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We consider perturbations in interstellar gas excited by the gravitational field of the spiral-density wave that is responsible for the Galactic arms, taking into account thermal effects. Under the conditions of fairly efficient cooling, the reaction of the gas to the perturbing field is non-trivial: the thickness of the gaseous layer is reduced in the region of the Galactic disk where the density of the gas is enhanced. We call this effect “self-focusing,” and explain it using observational results for the Galactic radio emission in the 21 cm line. Under our assumptions, we find the control parameter (δ) governing the relationship between perturbations of the thickness of the gaseous disk and the gas density in the vicinity of the Galactic equator, i.e., this parameter shows whether the correlation between these quantities is positive or negative, and provides important additional information on the thermal properties of the medium. It can be used as a diagnostic in joint studies of Galactic structure and large-scale features of the interstellar gas. Estimates for the typical Galactic parameters show that the effect of self-focusing should be clearly manifest in the Galaxy.  相似文献   

A model for the dust envelope of the protoplanetary nebula LSIV-12°111 is computed using measured fluxes of the object from the UV to the far-IR. It is assumed that the spherically symmetrical envelope is comprised of silicate particles with a standard MRN size distribution, whose number density varies inversely proportional to the square of the distance. The optical depth of the envelope, whose inner boundary is 5.6×1016 cm from the central star, is 0.072 at 0.55 µm. The temperature of the dust grains at the inner boundary of the envelope is 124 K. The estimated distance to LSIV-12°111 is 3.8 kpc. The current mass-loss rate of the object derived from a self-consistent solution for the radiative transport and motion of the dust in the envelope is 1.0×10?5M/yr.  相似文献   

Grimshaw  R.  Yuan  C. 《Natural Hazards》2016,84(2):493-511
Although tsunamis in the deep ocean are very long waves of quite small amplitudes, as they propagate shorewards into shallow water, nonlinearity becomes important and the structure of the leading waves depends on the polarity of the incident wave from the deep ocean. In this paper, we use a variable-coefficient Korteweg–de Vries equation to examine this issue, for an initial wave which is either elevation, or depression, or a combination of each. We show that the leading waves can be described by a reduction of the Whitham modulation theory to a solitary wave train. We find that for an initial elevation, the leading waves are elevation solitary waves with an amplitude which varies inversely with the depth, with a pre-factor which is twice the maximum amplitude in the initial wave. By contrast, for an initial depression, the leading wave is a depression rarefaction wave, followed by a solitary wave train whose maximum amplitude of the leading wave is determined by the square root of the mass in the initial wave.  相似文献   

