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在中国北部某地区首次开展了航磁三分量矢量飞行测量.本次测量是国内第一次直接测量航磁异常三分量Z_a、H_(ax)、H_(ay)数据,即文中提到的垂直分量V、北分量N、东分量E.由于三分量磁测数据具有矢量空间性,因而凭借其全空间矢量,在反演过程中可以更直接地发挥指向性作用.更为丰富的测量资料参与反演,所得到的最终结果为构造解释提供了更有力的约束,从而有助于减少地质解释过程中的多解性,提升解释结果的可靠性.本文以模型试验为切入点,首先进行三个分量各自的欧拉反褶积处理模型试验,以模型试验结果总结了不同的分量经反演后各自对理论模型边界刻画的特点.而后依据以上特点,将三个分量各自的反演结果进行叠加.与总场的反演结果相比,三个分量反演的叠加结果改善了模型体边界的识别效果,获得了更为准确的模型体位置信息.在总结了模型试验相关规律的基础之上,按照类似步骤分别对实测航磁三分量数据进行了欧拉反褶积处理,再将三个分量实测数据各自的反演结果进行叠加,以叠加后的结果进行构造解释.利用不同分量各自的反演特点,综合发挥多分量的资料优势,最终以三分量反演的叠加结果为依据,有效地识别了区内断裂,更加准确地刻画出断裂的形迹位置,揭示了不同性质断裂的世代关系,显示了良好的应用效果.  相似文献   




Window‐based Euler deconvolution is commonly applied to magnetic and sometimes to gravity interpretation problems. For the deconvolution to be geologically meaningful, care must be taken to choose parameters properly. The following proposed process design rules are based partly on mathematical analysis and partly on experience.




刘强  姚长利  郑元满 《地球物理学报》2019,62(10):3710-3722



刘芳  祝意青  梁伟锋  杨姣  赵云峰 《地震》2016,36(4):163-170
利用华北地区2009—2014年绝对重力与相对重力多期重复观测资料, 得到不同时空尺度的华北区域重力场动态变化图像。 采用欧拉反褶积方法, 通过对理论模型试算, 获得最优反演参数, 对引起华北地区重力场变化的场源深度和空间分布规律进行了反演计算和分析。 结果表明: 当构造指数为1时, 适合对流动重力场变化数据进行反演。 实际资料的反演结果在2009—2014年间的场源位置集中于河套断裂带。 本文研究方法可以用于重力场反演和以场求源的定量研究。 本工作为流动重力变化信号的反演和解释提供一条新思路, 也为构建地震重力预报指标体系提供了定量依据。  相似文献   

Based on the absolute and relative gravity observations in North China from 2009 to 2014, spatial dynamic variations of the regional gravity field are obtained. We employed the Euler deconvolution method and the theoretical model to get the best estimates of parameters. Gravity field change caused by the depth and distribution in North China is calculated by back analysis. The results show the structural index that equals 1 is suitable for inversion of the gravity variation data. The inversion results indicate that the depths of anomaly field sources are spread over the Hetao fault. The research method of this paper can be used in the quantitative study on the field source and may shed new light on the interpretations of gravity change, and also provide quantitative basis for earthquake prediction index criterions based on the gravity change.  相似文献   

欧拉反褶积中构造指数的计算与优化选取   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
构造指数是欧拉反演中最重要的参数,以往选取构造指数往往根据地质先验信息和人工经验试探选取,这样往往不能快速,准确地确定反演构造指数,从而影响反演效果,甚至反演失败.本文提出利用异常值自动估算构造指数,这样避免了经验选取构造指数产生的不确定因素的干扰,可以快速方便地选出较合理的构造指数,提高反演效率.模型实验显示了该方法良好的反演效果,证明了文中提出的方法的可行性.  相似文献   

常规欧拉反褶积法中构造指数的选取以及分散解存在较多的问题,提出了基于联立垂向一阶导数与解析信号的欧拉齐次方程的RDAS-Euler反演方法。该方法可以更为精确的估计场源的范围及埋深,且不需考虑构造指数N的影响,避免了因构造指数不当而引起的反演误差。通过对单一地质体及组合地质体模型的实验证明本文方法能有效地完成目标体的反演工作,反演结果与理论值之间的误差小于10%,且相对于常规欧拉反褶积法更加稳定准确,能够更好的得到地质体边界及深度信息。将RDAS-Euler法应用于黑龙江省虎林盆地实测布格重力异常数据,获得了丰富的断裂信息,说明RDASEuler法增强了对断裂平面位置的识别能力。  相似文献   

