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This paper presents a study on Manasbal lake, which is one of the high altitude lakes in the Kashmir Valley, India. Eighteen water samples were analysed for major ions and trace elements to assess the variability of water quality of the lake for various purposes. Geostatistics, the theory of regionalized variables, was then used to enhance the dataset and estimate some missing spatial values. Results indicated that the concentration of major ions in the water samples in winter was higher than in summer. The scatter diagrams suggested the dominance of alkaline earths over the alkali elements. Three types of water were identified in the lake that are referred to as Ca–HCO3, Mg–HCO3 and hybrid types. The lake water was found to be controlled by rock–water interaction with carbonate lithology as a dominant source of the solutes. The major (Ca2 + , Mg2 + , Na + , K + , NO3 and HCO3-{\rm{HCO}}_{3}^{-}, CO3 and Cl) and trace elements of the lake water were within the World Health Organization standards, therefore the lake water was considered chemically safe for drinking purposes. Although NO3 concentration (ranging from 1.72 to 2 mg/L), is within the permissible limit and not very alarming, the gradually increasing trend is not acceptable. It is however, important to guard its spatio-temporal variability as the water is used for domestic as well as agricultural purposes. This study is significant as hydrogeological information on such high altitude lakes in India is scanty.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the water and sediment quality in the mid-Black Sea coast of Turkey. The samples were collected from six stations during 2007. Investigated parameters were total carbon (TC), total inorganic carbon (TIC), total organic carbon (TOC), ammonium-nitrogen (NH4-N), nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N), nitrite-nitrogen (NO2-N), total phosphorus (TP), sulphate, total hardness, methylene blue active substances (MBAS), phenol, adsorbable organic halogens (AOX), dissolved oxygen (DO), pH and electrical conductivity (EC) in water samples and TC, TIC, TOC, TP, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), redox potential (Eh) and water content (WC) in sediment samples. Different multivariate statistical techniques were used to evaluate variations in surface water and sediment quality. Principal component analysis helped in identifying the factors or sources responsible for water and sediment quality variations. Five factors were found responsible for 87.63% of the total variance in the surface waters. In sediments, three factors explained 84.73% of the observed total variance. Cluster analysis classified the monitoring sites into two groups based on similarities of water and sediment quality characteristics.  相似文献   

The method of water quality index is widely used in evaluation of the surface water quality because of its capability to summarize a number of water quality parameters into one numeric value, along with defined scale of water quality range. The current investigation includes application of modified model for calculating water quality index values, generated using experimental data and literary models. Software was created using modular design. Fourteen physical, chemical and biological parameters representing water quality state along with the assigned weights were elected. Comparison between models generated based on Serbian and American models of water quality index was done. Selected parameters differ mutually in number of parameters used in calculation of index, as well as in values of the weighting factors. In order to enable an efficient water quality analysis and to reconcile the requirements of both Serbian and American model, two software solutions were generated and processed on the example of the water quality of the Danube River in Serbia. Danube water quality was assessed at seventeen measuring locations along the river flow. Index values obtained from the two generated software applications were compared with the results of the official Serbian online calculator. Water quality determined using new generated models shows stricter approach and one class lower water quality compared to the existing Serbian model. Therefore, modular and open-generated simulation software is of great significance for the comparison and testing of different water quality models, not just those two shown in this study.  相似文献   

扎龙湿地水质、水生生物评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘通  赵旭 《吉林地质》2005,24(3):78-80,94
本文评价了扎龙湿地水质、水生生物的现状。其水生生物评价结果表明;底栖动物、着生藻类和水生生物综合评价在扎龙湖均为重污染。对此,提出了建立科学的资源与环境生态水利体系等可持续利用的措施。  相似文献   

A method for river classification based on water quality assessment (WQA) was introduced using factor analysis (FA) in this paper. Sixty-nine sampling sites and 20 water quality parameters in Taizi River basin were selected for monitoring and analysis. Five factors were determined in FA, denoted as general, hardness, trophic, nitrogen pollution, and physical factors. The total factor scores (TFSs) of the WQA results from all sampling sites were calculated by the eigenvalue and factor score of each factor. The TFSs of 69 sites were interpolated with the measure of inverse distance weighted in the river buffer zone generated by ArcGIS 9.2 software to form a continuous spatial distribution along river channels. All streams were divided into five classes marked “excellent”, “good”, “fair”, “poor”, and “seriously polluted”. The classification result showed that the water quality of Taizi River basin deteriorated gradually from the mountain area to the plain area. Sewage and intensive human activities contributed to the deterioration of water quality since towns and farmland were dotted densely along the river basin.  相似文献   