Observational data on the evolution of quasars and galaxies of various morphological types and numerical simulations carried out by various groups are used to argue that low-redshift (z < 0.5) quasars of types I and II, identified with massive elliptical and spiral galaxies with classical bulges, cannot be undergoing a single, late phase of activity; i.e., their activity cannot be “primordial,” and must have “flared up” at multiple times in the past. This means that their appearance at low z is associated with recurrence of their activity—i.e., with major mergers of gas-rich galaxies (so-called wet major mergers)—since their lifetimes in the active phase do not exceed a few times 107 yrs. Only objects we have referred to earlier as AGN III, which are associated with the nuclei of isolated, late-type spiral galaxies with low-mass, rapidly-rotating “pseudobulges,” could represent primordial AGNs at low z. The black holes in such galaxies have masses M BH < 107 M , and the peculiarities of their nuclear spectra suggest that they may have very high specific rotational angular momenta per unit mass. Type I narrow-line (widths less than 2000 km/s) Seyfert galaxies (NLSyIs) with pseudobulges and black-hole masses M BH < 107 M may be characteristic representatives of the AGN III population. Since NLSyI galaxies have pseudobulges while Type I broad-line Seyfert galaxies have classical bulges, these two types of galaxies cannot represent different evolutionary stages of a single type of object. It is possible that the precursors of NLSyIs are “Population A” quasars.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of spectrophotometric observations of the latest cycle of activity of the symbiotic binary Z And from 2006 to 2010. We estimate the temperature of the hot component of Z And to be ≈150 000−170 000 K at minimum brightness, decreasing to ≈90 000 K at the brightness maximum. Our estimate of the electron density in the gaseous nebula is N e = 1010−1012 cm−3 in the region of formation of lines of neutral helium and N e = 106−107 cm−3 in the region of formation of the [OIII] and [NeIII] nebular lines. A trend for the gas density derived from helium lines to increase and the gas density derived from [OIII] and [NeIII] lines to simultaneously decrease with increasing brightness of the system was observed. Our estimates show that the ratios of the theoretical and observed fluxes in the [OIII] and [NeIII] lines agree best when the O/Ne ratio is similar to its value for planetary nebulae. The model spectral energy distribution showed that, in addition to a cool component and gaseous nebula, a relatively cool pseudophotosphere (5250–11 500 K) is present in the system. The simultaneous presence of a relatively cool pseudophotosphere and high-ionization spectral lines is probably related to a disk-like structure of the pseudophotosphere. The pseudophotosphere formed very rapidly—over several weeks—during a period of increasing brightness of Z And. We infer that in 2009, as in 2006, the activity of the system was accompanied by a collimated bipolar ejection of matter (jets). In contrast to the situation in 2006, the jets were detected even before the system reached its maximum brightness. Moreover, components with velocities close to 1200 km/s disappeared at the maximum, while those with velocities close to 1800 km/s appeared.  相似文献   

This paper continues a series of studies on three-dimensional hydrodynamical modeling of mass transfer in the binary system β Lyr. The model takes into account the stellar wind from the donor star, which outflows at a rate of , as demonstrated by radio observations. This stellar wind should appreciably influence the formation of the envelope in the binary. Computations have shown that the interaction of the matter flow from the Lagrangian point L1 and the accretor wind leads to the formation of an optically and geometrically thick gaseous envelope around the accretor. The matter flow meets the accretor wind, spreads out, accumulates over the outer edge of the wind, and forms a geometrically thick envelope (disk). The wind flows freely at the center of the disk, over the accretor poles. Jet-like structures arise beyond the wind-propagation region, above the thick accretion disk. The matter flowing from the outer edge of the disk interacts with the donor wind, leading to the formation of a standing shock between L1 and the outer edge of the disk, in the direction corresponding to orbital phase 0.25. This shock is able to explain the origin of the X-ray radiation from the binary β Lyr.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report that the ratio of broadband energy (0.01?C2?Hz) to high-frequency energy (0.3?C2?Hz), E r, estimated from regional seismograms of India, might be a useful parameter in estimating tsunami potential of earthquakes in the Sumatra?CAndaman region. E r is expected to be sensitive to the depth as well as to the source characteristics of an earthquake. Since a shallow and slow earthquake has a greater tsunamigenic potential, E r may be a useful diagnostic parameter. We base our analysis on broadband seismograms of the great earthquakes of Sumatra?CAndaman (2004, M w?~?9.2) and Nias (2005, M w 8.6), 41 of their aftershocks, and the earthquakes of north Sumatra (2010, M w 7.8) and Nicobar (2010, M w 7.4) recorded at VISK, a station located on the east coast of India. In the analysis, we also included the two recent, great strike-slip earthquakes of north Sumatra (2012, M w 8.6, 8.2) recorded at VISK and three south Sumatra earthquakes (2007, M w 8.5; 2007, M w 7.9; 2010, M w 7.8) recorded at PALK, a station in Sri Lanka. We find that E r is a function of depth; shallower earthquakes have higher E r values than the deeper ones. Thus, E r may be indicative of tsunamigenic potential of an earthquake. As M w and E r increase so does the tsunami potential. In addition to the parameter E r, the radiated seismic energy, E s, may be estimated from the regional seismograms in India using empirical Green??s function technique. The technique yields reliable E s for the great Sumatra and Nias earthquakes. E r and E s computed from VISK data, along with M w and focal mechanism, may be useful in estimating tsunami potential along the east coast of India from earthquakes in the Sumatra?CAndaman region in less than ~20?min.  相似文献   

