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Model diagnostic analyses help to improve the understanding of hydrological processes and their representation in hydrological models. A detailed temporal analysis detects periods of poor model performance and model components with potential for model improvements, which cannot be found by analysing the whole discharge time series. In this study, we aim to improve the understanding of hydrological processes by investigating the temporal dynamics of parameter sensitivity and of model performance for the Soil and Water Assessment Tool model applied to the Treene lowland catchment in Northern Germany. The temporal analysis shows that the parameter sensitivity varies temporally with high sensitivity for three groundwater parameters (groundwater time delay, baseflow recession constant and aquifer fraction coefficient) and one evaporation parameter (soil evaporation compensation factor). Whereas the soil evaporation compensation factor dominates in baseflow and resaturation periods, groundwater time delay, baseflow recession constant and aquifer fraction coefficient are dominant in the peak and recession phases. The temporal analysis of model performance identifies three clusters with different model performances, which can be related to different phases of the hydrograph. The lowest performance, when comparing six performance measures, is detected for the baseflow cluster. A spatially distributed analysis for six hydrological stations within the Treene catchment shows similar results for all stations. The linkage of periods with poor model performance to the dominant model components in these phases and with the related hydrological processes shows that the groundwater module has the highest potential for improvement. This temporal diagnostic analysis enhances the understanding of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool model and of the dominant hydrological processes in the lowland catchment. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The current generation of hydrological models has been widely criticized for their inability to adequately simulate hydrological processes. In this study, we evaluate competing model representations of hydrological processes with respect to their capability to simulate observed processes in the Mahurangi River basin in Northland, New Zealand. In the first part of this two‐part series, the precipitation, soil moisture, and flow data in the Mahurangi were used to estimate the dominant hydrological processes and explore several options for their suitable mathematical representation. In this paper, diagnostic tests are applied to gain several insights for model selection. The analysis highlights dominant hydrological processes (e.g. the importance of vertical drainage and baseflow compared to sub‐surface stormflow), provides guidance for the choice of modelling approaches (e.g. implicitly representing sub‐grid heterogeneity in soils), and helps infer appropriate values for model parameters. The approach used in this paper demonstrates the benefits of flexible model structures in the context of hypothesis testing, in particular, supporting a more systematic exploration of current ambiguities in hydrological process representation. The challenge for the hydrological community is to make better use of the available data, not only to estimate parameter values but also to diagnostically identify more scientifically defensible model structures. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the spatial and temporal variability of the hydrological response in a small Mediterranean catchment (Cal Rodó). The first part of the analysis focuses on the rainfall–runoff relationship at seasonal and monthly scale, using an 8‐year data set. Then, using storm‐flow volume and coefficient, the temporal variability of the rainfall–runoff relationship and its relationship with several hydrological variables are analysed at the event scale from hydrographs observed over a 3‐year period. Finally, the spatial non‐linearity of the hydrological response is examined by comparing the Cal Rodó hydrological response with the Can Vila sub‐catchment response at the event scale. Results show that, on a seasonal and monthly scale, there is no simple relationship between rainfall and runoff depths, and that evapotranspiration is a factor that introduced some non‐linearity in the rainfall–runoff relationship. The analysis of monthly values also reveals the existence of a threshold in the relationship between rainfall and runoff depths, denoting a more contrasted hydrological response than the one usually observed in humid catchments. At the event scale, the storm‐flow coefficient has a clear seasonal pattern with an alternance between a wet period, when the catchment is hydrologically responsive, and a dry summer period, when the catchment is much less reactive to any rainfall. The relationship between the storm‐flow coefficient and rainfall depth, rainfall maximum intensity and base‐flow shows that observed correlations are the same as those observed for humid conditions, even if correlation coefficients are notably lower. Comparison with the Can Vila sub‐catchment highlights the spatial heterogeneity of the rainfall‐runoff relationship at the small catchment scale. Although interpretation in terms of runoff processes remains delicate, heterogeneities between the two catchments seem to be related to changes in the ratio between infiltration excess and saturation processes in runoff formation. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydrological scientists develop perceptual models of the catchments they study, using field measurements and observations to build an understanding of the dominant processes controlling the hydrological response. However, conceptual and numerical models used to simulate catchment behaviour often fail to take advantage of this knowledge. It is common instead to use a pre‐defined model structure which can only be fitted to the catchment via parameter calibration. In this article, we suggest an alternative approach where different sources of field data are used to build a synthesis of dominant hydrological processes and hence provide recommendations for representing those processes in a time‐stepping simulation model. Using analysis of precipitation, flow and soil moisture data, recommendations are made for a comprehensive set of modelling decisions, including Evapotranspiration (ET) parameterization, vertical drainage threshold and behaviour, depth and water holding capacity of the active soil zone, unsaturated and saturated zone model architecture and deep groundwater flow behaviour. The second article in this two‐part series implements those recommendations and tests the capability of different model sub‐components to represent the observed hydrological processes. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The lower Araguás catchment, central Pyrenees, is characterized by extensive badlands (25% of the total catchment), whereas the upper catchment is covered by dense plantation forest. The catchment (45 ha) has been monitored since October 2005 with the aim of studying its hydrological response. The 44 floods recorded over this period were analysed to identify the factors that control the rainfall—runoff relationship. The first relevant feature of the catchment was its responsiveness. The catchment reacted to all rainfall events, but the irregular nature of the hydrological response was the most characteristic feature of the response. No single variable could explain the response of the Araguás catchment. It was found that stormflow coefficients mainly depend on the combination of rainfall volume and antecedent baseflow. A significant correlation was observed between maximum rainfall intensity and peak flow values. The shapes of the different hydrographs are very similar, regardless of the peak flow magnitude; they show a short time lag, relatively narrow peak flow, and steep recession limb. This indicates a large contribution by overland flow, resulting mainly from the generation of infiltration excess runoff in badland areas.  相似文献   

It is critical to understand and quantify the temporal and spatial variability in hillslope hydrological data in order to advance hillslope hydrological studies, evaluate distributed parameter hydrological models, analyse variability in hydrological response of slopes and design efficient field data sampling networks. The spatial and temporal variability of field‐measured pore‐water pressures in three residual soil slopes in Singapore was investigated using geostatistical methods. Parameters of the semivariograms, namely the range, sill and nugget effect, revealed interesting insights into the spatial structure of the temporal situation of pore‐water pressures in the slopes. While informative, mean estimates have been shown to be inadequate for modelling purposes, indicator semivariograms together with mean prediction by kriging provide a better form of model input. Results also indicate that significant temporal and spatial variability in pore‐water pressures exists in the slope profile and thereby induces variability in hydrological response of the slope. Spatial and temporal variability in pore‐water pressure decreases with increasing soil depth. The variability decreases during wet conditions as the slope approaches near saturation and the variability increases with high matric suction development following rainfall periods. Variability in pore‐water pressures is greatest at shallow depths and near the slope crest and is strongly influenced by the combined action of microclimate, vegetation and soil properties. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sensitivity analyses are valuable tools for identifying important model parameters, testing the model conceptualization, and improving the model structure. They help to apply the model efficiently and to enable a focussed planning of future research and field measurement. Two different methods were used for sensitivity analyses of the complex process-oriented model TACD (tracer aided catchment model, distributed) that was applied to the meso-scale Brugga basin (40 km2) and the sub-basin St Wilhelmer Talbach (15.2 km2). Five simulations periods were investigated: two summer events, two snow melt induced events and one summer low flow period. The model was applied using 400 different parameter sets, which were generated by Monte Carlo simulations using latin hypercube sampling. The regional sensitivity analysis (RSA) allowed determining the most significant parameters for the complete simulation periods using a graphical method. The results of the regression-based sensitivity analysis were more detailed and complex. The temporal variability of the simulation sensitivity could be observed continuously and the significance of the parameters could be determined in a quantitative way. A dependency of the simulation sensitivity on initial- and boundary conditions and the temporal and spatial variability of the sensitivity to some model parameters was revealed by the regression-based sensitivity analysis. Thus, the difficulty of transferring the results to different time periods or model applications in other catchments became obvious. The analysis of the temporal course of the simulation sensitivity to parameter values in conjunction with simulated and measured additional data sets (precipitation, temperature, reservoir volumes etc.) gave further insight into the internal model behaviour and demonstrated the plausibility of the model structure and process conceptionalizations.  相似文献   

