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Groundwater management requires complete visualization of aquifer characteristics to understand scientific aspects and hence remains a challenge, especially in hard rock terrains. In the present research paper, a comprehensive approach using 3D stratigraphic model, fence diagrams and numerical modeling has been proposed to understand the groundwater status for effective recharge. The stratigraphy, groundwater flow, and groundwater fluctuations for the period 1999–2010 were analyzed. The total volume of formations, volume of voids, storage capacity, and quantities of recharge of unconfined aquifer system in the Nagpur urban area were estimated. The steady state groundwater flow model of Basalt formation was calibrated to evaluate the subsurface system using Processing Modflow (PMWIN 5.3.2). The calibrated hydraulic head is compared with field observed head. The comparative spatial analysis presents a simple integrated approach in identifying zones with falling groundwater trends suitable for groundwater recharge in hard rock terrain in Nagpur urban area.  相似文献   

Fluoride in drinking water has both beneficial and detrimental effects on public health, and a narrow range between .6 and 1.5 mg/L is optimal for consumption. However, natural groundwater sources exceed these guidelines affecting the entire population. This study aims to assess the distribution and controlling factors of fluoride concentration in the Tamiraparani River basin, South India. A total of 124 groundwater samples were analyzed for their fluoride content and other hydrogeochemical parameters. The fluoride concentration in the study area varied from .01 to 1.67 mg/L, and the highest concentrations were measured in the northern and central parts of the study area, which is underlain by charnockites and hornblende biotite gneiss. The sampling indicated (as per the Bureau of Indian Standards) that 53.9% of the area has fluoride concentrations below levels that are protective of teeth from dental caries (<.6 mg/L). .1% of the area is considered to be at risk of dental fluorosis, and the remaining 46% of the area is considered to have fluoride levels at desirable to permissible limit in groundwater. The groundwater in the study area belongs to Ca–Mg–Cl–SO4 and Ca–Mg–HCO3 types. A positive correlation between fluoride and TDS, Na+, K+ and HCO3 ? indicates its geogenic origin, and positive loading between pH and fluoride shows that alkaline environment enhances the dissolution of fluoride-bearing minerals into the groundwater. An empirical Bayesian kriging model was applied to interpolate the fluoride concentration in the study area. This geostatistical model is found to be better than other kriging methods, and it yielded an average standard error of .332 and root-mean-square standardized value of .986.  相似文献   

地质统计学方法在地下水水位估值中应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对于许多区域水资源或水环境问题,地下水水流模拟往往要采用数值方法,需给出每个节点上初始水位值,以反映流场的初始状态。另外,地下水水位动态长期监测分析,需由观测点水位估计任一点的水位。文中阐述了地下水水位估值的地质统计学方法-泛克立格法原理,以河南省焦作市修武段地下水数值模拟分析区为例,分析了用一次、二次漂移的泛克立格方法模拟地下水初始流场的估值情况和对真实流场特征的反映情况。指出在进行区域地下水位  相似文献   

