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A model for the formation of supermassive black holes at the center of a cluster of primordial black holes is developed. It is assumed that ~10?3 of the mass of the Universe consists of compact clusters of primordial black holes that arose as a result of phase transitions in the early Universe. These clusters also serve as centers for the condensation of dark matter. The formation of protogalaxies with masses of the order of 2 × 108 M at redshift z = 15 containing clusters of black holes is investigated. The nuclei of these protogalaxies contain central black holes with masses ~105 M , and the protogalaxies themselves resemble dwarf spherical galaxies with their maximum density at their centers. Subsequent merging of these induced protogalaxies with ordinary halos of dark matter leads to the standard picture for the formation of the large-scale structure of the Universe. The merging of the primordial black holes leads to the formation of supermassive black holes in galactic nuclei and produces the observed correlation between the mass of the central black hole and the bulge velocity dispersion.  相似文献   

Cyclostratigraphic analyses of Upper Pliensbachian and Lower Toarcian carbon-13 isotope (δ13C) data, together with radiometric dating, are used to calibrate biozones and magnetic chrons in the Astronomical Time Scale (ATS). In turn, the ATS is used to date sea-level and climate cycles in relation to the Early Toarcian carbon-isotope excursion (T-CIE) and the Karoo-Ferrar Large Igneous Provinces. The resulting chronology however is insufficiently accurate to determine if these global-scale events are causally related. In particular, cyclostratigraphic analyses typically underestimate the durations of biozones by failing to account for hiatuses in depositional discontinuities. To account for hiatuses this paper constructs a δ13C reference curve consisting of correlative segments from several localities and dates them with ammonite zones and subzones. By comparing the reference curve to those from numerous localities, four major discontinuity-prone intervals were identified and named ‘stratigraphic black holes’ (SBH). SBH 1 occurs in the Late Pliensbachian P. spinatum Zone. Early Toarcian SBH 2 occurs in a δ13C maximum interval in middle D. tenuicostatum Zone. The T-CIE is characterized by a decreasing δ13C trend (c. 0.4 myr falling limb) in D. semicelatum Subzone, a minimum δ13C interval (c. 0.4 myr valley) and an increasing δ13C trend (c. 0.4 myr rising limb) in the E. elegantulum Subzone. SBH 3 occurs at base T-CIE rising limb and SBH 4 near its top or above it in a c. 0.4 myr, post-T-CIE plateau in upper E. elegantulum Subzone. Comparisons to published floating chronologies resulted in an Early Toarcian timescale with ~1.0 myr for the D. tenuicostatum Zone, and ~1.6 myr for the H. serpentinum Zone. Initial volcanism in the Karoo Province correlates with the Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary at ~183.6 Ma, while its second phase was coeval with the T-CIE. Volcanism in the Ferrar Province correlates with the T-CIE.  相似文献   

We present a comparative study of the original metric of Schwarzschild and the metric introduced by Hilbert. The properties of these metrics, as well as the Tolman metric for collapsing dust, are analyzed.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of the motions of stars in the gravitational fields of binary black holes with various component mass ratios have been carried out. Two models are considered: (1) the two-body problem with two fixed centers; (2) the general three-body problem. The first model is applicable only over short times Δt ? T, where T is the period of the binary system. The second model is applicable at all times except for during close encounters of stars with one of the binary components, r ≤ 0.00002 pc, where r is the distance from the star to the nearer black hole. In very close passages, relativistic corrections must be taken into account. Estimates of the probability of formation of high-velocity stars as a result of such interactions are obtained. It is shown that this mechanism is not suitable for the nucleus of our Galaxy due to the probable absence of a second massive black hole in the central region of the Galaxy.  相似文献   

