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Discrimination of abiogenic and biogenic alkane gases   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We have combined the analytical data of the carbon isotope distribution pattern, R/Ra and CH4/3He values of abiogenic and biogenic (referring to the thermogenic and bacterial or microbial) alkane gases in China with those of alkane gases from USA, Russia, Germany, Australia and other countries. Four discrimination criteria are derived from this comparative study: 1) Carbon isotopic composition is generally greater than -30‰ for abiogenic methane and less than -30‰ for biogenic methane; 2) Abiogenic alkane gases have a carbon isotopic reversal trend (δ 13C1> δ 13C2> δ 13C3> δ 13C4) with δ 13C1>-30‰ in general; 3) Gases with R/Ra >0.5 and δ 13C11 δ 13C2>0 are of abiogenic origin; 4) Gases (meth- ane) with CH4/3He≤106 are of abiogenic origin, whereas gases with CH4/3He≥1011 are of biogenic origin.  相似文献   

The dynamics of natural pipe hydrological behaviour in blanket peat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Natural soil pipes are found in peatlands, but little is known about their hydrological role. This paper presents the most complete set of pipe discharge data to date from a deep blanket peatland in Northern England. In a 17.4‐ha catchment, we identified 24 perennially flowing and 60 ephemerally flowing pipe outlets. Eight pipe outlets along with the catchment outlet were continuously gauged over an 18‐month period. The pipes in the catchment were estimated to produce around 13.7% of annual streamflow, with individual pipes often producing large peak flows (maximum peak of 3.8 l s?1). Almost all pipes, whether ephemerally or perennially flowing, shallow or deep (outlets > 1 m below the peat surface), showed increased discharge within a mean of 3 h after rainfall commencement and were dominated by stormflow, indicating good connectivity between the peatland surface and the pipes. However, almost all pipes had a longer period between the hydrograph peak and the return to base flow compared with the stream (mean of 23.9 h for pipes, 19.7 h for stream). As a result, the proportion of streamflow produced by the pipes at any given time increased at low flows and formed the most important component of stream discharge for the lowest 10% of flows. Thus, a small number of perennially flowing pipes became more important to the stream system under low‐flow conditions and probably received water via matrix flow during periods between storms. Given the importance of pipes to streamflow in blanket peatlands, further research is required into their wider role in influencing stream water chemistry, water temperature and fluvial carbon fluxes, as well as their role in altering local hydrochemical cycling within the peat mass itself. Enhanced piping within peatlands caused by environmental change may lead to changes in the streamflow regime with larger low flows and more prolonged drainage of the peat. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

According to an opinion widespread in the literature, high viscosity regions (HVRs) in the mantle always affect the structure of mantle flows, changing it in both the HVR itself and the entire mantle. Moreover, a simplified relation is often adopted according to which the flow velocity in the HVR decreases in inverse proportion to viscosity. Therefore, in order to treat a smoother value, some authors introduce a new variable equal to the product of the flow velocity and the viscosity value in a given place. On the basis of numerical modeling, this paper shows that HVRs of two types should be distinguished in the mantle. If an HVR is immobile, mantle flows actually do not penetrate it. If the viscosity increase is more than five orders, the HVR behaves as a solid and flow velocities within it almost vanish. However, if an HVR is free, it moves together with the mantle flow. Then, the general structure of flows changes weakly and flow velocities within the HVR become approximately equal to the average velocity of flows in the absence of the HVR. Horizontal layers and vertical columns differing in viscosity from the mantle behave as regions of the first type, whose flow velocities can differ by a few orders. However, even such large-scale regions as the continental lithosphere, whose viscosity is four to five orders higher than in the surrounding mantle, float together with continents at velocities comparable to mantle flows, i.e., behave as regions of the second type.  相似文献   

