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利用GPS导航信号进行水下地形测量的时间同步 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
介绍了应用GPS接收机输出的导航信号用于水下地形测量时间同步的原理,并分别讨论了用于模拟测深仪、数字化/模拟测深仪和数字测深仪的同步方法。 相似文献
GPS动态实时差分定位模式具有精度高,性能可靠,使用方便等优点,它在许多领域都展示了广阔的应用前景,本文将以DGPS在航道的水下地形与不深测量方面的具体应用为例予以简单介绍,代与同行交流。 相似文献
高精度动态测量是近年来发展起来的GPS新技术,用于大比例尺测图、港口测量、施工测量等工程中。本文就高精度动态测量中的几个关键问题,如:电文发送速率、电离层效应改正等进行了论述,最后给出为高精度动态测量设置的Type18—Type21四组电文格式和含义。 相似文献
针对上海市滩涂水下地形测量工作的历史与现状,详细介绍了滩涂水下地形的测量方法、技术标准以及测绘成果的应用,说明了水下地形测量工作在水利事业中发挥的重要作用,并对更好地提高测绘精度提出了建议,展望了滩涂水下地形测绘的未来发展。 相似文献
随着载波相位差分技术的发展,RTK(Real Time Kinematic)三维水深测量已经广泛应用于水下地形测量中。RTK技术需要建立实时数据链接传输差分数据,当数据链接丢失时,定位精度会严重下降。针对此问题,本文研究了一种基于后处理动态差分无需实时数据链接的PPK(Post Processing Kinematic)定位技术,并通过静态和动态比测的方法,对不同GNSS系统及其组合解算策略进行了精度和稳定性测试,最后在杭州湾河口进行了实际应用。测试结果表明,PPK获取的结果具有良好的稳定性,定位精度能满足实际工作需要;实际应用结果表明基于PPK的无验潮水下地形测量技术具有广泛的应用前景。 相似文献
DGPS RTK技术在无验潮水下地形测量中的应用初探 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
本文简要介绍了DGPS RTK技术的基本原理和作业流程,阐明了该技术在无验潮水下地形测量中的适用性,并以除六泾水文大断面的测量为例介绍了利用该技术进行工程实测的过程,通过对实测数据成果的分析,得出一些有益的结论。 相似文献
随着GPS技术的发展,具有RTK功能的GPS接收机不但在平面位置上可以达到厘束级,而且以WGS84为参考椭球的垂直高程也可以达到厘束级,因而被广泛地应用于海岸带测量中。本文介绍了RTKGPS在海域勘界、无验潮模式水深测量方面的一些具体应用。 相似文献
GPS输出的NMEA 0183信号的时间特性分析 总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4
为判断GPS接收机输出的NMEA0183信号是否可作为水下地形测量的同步信号,对多种CPS接收机输出的NMEA0183信号的时间特性进行了测试与分析。 相似文献
Precise, long-range GPS kinematic positioning to centimeter accuracy requires that carrier phase ambiguities be resolved correctly during an initialization period, and subsequently to recover the “lost" ambiguities in the event of a cycle slip. Furthermore, to maximize navigational efficiency, ambiguity resolution and carrier phase-based positioning need to be carried out in real-time. Due to the presence of the ionospheric signal delay, satellite orbit errors, and the tropospheric delay, so-called absolute ambiguity resolution “on-the-fly” for long-range applications becomes very difficult, and largely impossible. However, all of these errors exhibit a high degree of spatial and temporal correlation. In the case of short-range ambiguity resolution, because of the high spatial correlation, their effect can be neglected, but their influence will dramatically increase as the baseline length increases. On the other hand, between discrete trajectory epochs, they will still exhibit a large degree of similarity for short time spans. In this article, a method is described in which similar triple-differenced observables formed between one epoch with unknown ambiguities and another epoch with fixed ambiguities can be used to derive relative ambiguity values, which are ordinarily equal to zero (or to the number of cycles that have slipped when loss-of-lock occurred). Because of the temporal correlation characteristics of the error sources, the cycle slips can be recovered using the proposed methodology. In order to test the performance of this algorithm an experiment involving the precise positioning of an aircraft, over distances ranging from a few hundred meters up to 700 kilometres, was carried out. The results indicate that the proposed technique can successfully resolve relative ambiguities (or cycle slips) over long distances in an efficient manner that can be implemented in real-time. 相似文献
Precise, long-range GPS kinematic positioning to centimeter accuracy requires that carrier phase ambiguities be resolved correctly during an initialization period, and subsequently to recover the “lost" ambiguities in the event of a cycle slip. Furthermore, to maximize navigational efficiency, ambiguity resolution and carrier phase-based positioning need to be carried out in real-time. Due to the presence of the ionospheric signal delay, satellite orbit errors, and the tropospheric delay, so-called absolute ambiguity resolution “on-the-fly” for long-range applications becomes very difficult, and largely impossible. However, all of these errors exhibit a high degree of spatial and temporal correlation. In the case of short-range ambiguity resolution, because of the high spatial correlation, their effect can be neglected, but their influence will dramatically increase as the baseline length increases. On the other hand, between discrete trajectory epochs, they will still exhibit a large degree of similarity for short time spans. In this article, a method is described in which similar triple-differenced observables formed between one epoch with unknown ambiguities and another epoch with fixed ambiguities can be used to derive relative ambiguity values, which are ordinarily equal to zero (or to the number of cycles that have slipped when loss-of-lock occurred). Because of the temporal correlation characteristics of the error sources, the cycle slips can be recovered using the proposed methodology. In order to test the performance of this algorithm an experiment involving the precise positioning of an aircraft, over distances ranging from a few hundred meters up to 700 kilometres, was carried out. The results indicate that the proposed technique can successfully resolve relative ambiguities (or cycle slips) over long distances in an efficient manner that can be implemented in real-time. 相似文献