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A study has been conducted in the heavily populated coastal areas of the Puri district (Odisha, India) with the aim to: (1) identify the factors that influence the major ion composition and concentrations of trace elements in groundwater; (2) determine the spatial distribution of the water-quality parameters and how they vary on a seasonal basis. To do this, groundwater samples were collected from 60 shallow tube wells located along the Puri coast during the pre-monsoon and post-monsoon seasons. Based on their TDS content, 52% of the collected groundwater samples were identified as being brackish-to-saline and unsuitable for drinking purposes in both the pre- and post-monsoon seasons. Significant concentrations of trace elements including Ba, Br, F, Fe, Mn, and Sr were detected in most of the samples. Iron concentrations were found to be higher than the WHO drinking water guideline value (0.3 mg/l) in 92% of the samples irrespective of seasons. Elevated Mn concentrations were observed in 37% and 40% of samples during the pre-monsoon and post-monsoon seasons, respectively. In addition, fluoride concentrations in excess of the WHO limit (1.5 mg/l) were found in 15% of samples during the pre-monsoon and 23% of samples during the post-monsoon season. The concentrations of major and trace elements show wide spatial and minor temporal variations. Large spatial and limited temporal variations in Cl and Na concentrations along with considerable Br and Sr concentrations in groundwater suggest that saltwater intrusion is the dominant process controlling groundwater quality in the study area, although other processes including ion exchange, the precipitation and dissolution of minerals, microbial activity, and the weathering of aquifer material also play roles to some extent in determining the spatial and seasonal distribution of the major and trace elements in coastal groundwater. Grouping of various water-quality parameters related to these processes by principal component analysis and their linking to one cluster in the hierarchical cluster analysis further supports the view that these processes control the groundwater chemistry in the coastal aquifer.  相似文献   

High water demand for domestic use in Douala with over 3 million inhabitants is met mainly by shallow groundwater. Field measurements and water sampling in January 2015 were carried out to examine the major controls on the groundwater composition and spatial view of ions in the water, timing of recharge and link between the recharge process and quality of the water. Fifty-two water samples were analysed for major ions and stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopes. Low pH values (3.61–6.92) in the groundwater indicated an acidic aquifer; thus, prone to acidification. The dominant water type was Na–Cl. Nitrate, which exceeded the WHO guide value of 50 mg/l in 22% of the groundwater, poses a health problem. Mass ratios of Cl?/Br? in the water ranged from 54 to 3249 and scattered mostly along the mixing lines between dilute waters, septic-tank effluent and domestic sewage. A majority of the samples, especially the high NO3 ? shallow wells, clustered around the septic-tank effluent-end-member indicating high contamination by seepage from pit latrines; hence, vulnerable to pollution. Stable isotopes in the groundwater indicated its meteoric origin and rapid infiltration after rainfall. The δ18O values showed narrow ranges and overlaps in rivers, springs, open wells and boreholes. These observations depict hydraulic connectivity, good water mixing and a homogeneous aquifer system mainly receiving local direct uniform areal recharge from rainfall. The rapid and diffused recharge favours the leaching of effluent from the pit toilets into the aquifer; hence, the high NO3 ? and Cl? in shallow wells. Silicate weathering, ion exchange and leaching of waste from pit toilets are the dominant controls on the groundwater chemistry. Drilling of deep boreholes is highly recommended for good-quality water supply. However, due the hydraulic connection to the shallow aquifer, geochemical modelling of future effects of such an exploitation of the deeper aquifer should support groundwater management and be ahead of the field actions.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to assess the main factors influencing salinity of groundwater in the coastal area between El Dabaa and Sidi Barani, Egypt. The types and ages of the main aquifers in this area are the fractured limestone of Middle Miocene, the calcareous sandstone of Pliocene and the Oolitic Limestone of Pleistocene age. The aquifers in the area are recharged by seasonal rainfall of the order of 150 mm/year. The relationship of groundwater salinity against the absolute water level, the well drilling depth, and the ability of aquifer to recharge has been discussed in the present work. The ability of aquifer to locally recharge by direct rainfall is a measure of the vertical permeability due to lithological and structural factors that control groundwater salinity in the investigated aquifers. On the other hand, the fracturing system as well as the attitude of the surface water divide has a prime role in changing both the mode of occurrence and the salinity of groundwater in the area. Directly to the west of Matrouh, where the coastal plain is the narrowest, and east of Barrani, where the coastal plain is the widest, are good examples of this concept, where the water salinity attains its maximum and minimum limits respectively. Accordingly, well drilling in the Miocene aquifer, in the area between El Negila and Barrani to get groundwater of salinities less than 5000 mg/l is recommended in this area, at flow rate less than 10 m3/hr/well. In other words, one can expect that the brackish water is probably found where the surface water divide is far from the shore line, where the Wadi fill deposits dominate (Quaternary aquifer), acting as a possible water salinity by direct rainfall and runoff.  相似文献   