华南奥陶—志留纪之交的五峰组—龙马溪组及华北新元古界下马岭组发现的钾质斑脱岩,都产自类似的黑色硅质-碳质页岩/板岩岩系。这两套黑色岩系与上、下地层的接触关系、岩性组成以及垂向序列所揭示的地质过程,具有良好的可对比性,都符合Ettensohn总结的黑色页岩与板块构造运动之间的成因关系模式。岩石元素地球化学研究表明,这两组不同时代的钾质斑脱岩具有相似的源岩岩浆背景,为中酸性的粗安岩-英安岩-流纹岩系列,源于同碰撞岛弧(synCOL-VA)背景的火山喷发活动,与板块边缘的俯冲碰撞密切相关。由于华南五峰组—龙马溪组内斑脱岩及黑色页岩沉积的形成与此间华夏地块与扬子地块的汇聚相关,华北下马岭组的黑色岩系与钾质斑脱岩的形成可能也和华北地块与相邻地块的碰撞相关。推测后者很可能为Rodinia超大陆或Pangea850Ma汇聚时的沉积-地层学响应。  相似文献   

Data on the dependences of the masses and bolometric luminosities of Active Galactic Nuclei on their cosmological redshifts are used to determine the redshift dependences of their X-ray luminosities and the kinetic powers of their relativistic jets. These results are used, in turn, to obtain the redshift dependence of the spins of the central supermassive black holes.  相似文献   

This is the first paper in a project aimed at analyzing relations between the masses of supermassive black holes or nuclear clusters in galaxies and the kinematic features of the host galaxies. We present long-slit spectroscopic observations of galaxies obtained on the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory using the SCORPIO focal reducer. Radial profiles of the line-of-sight velocities and velocity dispersions of the stellar populations were obtained for seven galaxies with known masses of their supermassive black holes (Mkn 79, Mkn 279, NGC 2787, NGC 3245, NGC 3516, NGC 7457, and NGC 7469), and also for one galaxy with a nuclear cluster (NGC 428). Velocity profiles of the emitting gas were obtained for some of these galaxies as well. We present preliminary galactic rotation curves derived from these data.  相似文献   

We apply a population synthesis technique to study the formation and evolution of low-mass X-ray binaries with black holes, observed as X-ray novae, from hierarchical triple systems. A scenario is suggested in which an inner close binary system evolves into an X-ray system with a large mass ratio. The high rate of accretion onto the neutron star leads to a common envelope stage, which may result in the formation of a Thorne-Zytkow (TZ) object. During its evolution, the envelope of the TZ object expands, encompassing the third star. The recurrent common-envelope stage decreases the size of the orbit of the third star, leading to the formation of a lowmass X-ray nova with a black hole. The dynamical stability of triple systems automatically ensures that only lowmass X-ray novae form. We also consider the possible formation of an X-ray nova from a binary in the case of asymmetrical core collapse during a supernova explosion.  相似文献   

The Kopet-Dagh sedimentary basin is located in northeast of Iran and southeast of Turkmenistan in the Middle East. The Khangiran formation represents the last marine deposition in the Kopet-Dagh sedimentary basin. The early Eocene planktonic and benthic foraminifera from the Khangiran formation which belongs to the lower 376 m thickness of this formation are identified and biostratigraphically evaluated. Due to rarity of Morozovella species, planktonic foraminiferal zonation was difficult to determine in this formation. The determination of upper part of the late Paleocene for the lower 124 m of this formation is according to the lowest occurrence of Acarinina sibaiyaensis species. From E5 to near middle of E7 biozone, increasing trend of Acarinina frequency and a peak in Morozovella species and decreasing trend of frequency of Subbotina and Pseudohastigerina species indicate the warm and oligotrophic condition of the seawater during sedimentation of the studied interval. Toward the Ypresian-Lutetian boundary, the increasing trend of Pseudohastigerina and Subbotina species and decreasing in frequency of Acarinina species suggest the low-oxygen level, eutrophic and intermediate condition of the seawater. In this formation, the high abundance of the epifaunal taxa such as Anomalinoides spp., Cibicidoides spp., Gyroidinoides spp., and Lenticulina spp. from the base (late Paleocene sediments) up to E6 biozone reflects oligotrophic and oxic shallow water conditions. The occurrence of several peaks in abundance of Bulimina and Uvigerina species at the Ypresian/Lutetian boundary suggests eutrophic condition. These paleoecological conditions could be correlated with fluctuations in the numbers of the planktonic foraminifera.  相似文献   

