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The understanding of the thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of a clay barrier is needed for the prediction of its final in situ properties after the hydration and thermal transient in a radioactive waste repository.

As part of the CEC 1990–1994 R&D programme on radioactive waste management and storage, the CEA (Fr), CIEMAT (Sp), ENRESA (Sp), SCK · CEN (B), UPC (Sp) and UWCC (UK) have carried out a joint project on unsaturated clay behaviour (Volckaert et al., 1996). The aim of the study is to analyse and model the behaviour of a clay-based engineered barrier during its hydration phase under real repository conditions. The hydro-mechanical and thermo-hydraulic models developed in this project have been coupled to describe stress/strain behaviour, moisture migration and heat transfer. A thermo-hydraulic model has also been coupled to a geochemical code to describe the migration and formation of chemical species.

In this project, suction-controlled experiments have been performed on Boom clay (B), FoCa clay (Fr) and Almeria bentonite (Sp). The aim of these experiments is to test the validity of the interpretive model developed by Alonso and Gens (Alonso et al., 1990), and to build a database of unsaturated clay thermo-hydro-mechanical parameters. Such a database can then be used for validation exercises in which in situ experiments are simulated.

The Boom clay is a moderately swelling clay of Rupellian age. It is studied at the SCK · CEN in Belgium as a potential host rock for a radioactive waste repository. In this paper, suction-controlled experiments carried out on Boom clay by SCK · CEN are described. SCK · CEN has performed experiments to measure the relation between suction, water content and temperature and the relation between suction, stress and deformation. The applied suction-control techniques and experimental setups are detailed. The results of these experiments are discussed in the perspective of the model of Alonso and Gens. The influence of temperature on water uptake was rather small. The measured swelling-collapse behaviour can be explained by the Alonso and Gens model.  相似文献   

高压实膨润土的非饱和渗透膨胀模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛文杰  叶为民  陈宝 《岩土力学》2009,30(Z2):88-92
高放废弃物深地质处置库中,作为缓冲/回填材料的高压实膨润土的设计功能是,遇水吸湿导致土体膨胀变形,以密封高压实膨润土块体砌置时形成的块体与块体之间和块体与围岩之间的施工缝隙以及围岩中因处置库开挖卸载引起的裂缝,形成阻障围岩中地下水渗入内库引起核素迁移,与库内高放废物的辐射扩散的人工屏障。高压实膨润土在自由膨胀条件下的膨胀应变和非饱和渗透系数由渗透试验测得;孔隙比和吸力的关系由压汞试验测得。吸力和含水率的函数关系可由土-水特征曲线测试试验得到。因此,自由膨胀条件下膨润土的非饱和渗透膨胀模型由膨胀应变、非饱和渗透系数和孔隙比与吸力的函数关系建立。结果表明:渗透系数和体积应变都随吸力减小而增加,因为吸力减小会导致孔隙比增加。这一发现有助于设计高放废物的最终处置方案。  相似文献   


This paper presents a constitutive model that predicts the water retention behaviour of compacted clays with evolving bimodal pore size distributions. In line with previous research, the model differentiates between the water present inside the saturated pores of the clay aggregates (the microstructure) and the water present inside the pores between clay aggregates (the macrostructure). A new formulation is then introduced to account for the effect of the macrostructural porosity changes on the retention behaviour of the soil, which results in a consistent evolution of the air-entry value of suction with volumetric deformations. Data from wetting tests on three different active clays (i.e. MX-80 bentonite, FEBEX bentonite, and Boom clay), subjected to distinct mechanical restraints, were used to formulate, calibrate, and validate the proposed model. Results from free swelling tests were also modelled by using both the proposed double porosity model and a published single porosity model, which confirmed the improvement in the predictions of degree of saturation by the present approach. The proposed retention model might be applied, for example, to the simulation of the hydromechanical behaviour of engineered bentonite barriers in underground nuclear waste repositories, where compacted active clays are subjected to changes of both suction and porosity structure under restrained volume conditions.


