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We consider the main population of cosmic voids in a heirarchical clustering model. Based on the Press-Schechter formalism modified for regions in the Universe with reduced or enhanced matter densities, we construct the mass functions for gravitationally bound objects of dark matter occupying voids or superclusters. We show that the halo mass functions in voids and superclusters differ substantially. In particular, the spatial density of massive (M ~ 1012 M ) halos is appreciably lower in voids than in superclusters, with the difference in the mass functions being greater for larger masses. According to our computations, an appreciable fraction of the mass of matter in voids should be preserved to the present epoch in the form of primordial gravitationally bound objects (POs) with modest masses (to 10% for M PO < 109 M ) keeping baryons. These primordial objects represent “primary blocks” in the heirarchical clustering model. We argue that the oldest globular clusters in the central regions of massive galaxies are the stellar remnants of these primordial objects: they can form in molecular clouds in these objects, only later being captured in the central regions of massive galaxies in the process of gravitational clustering. Primordial objects in voids can be observed as weak dwarf galaxies or Lyα absorption systems.  相似文献   

Estimates of the masses of supermassive black holes (M bh ) in the nuclei of disk galaxies with known rotation curves are compared with estimates of the rotational velocities V m and the “indicative” masses of the galaxies M i . Although there is a correlation between M bh and V m or M i , it is appreciably weaker than the correlation with the central velocity dispersion. The values of M bh for early-type galaxies (S0-Sab), which have more massive bulges, are, on average, higher than the values for late-type galaxies with the same rotational velocities. We conclude that the black-hole masses are determined primarily by the properties of the bulge and not the rotational velocity or the mass of the galaxy.  相似文献   

The fundamental premises concerning the existence of a universal basic distribution describing the initial mass functions (IMFs) of various astronomical objects on scales from brown dwarfs to clusters of galaxies are considered. This distribution has the form dNM?2dM, where M is the mass of an object and N the number of objects with a given mass. It is shown that, at least for objects forming as a result of fragmentation (e.g., stars, star clusters), the basis of this distribution may correspond to a white-noise model. The classical problem of the formation of the IMF for stars is discussed in this context, incuding the relationship between the mass function of protostellar clouds and the stellar IMF. The main factors determining the mass functions of galaxies and galaxy clusters are also considered.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the radial scales, central surface brightnesses, and colors of 400 disks of various types of galaxies. For nine galaxies, the brightness decrease and the central disk brightness were obtained via a two-dimensional decomposition of the U BV RI J H K photometric images into bulge and disk components. We used published disk parameters for 392 of the galaxies. The central surface brightness μ 0,i 0 and linear (disk) scale length h vary smoothly along the Hubble sequence of galaxies within a rather narrow interval. The disks of relatively early-type galaxies display higher central K surface brightnesses, higher central surface densities, higher central mass-to-luminosity ratios M/L(B), smaller sizes (relative to the diameter of the galaxy D 25), redder integrated colors, and redder central colors. The color gradient normalized to the radius of the galaxy and the “blue” central surface brightness of the disk, μ 0,i/0(B), are both independent of the galaxy type. The radial disk scales in different photometric bands differ less in early-type than in late-type galaxies. A correlation between the central disk surface brightness and the total luminosity of the galaxy is observed. We also consider the influence of dust on the photometric parameters of the disks.  相似文献   

We have carried out a search for low-surface-brightness dwarf galaxies in the region of the Leo-I Group (M96) in images of the second Palomar Sky Survey. We found a total of 36 likely dwarf members of the group with typical magnitudes B t ~18m–19m in an area of sky covering 120 square degrees. Half of these galaxies are absent from known catalogs and lists of galaxies. The radial-velocity dispersion calculated for 19 galaxies is 130 km/s. The Leo-I Group has a mean distance from the Sun of 10.4 Mpc, a mean projected radius of 352 kpc, an integrated luminosity of 6.7 × 1010L, a virial mass-to-luminosity ratio of 107 M/L, and a mean crossing time of 2.7 Gyr. The group shows evidence for a radial segregation of the galaxies according to morphological type and luminosity, suggesting that the group is in a state of dynamical relaxation. The subsystem of bright galaxies in the Leo-I Group is smaller in size (250 kpc) and has a lower velocity dispersion (92 km/s), resulting in a lower virial mass-to-luminosity ratio (34 M/L), as is typical of the Local Group and other nearby groups of galaxies.  相似文献   

