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A back‐propagation algorithm neural network (BPNN) was developed to synchronously simulate concentrations of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) and dissolved oxygen (DO) in response to agricultural non‐point source pollution (AGNPS) for any month and location in the Changle River, southeast China. Monthly river flow, water temperature, flow travel time, rainfall and upstream TN, TP and DO concentrations were selected as initial inputs of the BPNN through coupling correlation analysis and quadratic polynomial stepwise regression analysis for the outputs, i.e. downstream TN, TP and DO concentrations. The input variables and number of hidden nodes of the BPNN were then optimized using a combination of growing and pruning methods. The final structure of the BPNN was determined from simulated data based on experimental data for both the training and validation phases. The predicted values obtained using a BPNN consisting of the seven initial input variables (described above), one hidden layer with four nodes and three output variables matched well with observed values. The model indicated that decreasing upstream input concentrations during the dry season and control of NPS along the reach during average and flood seasons may be an effective way to improve Changle River water quality. If the necessary water quality and hydrology data are available, the methodology developed here can easily be applied to other case studies. The BPNN model is an easy‐to‐use modelling tool for managers to obtain rapid preliminary identification of spatiotemporal water quality variations in response to natural and artificial modifications of an agricultural drainage river. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Non‐point source (NPS) pollution from agricultural land is increasing exponentially in many countries of the world, including India. A modified approach based on the conservation of mass and reaction kinetics has been derived to estimate the inflow of non‐point source pollutants from a river reach. Two water quality variables, namely, nitrate (NO3) and ortho‐phosphate (o‐PO4), which are main contributors as non‐point source pollution, were monitored at four locations of River Kali, western Uttar Pradesh, India, and used for calibration and validation of the model. Extensive water quality sampling was done with a total of 576 field data sets collected during the period from March 1999 to February 2000. Remote sensing and geographical information system (GIS) techniques were used to obtain land use/land cover of the region, digital elevation model (DEM), delineation of basin area contributing to non‐point source pollution at each sampling location and drainage map. The results obtained from a modified approach were compared with the existing mass‐balance equations and distributed modelling, and the performances of different equations were evaluated using error estimation viz. standard error, normal mean error, mean multiplicative error and correlation statistics. The developed model for the River Kali minimizes error estimates and improves correlation between observed and computed NPS loads. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Annualized Agricultural Non‐point Source (AnnAGNPS) pollution model has been widely used to assess and predict runoff, soil erosion, sediment and nutrient loading with a geographic information system. This article presents a case study of the effect of land‐use changes on nonpoint source (NPS) pollution using the AnnAGNPS model in the Xizhi River watershed, eastern Pearl River Delta of Guangdong province, China. The land‐use changes in the Xizhi River watershed between 1998 and 2003 were examined using the multitemporal remote sensing data. The runoff, soil erosion, sediment transport and nutrient loading 1998 and 2003 were assessed using AnnAGNPS. The effects of land‐use changes on NPS were studied by comparing the simulation results of each year. Our results showed that (i) the NPS loadings increased when forest and grass land converted into paddy, orchard and farmland land, and population size and gross domestic product size as well as the usage amounts of fertilizer and pesticide in the entire watershed were firmly correlated with the NPS loadings; (ii) the land‐use change during fast urbanization in particular when other land types were converted into the development land and buildup land led to increasing of NPS pollution; and (iii) urban land expansion showed more important effects on total organic carbon (TOC) loading compared with nitrogen and phosphorus loadings. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Non‐point source pollution is a key issue in integrated river basin management around the world and has resulted in water contamination, aquatic ecology deterioration and eutrophication. Xin'anjiang catchment is the key drinking water source area for Hangzhou City, China. A promising model (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) was applied to assess the non‐point source pollution and its effect on drinking water. Sensitivity analysis of model parameters was carried out using the Sequential Uncertainty Domain Parameter Fitting 2 sensitivity technique. Water discharge, sediment, total nitrogen and total phosphorus load processes from 2000 to 2010 were simulated, and the spatial distributions of non‐point source pollutants were evaluated at the catchment and administrative country levels. The results show that the hydrological parameters of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool were dominantly sensitive for non‐point source pollution simulation, including CN2, RCHRG_DP, ALPHA_BF, SOL_AWC, ESCO and SOL_K and the characteristic parameters of sub‐basins (viz. HRU_SLP and SLSUBBSN). Also, water quality parameters (viz. CH_EROD, NPERCO, RSDCO and PPERCO, PHOSKD, etc.) have a significant effect on nutrients. The model performance was very satisfactory, especially for runoff, sediment and total phosphorus simulation. The non‐point source pollutant load increased from 2001 to 2010 in the whole catchment. Total nitrogen load increased from 3428 tons (0.59 ton km?2) to 7315 tons (1.25 ton km?2), and total phosphorus load increased from 299 tons (0.05 ton km?2) to 867 tons (0.15 ton km?2). The contribution of rice land was the largest, accounting for nearly 95%, followed by tea garden (3.56%), winter wheat (1.37%), forest (0.07%) and grassland (0.02%). Moreover, She County and Xiuning County contributed more than half of the non‐point source pollutants. This study was expected to provide a method and reference for non‐point source pollution quantification and to support water quality management implementation in China. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Jiaodong Peninsula is the largest repository of gold in China based on the production in history. It covers less than 0.2% of China’s territory, but production of gold accounts for about one fourth of the whole country. Thus, the Jiaodong Peninsula is a typical area or case of large-scale metallogenesis and a large clusters of mineral deposits in China. It is characterized by the large clusters of gold deposits in large scale, high reserve and short mineralizing stage. In this study, we suggest that the eastern boundary of the large clusters of gold deposits is as same as that of North China Block, the gold deposits are hosted by Archean metamorphic rocks or Mesozoic granites, and the age of gold mineralization is 121.6 to 122.7 Ma. Gold and related ore-forming materials are derived from multisources, i.e. Archean metamorphic rocks, granites and intermediate-mafic dikes, especially, intermediate-mafic dikes and calc-alkaline granites. The metallogenic geodynamic process is constrained by the tectonic evolution of eastern North China Block during Late Mesozoic, and it is the result of the interaction between mantle and crust as the boundary plates are playing role on the block.  相似文献   

Thrust and nappe tectonics have affected the eastern Jiaodong Peninsula, the easternmost terminal of the Sulu Ultra-high Pressure Metamorphic Belt. Four nappes have been mapped, named respectively the Shidao, Rongcheng, Mishan and Mouping nappes. The methods used included multi-scale struc- tural analysis and structural chronology analysis. These nappes define four deep level slip-thrust shear zones that were mainly active in the Mesozoic. The amount of ductile deformation decreases from the Shidao to Rongcheng to Mouping to Mishan shear zones, and shows an inverse relationship with temperature. 40Ar/39Ar chronological analysis and the chronological results of former workers reveal four movement steps defined by the development of thrusts and nappes in the late Triassic (210-180 Ma), extensional movement from the Jurassic to early Cretaceous (180-130 Ma), slip-thrust movement in the Early Cretaceous (130-120 Ma), and extensional movement since the Late Cretaceous (120 Ma). The order of boundary shear zone motion in the period of slip-thrust movement during the Early Cre- taceous (130-120 Ma) was along the Shidao, Rongcheng, Mouping and finally the Mishan shear zone. This resulted in clockwise rotation of the nappes relative to block west to the Tan-Lu Faults. Because of the similar evolutionary history of the Tan-Lu Faults and the thrust and nappe structure in the eastern Jiaodong Peninsula, slip dislocation along the Tan-Lu Faults might have been absorbed by thrust and nappe tectonics in the Jiaodong area in the Mesozoic era, resulting in much less dislocation on the Tan-Lu faults in North Eastern China than that in south along the Jiaodong Peninsula.  相似文献   

