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Polarized S K- and L-edge, Mo L3- and L2-edge x-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) of natural molybdenite (2H-MoS2) have been measured with synchrotron radiation. These results are qualitatively interpreted using the energy band model of molybdenite and provide important information on the unoccupied states of molybdenite. The valence band (VB) maximum of molybdenite is characterized by fully occupied Mo 4dz 2, and the conduction band (CB) minimum of molybdenite is characterized by unoccupied Mo 4d states. The unoccupied Mo 4d band is split into two sub-bands, designated as t 2g /t 2g + and e g /e g + sets. Although the relative energy of these two sets are difficult to be evaluated, probably the former has the lower energy than the latter, both two sets have the combination wave functions of the other unoccupied Mo 4d components, rather than the simple 4dx 2 — y2 and 4dxy states. The unoccupied Mo 4d sub-bands contain significant DOS of both S 3 p- and 3 s-like states, indicating strong hybridization with S 3s and 3 p states. In the lower energy sub-band, the DOS of the S pz- and px,y-like states are very similar. However, in the higher energy sub-band, the DOS of the S 3 px,y-like state is lower than that of the S 3pz state. Polarized S K-edge XANES also reveal the features of antibonding S pz- and px,y-like states in molybdenite. The feature assigned to the S 3 pz-like states is stronger and sharper, and shifts to lower energy by about 2 eV relative to that for the S 3 px,y-like states.  相似文献   

Polarized electronic absorption spectra, Ea(∥X), Eb(∥Y) and Ec(∥Z), in the energy range 3000–5000?cm–1 were obtained for the orthorhombic thenardite-type phase Cr2SiO4, unique in its Cr2+-allocation suggesting some metal-metal bonding in Cr2+Cr2+ pairs with Cr-Cr distance 2.75?Å along [001]. The spectra were scanned at 273 and 120?K on single crystal platelets ∥(100), containing optical Y and Z, and ∥(010), containing optical X and Z, with thicknesses 12.3 and 15.6?μm, respectively. Microscope-spectrometric techniques with a spatial resolution of 20?μm and 1?nm spectral resolution were used. The orientations were obtained by means of X-ray precession photographs. The xenomorphic, strongly pleochroic crystal fragments (X deeply greenish-blue, Y faint blue almost colourless, Z deeply purple almost opaque) were extracted from polycrystalline Cr2SiO4, synthesized at 35?kbar, above 1440?°C from high purity Cr2O3, Cr (10% excess) and SiO2 in chromium capsules. The Cr2SiO4-phase was identified by X-ray diffraction (XRD). Four strongly polarized bands, at about 13500 (I), 15700 (II), 18700 (III) and 19700 (IV) cm–1, in the absorption spectra of Cr2SiO4 single crystals show properties (temperature behaviour of linear and integral absorption coefficients, polarization behaviour, molar absorptivities) which are compatible with an assignment to localized spin-allowed transitions of Cr2+ in a distorted square planar coordination of point symmetry C2. The crystal field parameter of Cr2+ is estimated to be 10?Dq?10700?cm–1. A relatively intense, sharp band at 18400?cm–1 and three other minor features can, from their small half widths, be assigned to spin-forbidden dd-transitions of Cr2+. The intensity of such bands strongly decreases on decreasing temperature. The large half widths, near 5000?cm–1 of band III are indicative of some Cr-Cr interactions, i.e. δ-δ* transitions of Cr2 4+, whereas the latter alone would be in conflict with the strong polarization of bands I and II parallel [100]. Therefore, it is concluded that the spectra obtained can best be interpreted assuming both dd-transitions of localized d-electrons at Cr2+ as well as δ-δ* transitions of Cr2 4+ pairs with metal-metal interaction. To explain this, a dynamic exchange process 2 Crloc 2+?Cr2, cpl 4+ is suggested wherein the half life times of the ground states of both exchanging species are significantly longer than those of the respective optically excited states, such that the spectra show both dd- and δ-δ*-transitions.  相似文献   