Natural colloids have a potential role in facilitating the transport of radionuclides in groundwater. To assess the role of mobile colloidal phases in radionuclide transport, characterization of colloids for size, size distribution, zeta potential, surface charge and elemental composition is required. Groundwater samples were collected from 12 borewells in the study area and were characterized with respect to physicochemical parameters. Water quality parameters such as pH, temperature, specific conductance, TDS and dissolved O2 were measured in situ. Based on salinity, two groundwater types were identified in the study area: (1) freshwater type and (2) brackish type. Laboratory and field-scale turbidity measurements in addition to quantitative analysis of major ions were carried out. It was observed that the colloid concentrations are reduced at higher salinity. Zetasizer, particle size analyzer, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray analysis and X-ray diffraction techniques were used to characterize the colloidal particles in groundwater. Colloids were present in all the groundwater samples, the concentration varying between 0.05 and 6 mg/L. Colloid concentration was greater in wells with low ionic strength and the number of colloidal particles varied between 3 × 109 and 4 × 1011 particles/L. The average colloid size varied between 200 and 350 nm for various samples. The zeta potential of the colloidal particles varied between −25.5 and –34.0 mV. SEM analysis of colloidal particles revealed the presence of clays particularly kaolinite and that the mineral composition of colloids reflects the mineralogy of the aquifer. For proper risk assessment and remediation studies, the role of colloids in radionuclide transport assumes greater importance. This study highlights the need for, and relevance of, detailed colloid characterization to assess its role in the migration of radionuclides from near surface disposal facilities.  相似文献   

Water in the fissured limestone and dolomite of the Turonian aquifer of Tunisia has been investigated using geochemical (major ions) and isotopic (δ18O, δ2H, 14C) data. To carry out a characterization of aquifer behaviour, 48 representative samples were collected at the end of the humid season. The evolution of chemical composition of groundwater from recharge areas to discharge areas is characterized by increasing sodium, chloride and sulphate contents as a result of leaching of evaporite rock. In the study, three distinct chemical trends in groundwater were identified. The major reactions responsible for the chemical evolution of groundwater in the investigated area fall into three categories: (1) calcite precipitation, (2) gypsum and halite dissolution, and (3) ion exchange. The stable isotope composition of water samples indicates large-scale interaction between the Continental Intercalaire and the Turonian aquifer and the presence of a young local component which probably enters the system via faults and/or fractures.  相似文献   

Radon has been used to determine groundwater velocity and groundwater discharge into wetlands at the southern downstream boundary of the Crau aquifer, southeastern France. This aquifer constitutes an important high-quality freshwater resource exploited for agriculture, industry and human consumption. An increase in salinity occurs close to the sea, highlighting the need to investigate the water balance and groundwater behavior. Darcy velocity was estimated using radon activities in well waters according to the Hamada “single-well method” (involving comparison with radon in groundwater in the aquifer itself). Measurements done at three depths (7, 15 and 21 m) provided velocity ranging from a few mm/day to more than 20 cm/day, with highest velocities observed at the 15-m depth. Resulting hydraulic conductivities agree with the known geology. Waters showing high radon activity and high salinity were found near the presumed shoreline at 3,000 years BP, highlighting the presence of ancient saltwater. Radon activity has also been measured in canals, rivers and ponds, to trace groundwater discharges and evaluate water balance. A model of the radon spatial evolution explains the observed radon activities. Groundwater discharge to surface water is low in pond waters (4 % of total inputs) but significant in canals (55 l/m2/day).  相似文献   