Compacted bentonite blocks have been heated and hydrated in a stainless steel cell in order to simulate, in the laboratory, the conditions of the clay barrier in a high-level radioactive waste repository. Temperature distributions at different times, rate of hydration, final water content and dry density have been measured. Some chemical parameters, as electrical conductivity in an aqueous extractable amorphous silica, have also been obtained. For the periods of time considered (up to 2500 h), the hydration process is not affected by the thermal gradient, the high suction of the bentonite being the critical factor in the initial water uptake of the clay barrier. A remarkable saline environment has been detected near the heater, due to salt migration towards dried areas. This phenomenon should be taken into account in further investigations of the mechanical and geochemical behaviour of the clay barrier.  相似文献   

Boom Clay is extensively studied as a potential candidate to host underground nuclear waste disposal in Belgium. To guarantee the safety of such a disposal, the mechanical behaviour of the clay during gallery excavation must be properly predicted. In that purpose, a hollow cylinder experiment on Boom Clay has been designed to reproduce, in a small-scale test, the Excavation Damaged Zone (EDZ) as experienced during the excavation of a disposal gallery in the underground. In this article, the focus is made on the hydro-mechanical constitutive interpretation of the displacement (experimentally obtained by medium resolution X-ray tomography scanning). The coupled hydro-mechanical response of Boom Clay in this experiment is addressed through finite element computations with a constitutive model including strain hardening/softening, elastic and plastic cross-anisotropy and a regularization method for the modelling of strain localization processes. The obtained results evidence the directional dependency of the mechanical response of the clay. The softening behaviour induces transient strain localization processes, addressed through a hydro-mechanical second grade model. The shape of the obtained damaged zone is clearly affected by the anisotropy of the materials, evidencing an eye-shaped EDZ. The modelling results agree with experiments not only qualitatively (in terms of the shape of the induced damaged zone), but also quantitatively (for the obtained displacement in three particular radial directions).  相似文献   

Hydromechanical Behaviour of Rock-Bentonite Interfaces Under Compression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Interfaces between geomaterials may be critical for the long term confinement of the engineered barriers of nuclear waste disposals, particularly if there is water flow. Hydromechanical compression tests have been performed on rock-bentonite interfaces representing the contact between a host rock (toarcian argillite) and an engineered barrier within a nuclear waste repository. The results show that there is no major influence of the bentonite fraction or the nature of the additive as long as the additive is inert (sand or crushed rock): all the interfaces are closed for low values of normal stress (about 4 MPa). On the other hand, the hydromechanical behaviour of the interfaces changes when a high fraction of cement is used. Moreover, it has been shown that bentonite is very sensitive to hydraulic erosion, producing flow channels within the interface zone. A numerical study confirms the importance of erosion for the hydromechanical behaviour of the interface. Authors’ address: Olivier Buzzi, Laboratoire Sols, Solides, Structures, Université Joseph Fourier, BP 53, 38041 Grenoble, Cedex 9, France  相似文献   

Thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of two heavily overconsolidated clays   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An experimental study on the thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of two heavily overconsolidated clays is presented. Laboratory tests have been conducted on a Spanish bentonite (FEBEX bentonite) and a Belgian kaolinitic/illitic clay (Boom clay), statically compacted at different initial dry densities and water contents. Volume change behaviour of the soils during suction reduction paths at different temperatures and during heating-cooling cycles at constant water content or suction have been investigated through the use of suction and temperature controlled oedometer cells. In addition, the volume change response under unconfined conditions and constant water content has been measured to determine thermal expansion coefficients. The results show similarities and differences between the observed behaviour of the two types of clays that have been interpreted on the basis of their different structures and regarding their proportion of intra-aggregate water.  相似文献   