The risk evaluation model CAPRA (Comprehensive Approach to Probabilistic Risk Assessment) is a techno-scientific methodology and information platform, composed of tools for evaluating and communicating risk at various territorial levels. The model allows evaluating losses on exposed elements using probabilistic metrics, such as the loss exceedance curve, the expected annual loss and the probable maximum loss, useful for multi-hazard risk analyses. In this article, the process of probabilistic seismic risk analysis is described, explaining the main features of the CAPRA modules of hazard, vulnerability and risk estimation applied to the city of Barcelona, Spain. In addition, according to the physical risk results and the information on the socioeconomic indicators of the city, this article presents the holistic evaluation of seismic risk, which is a valuable result to facilitate the integrated risk management by the different stakeholders involved in risk reduction decision making.  相似文献   

水质评价中熵权反映了各项评价指标对评价结果的影响程度.为分析熵权对指标极差变化的敏感性,采用VisualBasic编程和曲线拟合的方法,对单指标和多指标极差变化对权重的影响进行了研究.结果表明:在指标最大值、最小值不变的情况下,随着样本数的增加,各指标权重虽有变化,但变幅较小,可见小样本求得的熵权可以反映指标的重要性.当样本数确定时,仅改变单项指标的最大值或最小值,越小越优型指标的权重对最大值变化的敏感性大于对最小值变化的敏感性.多项指标同倍数增大时,2倍最大值是权重变化的特征点.  相似文献   

Interest in artificially recharging selected shallow sands in South Louisiana with fresh water has been stimulated by the desire to retard contamination of municipal groundwater supplies by brackish water, to retard ground subsidence and decrease pumping lifts, and to develop emergency subsurface supplies of potable water for communities dependent on surface waters susceptible to contamination. Results of field experiments, laboratory work, and model calculations demonstrate that ion exchange reactions involving clays dispersed in aquifer sands can be expected to modify significantly the composition of waters injected into Gulf Coast sediments. As little as 0.1 weight percent smectite (montmorillonite) can remove, by exchange with absorbed Na, a significant fraction of the dissolved Ca and Mg present in the injected water. The hardness of the water is thus reduced, which may be a desirable modification in water quality. Exchange occurs as fast as the fluids can be pumped into or out of the aquifer, and the water-softening capacity of the aquifer can be restored by allowing sodium-rich native pore waters to sweep back over the dispersed clays. Each acre of an aquifer 50 feet thick and containing 0.1 wt % smectite could soften half a million gallons of injected Mississippi River water. Many individual Gulf Coast aquifers underlie tens of thousands of acres, and their potential softening capacity is thus enormous. Additional exchange processes involving adjacent aquitard shales presumably will operate over long-term periods. It is possible that Gulf Coast aquifers will be used at some point in the future as processing plants to treat injected water to improve its quality for a variety of municipal and industrial purposes.  相似文献   

Land use and its effects on water quality using the BASINS model   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Differences in land use have been shown to affect water quality. This is important because water is used for human consumption. High levels of nitrate, phosphate and sediments can have a negative impact on a person’s health. The objective of this research is to determine if best management practices (BMPs) would affect the water quality and lower the associated agrochemicals that come with an agriculturally predominant watershed. Best management practices would decrease nutrient and sediment loads when compared to a watershed’s baseline status. Filter stripping was implemented and nitrate, phosphate and sediment were modeled using the Environmental Protection Agency modeling tool, Better Assessment Science Integrating point and Non-point Source pollution, to determine if BMPs were efficient in reducing current total maximum daily loads (TMDL) below Sassafras River Association TMDLs. The BMP that was most efficient at removing nitrate, phosphate and sediment was compared to a baseline run and compared between drought, average and wettest year conditions to determine if rainfall was driving the nutrient and sediment concentration. It was concluded that the BMP implementation decreased the amount of nutrients and sediments transported throughout the watershed’s waterways.  相似文献   

F. Kebede  T. van Eck   《Tectonophysics》1997,270(3-4):221-237
A probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) for the Horn of Africa is presented. Our seismicity database consists of a revised and up-to-date regional catalogue compiled from different agencies, checked for completeness with respect to time and homogenized with respect to magnitude (Ms). The seismic source zones are based on our present day knowledge of the regional seismotectonics. Among the results we present regional hazard maps for 0.01 annual probability for intensity and Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) and hazard curves and response spectra for six economical significant sites within the region. The model uncertainties with respect to seismicity are analysed in a novel approach and form part of a sensitivity analysis that quantifies our PSHA modelling uncertainties.