We show that semi-detached close binary systems with massive (4–25M) black holes are formed in the evolution of massive stellar binaries in which the initial mass of the primary exceeds ~25M. The mass exchange in such systems is maintained by the nuclear evolution of the donor and by its magnetic and induced stellar winds. The donor in such systems can be a main-sequence star, subgiant, non-degenerate helium star, or white dwarf. The evolution of corresponding systems with black-hole masses of 10M is investigated.  相似文献   

The formation and evolution of supermassive (102?1010 M ) black holes (SMBHs) in the dense cores of globular clusters and galaxies is investigated. The raw material for the construction of the SMBHs is stellar black holes produced during the evolution of massive (25?150M ) stars. The first SMBHs, with masses of ~1000M , arise in the centers of the densest and most massive globular clusters. Current scenarios for the formation of SMBHs in the cores of globular clusters are analyzed. The dynamical deceleration of the most massive and slowly moving stellar-mass (< 100M ) black holes, accompanied by the radiation of gravitational waves in late stages, is a probable scenario for the formation of SMBHs in the most massive and densest globular clusters. The dynamical friction of the most massive globular clusters close to the dense cores of their galaxies, with the formation of close binary black holes due to the radiation of gravitational waves, leads to the formation of SMBHs with masses ? 103 M in these regions. The stars of these galaxies form galactic bulges, providing a possible explanation for the correlation between the masses of the bulge and of the central SMBHs. The deceleration of the most massive galaxies in the central regions of the most massive and dense clusters of galaxies could lead to the appearance of the most massive (to 1010 M ) SMBHs in the cores of cD galaxies. A side product of this cascade scenario for the formation of massive galaxies with SMBHs in their cores is the appearance of stars with high spatial velocities (> 300 km/s). The velocities of neutron stars and stellar-mass black holes can reach ~105 km/s.  相似文献   

Early Proterozoic kimberlites of Karelia are among the most ancient diamond-bearing primary source rocks in the world. They compose the large (2.0 × 0.8 km) Kimozero body localized in the predicted Zaonezhskoe kimberlite field. The established and assumed occurrences of kimberlite magmatism are located within the Karelian craton, which was stabilized during the Early Archean. They are confined to the central part of a large geophysical anomaly detected by gravity, magnetic, seismic, and heat-flow studies and mark a deep-seated magma chamber. Kimberlite bodies occur within structural blocks bounded by zones of plicative-rupture dislocations.The Kimozero kimberlites form an extensive but thin saucer-like body cut by narrow quasi-cylindrical feeders and dikes. It consists of metamorphosed kimberlites, their breccias and tuffs with widely varying amounts of mica. The body includes fragmentary fine-layered crater formations. The rocks contain olivine and phlogopite phenocrysts in an extremely altered groundmass of serpentine, chlorite, calcite, mica, and ore minerals as well as indicator minerals of kimberlites, such as Cr-spinel, manganiferous ilmenite, Cr-diopside, and rare pyrope. About 100 diamonds were extracted from 12 samples (total weight 815 kg). The crystals are colorless resorbed octahedra and, more seldom, combined octahedra-dodecahedra and spinel twins with abundant green spots caused by natural irradiation, which often make the whole crystal surface green. The diamonds contain inclusions of Mg-rich orthopyroxene and pentlandite suggestive of peridotitic lithospheric mantle derivation and dating of the sulfide inclusion implies a late Archean mantle source. By petrochemistry, the rocks are classified as kimberlites.The Kimozero kimberlites differ from classical Phanerozoic ones in having higher Fe contents, low contents of alkalies and P2O5, and intense superimposed carbonate, magnetite, and amphibole mineralization. The saucer-like bodies with narrow feeders without developed diatremes have no analogs in Russia but are similar to the saucer-like kimberlite bodies in Canada (Fort a la Corne), India (Tokapal), and Central Africa (Bakwanga) and the West Kimberley lamproites in Australia. By analogy with these bodies and on the basis of some common petrographic features (presence of pyroclastics and specific amoeba-like autoliths, scarcity of fragments of the enclosing rocks, local reworking of the deposited matter), the Kimozero kimberlites are considered to be the products of subaerial volcanic central-type eruptions.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the mass distribution of stellar black holes derived from the light and radial-velocity curves of optical stars in close binary systems using dynamical methods. The systematic errors inherent in this approach are discussed. These are associated primarily with uncertainties in models for the contribution from gaseous structures to the optical brightness of the systems under consideration. The mass distribution is nearly flat in the range 4–15M . This is compared with the mass distribution for black holes in massive close binaries, which can be manifest as ultrabright X-ray sources (L x >1039 erg/s) observed in other galaxies. If the X-ray luminosities of these objects correspond to the Eddington limit, the black-hole mass distribution should be described by a power law, which is incompatible with the flat shape derived dynamically from observations of close binaries in our Galaxy. One possible explanation of this discrepancy is the rapid evaporation of stellar-mass black holes predicted in recent multi-dimensional models of gravity. This hypothesis can be verified by refining the stellar black-hole mass spectrum or finding isolated or binary black holes with masses below ~3M .  相似文献   

