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根据中德技術合作达成的协議,民主德國派遣江河水文仪器?彝叨亍べ〔枷?Walter Dorndusch)先生來中國指導水文仪器的制造工作〔枷O壬延?月20日飛抵北京,經共同研究,确定?业墓ぷ髦氐闶?解决目前中國旋槳式流速仪的進水進沙問題和帮助研究  相似文献   

在华东水利学院水文系讲学的苏联水文专家郭洛什柯夫同志于一月中在成都工学院讲学九天,就该院新设立的陸地水文专业的教学计划、师资配备、师资培养、实验设备、实習基地等方面提出了许多宝贵的意见,对该院水文专业的设置与今后发展有很大帮助。专家还对  相似文献   

This article explores the globalization of U.S. Major League Baseball (MLB), measured by the participation of foreign-born players in the sport from 1876 to 2005. Data show that the number of non-native athletes has been increasing since the end of World War II, suggesting that MLB is becoming a more globalized organization. An investigation at regional and country levels reveals that most foreign participants in the 1990s and early 21st century are from Latin America, especially the Dominican Republic. In contrast, most African, European, and Asian countries have shown little sign of participation. This implies that the global reach of MLB is limited. An empirical study of 2005 data suggests that prosperous countries, neighboring countries, or countries having a close political relationship with the U.S. tend to provide more athletes to MLB. In other words, the globalization of MLB is reliant on America’s economic, cultural, and geographic proximity to the rest of the world.  相似文献   

The Carys Mills Formation of NE Maine represents the SW extension of the Matapedia Group and the White Head Formation of southern Gaspé, Quebec. This formation has yielded two main collections, one hitherto considered of Middle Ordovician age (zone 13 of Berry's 1960 Marathon, Texas, zonation) with 7 species referred to 4 genera, and one of the Early Silurian age. A revision of the supposed Middle Ordovician collections reveals that the graptolites are basal Silurian and consist of only one species, Glyptograptus? persculptus. Several hundred specimens, preserved both flattened and in three dimensions, the latter in iron pyrites, allow an analysis of both the rhabdosome changes wrought by diagenetic flattening and those caused by severe tectonic deformation. It is shown that those specimens lying parallel to the bedding plane lineation caused by a high-angle main cleavage have a silhouette appearance close to Glyptograptus tamariscus (Nicholson), whilst those at right angles to this direction superficially resemble robust Amplexograptus spp., or Diplograptus s.s., or Diplograptus s.l. spp., thus explaining the stratigraphic assignment of earlier workers. An analogue video reshaper confirms the above conclusions. This determination assigns the whole Carys Mills Formation to the Lower Silurian, but the possibility that part of the formation is of Late Ordovician age cannot be excluded. This much is suggested by the Matapedia Group and the White Head Formation which are of Late Ordovician to Early Silurian age, and the Honorat Group, which has yielded graptolites of late Middle Ordovician age.  相似文献   