Deconvolution is an essential step for high-resolution imaging in seismic data processing. The frequency and phase of the seismic wavelet change through time during wave propagation as a consequence of seismic absorption. Therefore, wavelet estimation is the most vital step of deconvolution, which plays the main role in seismic processing and inversion. Gabor deconvolution is an effective method to eliminate attenuation effects. Since Gabor transform does not prepare the information about the phase, minimum-phase assumption is usually supposed to estimate the phase of the wavelet. This manner does not return the optimum response where the source wavelet would be dominantly a mixed phase. We used the kurtosis maximization algorithm to estimate the phase of the wavelet. First, we removed the attenuation effect in the Gabor domain and computed the amplitude spectrum of the source wavelet; then, we rotated the seismic trace with a constant phase to reach the maximum kurtosis. This procedure was repeated in moving windows to obtain the time-varying phase changes. After that, the propagating wavelet was generated to solve the inversion problem of the convolutional model. We showed that the assumption of minimum phase does not reflect a suitable response in the case of mixed-phase wavelets. Application of this algorithm on synthetic and real data shows that subtle reflectivity information could be recovered and vertical seismic resolution is significantly improved.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the conversion of Euler's equation from a Cartesian coordinate system to a radial coordinate system, and then demonstrates that for sources of the type 1/rN (where r is the distance to the source, and N is the structural index) it can be solved at each point in space without the need for inversion, for a known structural index. It is shown that although the distance to the source that is obtained from Euler's equation depends on the structural index used, the direction to the source does not. For some models, such as the gravity and magnetic response of a contact, calculation of the analytic signal amplitude of the data is necessary prior to the application of the method. Effective noise attenuation strategies, such as the use of moving windows of data points, are also discussed. The method is applied to gravity and magnetic data from South Africa, and yields plausible results.  相似文献   

Nonparametric inverse methods provide a general framework for solving potential‐field problems. The use of weighted norms leads to a general regularization problem of Tikhonov form. We present an alternative procedure to estimate the source susceptibility distribution from potential field measurements exploiting inversion methods by means of a flexible depth‐weighting function in the Tikhonov formulation. Our approach improves the formulation proposed by Li and Oldenburg (1996, 1998) , differing significantly in the definition of the depth‐weighting function. In our formalism the depth weighting function is associated not to the field decay of a single block (which can be representative of just a part of the source) but to the field decay of the whole source, thus implying that the data inversion is independent on the cell shape. So, in our procedure, the depth‐weighting function is not given with a fixed exponent but with the structural index N of the source as the exponent. Differently than previous methods, our choice gives a substantial objectivity to the form of the depth‐weighting function and to the consequent solutions. The allowed values for the exponent of the depth‐weighting function depend on the range of N for sources: 0 ≤N≤ 3 (magnetic case). The analysis regarding the cases of simple sources such as dipoles, dipole lines, dykes or contacts, validate our hypothesis. The study of a complex synthetic case also proves that the depth‐weighting decay cannot be necessarily assumed as equal to 3. Moreover it should not be kept constant for multi‐source models but should instead depend on the structural indices of the different sources. In this way we are able to successfully invert the magnetic data of the Vulture area, Southern Italy. An original aspect of the proposed inversion scheme is that it brings an explicit link between two widely used types of interpretation methods, namely those assuming homogeneous fields, such as Euler deconvolution or depth from extreme points transformation and the inversion under the Tikhonov‐form including a depth‐weighting function. The availability of further constraints, from drillings or known geology, will definitely improve the quality of the solution.  相似文献   

本文基于地层反射系数非高斯的统计特性,在反褶积输出单位方差约束下,将反褶积输出的负熵表示为非多项式函数,作为盲反褶积的目标函数,然后采用粒子群算法优化目标函数寻找最佳反褶积算子,实现地震信号的盲反褶积.数值模拟和实际资料处理结果表明,与传统反褶积方法相比,本文方法同时适应于最小相位子波及混合相位子波的反褶积,能够更好地从地震数据中估计反射系数,有效拓宽地震资料的频谱,得到高分辨率的地震资料.  相似文献   

The application of semi‐automatic interpretation techniques to potential field data can be of significant assistance to a geophysicist. This paper generalizes the magnetic vertical contact model tilt‐depth method to gravity data using a vertical cylinder and buried sphere models. The method computes the ratio of the vertical to the total horizontal derivative of data and then identifies circular contours within it. Given the radius of the contour and the contour value itself, the depth to the source can be determined. The method is applied both to synthetic and gravity data from South Africa. The Matlab source code can be obtained from the author upon request.  相似文献   