基于SWAT模型的南四湖流域非点源氮磷污染模拟   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
李爽  张祖陆  孙媛媛 《湖泊科学》2013,25(2):236-242
本文利用SWAT模型结合实测数据,对南四湖流域2001-2010年年均非点源氮磷污染进行模拟,分析了南四湖流域非点源氮磷负荷空间分布特征,计算各河流流域对南四湖湖区污染的贡献率,并对非点源氮磷污染严重的关键区进行识别.研究表明:(1)先模拟湖东和湖西的两个典型小流域的非点源氮磷污染,并将模型推及整个南四湖流域,该方法不仅提高了计算效率,且得到了较好的模拟结果.通过对比发现,湖东的模拟效果要好于湖西,一定程度上说明SWAT模型在起伏较大的地区能取得更高的精度.(2)南四湖流域非点源氮磷污染严重,几乎所有区域的氮负荷超标,40%以上的区域磷负荷超标严重.湖东非点源氮磷污染较湖西严重,其中洸府河流域是南四湖湖区非点源氮磷污染的主要贡献者.(3)通过对径流量、泥沙负荷、氮负荷、磷负荷的相关分析可以得出,南四湖流域非点源氮负荷以溶解态为主,随径流进入水体;非点源磷负荷以吸附态为主,随泥沙进入水体.  相似文献   

Major solute concentrations in overland flow water (OFW) were measured in an agricultural field of Brittany (western France). Two storm events were monitored in detail to examine the short time‐scale processes. During one year, samples were taken at different positions on the slope after each storm event to describe the spatial and seasonal variations of OFW chemistry. Although the total dissolved load in OFW is not much higher than in rain water, distinctive features are observed. K+, Ca2+, NH4 , Cl and SOare the major solutes. The main origin of the elements (sea salts, exchangeable soil complex or fertilizers) determined most of the variations observed. Spatial variations along the slope are mainly seen for exchangeable cations, while seasonal variations are predominant for sea salts. Rainfall intensity and suspended sediment load induce strong differences between the two storm events studied in detail. However, the within‐storm variations and the seasonal monitoring show that this relationship is complex. Within‐storm variations suggest that, in addition to desorption processes, mixing with pre‐event water may occur. The lack of a relationship between sediment load and dissolved load is attributed to the high rate of the exchange processes, which has been checked by a simple experiment in vitro. It is concluded that the conditions of the transit of water on the field (velocity, length, status of the surface, crusted or not) may well play a major role in the chemical changes between rain water and OFW. The results suggest that vegetated buffer strips designed to reduce the sediment load only, and not the amount of overland flow, will have little effect on the transfer of dissolved pollutants to the watercourses. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Water forms an essential resource for life on earth because all living things on earth depend on water for life activities. However, with the increase in the human population, which is coupled with intense urbanization and agricultural activities, global water pollution has increased over the past decades. In China, agricultural activities that occure mainly in the planting fields have been listed as the main source of surface water and groundwater pollution. This review focuses on the major factors that influence pollution from planting fields in China mainly as a result of farming activities such as flood irrigation, excessive application of fertilizers and pesticides, and poor management practices. At present, good results are achieved by adopting soil fertilization test formula, biodegradable pesticides, proper irrigation, and agroforestry interventions. In the future, pollution from planting fields as a non‐point source of water pollution can be improved and resolved by perfect nutrient management, best management practices, organic amendments, restoring water environment, and intelligent assessment management.  相似文献   

For efficient and targeted management, this study demonstrates a recently developed non-point source (NPS) pollution model for a year-long estimation in the Pingqiao River Basin (22.3 km2) in China. This simple but physically reasonable model estimates NPS export in terms of land use by reflecting spatial hydrological features and source runoff measurements under different land-use types. The NPS export was separately analysed by a distributed hydrological model, a spatial hydrograph-separation technique, and an empirical water quality sub-model. Simulation results suggest that 57 890 kg of total nitrogen (TN) and 1148 kg of total phosphorus (TP) were delivered. The results, validated with observed stream concentrations, show relative errors of 23.3% for TN and 47.4% for TP. Countermeasures for urban areas (5.3% of total area) were prioritized because of the high contribution rate to TN (14.1%) and TP (26.2%) which is caused by the high degree of runoff (8.5%) and pollution source.  相似文献   

