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Archaeological investigations undertaken along a proposed highway together with the compilation of available geological and pedological data made it possible to give a first overview of the distribution of Pleistocene aeolian deposits in south‐west France. A chronological framework for deposition has been obtained using both radiocarbon (n = 24) and luminescence (n = 26) dating. It shows that aeolian transport was very active during the Late Pleniglacial, between 15 and ~23 ka, leading to sand emplacement over a 13 000‐m2 area at the centre of the basin. The Pleniglacial coversands are typified by extensive fields of small transverse to barchanoid ridges giving way to sandsheets to the east. Subsequent aeolian phases, at ca. 12 ka (Younger Dryas) and 0.8–0.2 ka (Little Ice Age), correspond to the formation of more localized and higher, mainly parabolic dunes. At the southern and eastern margins of the coversand area, aeolian dust accumulated to form loess deposits, the thickness of which reaches ~3 m on the plateaus. Luminescence dates together with interglacial‐ranking palaeoluvisols between the loess units clearly indicate that these accumulations built up during the last two glacial–interglacial cycles. The chronology of sand and loess deposition thus appears to be consistent with that already documented for northern Europe. This suggests that it was driven by global climate changes in the northern hemisphere. The relatively thin aeolian deposits (and particularly loess) in south‐west France is thought to reflect both a supply‐limited system and a moister climate than in more northern and continental regions. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

New field investigations of the Achenheim sequence (Alsace, France) allow for the characterization of variations in the low-field magnetic susceptibility over most of the last climatic cycle, i.e., the past 130,000 yr. New stratigraphic data and thermoluminescence measurements permit reassessment of the previous chronological interpretation of the Upper Pleistocene at Achenheim. A high-resolution analysis of magnetic susceptibility discloses the occurrence of a fine-grained “marker” horizon which was also found recently in another section. This horizon is interpreted as a small-scale dust layer deposited prior to the main interval of loess deposition. The horizon, deposited at the marine isotope stage (MIS) 5/4 boundary, has been found in other loess sequences and is especially prevalent in central Europe. It is characterized by low susceptibility values and a grayish color. New thermoluminescence dates indicate that the loess deposition took place after the MIS 5/4 boundary, i.e., after 70,000 yr. These results are consistent with the Greenland GRIP ice-core dust record which also demonstrates a dusty atmosphere after 72,000 yr ago. On a more regional scale, the Achenheim loess sequence demonstrates a reliable correlation between the western side of the Eurasian loess belt and the dust record of the Greenland ice cores.  相似文献   

20世纪50~60年代,刘东生先生组织了黄河中游黄土区十条大断面(六纵四横)的野外考察和室内分析,从而证实了从西北到东南黄土粒度逐渐变细的现象,并划分出砂黄土、黄土和粘黄土带。从此,粒度成为黄土研究最基本、最重要的物理指标之一。时至今日,黄土粒度的古气候意义依然有待进一步明确。在前辈研究的基础上,我们对黄土高原57个S2以上剖面进行了详细调查和粒度分析,构建了典型冷暖时期粒度等值线。结果显示,无论是黄土还是古土壤,其粒度均从北向南变细,粒度等值线整体上呈现近东西向展布,表明粒度空间分异以南北向为主。地质记录综合对比显示,沉积区距物源区的距离变化对黄土粒度的影响是第一位的,冬季风风力变化的影响是第二位的。据此,我们构建了"黄土中值粒径-沉积区距源区最小距离"的模型。模型显示:距源区最小距离在400km以内为"快速分异区",粉尘沉积的粒度随搬运距离增加迅速变细,黄土高原黄土即在此区域;在400~2000km间为"缓慢分异区",粉尘粒度随搬运距离的增加缓缓变细,黄土高原新近纪红粘土即为典型代表;距源区2000km以上为粉尘沉积与搬运风力的"平衡区",粉尘粒度随搬运距离增加变化很小,深海粉尘沉积为典型代表。依据低空搬运的黄土"粒度-距离"模型推测的远距离(>2000km)搬运后的粉尘粒度为1~3μm,同高空搬运的北太平洋现代降尘和深海粉尘沉积粒度(2~4μm)非常吻合,表明该模型可能揭示了风力这样一种地质营力的内在动力学特征,这一点需要在今后研究中予以关注。  相似文献   

