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A summary is provided of the second in a series of Integrated Science Initiative workshops supported by the UNESCO International Hydrological Programme. The workshop brought together hydrologists, ecologists, biogeochemists, hydrogeologists and natural resource managers to discuss the processes that occur in hyporheic and riparian ecotones. The principal objectives were to share new ideas on the importance of biogeochemical processes that affect nutrients at the groundwater–surface water interface, to understand the impact of nutrient flux on stream (principally hyporheic) ecology, and to identify the management strategies for river corridors to mitigate the effects of nutrients applied to land and discharged via groundwater into rivers. The workshop concluded that: (1) more interdisciplinary research and environmental management practices are needed to better understand, predict and manage processes at the interface of environmental compartments; (2) the goal of environmental regulations to improve ecological health requires a holistic approach integrating our understanding of the ecological, hydrological, biogeochemical and physical processes; (3) upscaling spatially and temporally variable processes remains difficult and may hinder translation of research at micro‐scales (molecular to grain size) into macro‐scale (reach to catchment) decision‐making; (4) scientists need to better communicate existing research to river managers, while smanagers must better communicate policy and regulatory‐driven science requirements to researchers. Existing models, such as those that simulate stream–hyporheic exchange, are not widely known and rarely used by environmental managers. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The lower coastal plain of the Southeast USA is undergoing rapid urbanisation as a result of population growth. Land use change has been shown to affect watershed hydrology by altering stream flow and, ultimately, impairing water quality and ecologic health. However, because few long‐term studies have focused on groundwater–surface water interactions in lowland watersheds, it is difficult to establish what the effect of development might be in the coastal plain region. The objective of this study was to use an innovative improvement to end‐member mixing analysis (EMMA) to identify time sequences of hydrologic processes affecting storm flow. Hydrologic and major ion chemical data from groundwater, soil water, precipitation and stream sites were collected over a 2‐year period at a watershed located in USDA Forest Service's Santee Experimental Forest near Charleston, South Carolina, USA. Stream flow was ephemeral and highly dependent on evapotranspiration rates and rainfall amount and intensity. Hydrograph separation for a series of storm events using EMMA allowed us to identify precipitation, riparian groundwater and streambed groundwater as main sources to stream flow, although source contribution varied as a function of antecedent soil moisture condition. Precipitation, as runoff, dominated stream flow during all storm events while riparian and streambed groundwater contributions varied and were mainly dependent on antecedent soil moisture condition. Sensitivity analyses examined the influence of 10% and 50% increases in analyte concentration on EMMA calculations and found that contribution estimates were very sensitive to changes in chemistry. This study has implications on the type of methodology used in traditional forms of EMMA research, particularly in the recognition and use of median end‐member water chemistry in hydrograph separation techniques. Potential effects of urban development on important hydrologic processes (groundwater recharge, interflow, runoff, etc.) that influence stream flow in these lowland watersheds were qualitatively examined. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to determine which factors regulate zooplankton organisms along Lake Nasser. Temperature, pH, DO, conductivity, turbidity, nutrients, and zooplankton abundance were measured. Twenty-three species of zooplankton were recorded in Lake Nasser included in Copepoda, Cladocera and Rotifera. Copepoda represented the main bulk of the community. The lowest standing stock of zooplankton was noticed during spring due to the highest fish predation during this season associated with the lowest turbidity. Big difference in temperature in Lake Nasser along the year round is considered as a controlling factor related to range of tolerance of species. The oscillation of the lake water level and the different factors affect the standing stock of zooplankton in the lake. Thus, continuous monitoring of Lake Nasser biota should be undertaken to follow the changes in the ecosystem.  相似文献   

