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Rainwater harvesting could increase the resilience of ecosystems on the Loess Plateau and thus ensure the sustainability of livelihoods that depend on them. As such, it is a key component of strategies for adapting to global climate change. In this study, we used a new method to quantify the rainwater harvesting potential (RWHP) across the whole Loess Plateau and to characterize its spatial and temporal variation over the last four decades on the basis of the variable infiltration capacity model. It was found that that the mean RWHP of the study region was 731.10 × 108 m3, and the average water layer thickness was 114.34 mm. There is considerable scope for rainwater harvesting across the Loess Plateau as a whole, to the extent that it could potentially provide enough water to implement the ‘Grain for Green’ Project. The annual average RWHP decreased slightly from 1971 to 2010, and Hurst exponent analysis indicated that this trend will exhibit long‐term persistence. The annual RWHP was highest in the southeast of the Loess Plateau and lowest in the northwest. Areas with high RWHP values tended to be clustered around the middle reach of the Yellow River. For most areas, there was no significant change between 1971 and 2010. Those areas for which there was a significant decrease in RWHP were primarily located around the upper–middle reaches of the Weihe River, the upper reach of Jinghe River, the eastern Guanzhong Plain, the Qinhe River watershed and the area around Dongsheng. Quantitative assessments of RWHP are likely to be useful for guiding the development and use of innovative rainwater harvesting technologies around the world and could help to relieve the problems caused by water shortages on the Loess Plateau while simultaneously eliminate the major cause of soil erosion. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal characteristics of drought based on the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) in the Liao River basin (LRB) are investigated in this study. High autocorrelation in SPI seems to lend itself to drought prediction. Drought is becoming more frequent, widespread, and severe in the LRB during the past several decades. Major factors affecting drought in this basin are analysed by investigating relationship between SPI and several circulations including western Pacific Subtropical High (WPSH), East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM) and El Niño‐Southern Oscillation (ENSO) indices. Different correlation patterns between WPSH indices and SPI are obtained. Several significant positive correlations between the area, intensity of WPSH and SPI are observed in the west and the centre of the study area, while negative correlations are observed in the east. Reverse patterns are observed in the correlation between the ridge of westward longitude of WPSH and SPI. Corresponding lag‐correlation is dominated by positive correlations between the area, intensity of WPSH and SPI, and by negative correlation between the ridge of westward longitude of WPSH and SPI. EASM is mainly negative related with drought in the east of the LRB. Significant positive correlation between ENSO and SPI is mainly located in the east while negative correlation is located in west of the basin. Lag‐correlation (with lags of 1 to 12 months) between them is also investigated and results show that significant negative correlation is located in a broad area extending from the west to the centre of the basin, while less positive correlation is observed with the increase of lags. The possibility of employing general circulation models (GCMs) for drought prediction is discussed based on the above analyses. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Severe hydrological droughts in the Amazon have generally been associated with strong El Niño events. More than 100 years of stage record at Manaus harbour confirms that minimum water levels generally coincide with intense warming in the tropical Pacific sea waters. During 2005, however, the Amazon experienced a severe drought which was not associated with an El Niño event. Unless what usually occurs during strong El Niño events, when negative rainfall anomalies usually affect central and eastern Amazon drainage basin; rainfall deficiencies in the drought of 2005 were spatially constrained to the west and southwest of the basin. In spite of this, discharge stations at the main‐stem recorded minimum water levels as low as those observed during the basin‐wide 1996–1997 El Niño‐related drought. The analysis of river discharges along the main‐stem and major tributaries during the drought of 2004–2005 revealed that the recession on major tributaries began almost simultaneously. This was not the case in the 1996–1997 drought, when above‐normal contribution of some tributaries for a short period during high water was crucial to partially counterbalance high discharge deficits of the other tributaries. Since time‐lagged contributions of major tributaries are fundamental to damp the extremes in the main‐stem, an almost coincident recession in almost all tributaries caused a rapid decrease in water discharges during the 2005 event. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Understanding climate change impacts on hydrological regime and assessing future water supplies are essential to effective water resources management and planning, which is particularly true for the Tibetan Plateau (TP), one of the most vulnerable areas to climate change. In this study, future climate change in the TP was projected for 2041–2060 by a high‐resolution regional climate model, RegCM4, under 3 representative concentration pathways (RCPs): 2.6, 4.5, and 8.5. Response of all key hydrological elements, that is, evapotranspiration, surface run‐off, baseflow, and snowmelt, to future climate in 2 typical catchments, the source regions of Yellow and Yangtze rivers, was further investigated by the variable infiltration capacity microscale hydrological model incorporated with a 2‐layer energy balance snow model and a frozen soil/permafrost algorithm at a 0.25°×0.25° spatial scale. The results reveal that (a) spatial patterns of precipitation and temperature from RegCM4 agree fairly well with the data from China Meteorological Forcing Dataset, indicating that RegCM4 well reproduces historical climatic information and thus is reliable to support future projection; (b) precipitation increase by 0–70% and temperature rise by 1–4 °C would occur in the TP under 3 RCPs. A clear south‐eastern–north‐western spatial increasing gradient in precipitation would be seen. Besides, under RCP8.5, the peak increase in temperature would approach to 4 °C in spring and autumn in the east of the TP; (c) evapotranspiration would increase by 10–60% in 2 source regions due to the temperature rise, surface run‐off and baseflow in higher elevation region would experience larger increase dominantly due to the precipitation increase, and streamflow would display general increases by more than 3% and 5% in the source regions of Yellow and Yangtze rivers, respectively; (d) snowmelt contributes 11.1% and 16.2% to total run‐off in the source regions of Yellow and Yangtze rivers, respectively, during the baseline period. In the source region of Yangtze River, snowmelt run‐off would become more important with increase of 17.5% and 18.3%, respectively, under RCP2.6 and RCP4.5 but decrease of 15.0% under RCP8.5.  相似文献   

One year of instantaneous suspended sediment concentration, C, and instantaneous discharge, Q, data collected at Ngarradj downstream of the Jabiluka mine site indicate that the use of a simple CQ rating curve is not a reliable method for estimating suspended sediment loads from the Ngarradj catchment. The CQ data are not only complicated by hysteresis effects within the rising and falling stages of individual events, but also by variable depletion of available suspended sediment through multipeaked runoff events. Parameter values were fitted to an event‐based suspended sediment load–Q relationship as an alternative to the CQ relationship. Total suspended sediment load and Q data for 10 observed events in the Ngarradj stream catchment were used to fit parameter values to a suspended sediment load–Q relationship, using (a) log–log regression and (b) iterative parameter fitting techniques. A more reliable and statistically significant prediction of suspended sediment load from the Ngarradj catchment is obtained using an event‐based suspended sediment load–Q relationship. Fitting parameters to the event‐based suspended sediment load–Q relationship using iterative techniques better predicts long‐term suspended sediment loads compared with log–log regression techniques. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The central route of the South–North Water Transfer Project (CTP) is designed to divert approximately 9.5 billion m3 of water per year from the Han River, a major tributary of the Yangtze River, to the Hai River basin in the north China. The main purpose of this study is to assess the impact of CTP on groundwater table in the Hai River basin. Our study features a large‐scale distributed hydrological model that couples a physically based groundwater module, which is sub‐basin‐based, with a conceptual surface water module, which is grid‐based. There are several grids in each sub‐basin and water exchange among grid that are considered. Our model couples surface water module and groundwater module and calculates human water use at the same time. The simulation results indicate that even with the water supply by CTP, the groundwater table will continue to decline in the Hai River basin. However, the CTP water can evidently reduce the decline rate, helping alleviate groundwater overexploitation in Hai River region. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Quantifying the impacts of climate change on the hydrology and ecosystem is important in the study of the Loess Plateau, China, which is well known for its high erosion rates and ecosystem sensitivity to global change. A distributed ecohydrological model was developed and applied in the Jinghe River basin of the Loess Plateau. This model couples the vegetation model, BIOME BioGeochemicalCycles (BIOME-BGC) and the distributed hydrological model, Water and Energy transfer Process in Large river basins (WEP-L). The WEP-L model provided hydro-meteorological data to BIOME-BGC, and the vegetation parameters of WEP-L were updated at a daily time step by BIOME-BGC. The model validation results show good agreement with field observation data and literature values of leaf area index (LAI), net primary productivity (NPP) and river discharge. Average climate projections of 23 global climate models (GCMs), based on three emissions scenarios, were used in simulations to assess future ecohydrological responses in the Jinghe River basin. The results show that global warming impacts would decrease annual discharge and flood season discharge, increase annual NPP and decrease annual net ecosystem productivity (NEP). Increasing evapotranspiration (ET) due to air temperature increase, as well as increases in precipitation and LAI, are the main reasons for the decreasing discharge. The increase in annual NPP is caused by a greater increase in gross primary productivity (GPP) than in plant respiration, whilst the decrease in NEP is caused by a larger increase in heterotrophic respiration than in NPP. Both the air temperature increase and the precipitation increase may affect the changes in NPP and NEP. These results present a serious challenge for water and land management in the basin, where mitigation/adaption measures for climate change are desired.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor D. Yang

Citation Peng, H., Jia, Y.W., Qiu, Y.Q., and Niu, C.W., 2013. Assessing climate change impacts on the ecohydrology of the Jinghe River basin in the Loess Plateau, China. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (3), 651–670.  相似文献   

Based on the precipitation data obtained through GEWEX Asian Monsoon Experiment–Tibet fieldwork from May to September 1998, this study investigated the features of the summer monsoon precipitation on the northern and southern slopes of the huge Tanggula Mountains in the Qinghai–Xizang (Tibetan) Plateau. The results show that the precipitation on the southern slope is about 50% higher than on the northern slope, whereas the frequency and diurnal pattern of the precipitation are very similar. The mean precipitation intensity on the southern slope is larger than on the northern slope. In most cases, the daily precipitation showed similar variation on both slopes, demonstrating that the precipitation processes might be similar. In the summer monsoon period, the local convective precipitation contributed to the total precipitation on both slopes and such a contribution on the southern slope is larger. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Land‐cover/climate changes and their impacts on hydrological processes are of widespread concern and a great challenge to researchers and policy makers. Kejie Watershed in the Salween River Basin in Yunnan, south‐west China, has been reforested extensively during the past two decades. In terms of climate change, there has been a marked increase in temperature. The impact of these changes on hydrological processes required investigation: hence, this paper assesses aspects of changes in land cover and climate. The response of hydrological processes to land‐cover/climate changes was examined using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) and impacts of single factor, land‐use/climate change on hydrological processes were differentiated. Land‐cover maps revealed extensive reforestation at the expense of grassland, cropland, and barren land. A significant monotonic trend and noticeable changes had occurred in annual temperature over the long term. Long‐term changes in annual rainfall and streamflow were weak; and changes in monthly rainfall (May, June, July, and September) were apparent. Hydrological simulations showed that the impact of climate change on surface water, baseflow, and streamflow was offset by the impact of land‐cover change. Seasonal variation in streamflow was influenced by seasonal variation in rainfall. The earlier onset of monsoon and the variability of rainfall resulted in extreme monthly streamflow. Land‐cover change played a dominant role in mean annual values; seasonal variation in surface water and streamflow was influenced mainly by seasonal variation in rainfall; and land‐cover change played a regulating role in this. Surface water is more sensitive to land‐cover change and climate change: an increase in surface water in September and May due to increased rainfall was offset by a decrease in surface water due to land‐cover change. A decrease in baseflow caused by changes in rainfall and temperature was offset by an increase in baseflow due to land‐cover change. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A hydrological model (YWB, yearly water balance) has been developed to model the daily rainfall–runoff relationship of the 202 km2 Teba river catchment, located in semi‐arid south‐eastern Spain. The period of available data (1976–1993) includes some very rainy years with intensive storms (responsible for flooding parts of the town of Malaga) and also some very dry years. The YWB model is in essence a simple tank model in which the catchment is subdivided into a limited number of meaningful hydrological units. Instead of generating per unit surface runoff resulting from infiltration excess, runoff has been made the result of storage excess. Actual evapotranspiration is obtained by means of curves, included in the software, representing the relationship between the ratio of actual to potential evapotranspiration as a function of soil moisture content for three soil texture classes. The total runoff generated is split between base flow and surface runoff according to a given baseflow index. The two components are routed separately and subsequently joined. A large number of sequential years can be processed, and the results of each year are summarized by a water balance table and a daily based rainfall runoff time series. An attempt has been made to restrict the amount of input data to the minimum. Interactive manual calibration is advocated in order to allow better incorporation of field evidence and the experience of the model user. Field observations allowed for an approximate calibration at the hydrological unit level. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wavelet and cross-wavelet analysis are used to identify and describe spatial and temporal variability in Canadian seasonal precipitation, and to gain further insights into the dynamical relationship between the seasonal precipitation and the dominant modes of climate variability in the Northern Hemisphere. Results from applying continuous wavelet transform to seasonal precipitation series from 201 stations selected from Environment Canada Meteorological Network reveal striking climate-related features before and after the 1940s. The span of available observations, 1900–2000, allows for depicting variance and covariance for periods up to 12 years. Scale-averaged wavelet power spectra are used to simultaneously assess the temporal and spatial variability in each set of 201 seasonal precipitation time series. The most striking feature, in the 2–3-year period and in the 3–6-year period—the 6–12-year period is dominated by white noise and is not considered further—is a net distinction between the timing and intensity of the temporal variability in autumn, winter and spring–summer precipitation. It is found that the autumn season exhibits the most intense activity (or variance) in both the 2–3 year and the 3–6 year periods. The winter season corresponds to the least intense activity for the 2–3 year period, but it exhibits more activity than the spring–summer for the 3–6 year period.Cross-wavelet analysis is provided between the seasonal precipitation and four selected climatic indices: the Pacific North America (PNA), the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the Northern Hemisphere Annular Mode (NAM) originally called the Arctic Oscillation, and the sea surface temperature series over the Niño-3 region (ENSO). The wavelet cross-spectra revealed coherent space–time variability of the climate–precipitation relationship throughout Canada. It is shown that strong climate/precipitation activity (or covariance) in the 2–6 year period starts after 1940 whatever the climatic index and the season. Prior to year 1940, only local and weaker 2–6 year activity is revealed in western Canada essentially in winter and autumn, but overall a non-significant precipitation/climate relationship is observed prior to 1940. Correlation analysis in the 2–6 year band between the seasonal precipitation and the selected climatic indices revealed strong positive correlations with the ENSO, the NAO, and the NAM in eastern and western Canada for the post-1940 period. For the period prior to 1940, the correlation tend be negative for all the indices whatever the region. A particular feature in the correlation analysis results is the consistently stronger and positive NAM–precipitation correlations in all the regions since 1940. The cross-wavelet spectra and the correlation analysis in the 2–6 year band suggest the presence of a change point around 1940 in Canadian seasonal precipitation—that is found to be more likely related to NAM dynamics.  相似文献   