川西漳腊黄土地层与气候变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
川西高原风成黄土广泛分布,其中漳腊盆地黄土剖面厚约9.5 m。根据磁化率、粒度和地层特征,并通过与金川黄土和甘孜黄土剖面的对比,可将漳腊黄土地层划分为冰后期S0古土壤、末次冰期L1复合黄土、末次间冰期S1复合古土壤、倒数第二冰期L2黄土等4个地层单位,其中L1复合黄土可细分为L1L1、L1S1、L1L2、L1S2和L1...  相似文献   

The Alleret maar (Massif Central, France) provides a long lacustrine sequence (40.6 m) attributed to the early Middle Pleistocene. Sediment, pollen and diatoms analysis of its upper part (AL2 core, 14.6 m) indicates two temperate phases marked by high lake levels, forest development and vegetation expansion. They are separated by a cold period during which lake level drops, coarse sediment input increases and steppic and xerophilous plants develop. Pollen data suggests that this sequence belongs to the upper part of the Cromerian complex. These results are in agreement with the 557 ± 3 ka (±12 ka, including all errors) 40Ar/39Ar age obtained from an interbedded tephra layer emitted by the Mont-Dore/Sancy strato-volcano and establish that this sequence probably covers the MIS 15 substages.  相似文献   

The origin of the Tertiary ‘red clay’ underlying the Pleistocene loess in the Chinese Loess Plateau remains controversial, although several lines of evidence have suggested a wind‐blown origin. This study examines the particle‐size parameters of the late Miocene and Pliocene ‘red clay’ by comparing it with those of the late Pleistocene loess. The particle‐size distribution of a total of 15 339 loess and 6394 ‘red clay’ samples taken from 12 loess sections along a north–south transect and two ‘red clay’ sequences at Lingtai and Jingchuan was systematically analysed. The median grain size, skewness and kurtosis of the late Pleistocene loess all show a systematic southward change and are principally influenced by distance from source region. The spatial and temporal differentiation of dust deposits is expressed in a skewness–kurtosis–median grain size ternary diagram, from which the distance to the source region can be inferred. The particle‐size characteristics of the Tertiary ‘red clay’ sediments are very similar to those of the palaeosols within the late Pleistocene loess deposits, suggesting an aeolian origin for the ‘red clay’. Based on the comparison of ‘red clay’ and loess in the ternary diagrams, it is inferred that the source–sink distance was greater in the Neogene than in the last and penultimate interglacials, and that the dust source region in north‐western China underwent a progressive expansion during the period from at least 7·0 Ma to the present.  相似文献   

This study is based on the morphosedimentary analysis of the cliff-top storm deposits accumulated on the coast of Banneg Island located in the archipelago of Molène (Brittany, France). These CTSDs comprise large, tabular clasts quarried from the upper part of the cliff and the backing scoured platform by giant oceanic storm waves impacting directly the western coast of the island. An analysis of the distribution and the geomorphology of these accumulations were carried out using the DGPS topographic surveys. Most of the clasts are organised into imbricate boulder clusters or ridges deposited between 7.5 and 14.5 masl. 52 accumulations were inventoried from the north to the south of the island, representing a global volume of 1000 m3. The median size of the clasts calculated is equivalent to 0.8 × 0.6 × 0.4 m and a weight of 0.6 t. The largest one measuring 5.3 × 3.9 × 0.5 m (≈ 32 t) is located in the centre of the island (ridge #28). It has been deposited 14 m inland from the edge of the cliff at the elevation of 9 m. Sediment analysis shows that clast sizes become smaller with increasing distance from the shoreline, but there is no relationship between the sorting and the distance inland. A study of the hydrodynamic conditions inducing clast transport was undertaken by an analysis of the wave data from the 1989 to the 1990 winter storms. Models of wave runup indicate that their highest water levels may have reached up to 19 masl, 5 to 10 m higher than the top of the cliff. Submersion by giant storm waves has been more important and frequent in the centre and the south of the island. Wave data over the 1979 to the 2007 period shows that no events as powerful as those of the 1989 to the 1990 winter were recorded during the last 30 years. Yet, it appears that the 1979–1990 decade was characterized by important morphogeneous events while the following period (1990–2007) has experienced a sharp decrease in storm events. These variations could be attributed to the inversion from a negative towards a positive phase in the North Atlantic Oscillation index.  相似文献   