Geodynamic status, seismo-tectonic environment, and geophysical signatures of the Bay of Bengal do not support the occurrence of seismogenic tsunami. Since thrust fault and its intensity and magnitude of rupture are the key tectonic elements of tsunamigenic seismic sources, the study reveals that such characteristics of fault-rupture and seismic sources do not occur in most of the Bay of Bengal except a small segment in the Andaman–Nicobar subduction zone. The inferred segment of the Andaman–Nicobar subduction zone is considered for generating a model of the deformation field arising from fluid-driven source. The model suggests local tsunami with insignificant inundation potential along the coast of northern Bay of Bengal. The bathymetric profile and the sea floor configuration of the northern Bay of Bengal play an important role in flattening the waveform through defocusing process. The direction of motion of the Indian plate makes an angle of about 30° with the direction of the opening of Andaman Sea. The opening of Andaman Sea and the direction of plate motion of the Indian plate results in the formation of Andaman trench where the subducting plate dives more obliquely than that in the Sunda trench in the south. The oblique subduction reduces significantly the possibilities of dominant thrust faulting in the Andaman subduction zone. Further, north of Andaman subduction in the Bengal–Arakan coast, there is no active subduction. On the otherhand, much greater volume of sediments (in excess of 20 km) in the Bengal–Arakan segment reduces the possibilities of mega rupture of the ocean floor. The water depth (≈1,000 m) along most of the northern Bay of Bengal plate margin is not optimum for any significant tsunami generation. Hence, very weak possibility of any significant tsunami is suggested that based on the interpretation of geodynamic status, seismo-tectonic environment, and geophysical signatures of the Andaman subduction zone and the Bengal–Arakan coast.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to review the formation mechanism and restorative measures of the black-soil-type degraded grassland ecosystem of the source area of Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The relationship among plants, animals, soil, climate change, human activity and the black-soil-type degraded grassland was analyzed based on a review of literature and report of previous investigations conducted by the authors. Degradation of the black-soil-type grassland was caused by a set of complex factors such as altitude range, district characteristics and weather conditions, which existed for a long period of time. Livestock overgrazing and climate dryness were the dominant factors that caused the degradation of the grassland in question. In addition, damages done by rodents, especially pikas (Ochotona curzoniae), via burrowing through the turf and gnawing at herbs have sped up the formation process of the degradation of the black-soil-type grassland. Furthermore, with the inflation of the population in the last 20 years, the influence of human activity on grassland degradation cannot be neglected. Based on the different successive stages of degradation of the black-soil-type grassland ecosystem, different restorative measures were suggested. The lightly and moderately degraded grasslands should be kept away from disturbance, such as fencing closure, weeding, fertilizing, using rodenticide, decreasing stocking rate, optimizing population structure stocked and slaughter ages; whereas the artificial and semi-artificial grassland establishment required to restore ecosystems should be applied to heavily and extremely degraded grasslands.  相似文献   