Pan evaporation (Ep) is an important indicator of water and energy and the decline of Ep has been reported in many regions over the last decades. The climate and Ep are dependent on each other. In this study, the temporal trends of Ep and main Ep drivers, namely mean air temperature (Ta), wind speed (u), global solar radiation (Rs), net long‐wave radiation(Rnl) and vapour pressure deficit (D) from 1970 to 2012, were calculated on the basis of 26 meteorological stations on the Tibetan Plateau. The arithmetic average of Ep from 26 stations decreased with the rate of ?11.91 mm a?2; the trends of Rs, Rnl, Ta, u and D were ?1.434 w m?2 decade?1, 0.2511 w m?2 decade?1, 0.3590°C decade?1, ?0.2376 m s?1 decade?1 and 9.523 Pa decade?1, respectively. The diffuse irradiance is an essential parameter to model Ep and quantify the contribution of climatic factors to changing Ep. 60 724 observations of Rs and diffuse solar irradiance (Rd) from seven of the 26 stations were used to develop the correlation between the diffuse fraction (Rd/Rs), and the clearness index (Rs/Ro). On the basis of the estimation of the diffuse component of Rs and climatic data, we modified the PenPan model to estimate Chinese micro‐pan evaporation (Ep) and assess the attribution of Ep dynamics using partial derivatives. The results showed that there was a good agreement between the observed and calculated daily Ep values. The observed decrease in Ep was mostly due to declining wind speed (?13.7 mm a?2) with some contributions from decreasing solar irradiance (?3.1 mm a?2); and the increase of temperature had a large positive effect (4.55 mm a?2) in total whilst the increase of Rnl had insignificant effect (0.35 mm a?2) on Ep rates. The change of Ep is the net result of all the climatic variables. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Historical changes in the level of Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana, have been simulated using a catchment‐scale hydrological model in order to assess the importance of changes in climate and land use on lake water balance on a monthly basis for the period 1939–2004. Several commonly used models for computing evaporation in data‐sparse regions are compared, including the Penman, the energy budget, and the Priestley–Taylor methods. Based on a comparison with recorded lake level variations, the model with the energy‐budget evaporation model subcomponent is most effective at reproducing observed lake level variations using regional climate records. A sensitivity analysis using this model indicates that Lake Bosumtwi is highly sensitive to changes in precipitation, cloudiness and temperature. However, the model is also sensitive to changes in runoff related to vegetation, and this factor needs to be considered in simulating lake level variations. Both interannual and longer‐term changes in lake level over the last 65 years appear to have been caused primarily by changes in precipitation, though the model also suggests that the drop in lake level over the last few decades has been moderated by changes in cloudiness and temperature over that time. Based on its effectiveness at simulating the magnitude and rate of lake level response to changing climate over the historical record, this model offers a potential future opportunity to examine the palaeoclimatic factors causing past lake level fluctuations preserved in the geological record at Lake Bosumtwi. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dynamic relationships among rainfall patterns, soil water distribution, and plant growth are crucial for sustainable conservation of soil and water resources in water‐limited ecosystems. Spatial and temporal variation in deep soil water content at a watershed scale have not yet been characterized adequately due to the lack of deep soil water data. Deep soil–water storage (SWS) up to a depth of 5 m (n = 73) was measured at 19 sampling occasions at the LaoYeManQu watershed on the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP). At a depth of 0–1.5 m, the annual mean SWS was highly correlated with rain intensity, and the correlation decreased with depth, but within the layers at 1.5–5.0 m, the changes in SWS indicated a lag between precipitation and the replenishment of soil water. Geostatistical parameters of SWS were also highly dependent on depth, and the mean SWS presented similar spatial structures in two adjacent layers. Temporal stability of SWS as indicated by mean relative difference, standard deviation of the relative difference (SDRD), and mean absolute bias error (MABE) was significantly weaker at the shallow than at deeper layers. Soil separates and organic carbon content controlled the spatial pattern of SWS at the watershed scale. One representative location (Site 57) was identified to estimate the mean SWS in the 1‐ to 5‐m layer of the watershed. Semivariograms of the SDRD and MABE were best fitted by an isotropic spherical model, and their spatial distributions were depth‐dependent. Both temporal stability and spatial variability of SWS increased over depth. This study is helpful for deep SWS estimation and sustainable management of soil and water on the CLP, and for other similar regions around the world.