Meltwater flows emanating from the Pyrenees during the Pleistocene constructed a braided outwash plain in the Ebro Basin and led to the karstification of the Neogene gypsum bedrock. Synsedimentary evaporite dissolution locally increased subsidence rates and generated dolines and collapses that enabled the accumulation and preservation of outwash gravels and associated windblown deposits that were protected from erosion by later meltwater flows. In these localized depocentres, maximum rates of wind deceleration resulted from airflow expansion, enabling the accumulation of cross‐stratified sets of aeolian strata climbing at steep angles and thereby preserving up to 5 m thick sets. The outwash plain was characterized by longitudinal and transverse fluvial gravel bars, channels and windblown facies organized into aeolian sand sheets, transverse and complex aeolian dunes, and loess accumulations. Flat‐lying aeolian deposits merge laterally to partly deformed aeolian deposits encased in dolines and collapses. Synsedimentary evaporite dissolution caused gravels and aeolian sand deposits to subside, such that formerly near‐horizontal strata became inclined and generated multiple internal angular unconformities. During episodes when the wind was undersaturated with respect to its potential sand transporting capacity, deflation occurred over the outwash plain and coarse‐grained lags with ventifacts developed. Subsequent high‐energy flows episodically reached the aeolian dune field, leading to dune destruction and the generation of hyperconcentrated flow deposits composed in part of reworked aeolian sands. Lacustrine deposits in the distal part of the outwash plain preserve rhythmically laminated lutites and associated Gilbert‐type gravel deltas, which developed when fluvial streams reached proglacial lakes. This study documents the first evidence of an extensive Pleistocene proglacial aeolian dune field located in the Ebro Basin (41˙50° N), south of what has hitherto been considered to be the southern boundary of Pleistocene aeolian deposits in Europe. A non‐conventional mechanism (evaporite karst‐related subsidence) for the preservation of aeolian sands in the stratigraphic record is proposed.  相似文献   

河南留山盆地上三叠统沉积粒度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过留山盆地上三叠统概率累积曲线、粒度参数和C-M图解等分析,沉积物粒度特征主要反映了扇三角洲泥石流、水下分流河道和河口坝沉积。下部太山庙组显示了水流由强至弱,搬运能力逐渐减小的过程;上部太子山组显示出水流不稳,流速交替多变的特点。粒度特征也显示了紊流作用的强烈影响,而紊流作用的产生可能与快速水流以及较高的悬浮颗粒含量有关。  相似文献   