Hydrogeomorphological, hydrogeological and geophysical investigations were carried out in the Pageru River basin of Cuddapah district, Andhra Pradesh, to delineate potential zones for future groundwater exploration. The study area is underlain by Proterozoic formations of the Indian Peninsula comprising limestones and shales as the sedimentary cover. Limestone and shale formations of the Cuddapah Super group that are later overlain by the Kurnool group (shale, limestone and quartzite) are exposed extensively. The high drainage density (2.61 km/km2) in the western region also suggests that the area is characterized by low permeable zones compared with low drainage density (1.04 km/km2) of the flood plains, which form the potential aquifers in the east. The hydro-geomorphological data are further supported from evidence of the water-table fluctuation in wells and resistivity of the saturated formations. The results indicate that the favourable, moderately favourable and poor zones characterized geomorphologically, have water-level fluctuations in the range of 0–2, 2–6 and above 6 m, respectively. The resistivities of these zones are also in the range of 1–26, 40–466, and >1,900 ohm-m. A few pumping tests have also been conducted to assess the broad range in the values of aquifer parameters. Based on these data, good to poor potential zones for obtaining groundwater have been delineated in the study area.
Resumen Se llevaron a cabo investigaciones hidrogeomorfológicas, hidrogeológicas y geofísicas en la cuenca del Río Pageru del distrito Cuddapah, Andhra Pradesh, con objeto de delimitar zonas potenciales para exploración futura de aguas subterráneas. El área de estudio consiste de formaciones Proterozoicas de la Península India con calizas y lutitas como cubierta sedimentaria. Las formaciones de caliza y lutita del Grupo Cuddapah Superior afloran extensamente y están cubiertas por el Grupo Kurnool (lutita, caliza, y cuarcita). La alta densidad de drenaje (2.61 km/km2) en la región occidental también indica que el área se caracteriza por zonas de baja permeabilidad en comparación con las planicies de inundación de baja densidad (1.04 km/km2) que forman los acuíferos potenciales del oriente. Los datos hidrogeomorfológicos tienen apoyo adicional a partir de evidencia proveniente de la fluctuación del nivel freático en pozos y resistividad de las formaciones saturadas. Los resultados indican que las zonas caracterizadas geomorfológicamente como zonas favorables, moderadamente favorables, y pobres tienen fluctuaciones de niveles de agua en el rango de 0–2, 2–6, y mayor de 6 m, respectivamente. Las resistividades de estas zonas también se encuentran en el rango de 1–26, 40–466, y mayores de 1,900 ohm-m. Se realizaron algunas pruebas de bombeo para evaluar los amplios rangos que tienen los valores de los parámetros de los acuíferos. Basado en esta información se delimitaron zonas con potencial bueno a pobre para obtener agua subterránea en la zona de estudio.

Résumé Des investigations hydrogéomorphologiques, hydrogéologiques et géophysiques ont été menées sur le bassin de la rivière Pageru du district de Cuddapah, Andhra Pradesh, pour délimiter les zones potentielles dans la future recherche deaux souterraines. La zone étudiée est, à la base, constituée par les formations protérozoïques de la péninsule indienne comprenant les calcaires et les shales de la couverture sédimentaire. Les calcaires et les shales du Super Groupe Cuddapah qui sont recouverts par le Groupe Kurnool (shale, calcire, quartzite) sont exposés de manière extensive. La densité importante de drainage (2.61 km/km2) dans la région ouest montre également que la zone est caractérisée par des perméabilités faibles par comparaison avec les plaines dinondation (densité de drainage: 1.04 km/km2), formant les aquifères potentiels de lEst. Les données hydrogéomorphologiques vont également dans le sens des données de fluctuation de la nappe et de résistivité des formations saturées. Les résultats indiquent que les zones caractérisées géomorphologiquement comme favorables, moyennement favorables et pauvres, possèdent des fluctuations respectives de lordre de 0 à 2, 2 à 6 et de plus de 6 m. La résistivité de ces zones est également de lordre de 1 à 26, 40 à 466 et de plus de 1900 ohm-m. Quelques pompages dessais ont également été conduits pour déterminer les valeurs moyennes des paramètres de laquifère. En se basant sur ces données, des zones potentielles bonnes à pauvres pour lexploitation des eaux souterraines ont été délimitées.

Identifying a good site for groundwater exploration in hard rock terrain is a challenging task. In hard rocks, groundwater occurs in secondary porosity developed due to weathering, fracturing, faulting, etc., which is highly variable within short distance and contributing to near-surface inhomogeneity. In such situations topographic, hydrogeological and geomorphological features provide useful clues for the selection of suitable sites. Initially, based on satellite imagery, topographical, geomorphological and hydrogeological features, an area of about 149 km2 was demarcated as a promising zone for groundwater exploration in the hard rock tract of Seethanagaram Mandal, Vizianagaram District, Andhra Pradesh, India. A total of 50 Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) were carried out using Wenner electrode configuration. An interactive interpretation of the VES data sharpened the information inferred from geomorphological and hydrogeological reconnaissance. Ten sites were recommended for drilling. Drilling with Down-The-Hole Hammer (DTH) was carried out at the recommended sites down to 50 to 70 m depths. The interpreted VES results matched well with the drilled bore well lithologs. The yields of bore wells vary from 900 to 9000 liters per hour (lph).  相似文献   