不同尺度流域地表径流氮、磷浓度比较   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
选择太湖上游为研究对象,采集了1-400 km2不同尺度小流域产出径流TN、TP浓度实测数据,结合前期开展的地表坡面流人工暴雨实验监测结果,开展不同尺度流域水质监测对水体面源污染产出浓度估算影响的比较研究,探讨流域尺度之间入渗、汇流以及伴随的流域生态系统营养盐调节机制的差异.结果表明,流域监测尺度对土地利用面源污染产出浓度估算有较大影响.地表坡面流由于未经过流域汇流过程伴随的下渗滤过与吸附等过程,产出径流TN、TP浓度一般高于小流域.小流域林地生态系统具有较强的入渗机制、接近自然的生态沟谷汇流网络,对面源污染TN、TP有较强的削减作用.农业生态系统较弱的入渗机制、人工沟渠汇流网络对面源污染TN、TP的削减作用较弱.现代农业造成流域面源污染增加不仅仅是因为人类农业活动对流域局部土体及养分的改变,农业生态系统改变流域自然生态系统整体水文过程及营养盐调节机制也是面源污染增加的重要因素之一,恢复小尺度的生态沟谷网络系统对削减流域面源污染具有重要的意义.  相似文献   


晚中生代以来,华北克拉通东部经历了以岩石圈减薄作用为主要特征的大规模岩石圈破坏.在此背景下,位于华北克拉通东部的胶东地区形成了大规模的伸展构造、广泛发育的花岗岩类侵入体和巨量的金矿化.为揭示胶东地区控矿构造在上地壳层次的发育特征及其与金成矿之间的联系,本文基于跨胶东半岛的NWW-SEE向短周期密集地震台阵剖面,开展了背景噪声成像研究,获得了胶东地区8 km以浅的上地壳S波速度结构,其主要特征为:(1)胶东地区沉积层较薄,基底平均深度为1~2 km左右;(2)垂向速度梯度显示胶西北基底/浅层高速间断面错断特征显著,与主要拆离断层对应关系良好,且相对速度扰动显示沿主要拆离断层发育SE倾向的条带状低速异常;(3)牟乳成矿带下方S波速度具有横向分块特征,与五莲—烟台等控矿断裂的陡倾特征吻合,且东部苏鲁造山带上地壳平均速度较胶西北地区明显偏高.综合本文成像结果及已有地质、地球物理资料,我们认为胶西北成矿带的控矿构造深部以大规模拆离断层为主要特征,而东部牟乳成矿带则以高角度的脆性(走滑)断裂为主,故控矿断裂构造的差异可能是胶东成矿区域性差异的主要控制因素.


While the effects of land use change in urban areas have been widely examined, the combined effects of climate and land use change on the quality of urban and urbanizing streams have received much less attention. We describe a modelling framework that is applicable to the evaluation of potential changes in urban water quality and associated hydrologic changes in response to ongoing climate and landscape alteration. The grid‐based spatially distributed model, Distributed Hydrology Soil Vegetation Model‐Water Quality (DHSVM‐WQ), is an outgrowth of DHSVM that incorporates modules for assessing hydrology and water quality in urbanized watersheds at a high‐spatial and high‐temporal resolution. DHSVM‐WQ simulates surface run‐off quality and in‐stream processes that control the transport of non‐point source pollutants into urban streams. We configure DHSVM‐WQ for three partially urbanized catchments in the Puget Sound region to evaluate the water quality responses to current conditions and projected changes in climate and/or land use over the next century. Here, we focus on total suspended solids (TSS) and total phosphorus (TP) from non‐point sources (run‐off), as well as stream temperature. The projection of future land use is characterized by a combination of densification in existing urban or partially urban areas and expansion of the urban footprint. The climate change scenarios consist of individual and concurrent changes in temperature and precipitation. Future precipitation is projected to increase in winter and decrease in summer, while future temperature is projected to increase throughout the year. Our results show that urbanization has a much greater effect than climate change on both the magnitude and seasonal variability of streamflow, TSS and TP loads largely because of substantially increased streamflow and particularly winter flow peaks. Water temperature is more sensitive to climate warming scenarios than to urbanization and precipitation changes. Future urbanization and climate change together are predicted to significantly increase annual mean streamflow (up to 55%), water temperature (up to 1.9 °C), TSS load (up to 182%) and TP load (up to 74%). Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Nonpoint source pollution and hydromodification are the leading causes of impairment to our nation's rivers and streams. Roadside ditch networks, ubiquitous in both rural and urban landscapes, intercept and shunt substantial quantities of overland runoff and shallow groundwater to stream systems. By altering natural flowpaths, road ditches contribute not only to hydromodification but also potentially to nonpoint‐source (NPS) pollution by acting as hydrological links between agricultural fields and natural streams. Unfortunately, the impacts of these alterations on watershed hydrology and water quality are not well understood. Through a series of field measurements, including field surveys and discharge monitoring, this study examined the effect of road ditch networks on basin morphometry, field‐ and watershed‐scale hydrology, and pollutant transport in a 38 km2 agricultural watershed in south‐central NY. Salient findings include the following: (i) 94% of road ditches discharged to natural streams, effectively doubling the drainage density; (ii) on average, road ditches increased peak and total event flows in their receiving streams by 78% and 57%, respectively, but displayed significant variation across ditches; and (iii) ditches intercepted large quantities of surface and subsurface runoff from agricultural fields and therefore represent efficient conduits for the transport of agricultural NPS pollutants to sensitive receiving waterbodies. Our results provide useful information for hydrologists who wish to further understand how artificial drainage may be affecting watershed hydrology and for managers and engineers tasked with designing appropriate flood and NPS pollution control measures. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Quanshu Yan  Xuefa Shi 《Island Arc》2014,23(3):221-235