The New Valley Project has been given much attention in the past 20 years especially from the hydrogeological point of view concerning groundwater utilization for the reclamation of a large area of the Western Desert. Lithological, petrophysical, and petrographical studies were conducted on four wells south of Beris Oasis, namely Beris 20, Beris 15, Beris 14, and Beris 13, and are defined by latitudes 24°25′E and 24°35′E and longitudes 30°30′N and 30°46′N. The Nubian sedimentation is of Posttectonic deposition that took place over the uplifted Precambrian granitic basement and is Lower Cretaceous, whereas the upper most variegated shales of the cap rock are Upper Cretaceous. The Nubian sandstones in the area south of Beris Oasis contain hematitic stains and/or fine granular authigenic hematite, thin laminae of brown ferruginous quartzite is also recorded denoting oxidizing conditions in the basin of deposition. Thin streaks of carbonaceous shales are met with in different depths to the south of Beris area, may be taken to denote oscillations in the sea level and accordingly its depths, and are responsible for the change in the oxidation-reduction potential during the deposition of the corresponding beds. Lithologic logs were interpreted together with the electric and micro-logs for adjustment of the shale breaks and showed that there are five water-bearing zones, named from bottom to top: A, B, C, D, and E, and are mainly unfossiliferous orthoquartzites, separated from each other by impervious beds of siltstones, shales, and clays of varying thicknesses. This zoning had been found valid in other parts of the Kharga Oases and could be applied locally in the Kharga Oases area. Mechanical analysis was performed mainly on 39 samples, of which 18 were core samples and 21 were cuttings, that were raised from four wells dug in the area south of Beris Oasis, Kharga Oases. Porosity and permeability tests were carried out on the 18 core samples only. The implication of these data on the environment of deposition of the Nubia Sandstone is discussed. Petrographic examination of a thin section of the subsurface Nubia sandstones in the South of Beris Oasis showed that the lithified rocks fall into three types depending on the nature of cement being, silicious or ferruginous, and on the amount of primary matrix, which at present is reorganized into iron oxides, microquartz, and muscovite flakes, thus reaching the phyllomorphic stage of diagensis. Rounding of the quartz grains shows that transportation had a minor effect on the grain morphology and favor a fluviatile transporting agent.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to achieve an understanding of the failure mechanisms which caused the Eaux-Bonnes landslide. The geological investigations carried out on the slope of the landslide showed that the sliding mass was cut by numerous faults. The factors controlling the landslide failure were complex, and it is known that neither earthquakes nor heavy precipitation could have triggered the disruption. The groundwater within the solid rock mass has been surveyed, because significant precipitation events during the 2 years preceding the beginning of the paroxysmal phase of the landslide could have led to an increase in pore water pressure along these fractures, thereby triggering the landslide. In order to achieve a full understanding of the failure mechanism, and to identify the origin of the groundwater, a hydrogeochemical survey was carried out over a period of 1 year. The results reveal the existence of high sulphate concentrations in the groundwater originating in springs located at the bottom of the landslide. The sulphate concentrations are correlated with high calcium concentrations, and clearly indicate the presence of gypsum in the vicinity of the lower reaches of the landslide. The presence of gypsum in this area of the Pyrenees suggests that deep groundwater played a role in triggering the landslide.  相似文献   

Abstract Explosive volcanic activity is recorded in the Upper Jurassic of the Paris Basin and the Subalpine Basin of France by the identification of five bentonite horizons. These layers occur in Lower Oxfordian (cordatum ammonite zone) to Middle Oxfordian (plicatilis zone) clays and silty clays deposited in outer platform environments. In the Paris Basin, a thick bentonite (10–15 cm), identified in boreholes and in outcrop, is dominated by dioctahedral smectite (95%) with trace amounts of kaolinite, illite and chlorite. In contrast, five bentonites identified in the Subalpine Basin, where burial diagenesis and fluid circulation were more important, are composed of a mixture of kaolinite and regular or random illite/smectite mixed-layer clays in variable proportions, indicating a K-bentonite. In the Subalpine Basin, a 2–15 cm thick bentonite underlain by a layer affected by sulphate–carbonate mineralization can be correlated over 2000 km2. Euhedral zircon, apatite and biotite crystals have been identified in all the bentonites. The geochemical composition of the bentonites in both basins is characterized by high concentrations of Hf, Nb, Pb, Ta, Th, Ti, U, Y, Zr and low concentrations of Cr, Cs and Rb. Biostratigraphical and geochemical data suggest that the thick bentonite in the Paris Basin correlates with the thickest bentonite in the Subalpine Basin, located 400 km to the south. These horizons indicate that significant explosive volcanic events occurred during the Middle Oxfordian and provide potential long-distance isochronous marker beds. Immobile element discrimination diagrams and rare-earth element characteristics indicate that the original ash compositions of the thickest bentonites correspond to a trachyandesitic source from a within-plate alkaline series that was probably related to North Atlantic rifting.  相似文献   