Recent experimental studies have shown that the rates of Al–Si order-disorder and interdiffusion in alkali feldspars at high pressures under dry conditions increase dramatically in the approximate pressure range 7–14 kb, depending on temperature and feldspar composition (Goldsmith 1987, 1988). Enhancement of Al–Si interdiffusion rates is ascribed to the involvement of hydrogen, but the species of hydrogen involved is undetermined.A simple kinetic analysis of the data of Goldsmith (1987) on disordering of dry albite at 800°–950° C and 6–24 kb in the solid media press is consistent with the NaCl pressure cell acting as a proton donor by enhancing dissociation of water in the pressure medium, generating a high in the experimental environment. The rate constant for disordering of albite is found to increase linearly with the estimated experimental and with the density of aqueous salt solution, implicating H+ as the rate-enhancing species.Further experimental studies confirm the importance of . At 16 kb and 850° C, dry albite in sealed Pt capsules in a NaCl cell containing tantalum powder (which reduces H2O to H2) remains highly ordered over the same time that complete disordering would occur in the absence of Ta. H2 cannot therefore be the rate-enhancing species. At 1 kb and 850° C, the extent of Al–Si disorder in albite in direct contact with various NaCl–H2O solutions increases from partially disordered for pure H2O to completely disordered for saturated aqueous NaCl solution, giving strong support to the proton model. SIMS scanning ion imaging of albite run products demonstrates conclusively that solution-reprecipitation is not responsible for enhanced disordering rates.Results of disordering experiments in the solid media apparatus cannot be duplicated in Ar gas media internally-heated pressure vessels, even with the same experimental configuration around the albite-bearing capsules, due to the different proton-buffering capacities of the solid and gas media apparatus.  相似文献   

We present a “combined” model taking into account visual manifestations of the interaction between the gas flow and the accretion disk in a close binary system in the form of a “hot line” and a “hot spot.” The binary consists of a red dwarf that fills its Roche lobe and a compact spherical star (a white dwarf or neutron star) surrounded with a thick ellipsoidal accretion disk of a complex shape. The disk thickness is not large near the compact star but increases according to a parabolic law towards its outer edge. The oblique collision of the gaseous flow with matter of the cool, rotating disk, whose outer edge has a temperature <10 000 K, creates an extended region of enhanced energy release. In the combined model, this region is represented with a hot line that coincides with the optically opaque part of the flow and is located outside the disk, together with a hot spot at the outer surface of the disk, on the leeward side of the flow. The synthetic light curves for the combinedmodel and a hot-line model demonstrate that both models are able to fairly accurately reproduce the shapes of both classical and atypical light curves of cataclysmic variables in quiescence. Our determination of the parameters of the cataclysmic variable OY Car from an analysis of its light curves using the two models shows that the basic characteristics of the close binary, such as the component mass ratio q = M 1/M 2, orbital inclination i, effective temperatures of the red dwarf (T 2) and white dwarf (T 1), and orientation of the disk α e , remain the same within the errors. The parameters describing the size of the slightly elliptical disk and the radiation flux from the disk differ by several percent (∼ 2–8%). A more significant difference is detected in the parameters of the hot line, due to the different shape and alignment of the flow and the presence of an additional radiation source—the hot spot—on the disk.  相似文献   

The flood events observed during last years in the urban areas are subject of main interest for quantification of the hydro-climatic risks and climatic change to the regional scales. The establishment of a statistical relationship between the intensities of intense rains and the recurrence of these events allows us to determine the dimensions of the works according to a previously defined level of risk. They constitute today a leading tool for various users. This work concerns the study of the maximum annual rains, recorded at 49 stations in the northern Algeria. The objectives of this work are to determine the estimators who are the “intensity-duration-frequency” curves and to extract from these whole of information the b Montana climatic parameter to be regionalized for the calculating the river flow and for the dimensioning of the networks of cleansing in the event of insufficiency of data. Different durations going from 15 min to 24 h are studied. We utilised the collocated co-kriging as multivariate estimation method for interpolation in order to yield the space distribution maps of b Montana climatic parameter, with the benefit of using spatially correlated secondary variables, such as the digital elevation model and the distance from the coastline that are known at any localisation. All features led to choose the digital elevation model as covariate for interpolating b Montana values, yielding a better regionalisation of the studied climatic parameter. The geostatistical handling of b Montana values strictly related to auxiliary variables that constitute physical factors overcomes the data shortage in planning, managing and preventing the rain flood risk.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1735-1743
According to this article, there has been no extensive thrusting in the May range. On the basis of a study of the internal structure of the Silurian formations, which are found to be a rootless "allochthon," it is suggested that Middle Paleozoic uplifts were formed with abbreviated sections. The edges of these uplifts have indeed been overthrust on younger rocks (Middle Devonian to Middle Carboniferous) and thus form the elements of an imbricate thrust, not a nappe structure. — Author.  相似文献   