Flow regulation and water diversion for irrigation have considerably impacted the exchange of surface water between the Murray River and its floodplains. However, the way in which river regulation has impacted groundwater–surface water interactions is not completely understood, especially in regards to the salinization and accompanying vegetation dieback currently occurring in many of the floodplains. Groundwater–surface water interactions were studied over a 2 year period in the riparian area of a large floodplain (Hattah–Kulkyne, Victoria) using a combination of piezometric surface monitoring and environmental tracers (Cl, δ2H, and δ18O). Despite being located in a local and regional groundwater discharge zone, the Murray River is a losing stream under low flow conditions at Hattah–Kulkyne. The discharge zone for local groundwater, regional groundwater and bank recharge is in the floodplain within ∼1 km of the river and is probably driven by high rates of transpiration by the riparian Eucalyptus camaldulensis woodland. Environmental tracers data suggest that the origin of groundwater is principally bank recharge in the riparian zone and a combination of diffuse rainfall recharge and localized floodwater recharge elsewhere in the floodplain. Although the Murray River was losing under low flows, bank discharge occurred during some flood recession periods. The way in which the water table responded to changes in river level was a function of the type of stream bank present, with point bars providing a better connection to the alluvial aquifer than the more common clay‐lined banks. Understanding the spatial variability in the hydraulic connection with the river channel and in vertical recharge following inundations will be critical to design effective salinity remediation strategies for large semi‐arid floodplains. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Understanding hydrological processes in wetlands may be complicated by management practices and complex groundwater/surface water interactions. This is especially true for wetlands underlain by permeable geology, such as chalk. In this study, the physically based, distributed model MIKE SHE is used to simulate hydrological processes at the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology River Lambourn Observatory, Boxford, Berkshire, UK. This comprises a 10‐ha lowland, chalk valley bottom, riparian wetland designated for its conservation value and scientific interest. Channel management and a compound geology exert important, but to date not completely understood, influences upon hydrological conditions. Model calibration and validation were based upon comparisons of observed and simulated groundwater heads and channel stages over an equally split 20‐month period. Model results are generally consistent with field observations and include short‐term responses to events as well as longer‐term seasonal trends. An intrinsic difficulty in representing compressible, anisotropic soils limited otherwise excellent performance in some areas. Hydrological processes in the wetland are dominated by the interaction between groundwater and surface water. Channel stage provides head boundaries for broad water levels across the wetland, whilst areas of groundwater upwelling control discrete head elevations. A relic surface drainage network confines flooding extents and routes seepage to the main channels. In‐channel macrophyte growth and its management have an acute effect on water levels and the proportional contribution of groundwater and surface water. The implications of model results for management of conservation species and their associated habitats are discussed. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

崔旭  张兵  何明霞  夏文雪  王义东  赵勇 《湖泊科学》2021,33(6):1675-1686
生态补水是维持和改善白洋淀生态环境的重要途径.为研究生态补水对白洋淀水环境的影响,分别在补水前与补水后采集淀水、河水及地下水样品,分析区域地表水和地下水水化学特征.结果表明:(1)白洋淀补水前、后地表水与地下水的水化学组成中Na+为主要阳离子,补水后阴离子以HCO3-为主,淀区南部地表水电导率高;补水后地表水与地下水Ca2+、Mg2+和HCO3-浓度显著增加,水体电导率降低.(2)补水前地下水为Na-HCO3型水,地表水主要为Na-Cl·SO4及Na-Cl·HCO3类型;补水后地表水与浅层地下水向Ca·Mg-HCO3型演化,深层地下水水化学类型基本保持不变.(3)生态补水使白洋淀水位升高,淀区水面积增大,缓解了水资源短缺的问题;同时也使浅层地下水水化学组成发生改变,而深层地下水暂未受到影响.生态补水后,受稀释和混合作用的影响,水体Na+、Cl-和SO42-浓度显著下降,Ca2+、Mg2+及HCO3-浓度增加.在白洋淀生态补水中应"先治污,后补水",以减少补水过程中污染物向淀区的运移,还应注意区域地下水位上升过程中的阳离子交换及水岩相互作用,为合理调配生态补水及改善白洋淀生态环境提供科学依据.  相似文献   