Groundwater resources in the semi-arid regions of southern India are under immense pressure due to large-scale groundwater abstraction vis-à-vis meager rainfall recharge. Therefore, understanding and evaluating the spatial distribution of groundwater is essential for viable utilization of the resource. Here, we assess groundwater potential at the watershed scale, in a semi-arid environment with crystalline aquifer system without a perennial surface water source using remote sensing, geophysical, and GIS-based integrated multi-parameter approach. GIS-based weighed overlay analysis is performed with input parameters, viz., geology, geomorphology, lineament density, land use, soil, drainage density, slope, and aquifer thickness. The watershed is categorized into four zones, namely, “very good” (GWP4), “good” (GWP3), “moderate” (GWP2), and “low” (GWP1) in terms of groundwater potential. Overall, ~?70% of the study area falls under moderate to low groundwater potential, indicating a serious threat to the future availability of the resource. Therefore, serious measures are required for maintaining aquifer resilience in this over-exploited aquifer (e.g., restricting groundwater withdrawal from GWP1 and GWP2 zones). Further, as the aquifer is under tremendous anthropogenic pressure, rainwater harvesting and artificial recharge during monsoon are advocated for sustainable aquifer management. Due to the direct dependence of crop production vis-à-vis farmer economy on groundwater, this study is an important step towards sustainable groundwater management and can be applied in diverse hydrological terrains.  相似文献   

Remote sensing data can be integrated with analyses of topography, structural geology, hydrogeology and geophysics. The integration gives premises for the delineation of zones of potential groundwater resources in strongly fractured and karstified deep aquifers in the uplifted Meo Vac Highland, northern Vietnam. Remote sensing analysis outlines geological faults with hydrogeological significance. These faults are combined with a derived lineament density map, interpreted analysis of surface flow direction and existing hydrogeological data, resulting in indications of groundwater flow direction. An analysis of the SPOT 5 band ratio 4/1, together with indications of surface-flow direction in low terrains, results in a determination of underground cavern passages. The delineated zones of potential groundwater resources are verified by detailed hydrogeological field surveys and geophysical measurements. Remote sensing analysis is shown to effectively contribute to the investigation of groundwater resources for a hydrogeologically complex area.  相似文献   

Mountain-front recharge (MFR) is a process of recharging an aquifer by infiltration of surface flow from streams and adjacent basins in a mountain block and along a mountain front (MF). This is the first attempt in India to estimate MFR along the foothills of Courtallam using hydrogeochemistry and geostatistical tools. The estimation of MFR has been carried out by collecting groundwater samples along the foothills of Courtallam. Collected water samples were analyzed for major cations and anions using standard procedures. Hydrogeochemical facies show the existence of four water types in this region. Calcium-rich water derived from gneissic rock terrain indicates significant recharge from higher elevation. Log pCO2 and ionic strength of the samples were also calculated to identify the geochemical process. Majority of the collected samples have sodium-rich water and weak ionic strength, which indicate foothill recharge and low residence time. Silicate and carbonate weathering have an equal interplay along the foothills with a relatively large fraction of Mg from the MF. The spatial diagrams of three factors show that the southern part of the study area is dominated by both weathering and anthropogenic processes, whereas the northern part is dominated by both leaching and weathering processes. Thus, the dominant weathering process represented by the second factor indicates the large recharge process along the foothills.  相似文献   

In this work the major and trace elements pollution levels in groundwater of Tuticorin city of Tamil Nadu was investigated. This coastal city with numerous large and small scale industries has increasingly affected the water quality by dumping effluents. The mean major and trace elements levels in groundwater in descending order: Si > Sr > Zn > Fe > Rb > Se > Al > Mn > Cu > As > Cr > Ba > V > Ni > Pb > Mo > Co > Sb > Cd > Ag. The concentrations of As, Se, Pb, Ba, Al, Fe and V (0.084, 0.150, 0.057, 0.837, 0.357 and 0.052) in some of the groundwater samples exceed the standard value of world health organization (WHO, 2004). Interrelationship between the elements was done by correlation matrix and factor analysis which indicates the contribution from industrial and irrigation fields. Spatial interpolation of inverse distance method (IDW) maps of all the elements suggested that discharge of effluents from chemical factory (STERLITE, TAC, SPIC, HEAVY WATER PLANT, NILA SEA FOODS), municipal wastewater, fertilizers were added to the natural sources. Results of this research suggests that proper measures should be taken to protect the vital groundwater resources in the Tuticorin city.  相似文献   