We study the evolution of the [O/Fe]-[Fe/H] relation and the dependence of the iron abundance on distance from the galactic plane z in a one-zone model for a disk galaxy, starting from the beginning of star formation. We obtain good agreement with the observational data, including, for the first time, agreement for the [Fe/H]-z relation out to heights of 16 kpc. We also study the influence of the presence of dark matter in the galaxies on the star-formation rate. Comparison of the observed luminosity of the Galaxy with the model prediction places constraints on the fractional mass of dark matter, which cannot be much larger than the fractional mass of visible matter, at least within the assumed radius of the Galaxy, ~20 kpc. We studied the evolution of disk galaxies with various masses, which should obey the Tully-Fisher relation, M ? R2. The Tully-Fisher relation can be explained as a combination of a selection effect related to the observed surface brightnesses of galaxies with large radii and the conditions for the formation for elliptical galaxies.  相似文献   

The equilibrium thickness of the isothermal layers of interstellar gas and volume gas densities ρ gas in the plane of the disk as a function of galactocentric distance R are computed for seven spiral galaxies (including the Milky Way) using an axisymmetrical model. In this model, the thickness of the stellar disk varies with R and remains approximately equal to the minimum thickness of a stable equilibrium disk. We found the disk thickness to increase toward the periphery in at least five of the seven galaxies. The density of the stellar disk decreases with R faster than ρ gas , so that gas dominates at the disk peripheries in terms of density. A comparison of the azimuthally averaged star formation rate SFR and the gas density shows the absence of a universal Schmidt law SFR ~ρ gas n for galaxies. However, the SFRs in various galaxies are better correlated with the volume than the gas surface density. The parameter n in the Schmidt law formally calculated using the least-squares method lies in the interval 0.8–2.4, being, on average, close to 1.5. The values of n calculated separately for the molecular gas display substantial scatter, but are, on average, close to unity. The value of n appears to increase with decreasing ρ gas , so that the fraction of gas that actively participates in star formation decreases with n.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the observed radial-velocity curve for the X-ray binary M33 X-7 in a Roche model. We have analyzed the dependence between the component masses and the degree of filling of the optical star’s Roche lobe to obtain the ratio of the masses of the optical star and compact object. For the most probable mass of the optical star, m v = 70 M⊙, the mass of the compact object is m x = 15.55 ± 3.20 M⊙. It has been shown that black holes with masses of mx = 15 M⊙ and even higher can form in binaries. We present characteristic evolutionary tracks for binary systems passing through an evolutionary stage with properties similar to M33 X-7-type objects. According to population-synthesis analyses, such binaries should be present in galaxies with masses of at least 1011 M⊙. The present number of such systems in M33 should be of the order of unity. We have also studied the evolutionary status of the X-ray binary IC 10 X-1 with a Wolf-Rayet component, which may contain a massive black hole. The final stages of the evolution of the M33 X-7 and IC 10 X-1 systems should be accompanied by the radiation of gravitational waves.  相似文献   