The study of heat transfer, water flow, and swelling pressure development in engineered clay barriers and the evaluation of the influence of these phenomena on the barrier properties are important issues for predicting the performance of nuclear waste repository facilities. In this work, an experimental setup is presented especially meant to assess the response of the sand–bentonite mixture under conditions close to that of the buffer in a radioactive waste repository. A newly developed column device for laboratory testing of coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) behaviour of clay-buffer materials is introduced and its calibration, verification and the first experimental data are presented and discussed. The main features of the column device are: hydraulic and thermal gradients are possible to be applied; water content, suction and temperature development can be measured continuously at three locations along the sample height; swelling stress can be measured at top and the bottom of the sample. Measuring transient temperature, water content and suction simultaneously at the same height levels and with special care to minimise the sample disturbance is one of the advantages of the column device proposed here when compared to that previously reported in the literature. The main objectives of this paper are: (1) to describe the experimental device, (2) to introduce the sensors implemented and their calibration, and (3) to present and discuss the first experimental results obtained with the new equipment. The first experimental results show promise in the ability of the newly developed column device to provide reliable data for assessing the THM behaviour of expansive materials that are foreseen as buffer material in high level waste repositories.  相似文献   

In clay or other low-permeability media, water flow becomes non-Darcian and characterized by the non-linear relationship between water flux and hydraulic gradient. This work is devoted to addressing a number of key issues related to geological disposal of high-level nuclear waste in clay/shale formations. It is demonstrated that water flow velocity in the damaged zone (often considered as a potential preferential advection paths in a repository) surrounding the tunnel is extremely small, as a result of non-Darcian flow behavior, such that solute transport is dominated by diffusion, rather than advection. The finding is also consistent with the often-observed existence of persistent abnormal pressures in shale formations. While relative permeability is the key parameter for modeling the unsaturated flow process, without incorporating non-Darcian flow behavior, significant errors can occur in the determination of relative permeability values from traditional measurement methods. An approach for dealing with temperature impact on non-Darcian flow and a formulation to calculate non-Darcian water flux in an anisotropic medium are presented, taking into consideration that a geological repository is subject to temperature evolution in the near field as a result of heat generated by nuclear waste, and that shale formations are generally anisotropic.  相似文献   

Due to various factors, such as sedimentation, layered morphology of clay minerals, in situ stress, etc., argillite rocks often exhibit anisotropic behavior. In order to study the anisotropic properties of the Callovo-Oxfordian (COx) argillite of the Meuse–Haute-Marne site in France considered as a possible host rock for high-level radioactive nuclear waste repository, a series of tests including uniaxial compression and dehydration and hydration at different constant applied stress levels are carried out. In this study, a specific setup combining moisture and mechanical loading with optical observation is used and it allows to continuously capture surface images from which the full-field strains are determined by using Digital Image Correlation techniques. The results show evidence of the mechanical and hydric anisotropy of the material. The anisotropy parameters are identified, assuming the studied argillite as transversely isotropic. The shrinkage and swelling depend on the applied stress and the angle with respect to the vertical direction of the mechanical load and the stratification plane, and this dependence is quantified. The non-linearity and the hysteresis observed during dehydration and hydration cycles are discussed.  相似文献   

Compacted bentonite is used as sealing and buffer material in engineered barrier systems (EBS) of high-level radioactive waste repositories. The chemical characteristics of this clay and its porewater affect the migration of radionuclides eventually released from the waste. They also determine the integrity and long-term performance of the clay barriers. Key features are the structural negative charge and the large proportion of structural (interlayer) water of the main mineral montmorillonite, which leads to exclusion of anions and a surplus of cations in a large part of the porosity space. The objective of this contribution was to assess the impact of different porosity model concepts on porewater chemistry in compacted bentonite in the context of the planned Finnish spent nuclear fuel repository at Olkiluoto. First, a structural model based on well-established crystallographic and electrostatic considerations was set up to estimate the fractions of the different porosity types. In view of the uncertainty related to the chemical properties of the interlayer water, two very different model concepts (anion-free interlayer, Donnan space), together with a well-established thermodynamic model for bentonite, were applied to derive the porewater composition of the bentonite buffer at Olkiluoto. The simulations indicate very similar results in the “free” water composition for the two models and thus support the validity of the reference porewater concept commonly used in performance assessment of waste repositories. Differences between the models are evident in the composition of the water affected by the surface charge (i.e. diffuse double layer and interlayer). These reflect the conceptual uncertainty in current multi-porosity diffusion models.  相似文献   