Assessment of groundwater resources in India is guided by National Water Policy (1987, 2002) which states that groundwater resources can be exploited only up to its recharge limit. The methodology for groundwater resources assessment in India is broadly based on Ground Water Resources Estimation Methodology, 1997 and it involves assessment of annual replenishable groundwater resources (recharge), annual groundwater draft (utilization) and the percentage of utilization with respect to recharge (stage of development). The assessment units (blocks/watersheds) are categorized based on stage of groundwater development (utilization) and the long term water level trend. The present methodology though useful in identification and prioritization of areas for groundwater management, falls short of addressing several critical issues like spatial and temporal variation of groundwater availability within the aquifer, accessibility of groundwater resources and quality of groundwater. This paper introduces a new categorisation scheme considering the above issues. The proposed scheme takes into account four criteria, viz. (i) stage of exploitation, (ii) extractability factor, (iii) temporal availability factor and (iv) quality factor. In comparison to the existing method used for categorisation, the proposed approach is more inclusive. The methodology is also equally suitable for both alluvial and hard rock terrain since it takes into consideration the variable characteristics of different types of aquifers and convergence of quantitative and qualitative assessment. The categorisation proposed here involves GIS based integration of different parameters/ themes. This allows better representation of spatial variability. The proposed methodology is demonstrated in this paper taking a case study from a hard rock terrain in central India.  相似文献   

This study investigates the values of pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), elevation, oxidative reduction potential (ORP), temperature, and depth, while the concentrations of Br, and potentially harmful metals (PHMs) such as Cr, Ni, Cd, Mn, Cu, Pb, Co, Zn, and Fe in the groundwater samples. Moreover, geographic information system (GIS), XLSTAT, and IBM SPSS Statistics 20 software were used for spatial distribution modeling, principal component analysis (PCA), cluster analysis (CA), and Quantile-Quantile (Q-Q) plotting to determine groundwater pollution sources, similarity index, and normal distribution reference line for the selected parameters. The mean values of pH, TDS, elevation, ORP, temperature, depth, and Br were 7.2, 322 mg/L, 364 m, 188 mV, 29.6 °C, 70 m, 0.20 mg/L, and PHMs like Cr, Ni, Cd, Mn, Cu, Pb, Co, Zn, and Fe were 0.38, 0.26, 0.08, 0.27, 0.36, 0.22, 0.04, 0.43 and 0.86 mg/L, respectively. PHMs including Cr (89%), Cd (43%), Mn (23%), Pb (79%), Co (20%), and Fe (91%) exceeded the guideline values set by the world health organization (WHO). The significant R2 values of PCA for selected parameters were also determined (0.62, 0.67, 0.78, 0.73, 0.60, 0.87, ?0.50, 0.69, 0.70, 0.74, ?0.50, 0.70, 0.67, 0.79, 0.59, and ?0.55, respectively). PCA revealed three geochemical processes such as geogenic, anthropogenic, and reducing conditions. The mineral phases of Cd(OH)2, Fe(OH)3, FeOOH, Mn3O4, Fe2O3, MnOOH, Pb(OH)2, Mn(OH)2, MnO2, and Zn(OH)2 (?3.7, 3.75, 9.7, ?5.8, 8.9, ?3.6, 2.2, ?4.6, ?7.7, ?0.9, and 0.003, respectively) showed super-saturation and under-saturation conditions. Health risk assessment (HRA) values for PHMs were also calculated and the values of hazard quotient (HQ), and hazard indices (HI) for the entire study area were increased in the following order: Cd>Ni>Cu>Pb>Mn>Zn>Cr. Relatively higher HQ and HI values of Ni, Cd, Pb, and Cu were greater than one showing unsuitability of groundwater for domestic, agriculture, and drinking purposes. The long-term ingestion of groundwater could also cause severe health concerns such as kidney, brain dysfunction, liver, stomach problems, and even cancer.  相似文献   