Fort Morgan Peninsula is an attached portion of a dynamic barrier complex in the northern Gulf of Mexico and is a large tourist area that brings in a significant amount of revenue for Alabama. Many of the hotels and tourist attractions depend on the groundwater as their water supply. The over-withdrawal of groundwater and saltwater intrustion will have a negative impact on the ecology, tourism and economy if groundwater resources are not properly monitored and managed. In this study a calibrated groundwater flow model was used to analyze the sustainability of groundwater resources at Fort Morgan Peninsula. Detailed flow budgets were prepared to check the various components of inflow and outflow under different water use and climatic conditions. The results indicated the locations where groundwater was over-pumped and subjected to saltwater intrusion, or will be subjected to saltwater intrusion under a range of projected water use and climatic conditions.  相似文献   

The Holocene geological evolution of the Belgian coastal plain is dominated by a transgression of the North Sea, silting up of the coastal plain and human intervention (impoldering). This has led to a typical pattern in groundwater quality which is discussed here for the central part of the coastal plain. Therefore, a database with available groundwater samples is composed. Water type according to the Stuyfzand classification is determined and different hydrosomes and their hydrochemical facies are identified. Based on this, the origin and evolution of the water types is explained using Piper plots and geochemical calculations with PHREEQC. Before the impoldering, salinising and freshening conditions alternated with a general salinisation of the aquifer after about 3400 BP. This results in a dominance of brackish and salt NaCl subtypes which are still found in the deeper part of the aquifer. The subsequent impoldering resulted in an major freshening of the aquifer leading to NaHCO3, MgHCO3 and CaHCO3 subtypes. Overall, mixing, cation exchange, carbonate mineral dissolution and oxidation of organic matter are identified as the major processes determining the general water quality. The close link between geological evolution, water quality and what is still observable today is illustrated with this example of the Belgian coastal plain.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to identify the geochemical processes responsible for higher fluoride (F) content in the groundwater of the Yellareddigudem watershed located in Nalgonda district, Andhra Pradesh. The basement rocks in the study area comprise mainly of granites (pink and grey varieties), which contain F-bearing minerals (fluorite, biotite and hornblende). The results of the study area suggest that the groundwater is characterized by Na+: HCO facies. The F content varies from 0.42 to 7.50 mg/L. In about 68% of the collected groundwater samples, the concentration of F exceeds the national drinking water quality limit of 1.5 mg/L. The weathering of the granitic rocks causes the release of Na+ and HCO ions, which increase the solubility of ions. Ion exchange between Na+ and Ca2+, and precipitation of CaCO3 reduce the activity of Ca2+. This favours dissolution of CaF2 from the F-bearing minerals present in the host rocks, leading to a higher concentration of F in the groundwater. The study further suggests that the spatial variation in the F content appears to be caused by difference in the relative occurrence of F-bearing minerals, the degree of rockweathering and fracturing, the residence time of water in the aquifer materials and the associated geochemical processes. The study emphasizes the need for appropriate management measures to mitigate the effect of higher F groundwater on human health.  相似文献   

Hydrogeology Journal - A participatory modelling approach is presented for effective groundwater management at the Mediterranean coastal plain of Marathon, Greece. The main objective was to...  相似文献   

在沿海地区,尤其是围海造陆工程形成的陆域地区地下水水位受潮汐影响较大,使传统水文地质试验求取含水层参数存在较大误差。因此通过合理概化地下水在潮汐作用下运动规律,建立数学模型,推导解析公式求取沿海含水层参数具有重要意义。分析天津滨海新区两处观测孔地下水位及潮汐波动特征,在滞后时间不明显的情况下,利用观测孔水位变幅数据计算了含水层水头扩散系数,并根据承压含水层储水系数经验值进一步获得含水层渗透系数。通过两个观测孔分别计算,对比计算结果互相验证发现,该方法取得了令人满意的结果。利用地下水潮汐效应计算含水层参数可以广泛应用于沿海地区水文地质工作中。  相似文献   

对具有多层含水结构的哈密盆地地下水系统, 提出了一类考虑弱透水层弹性释水作用的地下水流耦合数学模型。利用实际资料的数值模拟结果表明, 与忽略弱透水层弹性释水作用的数学模型相比, 其精度提高、更符合实际的水文地质条件, 为定量评价多层越流系统地下水资源提供了一种实用可靠的数值方法。  相似文献   