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the potential impacts of climate change on water resources in northern Tuscany, Italy. A continuous hydrological model for each of the seven river basins within the study area was calibrated using historical data. The models were then driven by downscaled and bias‐corrected climate projections of an ensemble of 13 regional climate models (RCMs), under two different scenarios of representative concentration pathway (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5). The impacts were examined at medium term (2031–2040) and long term (2051–2060) in comparison with a reference period (2003–2012); the changes in rainfall, streamflow, and groundwater recharge were investigated. A high degree of uncertainty characterized the results with a significant intermodel variability, the period being equal. For the sake of brevity, only the results for the Serchio River basin were presented in detail. According to the RCM ensemble mean and the RCP4.5, a moderate decrease in rainfall, with reference to 2003–2012, is expected at medium term (?0.6%) and long term (?2.8%). Due to the warming of the study area, the reduction in the streamflow volume is two times the precipitation decrease (?1.1% and ?6.8% at medium and long term, respectively). The groundwater recharge is mainly affected by the changes in climate with expected percolation volume variations of ?3.3% at 2031–2040 and ?8.1% at 2051–2060. The impacts on the Serchio River basin water resources are less significant under the RCP8.5 scenario. The presence of artificial structures, such as dam‐reservoir systems, can contribute to mitigate the effects of climate change on water resources through the implementation of appropriate regulation strategies.  相似文献   

Early Permian (272 ± 2 Ma) diabase dikes from the Linxi area in central Inner Mongolia of NE China have high MgO (10.4 – 12.3 wt%), Cr (301 – 448 ppm) and Ni (167 – 233 ppm) concentrations, and show enrichments in large ion lithophile element (LILE) and light rare earth elements (REE) but depletions in high field strength element (HFSE, e.g., Nb and Ta), with depleted mantle‐type Sr [87Sr/86Sr (i) = 0.70315 – 0.70362], Nd [εNd (t) = +6.8 – +7.4], Pb [206Pb/204Pb (i) = 18.10 – 18.16] and zircon Hf [εHf (t) = +14.7 – +19.1] isotopic compositions, but slightly higher zircon δ18O (5.2 – 6.0 ‰ with an average of 5.7 ‰) than normal mantle. The combined geochemical data indicate their derivation from a depleted mantle metasomatized by recycled crustal component. Elemental and isotopic modeling results suggest that the primary magma was produced through 5 % to 10 % melting of a depleted mantle, which contained approximately 1 % sediment fluid released from the subducted paleo‐Asian Ocean. Considering the widespread distribution of contemporaneous mafic rocks across the central Inner Mongolia, which show REE patterns from E‐MORBs to normal MORBs, we propose a petrogenetic link between the Early Permian mafic magmatism and a back‐arc extension in response to northward subduction of the paleo‐Asian Ocean. The Permian mafic magmatism and the new age constraints from the metamorphic and sedimentary records in this area tend to indicate the ultimate closure of the paleo‐Asian Ocean by the end of Paleozoic.  相似文献   

Climate and land‐use changes could strongly affect wind erosion and in turn cause a series of environmental problems. Thus, the objective of this study was to assess potential wind erosion rate (PWER) response to climate and land‐use changes in the watershed of the Ningxia–Inner Mongolia Reach of the Yellow River (NIMRYR), China. The watershed of NIMRYR suffers from serious wind erosion hazards, and over recent decades, wind erosion intensity and distribution has changed, following climate and land‐use changes. To understand these processes in the NIMRYR watershed, the Integrated Wind Erosion Modelling System (IWEMS) and the Revised Wind Erosion Equation (RWEQ) were used to calculate the PWER under different climate conditions and land‐use scenarios, and to assess the influences of climate and land‐use changes on the PWER. The results show the PWER in the whole watershed had a significant declining trend from 1986 to 2013. The results of the relationship among PWER, climate change, and land‐use changes showed that climate change was the dominant control on the PWER change in this watershed. Compared to the period 1986–1995, the average PWER decreased 23.32% and 64.98% as a result of climate change in the periods 1996–2005 and 2006–2013, respectively. In contrast with climate change, the effects of land‐use changes on the average PWER were much lower, and represented a change in PWER of less than 3.3% across the whole watershed. The study method we used could provide some valuable reference for wind erosion modelling, and the research results should help climate and land‐use researchers to develop strategies to reduce wind erosion. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Loess Plateau has been experiencing large‐scale land use and cover changes (LUCCs) over the past 50 years. It is well known about the significant decreasing trend of annual streamflow and sediment load in the catchments in this area. However, how surface run‐off and sediment load behaved in response to LUCC at flood events remained a research question. We investigated 371 flood events from 1963 to 2011 in a typical medium‐sized catchment within the Plateau in order to understand how LUCC affected the surface run‐off generation and sediment load and their behaviours based on the analysis of return periods. The results showed that the mean annual surface run‐off and sediment load from flood events accounted for 49.6% and 91.8% of their mean annual totals. The reduction of surface run‐off and associated sediment yield in floods explained about 85.0% and 89.2% of declines in the total annual streamflow and sediment load, respectively. The occurrences of flood events and peak sediment concentrations greater than 500 kg/m3 showed a significantly downward trend, yet the counterclockwise loop events still dominated the flood event processes in the catchment. The results suggest that LUCC over the past 50 years resulted in significant changes in the water balance components and associated soil erosion and sediment transportation in the catchment. This was achieved mainly by reducing surface run‐off and sediment yield during floods with return period of less than 5 years. Run‐off–sediment load behaviour during the extreme events with greater than 10‐year return periods has not changed. Outcomes from this study are useful in understanding the eco‐hydrological processes and assisting the sustainable catchment management and land use planning on the Loess Plateau, and the methodologies are general and applicable to similar areas worldwide.  相似文献   

In semi‐arid and arid river basins, understanding the connectivity between rivers and alluvial aquifers is one of the key challenges for the management of groundwater resources. The type of connection present (gaining, losing‐connected, transitional and losing‐disconnected) was assessed at 12 sites along six Murray–Darling Basin river reaches. The assessments were made by measuring the hydraulic head in the riparian zone near the rivers to evaluate if the water tables intersected the riverbeds and by measuring fluid pressure (ψ) in the riverbeds. The rationale for the latter was that ψ will always be greater than or equal to zero under connected conditions (either losing or gaining) and always lesser than or equal to zero under losing‐disconnected conditions. A mixture of losing‐disconnected, losing‐connected and gaining conditions was found among the 12 sites. The losing‐disconnected sites all had a riverbed with a lower hydraulic conductivity than the underlying aquifer, usually in the form of a silty clay or clay unit 0.5–2 m in thickness. The riparian water tables were 6 to 25 m below riverbed level at the losing‐disconnected sites but never lower than 1 m below riverbed level at the losing‐connected ones. The contrast in water table depth between connected and disconnected sites was attributed to the conditions at the time of the study, when a severe regional drought had generated a widespread decline in regional water tables. This decline was apparently compensated near losing‐connected rivers by increased infiltration rates, while the decline could not be compensated at the losing‐disconnected rivers because the infiltration rates were already maximal there. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The groundwater in shallow loess aquifers in high mountain–hills in the western Loess Plateau in China is almost the sole water resource for local residents. However, the question about how the loess groundwater naturally circulates in these high mountain–hills, characterized by low precipitation and high potential evaporation, remains unclear. The objectives of this study are to evaluate the application of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes to (1) examine temporal variations of the isotopic composition of precipitation and shallow groundwater and (2) uncover the mechanism of groundwater recharge in high mountain–hills. Results from 2 years of monitoring data show a difference in the stable isotopes for groundwater and local precipitation between the winter and summer periods. Similar to precipitation, stable isotopes in groundwater are observed to be depleted in winter and enriched in summer, particularly in oxygen isotope. A prominent characteristic is that H and O isotopes of groundwater show a very clear response to strong precipitation in the rainy season in 2013. The results highlight that local precipitation is the likely recharge source for groundwater in shallow loess aquifers. Annual recharge from local precipitation maintains the groundwater resource in the shallower loess aquifer. The mechanisms governing shallow loess groundwater recharge in high mountain–hills were evaluated. In addition to possible vertical slow percolation of soil water through the unsaturated zone, rapid groundwater recharge mechanisms have been identified as temporal preferential infiltration through sinkholes, slip surface or landslide surface and through the interface of loess layer and palaeo‐soils. Most groundwater can be recharged after a heavy rainy season. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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