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In August 2009, the typhoon Morakot, characterized by a cumulative rainfall up to 2884 mm in about three days, triggered thousands of landslides in Taiwan. The availability of LiDAR surveys before (2005) and after (2010) this event offers a unique opportunity to investigate the topographic signatures of a major typhoon. The analysis considers the comparison of slope–area relationships derived by LiDAR digital terrain models (DTMs). This approach has been successfully used to distinguish hillslope from channelized processes, as a basis to develop landscape evolution models and theories, and understand the linkages between landscape morphology and tectonics, climate, and geology. We considered six catchments affected by a different degree of erosion: three affected by shallow and deep‐seated landslides, and three not affected by erosion. For each of these catchments, 2 m DTMs were derived from LiDAR data. The scaling regimes of local slope versus drainage area suggested that for the catchments affected by landslides: (i) the hillslope‐to‐valley transitions morphology, for a given value of drainage area, is shifted towards higher value of slopes, thus indicating a likely migration of the channelized processes and erosion toward the catchment boundary (the catchment head becomes steeper because of erosion); (ii) the topographic gradient along valley profiles tends to decrease progressively (the valley profile becomes gentler because of sediment deposition after the typhoon). The catchments without any landslides present a statistically indistinguishable slope–area scaling regime. These results are interesting since for the first time, using multi‐temporal high‐resolution topography derived by LiDAR, we demonstrated that a single climate event is able to cause significant major geomorphic changes on the landscape, detectable using slope–area scaling analysis. This provides new insights about landscape evolution under major climate forcing. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Remote Sensing technologies are capable of providing high-resolution spatial data needed to set up advanced flood simulation models. Amongst them, aerial Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) surveys or Airborne Laser Scanner (ALS) systems have long been used to provide digital topographic maps. Nowadays, Remote Sensing data are commonly used to create Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) for detailed urban-flood modelling. However, the difficulty of relying on top-view LiDAR data only is that it cannot detect whether passages for floodwaters are hidden underneath vegetated areas or beneath overarching structures such as roads, railroads, and bridges. Such (hidden) small urban features can play an important role in urban flood propagation. In this paper, a complex urban area of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia was chosen as a study area to simulate the extreme flooding event that occurred in 2003. Three different DTMs were generated and used as input for a two-dimensional (2D) urban flood model. A top-view LiDAR approach was used to create two DTMs: (i) a standard LiDAR-DTM and (ii) a Filtered LiDAR-DTM taking into account specific ground-view features. In addition, a Structure from Motion (SfM) approach was used to detect hidden urban features from a sequence of ground-view images; these ground-view SfM data were then combined with top-view Filtered LiDAR data to create (iii) a novel Multidimensional Fusion of Views-Digital Terrain Model (MFV-DTM). These DTMs were then used as a basis for the 2D urban flood model. The resulting dynamic flood maps are compared with observations at six measurement locations. It was found that when applying only top-view DTMs as input data, the flood simulation results appear to have mismatches in both floodwater depths and flood propagation patterns. In contrast, when employing the top-ground-view fusion approach (MFV-DTM), the results not only show a good agreement in floodwater depth, but also simulate more correctly the floodwater dynamics around small urban feature. Overall, the new multi-view approach of combining top-view LiDAR data with ground-view SfM observations shows a good potential for creating an accurate digital terrain map which can be then used as an input for a numerical urban flood model.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of natural and anthropogenic changes in confining margin width by applying remote sensing techniques – fusing LiDAR topography with image‐derived bathymetry – over a large spatial extent: 58 km of the Snake River, Wyoming, USA. Fused digital elevation models from 2007 and 2012 were differenced to quantify changes in the volume of stored sediment, develop morphological sediment budgets, and infer spatial gradients in bed material transport. Our study spanned two similar reaches that were subject to different controls on confining margin width: natural terraces versus artificial levees. Channel planform in reaches with similar slope and confining margin width differed depending on whether the margins were natural or anthropogenic. The effects of tributaries also differed between the two reaches. Generally, the natural