During the last decades, increasing exports of both dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and iron were observed from peat catchments in North America and Europe with potential consequences for water quality of streamwater and carbon storages of soils. As mobilisation and transport processes of DOC and iron in peat catchments are only partly understood, the purpose of this study was to elucidate these processes in an intensively monitored and studied system. Specifically, it was hypothesised that dissimilatory iron reduction in riparian peatland soils mobilises DOC initially adsorbed to iron minerals. During stormflow conditions, both DOC and iron will be transported into the stream network. Ferrous iron may be reoxidised at redox interfaces on its way to the stream, and subsequently, ferric iron could be transported together with DOC as complexes. To test these hypotheses, generalised additive models (GAMs) were applied to 14 years of weekly time series of discharge and concentrations of selected solutes measured in a German headwater stream called Lehstenbach. This stream drains a 4.19‐km2 forested mountain catchment; one third of which is covered by riparian peatland soils. We interpreted results of different types of GAM in the way that (a) iron reduction drove the mobilisation of DOC from peatland soils and that (b) both iron and DOC were transported as complexes after their joint mobilisation to and within the steam. It was speculated that low nitrate availability in the uppermost wetland soil layer, particularly during the growing season, promoted iron reduction and thus the mobilisation of DOC. However, the influence of nitrate on the DOC mobilisation remains relatively uncertain. This influence could be further investigated using methods similar to the GAM analysis conducted here for other catchments with long‐term data as well as detailed measurements of the relevant species in riparian wetland soils and the adjacent stream network.  相似文献   

Melting seasonal ground ice (SGI) in western Boreal Plains (WBP) peatlands can reduce the available energy at the surface by reducing potential evapotranspiration (PET). PET often exceeds annual precipitation in the WBP. Including this effect in hydrological models may be important in assessing water deficits. However, SGI melt and the timing of ice-free conditions vary spatially, which suggests PET spatial variability could be influenced by SGI. Understanding this potential linkage can help improve site scale PET in peatland hydrological models. The objectives of this paper were (a) to quantify the effect of ice thickness and melt rate on peatland PET; (b) quantify the spatial variability of SGI thickness and melt rate across spatial scales; and (c) assess how/if spatial variability in SGI thickness/melt rate affects site scale PET. Results from the sensitivity analysis indicated that SGI thickness had a bigger impact on reducing PET compared with the melt rate. Two SGI thickness values were used that were observed on site: 0.32 m, which was measured in a more treed area, and 0.18 m, which was in a more open area. The 0.32 m had an average PET reduction of 14 mm (±0.7), over the month of May, compared with 9 mm (±1 mm) when there was 0.18 m of SGI, which are 13.7 and 8.8% reductions, respectively. SGI thickness and melt rate, both exhibited large- and small-scale spatial variability. At the large scale, spatial patterns in SGI thickness appeared to be influenced by extensive shading from the adjacent hillslopes. Small scale, SGI thickness may be a function of tree proximity and the snowpack. Finally, net radiation, rather than SGI, appeared to be the main driver behind PET spatial variability. This work enhances our conceptual understanding of the role of SGI in WBP peatlands. Future work can use the findings to better inform peatland hydrological models, allowing for better representation of peatlands in regional-scale models.  相似文献   

Ecosystems within the subhumid Boreal Plains of Northern Alberta host ecologically and commercially significant habitat and natural resources. However, these ecosystems exist under a delicate hydrologic balance that may be upset as the climate warms by 2 to 5 °C over the next century. In this study, numerical simulations were used to predict climate change impacts at a catchment composed of a mosaic of Boreal Plains ecosystems including a small pond, peatlands with sparse black spruce, and hillslopes with predominantly aspen forests. Simulations were conducted with a fully integrated groundwater–surface water code using a 2‐D model previously calibrated to a decade of hydrologic data that included a range in climatic conditions. Projections from 13 climate change scenarios were simulated from 2011 to 2090 and compared to a base case scenario that assumed no climate change. Results indicate peatland water levels may decline by up to 1 m; however, sensitivity simulations indicate that the decline in water levels may be moderated by several feedback mechanisms that restrict evaporative losses and moderate water level changes. In contrast, higher evapotranspiration losses from the aspen hillslopes are predicted to result in near‐surface soils becoming increasingly drier. Thus, the aspen may frequently be water stressed and increasingly susceptible to secondary maladies such as pests and disease. Reduced pond water levels are also predicted with the development of frequent ephemeral conditions in warmer and drier scenarios. Concurrent decreases in stream flow may further impact downstream ecosystems. Further research into the regional health and sustainability of Boreal Plains ecosystems is warranted and could benefit from the development of improved numerical tools capable of extending the processes considered.  相似文献   