Measurements of groundwater–surface water exchange at three wetland stream sites were related to patterns in benthic productivity as part of the US Geological Survey's Northern Temperate Lakes–Water, Energy and Biogeochemical Budgets (NTL–WEBB) project. The three sites included one high groundwater discharge (HGD) site, one weak groundwater discharge (WGD) site, and one groundwater recharge (GR) site. Large upward vertical gradients at the HGD site were associated with smallest variation in head below the stream and fewest gradient reversals between the stream and the groundwater beneath the stream, and the stream and the adjacent streambank. The WGD site had the highest number of gradient reversals reflecting the average condition being closest to zero vertical gradient. The duration of groundwater discharge events was related to the amount of discharge, where the HGD site had the longest strong-gradient durations for both horizontal and vertical groundwater flow. Strong groundwater discharge also controlled transient temperature and chemical hyporheic conditions by limiting the infiltration of surface water. Groundwater–surface water interactions were related to highly significant patterns in benthic invertebrate abundance, taxonomic richness, and periphyton respiration. The HGD site abundance was 35% greater than in the WGD site and 53% greater than the GR site; richness and periphyton respiration were also significantly greater (p≤0.001, 31 and 44%, respectively) in the HGD site than in the GR site. The WGD site had greater abundance (27%), richness (19%) and periphyton respiration (39%) than the GR site. This work suggests groundwater–surface water interactions can strongly influence benthic productivity, thus emphasizing the importance of quantitative hydrology for management of wetland-stream ecosystems in the northern temperate regions.  相似文献   

The surface water and groundwater are important components of water cycle, and the interaction between surface water and groundwater is the important part in water cycle research. As the effective tracers in water cycle research, environmental isotope and hydrochemistry can reveal the interrelationships between surface water and groundwater effectively. The study area is the Huaisha River basin, which is located in Huairou district, Beijing. The field surveying and sampling for spring, river and well water were finished in 2002 and 2003. The hydrogen and oxygen isotopes and water quality were measured at the laboratory. The spatial characteristics in isotope and evolution of water quality along river lines at the different area were analyzed. The altitude effect of oxygen isotope in springs was revealed, and then using this equation, theory foundation for deducing recharge source of spring was estimated. By applying the mass balance method, the annual mean groundwater recharge rate at the catchment was estimated. Based on the groundwater recharge analysis, combining the hydrogeological condition analysis, and comparing the rainfall-runoff coefficients from the 1960s to 1990s in the Huaisha River basin and those in the Chaobai River basin, part of the runoff in the Huaisha River basin is recharged outside of this basin, in other words, this basin is an un-enclosed basin. On the basis of synthetically analyses, combining the compositions of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes and hydrochemistry, geomorphology, geology, and watershed systems characteristics, the relative contributions between surface water and groundwater flow at the different areas at the catchments were evaluated, and the interaction between surface water and groundwater was re- vealed lastly.  相似文献   

The environment of Bosten Lake in the Mid-Eastern Yanqi Basin (MEYB), an arid inland area in northwest China, has deteriorated greatly due to increasing groundwater exploitation and changes in the interactions between groundwater and surface water. This study intended to simulate the spatio-temporal variability of groundwater and surface water across the entire MEYB over the period 2000–2013. The applicable groundwater flow model and mass balance calculation method for river water were constructed to evaluate the change in groundwater recharged by and discharged to different segments of the Kaidu River. Simulation results show that the entire river seepage in the MEYB increased from 1.05 to 6.17 × 108 m3/year between 2000 and 2013. The increasing river seepage, induced by increasing groundwater exploitation, plays the most important role in the water level decline in the downstream reaches of the Kaidu River and in Bosten Lake. This implies that the current utilization of groundwater resources in the MEYB is unsustainable.  相似文献   