The assignment of spin-allowed Fe2+-bands in orthopyroxene electronic absorption spectra is revised by studying synthetic bronzite (Mg0.8 Fe0.2)2Si2O6, hypersthene (Mg0.5 Fe0.5)2Si2O6 and ferrosilite (Fe2Si2O6). Reheating of bronzite and hypersthene single crystals causes a redistribution of the Fe2+-ions over the M1 and M2 octahedra, which was determined by Mössbauer spectroscopy and correlated to the intensity change of the spin-allowed Fe2+ d-d bands in the polarized absorption spectra. The 11000 cm-1 band is caused by Fe2+ in M1 (5B2g5A1g) and Fe2+ in M2 (5A15A1), the 8500 cm-1 band by Fe2+ in M1 (5B2g5B1g) and the 5000 cm-1 band by Fe2+ in M2 octahedra (5A15B1). The Fe2+-Fe3+ charge transfer band is identified at 12500cm-1 in the spectra of synthetic Fe3+ -Al bearing ferrosilite. This band shows a strong γ-polarization and therefore is caused by Fe2+ -Fe3+-ions in edge-sharing octahedra.  相似文献   

Polarized electronic absorption spectra of colourless chalcocyanite, CuSO4, have been measured using microscope-spectrometric techniques. The spectra are characterized by a structured and clearly polarized band system in the near-infrared spectral range with components centred at 11,720, 10,545, 9,100, and 7,320 cm?1, which have been assigned to crystal field dd transitions of Cu2+ cations in pseudo-tetragonally elongated CuO6 polyhedra with point symmetry C i ( \(\bar{1}\) ). The polarization behaviour is interpreted based on a D 2(C 2″) pseudo-symmetry. Crystal field calculations were performed for the actual triclinic point symmetry by applying the Superposition Model of crystal fields, as well as in terms of a ‘classic’ pseudo-tetragonal crystal field approach yielding the parameters Dq (eq) = 910, Dt = 395, and Ds = 1,336 cm?1, corresponding to a cubically averaged Dq cub = 679 cm?1. A comparative survey on crystal fields in Cu2+ minerals shows that the low overall crystal field strength in chalcocyanite, combined with a comparatively weak pseudo-tetragonal splitting of energy levels, is responsible for its unique colourless appearance among oxygen-based Cu2+ minerals. The weak crystal field in CuSO4 can be related to the lower position of the SO4 2? anion compared to, e.g. the H2O molecule in the spectrochemical series of ligands.  相似文献   

Polarized optical absorption measurements were carried out on three single crystals of Mg2SiO4 (forsterite), differently doped with Cr. Two crystals containing average 0.013 and 0.027 weight% Cr, respectively, were pulled from the melt in air, whereas one crystal containing average 0.08 weight% Cr was pulled from the melt in an argon atmosphere. The absorption spectra of the three crystals agree with each other although the intensity of single absorption bands varies significantly. In all -polarized patterns a sharp absorption line around 18000cm-1 (550 nm) appears. Conjectures are presented to assign this line to the lasing center in Cr doped forsterite which very likely exists as Cr4+ at the fourfold coordinated Si site.  相似文献   

Polarized electronic absorption spectra of the kieserite-type compounds CoSO4 · H2O and CoSeO4 · H2O have been obtained at room temperature (spectral range 35 000-5000 cm-1) and at liquid nitrogen temperature (visible spectral region), using microscope-spectrometric techniques. The spectra are interpreted and evaluated in terms of a tetragonal crystal field formalism for the d7 configuration, in regard to the pseudotetragonal elongation of the CoO4(H2O)2 octahedra, known from previous X-ray structure investigations, employing the tetragonal parameters Dq, Dt, and Ds, and the Racah parameters B and C. The observed and calculated energy levels are in good agreement for the following parameter sets: CoSO4 · H2O: Dq=826, Dt=40, Ds=350, B=856, C=3580 cm-1; CoSeO4· H2O: Dq=817, Dt=44, Ds=406, B=841, C=3490 cm-1; corresponding ‘cubic’ crystal field strengths Dqcub are 803 and 792 cm-1, respectively. The values of Dq(cub), Racah B and C are in the common range for Co2+ ions in (pseudo) octahedral fields of oxygen ligands, and their differences in CoSO4· H2O compared to CoSeO4 · H2O are consistent with somewhat different mean Co-O bond lengths and with a slightly higher covalent contribution to Co-O bonding in the selenate compound. The values found for the parameter Dt, which is directly correlated to the extent of tetragonal distortion, are much lower than expected from purely geometrical considerations, thus confirming a significantly higher position of H2O ligands in the spectrochemical series compared to oxygen ligands belonging to SO4 or SeO4 groups.  相似文献   