The distribution of two formation pathways of biogenic methane, acetate fermentation and reduction of CO2, has been extensively studied. In general, CO2 reduction is the dominate pathway in marine envi- ronment where acetate is relatively depleted because of SRB consuming. While in terrestrial freshwater or brackish environment, acetate fermentation is initially significant, but decreases with increasing buried depth. In this paper, character of biogenic gases is profiled in the XS3-4 well of the Sebei 1 gas field in the Sanhu depression, Qaidam Basin. It indicates that those two pathways do not change strictly with increasing buried depth. CO2 reduction is important near the surface (between 50 m and 160 m), and at the mesozone (between 400 and 1650 m). While acetate fermentation is the primary pathway at two zones, from 160 to 400 m and from 1650 to 1700 m. δ 13C of methane generated in those two acetate fermentation zones varies greatly, owing to different sediment circumstances. At the sec- ond zone (160-400 m), δ 13C1 ranges from ?65‰ to ?30‰ (PDB), because the main deposit is mudstone and makes the circumstance confined. At the fourth zone of the well bottom (1650-1700 m), δ 13C1 is lighter than ?65‰ (PDB). Because the deposit is mainly composed of siltstone, it well connects with outer fertile groundwater and abundant nutrition has supplied into this open system. The high con- centration of acetate is a forceful proof. δ 13C of methane would not turn heavier during fermentation, owing to enough nutrition supply. In spite of multi-occurrence of acetate fermentation, the commercial gas accumulation is dominated by methane of CO2-reduction pathway. A certain content of alkene gases in the biogenic gases suggests that methanogensis is still active at present.  相似文献   

本文介绍了国家气候中心发展的一个全球海洋碳循环环流模式,并分析评估了该模式的基本性能.该模式是在美国地球物理流体动力学实验室(GFDL,Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory)的全球海洋环流模式MOM4(Modular Ocean Model Version 4)基础上发展的一个垂直方向40层、包含生物地球化学过程的全球三维海洋碳循环环流模式,简称为MOM4_L40(Modular Ocean Model Version 4 With 40Levels).该模式在气候场强迫下长期积分1000年,结果分析表明,与观测相比,模式较好地模拟了海洋温度、盐度、总二氧化碳、总碱、总磷酸盐的表面和垂直分布特征.模拟的海洋总二氧化碳分布与观测基本相符,表层为低值区,其下为高值区,高值区域位于10°S—60°N之间,但2000m以上模拟值较观测偏小,2000m以下模拟值较观测偏大.总体来说,MOM4_L40模式是一个可信赖的海洋碳循环过程模拟研究工具.  相似文献   

Coastal peatlands represent an interface between marine and terrestrial ecosystems; their hydrology is affected by salt and fresh water inflow alike. Previous studies on bog peat have shown that pore water salinity can have an impact on the saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) of peat because of chemical pore dilation effects. In this study, we aimed at quantifying the impact of higher salinities (up to 3.5% NaCl) on Ks of fen peat. Two experiments employing a constant‐head upward‐flow permeameter and differing in measurement and salinity change duration were conducted. Additionally, a third experiment to determine the impact of water salinity on the release of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) of the studied peat type was carried out. The results show a decrease of Ks with time, which does not depend on the water salinity but is differently shaped for different peat types. We assume pore clogging due to a conglomerate of physical, chemical, and biological processes, which rather depend on water movement rate and time than on water salinity. However, an increased water salinity did increase the DOC release. We conclude that salinity‐dependent behaviour of Ks is a function of peat chemistry and that for some peat types, salinity may only affect the DOC release without having a pronounced impact on water flow.  相似文献   