Assessing sustainability of coastal groundwater is significant for groundwater management as coastal groundwater is vulnerable to over-exploitation and contamination. To address the issues of serious groundwater level drawdown and potential seawater intrusion risk of a multi-layered coastal aquifer system in Zhanjiang, China, this paper presents a numerical modelling study to research groundwater sustainability of this aquifer system. The transient modelling results show that the groundwater budget was negative (\(-3826\times 10^{4}\) to \(-4502\times 10^{4 }\,\hbox {m}^{3}/\hbox {a}\)) during the years 2008–2011, revealing that this aquifer system was over-exploited. Meanwhile, the groundwater sustainability was assessed by evaluating the negative hydraulic pressure area (NHPA) of the unconfined aquifer and the groundwater level dynamic and flow velocity of the offshore boundaries of the confined aquifers. The results demonstrate that the Nansan Island is most influenced by NHPA and that the local groundwater should not be exploited. The results also suggest that, with the current groundwater exploitation scheme, the sustainable yield should be \(1.784\times 10^{8}\, \hbox {m}^{3}/\hbox {a}\) (i.e., decreased by 20% from the current exploitation amount). To satisfy public water demands, the 20% decrease of the exploitation amount can be offset by the groundwater sourced from the Taiping groundwater resource field. These results provide valuable guidance for groundwater management of Zhanjiang.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2003,18(9):1479-1496
Arsenic species were measured in a bundled-piezometer installed in the Holocene barrier of the Stuarts Point coastal sands aquifer, northern New South Wales, Australia. Vertical distribution shows two peaks of elevated As concentration. At a depth of 10–11 m, concentrations of AsTot, As(V) and As(III) are in the range of 52–85, 38–67 and 14–18 μg/l respectively and the ratio of As(V)/As(III) is well above 1 at 3.7–2.7. The second peak, at a depth of 25 m, shows the highest concentrations of AsTot, As(V) and As(III) with values reaching 337, 125 and 212 μg/l, respectively. The As(V)/As(III) ratio is below 1 at 0.6–0.7. High AsTot and As(V) concentrations at shallower depths are associated with acidic conditions and very low concentrations of all ions. Desorption of As from Al-hydroxides and As-enriched Fe-oxyhydroxides are plausible mechanisms releasing As into the groundwater system. The elevated concentration of AsTot and As(III) at 25 m is potentially related to the leaching of the clay surfaces. Elevated HCO3- and alkaline pH conditions at this depth cause desorption of As which is later present as As(III) species in the reducing environment. The high concentrations of HCO3- further reduce the possible extent of As sorption on Fe and Mn oxyhydroxides. The identification of As in a groundwater system associated with the coastal barrier sand-dune environment raises serious questions of the suitability of human consumption of untreated groundwater, drawn from these aquifer types. Further investigation both in Australia and globally are needed to classified the extent of this hydrogeochemical occurrence near coastal communities that rely on groundwater.  相似文献   

Overextraction of groundwater is widely occurring along the coast where good quality groundwater is at risk, due to urbanization, tourist development and intensive agriculture. The Sabratah area at the northern central part of Jifarah Plain, Northwest Libya, is a typical area where the contamination of the aquifer in the form of saltwater intrusion, gypsum/anhydrite dissolution and high nitrate concentrations is very developed. Fifty groundwater samples were collected from the study area and analysed for certain parameters that indicate salinization and pollution of the aquifer. The results demonstrate high values of the parameters electrical conductivity, sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride and sulphate which can be attributed to seawater intrusion. The intensive extraction of groundwater from the aquifer reduces freshwater outflow to the sea, creates drawdown cones and lowering of the water table to as much as 30 m below mean sea level. Irrigation with nitrogen fertilizers and domestic sewage and movement of contaminants in areas of high hydraulic gradients within the drawdown cones probably are responsible for the high nitrate concentration towards the south of the region. Seawater intrusion and deep salt water upconing result in general high SO4 2? concentrations in groundwater near the shoreline, where localized SO4 2? anomalies are also due to the dissolution of sebkha deposits for few wells in the nearby sebkhas. Upstream, the increase in SO4 2? concentrations in the south is ascribed to the dissolution of gypsum at depth in the upper aquifer.  相似文献   