Around galleries excavated at depth in geological media, the creation of a damaged zone with significant irreversible deformation is generally unavoidable. In the case of a geological disposal system for high-level radioactive waste, the resulting change in the host rock properties in this damaged zone may potentially be important with respect to the long-term evolution and the performance of that system. In this context, predicting the extent of the so-called Excavation Damaged Zone (EDZ) and, possibly, the fractures’ network topology remains a challenge. This study is aimed to simulate numerically the extension of this zone at the large scale’s excavation, around the Connecting gallery (HADES URL, Mol, Belgium), in Boom clay host rock through analyzing the evolution of strain localization in shear bands mode. To realistically model the involved phenomena, the concrete lining is considered on the gallery wall highlighting its impacts on the evolution of convergence and EDZ around the gallery. The focus of the current paper is made on analyzing the coupled hydro-mechanical behavior of Boom clay host rock during and after the gallery excavation with respect to the evolution of localized shear bands around the gallery. This study is accompanied by the analysis of the contact mechanism on the interface between the clay massive and the lining. The obtained results reveal some interesting features regarding the contact phenomenon relatively to the evolution pattern of shear bands within the clay around the gallery. To assess the reliability of the proposed approach, a discussion on some in-situ observations during the gallery’s construction is also performed based on which a good agreement is found between the in-situ evidence and simulated results.  相似文献   

Liu  Zhang-Rong  Ye  Wei-Min  Cui  Yu-Jun  Zhu  He-Hua  Wang  Qiong  Chen  Yong-Gui 《Acta Geotechnica》2021,16(10):3145-3160

Bentonite pellets are recognized as good buffer/backfill materials for sealing technological voids in high-level radioactive waste (HLW) repository. Compared to that of a traditional compacted bentonite block, one of the most important particularities of this material is the initially discrete pellets and the inevitable heterogeneous porosity formed, leading to a distinctive water retention behaviour. In this paper, water retention and mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) tests were conducted on pellet mixture (constant volume), single pellet (free swelling) and compacted block (constant volume) of GMZ bentonite, water retention properties and pore structure evolutions of the specimens were comparatively investigated. Results show that the water retention properties of the three specimens are almost similar to each other in the high suction range (>?10 MPa), while the water retention capacity of pellet mixture is lower than those of the compacted block and single pellet in the low suction range (<?10 MPa). Based on the capillary water retention theory (the Young–Laplace equation), a new concept ‘saturated void ratio’ that was positively related to water content and dependent on pore size distribution of the specimen was defined. Then, according to the product of saturated void ratio and water density in saturated void, differences of water retention properties for the three specimens at low suctions were explained. Meanwhile, MIP tests indicate that as suction decreases, the micro- and macrovoid ratios of pellet mixture and compacted block decrease as the mesovoid ratio increases, while all the void ratios of single pellets increase. This could be explained that upon wetting, water is successively adsorbed into the inter-layer, inter-particle and inter-pellet voids, leading to the subdivision of particles and swelling of aggregates and pellets. Under constant volume condition, aggregates and pellets tend to swell and fill into the inter-aggregates or inter-pellets voids. While under free swelling condition, the particles and aggregates in a single pellet tend to swell outward rather than squeezing into the inter-aggregate voids, leading to the expansion of the pores and even formation of cracks. Results including the effects of initial conditions (initial dry density and fabric) and constraint conditions (constant volume or free swelling) on the water retention capacity and pore structure evolution reached in this work are of great importance in designing of engineering barrier systems for the HLW repository.