In the present study, groundwater seepage to an alluvial stream and two tributary streams was examined at nine field sites using hydrological, geophysical, and geomorphological observations. The data indicate that seepage enters the streams in the following ways: (i) directly through the streambed; (ii) as nearly superficial flow from diffuse discharge areas on the flood plains or; (iii) as a combination of (i) and (ii). At about 40% of the sites more than 50% of seepage flows through the streambed. Moreover, it was found that the ratio C, defined as the width of the wet zone of the flood plain divided by the effective width of the stream, can be used as an indicator of the percentage of water entering the stream directly through the streambed. When C is small streambed seepage is large, while when C is large streambed seepage is small and ground water enters the stream mainly as nearly superficial or over-bank flow from the wet zone.  相似文献   

Coupled groundwater–surface water (GW–SW) models are capable of simulating complex hydrological systems when used at fine resolutions. However, properly characterizing bulk GW–SW fluxes for either coarsely resolved integrated models or basin‐discretized surface water models remains a challenge. Loss of subgrid detail, while beneficially decreasing computational cost, leads to a decrease in model accuracy as scale effects become important. Ideally, coarse low‐resolution models should be informed by expected subgrid behaviour, reducing the impact of scale effects. Determining how to best represent these fine‐scale details in lower‐resolution models is important for improving the accuracy and appropriateness of these models. To investigate some of these scale effects, we here explore the relationships between area‐averaged hydraulic head and bulk GW–SW exchange fluxes (e.g. evapotranspiration and discharge), all of which are presumed to be controlled predominantly by subgrid topographic effects. These relationships may be useful for simply upscaling models without the complete loss of crucial fine‐resolution subgrid details. Using finely resolved simulation output from Modflow for a fine‐resolution simulation and post‐processed results generated to represent coarser resolutions, upscaled flux relationships (UFRs) are generated for multiple terrains; these UFRs define the relationships that exist between average hydraulic head and average fluxes in unconfined aquifer systems. It is found that, for steady‐flow regimes, similar one‐to‐one power law relationships consistently exist between area‐averaged hydraulic heads, exchange fluxes and saturated area for a variety of terrains. Additionally, when the averaged values are properly normalized, the generated steady‐state UFRs for a single terrain are independent of hydraulic conductivity and potential evapotranspiration rates and apparently insensitive to the presence of mild heterogeneity. While some hysteresis is apparent in the relationships under transient conditions, transient artefacts are shown to be minor under some circumstances, indicating that UFRs may be applied to both steady‐state and transient scenarios. Simpler tests performed under saturated and variably saturated conditions in a cross‐sectional model show similar trends, suggesting that the UFR representation is extendable to systems where the vadose zone plays a significant role. It is suggested that relatively simple UFRs such as these may find use as an alternative to direct point upscaling or multi‐resolution models for estimating GW–SW exchange fluxes in coarse‐scale models. They also appear to justify the functional form of some classical models of baseflow and evapotranspiration used in conceptual surface water models. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The contradiction between the freshwater shortage and the large demand of freshwater by irrigation was the key point in cultivated lowland area of North China Plain. Water transfer project brings fresh water from water resource‐rich area to water shortage area, which can in turn change the hydrological cycle in this region. Major ions and stable isotopes were used to study the temporal variations of interaction between surface water and groundwater in a hydrological year after a water transfer event in November 2014. Irrigation canal received transferred Yellow River, with 2.9% loss by evaporation during water transfer process. The effect of transferred water on shallow groundwater decreased with increasing distance from the irrigation canal. Pit pond without water transfer receives groundwater discharge. During dry season after water transfer event, shallow groundwater near the irrigation canal was recharged by lateral seepage and deep percolation of irrigation, whereas shallow groundwater far from irrigation canal was recharged by deep percolation of deep groundwater irrigation. Canal water lost by evaporation was 2.7–17.4%. Influence of water transfer gradually disappeared until March as the water usage of agricultural irrigation increased. In the dry season, groundwater discharged to irrigation canal and pond; 2.2–31.6% canal water and 11.3–20.0% pond water were lost by evaporation. In the rainy season (June to September), surface water was fed mainly by precipitation and surface run‐off, whereas groundwater was recharged by infiltration of precipitation. The two‐end member mix model showed that the mixing ratio of precipitation in pond and irrigation canal were 73–83.4% (except one pond with 28.1%) and 77.3–99.9%, respectively. Transferred water and precipitation were the important recharge sources for shallow groundwater, which decreased groundwater salinity in cultivated lowland area of North China Plain. With the temporary and spatial limitation of water transfer effects, increased water transfer amounts and frequency may be an effective way of mitigating regional water shortage. In addition, reducing the evaporation of surface water is also an important way to increase the utilization of transfer water.  相似文献   

