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Our detailed field investigation, paleoseismic trenching, and airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR)‐derived topographic data provides the first direct evidence for late Quaternary repetitive surface faulting on the northeast‐striking Isurugi fault along the northwestern margin of the Tonami Plain in the Hokuriku region of north‐central Japan. This fault has been interpreted previously by different researchers as both inactive and active, owing to a lack of geologic evidence and a failure to identify fault‐related geomorphic features. Our mapping of LiDAR topography revealed a series of northeast‐trending warped fluvial terraces, about 1.5 km long and 170 m wide, with an age of ≤ 29 ka. We interpreted these geomorphologic features to represent an active pop‐up structure bounded to the southeast by the northwest‐dipping main thrust of the Isurugi fault and to the northwest by a southeast‐dipping backthrust that splays off the main thrust in the shallow subsurface. Paleoseismic trenching across the northwestern part of an elongate terrace exposed a series of southeast‐dipping backthrusts and associated northwest‐verging monoclines. The deformation and depositional age of the strata provide evidence for repetitive surface rupturing on the backthrusts since the latest Pleistocene; the latest of these events occurred in the Holocene between about 4.0 and 0.9 ka. Despite the poor preservation of the surface expression of the Isurugi fault, repetitive scarp‐forming faulting in the late Quaternary and the proximity of the Oyabe River and its tributaries to the fault trace suggest that there may be an extension of the Isurugi fault to the northeast and southwest beneath the Tonami Plain that makes the fault long enough to generate a large earthquake (Mw ≥ 6.8) accompanied by surface rupture.  相似文献   

In this study, surface and subsurface geologicaldata are integrated with seismological data in orderto reconstruct a structural model for theSeptember-October 1997 Colfiorito earthquakes. Theseismic sequence is mainly controlled by two majorSW-dipping normal faults outcropping in the area (M.Pennino-M. Prefoglio and M.Civitella-Preci faults).The activated faults detach, at depth, on a commoneast-dipping low-angle normal fault, the AltotiberinaFault (AF). The AF is interpreted as the base of anactive hangingwall block which is stretching towardNE. The decrease in maximum depth of the earthquakefoci from the Colfiorito area (about 8 km) to theSellano area (about 6 km), suggested by the available seismological data, could be related to the eastward-deepening geometry of the AFdetachment. The seismic fault planes, inferred fromfocal mechanisms and aftershock distributions, arecharacterised by a moderate dip (average 40°)toward SW, which appears to be independent from thepresence of pre-existing thrust planes.  相似文献   

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