Electronic and Mössbauer absorption spectra and electron microprobe data are correlated for iron-bearing orthopyroxenes. The correlation provides a means of quantitatively determining the distribution of Fe2+ between the M(1) and M(2) sites of orthopyroxene crystals from electronic spectra and electron microprobe analysis. The electronic spectra are used to analyze the changes in the Fe2+ distribution produced during heating experiments and confirm earlier results from Mössbauer spectra. Two components of the spin-allowed transition of Fe2+ in the M(1) site are identified at about 13,000 cm?1 and 8,500 cm?1 in γ. Molar absorptivity (?) values for all spin-allowed Fe2+ absorption bands in the near-infrared region are determined. The M(2) Fe2+ band at ~5,000 cm?1 in β is the analytically most useful for site occupancy determinations. It remains linear with concentration (?=9.65) over the entire compositional range. The band at ~10,500 cm?1 in α is the most sensitive to M(2) Fe2+ concentration (?=40.8), but deviates from linearity at high iron concentrations. The origins of spin-forbidden transitions in the visible region are examined.  相似文献   

Summary Based on a X-ray structure analysis it was proved that the mineral schmiederite contains both selenite and selenate groups [a = 9.922(3)Å,b = 5.712(2)Å,c = 9.396(3)Å, = 101.96(3)°, space group P21/m,Z = 2 {Pb2Cu2(OH)4(SeO3)(SeO4)},R w = 0.055 for 1131 reflections up to sin / = 0.65 Å–1]. The crystal structure is closely related to that of linarite [a = 9.701(2) Å,b = 5.650(2) Å,c= 4.690(2)Å, = 102.65(2)°, space group P21/m,Z = 2 {PbCu(OH)2(SO4)},R w = 0.034 for 1991 reflections up to sin / = 1.0 Å–1].The Pb atom in linarite and the Pb(1) atom in schmiederite have each three Pb-O bonds < 2.45 Å with trigonal pyramidal arranged ligands; the Pb(2) atom in schmiederite has only one such near O atom. The Cu atoms are approximately square planar coordinated by hydroxil groups. In addition two further O atoms complete the coordination figure to a strongly distorted octahedron. All the anion groups have the usual geometry.
Kristallstruktur und chemische Formel von Schmiederit, Pb2Cu2(OH)4(SeO3)(SeO4), mit einem Vergleich zu Linarit, PbCu(OH)2(SO4)
Zusammenfassung Basierend auf einer Röntgen-Strukturuntersuchung konnte das Vorliegen von Selenit-und Selenatgruppen im Mineral Schmiederit belegt werden [a=9,922(3) Å,b = 5,712(2) Å,c = 9,396(3) Å, = 101,96(3)°, Raumgruppe P21/m,Z=2 {Pb2Cu2(OH)4(SeO3)(SeO4)},R w = 0,055 für 1131 Reflexe bis sin /, = 0,65 Å–1]. Die Kristallstruktur weist enge Beziehungen zu jener des Linarits auf [a = 9,701(2) Å,b = 5,650(2) Å,c = 4,690(2) Å, = 102,65(2)°, Raumgruppe P21/m,Z=2 {PbCu(OH)2(SO4)},R w = 0,034 für 1991 Reflexe bis sin / = 1,0 Å–1].Das Pb-Atom im Linarit sowie das Pb(1)-Atom im Schmiederit haben jeweils drei Pb-O-Bindungen <,45 Å, wobei die Liganden trigonal pyramidal angeordnet sind; das Pb(2)-Atom im Schmiederit hat hingegen nur ein derart nahes O-Atom. Die Cu-Atome sind etwa quatratisch planar von Hydroxilgruppen koordiniert; zwei weitere O-Atome ergänzen die Koordinationsfigur zur einem stark verzerrten Oktaeder. Die Aniongruppen haben die üblichen Dimensionen.