This study investigates the applicability of selected pharmaceutical compounds (e.g. sulfamethoxazole, carbamazepine, ibuprofen) as anthropogenic indicators for the interaction of surface water and groundwater in the hyporheic zone of an alluvial stream. Differences in transport behaviour and the resulting distribution of the pharmaceuticals in the riverine groundwater were evaluated. The investigated field site in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Europe is represented by low permeable sediments and confined aquifer conditions. Water samples from single‐screen and multilevel observation wells installed in the riverbank at the field site were taken and analysed for selected pharmaceuticals and major ions for a period of 6 months. Surface water and groundwater levels were recorded to detect effluent and influent aquifer conditions. Nearly all pharmaceuticals that were detected in the stream were also found in the riverine groundwater. However, concentrations were significantly lower in groundwater than in surface water. A classification into mobile and sorbing/degradable pharmaceuticals based on their transport relevant properties was made and verified by the field data. Gradients with depth for some of these pharmaceuticals were documented and a more detailed understanding of the system stream/riverbank was obtained. It was demonstrated that the selected pharmaceutical compounds can be used as anthropogenic indicators at the investigated field site. However, not all compounds seem to be suitable indicators as their transport behaviour is not fully understood. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

1974-2016年青海湖水面面积变化遥感监测   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
位于青藏高原东北部的青海湖是我国最大的咸水湖和内陆湖,也是青藏高原东北部的重要水汽源,青海湖面积的动态变化是气候和周围生态环境状况的重要体现.本研究利用长时间序列中分辨率遥感影像数据,通过人工提取湖岸水涯线信息对青海湖水面面积进行监测.结果显示:1974-2016年期间,青海湖面积总体上呈先减后增的变化趋势.2004年水面积最小,为4223.73 km2,比1974年减少253.80 km2.其中1974-1987年期间面积骤减;2000 2009年期间青海湖水面面积变化幅度相对较小,平均变化幅度为6.85 km2.2009-2016年7 a间,水面面积增加了128.27 km2.2012年青海湖面积骤增,比2011年8月同期增加65.12 km2;同年6月和9月的面积变化为2002-2016年最大,达到59.18 km2.湖东岸沙岛的湖岸线变化最为显著,1974-2004年岸线后退最大距离达4.59 km,2012年的年内最大变化距离为0.39 km.青海湖流域内降水补给增加,生态环境治理措施促使入湖河流径流量增大,是近年来湖水面积增加的主要原因.  相似文献   