Tomographic imaging provides a powerful technique for obtaining images of the spatial distribution of ionospheric electron density at polar latitudes. The method, which involves monitoring radio transmissions from the Navy Navigation Satellite System at a meridional chain of ground receivers, has particular potential for complementing temporal measurements by other observing techniques such as the EISCAT incoherent-scatter radar facility. Tomographic reconstructions are presented here from a two-week campaign in November 1995 that show large-scale structuring of the polar ionosphere. Measurements by the EISCAT radar confirm the authenticity of the technique and provide additional information of the plasma electron and ion temperatures. The dayside trough, persistently observed at high latitudes during a geomagnetically quiet period but migrating to lower latitudes with increasing activity, is discussed in relationship to the pattern of the polarcap convection.  相似文献   

Houben GJ 《Ground water》2006,44(5):668-675
In many cases, the operation of wells is hampered by the formation of mineral incrustations. From field studies, it is known that the distribution of incrustations in wells is quite inhomogeneous. Flow models were calculated to assess the hydraulic background of this phenomenon. For horizontal flow, the screen section facing the natural flow direction receives the majority of the total inflow. This phenomenon increases with increasing natural gradients of flow. The vertical distribution of water intake is also quite inhomogeneous. In partially penetrating wells, the uppermost part of the screen receives much more inflow than the deeper screen sections. These flow inhomogenities involve elevated flow velocities and may cause increased influx of shallow, oxygenated water, all conditions favorable for incrustation growth. Field investigations on incrusting wells clearly show that the identified screen areas of elevated flow are indeed much more prone to incrustation deposition. Such sections require more attention during rehabilitations. A suction flow control device can help to homogenize the inflow but can cause elevated entrance loss when affected by incrustation buildup itself.  相似文献   

湖泊沉积物碳库作为湖泊生态系统的重要组成部分,对湖泊碳循环起重要作用,而蓝藻水华衰亡过程对湖泊碳库稳定性影响研究较少本研究采集太湖蓝藻、湖水、沉积物样品,建立蓝藻水沉积物室内模拟实验系统,分析蓝藻水华衰亡过程中沉积物碳库易氧化有机碳(EOC)、惰性有机碳(ROC)、微生物量碳(MBC)、轻组有机碳(LFOC)和重组有机碳(HFOC)的变化规律,探究蓝藻水华衰亡过程对湖泊碳库稳定性的影响结果表明,蓝藻水华衰亡前期(1~9天),ROC缓慢下降,EOC和LFOC快速下降,MBC有所增加;衰亡中期(10~45天),沉积物TOC和ROC含量升高;衰亡末期(46~63天),HFOC和ROC等稳定有机碳进入一个从缓慢分解逐渐趋于稳定的阶段周期性的蓝藻水华暴发、衰亡和湖泊稳定性有机碳的日渐累积,最终会对沉积物碳库有机碳组分及其稳定造成显著影响.  相似文献   

The lithospheric magnetic field (LMF) in China and its surrounding are calculated using the spherical harmonic coefficients given by the NGDC-720 model. The LMF comes from the magnetization of minerals in the crust and in the uppermost mantle. It may, therefore, provide unique insight into lithospheric tectonic processes and mechanisms. Here, we study the geomagnetic manifestation of active tectonic blocks, and find a close correlation between the LMF and seismicity. Many large faults are found to closely overlap with magnetic anomalies, or are distributed along the boundaries of magnetic anomalies. Earthquakes in these fault regions have occurred on the boundaries of magnetic anomalies, or in the transition zones between positive and negative anomalies. We analyze the components of the LMF, and the LMFs at different altitudes, finding that the vertical component, B z at 200 km, is the most related to seismic activity. Relevant physical mechanisms are also discussed. We propose that the stress or viscosity differences caused by temperature variations, which manifest in the LMF, may be the predominant reason for the correlation between the LMF and seismic activity along large faults.  相似文献   