Summary The mineral trigonite crystallizes in the monoclinic space groupPn–C s 2 witha 0=7.26,b 0=6.78,c 0=11.09Å; =91.5°,Z=2. The structure was determined from 1250 X-ray intensities collected on an automatic two circle Weissenberg-type diffractometer. The final residual isR=6.5% using anisotropic temperature factors for Pb, Mn and As, and isotropic temperature factors for O.The structure consists of MnO6 octahedra, sharing all six oxygens with arsenite groups to form a framework. The Pb atoms are attached to this framework with Pb–O distances2.23Å. One oxygen, bound only to an As atom, is interpreted as the donor for a hydrogen bond of 2.75Å.
Die Kristallstruktur des Trigonits, Pb3Mn(AsO3)2(AsO2OH)
Zusammenfassung Das Mineral Trigonit kristallisiert monoklin, RaumgruppePn–C s 2 ,a 0=7,26,b 0=6,78,c 0=11,09Å; =91,5°;Z=2. Die Strukturermittlung erfolgte anhand von 1250 Röntgenintensitäten, die auf einem automatischen Zweikreis-Weissenbergdiffraktometer gesammelt wurden. Mit anisotropen Temperaturfaktoren für Pb, Mn und As sowie isotropen für die O-Atome ergibt sich einR-Wert von 6,5%.Die MnO6-Oktaeder werden über die sechs Sauerstoffe mit Arsenitgruppen zu einem dreidimensionalen Gerüst verknüpft. Über Pb-O-Abstände2,23 Å sind die Pb-Atome in dieses Gerüst eingebaut. Ein Sauerstoff, nur an ein As-Atom gebunden, wird als Donator einer H-Brücke von 2,75 Å interpretiert.

With 2 Figures  相似文献   

Sequestration of Ce3+ by biogenic manganese oxides (BMOs) formed by a Mn(II)-oxidizing fungus, Acremonium strictum strain KR21-2, was examined at pH 6.0. In anaerobic Ce3+ solution, newly formed BMOs exhibited stoichiometric Ce3+ oxidation, where the molar ratio of Ce3+ sequestered (Ceseq) relative to Mn2+ released (Mnrel) was maintained at approximately two throughout the reaction. A similar Ce3+ sequestration trend was observed in anaerobic treatment of BMOs in which the associated Mn(II) oxidase was completely inactivated by heating at 85 °C for 1 h or by adding 50 mM NaN3. Aerobic Ce3+ treatment of newly formed BMO (enzymatically active) resulted in excessive Ce3+ sequestration over Mn2+ release, yielding Ceseq/Mnrel > 200, whereas heated or poisoned BMOs released a significant amount of Mn2+ with lower Ce3+ sequestration efficiency. Consequently, self-regeneration by the Mn(II) oxidase in newly formed BMO effectively suppressed Mn2+ release and enhanced oxidative Ce3+ sequestration under aerobic conditions. Repeated treatments of heated or poisoned BMOs under aerobic conditions confirmed that oxidative Ce3+ sequestration continued even after most Mn oxide was released from the solid phase, indicating auto-catalytic Ce3+ oxidation at the solid phase produced through primary Ce3+ oxidation by BMO. From X-ray diffraction analysis, the resultant solid phases formed through Ce3+ oxidation by BMO under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions consisted of cerianite with crystal sizes of 5.00–7.23 Å. Such nano-sized CeO2 (CeO2,BMO) showed faster auto-catalytic Ce3+ oxidation than that on well-crystalized cerianite under aerobic conditions, where the normalized pseudo-first order rate constants for auto-catalytic Ce3+ oxidation on CeO2,BMO was two orders of magnitude higher. Consequently, we concluded that Ce3+ contact with BMOs sequesters Ce3+ through two oxidation paths: primary Ce3+ oxidation by BMOs produces nano-sized crystalline cerianite, and subsequent auto-catalytic Ce3+ oxidation efficiently occurs using dissolved oxygen as the oxidizing agent. Pretreatment of newly formed BMOs with La3+ solution resulted in decreased rate constants for primary Ce3+ oxidation by BMO due to site blocking by La3+ sorption. The results presented herein increase our understanding of the role of BMO in oxidative Ce3+ sequestration process(es) through enzymatic and abiotic paths in natural environments and provide supporting evidence for the potential application of BMOs towards the recovery of Ce3+ from contaminated waters.  相似文献   

