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Water leakage paths in the Doosti Dam,Turkmenistan and Iran   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The Doosti Dam, with a reservoir capacity of 1,250 million cubic meters, was constructed on the Harirood River at the border of Turkmenistan and Iran. The reservoir is in direct contact with permeable formations on the right abutment of the dam including the Neyzar Sandstone, the Kalat Limestone and the Pesteleigh alternative layers of marlstone and sandstone. After the reservoir impoundment, several new springs and seepages emerged from these formations and the alluvium. The amount of leakage increased with the rise in reservoir water level. Fifteen kilograms of sodium fluorescein were injected into a 113-m deep borehole intersecting three permeable sandstone layers of the Pesteleigh formation. Dye was detected downstream of the grout curtain in boreholes and springs that were in direct contact with parts of the Pesteleigh formation having the same sandstone layers as the injection borehole. The dye velocity was in the range of diffuse flow, confirming the good performance of the grout curtain in the Pesteleigh formation. No dye was detected in the other formations because the injection borehole was not in direct contact with these formations. The hydraulic relation of the other formations with the reservoir was determined by considering direct contact of the formations with the reservoir, emergence of new springs and seepages after reservoir impoundment, correlation of time variations of the springs discharge and the borehole’s water level with the reservoir water level, and in some cases the hydrochemistry of the water. The results show that the Kalat and Neyzar formations are hydraulically connected to the reservoir, but the small amounts of leakage from these formations at a hydraulic gradient of 24% indicates good performance of the built grout curtain. The total reservoir leakage at maximum reservoir water level was 100 l/s which is insignificant compared with the 15 m3/s average annual release of the reservoir.  相似文献   

The excellent topographic condition of the limestone canyons for dam construction may be rejected if they are karstified. Karst features cause the reservoir not to be impermeable enough to permit the water to fill it and leakage occurs and often increases with time. Moreover, karst features may involve the stability of the dam itself. A few operated dam sites at the Zagros Zone encountered a leakage problem. Furthermore, more than 30 dams are presently under study for construction in the Zagros Zone. Karst conditions and leakage potential were investigated at an under-study site (Khersan 3 Dam) for assessing the general methodology for the study of leakage potentials. Conventional methods for studying karst features, geological mapping, geomorphology and extensive borings were applied before the dam was constructed. These methods are not efficient enough to precisely reveal the karst structure, especially hidden and paleokarst, nor the hydrological behaviour of the karst structure in different settings of groundwater flow. Based on the present case study and previous applied approaches by other authors, this paper introduces a methodology by means of karst structure and functioning approaches at local and regional scales that cover the conventional methods and overcome their shortages. The proposed methodology should be applied before construction of a dam and should include three steps (a) recognition of geological and hydrogeological settings, (b) delineation and functioning of the karst system related to the future reservoir, and (c) assessment of the leakage potentials. Following this methodology, the most probable leakage zone(s) and path(s) at the dam site can be highlighted.  相似文献   

Latian dam is located in the North East of Tehran in Elburz Mountain. It falls in the category of large dams according to the International Committee on Large Dams (ICOLD). It was constructed in 1967 for agricultural purposes, drinking water, and power generation. Producing triggered earthquakes may be a consequent result of dam construction. In this paper, the complete seismic statistics of the region from 1996 onwards has been studied to understand the seismic condition of Latain region. For this purpose, frequency of earthquakes within a radius of 30/60 km around the dam is studied considering its relationship with the reservoir volume variation. Using Gutenberg-Richter rule, parameter b of the region was determined within the same region. The results of this study show the existence of triggered seismicity around the reservoir of Latian dam. Considering the tectonic-geological condition of the region, the existence of triggered earthquakes may create landslides in the reservoir and around it.  相似文献   

Evaluation and treatment of seepage problems at Chapar-Abad Dam, Iran   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Engineering geological properties of the ground at the Chapar-Abad Dam were investigated in order to evaluate seepage problems and to select a proper method of water-proofing prior to construction. The dam is located to the northwest of Iran and is undergoing construction phase. The geology of the site consists of a series of Early Cambrian limestones and shales that crop out on the abutments and a valley that is filled by 60 m of alluvium deposits. The presence of thick alluvium deposits with various coefficients of permeability along the foundation demonstrates a possible seepage problem after water impoundment in the reservoir. The potential of water seepage was evaluated by the study of joint systems of the rock units, the use of numerical analysis to simulate water flow in the ground, and by conducting in-situ tests to estimate the permeability's values. Based on the obtained results and by reviewing many types of water-proofing methods regarding cost, feasibility and safety factors, the installation of a grout curtain is suggested.  相似文献   