Alluvial groundwater from springs and bore wells, used as the major source of water for drinking and other domestic purposes in the semi-urban informal settlements of Douala, Cameroon, has been studied. Six representative springs, four bore wells and two hand dug wells, situated in the Phanerozoic basin were selected, from which a total of 72 water samples were analyzed for chemical characteristics and indicators of bacterial contamination. The results showed anthropogenic pollution, evident from high concentrations of organic (up to 94.3 mg NO3/l nitrate) fecal coliform and fecal streptococcus detected in the springs and bore wells (with values of 2,311 and 1,500 cfu/100 ml, respectively). The pH ranged from 3.4–6.5, which is lower than the guidelines for drinking water. Groundwater samples from background upstream inland natural areas W1 and W2 had low electrical conductivity (54.2 and 74.8 μs/cm, respectively) and major ions, which increased downstream in the valleys, peaking in the more densely settled areas. An acceptable concentration of solutes was observed for the bore wells except for a single sample from B4. The bore-well sample B4 registered the highest microbial content (2,130 cfu/100 ml) and nitrate level(26 mg/l), which could be due to the bottom of this well lying just at or close to the zone of mixing between sewage and groundwater. The absence of a direct correlation between nitrate and fecal matter suggests multiple sources of contamination. The shallow alluvial aquifer consists of unconsolidated deposits of gravel, sand, silt and clay. The springs, therefore, receive direct recharge from the ground surface with limited contaminant attenuation, which leads to water quality deterioration, especially during the rainy season. This shows the urgent need to put basic service infrastructures in place. The local population should be sensitized to the importance of chlorinating and boiling drinking water to prevent health hazards.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemistry of groundwater in hard rock terrain are mainly governed by lithology and land use practices. A study area near Madurai region of central Tamil Nadu was selected with various litho-units and a hard rock sedimentary contact with an unconformity. Land use practices in these regions are also varied with lithology. The study was conducted by collecting 54 groundwater samples spatially covering the major litho-units. Collected samples were analyzed for electrical conductivity, pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), temperature, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Cl, HCO3, NO3, H4SiO4, PO4, and SO4. The results of the samples analyzed found to vary spatially. Dominance of ion shows that the alkalies are predominant and HCO3 is the dominant anion. Piper facies show that the samples are alkali-carbonate type indicating the predominance of weathering. Most of the parameters exceed the drinking water permissible limit. Standard plots and statistical analysis also indicate weathering as the major process governing the hydrogeochemistry of the groundwater in the region. Relative mobility of cations indicates that the rate of liberation of alkalies from the lithology is more prominent.  相似文献   

Groundwater and surface water samples were collected to improve understanding of the Senegal River Lower Valley and Delta system, which is prone to salinization. Inorganic ion concentrations and environmental isotopes (18O, 2H and 3H) in groundwater, river, lake and precipitation were investigated to gain insight into the functioning of the system with regard to recharge sources and process, groundwater renewability, hydraulic interconnection and geochemical evolution. The geochemical characteristics of the system display mainly cation (Ca2+ and/or Na+) bicarbonated waters, which evolve to chloride water type; this occurs during groundwater flow in the less mineralized part of the aquifer. In contrast, saline intrusion and secondary brines together with halite dissolution are likely to contaminate the groundwater to Na–Cl type. Halite, gypsum and calcite dissolution determine the major ion (Na+, Cl, Ca2+, Mg2+, SO4 2− and HCO3 ) chemistry, but other processes such as evaporation, salt deposition, ion exchange and reverse exchange reactions also control the groundwater chemistry. Both surface water and groundwater in the system show an evaporation effect, but high evaporated signatures in the groundwater may be due to direct evaporation from the ground, infiltration of evaporated water or enriched rainwater in this region. The stable isotopes also reveal two types of groundwater in this system, which geomorphologically are distributed in the sand dunes (depleted isotopes) and in the flood plain (enriched isotopes). Consideration of the 3H content reinforces this grouping and suggests two mechanisms of recharge: contribution of enriched surface water in recharging the flood plain groundwater and, in the sand dunes area where water table is at depth between 8 and 13 m, slow recharge process characterized the submodern to mixed water.  相似文献   

The geochemical processes controlling chemical composition of groundwater are studied using hydrochemical and isotopic data in Abdan-Dayer coastal plain, south of Iran. The salinity of groundwater in the coastal plain ranges from 1,000, a fresh end-member, to more than 50,000 μS cm?1, a saline end-member. Groundwater salinity increases from the recharge area toward areas with a shallow water table close to the Persian Gulf coast due to direct evaporation and sea water intrusion as confirmed by mixing binary diagrams, stable isotope content, and Br?/Cl? ratio. Groundwater flow pattern in the study area has been modified due to over-pumping of groundwater in recent years which resulted in further saline water migration toward fresh water and their mixing. The maximum mixing ratio is estimated about 15% in different parts of the study area according to chloride concentration.  相似文献   

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