This study aims to estimate artificial recharge of groundwater by using remote sensing technology, geographical information systems, and groundwater surveys. This study is part of the King Fahd project for rainfall and runoff water harvesting, within the premises of Alilb Dam in Diriyah to the west of Riyadh. Digital elevation models were obtained with the help of aerial photography from the year 2007. These models were used to delineate watershed. Average rainfall was calculated using isoheytal method, and the area of each of the storage lakes was measured using SPOT 5 satellite images from 2007. Fluctuations in groundwater levels, evaporation, and infiltration rates were used to determine the water balance for the purpose of estimating of artificial recharge. Artificial recharge rates were found to surpass natural recharge from rainfall. Recharge wells caused a reduction in the effect of evaporation on storage lakes and helped in supplying water to the groundwater reservoir. Moreover, 80% and 86% of the rainwater was found to be available for artificial recharge in Alilb at 2005 and 2007, respectively. The study recommends the establishment of strategic projects for water storage using artificial recharge wells, an increase in the number of monitoring wells around the dams, and the monitoring of hydrochemical changes in groundwater both before and after the artificial recharge. It also recommends the erection of a weather station in the northwest of Wadi Hanifa.  相似文献   

Dwarka River basin in Birbhum, West Bengal (India), is an agriculture-dominated area where groundwater plays a crucial role. The basin experiences seasonal water stress conditions with a scarcity of surface water. In the presented study, delineation of groundwater potential zones (GWPZs) is carried out using a geospatial multi-influencing factor technique. Geology, geomorphology, soil type, land use/land cover, rainfall, lineament and fault density, drainage density, slope, and elevation of the study area were considered for the delineation of GWPZs in the study area. About 9.3, 71.9 and 18.8% of the study area falls within good, moderate and poor groundwater potential zones, respectively. The potential groundwater yield data corroborate the outcome of the model, with maximum yield in the older floodplain and minimum yield in the hard-rock terrains in the western and south-western regions. Validation of the GWPZs using the yield of 148 wells shows very high accuracy of the model prediction, i.e., 89.1% on superimposition and 85.1 and 81.3% on success and prediction rates, respectively. Measurement of the seasonal water-table fluctuation with a multiplicative model of time series for predicting the short-term trend of the water table, followed by chi-square analysis between the predicted and observed water-table depth, indicates a trend of falling groundwater levels, with a 5% level of significance and a p-value of 0.233. The rainfall pattern for the last 3 years of the study shows a moderately positive correlation (R 2 = 0.308) with the average water-table depth in the study area.  相似文献   

The Narava basin in Visakhapatnam district situated on the east coast is a productive agricultural area, and is also one of the fastest growing urban areas in India. The agricultural and urban-industrialization activities have a lot of impact on this coastal aquifer water quality. The hydrochemistry of the groundwater was analyzed in the basin area with reference to drinking and agricultural purposes. The area is underlain by Precambrian rocks like khondalites, charnockites and migmatites. The water samples were collected from shallow wells for the year 2008. Physical and chemical parameters of groundwater such as pH, total alkalinity (TA), electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), total hardness (TH), Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, HCO3 ?, Cl?, SO4 2?, NO3 ?, F? were determined. The analytical results revealed that the most of the groundwater found to be in polluted category. Geographical information system (GIS) was utilized to generate different spatial distribution maps of various chemical constituents in the study area. The analytical data were used to compute certain parameters such as salinity hazard, percent sodium (Na%), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), residual sodium carbonate (RSC), permeability index (PI), Kelley??s ratio (KR) and corrosivity ratio (CR) to determine the quality of water for agricultural purposes. The abundance of the major ions in the basin area was found to be in the following sequence: Na+?>?Ca2+?>?Mg2+?>?K+:Cl??>?HCO3 ??>?SO4 2??>?NO3 ??>?F?. According to Gibbs?? diagram most of the samples fall under rock dominance. As per Wilcox and USSL classification most of the groundwater samples are suitable for irrigation except few samples which are unsuitable due to the presence of high salinity and high sodium hazard. From the obtained data, it can be concluded that the water quality profile was good and useful for normal irrigation agriculture.  相似文献   