Leakage at the Wanyao dam body was studied using a combined approach of field exploration, hydrochemical analysis and tracer testing. The objective of study was to determine the location of the water leakage paths at the dam. A hydraulic connection was observed between exploration boreholes of dam crest and drain holes at drainage gallery during the period of drilling. This connection shows that there were some defects in the dam. The hydrochemical compositions and characteristics of the water samples involved the main anions and cations, total dissolved solids, electrical conductivity, pH and water temperature which were analyzed and evaluated by correlation and cluster analysis. The results indicated that a close hydraulic connection existed between water from the dam body and reservoir water, particularly reservoir water from Sections III and IX. Tracer testing results demonstrated further existence of leakage paths between reservoir water and Sections III and IX. Also, there were multiple leakage paths in Section IX compared with a single path of Section III. Furthermore, the leakage location of upstream concrete faces in the vertical and horizontal directions was determined accurately with the measured electrical conductivity of receiving points. The experimental data provide a strong foundation and basis for maintaining and reinforcing the dam.  相似文献   

渗漏是堤坝破坏主要形式之一,只有确定渗漏发生的确切位置和集中渗漏通道的大小和强度,才能对其有效治理。本文基于渗流和渗漏情况下堤坝温度场特征及温度示踪基本原理,对复杂的实际问题进行科学简化合理假设,把集中渗漏通道简化为圆柱状并作为边界条件,结合钻孔探测温度实际,运用稳定热传导理论,建立了圆柱状堤坝渗漏温度示踪模型。利用测井温度曲线的最大异常温度,该模型可以计算渗漏通道的位置,渗漏通道大小,流速等参数。工程实践表明,对于垂向流速较小的地下水渗漏进行温度场示踪是有效的方法。  相似文献   

地热回灌是实现地热资源可持续开发的有力措施,在世界各国已获得广泛应用,在地热资源的保护、减少资源浪费、延长地热井寿命以及减少环境污染等方面具有重要意义.天津是我国开展地热回灌比较成熟的地区之一,截至2019年底,天津市基岩裂隙型热储回灌率已达79.61%.大规模集中采灌条件下热储层渗流场的变化以及是否会影响热储温度已成...  相似文献   

This study covers the investigations of the reasons of deformations and leakages in the energy tunnels of Gezende Dam constructed in 1990 for hydroelectric energy and the recommendations for treatments of the problems. Gezende Dam is located 30 km southwest of Mut county/Mersin in southern Turkey. The dam is concrete arch type with a height of 72 m. The energy tunnel with an approximate length of 9 km passes through six different geological units in age of Mesozoic to Cenozoic. After a short period of time of the operation of the tunnel, leakage has started from the section of gypsum, which is intercalated with dolomitic limestone between chainage from 5,970 to 6,840 m. The deformations have occurred in the concrete tunnel and springs have been detected at different places and times through the Ermenek Canyon since 1996. The preventive precautions of the water effect caused by groundwater effect on gypsum are as follows: (1) contact and consolidation grouting in the tunnel between chainage from 5,910 to 6,840 m, (2) removal of damage on the tunnel line, (3) reinforcement of the tunnel again, and (4) application of new concrete lining. Besides, a drainage gallery of 320 m was excavated in the 23 m lower and 15 m left part of tunnel base elevation in order to diminish the effect of groundwater in the section where the deformation occurred.  相似文献   

A controlled release of CO2 was conducted at a field site in Bozeman, Montana, USA in July of 2008 in a multi-laboratory study of near surface transport and detection technologies. The development of a subsurface CO2 plume near the middle packer section of the horizontal release was studied using soil-gas and surface flux measurements of CO2. A perfluorocarbon tracer was added to the CO2 released from this section of the horizontal well, and the development of atmospheric plumes of the tracer was studied under various meteorological conditions using horizontal and vertical grids of monitors containing sorbent material to collect the tracer. This study demonstrated the feasibility of using remote sensing for the ultra low level detection of atmospheric plumes of tracers as means to monitor the near surface leakage of sequestered CO2.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the results of the engineering geological and geotechnical investigations that have been carried out at the Daroongar dam site. According to the geomorphology and geological conditions and economic reason, the dam has been designed as an earth dam with a clay core. The dam foundation is composed of a sequence of sandy limestone and limy marl of the Upper Cretaceous period. This study is based on field and laboratory investigations, surface discontinuity surveying, drilled borehole data and permeability of dam foundation. The present studies include the evaluation of the dam foundation by water pressure tests. The water pressure tests indicate the necessity to provide a grout curtain below the dam foundation.The geology of the Daroongar dam foundation has a significant influence on the permeability and groutability characteristics. The permeability of jointed rock masses is strongly depended on joint characteristics; degree of jointing, opening, continuity and presence of filling materials. The laboratory tests included tests for unit weight, porosity, uniaxial, triaxial, tensile strength and deformation parameters. The strength and modulus of elasticity of rock masses were determined using the Hoek–Brown empirical strength criterion. The rock mass qualities and classifications of the dam site is assigned using the rock mass rating (RMR), the rock quality (Q) and the geological strength index (GSI) classification systems.  相似文献   