The results of hydrodynamical calculations of radially pulsating helium stars with masses 0.5MM≤0.9M, bolometric luminosities 600L≤5×103L, and effective temperatures 1.5×104 K≤Teff≤3.5×104 K are presented. The pulsation instability of these stars is due to the effects of ionization of iron-group elements in layers with temperatures T~2×105 K. The calculations were carried out using opacities for the relative mass abundances of hydrogen and heavy elements X=0 and Z=0.01, 0.015, and 0.02. Approximate formulas for the pulsation constant Q over the entire range of pulsation instability of the hot helium stars in terms of the mass M, radius R, effective temperature Teff, and heavy-element abundance Z are derived. The instability of BX Cir to radial pulsations with the observed period Π=0.1066 d occurs only for a mass M≥0.55M, effective temperature Teff≥23000 K, and heavy-element abundance Z≥0.015. The allowed mass of BX Cir is in the range 0.55MM≤0.8M, which corresponds to luminosities 800LM≤1400L and mean radii 1.7R?R?2.1R.  相似文献   

It is shown that the approximation of the complex, tidally distorted shape of a star as a circular disc with local line profiles and a linear limb-darkening law, which is usually applied when deriving equatorial stellar rotation velocities from line profiles, leads to overestimation of the equatorial velocity V rot sin i and underestimation of the component mass ratio q = M x /M v . A formula enabling correction of the effect of these simplifying assumptions on the shape of a star is used to re-determine the mass ratios q and the masses of the black holes M x and visual components M v in low-mass X-ray binary systems containing black holes. Taking into account the tidal–rotational distortion of the stellar shape can significantly increase the mass ratios q = M x /M v , reducing M v , while M x changes only slightly. The resulting distribution of M v attains its maximum near M v ? 0.35M , in disagreement with the results of population synthesis computations realizing standard models for Galactic X-ray novae with black holes. Possible ways to overcome this inconsistency are discussed. The derived distribution of M x also differs strongly from the mass distribution for massive stars in the Galaxy.  相似文献   

We have carried out numerical simulations of the dynamical evolution of galaxy clusters taking into account merging when the relative velocities of the colliding galaxies are low. In particular, we study the evolution of the structure, mass spectrum, and velocity spectrum of a cluster of a thousand galaxies, as well as the growth of the central supermassive cD galaxy. The initial velocity dispersion of the galaxies and the rotation of the cluster were taken into account. The observed logarithmic spectrum dN\(\tfrac{{dM}}{M}\) was adopted as the initial mass spectrum. The dynamical evolution of galaxy clusters, allowing for the possible merging of colliding galaxies, results in the emergence of a central supermassive galaxy, whose mass continuously increases due to mergers. This occurs only if the mass of the central galaxy becomes greater than ~0.1 of the total mass of the cluster. The observation of cD galaxies with relative masses of ~0.01 suggests that they initially formed in the cluster core, merged with nearby galaxies, and accreted intergalactic gas. The model indicates that a logarithmic galaxy mass spectrum is preserved during the cluster evolution, despite the substantial decrease in the number of galaxies in the cluster with time. The model can also reproduce the observed mass distribution with distance from the cluster center, M r r 1.7.  相似文献   

We study the growth of the masses of neutron stars in binary systems due to the accumulation of mass from the optical donors accreted onto the neutron-star surface. Possible scenarios for this accretion are considered. The masses and magnetic-field strengths of radio pulsars derived using population-synthesis methods are compared to the observational data. The population-synthesis analysis indicates that a neutron star can increase its mass from the standard value of m x ? 1.35M to the Oppenheimer-Volkoff limit, m x ? 2.5M, via accretion from a companion.  相似文献   

The results of a systematic analysis of master radial-velocity curves for the X-ray binary 4U 1700-37 are presented. The dependence of the mass of the X-ray component on the mass of the optical component is derived in a Roche model based on a fit of the master radial-velocity curve. The parameters of the optical star are used to estimate the mass of the compact object in three ways. The masses derived based on information about the surface gravity of the optical companion and various observational data are 2.25 ?0.24 +0.23 M and 2.14 ?0.56 +0.50 M. The masses based on the radius of the optical star, 21.9R, are 1.76 ?0.21 +0.20 M and 1.65 ?0.56 +0.78 M. The mass of the optical component derived from the mass-luminosity relation for X-ray binaries, 27.4M, yields masses for the compact object of 1.41 ?0.08 + M and 1.35 ?0.18 +0.18 M.  相似文献   