The formation of hypervelocity stars due to the dynamical capture of one component of a closebinary system by the gravitational field of a supermassive black hole (SMBH) is modeled. The mass of the black hole was varied between 106 and 109 M . In the model, the problem was considered first as a three-body problem (stage I) and then as an N-body problem (stage II). In the first stage, the effect of the inclination of the internal close-binary orbit (the motion of the components about the center of mass of the binary system) relative to the plane of the external orbit (the motion of the close binary around the SMBH) on the velocity with which one of the binary components is ejected was assessed. The initial binary orbits were generated randomly, with 10 000 orbits considered for each external orbit with a fixed pericenter distance r p . Analysis of the results obtained in the first stage of the modeling enables determination of the binary-orbit orientations that are the most favorable for high-velocity ejection, and estimation of the largest possible ejection velocities V max. The boundaries of the region of stellar disruption derived from the balance of tidal forces and self-gravitation are discussed using V max-r p plots, which generalize the results of the first stage of the modeling. Since a point-mass representation does not enable predictions about the survival of stars during close passages by a SMBH, there is the need for a second stage of the modeling, in which the tidal influence of the SMBH is considered. An approach treating a star like a structured finite object containing N bodies (N = 4000) enables the derivation of more accurate limits for the zone of efficient acceleration of hypervelocity stars and the formulation of conditions for the tidal disruption of stars.  相似文献   

A well-preserved ammonoid fauna of Early Dienerian age has long been known from the lower portion of the Candelaria Formation in the old Candelaria silver mining district in Mineral and Esmeralda Counties, Nevada, but for a number of reasons, this fauna has never been studied in detail nor illustrated. Previous authors assigned this ammonoid fauna to the Early Dienerian Proptychites candidus Zone of Canada. In reality, it more closely resembles the Tethyan faunas than the higher palaeolatitude Canadian faunas, thus indicating the presence of some degree of equatorial faunal exchange between opposite sides of the Panthalassic Ocean during Early Dienerian time. It also indicates the onset of a provincialism, which contrasts with the cosmopolitan Griesbachian faunas. A rigorous taxonomic analysis of the Candelaria fauna allows us to differentiate the following ten species, which include two new species and one new genus (Mullericeras nov. gen.) belonging to the new family Mullericeratidae: Ambites lilangensis (Krafft, 1909), Ambites aff. radiatus (Brühwiler, Brayard, Bucher and Guodun, 2008), Ussuridiscus sp. indet., ??Koninckites?? aff. kraffti Spath, 1934, Mullericeras spitiense (Krafft, 1909), Mullericeras fergusoni nov. sp., Mullericeras sp. indet., Proptychites haydeni (Krafft, 1909), Proptychites pagei nov. sp., Vavilovites sp. indet. and Parahedenstroemia kiparisovae Shigeta and Zakharov, 2009. This Early Dienerian fauna correlates with the Ambites fauna known from the base of the Ceratite Marls in the Salt Range and from the base of the ??Meekoceras?? beds in Spiti (northern Gondwanian margin). The fauna also permits the precise dating of a shelfal anoxic episode on the equatorial North American margin. This anoxic event correlates in time with similar palaeoceanographic changes in the southern Tethys, which indicates that the Early Triassic biotic recovery was at least partly shaped by such discrete, short events rather than by pervasive and lingering adverse environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Gravitational spreading of mountain ridges displays primary disequilibrium of flysch mountain areas of the Czech Carpathians. The progression of various types of mass movements is a product of long-term ridge disintegration and is predisposed by the geological structure of the area and the upper Tertiary-Quaternary morphogenesis of the mountain area. Deep-seated slope deformations are spatially interconnected by the occurrence of some other types of slope deformations (e.g. debris flows, debris slides, slumps, rock avalanches, etc.), which pose a considerable risk for the existence of human society. An important causative factor in these dynamically developing hazardous processes is, among other factors, the way in which land has been used in the last three centuries. Therefore, the occurrence of various types of slope deformations is studied in terms of their relation to deep-seated gravitational deformations and in terms of other limiting factors (structural geological, morphological and climatic factors, manmade impacts, etc.). The paper presents several case studies of slope deformations (Velká Čantoryje Mt, Lysá hora Mt, Ropice Mt and Smrk Mt) in the area of the Outer Carpathians within the territory of the Czech Republic and also adverts to some consequences in terms of the socioeconomic structure of the landscape.  相似文献   