Acta Geologica Sinica (hereinafter referred to as the Acta) starting publication in 1922, is a quaterly academia periodical sponsored by the Geological Society of China (GSC). It has been one of the science and technology periodicals in China with the longest history.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the orbital light curve of the X-ray nova XTE J1118+480 in a “disk + hot line” model based on three-dimensional gas-dynamical computations of gas flows in interacting binary systems. As a result, we have been able to derive reliable parameters for the system: i = 80 ?4 +4 degrees, MBH = 7.1 ?0.1 +0.5 M, M opt = 0.39 ?0.07 +0.15 M.  相似文献   

Xu  Wen-Jie  Zhou  Qian  Dong  Xue-Yang 《Acta Geotechnica》2022,17(6):2121-2137
Acta Geotechnica - Landslide tsunamis are complex fluid–solid coupling processes that often cause enormous catastrophes. In this study, the smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) and discrete...  相似文献   

Natural catastrophes could damage island biodiversity and ecosystems, and their effects could become devastating if combined with human disturbances. In this study, we determined the effects of the tsunami occurred in Robinson Crusoe Island (Chile) on 27 February 2010 on an endangered soil–plant system. Using data of endemic Cabbage Trees (Dendroseris litoralis Skottsb.) and soil attributes taken before and after the 2010 event, we developed thematic maps to assess the changes in population size and soil substrate of Cabbage Trees caused by the tsunami. We determined that from 153 pre-tsunami (2009) standing Cabbage Trees, only 66 (43 %) survived in 2011, mostly in elevations above 25 m a.s.l. Before the tsunami, 86 (56 %) of Cabbage Trees were established in humus-rich soil sites whereas after the tsunami, this number declined to 53 (35 %). These results represent the first report of a severe population decline after a tsunami and indicate that tsunamis are an important source of species extinction in small oceanic islands not only by reducing the population size but also by reducing the quality of sites for plant growth.  相似文献   

Volcanic rocks in seamounts of the South China Sea consist mainly of alkali basalt, tholeiitic basalt, trachyandesitic pumice, dacite, etc. Inclusions in the minerals of the volcanic rocks are mainly amorphous melt inclusions, which reflects that the volcanic rocks are characterized by submarine eruption and rapid cooling on the seafloor. Furthermore, fluid-melt inclusions have been discovered for the first time in alkali basalts and mantle-derived xenoliths. indicating a process of differentiation between magma and fluid in the course of mantle partial melting. Alkali basalts and inclusions may have been formed in this nonhomogeneous system. Rock-forming temperatures of four seamounts were estimated as follows: the Zhongnan seamount alkali basalt 1155 ∼ 1185 °C; the Xianbei seamount alkali basalt 960 ∼ 1200 °C; tholeiitic basalt 1040 ∼ 1230 °C; the Daimao seamount tholeiitic basalt 1245 ∼ 1280 °C; and the Jianfeng seamount trachyandestic pumice 880 ∼ 1140 °C. Equilibrium pressures of alkali basalts in the Zhongnan and Xianbei seamounts are 13.57 and 8.8 × 108 Pa, respectively. Pyroxene equilibrium temperatures of mantle xenoliths from the Xianbei seamount were estimated at 1073 ∼ 1121 °C, and pressures at (15.58 ∼ 22.47)×108Pa, suggesting a deep-source (e.g. the asthenosphere) for the alkali basalts. This project was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Guangzhou Marine Geology Survey.  相似文献   

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