为了探明达里诺尔湖流域地表水与地下水的氢(H)、氧(O)同位素的变化特征及相互补给关系,于2013年对达里诺尔湖及其周围的河水、井水、泉水中H、O同位素进行了取样分析,并结合总溶解性固体悬浮物(TDS)和区域水文地质对达里诺尔湖流域的补给关系进行讨论分析.结果表明:1)河水、泉水、井水中H、O同位素的值基本落在全球雨水线上,湖水H、O同位素落在全球雨水线的右下方,说明河水、井水、泉水没有发生蒸发分馏,而湖水则发生较大程度的蒸发分馏;对达里诺尔湖流域地表水与地下水的H、O同位素进行回归模拟,得出该区域的蒸发趋势线方程:δD=4.8753δ18O-20.139(n=32,R2=0.9968).蒸发线表明,这些水样具有相同水源的特征.2)从实地考察发现,泉水补给河水,泉水和河水补给湖水,同时井水、泉水和河水有相似的δD、δ18O和TDS值,且不随季节变化而变化,推断达里诺尔湖附近地下水补给湖水;区域水文地质条件亦证明达里诺尔湖周边地下水补给湖水.  相似文献   

Most rivers worldwide have a strong interaction with groundwater when they leave the mountains and flow over alluvial plains before flowing into the seas or disappearing in the deserts, and in New Zealand, typically, rivers lose water to the groundwater in the upper plains and generally gain water from the groundwater in the lower plains. Aiming at simulating surface water–groundwater interaction nationally in New Zealand, we developed a conceptual groundwater module for the national hydrologic model TopNet to simulate surface water–groundwater interaction, groundwater flow, and intercatchment groundwater flow. The developed model was applied to the Pareora catchment in South Island of New Zealand, where there are concurrent spot gauged flows. Results show that the model simulations not only fit quite well to flow measurement but also to concurrent spot gauged flows, and compared to the original TopNet, it has a significant improvement in the low flows. Sensitivity analysis shows river flow is sensitive to the river losing/gaining rate instead of groundwater characteristic, while groundwater storage is sensitive to both river losing/gaining rate and groundwater characteristic. This indicates our conceptual approach is promising for nationwide modeling without the large amount of geology and aquifer data typically required by physically‐based modeling approaches.  相似文献   

Study of interactions between surface-water and pore-water in lakes is complicated due to spatio-temporal heterogeneities in flow condition across the sediment–water interface. In this study, seasonal hypersaline Maharlu Lake was investigated by collecting surface-water and pore-water samples from four nests of multilevel piezometers installed at different distances from the inflow of rivers to the lake. The hydraulic heads in the piezometers as well as vertical profiles of Mg+2, Na/Cl, and Br/Cl were used to investigate both hydraulic and geochemical interactions between surface-water and pore-water in the lake. Depletion of lake surface water and pore water with respect to B, Br, Li+, K+, Mg2+ and the absence of Mg-K chlorides and sulphates in the lake bed sediments is probably due to leakage of highly evaporated residual brine from the lake. Hydraulic gradients in the multilevel piezometric nests indicate that a general downward flow from surface-water to pore-water occurs across sediment–water interface. Vertical profiles of Br/Cl, Mg2+, and Na/Cl showed that the maximum flow rate was more than 1 m/yr close to the mouth of the inflowing rivers. The downward vertical flow was limited in the area far from the inflowing rivers due to the presence of an impermeable confining halite layer which interrupts the hydraulic connection between shallow pore water (less than 50 cm deep) and deeper zones. The hydraulic and geochemical interactions between surface-water and pore-water across sediment–water interface in the Maharlu Lake are of interest to find out the fate of pollutants and their distribution in the lake.  相似文献   