For 0.01 annual probability we find randomly oriented horizontal PGA that exceed just 0.2 g and MM-scale intensity VIII in the Afar depression and southern Sudan. Uncertainties amount to 20% g PGA in some cases, mainly due to attenuation uncertainties. Intensity uncertainties seldom exceed 0.5 intensity units. Relatively large seismic hazard is found for Djibouti (VIII for 0.01 annual probability), slightly lower for the port of Massawa (between VII and VIII for 0.01 annual probability) and low for the port of Assab (between VI and VII for 0.01 annual probability).  相似文献   

Hydrochemical data were gathered throughout the last 12 years from 57 sampling stations in the drainage basin of the Sarcheshmeh copper mine, Kerman Province, Iran. The mean values of these data for each sampling station were used to evaluate water quality and to determine processes that control water chemistry. Principal component analyses specified the oxidation of sulfide minerals, dissolution of carbonate and sulfate minerals and weathering of silicate minerals as the principal processes responsible for the chemical composition of water in the study area. Q-mode cluster analysis revealed three main water groups. The first group had a Ca-HCO3–SO4 composition whereas the second and third groups had Ca–SO4 and Ca–Mg–SO4 composition, respectively. The results of this study clearly indicated the role of sulfide minerals oxidation and the buffering processes in the geochemical evolution of water in the Sarcheshmeh area. Due to these processes, extensive changes occurred in the chemical composition of water by passage through the mining area or waste and low-grade dumps, so that the fresh water of the peripheral area of the pit evolved to an acid water rich in sulfate and heavy metals at the outlet of the pit and in the seepages of waste and low-grade dumps.  相似文献   

张华  吴争光 《岩土力学》2009,30(Z2):132-137
非饱和土体中的部分气体极容易在入渗过程中被封闭在孔隙或裂隙中,形成互不连通的与外界隔绝的封闭气泡。封闭气泡的存在阻碍了水相的流动,使土体的渗透性能降低,从而对土体的入渗速率产生不可忽视的影响。在分析前人研究成果的基础上,结合室内一维积水入渗试验结果,初步探讨了封闭气泡的形成原因,及其对土体入渗性能的影响机制,对研究非饱和土中水气二相流规律有重要指导意义。试验结果表明:积水入渗时,土体中存在封闭气泡,封闭气泡的含量与土性、干密度和初始含水率等有关。干密度越大,封闭气泡占据孔隙空间越大,阻渗作用越明显,干密度相同时,黏性土中封闭气泡对入渗的阻碍作用较砂性土明显;初始含水率较小时,封闭气泡含量相对较大。由于封闭气泡的存在,入渗稳定时的传输区土体含水率只有土样饱和含水率的80 %左右。  相似文献   

沿海堵港蓄淡水库加快水体淡化措施的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
兴建堵港蓄淡水库是浙江省沿海解决水资源短缺措施之一.以浙江省玉环县漩门二期堵港蓄淡水库为例,针对库内深潭分布和盐度分布特点确定抽排位置和规模,并采用Delft3D三维模型计算设计水文条件下采取深水泵抽排深潭底部咸水措施后库内水体淡化过程及其效果.计算结果表明,采用深水泵抽排库内深潭底部咸水,3年后库内剩余盐分只有未采用抽排措施的40%,加快了水体淡化过程,缩短了该水库投入供水的时间.  相似文献   

 This paper deals with an environmental impact assessment of low water flow in the river Ganges during a dry period at the Khulna and Mongla port areas in south-western Bangladesh. Large-scale surface water withdrawal in India after commissioning the Farakka Barrage causes a drastic fall in the Ganges low-flow condition within the Bangladesh territory during every dry period. The average lowest discharge in the Ganges is 552 m3/s, which is about 73% less than that in the pre-Farakka time. This has caused the deterioration of both surface and groundwater quality of the study area. Salinity is the principal cause of water quality degradation in the area. Present observation shows that the surface water of the area is sulphate-chloride dominated, which signifies high salinity whereas the groundwater is categorized as of medium to high salinity. To maintain the Rupsa River's maximum salinity below 1000 μS/cm the discharge in the Ganges should be ∼1500 m3/s, whereas that at Garai basin is ∼10 m3/s. If this present situation continues it will be a crippling blow to the environment of the area in the long term. An integrated multidisciplinary approach to hydrogeological research is urgently required to salvage the area from further deterioration. Received: 9 August 1999 · Accepted: 8 March 2000  相似文献   

灰色关联分析在浅层地下水环境质量评价中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在井田浅层地下水分析测试资料的基础上,采用灰色关联评价方法对浅层地下水环境质量的现状进行评价。简要评述了灰色关联分析方法的应用原理,确定了各采样点水体的质量等级。为将来矿井设计、建设和生产过程中浅层地下水环境的保护和利用提供了参考资料。  相似文献   