For a potential geological barrier of high-level radioactive waste repositories in France, the long-term mechanical behavior of the Callovo-Oxfordian (COx) argillite is the most concern for engineers. In this paper, a micromechanical-based elasto-viscoplastic model is proposed, and its numerical realization is our main object. The COx argillite is considered as a three-phase composite consists of porous clay, quartz, and calcite. By assigning appropriate constitutive laws to those constituents, the macroscopic elasto-viscoplastic behavior of the COx argillite is determined with an extended Hill's incremental approach. The numerical aspects includes (a) a new formulation is proposed for the plastic multiplier when adopting the overstress (Perzyna) model to define the viscoplastic strain. Meanwhile, a new formulation is also proposed to solve it within the framework of an implicit returning mapping scheme. (b) The corresponding consistent tangent moduli are strictly derived by extending the method proposed for solving plastic problems; (c) the efficiency of the proposed integration algorithms for the local constitutive equations and the homogenization procedure are validated, receptively, by a built-in porous plasticity model of a commercial finite element (FE) program ABAQUS and by FE computations of a two-phase unit cell; and (d) the proposed micromechanical model is finally applied to simulate experiment data in short-term triaxial compression tests and long-term triaxial creep tests. And the numerical results show that it is able to reflect the variation of the mechanical behavior with respect to the varied mineralogical compositions.  相似文献   

深地质处置库运营过程中,受地下水化学成分、可能泄露的核素等近场化学条件影响,膨润土工程屏障性能可能发生衰减。围绕化学作用下膨润土屏障性能的演化行为,以我国北山处置库预选场地为工程背景,以内蒙古高庙子膨润土为研究对象,首先介绍了高庙子膨润土的基本物理性质及北山预选场地近场化学条件;在此基础上,详细总结了化学作用下高庙子膨润土水力、力学及阻滞等屏障性能演化行为相关研究成果。结果表明:化学作用对膨润土持水、渗透特性的影响可分别依据渗透吸力及双电层理论解释;化学作用下膨润土膨胀力的衰减与其水化膨胀机制有关,化-力耦合及化-水-力耦合作用下膨润土变形特性因渗透固结、化学软化效应而发生改变;膨润土的吸附与扩散特性受核素浓度、离子环境、pH值等因素影响。最后,提出化学作用下膨润土屏障性能演化研究应重点关注的方向。  相似文献   

Callovo-Oxfordian (Cox) argillite was investigated in the context of feasibility studies for an underground repository for nuclear waste. In this study, the influence of mineralogical composition and water content on the mechanical properties of the Cox argillite was investigated. The samples were drilled from three representative depths at which the rock formations have different mineralogical compositions. Micro-indentation and mini-compression tests were performed on samples with different water contents. The elastic and failure properties of argillite were determined and were found to be related to the mineralogical composition and water content. Both the elastic modulus and strength decrease with increasing clay and water contents.  相似文献   

Temperature effects on the hydraulic behaviour of an unsaturated clay   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
The influence of temperature on the hydraulic properties of unsaturated clays is of major concern in the design of engineered barriers in underground repositories for high-level radioactive waste disposal. This paper presents an experimental study centred on the investigation of the influence of temperature on soil hydraulic properties related to water retention and permeability. Laboratory tests were conducted on artificially prepared unsaturated fabrics obtained from a natural kaolinitic-illitic clay. Special attention is given to the testing procedures involving controlled suction and temperature oedometer cells and the application of the vapour equilibrium technique at high temperatures. Retention curves at different temperatures show that total suction tends to reduce with increasing temperatures at constant water content. Temperature influence on water permeability is more relevant at low matric suctions corresponding to bulk water preponderance (inter-aggregate zone). Below a degree of saturation of 75% no clear effect is detected. Experimental data show that temperature dependence on permeability at constant degree of saturation and constant void ratio is smaller than what could be expected from the thermal change in water viscosity. This behaviour suggests that phenomena such as porosity redistribution and thermo-chemical interactions, which alter clay fabric and pore fluid, can be relevant.  相似文献   