在岩溶水文地质调查中,示踪试验的应用是较为广泛且行之有效的方法。为确定地下河系统的岩溶含水介质结构,采用高精度在线监测技术在广西壮族自治区贺州市合宝地下河主管道上进行示踪试验。试验采用的示踪剂为荧光素钠,在线监测设备为GGUN-FL30野外荧光分光光度计。试验结果显示: 合宝地下河入口S1与出口S4之间地下河以管道流为主要特征,结构相对简单,不存在溶潭等地下储水体; 示踪剂回收率为63.18%,说明该地下河还有其他排泄途径,很有可能为地下潜流。基于Qtracer2数据分析可知,合宝地下河枯季水流的最大流速为156.00 m/h,平均流速48.09 m/h,岩溶管道储水量26 714 m3,管道过水断面面积13.70 m2,平均直径4.18 m,弥散系数0.505 m2/s,纵弥散度37.81 m,摩擦系数0.178,雷诺数48 937,舍伍德数1 875.4,施密特数1 140。合宝地下河岩溶极其发育,含水介质不均一性强,为规模较大的单一管道系统。地下水流态呈紊流型,且局部具备承压特征。研究数据及成果为建立地下河系统数值模型提供了依据。  相似文献   

在总结和分析前人研究成果的基础上,结合云南省罗平湾子水库地层岩性、地质构造、水文地质工程地质条件、岩溶发育特征、水库汇流条件、多次补漏未遂等因素,对影响水库渗漏的主要因素进行分解,结果表明:岩溶强发育带地层中溶蚀孔、洞发育,土工膜铺盖封闭库底,蓄水后便在土工膜之下、地下水位之上的岩溶空隙中形成真空,在库水位频繁、大幅度波动条件下易发生真空吸蚀作用,充填物部分被淘空;库底以上的蓄水压力与库底以下的真空产生的负压叠加后形成附加应力,当附加应力大于孔洞之上岩土体的抗剪强度,或大于孔、洞充填物与洞壁之间的粘结强度时发生冲切破坏,这是导致水库多次补漏未遂,且同一渗漏片区重复发生岩溶塌陷、出现落水洞的主要原因。在库区内补漏具有很大的局限性,而在库区外适当部位设置防渗帷幕,不仅可根治渗漏,还可明显抬高地下水位,改善蓄水条件,扩大原设计库容数倍。  相似文献   

温庄尾矿库堆坝模型试验及坝体稳定性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓涛  万玲  魏作安 《岩土力学》2011,32(12):3647-3652
以温庄尾矿库为工程背景,通过室内堆坝模型试验,获得到了在坝体堆积过程中尾矿颗粒在库内沉积分布特征、浸润线的变化规律等基础资料。在此基础上,以多孔介质有效应力理论为依据,建立了多孔介质流-固耦合数学模型,利用有限元软件ABAQUS对该库尾矿坝的应力场与渗流场进行了分析,获得了坝体内的应力场及孔隙压力的分布规律,研究成果可为尾矿库的设计、施工和安全生产提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Chah Nimeh reservoirs have served as a water storage facility, especially during droughts over the last three decades. It is also an important wintering site for migratory birds. In this study, thematic mapper time-series data were derived from Landsat images for prolonged droughts that occurred in two satellite images (2002 and 2011). The data derived from these images were used for the detection of changes in land cover and water storage in the reservoirs. First, a vegetation cover map was produced using soil-adjusted vegetation index and field sampling. Subsequently, land use/cover maps were generated using supervised and hybrid image classification method. Using the spatial change detector (SCD v1.0) software extension, the layers were combined and the change map was generated. The overall accuracy of the produced thematic images was assessed in regards to quantity and allocation disagreements. A total of five classes were defined in this investigation: deep water, shallow water, vegetation, salt land and bare land. The results showed that during the period of study, water volume reduced and vegetation cover increased, especially around the reservoirs that are important as shelter for wintering migratory birds. Comparison of land use/cover maps showed the increase in total available surface of shallow water, which indicated an increase in the habitats for surface feeding and diving birds.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a decision support system for Yamchi reservoir operation in semi-arid region of Iran. The paper consists of the following steps: Firstly, the potential impacts of climate change on the streamflow are predicted. The study then presents the projections of future changes in temperature and precipitation under A2 scenario using the LARS-WG downscaling model and under RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5 using the statistical downscaling model (SDSM) in the northwestern of Iran. To do so, a general circulation model of HadCM3 is downscaled by using the LARS-WG model. As a result, the average temperature, for the horizon 2030 (2011–2030), will increase by 0.77 °C and precipitation will decrease by 11 mm. Secondly, the downscaled variables are used as input to the artificial neural network to investigate the possible impact of climate change on the runoffs. Thirdly, the system dynamics model is employed to model different scenarios for reservoir operation using the Vensim software. System dynamics is an effective approach for understanding the behavior of complex systems. Simulation results demonstrate that the water shortage in different sectors (including agriculture, domestic, industry, and environmental users) will be enormously increased in the case of business-as-usual strategy. In this research, by providing innovative management strategies, including deficit irrigation, the vulnerability of reservoir operation is reduced. The methodology is evaluated by using different modeling tests which then motivates using the methodology for other arid/semi-arid regions.  相似文献   