The evolution of Population I stars with initial masses 60 M M ZAMS ≤ 120 M is computed up to the Wolf-Rayet stage, when the central helium abundance decreases to Y c ≈ 0.05. Several models from evolutionary sequences in the core helium-burning stage were used as initial conditions when solving the equations of radiative hydrodynamics for self-exciting stellar radial pulsations. The low-density envelope surrounding the compact core during the core helium burning is unstable against radial oscillations in a wide range of effective temperatures extending to T eff ~ 105 K. The e-folding time of the amplitude growth is comparable to the dynamical time scale of the star, and, when the instability ceases growing, the radial displacement of the outer layers is comparable to the stellar radius. Evolutionary changes of the stellar radius and luminosity are accompanied by a decrease in the amplitude of radial pulsations, but, at the effective temperature T eff ≈ 105 K, the stellar oscillations are still nonlinear, with a maximum expansion velocity of the outer layers of about one-third the local escape velocity. The period of the radial oscillations decreases from 9 hr to 4 min as stellar mass decreases from M = 28 M to M = 6 M in the course of evolution. The nonlinear oscillations lead to a substantial increase of the radii of the Lagrangian mass zones compared to their equilibrium radii throughout the instability region. The instability of Wolf-Rayet stars against radial oscillations is due to the action of the κ mechanism in the iron-group ionization zone, which has a temperature of T ~ 2 × 105 K.  相似文献   

A series of dynamical models of the Galaxy is constructed assuming that the entire disk is near the gravitational-stability limit. This imposes constraints on the dynamical and kinematic parameters of the main subsystems (the disk, bulge, and halo). The disk surface density in the solar neighborhood should not exceed 58 M/pc2. Further, we find that the observed local decrease in the rotational velocity at 6 kpc ? r ? 10 kpc is not associated with details of the radial distribution of matter in the Galaxy and instead results from dynamical processes or some other factors responsible for noncircular motions. It follows from the presence of a long-lived bar and the observed distribution of the stellar-velocity dispersion that the central maximum in the rotation curve at radius r ? 300 pc cannot be associated with a very concentrated bulge core. The best agreement between the observational data and the parameters of the dynamical models is achieved for a radial disk scale length of L ? 3 kpc. The relative contribution of the disk to the circular rotational velocity at r = 2.2L is 73%.  相似文献   

New bio-adsorbent carbon materials were synthesized from the leaves and veins of Mucuna pruriens and Manihot esculenta plants, which are locally available in abundance. The synthesized carbons were activated using 0.01N HNO3. Surface area of the activated carbons from M. pruriens and M. esculenta plants was found to be quite high, i.e., 918 and 865 m2/g, respectively. Scanning electron microscopy analysis of the carbons reflects complex disorganized surface structures of different open pore sizes, shapes and dimensions. These properties of the newly synthesized activated carbons led to the development of a sand-supported carbon column, for its possible use in the removal of coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli (E. Coli) from raw water samples. The removal percentage of E. coli was found to be 100% with both the types of carbon adsorbents, as confirmed from the McCardy most probable number table. Similarly, the removal percentage of coliform bacteria was found to be 99 and 98.7% by M. pruriens and M. esculenta carbon columns, respectively. These activated carbons synthesized from locally available plants possess the characteristics of good low-cost adsorbents which can be easily used for the removal of bacteria from water by adsorption method.  相似文献   

We have obtained the first estimates of the masses of the components of the Her X-1/HZ Her X-ray binary system taking into account non-LTE effects in the formation of the H γ absorption line: m x = 1.8 M and m v = 2.5 M . These mass estimates were made in a Roche model based on the observed radial-velocity curve of the optical star, HZ Her. The masses for the X-ray pulsar and optical star obtained for an LTE model lie are m x = 0.85 ± 0.15 M and m v = 1.87 ± 0.13 M . These mass estimates for the components of Her X-1/HZ Her derived from the radial-velocity curve should be considered tentative. Further mass estimates from high-precision observations of the orbital variability of the absorption profiles in a non-LTE model for the atmosphere of the optical component should be made.  相似文献   