Major element and trace element compositions, and Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions for postcollisional granites from the Laoshan granitic complex, in the eastern side of the Triassic suture between the South China and North China tectonic blocks were determined. The granites are alkaline, A‐type and can be further classified as A1 granites. The trace element composition of these granites is transitional between those of oceanic island basalt and enriched mid‐oceanic ridge basalt, with depletions in Ba, Sr, P, and Ti that can be ascribed to mineral fractionation and enrichments in Cs, Rb, Th and U possibly resulted from the involvement of slab fluids. The isotopic signature of Laoshan granites represent a mixture between an enriched mantle type 1 (EMI)‐like end‐member and lower continental crust (LCC). We propose that the magmas that formed the Laoshan A1 granites are a mixture between those derived from the EMI‐like delaminated eclogitic rocks (subsequently enriched by fluids released from Mesozoic Pacific subducted slab) and those derived from the LCC, which consists of granulites or metamorphic residues from the prior generation of I‐type granites in the region. The mixed magmas then experienced a strongly alkali feldspar‐dominated fractionation prior to their emplacements as A‐type granites in the Laoshan granitic complex.  相似文献   

Drainage network extension in semi‐arid rangelands has contributed to a large increase in the amount of fine sediment delivered to the coastal lagoon of the Great Barrier Reef, but gully erosion rates and dynamics are poorly understood. This study monitored annual erosion, deposition and vegetation cover in six gullies for 13 years, in granite‐derived soils of the tropical Burdekin River basin. We also monitored a further 11 gullies in three nearby catchments for 4 years to investigate the effects of grazing intensity. Under livestock grazing, the long‐term fine sediment yield from the planform area of gullies was 6.1 t ha‐1 yr‐1. This was 7.3 times the catchment sediment yield, indicating that gullies were erosion hotspots within the catchment. It was estimated that gully erosion supplied between 29 and 44% of catchment sediment yield from 4.5% of catchment area, of which 85% was derived from gully wall erosion. Under long‐term livestock exclusion gully sediment yields were 77% lower than those of grazed gullies due to smaller gully extent, and lower erosion rates especially on gully walls. Gully wall erosion will continue to be a major landscape sediment source that is sensitive to grazing pressure, long after gully length and depth have stabilised. Wall erosion was generally lower at higher levels of wall vegetation cover, suggesting that yield could be reduced by increasing cover. Annual variations in gully head erosion and net sediment yield were strongly dependent on annual rainfall and runoff, suggesting that sediment yield would also be reduced if surface runoff could be reduced. Deposition occurred in the downstream valley segments of most gullies. This study concludes that reducing livestock grazing pressure within and around gullies in hillslope drainage lines is a primary method of gully erosion control, which could deliver substantial reductions in sediment yield. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) loss from agricultural watersheds has long been a critical water quality problem, the control of which has been the focus of considerable research and investment. Preventing P loss depends on accurately representing the hydrological and chemical processes governing P mobilization and transport. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is a watershed model commonly used to predict run‐off and non‐point source pollution transport. SWAT simulates run‐off employing either the curve number (CN) or the Green and Ampt methods, both assume infiltration‐excess run‐off, although shallow soils underlain by a restricting layer commonly generate saturation‐excess run‐off from variable source areas (VSA). In this study, we compared traditional SWAT with a re‐conceptualized version, SWAT‐VSA, that represents VSA hydrology, in a complex agricultural watershed in east central Pennsylvania. The objectives of this research were to provide further evidence of SWAT‐VSA's integrated and distributed predictive capabilities against measured surface run‐off and stream P loads and to highlight the model's ability to drive sub‐field management of P. Thus, we relied on a detailed field management database to parameterize the models. SWAT and SWAT‐VSA predicted discharge similarly well (daily Nash–Sutcliffe efficiencies of 0.61 and 0.66, respectively), but SWAT‐VSA outperformed SWAT in predicting P export from the watershed. SWAT estimated lower P loss (0.0–0.25 kg ha?1) from agricultural fields than SWAT‐VSA (0.0–1.0+ kg ha?1), which also identified critical source areas – those areas generating large run‐off and P losses at the sub‐field level. These results support the use of SWAT‐VSA in predicting watershed‐scale P losses and identifying critical source areas of P loss in landscapes with VSA hydrology. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Land‐cover/climate changes and their impacts on hydrological processes are of widespread concern and a great challenge to researchers and policy makers. Kejie Watershed in the Salween River Basin in Yunnan, south‐west China, has been reforested extensively during the past two decades. In terms of climate change, there has been a marked increase in temperature. The impact of these changes on hydrological processes required investigation: hence, this paper assesses aspects of changes in land cover and climate. The response of hydrological processes to land‐cover/climate changes was examined using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) and impacts of single factor, land‐use/climate change on hydrological processes were differentiated. Land‐cover maps revealed extensive reforestation at the expense of grassland, cropland, and barren land. A significant monotonic trend and noticeable changes had occurred in annual temperature over the long term. Long‐term changes in annual rainfall and streamflow were weak; and changes in monthly rainfall (May, June, July, and September) were apparent. Hydrological simulations showed that the impact of climate change on surface water, baseflow, and streamflow was offset by the impact of land‐cover change. Seasonal variation in streamflow was influenced by seasonal variation in rainfall. The earlier onset of monsoon and the variability of rainfall resulted in extreme monthly streamflow. Land‐cover change played a dominant role in mean annual values; seasonal variation in surface water and streamflow was influenced mainly by seasonal variation in rainfall; and land‐cover change played a regulating role in this. Surface water is more sensitive to land‐cover change and climate change: an increase in surface water in September and May due to increased rainfall was offset by a decrease in surface water due to land‐cover change. A decrease in baseflow caused by changes in rainfall and temperature was offset by an increase in baseflow due to land‐cover change. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A simple grid cell‐based distributed hydrologic model was developed to provide spatial information on hydrologic components for determining hydrologically based critical source areas. The model represents the critical process (soil moisture variation) to run‐off generation accounting for both local and global water balance. In this way, it simulates both infiltration excess run‐off and saturation excess run‐off. The model was tested by multisite and multivariable evaluation on the 50‐km2 Little River Experimental Watershed I in Georgia, U.S. and 2 smaller nested subwatersheds. Water balance, hydrograph, and soil moisture were simulated and compared to observed data. For streamflow calibration, the daily Nash‐Sutcliffe coefficient was 0.78 at the watershed outlet and 0.56 and 0.75 at the 2 nested subwatersheds. For the validation period, the Nash‐Sutcliffe coefficients were 0.79 at the watershed outlet and 0.85 and 0.83 at the 2 subwatersheds. The per cent bias was less than 15% for all sites. For soil moisture, the model also predicted the rising and declining trends at 4 of the 5 measurement sites. The spatial distribution of surface run‐off simulated by the model was mainly controlled by local characteristics (precipitation, soil properties, and land cover) on dry days and by global watershed characteristics (relative position within the watershed and hydrologic connectivity) on wet days when saturation excess run‐off was simulated. The spatial details of run‐off generation and travel time along flow paths provided by the model are helpful for watershed managers to further identify critical source areas of non‐point source pollution and develop best management practices.  相似文献   

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