Coastal wetlands are characterized by strong, dynamic interactions between surface water and groundwater. This paper presents a coupled model that simulates interacting surface water and groundwater flow and solute transport processes in these wetlands. The coupled model is based on two existing (sub) models for surface water and groundwater, respectively: ELCIRC (a three‐dimensional (3‐D) finite‐volume/finite‐difference model for simulating shallow water flow and solute transport in rivers, estuaries and coastal seas) and SUTRA (a 3‐D finite‐element/finite‐difference model for simulating variably saturated, variable‐density fluid flow and solute transport in porous media). Both submodels, using compatible unstructured meshes, are coupled spatially at the common interface between the surface water and groundwater bodies. The surface water level and solute concentrations computed by the ELCIRC model are used to determine the boundary conditions of the SUTRA‐based groundwater model at the interface. In turn, the groundwater model provides water and solute fluxes as inputs for the continuity equations of surface water flow and solute transport to account for the mass exchange across the interface. Additionally, flux from the seepage face was routed instantaneously to the nearest surface water cell according to the local sediment surface slope. With an external coupling approach, these two submodels run in parallel using time steps of different sizes. The time step (Δtg) for the groundwater model is set to be larger than that (Δts) used by the surface water model for computational efficiency: Δtg = M × Δts where M is an integer greater than 1. Data exchange takes place between the two submodels through a common database at synchronized times (e.g. end of each Δtg). The coupled model was validated against two previously reported experiments on surface water and groundwater interactions in coastal lagoons. The results suggest that the model represents well the interacting surface water and groundwater flow and solute transport processes in the lagoons. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为查明千岛湖水体中全氟化合物(PFCs)的污染特征,于2017年丰水期和枯水期分别采集13个监测断面的表层水样品,采用固相萃取净化、富集水样,超高效液相色谱串联质谱联用法测定水中16种PFCs,研究其残留水平和分布特征监测结果表明,千岛湖表层水共检出5种中短链PFCs,包括C4全氟烷基磺酸以及C4、C5、C6和C8 4种全氟烷基羧酸ΣPFCs浓度范围为1.70~6.21 ng/L,以全氟辛酸(PFOA)为主要污染物,其浓度范围为0.52~3.61 ng/L,全氟辛烷磺酸(PFOS)则未检出与国内外同类水体相比,PFOA和PFOS浓度水平均处于低污染水平枯水期千岛湖水中PFCs污染程度高于丰水期,整体上呈现点源污染特征各断面水体中ΣPFCs浓度枯水期差异较大,而丰水期基本处于同一浓度水平空间分布上主要入湖河流新安江上游断面街口和威坪的PFCs浓度明显高于其他主要入湖河流断面以及湖区断面.  相似文献   

The glacially formed northeastern German lowlands are characterized by extensive floodplains, often interrupted by relatively steep moraine hills. The hydrological cycle of this area is governed by the tight interaction of surface water dynamics and the corresponding directly connected shallow groundwater aquifer. Runoff generation processes, as well as the extent and spatial distribution of the interaction between surface water and groundwater, are controlled by floodplain topography and by surface water dynamics. A modelling approach based on extensive experimental analyses is presented that describes the specific water balance of lowland areas, including the interactions of groundwater and surface water, as well as reflecting the important role of time‐variable shallow groundwater stages for runoff generation in floodplains. In the first part, experimental investigations of floodplain hydrological characteristics lead to a qualitative understanding of the water balance processes and to the development of a conceptual model of the water balance and groundwater dynamics of the study area. Thereby model requirements which allow for an adequate simulation of the floodplain hydrology, considering also interactions between groundwater and surface water have been characterized. Based on these analyses, the Integrated Modelling of Water Balance and Nutrient Dynamics (IWAN) approach has been developed. This consists of coupling the surface runoff generation and soil water routines of the deterministic, spatially distributed hydrological model WASIM‐ETH‐I with the three‐dimensional finite‐difference‐based numerical groundwater model MODFLOW and Processing MODFLOW. The model was applied successfully to a mesoscale subcatchment of the Havel River in northeast Germany. It was calibrated for two small catchments (1·4 and 25 km2), where the importance of the interaction processes between groundwater and surface waters and the sensitivity of several controlling parameters could be quantified. Validation results are satisfying for different years for the entire 198 km2 catchment. The model approach was further successfully tested for specific events. The experimental area is a typical example of a floodplain‐dominated landscape. It was demonstrated that the lateral flow processes and the interactions between groundwater and surface water have a major importance for the water balance and periodically superimposed on the vertical runoff generation. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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