Groundwater is an essential natural resource which has enormous use throughout the world, but with the enhanced population pressure, its quality and quantity gets affected. Consequently, assessment and categorization of groundwater quality is necessary and the availability of safe water for utilization is to be ensured. The present study was based on groundwater samples, collected over 5,324 km2 from the alluvial tract of Bengal plain, India. Ten geochemical parameters viz. arsenic, pH, total dissolved solids, electrical conductivity, iron, total hardness as calcium carbonate, sulphate, nitrite and depth were analysed, and multivariate statistical analyses were performed on the data set. Factor analysis depicted four factors, which explained 66.57 % of total variability of data. Factor 1 represented high positive loadings on total dissolved solids and electrical conductivity. Factor 2 was associated with depth, arsenic and iron and indicated process of reduction in groundwater. Over extraction of groundwater showed probable relationship with arsenic concentration in groundwater. Parameters of Factor 3 and 4 had been related with agricultural activities and local geological conditions. Further, four clusters observed from hierarchical cluster analysis, assisted in grouping groundwater geochemistry of the region. The results coupled with GIS facilitated in categorizing and mapping the groundwater quality.  相似文献   

This research paper assesses the vulnerability of landslide for the Bodi-Bodimettu Ghat section, Theni district, Tamil Nadu, India, using remotely sensed data and geographic information system (GIS). Landslide database was generated using IRS-1C satellite LISS III data and aerial photographs accompanied by field investigations using differential global positioning system to generate a landslide inventory map. Topographical, spatial, and field data were processed to construct the spatial thematic layers using image processing and GIS environment. Twelve landslide-inducing factors were used for landslide vulnerability analysis: elevation, slope, aspect, plan curvature, profile curvature, proximity to road, drainage and lineament, land use/land cover, geology, geomorphology, and run-off. The first five factors were derived from digital elevation model, and other thematic layers were prepared from spatial database. Frequency ratio of each factor was computed using the above thematic factors with past landslide locations. Landslide vulnerability map was produced using raster analysis. The landslide vulnerability map was classified into five zones: very low, low, moderate, high, and very high. The model is validated using the relative landslide density index (R-index method). The consistency of R-index indicates good performance of the vulnerability map.  相似文献   

An integrated study was carried out to investigate the subsurface geological conditions in a hard rock environment, with the aim of identifying zones with groundwater resource potential. The study, in Bairasagara watershed, Karnataka, India, considered geomorphology, water level, resistivity imaging, self potential, total magnetic field and susceptibility. The signatures due to lineaments have been clearly identified and their role in groundwater movement has been documented. Synthetic simulation methods were used to model the electrical response of the lineament using finite differential modeling scheme. The inverted image of the field data is compared with the synthetic image and iteration were performed on the initial model until a best match was obtained resulting on the generation of the calibrated resistivity image of the subsurface. Resistivity imaging revealed that the dykes are weathered/fractured to a depth of 6–8 m and are compact at deeper levels, and that they behave as barriers to groundwater movement, yet facilitate a good groundwater potential zone on the upgradient side. The results of magnetic surveys were utilized in differentiating granites and dolerite dykes with an insignificant resistivity contrast. Geomorphological expression alone cannot reveal the groundwater potential associated with a lineament. However, characterizing the nature of the feature at depth with integrated geophysical methods provides essential information for assessing that potential.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

An integrated study was carried out to investigate the subsurface geological conditions in a hard rock environment, with the aim of identifying zones with groundwater resource potential. The study, in Bairasagara watershed, Karnataka, India, considered geomorphology, water level, resistivity imaging, self potential, total magnetic field and susceptibility. The signatures due to lineaments have been clearly identified and their role in groundwater movement has been documented. Synthetic simulation methods were used to model the electrical response of the lineament using finite differential modeling scheme. The inverted image of the field data is compared with the synthetic image and iteration were performed on the initial model until a best match was obtained resulting on the generation of the calibrated resistivity image of the subsurface. Resistivity imaging revealed that the dykes are weathered/fractured to a depth of 6–8 m and are compact at deeper levels, and that they behave as barriers to groundwater movement, yet facilitate a good groundwater potential zone on the upgradient side. The results of magnetic surveys were utilized in differentiating granites and dolerite dykes with an insignificant resistivity contrast. Geomorphological expression alone cannot reveal the groundwater potential associated with a lineament. However, characterizing the nature of the feature at depth with integrated geophysical methods provides essential information for assessing that potential.The online version of the original article can be found at  相似文献   

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