一种改进的基于非高斯性最大化的预测反褶积算法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
The predictive deconvolution algorithm (PD), which is based on second-order statistics, assumes that the primaries and the multiples are implicitly orthogonal. However, the seismic data usually do not satisfy this assumption in practice. Since the seismic data (primaries and multiples) have a non-Gaussian distribution, in this paper we present an improved predictive deconvolution algorithm (IPD) by maximizing the non-Gaussianity of the recovered primaries. Applications of the IPD method on synthetic and real seismic datasets show that the proposed method obtains promising results.  相似文献   

地震盲反褶积综述   总被引:28,自引:11,他引:17  
从动态系统角度对地震勘探中盲反褶的有关问题进行分析,将线性与非线形地震盲反褶积纳入盲系统辨识的统一框架.综述了几种重要地震盲反褶积方法的原理与效果.指明起源于瞬时混合盲反褶积(或盲源分离)的独立分量分析(ICA)方法在解决一般化地震盲反褶积问题上的重要应用前景,并给出两种可能的解决方案.  相似文献   

非稳态地震稀疏约束反褶积研究(英文)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
传统Robinson褶积模型主要受缚于三种不合理的假设,即白噪反射系数、最小相位地震子波与稳态假设,而现代反射系数反演方法(如稀疏约束反褶积等)均在前两个假设上寻求突破的同时却忽视了一个重要事实:实际地震信号具有典型的非稳态特征,这直接冲击着反射系数反演中地震子波不随时间变化的这一基础性假设。本文首先通过实际反射系数测试证实,非稳态效应造成重要信息无法得到有效展现,且对深层影响尤为严重。为校正非稳态影响,本文从描述非稳态方面具有普适性的非稳态褶积模型出发,借助对数域的衰减曲线指导检测非稳态影响并以此实现对非稳态均衡与校正。与常规不同,本文利用对数域Gabor反褶积仅移除非稳态影响,而将分离震源子波和反射系数的任务交给具有更符合实际条件的稀疏约束反褶积处理,因此结合两种反褶积技术即可有效解决非稳态特征影响,又能避免反射系数和地震子波理想化假设的不利影响。海上地震资料的应用实际表明,校正非稳态影响有助于恢复更丰富的反射系数信息,使得与地质沉积和构造相关的细节特征得到更加清晰的展现。  相似文献   

A new concept in Euler deconvolution of isolated gravity anomalies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Euler's homogeneity equation has been used to develop a new technique to interpret the gravity anomalies over some simple geometrical sources, namely a finite horizontal line/vertical line, a finite vertical ribbon, a semicircular dome/basin and an isosceles triangle approximating an anticline/syncline. A linear over-determined system of equations has been solved to compute the depth, the horizontal location and the structural index, all treated as free parameters. The concept of a variable structural index provides better depth estimates and helps to identify the source geometry. Nomograms have been prepared to compute an additional model parameter, namely the horizontal/vertical extent of a line, the vertical extent of a ribbon and the radius of a dome/basin. The efficacy of the proposed method has been evaluated using two real field examples.  相似文献   

柯西约束盲反褶积技术在井间地震的应用   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
利用地面三维地震资料将二维井间地震资料推广到井间范围以外。对于提高井间地震的效益,加快其应用十分重要.为了将井间地震二维资料推广到井外三维,需要从地面地震低频信息提取层位、断面的几何信息,反褶积方法是重要的部分.本文给出了盲源反褶积方法的一种具体实现。并结合优化的预条件共轭梯度法以改善算法的稳定性,同时减少计算量.然后对经过高频恢复的地面地震数据与井间地震数据进行联合约束反演,有效地提高了地面地震的频带.并用实际资料的处理给予证实.  相似文献   

地震偏移反演成像的迭代正则化方法研究   总被引:5,自引:7,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
利用伴随算子L*,直接的偏移方法通常导致一个低分辨率或模糊的地震成像.线性化偏移反演方法需求解一个最小二乘问题.但直接的最小二乘方法的数值不稳定,为目视解译带来困难.本文建立约束正则化数学模型,研究了地震偏移反演成像问题的迭代正则化求解方法.首先对最小二乘问题施加正则化约束,接着利用梯度迭代法求解反演成像问题,特别是提出了共轭梯度方法的混合实现技巧.为了表征该方法的可实际利用性,分别对一维,二维和三维地震模型进行了数值模拟.结果表明该正则偏移反演成像方法是有效的,对于实际的地震成像问题有着良好的应用前景.  相似文献   

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