The foF2 data obtained at Alma-Ata and Observatorio Del Ebro during the winter/spring of 2003–2004 are analyzed to compare and investigate the upper ionosphere variability at the two selected sites. The geomagnetic activity and the middle stratosphere dynamics, involving planetary wave (PW) activity, are analyzed for understanding the physical conditions and processes that can explain the observed ionospheric variability. By applying the same method of wavelet analysis to the data sets and doing a direct comparison of the results, two types of foF2 disturbances were found. The first type is 2–7-day oscillations, which appeared during periods of increased geomagnetic activity. The second type is oscillations arising from PW activity in the lower atmosphere. These consist of (1) 6–11-day oscillations arising from PW activity in lower atmospheric regions developed during the final stratosphere warming and indicating the timing of the transition from the winter to the summer circulation and (2) 9–13-day and 8–10-day oscillations mostly during the quiet level of geomagnetic activity, indicating a likely close relation with those in the geopotential height at the 1 hPa level for westward-propagating waves at 40°N, which strengthened during stratosphere warming events in January 2004. The time delay of the oscillations in the ΔfoF2 with respect to those in the geopotential height is about 10 days and it seems that the assumed ionosphere response can occur under weakened eastward zonal wind or relatively weak westward zonal wind (V<30 m s−1).  相似文献   

Technological and methodological advances have facilitated tremendous growth in hydrology during the last century; however, there are also concerns that these advances indirectly contribute to additional problems in our research. An insight into hydrologic literature reveals our tendency to develop more complex models than perhaps needed, and our increasing emphasis on individual mathematical techniques rather than general hydrologic issues. Some recent studies of diverse forms have suggested that simplification in modeling and development of a common framework may help alleviate these problems. The present study is intended to bring such studies together towards a more coherent approach to research in catchment hydrology. This is done by highlighting the need for model simplification and generalization and proposing some potential directions for achieving such. Through a discussion of difficulties in data measurements, the need for moving beyond the notion of “modeling everything” to the notion of “capturing the essential features” is explained; the concept of dominant processes in model simplification and the utility of integration of concepts for modeling improvement are discussed. Formulation of a catchment classification framework is advocated as a possible means for a common framework in hydrology, and the role of dominant processes in this formulation is presented; the problems due to adoption of different modeling terminologies are highlighted and potential ways to overcome such are also discussed.  相似文献   

In humid tropical systems, the large intraseasonal and interannual variability of rainfall can significantly affect all components of the water balance. This variability and the lack of detailed hydrological and meteorological data in both temporal and spatial scales have created uncertainties regarding the closure of the water balance for the Amazon basin. Previous studies in Amazonian micro‐catchments suggested that both the unsaturated and groundwater system, which are not taken into consideration in basin‐wide water budgets published in the literature, play an important role in controlling the timing of runoff generation. In this paper, the components of the water balance and the variations in different storages within the system were examined using 3 years' data from a 6·58 km2 micro‐catchment in central Amazonia. The role and relative importance of the various stores were examined. The results show a strong memory effect in the groundwater system that carries over seasonal climate anomalies from one year to the next and affects the hydrological response well beyond the time span of the anomaly. In addition, the deep unsaturated zone was found to play a key role in reducing most of the intraseasonal variability and also affected the groundwater recharge. This memory effect is crucial for sustaining streamflow and evaporation in years with rainfall deficiency. The memory effect caused by storage in the groundwater and unsaturated systems may also prevent the closure of annual large‐scale water balances, which assume that storage returns to a standard state each year. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The hydrological model TOPMODEL is used to assess the water balance and describe flow paths for the 9·73 ha Lutz Creek Catchment in Central Panama. Monte Carlo results are evaluated based on their fit to the observed hydrograph, catchment‐averaged soil moisture and stream chemistry. TOPMODEL, with a direct‐flow mechanism that is intended to route water through rapid shallow‐soil flow, matched observed chemistry and discharge better than the basic version of TOPMODEL and provided a reasonable fit to observed soil moisture and wet‐season discharge at both 15‐min and daily time‐steps. The improvement of simulations with the implementation of a direct‐flow component indicates that a storm flow path not represented in the original version of TOPMODEL plays a primary role in the response of Lutz Creek Catchment. This flow path may be consistent with the active and abundant pipeflow that is observed or delayed saturation overland flow. The ‘best‐accepted’ simulations from 1991 to 1997 indicate that around 41% of precipitation becomes direct flow and around 10% is saturation overland flow. Other field observations are needed to constrain evaporative and groundwater losses in the model and to characterize chemical end‐members posited in this paper. Published in 2004 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Digital elevation models (DEMs) at different resolutions (180, 360, and 720 m) are used to examine the impact of different levels of landscape representation on the hydrological response of a 690‐km2 catchment in southern Quebec. Frequency distributions of local slope, plan curvature, and drainage area are calculated for each grid size resolution. This landscape analysis reveals that DEM grid size significantly affects computed topographic attributes, which in turn explains some of the differences in the hydrological simulations. The simulations that are then carried out, using a coupled, process‐based model of surface and subsurface flow, examine the effects of grid size on both the integrated response of the catchment (discharge at the main outlet and at two internal points) and the distributed response (water table depth, surface saturation, and soil water storage). The results indicate that discharge volumes increase as the DEM is coarsened, and that coarser DEMs are also wetter overall in terms of water table depth and soil water storage. The reasons for these trends include an increase in the total drainage area of the catchment for larger DEM cell sizes, due to aggregation effects at the boundary cells of the catchment, and to a decrease in local slope and plan curvature variations, which in turn limits the capacity of the watershed to transmit water downslope and laterally. The results obtained also show that grid resolution effects are less pronounced during dry periods when soil moisture dynamics are mostly controlled by vertical fluxes of evaporation and percolation. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lars Nyberg 《水文研究》1996,10(1):89-103
The spatial variability of soil water content was investigated for a 6300 m2 covered catchment on the Swedish west coast. The catchment podzol soil is developed in a sandy—silty till with a mean depth of 43 cm and the dominant vegetation is Norway spruce. The acid precipitation is removed by a plastic roof and replaced with lake water irrigated under the tree canopies. On two occasions, in April and May 1993, TDR measurements were made at 57–73 points in the catchment using 15 and 30 cm long vertically installed probes. The water content pattern at the two dates, which occurred during a relatively dry period, were similar. The range of water content was large, from 5 to 60%. In May 1993 measurements also were made in areas of 10 × 10 m, 1 × 1 m and 0·2 × 0·2 m. The range and standard deviation for the 10 × 10 m area, which apart from a small-scale variability in soil hydraulic properties and fine root distribution also had a heterogeneous micro- and macro-topography, was similar to the range and standard deviation for the catchment. The 1 × 1 m and 0·2 × 0·2 m areas had considerably lower variability. Semi-variogram models for the water content had a range of influence of about 20 m. If data were paired in the east-–west direction the semi-variance reflected the topography of the central valley and had a maximum for data pairs with internal distances of 20–40 m. The correlation between soil water content and topographic index, especially when averaged for the eight topographically homogeneous subareas, indicated the macro-topography as the cause of a large part of the water content variability.  相似文献   

The variability of rainfall in space and time is an essential driver of many processes in nature but little is known about its extent on the sub‐kilometre scale, despite many agricultural and environmental experiments on this scale. A network of 13 tipping‐bucket rain gauges was operated on a 1·4 km2 test site in southern Germany for four years to quantify spatial trends in rainfall depth, intensity, erosivity, and predicted runoff. The random measuring error ranged from 10% to 0·1% in case of 1 mm and 100 mm rainfall, respectively. The wind effects could be well described by the mean slope of the horizon at the stations. Except for one station, which was excluded from further analysis, the relative differences due to wind were in maximum ±5%. Gradients in rainfall depth representing the 1‐km2 scale derived by linear regressions were much larger and ranged from 1·0 to 15·7 mm km?1 with a mean of 4·2 mm km?1 (median 3·3 mm km?1). They mainly developed during short bursts of rain and thus gradients were even larger for rain intensities and caused a variation in rain erosivity of up to 255% for an individual event. The trends did not have a single primary direction and thus level out on the long term, but for short‐time periods or for single events the assumption of spatially uniform rainfall is invalid on the sub‐kilometre scale. The strength of the spatial trend increased with rain intensity. This has important implications for any hydrological or geomorphologic process sensitive to maximum rain intensities, especially when focusing on large, rare events. These sub‐kilometre scale differences are hence highly relevant for environmental processes acting on short‐time scales like flooding or erosion. They should be considered during establishing, validating and application of any event‐based runoff or erosion model. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sanghyun Kim 《水文研究》2012,26(22):3434-3447