The conditions of the bentonite in an engineered barrier for high-level radioactive waste disposal have been simulated in a series of tests. Cylindrical cells with an inner length of 60 cm and a diameter of 7 cm have been constructed. Inside the cells, six blocks of FEBEX bentonite have been piled-up, giving rise to a total length similar to the thickness of the clay barrier in a repository according to the Spanish concept. To obtain the blocks, the clay with its hygroscopic water content has been uniaxially compacted at a dry density of 1.65 g/cm3. The bottom surface of the material was heated at 100 °C and the top surface was injected with granitic water. The duration of the tests was 6, 12 and 24 months. The temperatures inside the clay and the water intake were measured during the tests and, at the end, the cells were dismounted and the dry density, water content and some hydro-mechanical properties of the clay (permeability, swelling pressure and swelling under load) were measured at different positions. The values obtained are compared to those of the untreated FEBEX bentonite. The injection of water provokes in the vicinity of the hydration surface an increase of the water content and a decrease of the dry density due to the swelling of the clay, while heating gives rise to an increase of the dry density and a reduction of the water content in the 18 cm closest to the heater, even after 2 years of thermo-hydraulic (TH) treatment. The swelling capacity and the hydraulic conductivity after TH treatment are mainly related to the dry density and water content attained during it. No major irreversible modifications of these properties with respect to those of the untreated clay have been detected.  相似文献   

In the context of nuclear waste disposal in clay formations, laboratory experiments were performed to study at reduced scale the excavation damaged zone (EDZ) induced by the construction of galleries in the Boom clay formation. For this purpose, thick-walled hollow cylindrical samples were subjected (after recovery of in situ stress conditions) to a decrease in the inner confining pressure aiming at mimicking a gallery excavation. X-ray computed tomography (XRCT) scans of the specimens were carried out through the testing cell before and after the mechanical unloading and allowed to quantify the displacements undergone by the clay as a result of the mechanical unloading. The deformation of the hollow cylinders and the inferred extent of the damaged zone around the central hole are found to depend on the orientation of the specimen with respect to the bedding planes and show a great similarity with in situ observations around galleries and boreholes at Mol URL in the Boom clay formation. In the experiments performed on samples cored parallel to the bedding, the damaged zone is not symmetrical with respect to the hole axis and extends more in the direction parallel to the bedding. It is the same for the radial convergence of the hole walls which is larger in the direction parallel to bedding than in the perpendicular one. In contrast, a test on a sample cored perpendicularly to the bedding did not show any ovalisation of the central hole after the mechanical unloading. These observations confirm the significance of the pre-existing planes of weakness (bedding planes) in Boom clay and the need for a correct consideration of the related mechanical anisotropy.  相似文献   

缓冲材料作为高放废物深地质处置库中一道重要的人工屏障,与高放废物容器和处置库围岩直接接触,在高放废物衰变热、辐射作用和地下水等影响下产生复杂的热-水-力-化学耦合作用,为了验证缓冲材料是否能长期有效地发挥其屏障材料的作用,核工业北京地质研究院利用高庙子钠基膨润土组装并运行了模拟中国高放废物地质处置室 尺寸的大型缓冲材料膨润土试验台架(China-Mock-Up)。建立了缓冲材料试验台架的安装和试验方法,依据实测数据和理论分析,揭示了热-水-力-化学耦合作用条件下膨润土中的相对湿度是在加热器的热效应和外部供水的湿效应共同作用下发生变化的,压实膨润土中应力的变化主要是由于膨润土遇水膨胀和加热器的热效应引起的,试验验证了模拟高放废物地质处置室内加热器(废物罐)运行初期的位移过程,为缓冲材料和高放废物地质处置库的设计提供了重要的工程参数和理论依据。  相似文献   

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