渤海残留盆地分布综合地球物理研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
以活动论构造历史观为指导进行渤海海域残留盆地宏观分布特征研究. 以岩石物性为基础建立地质界面与物性界面的联系,通过重、磁、震等方法组合圈画不同物性界面的分布特征. 浅层沉积盆地结构通过反射地震资料控制,深层地质结构信息利用重磁异常场分离、物性界面反演等方法得到. 在地层分布格架基础上分析前新生代残留盆地宏观分布范围. 并结合渤海海域实例研究介绍了残留盆地宏观分布研究的技术方法和流程,在计算上古生界-中生界及元古界-下古生界残余地层厚度的基础上给出了渤海海域残留盆地的宏观分布范围,并指出在歧口凹陷东南部、石臼坨隆起南部及东北部、渤南凸起南部、辽东湾等地区是较好的前新生代油气潜力区.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide fluxes and water balance were examined in 43 tundra ponds in the northern portion of the Hudson Bay Lowland near Churchill, Manitoba. Most of the ponds were hydrologically disconnected from their catchments during dry periods throughout the post‐melt season. However, episodic reconnection occurred following large precipitation events where depression storage was exceeded. Significant shifts in pond chemistry were observed following precipitation events, with the degree of CO2 saturation increasing during these periods. Pond CO2 concentrations rapidly fell to pre‐event levels following events, suggesting that hydrological connectivity can affect the magnitude and direction of CO2 gas fluxes in tundra ponds. Atmospheric CO2 invaded ponds with highly organic sediments for most of the summer, suggesting that terrestrially derived inorganic carbon was insufficient to meet the demands of algal net production. In contrast, ponds with highly mineral sediments continued to evade CO2 during the summer. In a subset of 11 ponds, long‐term rates of carbon accumulation in sediment ranged from 0·6 to 2·2 mol C m?2 year?1. Very strong correlations existed between average sediment accumulation rates and pond perimeters and basin areas suggesting that peat may be a major source of sediment carbon. Aeolian transport is also a potentially large source of sediment carbon. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although clay is composed of disconnected anisotropic clay platelets, many rock physics models treat the clay platelets in shale as interconnected. However, the clay matrix in shales can be modelled as anisotropic clay platelets embedded within a soft isotropic interplatelet region, allowing the influence of disconnected clay platelets on the elastic properties of the clay matrix to be analysed. In this model, properties of the interplatelet region are governed by its effective bulk and shear moduli, whereas the effective properties of the clay platelets are governed by their volume fraction, aspect ratio and elastic stiffness tensor. Together, these parameters implicitly account for variations in clay and fluid properties, as well as fluid saturation. Elastic stiffnesses of clay platelets are obtained from the literature, including both experimental measurements and first-principles calculations of the full anisotropic (monoclinic or triclinic) elastic stiffness tensors of layered silicates. These published elastic stiffness tensors are used to compile a database of equivalent transverse isotropic elastic stiffness tensors, and other physical properties, for eight common varieties of layered silicates. Clay matrix anisotropy is then investigated by examining the influence of these different elastic stiffnesses, and of varying model parameters, upon the effective transverse isotropic elastic stiffness tensor of the clay matrix. The relationship between the different clay minerals and their associated anisotropy parameters is studied, and their impact on the resulting anisotropy of the clay matrix is analysed.  相似文献   

Unlike conventional sensors that measure the passage of seismic waves at a single position, distributed vibration sensing systems, also known as distributed acoustic sensing systems, detect the passage of seismic waves by averaging a measurement of strain over a section of fibre‐optic cable. Distributed vibration sensing systems work by transmitting pulses of light down the fibre and measuring the phase of the Rayleigh backscatter. At random positions along the fibre, however, fading occurs; this is where the amplitude of the backscattered signal is very small due to cancellation of the scattered electric fields, resulting in anomalously noisy traces in a common source gather. This paper addresses the problem of fading in a particular form of distributed vibration sensors: a new optical arrangement of the instrumentation is described that allows the measurement to be carried out quasi‐simultaneously at multiple optical interrogation frequencies. The interrogation frequencies are chosen to be sufficiently different that their fading properties are distinct and the diversity thus obtained is used to aggregate the data obtained to substantially reduce the noise caused by fading. As well as reducing the effects of fading, the aggregation of the independent results can also help to reduce the overall noise of the measurement and improve the linearity of the distributed vibration sensing system.  相似文献   