结合延安某拟建水库的工程地质条件及采空区赋存状况,在分析房柱式采空区变形破坏形式及机理的基础上,分析了房柱式采空区对拟建水库坝基的稳定性及渗漏性的影响。稳定性分析认为:拟建场地采空区处于不稳定状态,在坝体荷载作用下,将引起采空区\  相似文献   

A dye-tracing test is employed to study the karst development and flow regime at an artesian limestone sub-aquifer, the Khersan3 Dam site, Zagros Zone, Iran. Tracer breakthrough curves showed an early dominant peak followed by a pronounced tailing effect. The peak concentration was a response to induced pressure during dye injection. The results suggest that the dye was pushed into the small pores and fissures around the injection point during dye injection. Hence, the dye moved out as a result of matrix and fissure diffusive processes and created a long pronounced tailing. The maximum flow velocity in the upper artesian sub-aquifer ranged from 0.97 to 2.9 m/h. However, the mean tracer velocity ranged from 0.19 to 0.51 m/h based on the mean residence tracer time; consequently, the flow regime in the artesian sub-aquifer was determined to be mainly diffusive. The results reveal (1) a low hydraulic gradient from upstream of the dam axis to downstream; consequently, there is no considerable flow; (2) poor karst development and diffuse flow at the tracing test area; (3) a discharge zone at a location downstream of the dam axis which is the main terminal of general flow direction at the dam site.  相似文献   

徐秋枫  陈建文  姚泉  周志  王胜建 《地质通报》2016,35(2-3):348-355
针对柴达木盆地北缘鱼卡凹陷中侏罗统大煤沟组泥页岩,利用地震频谱曲线在不同流体介质储层中的形态、斜率、主频与中心频率的差值等属性参数特征,识别陆相泥页岩层系的地震频谱属性特征,预测含气性。研究结果表明,中侏罗统大煤沟组上部能量系数较低,平均为0.6719,下部能量系数较高,平均为0.7521,结合现场含气量和全烃特征认为,可以以能量系数0.7为界线,作为识别下部和上部含气性的标志,下部明显比上部含气性好。平面上进一步圈定了2个有利目标区,得到柴页1井勘探验证。因此,频谱分解技术可应用于中国陆相页岩气的勘查开发。  相似文献   

徐秋枫  陈建文  姚泉  周志  王胜建 《地质通报》2016,35(203):348-355
针对柴达木盆地北缘鱼卡凹陷中侏罗统大煤沟组泥页岩,利用地震频谱曲线在不同流体介质储层中的形态、斜率、主频与中心频率的差值等属性参数特征,识别陆相泥页岩层系的地震频谱属性特征,预测含气性。研究结果表明,中侏罗统大煤沟组上部能量系数较低,平均为0.6719,下部能量系数较高,平均为0.7521,结合现场含气量和全烃特征认为,可以以能量系数0.7为界线,作为识别下部和上部含气性的标志,下部明显比上部含气性好。平面上进一步圈定了2个有利目标区,得到柴页1井勘探验证。因此,频谱分解技术可应用于中国陆相页岩气的勘查开发。  相似文献   

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