The vertical and lateral profiles of temporal variations in soil moisture are important for understanding the hydrological process along hillside transects. In this study, relationships among measured soil moistures were explored to configure the hydrological contributions of different flowpaths. All the measured soil moistures included a common stochastic structure because rainfall, the hydrometeological driver, is the main factor that determines the soil moisture response feature, and the infiltration process through the topsoil at a shallow depth is also common in all measured soil moisture histories. Therefore, the relationships between the measured series are also affected by both rainfall and topsoil infiltration. The common stochastic structure of the soil moisture series was removed via a prewhitening procedure. A systematic analysis procedure is presented to delineate the exclusive causal relationships among multiple soil moisture measurements. A monitoring system based on multiplexed time domain reflectometry was used to obtain soil moisture time series along two transects on a steep hillslope during the rainy season. The application of the proposed method for monitoring points in two adjacent locations provided 8, 12, 14, and 13, 16, 22 causal relationships for vertical, lateral in parallel, and diagonal directions, respectively, along the two transects. The point‐based contributions of the internal flowpath can be evaluated as the correlation is normalized in the context of inflow and outflow. The hydrological processes in the soil layer, vertical flow, lateral flow, downslope recharge, and return flow were quantified, and the relative importance of each hydrological component was determined to improve our understanding of the hydrological processes along the two transects of the study area. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Geochemically based hydrograph separation techniques were used in a preliminary assessment to infer how runoff processes change with landscape characteristics and spatial scale (1–233 km2) within a mesoscale catchment in upland Scotland. A two‐component end‐member mixing analysis (EMMA) used Gran alkalinity as an assumed conservative tracer. Analysis indicated that, at all scales investigated, acidic overland flow and shallow subsurface storm flows from the peaty soils covering the catchment headwaters dominated storm runoff generation. The estimated groundwater contribution to annual runoff varied from 30% in the smallest (ca 1 km2) peat‐dominated headwater catchment with limited groundwater storage, to >60% in larger catchments (>30 km2) with greater coverage of more freely draining soils and more extensive aquifers in alluvium and other drift. This simple approach offers a useful, integrated conceptualization of the hydrological functioning in a mesoscale catchment, which can be tested and further refined by focused modelling and process‐based research. However, even as it stands, the simple conceptualization of system behaviour will have significant utility as a tool for communicating hydrological issues in a range of planning and management decisions. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dust deposition onto mountain snow cover in the Upper Colorado River Basin frequently occurs in the spring when wind speeds and dust emission peaks on the nearby Colorado Plateau. Dust loading has increased since the intensive settlement in the western USA in the mid 1880s. The effects of dust‐on‐snow have been well studied at Senator Beck Basin Study Area (SBBSA) in the San Juan Mountains, CO, the first high‐altitude area of contact for predominantly southwesterly winds transporting dust from the southern Colorado Plateau. To capture variability in dust transport from the broader Colorado Plateau and dust deposition across a larger area of the Colorado River water sources, an additional study plot was established in 2009 on Grand Mesa, 150 km to the north of SBBSA in west central, CO. Here, we compare the 4‐year (2010–2013) dust source, deposition, and radiative forcing records at Grand Mesa Study Plot (GMSP) and Swamp Angel Study Plot (SASP), SBBSA's subalpine study plot. The study plots have similar site elevations/environments and differ mainly in the amount of dust deposited and ensuing impacts. At SASP, end of year dust concentrations ranged from 0.83 mg g?1 to 4.80 mg g?1, and daily mean spring dust radiative forcing ranged from 50–65 W m?2, advancing melt by 24–49 days. At GMSP, which received 1.0 mg g?1 less dust per season on average, spring radiative forcings of 32–50 W m?2 advanced melt by 15–30 days. Remote sensing imagery showed that observed dust events were frequently associated with dust emission from the southern Colorado Plateau. Dust from these sources generally passed south of GMSP, and back trajectory footprints modelled for observed dust events were commonly more westerly and northerly for GMSP relative to SASP. These factors suggest that although the southern Colorado Plateau contains important dust sources, dust contributions from other dust sources contribute to dust loading in this region, and likely account for the majority of dust loading at GMSP. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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