Detailed ligand-field spectra of Mn2+ in both microcrystalline and single-crystal synthetic forsterite are obtained using the technique of luminescence excitation spectroscopy. It is shown that Mn2+ has an almost exclusive preference for one particular cation site which is most probably the M2 site. Low temperature measurements reveal a no-phonon (purely electronic) transition at 16,260 cm?1 (615 nm) which is the energy of the lowest split component of the 4 T 1(G) state above the ground state. Phonon replicas of this transition are evident showing that a particular phonon mode (180 cm?1) is dominantly involved. An analysis of the polarized spectra of Mn2+ in single-crystal forsterite shows the choice of C 2v (C 2, σ d ) pseudosymmetry for the M2 site yields the best agreement with the polarization dependence of the transitions between the ligand-field states of the Mn2+ ion in this site.  相似文献   

K2Mn2(SO4)3 orders magnetically at TN= 1.75 K. One of the orthorhombic cell edges of the low temperature Langbeinite structure becomes doubled in the magnetically ordered state. The antiferromagnetic spin structure found is characterized by weak or vanishing molecular fields due to nearest neighbours. There are no indications of magnetic order down to 1.45 K in the isomorphic compound K2Co2 (SO4)3.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of two new compounds (H3O)2[(UO2)(SeO4)2(H2O)](H2O)2 (1, orthorhombic, Pnma, a = 14.0328(18), b = 11.6412(13), c = 8.2146(13) Å, V = 134.9(3) Å3) and (H3O)2[(UO2)(SeO4)2(H2O)](H2O) (2, monoclinic, P21/c, a = 7.8670(12), b = 7.5357(7), c = 21.386(3) Å, β = 101.484(12)°, V = 1242.5(3) Å3) have been solved by direct methods and refined to R 1 = 0.076 and 0.080, respectively. The structures of both compounds contain sheet complexes [(UO2)(SeO4)2]2? formed by cornershared [(UO2)O4(H2O)] bipyramids and SeO4 tetrahedrons. The sheets are parallel to the (100) plane in structure 1 and to (?102) in structure 2. The [(UO2)(SeO4)2(H2O)]2? layers are linked by hydrogen bonds via interlayer groups H2O and H3O+. The sheet topologies in structures 1 and 2 are different and correspond to the topologies of octahedral and tetrahedral complexes in rhomboclase (H2O2)+[Fe(SO4)2(H2O)2] and goldichite K[Fe(SO4)2(H2O)2](H2O)2, respectively.  相似文献   

