统动力响应计算   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
本文数值计算了6000m深海单拖体和双拖体拖曳系统的动态响应,特别是研究了拖船的垂荡运动对拖体定高性的影响。对于双拖体系统,本文对第二拖体在水中的重量、联接两拖体的缆索长度及其在水中重量等因素对第二拖体定高性的影响进行了详细的计算、分析。计算表明,采用双拖体系统可大大提高系统的定高性。  相似文献   

Monthly fishery survey data of the small yellow croaker Larimichthys polyactis in the southern Yellow Sea from2003 and 2013 were employed to evaluate the variation in the resource distribution and biological characteristics(especially body length and sex ratio) in the population on a decadal scale.The results indicated that the small yellow croaker migrated from the Shawai fishing ground to the Dasha fishing ground in spring and was mainly distributed in the central and western parts of the Dasha fishing ground in April and May.Larimichthys polyactis in the Dasha fishing ground migrated eastward to offshore wintering grounds in autumn and reached the central Dasha fishing ground in October and November.The small yellow croaker entered the western waters of the Shawai fishing ground in winter.A large number of age 0+ fish occurred in the Shawai and Jiangwai fishing grounds in October of 2003 and 2013.The body lengths of the spawning stock and wintering stock in 2013 were larger than those in 2003,and the monthly sex ratios(female to male) were significantly less than 1 in both years.The monthly distribution of this fish in the southern Yellow Sea was consistent with a previous finding that "the stock migrated between the wintering grounds in the west of Jeju Island and the Lüsi spawning grounds" but tended to move more northward,with the spawning grounds extending outward.In the past decade,body length variation experienced a decline after an increase,rather than a steady decrease.The sex ratio in the single-stick stow net showed a tendency to increase over the decade,but was either less than or more than 1 depending on the fishing gear;therefore,further studies should be conducted to determine the sex structure.  相似文献   

条纹锯鮨对盐度胁迫的耐受力及淡水胁迫恢复的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了条纹锯鮨(Centropristis striata)鱼种对低盐度胁迫的耐受力,以及淡水胁迫后最适恢复时间范围.实验结果表明:规格(20.32±9.67)cm的鱼种在0盐度的半致死时间为(1.63±0.23)h,规格(10.20±0.63)cm的鱼种在0盐度的半致死时间为(0.77±0.23)h.同时,2种规...  相似文献   

利用修改的一层原始方程模式(Danard模式),对台湾海峡地区地面风场进行了数值试验和数值模拟。首先在一些理想情况下,研究了地面气压场、地形、摩擦和加热对地面风场的影响。指出:地面气压场决定了地面风场的基本分布;摩擦对海陆风速差异有重要作用;地形作用表现为弱的分流和阻流作用,加热作用使风场趋于紊乱。并在东北气流控制下的实际风场进行了数值模拟,效果良好。  相似文献   

Groupers are highly targeted and vulnerable reef fishes. The effects of fishing pressure on the density of three reef fishes were investigated in 21 islands outside (n=15) and inside (n=6) a Marine Protected Area (MPA) at the Paraty Bay, Brazilian southeastern coast. Two valued groupers (Epinephelus marginatus and Mycteroperca acutirostris) and a non-target grunt (Haemulon aurolineatum) were studied. The total biomass of fish caught in each island was considered as a measure of current fishing pressure, while the island distance from the villages was considered as a measure of past fishing pressure. Fish densities were recordedin number and biomass. The biomass of M. acutirostris was inversely related to current fishing pressure, which did not affect the other two fishes. The density of E. marginatus increased with the island distance from one of the fishing villages, which indicated that past fishing may have had decreased the abundance of E. marginatus. Densities of the three fishes and fishing pressure did not differ between islands inside and outside the MPA. Data on fishing pressure, densities of groupers and coral cover were combined here to assign conservation scores to islands. A redefinition of MPA boundaries to reconcile fish conservation, fishing activities and fishers’ food security was proposed.  相似文献   

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