reach featured greater confining margin widths and was depositional, whereas artificial lateral constriction in the leveed reach produced a sediment budget that was closer to balanced. Although our remote sensing methods provided topographic data over a large area, net volumetric changes were not statistically significant due to the uncertainty associated with bed elevation estimates. We therefore focused on along‐channel spatial differences in bed material transport rather than absolute volumes of sediment. To complement indirect estimates of sediment transport derived by morphological sediment budgeting, we collected field data on bed mobility through a tracer study. Surface and subsurface grain size measurements were combined with bed mobility observations to calculate armoring and dimensionless sediment transport ratios, which indicated that sediment supply exceeded transport capacity in the natural reach and vice versa in the leveed reach. We hypothesize that constriction by levees induced an initial phase of incision and bed armoring. Because levees prevented bank erosion, the channel excavated sediment by migrating rapidly across the restricted braidplain and eroding bars and islands. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

High‐resolution topography, e.g. 1‐m digital elevation model (DEM) from light detection and ranging (LiDAR), offers opportunity for accurate identification of topographic features of relevance for hydrologic and geomorphologic modelling. Yet, the computation of some derived topographic properties, such as the topographic index (TI), is characterized by daunting challenges that hamper the full exploration of topography‐based models. Particular problems, for example, arise when a distributed (or semi‐distributed) rainfall–runoff model is applied to high‐resolution DEMs. Indeed, the characteristic dependency between landscape resolution and the computed TI distribution results in the formation of un‐physical, unconnected saturated zones, which in turn cause unrealistic representations of rainfall–runoff dynamics. In this study, we present a methodology based on a multi‐resolution wavelet transformation that, by means of a soft‐thresholding scheme on the wavelet coefficients, filters the noise of high‐resolution topography to construct regularized sets of locally smoother topography on which the TI is computed. While the methodology needs a somewhat arbitrary definition of the wavelet coefficients threshold, our study shows that when the information content (entropy) of the TI distribution is used as a filtering efficiency metric, a critical threshold automatically emerges in the landscape reconstruction. The methodology is demonstrated using 1‐m LiDAR data for the Elder Creek River basin in California. While the proposed case study uses a TOPMODEL approach, the methodology can be extended to different topography‐based models and is not limited to hydrological applications. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The potential for geomorphological mapping and quantitative calculations of light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data within fluvial geomorphology was studied for two river catchments within Belgium (Dijle and Amblève), which differ in physical settings and floodplain morphology. Two commercial, of‐the‐shelf LiDAR datasets with different specifications (horizontal resolution and vertical accuracy) were available for parts of the floodplains of both catchments. Real‐time kinematic (RTK) Global Positioning System (GPS) data were used as ground truth for error calculations. Qualitative analysis of LiDAR data allowed the identification of former channel patterns, levees, colluvial hillslope and fan deposits. These results were confirmed by field data, topographic surveys and historical maps. The pixel resolution proved to be an important factor in the identification of small landforms: only features with a width equal to or larger than LiDAR resolution can be detected. This poses limits on the usability of regionally available LiDAR data, which often have a horizontal resolution of several metres. The LiDAR data were also used in a quantitative analysis of channel dynamics. In the study area, the width of the Dijle River channel increased 3 m on average between 1969 and 2003. A sediment budget of channel processes for the period 1969–2003 indicated a total river bank erosion of 16·1 103 m3 and a total within channel deposition of 7·1 103 m3, resulting in a net river erosion of 9·0 103 m3 or c. 0·4 Mg year?1 per metre river length. Sequential LiDAR data can in theory be used to calculate vertical sedimentation rates, as long as there is control on the error of the reference levels used. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study developed and evaluated a hybrid approach to remote measurement of river morphology that combines LiDAR topography with spectrally based bathymetry. Comparison of filtered LiDAR point clouds with surveyed cross‐sections indicated that subtle features on low‐relief floodplains were accurately resolved by LiDAR but that submerged areas could not be detected due to strong absorption of near‐infrared laser pulses by water. The reduced number of returns made the active channel evident in a LiDAR point density map. A second dataset suggested that pulse intensity also could be used to discriminate land from water via a threshold‐based masking procedure. Fusion of LiDAR and optical data required accurate co‐registration of images to the LiDAR, and we developed an object‐oriented procedure for achieving this alignment. Information on flow depths was derived by correlating pixel values with field measurements of depth. Highly turbid conditions dictated a positive relation between green band radiance and flow depth and contributed to under‐prediction of pool depths. Water surface elevations extracted from the LiDAR along the water's edge were used to produce a continuous water surface that preserved along‐channel variations in slope. Subtracting local flow depths from this surface yielded estimates of the bed elevation that were then combined with LiDAR topography for exposed areas to create a composite representation of the riverine terrain. The accuracy of this terrain model was assessed via comparison with detailed field surveys. A map of elevation residuals showed that the greatest errors were associated with underestimation of pool depths and failure to capture cross‐stream differences in water surface elevation. Nevertheless, fusion of LiDAR and passive optical image data provided an efficient means of characterizing river morphology that would not have been possible if either dataset had been used in isolation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Airborne scanning laser altimetry (LiDAR) is an important new data source that can provide two‐dimensional river flood models with spatially distributed floodplain topography for model bathymetry, together with vegetation heights for parameterization of model friction. Methods are described for improving such models by decomposing the model's finite‐element mesh to reflect floodplain vegetation features such as hedges and trees having different frictional properties to their surroundings, and significant floodplain topographic features having high height curvatures. The decomposition is achieved using an image segmentation system that converts the LiDAR height image into separate images of surface topography and vegetation height at each point. The vegetation height map is used to estimate a friction factor at each mesh node. The spatially distributed friction model has the advantage that it is physically based, and removes the need for a model calibration exercise in which free parameters specifying friction in the channel and floodplain are adjusted to achieve best fit between modelled and observed flood extents. The scheme was tested in a modelling study of a flood that occurred on the River Severn, UK, in 1998. A satellite synthetic aperture radar image of flood extent was used to validate the model predictions. The simulated hydraulics using the decomposed mesh gave a better representation of the observed flood extent than the more simplistic but computationally efficient approach of sampling topography and vegetation friction factors on to larger floodplain elements in an undecomposed mesh, as well as the traditional approach using no LiDAR‐derived data but simply using a constant floodplain friction factor. Use of the decomposed mesh also allowed velocity variations to be predicted in the neighbourhood of vegetation features such as hedges. These variations could be of use in predicting localized erosion and deposition patterns that might result in the event of a flood. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

High resolution DEMs obtained from LiDAR topographic data have led to improved landform inventories (e.g. landslides and fault scarps) and understanding of geomorphic event frequency. Here we use airborne LiDAR mapping to investigate meltwater pathways associated with the Tweed Valley palaeo ice‐stream (UK). In particular we focus on a gorge downstream of Palaeolake Milfield, previously mapped as a sub‐glacial meltwater channel, where the identification of abandoned headcut channels, run‐up bars, rock‐cut terrace surfaces and eddy flow features attest to formation by a sub‐aerial glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) caused by breaching of a sediment dam, likely an esker ridge. Mapping of these landforms combined with analysis of the gorge rim elevations and cross‐section variability revealed a two phase event with another breach site downstream following flow blockage by higher elevation drumlin topography. We estimate the magnitude of peak flow to be 1–3 × 103 m3/s, duration of the event to range from 16–155 days, and a specific sediment yield of 107–109 m3/km2/yr. We identified other outburst pathways in the lower Tweed basin that help delineate an ice margin position of the retreating Tweed Valley ice stream. The results suggest that low magnitude outburst floods are under‐represented in Quaternary geomorphological maps. We therefore recommend regional LiDAR mapping of meltwater pathways to identify other GLOFs in order to better quantify the pattern of freshwater and sediment fluxes from melting ice sheets to oceans. Despite the relatively low magnitude of the Till outburst event, it had a significant impact on the landscape development of the lower Tweed Valley through the creation of a new tributary pathway and triggering of rapid knickpoint retreat encouraging new regional models of post‐glacial fluvial landscape response. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Flood modelling of urban areas is still at an early stage, partly because until recently topographic data of sufficiently high resolution and accuracy have been lacking in urban areas. However, digital surface models (DSMs) generated from airborne scanning laser altimetry (LiDAR) having sub‐metre spatial resolution have now become available, and these are able to represent the complexities of urban topography. This paper describes the development of a LiDAR post‐processor for urban flood modelling based on the fusion of LiDAR and digital map data. The map data are used in conjunction with LiDAR data to identify different object types in urban areas, though pattern recognition techniques are also employed. Post‐processing produces a digital terrain model (DTM) for use as model bathymetry, and also a friction parameter map for use in estimating spatially distributed friction coefficients. In vegetated areas, friction is estimated from LiDAR‐derived vegetation height, and (unlike most vegetation removal software) the method copes with short vegetation less than ~1 m high, which may occupy a substantial fraction of even an urban floodplain. The DTM and friction parameter map may also be used to help to generate an unstructured mesh of a vegetated urban floodplain for use by a two‐dimensional finite element model. The mesh is decomposed to reflect floodplain features having different frictional properties to their surroundings, including urban features (such as buildings and roads) and taller vegetation features (such as trees and hedges). This allows a more accurate estimation of local friction. The method produces a substantial node density due to the small dimensions of many urban features. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The development of high resolution LiDAR digital terrain models (DTMs) has enabled the exploration of the statistical signature of morphology on curvature distributions. This work analyzes Minimum Curvature distributions to identify the statistical signature of two types of LiDAR‐DTM errors (outliers and striping artifacts) in the derived estimates, rather than morphology itself. The analysis shows the importance of modeling these errors correctly, in relation to the scale of analysis and DTM resolution, in order to have reliable curvature estimates. Nine DTMs of different morphological areas are considered, and grouped into a training dataset (without errors) and a test dataset (with errors). In the training dataset, the original DTMs are considered as true values; errors are then applied to these data. Minimum Curvature is computed at multiple scales from each DTM: changes in curvature distributions due only to morphology and scale are characterized from the original data; error effects are then identified from the datasets with simulated errors, and validated against the test dataset. The analysis shows that outliers and striping artifacts can be realistically simulated by heavily left tailed distributions. For DTMs without errors, the scale‐dependent change in curvature distribution is primarily controlled by real morphology. When DTMs include errors, curvature distributions become controlled by these errors, whose propagation depends on error distribution, error spatial correlation, and the scale of analysis. This study shows that the curvature distributions are impacted upon differently by striping artifacts and outliers, and that these are clearly distinguishable from the signal of morphological features: a scale‐dependent change in curvature distribution can therefore be interpreted as the signature of these specific errors, rather than morphology. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study uses landform curvature as an approach for channel network extraction. We considered a study area located in the eastern Italian Alps where a high‐quality set of LiDAR data was available and where channel heads and related channel network were mapped in the field. In the analysis, we derived 1‐m DTMs from different ground LiDAR point densities, and we used different smoothing factors for the landscape curvature calculation in order to test the suitability of the LiDAR point density and the derived curvature maps for the recognition of channel network. This methodology is based on threshold values of the curvature calculated as multiples (1–3 times) of the standard deviation of the curvature. Our analyses suggested that (i) the window size for curvature calculations has to be a function of the size of the features to be detected, (ii) a coarse ground LiDAR point density could be as useful as a finer one for the recognition of main channel network features and (iii) rougher curvature maps are not optimal as they do not explore a sufficient range at which features occur, while smoother curvature maps overcome this problem and are more appropriate for the extraction of surveyed channels. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Accurate stream discharge measurements are important for many hydrological studies. In remote locations, however, it is often difficult to obtain stream flow information because of the difficulty in making the discharge measurements necessary to define stage‐discharge relationships (rating curves). This study investigates the feasibility of defining rating curves by using a fluid mechanics‐based model constrained with topographic data from an airborne LiDAR scanning. The study was carried out for an 8m‐wide channel in the boreal landscape of northern Sweden. LiDAR data were used to define channel geometry above a low flow water surface along the 90‐m surveyed reach. The channel topography below the water surface was estimated using the simple assumption of a flat streambed. The roughness for the modelled reach was back calculated from a single measurment of discharge. The topographic and roughness information was then used to model a rating curve. To isolate the potential influence of the flat bed assumption, a ‘hybrid model’ rating curve was developed on the basis of data combined from the LiDAR scan and a detailed ground survey. Whereas this hybrid model rating curve was in agreement with the direct measurements of discharge, the LiDAR model rating curve was equally in agreement with the medium and high flow measurements based on confidence intervals calculated from the direct measurements. The discrepancy between the LiDAR model rating curve and the low flow measurements was likely due to reduced roughness associated with unresolved submerged bed topography. Scanning during periods of low flow can help minimize this deficiency. These results suggest that combined ground surveys and LiDAR scans or multifrequency LiDAR scans that see ‘below’ the water surface (bathymetric LiDAR) could be useful in generating data needed to run such a fluid mechanics‐based model. This opens a realm of possibility to remotely sense and monitor stream flows in channels in remote locations. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Quantifying geomorphic conditions that impact riverine ecosystems is critical in river management due to degraded riverine habitat, changing flow and thermal conditions, and increasing anthropogenic pressure. Geomorphic complexity at different scales directly impacts habitat heterogeneity and affects aquatic biodiversity resilience. Here we showed that the combination of continuous spatial survey at high resolution, topobathymetric light detection and ranging (LiDAR), and continuous wavelet analysis can help identify and characterize that complexity. We used a continuous wavelet analysis on 1-m resolution topobathymetry in three rivers in the Salmon River Basin, Idaho (USA), to identify different scales of topographic variability and the potential effects of this variability on salmonid redd site selection. On each river, wavelet scales characterized the topographic variability by portraying repeating patterns in the longitudinal profile. We found three major representative spatial wavelet scales of topographic variability in each river: a small wavelet scale associated with local morphology such as pools and riffles, a mid-wavelet scale that identified larger channel unit features, and a large wavelet scale related to valley-scale controls. The small wavelet scale was used to identify pools and riffles along the entire lengths of each river as well as areas with differing riffle-pool development. Areas along the rivers with high local topographic variability (high wavelet power) at all wavelet scales contained the largest features (i.e., deepest or longest pools) in the systems. By comparing the wavelet power for each wavelet scale to Chinook salmon redd locations, we found that higher small-scale wavelet power, which is related to pool-riffle topography, is important for redd site selection. The continuous wavelet methodology objectively identified scales of topographic variability present in these rivers, performed efficient channel-unit identification, and provided geomorphic assessment without laborious field surveys.  相似文献   

Quantifying the topography of rivers and their associated bedforms has been a fundamental concern of fluvial geomorphology for decades. Such data, acquired at high temporal and spatial resolutions, are increasingly in demand for process‐oriented investigations of flow hydraulics, sediment dynamics and in‐stream habitat. In these riverine environments, the most challenging region for topographic measurement is the wetted, submerged channel. Generally, dry bed topography and submerged bathymetry are measured using different methods and technology. This adds to the costs, logistical challenges and data processing requirements of comprehensive river surveys. However, some technologies are capable of measuring the submerged topography. Through‐water photogrammetry and bathymetric LiDAR are capable of reasonably accurate measurements of channel beds in clear water. While the cost of bathymetric LiDAR remains high and its resolution relatively coarse, the recent developments in photogrammetry using Structure from Motion (SfM) algorithms promise a fundamental shift in the accessibility of topographic data for a wide range of settings. Here we present results demonstrating the potential of so called SfM‐photogrammetry for quantifying both exposed and submerged fluvial topography at the mesohabitat scale. We show that imagery acquired from a rotary‐winged Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) can be processed in order to produce digital elevation models (DEMs) with hyperspatial resolutions (c. 0.02 m) for two different river systems over channel lengths of 50–100 m. Errors in submerged areas range from 0.016 m to 0.089 m, which can be reduced to between 0.008 m and 0.053 m with the application of a simple refraction correction. This work therefore demonstrates the potential of UAS platforms and SfM‐photogrammetry as a single technique for surveying fluvial topography at the mesoscale (defined as lengths of channel from c.10 m to a few hundred metres). Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effects of the topographic data source and resolution on the hydraulic modelling of floods were analysed. Seven digital terrain models (DTMs) were generated from three different altimetric sources: a global positioning system (GPS) survey and bathymetry; high‐resolution laser altimetry data LiDAR (light detection and ranging); and vectorial cartography (1:5000). Hydraulic results were obtained, using the HEC‐RAS one‐dimensional model, for all seven DTMs. The importance of the DTM's accuracy on the hydraulic modelling results was analysed within three different hydraulic contexts: (1) the discharge and water surface elevation results from the hydraulic model; (2) the delineation of the flooded area; and (3) the relative sensitivity of the hydraulic model to changes in the Manning's n roughness coefficient. The contour‐based DTM was the least accurate with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 4·5 m in the determination of the water level and a variation of up to 50 per cent in the estimation of the inundated area of the floodplain. The GPS‐based DTM produced more realistic water surface elevation results and variations of up to 8 per cent in terms of the flooded area. The laser‐based model's RMSE for water level was 0·3 m, with the flooded area varying by less than 1 per cent. The LiDAR data also showed the greatest sensitivity to changes in the Manning's roughness coefficient. An analysis of the effect of mesh resolution indicated an influence on the delineation of the flooded area with variations of up to 7·3 per cent. In addition to determining the accuracy of the hydraulic modelling results produced from each DTM, an analysis of the time–cost ratio of each topographic data source illustrates that airborne laser scanning is a cost‐effective means of developing a DTM of sufficient accuracy, especially over large areas. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The availability of high‐resolution, multi‐temporal, remotely sensed topographic data is revolutionizing geomorphic analysis. Three‐dimensional topographic point measurements acquired from structure‐from‐motion (SfM) photogrammetry have been shown to be highly accurate and cost‐effective compared to laser‐based alternatives in some environments. Use of consumer‐grade digital cameras to generate terrain models and derivatives is becoming prevalent within the geomorphic community despite the details of these instruments being largely overlooked in current SfM literature. A practical discussion of camera system selection, configuration, and image acquisition is presented. The hypothesis that optimizing source imagery can increase digital terrain model (DTM) accuracy is tested by evaluating accuracies of four SfM datasets conducted over multiple years of a gravel bed river floodplain using independent ground check points with the purpose of comparing morphological sediment budgets computed from SfM‐ and LiDAR‐derived DTMs. Case study results are compared to existing SfM validation studies in an attempt to deconstruct the principle components of an SfM error budget. Greater information capacity of source imagery was found to increase pixel matching quality, which produced eight times greater point density and six times greater accuracy. When propagated through volumetric change analysis, individual DTM accuracy (6–37 cm) was sufficient to detect moderate geomorphic change (order 100 000 m3) on an unvegetated fluvial surface; change detection determined from repeat LiDAR and SfM surveys differed by about 10%. Simple camera selection criteria increased accuracy by 64%; configuration settings or image post‐processing techniques increased point density by 5–25% and decreased processing time by 10–30%. Regression analysis of 67 reviewed datasets revealed that the best explanatory variable to predict accuracy of SfM data is photographic scale. Despite the prevalent use of object distance ratios to describe scale, nominal ground sample distance is shown to be a superior metric, explaining 68% of the variability in mean absolute vertical error. Published 2016. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA  相似文献   