Orbital-period variations of the eclipsing binaries FK Aql and FZ Del are analyzed. For each of the systems, a superposition of two cyclic variations of their orbital periods is found. FK Aql may be a quadruple system that contains two more bodies, besides the eclipsing binary, with masses M 3 ? 1.75M and M 4 ? 1.47M , and the corresponding periods 15 and 82 yrs. This could also be a triple system with a third body of mass M 3 ? 1.75M and a period of the long-period orbit P 3 = 15 yrs, or with a third body of mass M 3 ? 1.30M and a period of the long-period orbit P 3 = 82 yrs. FZ Del may be a quadruple system with the additional componentmasses M 3 ? 0.2M and M 4 ? 0.3M , with the periods 10.2 and 53.7 yrs. This could also be a triple system with a third-body mass M 3 ? 0.2M and a period of the long-period orbit P 3 = 10.2 yrs. In both systems, the residual period variations could be due to magnetic cycles of the secondary. The period variations of the eclipsing binary FZ Del could also be due to apsidal motion, together with the influence of a third body or the effects of magnetic activity.  相似文献   

We consider the formation of massive stars under the assumption that a young star accretes material from the protostellar cloud through its accretion disk while losing gas in the polar directions via its stellar wind. The mass of the star reaches its maximum when the intensity of the gradually strengthening stellar wind of the young star becomes equal to the accretion rate. We show that the maximum mass of the forming stars increases with the temperature of gas in the protostellar cloud T 0, since the rate at which the protostellar matter is accreted increases with T 0. Numerical modeling indicates that the maximum mass of the forming stars increases to ~900 M for T 0 ~ 300 K. Such high temperatures of the protostellar gas can be reached either in dense star-formation regions or in the vicinity of bright active galactic nuclei. It is also shown that, the lower the abundance of heavy elements in the initial stellar material Z, the larger the maximum mass of the star, since the mass-loss rate due to the stellar wind decreases with decreasing Z. This suggests that supermassive stars with masses up to 106 M could be formed at early stages in the evolution of the Universe, in young galaxies that are almost devoid of heavy elements. Under the current conditions, for T 0 = (30–100) K, the maximum mass of a star can reach ~100M , as is confirmed by observations. Another opportunity for the most massive stars to increase their masses emerges in connection with the formation and early stages of evolution of the most massive close binary systems: the most massive stars can be produced either by coalescence of the binary components or via mass transfer in such systems.  相似文献   

We analyze models for quasi-stationary, ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) with luminosities 1038–1040 erg/s exceeding the Eddington limit for a ~1.4M neutron star. With the exception of relatively rare stationary ULXs that are associated with supernova remnants or background quasars, most ULXs are close binary systems containing a massive stellar black hole (BH) that accretes matter donated by a stellar companion. To explain the observed luminosities of ~1040 erg/s, the mass of the BH must be ~40M if the accreted matter is helium and ~60M if the accreted matter has the solar chemical composition. We consider donors in the form of main-sequence stars, red giants, red supergiants, degenerate helium dwarfs, heavy disks that are the remnants of disrupted degenerate dwarfs, helium nondegenerate stars, and Wolf-Rayet stars. The most common ULXs in galaxies with active star formation are BHs with Roche-lobe-filling main-sequence companions with masses ~7M or close Wolf-Rayet companions, which support the required mass-exchange rate via their strong stellar winds. The most probable candidate ULXs in old galaxies are BHs surrounded by massive disks and close binaries containing a BH and degenerate helium-dwarf, red-giant, or red-supergiant donor.  相似文献   

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