In this study, fuzzy AHP method is used for extracting the water quality indicators based on the Schuler standard and World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines during a 20-year period. For this purpose, the best fit of the zoning model was performed. Furthermore, by comparing the standard errors, the continuous Raster layer was extracted from the important parameters used in generating the qualitative potential assessment index. The classified layer was generated by integrating continuous layers in the GIS environment and with the use of Python programming. The similarity of the outputs of both methods indicates the presence of large sections of aquifers in the middle and southwestern regions of Iran in the “temporarily drinkable” and “bad” classes. The calculations showed that the majority of aquifers that were located in the “inappropriate” class during the first 10 years fell to less valuable class types. Based on the results of the model, there is a direct correlation between the drop in water resources and the decline in the quality indices. In addition, in the Urmia and Bushehr coastal aquifers, due to excessive water withdrawal and salty water penetration, the quality of the table water is in critical condition. Based on the results of the research, the aquifers in the range of Zagros and Alborz mountains show the least change in water quality. The reason for this is the depth of the aquifer and the ability to recharge it.  相似文献   

This study characterizes the major ion chemistry for river water in the upper reaches of Bengbu Sluice in the Huai River Basin in wet and dry seasons, and assessed the suitability of water quality for irrigation and human consumption. It is found that sodium and calcium are the dominant cations and bicarbonate is the dominant anion in most river water samples. River water in Zhoukou of the Ying River and Bozhou of the Guo River is characterized as a Na–Cl water type, whereas river water from the upper reaches and the lower reaches of the two cities is characterized as a Na-HCO3 water type, which may be attributed by anthropogenic influences in these cities. The river water types vary from the upstream to the downstream of the Fuyang sluice, which indicates that the sluices play a critical role in determining the water type. The water chemistry of these rivers clearly shows that the second group of rivers is affected more severely by waste effluent than is the first group. Calculated values of sodium adsorption ratio, %Na, and residual sodium carbonate indicate that, in general, most of the river water is of acceptable irrigation quality. The river water in Zhoukou section of the Ying River and the Bozhou section of the Guo River cannot be used as drinking water; pollution control should be further improved and enhanced across the river.  相似文献   

The Great Zab River catchment is a major left-bank tributary of the River Tigris and drains a substantial part of the Kurdistan Region, an autonomous region of Northern Iraq. Within Kurdistan, the water resources of the Great Zab River catchment are under pressure from population increase and are utilized for potable, domestic and agricultural and industrial supply. As with many parts of the world, effective management of water resources within Kurdistan is hindered by a lack of water quality data and established background concentrations. This study therefore represents the first regional survey of river water chemistry for the Great Zab River catchment and presents data on the spatial and temporal trends in concentrations of As, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Li, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sr, Zn, NO3?, SO42?, F?, Cl? and PO43?, in addition to pH, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen and turbidity. As a tool for underpinning the management and monitoring of water quality, background concentrations were defined for the Great Zab catchment using three methods. The influences of geogenic and anthropogenic controls upon spatial and temporal trends in water chemistry are also evaluated. The influence of geogenic loading from underlying bedrock was identifiable within the observed spatial trends, with the most notable differences found between waters sampled from the relatively more volcanic-rich Zagros zone to the north and those sampled from the lower catchment underlain by younger clay-, sand- and siltstones. The greatest anthropogenic influence, identifiable through elements such as Cl? and NO3?, is present in the more highly populated lower catchment. The background concentrations identified in the Great Zab catchment would be those expected as a result of geogenic loading with some anthropogenic influence and represent a more conservative value when compared to those such as the World Health Organization Maximum Admissible Concentration. However, background concentrations represent a powerful tool for identifying potential anthropogenic impacts on water quality and informing management of such occurrences.  相似文献   

Multivariate statistical techniques have been widely utilized to assess water quality and evaluate aquatic ecosystem health. In this study, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, and factor analysis techniques are applied to analyze the physical and chemical variables in order to evaluate water quality of the Jinshui River, a water source area for an interbasin water transfer project of China. Cluster analysis classifies 12 sampling sites with 22 variables into three clusters reflecting the geo-setting and different pollution levels. Discriminant analysis confirms the three clusters with nine discriminant variables including water temperature, total dissolved solids, dissolved oxygen, pH, ammoniacal nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, turbidity, bicarbonate, and potassium. Factor analysis extracts five varifactors explaining 90.01% of the total variance and representing chemical component, oxide-related process, natural weathering and decomposition processes, nutrient process, and physical processes, respectively. The study demonstrates the capacity of multivariate statistical techniques for water quality assessment and pollution factors/sources identification for sustainable watershed management.  相似文献   

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