Summary The efficacy of ion exchange in petrological systems, for example the Fe-Mg exchange between garnet and biotite, is a function of grainsize, temperature, rates of temperature change and diffusion parameters. The combination of these variables determines the final zoning profile of minerals. Therefore, zoning profiles may be used to derive one of these variables if the others are known. For example, a mineral grain that experienced a short thermal event may still preserve a zoning profile characteristic of the heating path. In contrast, if that grain experienced a long thermal event it may develop a zoning profile typical of the cooling path. Conversely, for the same temperature-time cycle, large grains may not completely equilibrate at the metamorphic peak, and in smaller grains any previous record may have been erased. This is commonly observed in natural rocks where different grains within one thin section preserve often qualitatively different zoning profiles. Thus, a critical grainsize,l crit, may exist that separates grains with qualitatively different zoning profiles so that grains of sizel > l crit still retain zoning information about the heating path and grains of sizel <l crit contain only information about the cooling path. If the critical grainsize can be measured and an independent estimate for the peak metamorphic temperature exists, the duration of the thermal event may, in principle, be estimated.The applicability of this method to natural garnets is hampered by a range of uncertainties. However, a parameterisation of the critical grain size may be used to illustrate the relative importance of grain size, temperature and event duration to the equilibration of minerals. In this paper, the critical grainsize is parameterized for various temperature-time cycles and its dependence on diffusion parameters is discussed. It is shown that, for Barrovian conditions,l crit between 0.1 and 1 mm separates garnets retaining prograde information from garnets retaining cooling path information. For illustration, we compare the results with the critical grainsize of garnets from two metamorphic terranes, the Prydz Bay region (Antarctica) and the Koralm complex (Eastern Alps). Despite the large range of uncertainties attached to the method, it is shown that the critical grainsize of garnets in both terranes is consistent with a very short duration of the last thermal event that affected the two regions.
Die qualitative Form von Zonierungsprofilen in Mineralen. Information über die Dauer metamorpher Ereignisse?
Zusammenfassung Zonierungsprofile von Paragenesen im Ionenaustausch, zum Beispiel das Fe-Mg Austauschsgleichgewicht zwischen Granat und Biotit, sind eine Funktion von (i) Korngröße, (ii) Temperatur, (iii) Kühl- und Heizgeschwindigkeit sowie (iv) den Diffusionskonstanen. Es sollte daher möglich sein, Zonierungsprofile dazu zu verwenden, einen dieser Parameter zu bestimmen, wenn die anderen bekannt sind. Zonierungsprofile von Kristallen die ein kurzes thermisches Ereignis erfahren haben, mögen daher prograde Information beinhalten, wogegen derselbe Kristall ein retrogrades Profil aufweisen mag, wenn er einem langlebigen thermischen Ereignis unterlag (prograd und retrograd ist hier als: bei ansteigender Temperatur und bei abfallender Temperatur definiert). In Kristallen die dem gleichen Temperatur-Zeitpfad unterworfen waren, könnten kleine Körner nur die Kühlgeschichte dokumentieren, wogegen große noch Zonierungsinformation vom Heizpfad aufweisen. In natürlichen Gesteinen wird das oft dadurch beobachtet, daß verschiedene Körner auseinem Dünnschliff qualitativ verschiedene Zonierungsprofile aufweisen. Es ist daher möglich eine kritische Korngöße,l crit, zu definieren, die Korngrößen mit qualitativ verschiedenen Zonierungsprofilen voneinander trennt. Körner mit einem Durchmesserl > l crit haben, zumindest teilweise, noch prograde Profile, wogegen Körner mitl <l crit nur retrograde Information dokumentieren. Wenn man diese kritische Korngröße messen kann, sollte sie dazu benutzt werden können, etwas über die Dauer des thermischen Ereignisses auszusagen.Die Anwendbarkeit dieser Methode ist durch eine Reihe von Fehlern limitiert. Nichtsdestotrotz, ist eine Parameterisierung der kritischen Korngröße nützlich um die relative Wichtigkeit von Korngröße, Temperatur und Zeit, für die Entwicklung von Zonierungsprofilen, zu illustrieren. Unser Modell kann dazu benutzt werden, um die Größenordnung von Granaten abzuschätzen, die noch prograde Information dokumentieren können. Die Abhängigkeit der kritischen Korngröße von Diffusionsparametern und der Form des Temperatur-Zeit Pfades wird ebenfalls diskutiert. Es wird gezeigt, daß für Metamorphose in der mittleren Grünschiefer und Amphibolit fazies,l crit zwischen 0.1 and 1 mm prograd zonierte von retrograd zonierten Granaten trennt. Um das Modell zu illustrieren, werden die Ergebnisse auf die Prydz Bay Region (Antarktis) und den Koralm Komplex (Ostalpen) angewendet. Trotz der großen Fehlergrenzen der Methode glauben wir zeigen zu können, daß die kritische Korngröße beider Terrains andeutet, daß das letzte thermische Ereignis in beiden Gebieten kurzlebig war.