The importance of ocean temperature to global biogeochemistry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Variations in the mean temperature of the ocean, on time scales from millennial to millions of years, in the past and projected for the future, are large enough to impact the geochemistry of the carbon, oxygen, and methane geochemical systems. In each system, the time scale of the temperature perturbation is key. On time frames of 1-100 ky, atmospheric CO2 is controlled by the ocean. CO2 temperature-dependent solubility and greenhouse forcing combine to create an amplifying feedback with ocean temperature; the CaCO3 cycle increases this effect somewhat on time scales longer than ∼5-10 ky. The CO2/T feedback can be seen in the climate record from Vostok, and a model including the temperature feedback predicts that 10% of the fossil fuel CO2 will reside in the atmosphere for longer than 100 ky. Timing is important for oxygen, as well; the atmosphere controls the ocean on short time scales, but ocean anoxia controls atmospheric pO2 on million-year time scales and longer. Warming the ocean to Cretaceous temperatures might eventually increase pO2 by approximately 25%, in the absence of other perturbations. The response of methane clathrate to climate change in the coming century will probably be small, but on longer time scales of 1-10 ky, there may be a positive feedback with ocean temperature, amplifying the long-term climate impact of anthropogenic CO2 release.  相似文献   

The effect of clay distribution on the elastic properties of sandstones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The shape and location of clay within sandstones have a large impact on the P‐wave and S‐wave velocities of the rock. They also have a large effect on reservoir properties and the interpretation of those properties from seismic data and well logs. Numerical models of different distributions of clay – structural, laminar and dispersed clay – can lead to an understanding of these effects. Clay which is located between quartz grains, structural clay, will reduce the P‐wave and S‐wave velocities of the rock. If the clay particles become aligned or form layers, the velocities perpendicular to the alignment will be reduced further. S‐wave velocities decrease more rapidly than P‐wave velocities with increasing clay content, and therefore Poisson's ratios will increase as the velocities decrease. These effects are more pronounced for compacted sandstones. Small amounts of clay that are located in the pore space will have little effect on the P‐wave velocity due to the competing influence of the density effect and pore‐fluid stiffening. The S‐wave velocity will decrease due to the density effect and thus the Poisson's ratio will increase. When there is sufficient clay to bridge the gaps between the quartz grains, P‐wave and S‐wave velocities rise rapidly and the Poisson's ratios decrease. These effects are more pronounced for under‐compacted sandstones. These general results are only slightly modified when the intrinsic anisotropy of the clay material is taken into account. Numerical models indicate that there is a strong, nearly linear relationship between P‐wave and S‐wave velocity which is almost independent of clay distribution. S‐wave velocities can be predicted reasonably accurately from P‐wave velocities based on empirical relationships. However, this does not provide any connection between the elastic and petrophysical properties of the rocks. Numerical modelling offers this connection but requires the inclusion of clay distribution and anisotropy to provide a model that is consistent with both the elastic and petrophysical properties. If clay distribution is ignored, predicting porosities from P‐wave or S‐wave data, for example, can result in large errors. Estimation of the clay distribution from P‐wave and S‐wave velocities requires good estimates of the porosity and clay volume and verification from petrographic analyses of core or cuttings. For a real data example, numerical models of the elastic properties suggest the predominance of dispersed clay in a fluvial sand from matching P‐wave and S‐wave velocity well log data using log‐based estimates of the clay volume and porosity. This is consistent with an interpretation of other log data.  相似文献   

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