<正>This study examined spatial variations in the concentration,grain size and heavy mineral assemblages on Cedar Beach(Lake Erie,Canada).Magnetic studies of heavy mineral-enriched,dark-reddish sands present on the beach showed that magnetite(~150μm) is the dominant magnetic mineral.Surficial magnetic susceptibility values defined three zones:a lakeward region close to the water line(Zone 1),the upper swash zone(Zone 2) and the region landwards of the upper swash zone (Zone 3).Zone 2 showed the highest bulk and mass susceptibility(κ,χ) and the highest mass percentage of smaller grain-size(250μm) fractions in the bulk sand sample.Susceptibility(i.e.κandχ) values decreased and grain size coarsened from Zone 2 lakewards(into Zone 1) and landwards (into Zone 3),and correlated with the distribution of the heavy mineral assemblage,most probably reflecting preferential separation of large,less dense particles by waves and currents both along and across the beach.The eroded western section of Cedar Beach showed much higher concentrations of heavy minerals including magnetite,and finer sand grain sizes than the accreting eastern section, suggesting that magnetic techniques could be used as a rapid,cost-effective way of examining erosion along sensitive coastline areas.  相似文献   

孙吴-嘉荫盆地白垩系淘淇河组水下重力流沉积特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文根据露头、岩心、测井、薄片鉴定等资料,对孙吴-嘉荫盆地白垩系淘淇河组水下重力流沉积特征进行了详细的研究,认为淘淇河组水下重力流沉积规模大,为湖底扇沉积,其可进一步划分为内扇、中扇、外扇3种亚相以及主沟道、主沟道外、辫状沟道、辫状沟道间、远源浊积岩5种微相类型。内扇以水下泥石流沉积为主,中扇以液化沉积物流和浊流沉积为主,外扇发育浊积岩。根据地震剖面推断,白垩系淘淇河组时期发生的断层活动是湖底扇沉积发育的主要原因。  相似文献   

河北三河晚更新世地层粒度特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘智荣  沈军  黄静宜  陈耀飞 《地质学报》2016,90(5):997-1005
本文通过详细测量河北三河齐心庄一带第四纪剖面、采集光释光测年样品和粒度样品,分析该区地层形成年龄、沉积速率、各粒度样品粒度参数、频率分布曲线及概率累积曲线,进而推断其沉积环境。实测剖面显示地层可以分为20层,沉积物以细砂、粉砂和黏土为主。第2层光释光地质年龄为12.23±1.32ka,第19层光释光地质年龄为19.35±2.10ka,故实测剖面为晚更新世末期堆积,根据地层厚度及年龄测定结果测算出该区平均沉积速率为0.071cm/a。12个粒度样品频率分布曲线均为不对称的单峰态,表明沉积物成分单一,为相对稳定条件下形成。概率累积曲线分为两段式和三段式,滚动组分较少,总体为能量相对不高的沉积环境。地层自下而上呈现明显的旋回性沉积特征,存在两种韵律沉积模式:"中砂-细砂-粉砂"和"粉砂-黏土"。结合区域地质特征,综合分析结果显示河北三河晚更新世地层形成于相对稳定的低水能条件下的河流环境,进一步可细分为河流砂坝和泛滥平原沉积。本文研究结果对于探讨华北北部平原的形成与发展过程、潮白河下游的变迁历史、晚更新世末期的沉积速率提供了重要的基础资料和数据。实测剖面位于新夏垫断裂的下盘,本文测试结果对于研究新夏垫活断裂两盘的差异性活动和断裂性质提供了重要的资料。  相似文献   