High-resolution manganese K-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure spectra were collected on a set of 40 Mn-bearing minerals. The pre-edge feature information (position, area) was investigated to extract as much as possible quantitative valence and symmetry information for manganese in various “test” and “unknown” minerals and glasses. The samples present a range of manganese symmetry environments (tetrahedral, square planar, octahedral, and cubic) and valences (II to VII). The extraction of the pre-edge information is based on a previous multiple scattering and multiplet calculations for model compounds. Using the method described in this study, a robust estimation of the manganese valence could be obtained from the pre-edge region at 5% accuracy level. This method applied to 20 “test” compounds (such as hausmannite and rancieite) and to 15 “unknown” compounds (such as axinite and birnessite) provides a quantitative estimate of the average valence of manganese in complex minerals and silicate glasses. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The polarized (Ea′, Eb and Ec) electronic absorption spectra of five natural chromium-containing clinopyroxenes with compositions close to chromdiopside, omphacite, ureyite-jadeite (12.8% Cr2O3), jadeite, and spodumene (hiddenite) were studied. The polarization dependence of the intensities of the Cr3+ bands in the clinopyroxene spectra cannot be explained by the selection rules for the point groups C 2 or C 2v but can be accounted for satisfactorily with the help of the higher order pseudosymmetry model, i.e. with selection rules for the point symmetry group C 3v. The trigonal axis of the pseudosymmetry crystal field forms an angle of 20.5° with the crystallographic direction c in the (010) plane. D q increases from diopside (1542 cm?1) through omphacite (1552 cm?1), jadeite (1574 cm?1) to spodumene (1592 cm?1). The parameter B which is a measure of covalency for Cr3+-O bonds at M1 sites in clinopyroxene depends on the Cr3+ concentration and the cations at M2 sites.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of ilinskite, NaCu5O2(SeO3)2Cl3, a rare copper selenite chloride from volcanic fumaroles of the Great fissure Tolbachik eruption (Kamchatka peninsula, Russia), has been solved by direct methods and refined to R 1?=?0.044 on the basis of 2720 unique observed reflections. The mineral is orthorhombic, Pnma, a?=?17.769(7), b?=?6.448(3), c?=?10.522(4) Å, V?=?1205.6(8) Å3, Z?=?4. The The CuOmCln coordination polyhedra share edges to form tetramers that have 'additional' O1 and O2 atoms as centers. The O1Cu4 and O2Cu4 tetrahedra share common Cu atoms to form [O2Cu5]6+ sheets. The SeO3 groups and Cl atoms are adjacent to the [O2Cu5]6+ sheets to form complex layers parallel to (100). The Na+ cations are located in between the layers. A review of mixed-ligand CuOmCln coordination polyhedra in minerals and inorganic compounds is given. There are in total 26 stereochemically different mixed-ligand Cu-O-Cl coordinations.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of the absorption spectra of ilvaite, Ca(Fe2+,Fe3+)Fe2+Si2O8(OH), shows strongly one dimensional transport behaviour with no singularity at the Pnam-P21/a phase transition point near 335 K. Polarized single crystal transmission measurements were carried out between 300 K and 450 K in a frequency range between 600 and 23 000 cm−1. No Drude —absorption at low energies was found at any temperature. A macroscopic, thermodynamic model based on Landau-Ginzburg theory is given which accounts for the observed macroscopic properties of the structural phase transition and its coupling with the Fe2+-Fe3+ ordering. This ordering scheme is discussed on an atomistic level and compared with the behaviour of magnetite and trans-(CH) x .  相似文献   

Experiments on the join Al2SiO5-“Mn2SiO5” of the system Al2O3-SiO2-MnO-MnO2 in the pressure/temperature range 10–20 kb/900–1050° C with gem quality andalusite, Mn2O3, and high purity SiO2 as starting materials and using /O2-buffer techniques to preserve the Mn3+ oxidation state had following results: At 20 kb/1000°C orange-yellow kyanite mixed crystals are formed. The kyanite solid solubility is limited at about (Al1.88Mn 0.12 3+ )SiO5 and, thus, equals approximately that on the join Al2SiO5-“Fe2SiO5” (Langer and Frentrup, 1973) indicating that there is no Jahn-Teller stabilisation of Mn3+ in the kyanite matrix. 5 mole % substitution causes the kyanite lattice constants a o, b o, c o, and V o to increase by 0.015, 0.009, 0.014 Å, and 1.6 Å3, resp., while α, β, γ, remain unchanged. Between 10 and 18 kb/900°C, Mn3+-substituted, strongly pleochroitic (emeraldgreen-yellow) andalusitess (viridine) was obtained. At 15 kb/900°C, the viridine compositional range is about (Al1.86Mn 0.14 3+ )SiO5-(Al1.56Mn 0,44 3+ )SiO5. Thus, Al→Mn3+ substitutional degrees are appreciably higher in andalusite than in kyanite, proving a strong Jahn-Teller effect of Mn3+ in the andalusite structure, which stabilises this structure type at the expense of kyanite and sillimanite and, thus, enlarges its PT-stability range extremely. 17 mole % substitution cause the andalusite constants a o, b o, c o, and V o to increase by 0.118, 0.029, 0.047 Å and 9.4 Å3, resp. At “Mn2SiO5”-contents smaller than about 7 mole %, viridine coexists with Mn-poor kyanite. At “Mn2SiO5”-concentrations higher than the maximum kyanite or viridine miscibility, braunite (tetragonal, ideal formula Mn2+Mn3+[O8/Si04]), pyrolusite and SiO2 were found to coexist with the Mn3+-saturated ky ss or and ss, respectively. In both cases, braunites were Al-substituted (about 1 Al for 1 Mn3+). Pure synthetic braunites had the lattice constants a o 9.425, c o, 18.700 Å, V o 1661.1 Å3 (ideal compn.) and a o 9.374, c o 18.593 Å3, V o 1633.6 Å3 (1 Al for 1 Mn3+). Stable coexistence of the Mn2+-bearing phase braunite with the Mn4+-bearing phase pyrolusite was proved by runs in the limiting system MnO-MnO2-SiO2.  相似文献   

Reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+ by heating in hydrogen reduces the absorbance of the bands at 9,000 and 13,800 cm?1 in the E ⊥ c spectrum of tourmaline, and the 9,000 and 11,000 cm?1 bands in the E ∥ (001) spectrum of biotite. This behaviour is consistent with the presumed d-d origin of these bands (which seems well established) only if they gain much of their intensity from exchange-coupling with neighbouring Fe3+ ions. Intensification of spin-forbidden bands in sapphire by Fe3+-Fe3+ exchange-coupling was recognized by Ferguson and Fielding (1971, 1972), but exchange-coupling has not previously been thought to intensify spin-allowed d-d bands. Spin-allowed exchange-coupled bands resulting from Fe2+-Fe3+ pairs have features in common with both normal single ion d-d bands, which they resemble in energy, width and pressure dependence, and Fe2++Fe3+→Fe3++Fe2+ charge transfer bands, which they resemble in temperature-, heat treatment-, composition-, and polarization-dependence. Distinction between normal d-d, charge transfer, and pair d-d absorptions is thus complicated, and criteria for assigning these bands are discussed. Spin-allowed exchange-coupled pair bands should be sought in the spectra of transition metal clusters (trimers and polymers as well as pairs may be involved) whenever geometry favours their origin. It is possible that the bands near 10,000 and 11,500 cm?1 in blue sapphire, and at about 5,000 cm?1 in titanian garnets are of this type, but many other examples are likely to occur. Exchange-coupling may involve ions other than Fe3+ (e.g., Mn2+, also d 5), although Fe2+-Fe2+ coupling is unlikely to be important at laboratory temperatures.  相似文献   

X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopic analysis at the As, Se, and Mn K-edges was used to study arsenate [As(V)O43−] and selenite [Se(IV)O32−] sorption complexes on the synthetic hydrous manganese oxides (HMOs) vernadite (δ-MnO2) and K-birnessite (nominal composition: K4Mn14O27 · 9H2O). No significant changes were observed in sorption complex structure as a function of sorbent, pH (5 to 8), surface coverage (0.04 to 0.73 μmol/m2), or reaction time (5 to 22 h) in the arsenate or selenite systems. In the arsenate/HMO system, extended XAFS parameters indicate an average second-neighbor As(V) coordination of 2.0 ± 0.4 Mn at an average distance of 3.16 ± 0.01 Å, which is consistent with formation of As(V)O4 sorption complexes sharing corners with two adjacent Mn(IV)O6 surface species (i.e., bidentate, binuclear). In the selenite/HMO system, selenite surface complexes are surrounded by two shells of Mn atoms, which could represent two different adsorption complexes or a precipitate. The first shell consists of 1.6 ± 0.4 Mn at 3.07 ± 0.01 Å, which is consistent with the selenite anion forming bidentate (mononuclear) edge-sharing complexes with Mn(II)O6 or Mn(III)O6 octahedra. The second shell consists of 1.4 ± 0.4 Mn at 3.49 ± 0.03 Å, consistent with selenite forming monodentate, corner-sharing complexes with Mn(II)O6 or Mn(III)O6 octahedra. Pauling bond valence analysis that uses the extended XAFS-derived bond lengths for As(V)-O, Se(IV)-O, and Mn-O bonds indicates that the proposed surface complexes of selenite and arsenate on HMOs should be stable. Although a nearly identical Se(IV) coordination environment is found in a crystalline Mn(II)-Se(IV) precipitate (which has a structure similar to that of MnSeO3 · H2O), there are significant differences in the X-ray absorption near-edge structure and extended XAFS spectra of this precipitate and the selenite/HMO sorption samples. These differences coupled with transmission electron microscopy results suggest that if a precipitate is present it lacks long-range order characteristic of crystalline MnSeO3 · H2O.  相似文献   

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