Blackening and disaggregation of exposed surfaces of stone monuments are well-known effects of stone decay taking place in polluted urban environments all over the world. This paper aims to assess the contribution of natural and anthropogenic sources of total suspended particulate (TSP) causing permanent damage (black crusts) to the stone monuments of Catania (Sicily), one of the most popular ??cities of art?? of southern Italy. Atmospheric pollution of Catania, a typical Mediterranean coastal town, is mainly contributed by vehicle exhaust emissions rather than industrial ones. Episodically, the city also suffers gaseous and ash emissions (plumes) from the nearby Mount Etna volcano. Thus, to discriminate between natural and anthropogenic contributions to stone decay on Catania monuments, black crusts and TSP were sampled within the urban area and subjected to specific analytical procedures (optical microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy dispersive spectrometry, ionic chromatography and dual inlet mass spectrometry). Mineralogical, chemical and isotopic characterization of black crusts and TSP provided new insights concerning the partition of sulfate sources in this particular urban context. The influence of Mount Etna emissions on both TSP and black crusts compositions was shown. Nevertheless, the key role of anthropogenic sources in the total sulfate budget was confirmed, while sea spray and volcanic emissions were found to make subordinate contributions. Quantitative data useful for the identification of the threshold pollution levels for preventive conservation of Catania monuments were obtained.  相似文献   

The distribution of trace elements in sulfide minerals from the Broken Spur hydrothermal vent field (MAR) suggests the presence of nanomineral phases for some trace elements, including Au and Ag.  相似文献   

A thermomagnetic analysis has been performed for 737 picroilmenite samples from the cores of eight boreholes in the N-S-striking drilling profile of the Zarnitsa kimberlite pipe in the Daldyn kimberlite field, Yakutia. Based on the shapes of thermomagnetic curves and the Curie points, 29 samples were chosen for detailed microprobe studies of chemical composition and elucidation of the dependence of their thermomagnetic parameters on the content of the hematite end-member in the picroilmenites. The thermomagnetic curves of most of the studied picroilmenite samples are approximated by a two-component model for the hematite end-member distribution: the main and supplementary distribution. The average hematite end-member content in the main distribution coincides with the probe microanalysis data and is always lower than the average content in the supplementary distribution. The relative hematite end-member contents in the main and supplementary distributions within the picroilmenite grains are indicators of the dynamics of mineral formation in different parts of the Zarnitsa pipe. The data obtained testify to the multistage formation of the pipe under unstable thermodynamic conditions, which explains the intricate distribution pattern of picroilmenite.  相似文献   

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