The concentrations of fluorine in groundwater of North Jordan range from 0.009 to 0.055 mg/l. Other chemical parameters, e.g. pH, EC, TDS, Cl, TH, HCO3, PO4, SO4, NO3, NH4, K, Ca, Mg, and NO3 have been studied and showed higher concentrations in HCO3 and NO3 of 307 and 51 mg/l, respectively. Thermodynamic considerations show that almost all the analyzed samples are undersaturated with respect to calcite and fluorite. This undersaturation is probably due to their low availability in the locations. Fluoride concentration shows a positive relation to pH and HCO3, whereas Cl, Mg, Ca, and Na initially increase and then decrease with increasing fluoride in the water. Saturation indexes of fluorite and calcite are estimated. The chemistry of the groundwater is controlled by the fluorite and calcite solubility. The topography of the area has exerted control on the aerial extent of fluoride concentration.  相似文献   

时伟  蒋汉朝 《古地理学报》1999,24(3):599-610
为探讨构造稳定地区(如黄土高原)和构造活跃地区(如青藏高原东缘)粉尘沉积物中磁化率(SUS)与粒度的相关性及其对环境事件的指示意义,本次研究分析了黄土高原蓝田剖面黄土—古土壤样品和青藏高原东缘湖相沉积样品的粒度和磁化率记录。黄土高原黄土—古土壤沉积SUS与2~10 μm粒度组分最强正相关,青藏高原东缘湖相沉积的SUS与2~10 μm粒度组分最强负相关,反映2~10 μm粒度组分为黄土高原和青藏高原乃至亚洲干旱—半干旱地区连续稳定敏感的背景沉积组分。黄土高原黄土—古土壤沉积的SUS与32~63 μm粒度组分最强负相关,青藏高原东缘湖相沉积的SUS与32~63 μm粒度组分最强正相关,反映32~63 μm粒度组分不仅是黄土高原尘暴事件沉积的敏感指标,也是青藏高原东缘湖相沉积记录的地震事件敏感指标。SUS与粒度组分的相关性在青藏高原东缘地区地震事件层开始部分高于结束部分,也较好地反映地震事件为研究区添加新鲜沉积物后随地形地貌恢复逐步减少的过程。SUS与粒度组分相关性也受当地物源的影响。  相似文献   

时伟  蒋汉朝 《古地理学报》2022,24(3):599-610
为探讨构造稳定地区(如黄土高原)和构造活跃地区(如青藏高原东缘)粉尘沉积物中磁化率(SUS)与粒度的相关性及其对环境事件的指示意义,本次研究分析了黄土高原蓝田剖面黄土—古土壤样品和青藏高原东缘湖相沉积样品的粒度和磁化率记录。黄土高原黄土—古土壤沉积SUS与2~10 μm粒度组分最强正相关,青藏高原东缘湖相沉积的SUS与2~10 μm粒度组分最强负相关,反映2~10 μm粒度组分为黄土高原和青藏高原乃至亚洲干旱—半干旱地区连续稳定敏感的背景沉积组分。黄土高原黄土—古土壤沉积的SUS与32~63 μm粒度组分最强负相关,青藏高原东缘湖相沉积的SUS与32~63 μm粒度组分最强正相关,反映32~63 μm粒度组分不仅是黄土高原尘暴事件沉积的敏感指标,也是青藏高原东缘湖相沉积记录的地震事件敏感指标。SUS与粒度组分的相关性在青藏高原东缘地区地震事件层开始部分高于结束部分,也较好地反映地震事件为研究区添加新鲜沉积物后随地形地貌恢复逐步减少的过程。SUS与粒度组分相关性也受当地物源的影响。  相似文献   

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