The Bolokonu-Aqikekuduke fault zone(Bo-A Fault)is the plate convergence boundary between the middle and the northern Tianshan. Bo-A Fault is an inherited right-lateral strike-slip active fault and obliquely cuts the Tianshan Mountains to the northwest. Accurately constrained fault activity and slip rate is crucial for understanding the tectonic deformation mechanism, strain rate distribution and regional seismic hazard. Based on the interpretation of satellite remote sensing images and topographic surveys, this paper divides the alluvial fans in the southeast of Jinghe River into four phases, Fan1, Fan2, Fan3 and Fan4 by geomorphological elevation, water density, depth of cut, etc. This paper interprets gullies and terrace scarps by high-resolution LiDAR topographic data. Right-laterally offset gullies, fault scarps and terrace scarps are distributed in Fan1, Fan2b and Fan3. We have identified a total of 30 right-laterally offset gullies and terrace scarps. Minimum right-lateral displacement is about 6m and the maximum right-lateral displacements are(414±10)m, (91±5)m and(39±1)m on Fan2b, Fan3a and Fan3b. The landform scarp dividing Fan2b and Fan3a is offset right-laterally by (212±11)m. Combining the work done by the predecessors in the northern foothills of the Tianshan Mountains with Guliya ice core climate curve, this paper concludes that the undercut age of alluvial fan are 56~64ka, 35~41ka, 10~14ka in the Tianshan Mountains. The slip rate of Bo-A Fault since the formation of the Fan2b, Fan3a and Fan3b of the alluvial-proluvial fan is 3.3~3.7mm/a, 2.2~2.6mm/a and 2.7~3.9mm/a. The right-lateral strike-slip rate since the late Pleistocene is obtained to be 3.1±0.3mm/a based on high-resolution LiDAR topographic data and Monte Carlo analysis.  相似文献   

Our detailed field investigation, paleoseismic trenching, and airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR)‐derived topographic data provides the first direct evidence for late Quaternary repetitive surface faulting on the northeast‐striking Isurugi fault along the northwestern margin of the Tonami Plain in the Hokuriku region of north‐central Japan. This fault has been interpreted previously by different researchers as both inactive and active, owing to a lack of geologic evidence and a failure to identify fault‐related geomorphic features. Our mapping of LiDAR topography revealed a series of northeast‐trending warped fluvial terraces, about 1.5 km long and 170 m wide, with an age of ≤ 29 ka. We interpreted these geomorphologic features to represent an active pop‐up structure bounded to the southeast by the northwest‐dipping main thrust of the Isurugi fault and to the northwest by a southeast‐dipping backthrust that splays off the main thrust in the shallow subsurface. Paleoseismic trenching across the northwestern part of an elongate terrace exposed a series of southeast‐dipping backthrusts and associated northwest‐verging monoclines. The deformation and depositional age of the strata provide evidence for repetitive surface rupturing on the backthrusts since the latest Pleistocene; the latest of these events occurred in the Holocene between about 4.0 and 0.9 ka. Despite the poor preservation of the surface expression of the Isurugi fault, repetitive scarp‐forming faulting in the late Quaternary and the proximity of the Oyabe River and its tributaries to the fault trace suggest that there may be an extension of the Isurugi fault to the northeast and southwest beneath the Tonami Plain that makes the fault long enough to generate a large earthquake (Mw ≥ 6.8) accompanied by surface rupture.  相似文献   

This is the era of digital landscapes; the widespread availability of powerful sensing technologies has revolutionized the way it is possible to interrogate landscapes in order to understand the processes sculpting them. Vastly greater areas have now been acquired at ‘high resolution’: currently tens of metres globally to millimetric precision and accuracy locally. This permits geomorphic features to be visualized and analysed across the scales at which Earth‐surface processes operate. Especially exciting is the capturing of process dynamics in repeated surveying, which will only become more important with low‐cost accessible data generation through techniques such as Structure from Motion (SfM). But the key challenge remains; to interpret high resolution Digital Terrain Models (DTMs), particularly by extracting geomorphic features in robust and objective ways and then linking the observed features to the underlying physical processes. In response to the new data and challenges, recent years have seen improved processing of raw data into DTMs, development of data fusion techniques, novel quantitative analysis of topographic data, and innovative geomorphological mapping. The twelve papers collected in this volume sample this progress in interrogating Earth‐surface processes through the analysis of DTMs. They cover a wide range of disciplines and spatio‐temporal scales, from landslide prone landscapes, to agriculturally modified regions, to mountainous landscapes, and coastal zones. They all, however, showcase the quantitative exploitation of information contained in high‐resolution topographic data that we believe will underpin the improvement of our understanding of many elements of Earth‐surface processes. Most of the papers introduced here were first presented in a conference session at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly in 2011. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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