With 5 Figures  相似文献   

李四光  仲揆 《地质学报》1923,2(Z2):51-94
本篇分为三节:第一节论研究(竹廷)蜗之方法及其各部分之名称;并猎取古生物学家迄今历史之结果而加以批评。第二节专述中国北部已发见之(竹廷)蜗。第三节讨论本篇所述各种(竹廷)蜗生存之时代及其棲息流徙之情形。  相似文献   

本篇分为三节:第一节论研究(竹廷)蜗之方法及其各部分之名称;并猎取古生物学家迄今历史之结果而加以批评。第二节专述中国北部已发见之(竹廷)蜗。第三节讨论本篇所述各种(竹廷)蜗生存之时代及其棲息流徙之情形。  相似文献   

The goal of this work was to investigate the changes in copper behavior in Igua?u River, a body of water strongly affected by urban inputs. This work was carried out in a subtropical Brazilian watershed suffering with high loads of raw sewage discharges from the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba. A comparison between sampling sites located upstream and downstream from the urban region revealed that human inputs are able to modify the water chemistry of the river in a short distance basis, that is, approximately nine miles. Probably, the most important alterations were the creation of an anaerobic environment as well as the enhancement of humic-coated suspended solids. These two aspects were determinant to explain the high concentrations observed for particulate copper (57% of total recoverable copper) and dissolved copper sulfide species (13%) in the water column. Copper in the sediment was also higher in the downstream site, probably due to the sedimentation of the Cu-enriched particles. However, copper sulfides at the bottom sediment may also be a potential source for the metal in the water column due to the creation of anaerobic conditions in both compartments. Labile copper concentration was not affected by the changes in water chemistry. Despite the fact that sewage discharges motivate the enhancement of organic matter, but not the increase in potential complexing agents, additional ligands such as chloride, carbonates, and anthropogenic dissolved organic ligands can be now computed as a part of the labile fraction.  相似文献   

The most notable change in δ18O in Greenland ice cores during the Holocene occurs at 8200 cal. yr BP. Here we present a new high-resolution marine record from the northern North Sea, along with tree-ring data from Germany, which contain evidence of a pronounced temperature drop (>2°C) contemporaneous with that of the Greenland ice-core records. The synchronous timing of the cooling event in the Greenland ice-cores, marine record and tree-ring data from northwest Europe reflects a regional influence on the North Atlantic ocean–atmospheric system, suggesting a prominent role of the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation. The operation of the North Atlantic ocean circulation is sensitive to variation in the freshwater budget, implying that any change in freshwater flux is capable of altering the North Atlantic circulation system. We hypothesise minor but long-term freshwater fluxes in the final stages of the deglaciation of the Laurentide ice-sheet as a forcing mechanism. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The western part of the Argentera–Mercantour massif (French Alps) hosts very large currently active landslides responsible of many disorders and risks to the highly touristic valleys of the Mercantour National Park and skiing resorts. A regional scale mapping of gravitational deformations has been compared to the main geo-structures of the massif. A relative chronology of the events has been established and locally compared to absolute 10Be dating obtained from previous studies. Two types of large slope destabilisations were identified as follows: deep-seated landslides (DSL) that correspond to rock volumes bounded by a failure surface, and deep-seated gravitational slope deformations (DSGSD) defined as large sagging zones including gravitation landforms such as trenches and scarps or counterscarps. Gravitational landforms are mainly collinear to major N140°E and N020°E tectonic faults, and the most developed DSGSD are located in areas where the slope direction is comparable to the orientation of faults. DSL are mostly included within DSGSD zones and located at the slopes foot. Most of DSL followed a similar failure evolution process according to postglacial over steepened topographies and resulting from a progressive failure growing from the foot to the top of the DSGSD that lasts over a 10 ky time period. This massif-scale approach shows that large-scale DSGSD had a peak of activity from the end of the last deglaciation, to approximately 7000 years bp. Both morphologic and tectonic controls can be invoked to explain the gravitational behaviour of the massif slopes.  相似文献   

正Seagull Lake is an unusual saline lake,having a marine spring connected to a large continental ecosystem.With climate change the balance between marine,meteoric and groundwater inputs to,and evaporitic and groundwater  相似文献   

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